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Two major characteristics of males that affect the likelihood of achieving copulation are the sexual motivation and mating competency of the male. The behavior of domestic animals, including their sexual behavior, is dependent upon a complex interaction between the organism's internal and external environment. In male pigs, as in other mammalian species, it is clear that testicular steroids are required to maintain sexual behavior and testosterone plays a critical role. Consistent with studies in other species, it is apparent in male pigs that there is a threshold circulating concentration of androgens and/or estrogens required to maintain sexual behavior and that the level of sexual motivation is unrelated to levels of sex steroids providing these are adequate for normal sexual behavior. Key aspects of the external environment that affect the sexual behavior of the male pig include genetic, seasonal, social, sexual and psychological factors.  相似文献   

The hormonal factors and neural circuitry that control copulation are similar across rodent species, although there are differences in specific behavior patterns. Both estradiol (E) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) contribute to the activation of mating, although E is more important for copulation and DHT for genital reflexes. Hormonal activation of the medial preoptic area (MPOA) is most effective, although implants in the medial amygdala (MeA) can also stimulate mounting in castrates. Chemosensory inputs from the main and accessory olfactory systems are the most important stimuli for mating in rodents, especially in hamsters, although genitosensory input also contributes. Dopamine agonists facilitate sexual behavior, and serotonin (5-HT) is generally inhibitory, though certain 5-HT receptor subtypes facilitate erection or ejaculation. Norepinephrine agonists and opiates have dose-dependent effects, with low doses facilitating and high doses inhibiting behavior.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior of long-term castrated rhesus males was not increased by administration of the hydroxylated metabolite of testosterone (T), 17 beta, 19-dihydroxy-5 alpha-androstan-3-one diacetate (19-OH-DHTA) at a dose of 1 mg/kg/day. Simultaneous administration of 19-OH-DHTA and estradiol benzoate (EB) also failed to increase the level of sexual performance, but daily injection (1 mg/kg/day) of testosterone propionate (TP) was very effective in effective in activating sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Male rhesus monkey sexual behavior occurring spontaneously or evoked by remotely-controlled hypothalamic stimulation was studied in dominant and subdominant males with both dominant and subdominant, estrogen-treated or untreated, ovariectomized females. The behavior was quantified in terms of number and duration of ejaculatory sequences, number of thrusts, and number of mounts per sequence. Little or no spontaneous sexual behavior was observed with an untreated ovariectomized female. However, evoked sexual behavior with the exception of evoked ejaculation could be obtained whether the females were treated or untreated. Spontaneous and evoked sexual behavior was directed towards both dominant and subdominant females. The female chosen by the male was in part determined by the dominance status of the female. Evoked sexual behavior differed from spontaneous behavior in terms of an increased number of thrusts per mount, an increased number of ejaculations per session, and a decrease in latency between ejaculatory sequences.  相似文献   

Unfamiliar males were introduced during the breeding season to a stable heterosexual group of rhesus monkeys to determine how the presence of more dominant resident males affected their mating activity and how their entry was received by resident females. Initially, new males were allowed access to females under controlled conditions both in the presence and absence of resident males, simulating situations which may occur under natural conditions. Results indicated that the sexual activity, including ejaculation rate, of the new males was initially inhibited by the presence of more dominant, resident males, but these inhibiting properties did not carry over to periods when the resident males were absent and were diminished with time. Group females preferentially directed their behavior towards the new males throughout the study. These data suggest that although entry of new males into a stable group is at low rank, their subsequent reproductive success may not be reduced and that the association with resident females may facilitate male rhesus transfer between groups observed during the breeding season.  相似文献   

During normal development, the onset of reproductive behavior in male rats was not preceded by any change in plasma testosterone (T) levels. Implantation of Silastic capsules containing T in 14-day-old male rats advanced the onset of all parameters of sexual behavior by 20 days. Implantation of Silastic capsules containing estradiol in 14-day-old male rats stimulated precocious mounting and intromitting, but not ejaculation. Implantation of dihydrotestosterone-filled Silastic capsules in 14-day-old male rats completely inhibited the development of sexual behavior. All hormones suppressed plasma LH levels. These findings in immature male rats are similar to previous findings in adult males. Immature male rats were behaviorally less responsive to T than adult males, and it was suggested that, during development, male rats become progressively more sensitive to the behavior-stimulating effects of circulating T. No effects of copulatory experience on plasma concentration of T or on the weights of testes, penes, or accessory sexual glands were detected.  相似文献   

The sexual interactions of 10 pairs of rhesus monkeys were observed during a control and an experimental menstrual cycle of each female. During the experimental cycle the females were treated with an antiandrogen, flutamide. Daily peripheral serum levels of estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone in each female were determined by radioimmunoassay. Sexual behavior did not correlate reliably with female serum concentrations of any hormone measured nor with the menstrual cycle stage. Administration of the antiandrogen to the females did not affect the sexual behavior of the pairs, although female serum levels of estradiol and testosterone were reduced. It was concluded that although female ovarian hormones may influence rhesus sexual interactions under some circumstances, the normal hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle need not regulate this behavior; a knowledge of an intact rhesus female's hormonal condition does not allow accurate predictions about behavior displayed during laboratory pair tests with a male.  相似文献   

This report presents preliminary observational data on the sociosexual behavior of two newly formed groups of older (11.5 to 18.5 years of age, mean age of 15.3 years) bonnet monkeys observed over a period of 18 weeks. Qualitatively, their sexual behavior was similar to that of the younger mature bonnets. The males and females engaged in species-typical proceptive and receptive behavior patterns. The mean duration of copulations was somewhat shorter than that reported for younger mature bonnets. Decreased sexual function was recorded in males that were chronically ill. One male that copulated infrequently died of renal failure in the sixth week of study. Another male that was never observed copulating suffered from fatal diabetes mellitus. One male died apparently during coitus; autopsy findings were compatible with sudden cardiac death. The findings indicate that sexual dysfunction in aged primates can be a sign of serious illness. Sexual and agonistic behaviors for males correlated significantly, a finding reported in studies of rhesus macaques, which are typically a more aggressive macaque subspecies. Low sexual behavior during the first six-week period in Group A was correlated with a high amount of grooming. Possibly, increased grooming by females serves as a reactive behavior under conditions which do not allow sexual outlet.  相似文献   

Altmann's model describing the relationship of social dominance to breeding behavior in some non-human primate species has been tested using data from the Cayo Santiago rhesus colony. Although some of the model's assumptions are clearly not met by field observations, a good fit is often found for groups containing relatively few sexually mature, non-pregnant females. It is suggested that genetic change could be rapid under conditions described by this model. It is estimated that a “beneficial mutation” could spread through all the breeding males in as little as six generations regardless of group size. The speed at which an allele can spread through the group is discussed in terms of the mean length of female receptivity.  相似文献   

The nocturnal distribution and behavior of individually marked Macaca mulatta were studied at the La Parguera, Puerto Rico, colony of the Caribbean Primate Research Center. The new image intensifier was used successfully to identify 399 monkeys in 185 sleeping clusters. Monkeys moved into mangrove trees close to favorite feeding areas usually 35 minutes after sunset. The group condensed to less than one-half the daytime spread, vocalizations increased and grooming ceased. Movements and vocalizations ceased several hours after sunset, although bursts of activity occurred throughout the night. Activity resumed 40 minutes before sunrise. Activity was higher during full moon, when I observed feeding, play and sexual behavior. Fights at night were twice as frequent during the breeding season. Monkeys slept in clusters of one to four, 58% of which were of two. Sixty-three percent were composed of maternal relatives, 33% were mother-infant pairs. Mature males clustered with non-related males, slept alone or with females (in the breeding season). Yearlings slept with their mothers or with older siblings. Distribution of monkeys in a group at night reflects daytime associations.  相似文献   

This paper reviews aspects of life history that influence the reproductive success of male rhesus monkeys. Recent theories propose that there is some optimum level of inbreeding for each population and that behaviors related to group transfer by males are the result of selection pressure toward such an optimum. Group changing by males is clearly linked to the effects of testosterone at sexual maturation. A male’s maternal genealogical rank is not consistently related to the age at which it leaves the natal group, but social interactions within the natal group may influence the age of departure. Choice of the new group is influenced by the operational sex ratio and the presence of maternal relatives. Rank in the new group is positively correlated with seniority. Seniority, in turn, is influenced by the rank of the male’s natal group, his mother’s genealogical rank, and the presence of male siblings in the new group. Much of this effect is due to the high mortality of males born to females and/or groups of low rank. Most studies show a positive association between male reproductive success and rank. Males from high-ranking groups and/or maternal genealogies that join groups containing brothers tend to remain in those groups longer, attain a higher rank, and probably achieve higher levels of reproduction than other males.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys immunosuppressed with horse anti-human thymocyte gamma-globulin (ATG) were infected with measles and simultaneously inoculated with sheep erythrocytes (SRBC), a thymus-dependent antigen, and with pneumococcal polysaccaride type III (SSS-III), a thymus-independent antigen. ATG treatment alone suppressed SRBC antibody production, had no effect on SSS-III antibody production, and effectively eliminated circulating T cells compared to nonsuppressed monkeys. ATG treatment of measles-infected monkeys resulted in delayed virus clearance and delayed antibody production compared to nonsuppressed infected monkeys. After cessation of ATG treatment, measles antibodies and T cells reached normal levels, and measles virus was eliminated. Thus, immune clearance of measles virus is T cell-dependent, but the relative roles of cellular- and humoral-mediated immunity in vivo could not be clearly separated. Also, measles infection was associated with a decreased T cell mitogen responsiveness of circulating lymphocytes but not of lymph node lymphocytes, suggesting an altered circulating pattern of the cells responsible for delayed hypersensitivity. Also, measles infection had no effect on T-dependent antibody production to SRBC.  相似文献   

Four androgens were compared for their effectiveness in maintaining the sexual behavior of castrated male golden hamsters. Sexually experienced males were divided into 4 experimental treatment groups which received 500 μg daily of testosterone, androstenedione, dihydrotestosterone or androsterone. Control castrates were given oil. All animals were tested for sexual behavior every 2 wk for 10 wk following the onset of experimental treatment. Testosterone and androstenedione were the only androgens that maintained intromissions above the oil control level. However, testosterone, androstenedione and androsterone, but not dihydrotestosterone were effective in maintaining mounting behavior above the oil control level. No differences were detected between these 4 androgens in their maintenance of penile papillae.  相似文献   

We studied two multimale–multifemale groups of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) during a 14‐month study (June 2006–July 2007) in Palenque National Park, Mexico to evaluate the ways in which their sexual behavior changes across ovarian cycles. We analyzed 231 fecal samples, collected every 2.2±1.4 days from five females. For four females, estradiol and progesterone profiles revealed an average (±SE) cycle length of 18.3±1.4 days. Copulations occurred significantly more frequently during the periovulatory period (POP), defined as the estimated day of ovulation ±3 days (N=18). This was largely the result of cycling females soliciting sexual interactions during their POPs. Females directed their solicitations significantly more often toward “central” males of their group, who had close spatial associations with females at other times, compared with “noncentral” males, who did not associate closely with females. Central males rarely solicited sexual interactions, but instead monitored the females' reproductive status by sniffing their genitals, and maintained significantly closer proximity to females during their POPs, suggesting male mate guarding when conceptions are most likely to occur. Our findings indicate that the reproductive strategies of black howler central males and females coincide, highly skewing mating opportunities toward central males. Black howler females, however, occasionally choose to copulate with noncentral resident males or extra‐group males during their POPs, undermining the ability of central males to monopolize all reproductive opportunities. Am. J. Primatol. 71:153–164, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Adult male rats (3 months old) were tested for their copulatory behavior: those satisfying the criterion of sexual vigor in the last three out of five weekly tests were randomly divided into two groups and adrenalectomized or sham operated, and their copulatory activity was retested 35 and 420 days after surgery. Short-term adrenalectomy did not modify any of the parameters of sexual behavior. On the other hand, a higher percentage of adrenalectomized than of sham-operated rats still had successful sexual performance when 18 months old (420 days after surgery); moreover, blood levels of testosterone were higher in adrenalectomized than in sham-operated old rats. The possibility that adrenal steroids may play a role in the age-linked decline in male sexual activity in mammals is discussed.  相似文献   

The behavior and organization of a group of 33 juvenile rhesus monkeys removed from a single free-ranging group were found to parallel closely intact rhesus social groups. Dominance ranking among the juveniles was 95% predictable from prior knowledge of mothers' ranks. Grooming, sitting close together, sitting touching, and play were found to occur much more frequently between matrilineal kin than expected from random selection of partner. Some estrous behavior was observed, including two instances of peri-menstrual estrus. One lengthy homosexual interaction between two two-year-old females was observed. The basis of much of the behavior and organization shown by the juveniles was found to be the matrilineal kin bonds brought from their natal group.  相似文献   

Sixteen pigtailed monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) were studied to determine patterns of estrous cycles and sexual behavior. The average estrous cycle lasted 42 days, the average tumescent period 21 days, and the average quiescent period 17 days. Results are consistent with those obtained from studies of individually caged monkeys. The mean length of gestation for five live births was 174.6 days with a range of 167 to 179 days. Patterns of heterosexual, homosexual, and self-oriented sexual behavior are described and quantified.Mating behaviors of Japanese and pigtailed monkeys were compared. Although individual elements of sexual patterns were similar, there were quantitative differences and differences in the temporal patterning of the behavior.Supported by Grant FR 00166 from the National Institutes of Health, United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Reproductive behavior in male rodents is made up of anticipatory and consummatory elements which are regulated in the brain by sensory systems, reward circuits and hormone signaling. Gonadal steroids play a key role in the regulation of male sexual behavior via steroid receptors in the hypothalamus and preoptic area. Typical patterns of male reproductive behavior have been characterized, however these are not fixed but are modulated by adult experience. We assessed the effects of repeated sexual experience on male reproductive behavior of C57BL/6 mice; including measures of olfactory investigation of females, mounting, intromission and ejaculation. The effects of sexual experience on the number of cells expressing either androgen receptor (AR) or estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) in the primary brain nuclei regulating male sexual behavior was also measured. Sexually experienced male mice engaged in less sniffing of females before initiating sexual behavior and exhibited shorter latencies to mount and intromit, increased frequency of intromission, and increased duration of intromission relative to mounting. No changes in numbers of ERα-positive cells were observed, however sexually experienced males had increased numbers of AR-positive cells in the medial preoptic area (MPOA); the primary regulatory nucleus for male sexual behavior. These results indicate that sexual experience results in a qualitative change in male reproductive behavior in mice that is associated with increased testosterone sensitivity in the MPOA and that this nucleus may play a key integrative role in mediating the effects of sexual experience on male behavior.  相似文献   

Variations in penile morphology among galago species are pronounced and complex. Comparative studies of galagos and other primate species show that elongation of the baculum (os penis)is associated with copulatory patterns involving a prolonged period of intromission. The enlarged penile “spines” of male galagos may be important in maintaining a genital “lock” during copulation. In primate species where females mate with a number of partners, sexual selection may have favored the rapid evolution of such features of penile morphology and masculine copulatory behavior. It is suggested that evolution of complex penile morphologies in galagos has been influenced by sexual selection and that such morphological variations are extremely useful in taxonomic studies.  相似文献   

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