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Directed evolution of a fungal peroxidase   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The Coprinus cinereus (CiP) heme peroxidase was subjected to multiple rounds of directed evolution in an effort to produce a mutant suitable for use as a dye-transfer inhibitor in laundry detergent. The wild-type peroxidase is rapidly inactivated under laundry conditions due to the high pH (10.5), high temperature (50 degrees C), and high peroxide concentration (5-10 mM). Peroxidase mutants were initially generated using two parallel approaches: site-directed mutagenesis based on structure-function considerations, and error-prone PCR to create random mutations. Mutants were expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and screened for improved stability by measuring residual activity after incubation under conditions mimicking those in a washing machine. Manually combining mutations from the site-directed and random approaches led to a mutant with 110 times the thermal stability and 2.8 times the oxidative stability of wild-type CiP. In the final two rounds, mutants were randomly recombined by using the efficient yeast homologous recombination system to shuffle point mutations among a large number of parents. This in vivo shuffling led to the most dramatic improvements in oxidative stability, yielding a mutant with 174 times the thermal stability and 100 times the oxidative stability of wild-type CiP.  相似文献   

Directed molecular evolution of cytochrome c peroxidase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Iffland A  Tafelmeyer P  Saudan C  Johnsson K 《Biochemistry》2000,39(35):10790-10798
Cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was subjected to directed molecular evolution to generate mutants with increased activity against the classical peroxidase substrate guaiacol, thus changing the substrate specificity of CCP from the protein cytochrome c to a small organic molecule. After three rounds of DNA shuffling and screening, mutants were isolated which possessed a 300-fold increased activity against guaiacol and an up to 1000-fold increased specificity for this substrate relative to that for the natural substrate. In all of the selected mutants, the distal arginine (Arg48), which is fully conserved in the superfamily of peroxidases, was mutated to histidine, showing that this mutation plays a key role in the significant increase in activity against phenolic substrates. The results suggest that, in addition to stabilizing the reactive intermediate compound I, the distal arginine plays an important role as a gatekeeper in the active site of CCP, controlling the access to the ferryl oxygen and the distal histidine. Other isolated mutations increase the general reactivity of the peroxidase or increase the intracellular concentration of the active holo form, allowing their selection under the employed screening conditions. The results illustrate the ability of directed molecular evolution technologies to deliver solutions to biochemical problems that would not be readily predicted by rational design.  相似文献   

To develop a simple, speedy, economical and widely applicable method for multiple-site mutagenesis, we have substantially modified the Quik-Change™ Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit protocol (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA). Our new protocol consists of (i) a PCR reaction using an in vitro technique, LDA (ligation-during-amplification), (ii) a DpnI treatment to digest parental DNA and to make megaprimers and (iii) a synthesis of double-stranded plasmid DNA for bacterial transformation. While the Quik Change™ Kit protocol introduces mutations at a single site, requiring two complementary mutagenic oligonucleotides, our new protocol requires only one mutagenic oligonucleotide for a mutation site, and can introduce mutations in a plasmid at multiple sites simultaneously. A targeting efficiency >70% was consistently achieved for multiple-site mutagenesis. Furthermore, the new protocol allows random mutagenesis with degenerative primers, because it does not use two complementary primers. Our mutagenesis strategy was successfully used to alter the fluorescence properties of green fluorescent protein (GFP), creating a new-color GFP mutant, cyan-green fluorescent protein (CGFP). An eminent feature of CGFP is its remarkable stability in a wide pH range (pH 4–12). The use of CGFP would allow us to monitor protein localization quantitatively in acidic organelles in secretory pathways.  相似文献   

定向进化提高灰盖鬼伞过氧化物酶染织废水脱色效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】获得染织废水脱色能力增强的灰盖鬼伞过氧化物酶。【方法】使用基因合成及定点突变平台合成突变灰盖鬼伞过氧化物酶基因CIPmt4(I49S、V53A、M166F和M242I),并调整密码子至毕赤酵母偏好性。以CIPmt4为模板进行定向进化,经过三轮易错PCR和高通量筛选得到一个酶学性质显著改善的突变体(CIPmt5)。通过3D建模和分子动力学模拟分析蛋白的结构及热稳定性,并进一步研究CIPmt5和野生型CIP对刚果红、氨基黑、甲基橙、次甲基蓝、苯胺蓝、结晶紫、溴酚蓝共7种染料的脱色能力。【结果】序列分析显示该突变体积累了I49S、V53A、T121A、M166F和Y272F共5个氨基酸突变,与野生型灰盖鬼伞过氧化物酶相比,以ABTS为底物酶活性是野生型的2.01倍(24.44 U/mg),最适反应p H由5.0提高到6.5,最适反应温度由25°C提高到45°C。除次甲基蓝外对其它染料脱色的最适p H都往中、碱性方向偏移,脱色率普遍高于野生型。模型分析显示CIPmt5活性中心更开放,热稳定性增强。【结论】突变体酶CIPmt5能够更好地替代野生型灰盖鬼伞过氧化物酶应用于染织业染料脱色、化工废水和染织废水的生物修复。  相似文献   

The cloning and sequencing of the rbpa gene coding for a versatile peroxidase from a novel Bjerkandera strain is hereby reported. The 1777 bp isolated fragment contained a 1698 bp peroxidase-encoding gene, interrupted by 11 introns. The 367 amino acid-deduced sequence includes a 27 amino acid-signal peptide. The molecular model, built via homology modelling with crystal structures of four fungal peroxidases, highlighted the amino acid residues putatively involved in manganese binding and aromatic substrate oxidation. The potential heme pocket residues (R44, F47, H48, E79, N85, H177, F194 and D239) include both distal and proximal histidines (H48 and H177). RBP possesses potential calcium-binding residues (D49, G67, D69, S71, S178, D195, T197, I200 and D202) and eight cysteine residues (C3, C15, C16, C35, C121, C250, C286, C316). In addition, RBP includes residues involved in substrate oxidation: three acidic residues (E37, E41 and D183)--putatively involved in manganese binding and H83 and W172--potentially involved in oxidation of aromatic substrates. Characterisation of nucleotide and amino acid sequences include RBP in versatile peroxidase group sharing catalytic properties of both LiP and MnP. In addition, the RBP enzyme appears to be closely related with the ligninolytic peroxidases from the Trametes versicolor strain.  相似文献   

Chitinases have potential in various industrial applications including bioconversion of chitin waste from crustacean shells into chito-oligosaccharide-based value-added products. For industrial applications, obtaining suitable chitinases for efficient bioconversion processes will be beneficial. In this study, we established a straightforward directed evolution method for creating chitinase variants with improved properties. A library of mutant chitinases was constructed by error-prone PCR and DNA shuffling of two highly similar (99% identical) chitinase genes from Bacillus licheniformis. Activity screening was done in two steps: first, activity towards colloidal chitin was screened for on culturing plates (halo formation). This was followed by screening activity towards the chitotriose analogue p-nitrophenyl-β-1,4-N, N'-diacetyl-chitobiose at various pH in microtiter plates. From a medium-throughput screening (517 colonies), we were able to isolate one mutant that demonstrated improved catalytic activity. When using p-nitrophenyl-β-1,4-N, N'-diacetyl-chitobiose as substrate, the overall catalytic efficiency, kcat/Km of the improved chitinase was 2.7- and 2.3-fold higher than the average kcat/Km of wild types at pH 3.0 and 6.0, respectively. The mutant contained four residues that did not occur in either of the wild types. The approach presented here can easily be adopted for directed evolution of suitable chitinases for various applications.  相似文献   

The gene of a peroxidase described as being involved in carotenoid degradation was cloned from a strain that was conserved as Lepista irina (CBS 458.79). Gene sequencing revealed high nucleotide and amino-acid identity with Pleurotus eryngii gene vpl, which encodes a versatile peroxidase with unique catalytic properties, and only reported in Pleurotus and Bjerkandera species. Re-identification of the supposed L. irina strain revealed that, in fact, it is a P. eryngii strain. The new P. eryngii peroxidase was expressed in Escherichia coli, and the recombinant protein folded in the presence of cofactor to obtain the active form. The purified enzyme was able to oxidize Mn2+, veratryl alcohol, substituted phenols, and both low and high redox-potential dyes, demonstrating that it belongs to the versatile peroxidase family (named VPL3). These catalytic properties agreed with the presence of both Mn2+ and aromatic-substrate oxidation sites in its molecular structure.  相似文献   

Enzymes from extreme environments possess highly desirable traits of activity and stability for application under process conditions. One such example is l-aminoacylase (E.C. from Thermococcus litoralis (TliACY), which catalyzes the enantioselective amide hydrolysis of N-protected l-amino acids, useful for resolving racemic mixtures in the preparation of chiral intermediates. Variants of this enzyme with improved activity and altered substrate preference are highly desirable. We have created a structural homology model of the enzyme and applied various two different directed evolution strategies to identify improved variants. Mutants P237S and F251Y were 2.4-fold more active towards N-benzoyl valine relative to the wild type at 65 °C. F251 mutations to basic residues resulted in 4.5-11-fold shifts in the substrate preference towards N-benzoyl phenylalanine relative to N-benzoyl valine. The substrate preference of wild type decreases with increasingly branched and sterically hindered substrates. However, the mutant S100T/M106K disrupted this simple trend by selectively improving the substrate preference for N-benzoyl valine, with a >30-fold shift in the ratio of kcat values for N-benzoyl valine and N-benzoyl phenylalanine. Mutations that favoured N-benzoyl-phenylalanine appeared at the active site entrance, whereas those improving activity towards N-benzoyl-valine occurred in the hinge region loops linking the dimerization and zinc-binding domains in each monomer. These observations support a previously proposed substrate induced conformational transition between open and closed forms of aminoacylases.  相似文献   

Unlike general peroxidases, Pleurotus ostreatus MnP2 was reported to have a unique property of direct oxidization of high-molecular-weight compounds, such as Poly R-478 and RNase A. To elucidate the mechanism for oxidation of polymeric substrates by MnP2, a series of mutant enzymes were produced by using a homologous gene expression system, and their reactivities were characterized. A mutant enzyme with an Ala substituting for an exposing Trp (W170A) drastically lost oxidation activity for veratryl alcohol (VA), Poly R-478, and RNase A, whereas the kinetic properties for Mn(2+) and H(2)O(2) were substantially unchanged. These results demonstrated that, in addition to VA, the high-molecular-weight substrates are directly oxidized by MnP2 at W170. Moreover, in the mutants Q266F and V166/168L, amino acid substitution(s) around W170 resulted in a decreased activity only for the high-molecular-weight substrates. These results, along with the three-dimensional modeling of the mutants, suggested that the mutations caused a steric hindrance to access of the polymeric substrates to W170. Another mutant, R263N, contained a newly generated N glycosylation site and showed a higher molecular mass in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis. Interestingly, the R263N mutant exhibited an increased reactivity with VA and high-molecular-weight substrates. The existence of an additional carbohydrate modification and the catalytic properties in this mutant are discussed. This is the first study of a direct mechanism for oxidation of high-molecular-weight substrates by a fungal peroxidase using a homologous gene expression system.  相似文献   

From the extracellular fluid of a novel strain of Bjerkandera sp., it was isolated, purified and identified the main enzyme responsible for Remazol Brilliant Blue R dye decolourisation. Such an enzyme is able to oxidise manganese, as well as veratryl alcohol and 2,6-dimethoxyphenol in manganese-independent reactions; hence, it can be included in the new group of versatile peroxidases. The molecular mass of said enzyme is ca. 45 kDa, and the N-terminal amino acid sequence obtained by Edman degradation is VAXPDGVNTA. The enzyme substrate range for oxidation of several phenolic and non-phenolic aromatic compounds was determined and the corresponding Michaelis–Menten kinetic constants calculated. Furthermore, spectrophotometric assays showing the Soret band and allowing observation of band shifts of the enzyme led to the conclusion that Bjerkandera strains may also synthesise at least two different versatile peroxidases, as happens with Pleurotus eryngii.  相似文献   

Cyanide dihydratase is an enzyme in the nitrilase family capable of transforming cyanide to formate and ammonia. This reaction has been exploited for the bioremediation of cyanide in wastewater streams, but extending the pH operating range of the enzyme would improve its utility. In this work, we describe mutants of Bacillus pumilus C1 cyanide dihydratase (CynDpum) with improved activity at higher pH. Error-prone PCR was used to construct a library of CynDpum mutants, and a high-throughput screening system was developed to screen the library for improved activity at pH 10. Two mutant alleles were identified that allowed cells to degrade cyanide in solutions at pH 10, whereas the wild-type was inactive above pH 9. The mutant alleles each encoded three different amino acid substitutions, but for one of those, a single change, E327G, accounted for the phenotype. The purified proteins containing multiple mutations were five times more active than the wild-type enzyme at pH 9, but all purified enzymes lost activity at pH 10. The mutation Q86R resulted in the formation of significantly longer fibers at low pH, and both E327G and Q86R contributed to the persistence of active oligomeric assemblies at pH 9. In addition, the mutant enzymes proved to be more thermostable than the wild type, suggesting improved physical stability rather than any change in chemistry accounts for their increased pH tolerance.  相似文献   

Directed evolution of biocatalysts   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Directed evolution is being used increasingly in academic and industrial laboratories to modify and improve important biocatalysts. Significant advances during this period of review include compartmentalization of genes and the in vitro translation apparatus in emulsions, as well as several impressive demonstrations of catalyst improvement. Shuffling of homologous genes offers a new way to utilize natural diversity in the evolution of novel catalysts.  相似文献   



Filamentous fungi are the most widely used eukaryotic biocatalysts in industrial and chemical applications. Consequently, there is tremendous interest in methodology that can use the power of genetics to develop strains with improved performance. For example, Metarhizium anisopliae is a broad host range entomopathogenic fungus currently under intensive investigation as a biologically based alternative to chemical pesticides. However, it use is limited by the relatively low tolerance of this species to abiotic stresses such as heat, with most strains displaying little to no growth between 35–37°C. In this study, we used a newly developed automated continuous culture method called the Evolugator™, which takes advantage of a natural selection-adaptation strategy, to select for thermotolerant variants of M. anisopliae strain 2575 displaying robust growth at 37°C.  相似文献   

Two major peroxidases are secreted by the fungus Pleurotus eryngii in lignocellulose cultures. One is similar to Phanerochaete chrysosporium manganese-dependent peroxidase. The second protein (PS1), although catalyzing the oxidation of Mn2+ to Mn3+ by H2O2, differs from the above enzymes by its manganese-independent activity enabling it to oxidize substituted phenols and synthetic dyes, as well as the lignin peroxidase (LiP) substrate veratryl alcohol. This is by a mechanism similar to that reported for LiP, as evidenced by p-dimethoxybenzene oxidation yielding benzoquinone. The apparent kinetic constants showed high activity on Mn2+, but methoxyhydroquinone was the natural substrate with the highest enzyme affinity (this and other phenolic substrates are not efficiently oxidized by the P. chrysosporium peroxidases). A three-dimensional model was built using crystal models from four fungal peroxidase as templates. The model suggests high structural affinity of this versatile peroxidase with LiP but shows a putative Mn2+ binding site near the internal heme propionate, involving Glu36, Glu40, and Asp181. A specific substrate interaction site for Mn2+ is supported by kinetic data showing noncompetitive inhibition with other peroxidase substrates. Moreover, residues reported as involved in LiP interaction with veratryl alcohol and other aromatic substrates are present in peroxidase PS1 such as His82 at the heme-channel opening, which is remarkably similar to that of P. chrysosporium LiP, and Trp170 at the protein surface. These residues could be involved in two different hypothetical long range electron transfer pathways from substrate (His82-Ala83-Asn84-His47-heme and Trp170-Leu171-heme) similar to those postulated for LiP.  相似文献   

The molecular architecture of versatile peroxidase (VP) includes an exposed tryptophan responsible for aromatic substrate oxidation and a putative Mn2+ oxidation site. The crystal structures (solved up to 1.3 A) of wild-type and recombinant Pleurotus eryngii VP, before and after exposure to Mn2+, showed a variable orientation of the Glu36 and Glu40 side chains that, together with Asp175, contribute to Mn2+ coordination. To evaluate the involvement of these residues, site-directed mutagenesis was performed. The E36A, E40A, and D175A mutations caused a 60-85-fold decrease in Mn2+ affinity and a decrease in the Mn2+ oxidation activity. Transient-state kinetic constants showed that reduction of both compounds I and II was affected (80-325-fold lower k2app and 103-104-fold lower k3app, respectively). The single mutants retained partial Mn2+ oxidation activity, and a triple mutation (E36A/E40A/D175A) was required to completely suppress the activity (<1% kcat). The affinity for Mn2+ also decreased ( approximately 25-fold) with the shorter carboxylate side chain in the E36D and E40D variants, which nevertheless retained 30-50% of the maximal activity, whereas similar mutations caused a 50-100-fold decrease in kcat in the case of the Phanerochaete chrysosporium manganese peroxidase (MnP). Additional mutations showed that introduction of a basic residue near Asp175 did not improve Mn2+ oxidation as found for MnP and ruled out an involvement of the C-terminal tail of the protein in low-efficiency oxidation of Mn2+. The structural and kinetic data obtained highlighted significant differences in the Mn2+ oxidation site of the new versatile enzyme compared to P. chrysosporium MnP.  相似文献   

DNA and RNA polymerases evolved to function in specific environments with specific substrates to propagate genetic information in all living organisms. The commercial availability of these polymerases has revolutionized the biotechnology industry, but for many applications native polymerases are limited by their stability or substrate recognition. Thus, there is great interest in the directed evolution of DNA and RNA polymerases to generate enzymes with novel, desired properties, such as thermal stability, resistance to inhibitors, and altered substrate specificity. Several screening and selection approaches have been developed, both in vivo and in vitro, and have been used to evolve polymerases with a variety of important activities. Both the techniques and the evolved polymerases are reviewed here, along with a comparison of the in vivo and in vitro approaches.  相似文献   

Directed evolution of enzyme stability   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Modern enzyme development relies to an increasing extent on strategies based on diversity generation followed by screening for variants with optimised properties. In principle, these directed evolution strategies might be used for optimising any enzyme property, which can be screened for in an economically feasible way, even if the molecular basis of that property is not known. Stability is an interesting property of enzymes because (1) it is of great industrial importance, (2) it is relatively easy to screen for, and (3) the molecular basis of stability relates closely to contemporary issues in protein science such as the protein folding problem and protein folding diseases. Thus, engineering enzyme stability is of both commercial and scientific interest. Here, we review how directed evolution has contributed to the development of stable enzymes and to new insight into the principles of protein stability. Several recent examples are described. These examples show that directed evolution is an effective strategy to obtain stable enzymes, especially when used in combination with rational or semi-rational engineering strategies. With respect to the principles of protein stability, some important lessons to learn from recent efforts in directed evolution are (1) that there are many structural ways to stabilize a protein, which are not always easy to rationalize, (2) that proteins may very well be stabilized by optimizing their surfaces, and (3) that high thermal stability may be obtained without forfeiture of catalytic performance at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Antibodies play a key role in the immune system, are characterized by a homogeneous overall structure and by their ability to interact with an almost unlimited number of compounds. Encoded by a fixed number of genes, they acquire their specificity and affinity of recognition after a succession of genetic recombination and molecular mutation processes. Since the pioneer works of Kohler and Milstein in 1975 describing the possibility of producing monoclonal antibodies with pre-determined specificity, the use of antibodies in the fields of research, diagnosis and therapy has never stopped increasing. Thus, about twenty monoclonal antibodies have yet been authorized to be used in human immunotherapy. However, a majority of these molecules have been engineered to bring them into line with their clinical use: chimerization, humanization, recombinant expression of single or fused fragments. Furthermore, the recent development of in vitro molecular evolution approaches now make it possible to engineer the affinity, the specificity as well as the stability of monoclonal antibodies. The potential of in vitro molecular evolution of antibodies will be illustrated through the example of the specificity improvement of an anti-progesterone antibody.  相似文献   

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