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The genus Jeffersonia, which contains only two species, has a trans‐Atlantic disjunct distribution. The aims of this study were to determine the requirements for breaking dormancy and germination of J. dubia seeds and to compare its dormancy characteristics with those of the congener in eastern North America. Ripe seeds of J. dubia contain an underdeveloped embryo and were permeable to water. In nature, seeds were dispersed in May, while embryos began to grow in September, and were fully elongated by late November. Germination started in March of the next year, and seeds emerged as seedlings soon after germination. In laboratory experiments, incubation at high temperatures (25 °C, 25/15 °C) for at least 8 weeks was required to initiate embryo growth, while a transfer to moderate temperatures (20/10 °C, 15/6 °C) was needed for the completion of embryo growth. At least 8 weeks at 5 °C was effective in overcoming physiological dormancy and for germination in seeds after the embryos had fully elongated. Thus, both high and low temperatures were essential to break dormancy. Gibberellic acid (GA3) treatment could substitute for the high temperature requirement, but not for the low temperature requirement. Based on the dormancy‐breaking requirements, it is confirmed that the seeds have deep simple morphophysiological dormancy. This dormancy type is similar to that of seeds of the eastern North American species J. diphylla. Although seeds require 10–11 months from seed dispersal to germination in nature, under controlled conditions they required only 3 months after treatment with 1000 mg·l?1 GA3, followed by incubation at 15/6 °C. This represents practical knowledge for propagation of these plants from seed.  相似文献   

9种形态生理休眠的种子脱水对萌发和胚胎生长的影响在具有形态生理种子休眠(MPD)的物种中,吸胀种子脱水对胚胎生长和萌发的影响鲜为人知。我们研究了9种不同MPD水平的种子对脱水的反应。对每个物种进行对照实验,使种子永久保持水化并暴露在最佳层积-培养顺序中以促进胚胎生长。同时也开展了室温条件下脱水中断种子层积处理1个月的实验。研究结果显示,具有非深度简单MPD的白藤铁线莲(Clematis vitalba)和高山茶藨子(Ribes alpinum)的胚生长 和种子活力均不受干燥影响,但干燥使高山茶藨子的萌发力下降了16%。具有深度简单上胚轴MPD的黄 水仙(Narcissus pseudonarcissus)种子在不同的胚生长阶段呈现脱水耐受性,但其萌发力略有下降。具有不同 MPD复杂水平的物种对脱水的反应更为多变:具有中度复杂MPD的Delphinium fissum亚种与具有深度复杂MPD的峨参(Anthriscus sylvestris)和熊根芹(Meum athamanticum),具有脱水耐受性。与之相反,具有非深度复杂MPD的鹅莓(Ribes uva-crispa)、中度复杂MPD的Lonicera pyrenaica和深度复杂MPD的Chaerophyllum aureum,脱水后萌发力下降。虽然具有MPD简单水平的种子能够具备脱水耐受性,但一些具有复杂水平MPD的种子也具有很高的耐受性。因此,脱水不诱导胚生长后期的次生休眠。9种植物中大多数的吸胀种子的脱水耐受性可能表征其对地中海地区气候变化的适应性。  相似文献   

A germination study was carried out on seeds of Clinopodium sandalioticum (Bacch. & Brullo) Bacch. & Brullo ex Peruzzi & Conti (Lamiaceae), a wild aromatic plant endemic to Sardinia. Seeds were incubated at a range of constant (5–25°C) and an alternating temperatures regime (25/10°C), with 12 hours of irradiance per day. The results achieved at 10°C were also compared with those obtained after a period of cold stratification at 5°C for three months. Final seed germination ranged from ca. 28% (5°C) to ca. 72% (25/10°C). A base temperature for germination (Tb) of ca. 5°C and a thermal constant for 50% germination (S) of 89.3°Cd were identified and an optimal temperature for germination (To) was estimated to be comprised between 20 and 25°C. Cold stratification negatively affected seed viability and germination at 10°C. Although a typical “Mediterranean germination syndrome”, could not be detected for C. sandalioticum seeds, these results were coherent with those previously reported for other Mediterranean Lamiaceae species.  相似文献   

  • Threshold‐based thermal time models provide insight into the physiological switch from the dormant to the non‐dormant germinating seed.
  • This approach was used to quantify the different growth responses of the embryo of seeds purported to have morphophysiological dormancy (MPD) through the complex phases of dormancy release and germination. Aquilegia barbaricina seeds were incubated at constant temperatures (10–25 °C) and 25/10 °C, without pre‐treatment, after warm+cold stratification (W+C) and GA3 treatment. Embryo growth was assessed and the time of testa and endosperm rupture scored. Base temperatures (Tb) and thermal times for 50% (θ50) of embryo growth and seed germination were calculated.
  • W+C enabled slow embryo growth. W+C and GA3 promoted rapid embryo growth and subsequent radicle emergence. The embryo internal growth base temperature (Tbe) was ca. 5 °C for W+C and GA3‐treated seeds. GA3 treatment also resulted in similar Tb estimates for radicle emergence. The thermal times for embryo growth (θe50) and germination (θg50) were four‐ to six‐fold longer in the presence of GA3 compared to W+C.
  • A. barbaricina is characterised by a multi‐step seed germination. The slow embryo growth during W+C reflects continuation of the maternal programme of development, whilst the thermal kinetics of both embryo and radicle growth after the removal of physiological dormancy are distinctly different. The effects of W+C on the multiphasic germination response in MPD seeds are only partially mimicked by 250 mg·l?1 GA3. The thermal time approach could be a valid tool to model thermal kinetics of embryo growth and radicle protrusion.

The hypothesis that seed dormancy may be dependent on environmental conditions and seed morphological traits was tested for six Ribes species, across an altitudinal gradient of 1300 m and a longitudinal separation of 120°. Embryo measurements and seed germination experiments were conducted for R. alpinum L., R. hudsonianum Richardson var. petiolare (Douglas) Jancz., R. nevadaense Kellogg, R. roezlii Regel var. cruentum (Greene) Rehder and R. speciosum Pursh, and data taken from the literature for R. multiflorum Kit. ex Schult. ssp. sandalioticum Arrigoni. Germination was compared with seed viability to reveal proportional seed dormancy, which was then correlated to seed/embryo morphological traits and these traits related to the seed provenance environment. The embryos of all the investigated species are linear underdeveloped and all had a morphological component of seed dormancy (MD). Seeds of R. roezlii, R. hudsonianum and R. nevadaense required a temperature and/or hormone pre‐treatment in order to germinate, highlighting morphophysiological seed dormancy (MPD). Seed dormancy was found to be strongly negatively correlated with embryo length, but not with embryo to seed (E:S) ratio or seed mass. Initial embryo length was positively related to mean annual temperature. Seed dormancy in the investigated Ribes species could be quantified and predicted by the interaction of embryo traits and environmental conditions. This approach may be helpful in assessing and predicting seed dormancy in the Ribes genus and in other genera and families with underdeveloped embryos.  相似文献   

Spring is often the most suitable period for seedling establishment of temperate woodland species. Different physiological mechanisms resulting in spring emergence have evolved in seeds of such plants. The aim of this study was to determine the requirements for breaking dormancy and for seed germination of the European perennial spring geophyte Corydalis solida (Fumariaceae). Ripe seeds of C. solida contain an underdeveloped embryo, consisting of no more than a clump of cells. As a consequence, the embryo has to differentiate and grow to a critical length before germination can occur. In nature, seeds are dispersed in spring, while growth of the embryo starts in the autumn and continues in winter. Germination starts in late winter, immediately after embryo growth is completed, resulting in seedling emergence in the following spring. Experiments in controlled conditions showed that temperature is the main factor controlling dormancy and germination. Incubation at autumn temperatures (15/6 °C; 20/10 °C) for at least 8 weeks is required to initiate embryo growth, while a transfer to 5 °C is needed for completion of embryo growth and germination. Growth of the embryo of C. solida occurs at different temperatures over an extended period, a feature typical of temperate forest herbs. Our results indicate that the dormancy mechanism in seeds of C. solida is very similar to mechanisms in other Corydalis species studied thus far, suggesting that stasis in the dormancy trait has occurred.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the germinative ability of the seeds of four Narcissus taxa belonging to Section Pseudonarcissi after they had been conserved under the conditions of non-recalcitrant seed storage protocols. For each taxon (N. alcaracensis, N. longispathus, N. radinganorum and N. pseudonarcissus subsp. munozii-garmendiae), one seed lot was desiccated to 4% moisture content (MC) and stored under laboratory conditions (22°C, 40–50% relative humidity (RH), whereas another was dehydrated to 3% MC and stored at −10°C. The latter treatment simulated standard conservation conditions for non-recalcitrant seeds. After 26 months, embryo growth and germination were evaluated. Seed responses were correlated with their MC upon dispersal. Seeds of N. alcaracensis, N. longispathus and N. radinganorum left to dry on the mother plant during maturation had 8–10% MC when dispersed, tolerated non-recalcitrant seed conservation and germinated to >90% under the most favorable incubation conditions. Narcissus pseudonarcissus subsp. munozii-garmendiae seeds did not undergo maturation drying and had 46.7% MC upon dispersal. They reached 100% germination after being desiccated to 4% and stored at 22°C, were not recalcitrant, but failed to germinate when stored at −10°C under non-recalcitrant seed conservation conditions. Therefore, N. alcaracensis, N. longispathus and N. radinganorum seeds can be conserved under non-recalcitrant seed conditions in germplasm banks, whereas those of N. pseudonarcissus subsp. munozii-garmendiae are moderately recalcitrant. Seed storage behavior is influenced primarily by the extent of maturation drying of the seeds on the mother plant.  相似文献   

The main goal of the study was to assess germination requirements in a threatened daffodil to elaborate a detailed protocol for plant production from seeds, a key tool for conservation. Experiments were carried out both in the laboratory and outdoor conditions. In Pseudonarcissi section, endemic Iberian species of Narcissus studied heretofore have different levels of morphophysiological dormancy (MPD). Embryo length, radicle emergence, and shoot emergence were analyzed to determine the level of MPD. Both interpopulational variability and seed storage duration were also studied. Mean embryo length in fresh seeds was 1.32 mm and the embryo had to grow until it reached at least 2.00 mm to germinate. Embryo growth occurs during warm stratification, after which the radicle emerges when temperatures go down. Seed dormancy was broken in the laboratory at 28/14°C in darkness followed by 15/4°C, but the germination percentage varies depending on the population. In outdoor conditions, seed dispersal occurs in June, the embryo grows during the summer and then the radicle emerges in autumn. The radicle system continues to grow during the winter months, but the shoot does not emerge until the beginning of the spring because it is physiologically dormant and requires a cold period to break dormancy. Early cold temperatures interrupt embryo growth and induce dormancy in seeds with an advanced embryo development. Seeds of N. eugeniae have deep simple epicotyl MPD. In addition, we found that embryo growth and germination were improved by seed storage duration.  相似文献   

Aims There are a number of mechanisms that regulate germination; among these, seed dormancy, one of the most important, is an adaptative mechanism in plants to promote survival by dispersing germination in space and time until environmental conditions are favourable for germination. The main goals of this study were to determine the temperature requirements for seed dormancy release and germination of Gentiana lutea subsp. lutea, to identify the class and level of seed dormancy and to suggest an optimal germination protocol.Methods Seeds belonging to two different localities were subjected to various pre-treatments, including cold stratification (0 and 5°C), warm stratification (25/10°C) and different combinations of these, and then incubated at a range of constant temperatures (5–25°C) and 25/10°C. Embryo growth during pre-treatments and incubation conditions were assessed at different times by measuring the embryo to seed length ratio (E:S ratio). The final germination percentage (FGP) and the germination rate (t 50) were calculated.Important findings Fleshy mature seeds of G. lutea subsp. lutea have linear underdeveloped embryos. Cold stratification at 0°C was effective in overcoming the physiological dormancy (PD) and promoted embryo growth and subsequent germination. After cold stratification at 0°C, both the root and the shoot emerged readily under a wide range of temperatures. G. lutea subsp. lutea seeds showed an intermediate complex morphophysiological dormancy (MPD). As regards the optimal germination protocol for this taxon, we suggest a period of cold stratification at ca. 0°C followed by seed incubation at 10–20°C. The optimal germination temperatures found for seeds of this taxon, as well as its pre-chilling requirement at 0°C, suggest that it is well adapted to a temperate climate; this behavior highlights an increasing threat from global warming for G. lutea, which could reduce the level of natural emergence in the field, prejudicing also the long-term persistence of the natural populations in Sardinia.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Only very few studies have been carried out on seed dormancy/germination in the large monocot genus Narcissus. A primary aim of this study was to determine the kind of seed dormancy in Narcissus hispanicus and relate the dormancy breaking and germination requirements to the field situation.


Embryo growth, radicle emergence and shoot growth were studied by subjecting seeds with and without an emerged radicle to different periods of warm, cold or warm plus cold in natural temperatures outdoors and under controlled laboratory conditions.

Key Results

Mean embryo length in fresh seeds was approx. 1·31 mm, and embryos had to grow to 2·21 mm before radicle emergence. Embryos grew to full size and seeds germinated (radicles emerged) when they were warm stratified for 90 d and then incubated at cool temperatures for 30 d. However, the embryos grew only a little and no seeds germinated when they were incubated at 9/5, 10 or 15/4 °C for 30 d following a moist cold pre-treatment at 5, 9/5 or 10 °C. In the natural habitat of N. hispanicus, seeds are dispersed in late May, the embryo elongates in autumn and radicles emerge (seeds germinate) in early November; however, if the seeds are exposed to low temperatures before embryo growth is completed, they re-enter dormancy (secondary dormancy). The shoot does not emerge until March, after germinated seeds are cold stratified in winter.


Seeds of N. hispanicus have deep simple epicotyl morphophysiological dormancy (MPD), with the dormancy formula C1bB(root) – C3(epicotyl). This is the first study on seeds with simple MPD to show that embryos in advanced stages of growth can re-enter dormancy (secondary dormancy).  相似文献   

1. Vernal pools and rock pools (gnammas) in the Southwest Australian Floristic Region are forms of temporary wetlands that are under threat. Some of their aquatic macrophytes are rare and/or endemic, and there is a need to develop off‐site seed banks to assure their conservation. Here, we report results of the first comprehensive study of the seed germination, dormancy and seed storage behaviour of nine indigenous macrophyte species. 2. Seeds of Glossostigma drummondii, Myriophyllum balladoniense, M. lapidicola, M. petreaum and Triglochin linearis were non‐dormant, whereas those of Damasonium minus, Glossostigma sp. (currently undescribed), G. trichodes and Myriophyllum crispatum were dormant. Non‐dormant seeds germinated over a range of temperatures (5–20 °C) but temperatures at which highest germination occurred were species specific. All species demonstrated a germination preference for the light. Warm stratification substantially increased germination of dormant Glossostigma trichodes seeds and all dormancy‐breaking treatments partially overcame dormancy in Glossostigma spp. 3. Seeds possessed orthodox storage behaviour (tolerating drying to 5% moisture content and storage at ?18 °C) and are thus amenable to seed banking as a means of ex situ conservation. 4. It appears that seeds of most species are able to germinate upon inundation as long as they are situated at the soil surface. Thus, species are opportunistic and respond to the first rains of the season providing prompt ecological cuing in an environment vulnerable to rapid drying events. Maintaining the integrity of the soil crust may be an important first step for on‐site conservation if seeds are in the superficial layers.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the germination ecology with special reference to the temperature requirements for embryo development and germination of Corydalis cava subsp. cava, under both outdoor and laboratory conditions. Corydalis cava is a spring flowering woodland tuberous geophyte widely distributed across Europe. Germination phenology, including embryo development and radicle and cotyledon emergence, was investigated in a population growing in northern Italy. Immediately after harvest, seeds of C. cava were sown both in the laboratory under simulated seasonal temperatures and naturally. Embryos, undifferentiated at the time of seed dispersal, grew during summer and autumn conditions, culminating in radicle emergence in winter, when temperatures fell to ca 5°C. Cotyledon emergence also occurred at ca 5°C, but first emergence was delayed until late winter and early spring. Laboratory experiments showed that high (summer) followed by medium (autumn) and low temperatures (winter) are needed for physiological dormancy loss, embryo development and germination respectively. Unlike seeds of C. cava that germinated in winter, in other Corydalis species radicle emergence occurred in autumn (C. flavula) or did not depend on a period of high summer temperature to break dormancy (C. solida). Our results suggest that subtle differences in dormancy and germination behavior between Corydalis species could be related to differences in their geographical distribution.  相似文献   

Some terrestrial orchid species, including Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz, are considered extremely difficult to germinate and cultivate in vitro. Observations of orchids germinating in nature are very few, and the timing and requirements for seedling establishment are unknown for most species. Seeds of E. palustris were incubated in vitro with an appropriate fungus, but germination was poor unless several other conditions were also met: scarification of the testa in Ca(OCL)2, an initial incubation for several weeks at 27°C, and a subsequent cold stratification for 8–12 weeks at 4–8°C, With these pretreatments, germnation responses exceeded 50% after incubation for 4 weeks at 20°C. Healthy protocorms with normal organ development were only produced by symbiotic culture following this lengthy seed preparation. The findings suggest that under natural conditions the seeds need some after-ripening, and the testa needs to be partially decomposed before germination. The requirement for chilling suggests that germination of seeds in situ occurs in spring.  相似文献   

Changes in the patterns of gene expression were examined during loblolly pine ( Pinus taeda L.) seed stratification, germination, and post-germinative growth. In both the megagametophyte and the embryo, DNA contents remained relatively constant at all stages examined. RNA contents, however, increased in both tissues following seed germination, particularly in the embryo where a 7-fold increase in the RNA content was observed 5 days after germination. Poly(A)+ RNA, extracted from megagametophytes and embryos, was translated in vitro in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate cell-free system. Analysis of [35S]-methionine-labelled translation products by two-dimensional electrophoresis/fluorography indicated that there were changes in the populations of mRNAs during all developmental stages examined. In both the megagametophyte and the embryo several distinct mRNA populations, including one constitutively present at all stages examined, were identified. One mRNA population, present in the mature seed, decreased during seed stratification. Another population, not present in the mature seed, rose during the period of stratification that coincided with an increase in seed germinability. A third population, which appeared during seed germination, increased steadily during post-germinative growth. Besides these similarities, specific differences between megagametophyte and embryo were noted. For example, one mRNA population, which was present in the megagametophyte of the mature seed and remained constant during the stratification period, disappeared immediately following seed germination. In the embryo, one set of messages was germination specific. In total, these results show that mRNA populations change in a temporal fashion that is consistent with the patterns of de novo protein synthesis known to occur in loblolly pine during the same developmental periods.  相似文献   

Abstract. Species native to the southwest of Western Australia, representing a range of plant families, life-history strategies, fire-response syndromes, seed-store types and seed weights, were tested for viability using tetrazolium chloride and for germination under combinations of constant temperatures of 15 °C or 23 °C, constantly dark or 12 h diurnal whitelight conditions, and with, or without, addition of gibberellic acid (GA3, 50 mg/l). Species previously known to require a heat-shock treatment to overcome dormancy due to an impervious testa were pre-treated prior to imposition of temperature, light and GA3 conditions. The test environmental conditions related to differences between winter and autumn temperatures and surface and buried seed germination positions of post-fire habitats. The viability of the selection of native Western Australian species ranged from 0 to 100 %, averaging 71 %. For all taxa, no combination of temperature, light and gibberellic acid treatment induced all viable seeds to germinate. The greatest percentage germination achieved in any combination of treatments averaged 71 % of all viable seeds for all species. Larger seeds (> 10 mg seed weight) tended to have greater viability percentages, but no overall patterns of viability or germinability were attributable to seed storage syndrome, strategy of fire recovery response or life-form type. Germination of most of the dominant tree representatives (Eucalyptus calophylla, E. diversicolor, E. erythrocorys, E. gomphocephala, and E. patens) was indifferent to the trial conditions of temperature, light and GA3. However, Eucalyptus marginata showed reduced germination in the light, which was overcome with GA3. GA3 also overcame the inhibition resulting from exposure to light in some understorey species (e.g. Allocasuarina campestris, Regelia ciliata, Xanthorrhoea gracilis and X. preissii). Germination of many hard-seeded, understorey shrub and herbaceous perennial species, especially those with small (< 10 mg) seeds (e.g. Bossiaea ornata, B. aquifolium and Acacia drummondii ssp. candolleana) was greater at the lower trial temperature and in the dark. Some large (> 10 mg) seeded, understorey species (e.g. Acacia extensa, Kennedia coccinea, K. prostrata, Hovea trisperma and Hardenbergia comptoniana) germinated in high percentages in both temperatures, but maximum germination percentages still tended to be at 15 °C. Large-seeded species were less sensitive to exposure to light compared to the smaller seeded species. The largest seeded species tested, Paraserianthes lophantha, germinated best in the warmer incubation temperature and in the light. The ecological significance of the tests would be that species which have seed dormancy mechanisms capable of delaying germination until the cool temperature, winter rainy period of this mediterranean-type climate would be more likely to survive than if germination followed summer rain showers or the first, intermittent rains of autumn. Burial of seeds becomes more important if germination occurs when rains first begin as this period has less available soil moisture and temperatures are high. Also survival of seedlings could be enhanced if germination of seed was restricted to the positions protected from high light, higher temperatures and lower soil moisture by the presence of a forest canopy. Therefore, seeds which have an ability to sense the presence of a previous fire in the habitat, conditions in light environment and appropriate temperature level have an adaptive advantage to time emergence to situations of time and space where survival is maximized. Variation in viability and germination percentages were apparent in some cases where more than one seed collection of available for testing, indicating that further aspects, such as seed age, maturity at collection, storage conditions and depth of seed dormancy, remain to be considered.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

In seeds with deep simple epicotyl morphophysiological dormancy, warm and cold stratification are required to break dormancy of the radicle and shoot, respectively. Although the shoot remains inside the seed all winter, little is known about its growth and morphological development prior to emergence in spring. The aims of the present study were to determine the temperature requirements for radicle and shoot emergence in seeds of Viburnum betulifolium and V. parvifolium and to monitor growth of the epicotyl, plumule and cotyledons in root-emerged seeds.


Fresh and pre-treated seeds of V. betulifolium and V. parvifolium were incubated under various temperature regimes and monitored for radicle and shoot emergence. Growth of the epicotyl and cotyledons at different stages was observed with dissecting and scanning electron microscopes.

Key Results

The optimum temperature for radicle emergence of seeds of both species, either kept continuously at a single regime or exposed to a sequence of regimes, was 20/10 °C. GA3 had no effect on radicle emergence. Cold stratification (5 °C) was required for shoot emergence. The shoot apical meristem in fresh seeds did not form a bulge until the embryo had grown to the critical length for radicle emergence. After radicle emergence, the epicotyl–plumule and cotyledons grew slowly at 5 and 20/10 °C, and the first pair of true leaves was initiated. However, the shoot emerged only from seeds that received cold stratification.


Seeds of V. betulifolium and V. parvifolium have deep simple epicotyl morphophysiological dormancy, C1bB (root)–C3 (epicotyl). Warm stratification was required to break the first part of physiological dormancy (PD), thereby allowing embryo growth and subsequently radicle emergence. Although cold stratification was not required for differentiation of the epicotyl–plumule, it was required to break the second part of PD, thereby allowing the shoot to emerge in spring.  相似文献   

Semi‐arid rangeland degradation is a reoccurring issue throughout the world. In the Great Basin of North America, seeds sown in the fall to restore degraded sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) steppe plant communities may experience high mortality in winter due to exposure of seedlings to freezing temperatures and other stressors. Delaying germination until early spring when conditions are more suitable for growth may increase survival. We evaluated the use of BioNik? (Valent BioSciences LLC) abscisic acid (ABA) to delay germination of bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata). Seed was either left untreated or coated at five separate rates of ABA ranging from 0.25 to 6.0 g 100 g?1 of seed. Seeds were incubated at five separate constant temperatures from 5 to 25°C. From the resultant germination data, we developed quadratic thermal accumulation models for each treatment and applied them to 4 years of historic soil moisture and temperature data across six sagebrush steppe sites to predict germination timing. Total germination percentage remained similar across all temperatures except at 25°C, where high ABA rates had slightly lower values. All ABA doses delayed germination, with the greatest delays at 5–10°C. For example, the time required for 50% of the seeds to germinate at 5°C was increased by 16–46 d, depending on the amount of ABA applied. Seed germination models predicted that the majority of untreated seed would germinate 5–11 weeks after a 15 October simulated planting date. In contrast, seeds treated with ABA were predicted to delay germination to late winter or early spring. These results indicate that ABA coatings may delay germination of fall planted seed until conditions are more suitable for plant survival and growth.  相似文献   

研究了沙埋深度和种子大小对内蒙古毛乌素沙地植被群落中占优势的柠条锦鸡儿(Caragana korshinskii Kom.)种子萌发、出苗、幼苗存活和生长的影响.结果表明,沙埋深度显著影响柠条锦鸡儿的种子萌发率、休眠率、出苗率、幼苗存活率及生物量.在0.5-2cm的浅层沙埋下,种子萌发率、出苗率、幼苗存活率及生物量最高,休眠率最低;沙埋深度≥4 cm时,柠条锦鸡儿的种子萌发率、出苗率、幼苗存活率及生物量随着沙埋深度增加显著降低,而休眠率却显著升高;沙埋深度≥12 cm时,柠条锦鸡儿种子不能够出苗,幼苗也不能够存活.种子大小对柠条锦鸡儿种子萌发率没有显著影响,但对出苗率、幼苗存活率及生物量影响显著.在各个沙埋深度下,不同大小的柠条锦鸡儿种子间的萌发率没有显著差异.当沙埋深度≤6 cm时,不同大小的柠条锦鸡儿种子在同一沙埋深度下的出苗率间没有显著差异;但当沙埋深度≥8 cm时,在同一沙埋深度下,大种子的出苗率显著高于中种子和小种子的出苗率,而中种子和小种子出苗率间没有显著差异.0.5-10 cm的沙埋深度中,除6 cm和8 cm深度下中种子和小种子萌发幼苗的生物量间没有显著差异外,其余深度下,大种子萌发的幼苗的存活率及生物量显著高于同一沙埋深度下中种子萌发的幼苗的存活率及生物量,后者又显著高于小种子萌发的幼苗的存活率及生物量.可能正是种子萌发对沙埋环境的忍耐或响应能力以及种子的多态性提高了柠条锦鸡儿在毛乌素沙地的适合度,为其在流动或半流动沙丘环境中成功定居并形成优势群落奠定了基础.  相似文献   

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