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Monellin is a naturally sweet protein that consists of two polypeptide chains and has potential uses as a highly potent non-carbohydrate sweetener. We aimed to make this protein more usable by increasing its stability and expressing it in a high-yielding system. MNEI is a modified version of the protein that consists of the two natural chains of monellin joined via a dipeptide linkage. In the thermostability analysis of MNEI variants, four mutated MNEIs, MNEI-E24L, MNEI-E24F, MNEI-E24W, and MNEI-E24A, had higher melting temperatures than wild-type MNEI and retained their sweet flavor even at temperatures above 70?°C. Our findings indicate that the increased stability of monellin allows it to retain its strong sweetness even under extreme conditions. We successfully overexpressed the thermostable MNEI mutants in tobacco chloroplasts. Here, we report that the MNEI mutants showed enhanced thermostability, and the stable forms of MNEI can be produced through plastid transformation in tobacco.  相似文献   

The design of safe sweeteners is very important for people who are affected by diabetes, hyperlipemia, and caries and other diseases that are linked to the consumption of sugars. Sweet proteins, which are found in several tropical plants, are many times sweeter than sucrose on a molar basis. A good understanding of their structure-function relationship can complement traditional SAR studies on small molecular weight sweeteners and thus help in the design of safe sweeteners. However, there is virtually no sequence homology and very little structural similarity among known sweet proteins. Studies on mutants of monellin, the best characterized of sweet proteins, proved not decisive in the localization of the main interaction points of monellin with its receptor. Accordingly, we resorted to an unbiased approach to restrict the search of likely areas of interaction on the surface of a typical sweet protein. It has been recently shown that an accurate survey of the surface of proteins by appropriate paramagnetic probes may locate interaction points on protein surface. Here we report the survey of the surface of MNEI, a single chain monellin, by means of a paramagnetic probe, and a direct assessment of bound water based on an application of ePHOGSY, an NMR experiment that is ideally suited to detect interactions of small ligands to a protein. Detailed surface mapping reveals the presence, on the surface of MNEI, of interaction points that include residues previously predicted by ELISA tests and by mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Lee SY  Lee JH  Chang HJ  Cho JM  Jung JW  Lee W 《Biochemistry》1999,38(8):2340-2346
Single-chain monellin (SCM), which is an engineered 94-residue polypeptide, has proven to be as sweet as native two-chain monellin. SCM is more stable than the native monellin for both heat and acidic environments. Data from gel filtration HPLC and NMR indicate that the SCM exists as a monomer in aqueous solution. The solution structure of SCM has been determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and dynamical simulated annealing calculations. A stable alpha-helix spanning residues Phe11-Ile26 and an antiparallel beta-sheet formed by residues 2-5, 36-38, 41-47, 54-64, 69-75, and 83-88 have been identified. The sheet was well defined by backbone-backbone NOEs, and the corresponding beta-strands were further confirmed by hydrogen bond networks based on amide hydrogen exchange data. Strands beta2 and beta3 are connected by a small bulge comprising residues Ile38-Cys41. A total of 993 distance and 56 dihedral angle restraints were used for simulated annealing calculations. The final simulated annealing structures (k) converged well with a root-mean-square deviation (rmsd) between backbone atoms of 0.49 A for secondary structural regions and 0.70 A for backbone atoms excluding two loop regions. The average restraint energy-minimized (REM) structure exhibited root-mean-square deviations of 1.19 A for backbone atoms and 0.85 A for backbone atoms excluding two loop regions with respect to 20 k structures. The solution structure of SCM revealed that the long alpha-helix was folded into the concave side of a six-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet. The side chains of Tyr63 and Asp66 which are common to all sweet peptides showed an opposite orientation relative to H1 helix, and they were all solvent-exposed. Residues at the proposed dimeric interface in the X-ray structure were observed to be mostly solvent-exposed and demonstrated high degrees of flexibility.  相似文献   

Conformational transitions of monellin, an intensely sweet protein from the berries of Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii, were studied by the circular dichroism (CD) probe. According to the CD spectra, monellin has a low content of the helical structure and a significant amount of the pleated sheet (beta) conformation. The native conformation was found to be sensitive to alkali, sodium dodecyl sulfate, and guanidine-HC1, but it was stable in acid (e.g. pH 2.4) as shown by CD and persistence or the disappearance of sweet taste. The main chain conformation of the alkali-denatured monellin (pH 10.9) was restored upon acidification (pH 3.3) of the alkaline solutions. The tertiary structure, however, was not completely restroed, as indicated by CD in the 230-300 nm spectral zone, although the sweet taste reappeared. If the pH of a neutral solution was raised to 9.6, the CD in the near ultraviolet was significantly altered, though the sweet taste persisted. This indicates that a slight conformational change did not interfere with the effects on the taste buds. While sodium dodecyl sulfate readily disorganized the tertiary structure, the main chain was reconstructed by this reagent into a new form of higher helix content than in the native macromolecule. Reconstruction into a modified conformation of higher helix content was achieved also with 50% ethanol. The main chain conformation was not affected by 25% ethanol which produced slight changes in the CD at 230-260 nm zone and did not abolish the sweet taste.  相似文献   

Highly probable active site of the sweet protein monellin.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The sweet protein monellin consists of two noncovalently associated polypeptide chains, the A chain of 44 amino acid residues and the B chain of 50 residues. Synthetic monellin is 4000 times as sweet as sucrose on a weight basis, and the native conformation is essential for the sweet taste. Knowledge of the active site of monellin will provide important information on the mode of interaction between sweeteners and their receptors. If the replacement of a certain amino acid residue in monellin removes the sweet taste, while the native conformation is retained, it may be concluded that the position replaced is the active site. Our previous replacement studies on Asp residues in the A chain did not remove the sweet taste. The B chain contains two Asp residues at positions 7 and 21, which were replaced by Asn. [AsnB21]Monellin and [AsnB7]monellin were 7000 and 20 times sweeter than sucrose, respectively. The low potency of the [AsnB7]monellin indicates that AspB7 participates in binding with the receptor. AspB7 was then replaced by Abu. [AbuB7]Monellin was devoid of sweetness, and retained the native conformation. AspB7 is located at the surface of the molecule (Ogata et al.). These results suggest that Asp7 in the B chain is the highly probable active site of monellin.  相似文献   

Monellin, one kind of most sweet proteins, could be used instead of carbohydrates in the diabetic diet and pharmaceuticals. However, the critical problem interferes with monellin usage in the food or pharmaceutical industry was its unstable at high temperatures. Here, we describe a novel method to increase the thermostability of monellin. Inspired by the high Tm value in RNA hairpin containing structure, the beta-hairpin was added between the two polypeptide chains of monellin instead of Gly-Phe dipeptide linker. Three kinds of beta-hairpin libraries were constructed and selected. Remarkably, the Tm has been increased from 54.7℃ of monellin with Gly-Phe dipeptide linker to 79.5℃, 89.1℃ and 89.4℃ of selected three mutants. And combined with E24Q/Y80R mutation, the mutated E24Q/Y80R hairpin monellin Tm was as high as 96.1℃. It was soluble even heated in boiling water for 10 min, and sweetness recovered after cooling. This new hairpin monellin may show remarkable potential for further sweeteners.  相似文献   

Engineered single-chain monellin (SCM) proteins were constructed by recombinant technology without disrupting the topology and sweet activity of native protein. Data from 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid fluorescence, size-exclusion chromatography, and heteronuclear NMR strongly suggest the presence of a folding intermediate at 1.5 m GdnHCl for SCM protein. The structural feature of the folding intermediate from NMR data reveals that the secondary structures became mostly unstable, and protein experiences a dynamic equilibrium between native and unfolded state. All backbone amide protons exchange within 10 min, which imply that no stable hydrogen bonds exist in the secondary structural regions in the folding intermediate. From equilibrium unfolding and mutagenesis studies, the unfolding transition midpoints of mutant proteins gradually shifted toward lower denaturant concentration, indicating stability reductions of mutant proteins. Our results suggest that stability and folding pathways of SCM proteins could be regulated by a combined study of spectroscopy and mutagenesis, and these studies will provide useful information for understanding the folding kinetics of novel engineered proteins.  相似文献   

Monellin is a protein that tastes sweet. In the native state it is a dimer composed of two dissimilar noncovalently associated polypeptides. The conformation of the protein is a determinant of its sweetness, and the present investigation takes advantage of the fluorescence spectrum being a sensitive index of its conformation. The emission spectrum is used to evaluate the ability of temperature and pH to alter the conformation and the sweetness of the protein. When monellin dissolved in water is heated in discrete steps from 25 to 100 degrees C, its sweetness decreases. The halfwidth of the fluorescence emission band increases in parallel with the loss of sweetness. The increase in halfwidth is due primarily to an increase in the intensity of tyrosine emission that may be the result of the two dissimilar polypeptides of monellin beginning to separate. Tyrosine residues are present in both chains, while the single tryptophan occurs in only one. Monellin is less susceptible to denaturation by increasing temperature when dissolved in sodium acetate buffer at pH 4 than it is at pH 3 or 7. When the pH of a solution containing monellin in 0.1 M KC1 is varied from 2 to 13, there is a broad pH range (pH 4 to 9) where monellin's conformation is not markedly altered. Below pH 3.5 and above pH 10.5, however, the emission spectra indicate that substantial denaturation occurs. However, monellin can be partially renatured following pH 12 treatment with only minimal loss of sweetness. The sweetness of monellin under these two types of denaturing conditions, temperature and pH, can be predicted by the fluorescence emission spectrum of the protein. In addition, this study confirms that the biological activity of monellin, its sweetness, is a function of quaternary structure of the protein.  相似文献   

Protein CGL2373 from Corynebacterium glutamicum was previously proposed to be a member of the polyketide_cyc2 family, based on amino-acid sequence and secondary structure features derived from NMR chemical shift assignments. We report here the solution NMR structure of CGL2373, which contains three α-helices and one antiparallel β-sheet and adopts a helix-grip fold. This structure shows moderate similarities to the representative polyketide cyclases, TcmN, WhiE, and ZhuI. Nevertheless, unlike the structures of these homologs, CGL2373 structure looks like a half-open shell with a much larger pocket, and key residues in the representative polyketide cyclases for binding substrate and catalyzing aromatic ring formation are replaced with different residues in CGL2373. Also, the gene cluster where the CGL2373-encoding gene is located in C. glutamicum contains additional genes encoding nucleoside diphosphate kinase, folylpolyglutamate synthase, and valine-tRNA ligase, different from the typical gene cluster encoding polyketide cyclase in Streptomyces. Thus, although CGL2373 is structurally a polyketide cyclase-like protein, the function of CGL2373 may differ from the known polyketide cyclases and needs to be further investigated. The solution structure of CGL2373 lays a foundation for in silico ligand screening and binding site identifying in future functional study.  相似文献   

Solution NMR of signal peptidase, a membrane protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Useful solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data can be obtained from full-length, enzymatically active type I signal peptidase (SPase I), an integral membrane protein, in detergent micelles. Signal peptidase has two transmembrane segments, a short cytoplasmic loop, and a 27-kD C-terminal catalytic domain. It is a critical component of protein transport systems, recognizing and cleaving amino-terminal signal peptides from preproteins during the final stage of their export. Its structure and interactions with the substrate are of considerable interest, but no three-dimensional structure of the whole protein has been reported. The structural analysis of intact membrane proteins has been challenging and only recently has significant progress been achieved using NMR to determine membrane protein structure. Here we employ NMR spectroscopy to study the structure of the full-length SPase I in dodecylphosphocholine detergent micelles. HSQC-TROSY spectra showed resonances corresponding to approximately 3/4 of the 324 residues in the protein. Some sequential assignments were obtained from the 3D HNCACB, 3D HNCA, and 3D HN(CO) TROSY spectra of uniformly 2H, 13C, 15N-labeled full-length SPase I. The assigned residues suggest that the observed spectrum is dominated by resonances arising from extramembraneous portions of the protein and that the transmembrane domain is largely absent from the spectra. Our work elucidates some of the challenges of solution NMR of large membrane proteins in detergent micelles as well as the future promise of these kinds of studies.  相似文献   

Selenium is an important nutrient. The lack of selenium will suppress expression of various enzymes that will lead to cell abnormality and diseases. However, high concentrations of free selenium are toxic to the cell because it adversely affects numerous cell metabolic pathways. In Methanococcus vannielii, selenium transport in the cell is established by the selenium-binding protein, SeBP. SeBP sequesters selenium during transport, thus regulating the level of free selenium in the cell, and delivers it specifically to the selenophosphate synthase enzyme. In solution, SeBP is an oligomer of 8.8-kDa subunits. It is a symmetric pentamer. The solution structure of SeBP was determined by NMR spectroscopy. Each subunit of SeBP is composed of an alpha-helix on top of a 4-stranded twisted beta-sheet. The stability of the five subunits stems mainly from hydrophobic interactions and supplemented by hydrogen bond interactions. The loop containing Cys(59) has been shown to be important for selenium binding, is flexible, and adopts multiple conformations. However, the cysteine accessibility is restricted in the structure, reducing the possibility of the binding of free selenium readily. Therefore, a different selenium precursor or other factors might be needed to facilitate opening of this loop to expose Cys(59) for selenium binding.  相似文献   

Useful solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data can be obtained from full-length, enzymatically active type I signal peptidase (SPase I), an integral membrane protein, in detergent micelles. Signal peptidase has two transmembrane segments, a short cytoplasmic loop, and a 27-kD C-terminal catalytic domain. It is a critical component of protein transport systems, recognizing and cleaving amino-terminal signal peptides from preproteins during the final stage of their export. Its structure and interactions with the substrate are of considerable interest, but no three-dimensional structure of the whole protein has been reported. The structural analysis of intact membrane proteins has been challenging and only recently has significant progress been achieved using NMR to determine membrane protein structure. Here we employ NMR spectroscopy to study the structure of the full-length SPase I in dodecylphosphocholine detergent micelles. HSQC-TROSY spectra showed resonances corresponding to approximately 3/4 of the 324 residues in the protein. Some sequential assignments were obtained from the 3D HNCACB, 3D HNCA, and 3D HN(CO) TROSY spectra of uniformly 2H, 13C, 15N-labeled full-length SPase I. The assigned residues suggest that the observed spectrum is dominated by resonances arising from extramembraneous portions of the protein and that the transmembrane domain is largely absent from the spectra. Our work elucidates some of the challenges of solution NMR of large membrane proteins in detergent micelles as well as the future promise of these kinds of studies.  相似文献   

T Konno  K Murata  K Nagayama 《FEBS letters》1999,454(1-2):122-126
We report here a novel case of amyloid-like aggregation of a plant protein. A sweet-tasting protein, monellin, experiences an irreversible heat denaturation at pH 2.5 and 85 degrees C. Addition of 100 mM NaCl couples this process with protein aggregation. The aggregates were structured as regular fibers with approximately 10 nm width and capable of binding to Congo red, similarly to well-known amyloid fibrils. The amyloid-like aggregation process was also successfully monitored with a calorimetric method. This work supports the universality of the amyloid-like aggregation, not restricted to some special categories of protein.  相似文献   

Single-chain monellin (SCM), which is an engineered 94-residue polypeptide, has been characterized as being as sweet as native two-chain monellin. Data from gel-filtration high performance liquid chromatography and NMR has proven that SCM exists as a monomer in aqueous solution. In order to determine the structural origin of the taste of sweetness, we engineered several mutant SCM proteins by mutating Glu(2), Asp(7), and Arg(39) residues, which are responsible for sweetness. In this study, we present the solution structure, backbone dynamics, and stability of mutant SCM proteins using circular dichroism, fluorescence, and NMR spectroscopy. Based on the NMR data, a stable alpha-helix and five-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet were identified for double mutant SCM. Strands beta1 and beta2 are connected by a small bulge, and the disruption of the first beta-strand were observed with SCM(DR) comprising residues of Ile(38)-Cys(41). The dynamical and folding characteristics from circular dichroism, fluorescence, and backbone dynamics studies revealed that both wild type and mutant proteins showed distinct dynamical as well as stability differences, suggesting the important role of mutated residues in the sweet taste of SCM. Our results will provide an insight into the structural origin of sweet taste as well as the mutational effect in the stability of the engineered sweet protein SCM.  相似文献   

Monellin is a highly potent sweet-tasting protein but relatively little is known about how it interacts with the sweet taste receptor. We determined X-ray crystal structures of 3 single-chain monellin (MNEI) proteins with alterations at 2 core residues (G16A, V37A, and G16A/V37A) that induce 2- to 10-fold reductions in sweetness relative to the wild-type protein. Surprisingly, no changes were observed in the global protein fold or the positions of surface amino acids important for MNEI sweetness that could explain these differences in protein activity. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that while the thermal stability of each mutant MNEI was reduced, the least sweet mutant, G16A-MNEI, was not the least stable protein. In contrast, solution spectroscopic measurements revealed that changes in protein flexibility and the C-terminal structure correlate directly with protein activity. G16A mutation-induced disorder in the protein core is propagated via changes to hydrophobic interactions that disrupt the formation and/or position of a critical C-terminal poly-(L-proline) II helix. These findings suggest that MNEI interaction with the sweet taste receptor is highly sensitive to the relative positions of key residues across its protein surface and that loss of sweetness in G16A-MNEI may result from an increased entropic cost of binding.  相似文献   

We report the first high-resolution structure for a protein containing a fluorinated side chain. Recently we carried out a systematic evaluation of phenylalanine to pentafluorophenylalanine (Phe --> F(5)-Phe) mutants for the 35-residue chicken villin headpiece subdomain (c-VHP), the hydrophobic core of which features a cluster of three Phe side chains (residues 6, 10, and 17). Phe --> F(5)-Phe mutations are interesting because aryl-perfluoroaryl interactions of optimal geometry are intrinsically more favorable than either aryl-aryl or perfluoroaryl-perfluoroaryl interactions, and because perfluoroaryl units are more hydrophobic than are analogous aryl units. Only one mutation, Phe10 --> F(5)-Phe, was found to provide enhanced tertiary structural stability relative to the native core (by approximately 1 kcal/mol, according to guanidinium chloride denaturation studies). The NMR structure of this mutant, described here, reveals very little variation in backbone conformation or side chain packing relative to the wild type. Thus, although Phe --> F(5)-Phe mutations offer the possibility of greater tertiary structural stability from side chain-side chain attraction and/or side chain desolvation, the constraints associated with the native c-VHP fold apparently prevent the modified polypeptide from taking advantage of this possibility. Our findings are important because they complement several studies that have shown that fluorination of saturated side chain carbon atoms can provide enhanced conformational stability.  相似文献   

The structure of human protein HSPC034 has been determined by both solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. Refinement of the NMR structure ensemble, using a Rosetta protocol in the absence of NMR restraints, resulted in significant improvements not only in structure quality, but also in molecular replacement (MR) performance with the raw X-ray diffraction data using MOLREP and Phaser. This method has recently been shown to be generally applicable with improved MR performance demonstrated for eight NMR structures refined using Rosetta (Qian et al., Nature 2007;450:259-264). Additionally, NMR structures of HSPC034 calculated by standard methods that include NMR restraints have improvements in the RMSD to the crystal structure and MR performance in the order DYANA, CYANA, XPLOR-NIH, and CNS with explicit water refinement (CNSw). Further Rosetta refinement of the CNSw structures, perhaps due to more thorough conformational sampling and/or a superior force field, was capable of finding alternative low energy protein conformations that were equally consistent with the NMR data according to the Recall, Precision, and F-measure (RPF) scores. On further examination, the additional MR-performance shortfall for NMR refined structures as compared with the X-ray structure were attributed, in part, to crystal-packing effects, real structural differences, and inferior hydrogen bonding in the NMR structures. A good correlation between a decrease in the number of buried unsatisfied hydrogen-bond donors and improved MR performance demonstrates the importance of hydrogen-bond terms in the force field for improving NMR structures. The superior hydrogen-bond network in Rosetta-refined structures demonstrates that correct identification of hydrogen bonds should be a critical goal of NMR structure refinement. Inclusion of nonbivalent hydrogen bonds identified from Rosetta structures as additional restraints in the structure calculation results in NMR structures with improved MR performance.  相似文献   

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