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An unstructured model based on logistic and Luedeking-Piret equations was proposed to describe growth, substrate consumption and kojic acid production by Aspergillus flavus Link strain 44-1 in batch fermentation and also in a resuspended cell system. The model showed that kojic acid production was non-growth associated. The maximum kojic acid and cell concentrations obtained in batch fermentations using the fermenter with optimized dissolved oxygen control (32.5 g/l and 11.8 g/l, respectively) and using a shake-flask (36.5 and 12.3 g/l, respectively) were not significantly different. However, the maximum specific growth rate and a non-growth-associated rate constant for kojic acid formation (n) for batch fermentation using the fermenter (0.085/h and 0.0125 g kojic acid/g cell.h, respectively) were approximately three and two times higher than the values obtained for fermentation using a shake-flask, respectively. Efficient conversion of glucose to kojic acid was achieved in a resuspended pellet or mycelial system, in a solution containing only glucose with citrate buffer at pH 3.5 and at a temperature of 30 °C. The resuspended cell material in the glucose solution was still active in synthesizing kojic acid after prolonged incubation (up to about 600 h). The rate constant of kojic acid production (n) in a resuspended cell system using 100 g glucose/l was almost constant at an average value of 0.011 g kojic acid/g cell.h up to a cell concentration of 19.2 g/l, above which it decreased. A drastic reduction of n was observed at a cell concentration of 26.1 g/l. However, the yield based on glucose consumed (0.45 g/g) was similar for all cell concentrations investigated.  相似文献   

During a period of 8 years 300 cases of dermatophytoses involving both hairy areas and the glabrous skin were found to be caused by M. canis. There was scalp involvement in 60%, including 8 infants and 27 adults; most of the adults presented Kerion-like lesions and presented various clinical aspects such as seborrhea capitis, folliculitis and discois lupus erythematosus. In the 21 patients showing invasion of the beard the clinical manifestations included superficial erythematosquamous patches with hyperemic slightly elevated margins, folliculitis or abscess-like lesions and Kerion-like lesions. Among the lesions found on the glabrous skin there were unusual aspects of tinea faciei in 19 adults, mimicking lymphocytic infiltration, granuloma faciale or discoid lupus erythematosus. Some of the cases of tinea corporis found in 70 patients also had lesions simulating various other dermatological entities, including erythema multiforme, psoriasiform eruption, pityriasis rosea and seborrheic dermatitis. The hands were invaded in 5 adults patients, with involvement of the finger nails in one. Repeated mycologic examinations were necessary to establish the true etiology in many of these cases.  相似文献   

The production of citric and gluconic acids from fig by Aspergillus niger ATCC 10577 in solid-state fermentation was investigated. The maximal citric and gluconic acids concentration (64 and 490 g/kg dry figs, respectively), citric acid yield (8%), and gluconic acid yield (63%) were obtained at a moisture level of 75%, initial pH 7.0, temperature 30°C, and fermentation time in 15 days. However, the highest biomass dry weight (40 g/kg wet substrate) and sugar utilization (90%) were obtained in cultures grown at 35°C. The addition of 6% (w/w) methanol into substrate increased the concentration of citric and gluconic acid from 64 and 490 to 96 and 685 g/kg dry fig, respectively. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 25, 298–304. Received 15 April 2000/ Accepted in revised form 11 August 2000  相似文献   

By combining induced mutation, using NTG and UV irradiation, and protoplasting of a wild type strain of Aspergillus oryzae ATCC 22788, a hyper-producing strain was obtained that accumulated 41 g kojic acid l(-1) in shake-flasks, which was 100-fold higher than that in the wild type strains. Similar production of kojic acid was obtained in 5 l stirred-tank fermentations.  相似文献   

Aims:  To investigate the ability of the citric acid-producing strain Aspergillus niger ATCC 9142 to utilize the ethanol fermentation co-product corn distillers dried grains with solubles for citric acid production following various treatments.
Methods and Results:  The ability of A. niger ATCC 9142 to produce citric acid and biomass on the grains was examined using an enzyme assay and a gravimetric method, respectively. Fungal citric acid production after 240 h was higher on untreated grains than on autoclaved grains or acid-hydrolysed grains. Fungal biomass production was enhanced after autoclaving and acid-hydrolysis of the grains. Phosphate supplementation to the grains slightly stimulated citric acid production while methanol addition decreased its synthesis. Using the phosphate-supplemented grains, the optimal incubation temperature, initial moisture content of the grains and the length of fermentation time for ATCC 9142 citric acid production were determined to be 25°C, 82% and 240 h, respectively.
Conclusions:  A. niger ATCC 9142 synthesized citric acid on corn distillers dried grains with solubles. The phosphate-treated grains increased citric acid production by the strain.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The ethanol fermentation co-product corn distillers dried grains with solubles could be useful commercially as a substrate for A. niger citric acid production.  相似文献   

Kojic acid production byAspergillus flavus strain S44-1 using sucrose as a carbon source was carried out in a 250-mL shake flask and a 2-L stirred tank fermenter. For comparison, production of kojic acid using glucose, fructose and its mixture was also carried out. Kojic acid production in shake flask fermentation was 25.8 g/L using glucose as the sole carbon source, 23.6 g/L with sucrose, and 6.4 g/L from fructose. Reduced kojic acid production (13.5 g/L) was observed when a combination of glucose and fructose was used as a carbon source. The highest production of kojic acid (40.2 g/L) was obtained from 150 g/L sucrose in a 2 L fermenter, while the lowest kojic acid production (10.3 g/L) was seen in fermentation using fructose as the sole carbon source. The experimental data from batch fermentation and resuspended cell system was analysed in order to form the basis for a kinetic model of the process. An unstructured model based on logistic and Luedeking-Piret equations was found suitable to describe the growth, substrate consumption, and efficiency of kojic acid production byA. flavus in batch fermentation using sucrose. From this model, it was found that kojic acid production byA. flavus was not a growth-associated process. Fermentation without pH control (from an initial culture pH of 3.0) showed higher kojic acid production than single-phase pH-controlled fermentation (pH 2.5, 2.75, and 3.0).  相似文献   

The phosphate solubilization activity of Xanthomonas campestris was measured in both the wild type and mutant strains using various carbon and nitrogen sources. Glucose was found to be the best in both (wild 39.9%; mutant 67.1%) strains followed by sucrose (46.8%) in the mutant and molasses (36.0%) in the wild type. Ammonium sulphate was the best nitrogen source for both the strains, followed by ammonium nitrate and urea. Dicalcium phosphate (DCP) was solubilized maximally by both the strains followed by tricalcium phosphate (TCP) and rock phosphate (RP) when various concentrations of different phosphate sources were tested.  相似文献   

鼠李糖乳杆菌经实验室耐高糖高酸选育,能够在高糖浓度下高效高产L-乳酸。以酵母粉为氮源和生长因子,葡萄糖初始浓度分别为120 g/L和146 g/L,摇瓶培养120h,L-乳酸产量分别为104g/L和117.5g/L,L-乳酸得率分别为86.7%和80.5%。高葡萄糖浓度对菌的生长和乳酸发酵有一定的抑制。增加接种量,在高糖浓度发酵条件下,可以缩短发酵时间,但对增加乳酸产量效果不明显。乳酸浓度对鼠李糖乳杆菌生长和产酸有显著的影响。初始乳酸浓度到达70g/L以上时,鼠李糖乳杆菌基本不生长和产酸,葡萄糖消耗也被抑制。酵母粉是鼠李糖乳杆菌的优良氮源,使用其它被测试的氮源菌体生长和产酸都有一定程度的下降。用廉价的黄豆粉并补充微量维生素液,替代培养基中的酵母粉,可以使产酸浓度和碳源得率得以基本维持。  相似文献   

AIMS: Development of cost-effective production medium by applying statistical designs for single-step fermentation of starch (corn flour - CF) to L-(+) lactic acid, using inexpensive nitrogen sources as substitutes for peptone and yeast extract in MRS medium by amylolytic Lactobacillus amylophilus GV6. METHODS AND RESULTS: A two-level Plackett-Burman design was employed for screening various available crude starches (flours) for L-(+) lactic acid production by Lact. amylophilus GV6 using red lentil flour (RL) and bakers yeast cells (YC) as substitutes for commercial peptone and yeast extract in MRS medium in anaerobic submerged fermentation. Of all the tested flours, CF was found to be the most significant. Central composite rotatable design was employed to determine maximum production of L-(+) lactic acid at optimum values of process variables, CF, RL, YC, CaCO(3) and incubation period (IP). minitab analyses showed that lactic acid production was significantly affected by the linear terms CF, RL, CaCO(3) and IP. The interactions of CF-RL, CF-YC, CF-CaCO(3), RL-YC and RL-CaCO(3) and the square terms CF and IP were significant. The maximum lactic acid production of 29 g/37 g of starch present in 50 g of CF was obtained at optimized concentrations of CF 5%, RL 0.7%, YC 0.8%, CaCO(3) 0.8% and IP 2.9 days. CONCLUSIONS: Successful application of Plackett-Burman design helped in identifying CF as the best carbon source among the tested flours for L-(+) lactic acid production using inexpensive nitrogen sources. Further optimization of the process variables by response surface methods (RSMs) led to maximum production of lactic acid (29 g lactic acid from 37 g of starch present in 50 g of flour). SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Lactobacillus amylophilus GV6 showed 78.4% lactic acid production efficiency (g lactic acid produced/g starch taken) and 96% lactic acid yield efficiency (g lactic acid produced/g starch utilized). Information from the present studies provides a better understanding on production of L-(+) lactic acid on fermentation of CF using inexpensive nitrogen sources and on changes in the production as a response from interaction of factors. Use of inexpensive nitrogen sources and starch as substrate in MRS medium for single-step fermentation of lactic acid can become an efficient, economic and viable process. This report is on optimization of inexpensive nitrogen sources completely replacing peptone and yeast extract in single-step submerged fermentation of starch (present in CF) to lactic acid with high production efficiency.  相似文献   

A study was performed to understand the physiology and biochemical mechanism of citric acid accumulation during solid state fermentation of sweet potato using Aspergillus niger Yang No.2. A low citrate-producing mutant was isolated followed by a comparative study of the fermentation process and selected physiological and biochemical parameters. In contrast with the parent strain, the mutant strain displayed lower concentrations, yields and production rates of citric acid, accompanied by higher concentrations, yields and production rates of oxalic acid. In addition, the mutant utilized starch at a lower rate although higher concentrations of free glucose accumulated in the cultures. Biochemical analyses revealed lower rates of glucose uptake and hexokinase activity of the mutant strain in comparison with the parent strain. It is proposed that, in common with submerged fermentation, over-production of citric acid in solid state fermentation is related to an increased glucose flux through glycolysis. At low glucose fluxes, oxalic acid is accumulated.  相似文献   

Abstract 62 isolates of Penicillium and Aspergillus were screened for cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) production by surface and submerged culture on different media. The production of this mycotoxin was restricted to Penicillium camembertii group II (and its domesticated form P. camembertii ), P. griseofulvum , and Aspergillus flavus (and its domesticated form A. oryzae ). The best yield of CPA was obtained by a strain of P. griseofulvum , but several strains of P. camembertii group II were also good producers. Propionic acid (500 and 1000 mg/l medium) did not enhance the production of CPA. The best yields of CPA were obtained in submerged culture, but in some cases growth and CPA production only occured in surface culture. A simplified procedure for isolation of CPA is described.  相似文献   

太湖沉积物有机碳与氮的来源   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
选取太湖梅梁湾和湖心柱状沉积物,研究了其有机碳同位素(δ13C)和氮同位素(δ15N)、C/N、总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)含量,并结合210Pb和137Cs沉积物年代测定技术,探究了近百年太湖沉积物有机质和氮的来源。结果表明:太湖梅梁湾湖区在近百年来,其有机质来源总体以自生为主。50年代以前,湖区受到人类活动的影响较小,沉积物有机质主要来自于湖泊自身水生植物的沉积;50年代到70年代,湖泊内部环境发生变化,湖区逐渐出现藻类大量死亡并沉积的现象,有机质主要来自于水生植物和藻类的共同沉积;70年代到80年代沉积物机质藻类贡献进一步增大;90年代后到现在,则以藻类的沉积为主要来源方式。梅梁湾湖区沉积物氮素的来源在50年代以前主要以流域土壤流失和大型水生植物的死亡为主;50年代到70年代,人类活动的加剧导致大量工业废水、生活污水的输入,藻类开始大面积爆发,氮主要来自于外源的输入、大型植物和藻类的死亡沉积;90年代后到现在,外源氮的输入得到有效地控制,藻类对沉积物氮的贡献相对显著。湖心区域沉积物有机质和氮的来源主要来自于湖泊内部水生植物的沉积。70年代前,沉积物有机质和氮的来源主要来自于水生植物的沉积和水土流失作用;70年代至今,虽然湖泊受到人类活动外源物质输入影响逐渐增大,但总体来讲贡献较小,沉积物有机质和氮的来源仍以湖泊自生为主。  相似文献   

Thirty-two isolates of Aspergillus flavus were obtained from various sources in Hungary. All isolates were morphologically identified as A. flavus and three atypical variants were confirmed as A. flavus by comparing their DNA with an ex type culture of A. flavus. None of these isolates produced aflatoxins when tested on coconut agar or grown on rice medium and culture extracts examined by thin layer chromatography. Also, none of the isolates converted sterigmatocystin, O-methyl sterigmatocystin, norsolorinic acid, or sodium acetate to aflatoxin. However, 59% of the isolates produced cyclopiazonic acid based on thin layer chromatographic analysis of culture extracts. The isolates that lack the ability to produce both aflatoxin and cyclopiazonic acid are potential candidates for use in bicontrol studies.  相似文献   

利用自制的厌氧发酵装置模拟田间厌氧发酵产生物甲烷的条件,通过添加不同量的尿素,研究C/N对水稻秸秆厌氧发酵产生物甲烷和秸秆降解的影响。设置了C/N为15∶1、20∶1、25∶1、30∶1和对照(53∶1)等五个处理,测定各处理的产气量、甲烷含量和秸秆木质纤维素含量。结果表明C/N对厌氧发酵产气进程有一定影响,峰值出现的时间、峰值的大小在不同处理之间均有差异:以C/N为25∶1的处理峰值出现的最早,较对照早5 d出现;以C/N为20∶1的峰值最高,较对照提高了27. 55%。C/N对厌氧发酵累积产气量和累积甲烷产量有显著影响,以C/N为20∶1的处理累积产气量(4 235. 00 mL)和累积甲烷产量(1526. 34mL)最高,相比对照组的累积产气量和累积甲烷产量分别提高了30. 78%和51. 31%。C/N对水稻秸秆降解也有显著影响。以20∶1和25∶1处理对秸秆降解的效果最好,其中20∶1处理的总降解率、纤维素降解率和半纤维素降解率分别达到了51. 33%、55. 31%和53. 05%,25∶1处理分别为50. 00%、53. 08%和49. 42%。上述结果表明通过添加尿素调节C/N能够提高水稻秸秆厌氧发酵的产生物甲烷效率和促进秸秆降解,以C/N为(20~25)∶1处理的促进效果最好。  相似文献   

The effect of different nitrogen sources and varying glucose concentration on aflatoxin production by a toxigenic and non-toxigenic strain of Aspergillus flavus was studied. Greatest production (3.8 ppm) of aflatoxin B1 was produced in a synthetic medium when casamino acids were supplied as the nitrogen source. Optimum sugar concentration for aflatoxin B1 production ranged between 3 and 10 g/100 ml. There was no appreciable difference in the metabolic behaviour between toxigenic and non-toxigenic strains of A. flavus when dry mycelial weight, total proteins, non-protein nitrogen and reducing sugar were the criteria.  相似文献   

培养基质碳氮比显著影响食用菌菌丝生长及子实体生长发育.广叶绣球菌是一种珍贵的食药用真菌,前期研究发现其生长发育过程中对碳源的需求较多.本研究采用松木屑、复合氮源作为栽培原料,研究基质碳氮比对绣球菌菌丝生长及子实体生长发育的影响.结果 表明:6种不同碳氮比(C/N)的栽培基质对菌丝生长速度无显著影响,但是随着C/N比值的...  相似文献   

Tannase production by Aspergillus niger Aa-20 was studied in submerged (SmF) and solid-state (SSF) fermentation systems with different tannic acid and glucose concentrations. Tannase activity and productivity were at least 2.5 times higher in SSF than in SmF. Addition of high tannic acid concentrations increased total tannase activity in SSF, while in SmF it was decreased. In SmF, total tannase activity increased from 0.57 to 1.03 IU/mL, when the initial glucose concentration increased from 6.25 to 25 g/L, but a strong catabolite repression of tannase synthesis was observed in SmF when an initial glucose concentration of 50 g/L was used. In SSF, maximal values of total tannase activity decreased from 7.79 to 2.51 IU when the initial glucose concentration was increased from 6.25 to 200 g/L. Kinetic results on tannase production indicate that low tannase activity titers in SmF could be associated to an enzyme degradation process which is not present in SSF. Tannase titers produced by A. niger Aa-20 are fermentation system-dependent, favoring SSF over SmF. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 26, 296–302. Received 07 July 2000/ Accepted in revised form 15 February 2001  相似文献   

Aspergillus niger CFTRI 30 produced 1.3 g citric acid/10 g dry coffee husk in 72 h solid-state fermentation when the substrate was moistened with 0.075 M NaOH solution. Production was increased by 17% by adding a mixture of iron, copper and zinc to the medium but enrichment of the moist solid medium with (NH4)2SO4, sucrose or any of four enzymes did not improve production. The production of about 1.5 g citric acid/10 g dry coffee husk at a conversion of 82% (based on sugar consumed) under standardized conditions demonstrates the commercial potential of using the husk in this way.The authors are with the Department of Microbiology and Bioengineering, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore-570 013, India;  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to investigate the effects of carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio and turning frequency (TF) on the loss of total nitrogen (TN) during composting of chicken litter (a mixture of chicken manure, waste feed, feathers and sawdust) with a view to producing good quality compost. Carbon to nitrogen ratios of 20:1, 25:1 and 30:1 and TF of 2, 4 and 6 days were experimented. The initial physico-chemical properties of the litter were determined. During the composting process, moisture level in the piles was periodically replenished to 55% and the temperature, pH and TN of the chicken litter were periodically monitored. Also, the dry matter (DM), total carbon (TC), total phosphorus (P) and total potassium (K) were examined at the end of composting. The results showed that both C:N ratio and TF had significant (p < or = 0.05) effect on pile temperature, pH changes, TN, TC, P and K losses while DM was only affected (p < or = 0.05) by C:N ratio. All treatments reached maturation at about 87 days as indicated by the decline of pile temperatures to near ambient temperature. Losses of TN, which were largely attributed to volatilization of ammonia (NH3), were highest within the first 28 days when the pile temperatures and pH values were above 33 degrees C and 7.7, respectively. Moisture loss increased as C:N ratio and TF increased. In conclusion, the treatment with a combination of 4 days TF and C:N ratio 25:1 (T4R25) had the minimum TN loss (70.73% of the initial TN) and this indicated the most efficient combination.  相似文献   

Morphology and cell wall composition of Aspergillus niger were studied under conditions of manganese sufficient or deficient cultivation in an otherwise citric acid producing medium. Omission of Mn2+ (less than 10-7 M) from the nutrient medium of Aspergillus niger results in abnormal morphological development which is characterized by increased spore swelling, and squat, bulbeous hyphae. Fractionation and analysis of manganese deficient cell walls revealed increased chitin and reduced -glucan contents as well as reduction of galactose containing polymers, as compared to cell walls from manganese sufficient grown hyphae. Addition of copper induced the same effect as manganese deficiency, both on morphology and cell wall composition. Addition of cycloheximide also produced a very similar type of morphology with increased chitin and reduced -glucan contents of the cell wall but its effect on galactose was less pronounced.Dedicated to emer. Prof. Dr. J. Kisser on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   

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