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T K Ball  P N Saurugger  M J Benedik 《Gene》1987,57(2-3):183-192
We are studying exoproteins of the enteric bacterium Serratia marcescens as a model system for the release of extracellular proteins from the cell. In this work we report the cloning of the gene for a secreted nuclease from S. marcescens and its complete nucleotide sequence. Following expression of the nuclease gene in both S. marcescens and Escherichia coli we were able to demonstrate the presence of the nuclease extracellularly in both organisms. Cell lysis did not occur and there was no concurrent release of cytoplasmic or periplasmic proteins. No accessory genes appeared to be required for extracellular secretion of the nuclease from E. coli. We can conclude that E. coli is capable of secreting certain proteins extracellularly, and may be a suitable host organism for the genetic analysis of extracellular protein secretion when provided with a suitable protein to export.  相似文献   

Dried Serratia marcescens ATTC 14014 and Escherichia coli ATTC 4157 cells were exposed to various partial pressures of purified water vapor. The colony-forming ability of the S. marcescens was unimpaired when the dried organisms were stored in water-vapor atmosphere such that P/P0 < 0.55 or P/P0 = 1.0 (where P is the pressure of the water vapor in contact with the organisms, and P0 is vapor pressure of pure water at 25 C). During storage under water-vapor atmospheres with P/P0 between 0.6 and 1.0, the colony-forming ability of the dried S. marcescens was destroyed. The inactivation by water vapor followed the expression — ln N/N0 = Kt1/2, where N0 and N are the number of viable organisms before and after exposure, respectively, t is time, and K is a pseudo constant which is dependent upon the partial pressure of the water vapor at 25 C. Similar results were obtained with dried E. coli. The addition of solutes to the suspending media before freeze-drying was found to influence the stability of the organisms during exposure to water vapor.  相似文献   

The aspartate transcarbamoylases (ATCase, EC of Escherichia coli and Serratia marcescens have similar dodecameric enzyme structures (2(c3):3(r2] but differ in both regulatory and catalytic characteristics. The catalytic cistrons (pyrB) of the ATCases from E. coli and S. marcescens encode polypeptides of 311 and 306 amino acids, respectively; there is a 76% identity between the DNA sequences and an overall amino acid homology of 88% (38 differences). The regulatory cistrons (pyrI) of these ATCases encode polypeptides of 153 and 154 amino acids, respectively, and there is a 75% identity between the DNA sequences and an overall amino acid homology of 77% (36 differences). In both species, the two genes are arranged as a bicistronic operon, with pyrB promoter proximal. A comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences reveals that the active site and the allosteric binding sites, as well as most of the intrasubunit interactions and intersubunit associations, are conserved in the E. coli and the S. marcescens enzymes; however, there are specific differences which undoubtedly contribute to the catalytic and regulatory differences between the enzymes of the two species. These differences include residues that have been implicated in the T-R transition, c1:r1 interface interactions, and the CTP binding site. A hybrid ATCase assembled in vivo with catalytic subunits from E. coli and regulatory subunits from S. marcescens has a 6 mM requirement for aspartate at half-maximal saturation, similar to the 5.5 mM aspartate requirement of the native E. coli holoenzyme at half-maximal saturation. However, the heterotropic response of this hybrid enzyme is characteristic of the heterotropic response of the native S. marcescens holoenzyme: ATP activation and CTP activation. Activation by both allosteric effectors indicates that the heterotropic response of this hybrid holoenzyme (Cec:Rsm) is determined by the associated S. marcescens regulatory subunits.  相似文献   

The TonB protein plays a key role in the energy-coupled transport of iron siderophores, of vitamin B12, and of colicins of the B-group across the outer membrane of Escherichia coli. In order to obtain more data about which of its particular amino acid sequences are necessary for TonB function, we have cloned and sequenced the tonB gene of Serratia marcescens. The nucleotide sequence predicts an amino acid sequence of 247 residues (Mr 27,389), which is unusually proline-rich and contains the tandem sequences (Glu-Pro)5 and (Lys-Pro)5. In contrast to the TonB proteins of E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium, translation of the S. marcescens TonB protein starts at the first methionine residue of the open reading frame, which is the only amino acid removed during TonB maturation and export. Only the N-terminal sequence is hydrophobic, suggesting its involvement in anchoring the TonB protein to the cytoplasmic membrane. The S. marcescens tonB gene complemented an E. coli tonB mutant with regard to uptake of iron siderophores, and sensitivity to phages T1 and phi 80, and to colicins B and M. However, an E. coli tonB mutant transformed with the S. marcescens tonB gene remained resistant to colicins Ia and Ib, to colicin B derivatives carrying the amino acid replacements Val/Ala and Val/Gly at position 20 in the TonB box, and they exhibited a tenfold lower activity with colicin D. In addition, the S. marcescens TonB protein did not restore T1 sensitivity of an E. coli exbB tolQ double mutant, as has been found for the overexpressed E. coli TonB protein, indicating a lower activity of the S. marcescens TonB protein. Although the S. marcescens TonB protein was less prone to proteolytic degradation, it was stabilized in E. coli by the ExbBD proteins. In E. coli, TonB activity of S. marcescens depended either on the ExbBD or the TolQR activities.  相似文献   

Proline plays a central role in the biosynthesis of prodigiosin by Serratia marcescens. Proline catabolism takes place by oxidation catalysed by the enzyme proline oxidase encoded by the gene putA. A gene bank of chromosomal DNA from S. marcescens was constructed using the plasmid vector pBR328, and then recombinant DNA was used in transformation experiments with Escherichia coli HB 101 as recipient strain. One of the recombinant plasmids, pSL001, was encoded for proline oxidase. Subcloning experiments led to a second plasmid pSL008 able to maintain proline oxidase activity.  相似文献   

The chitobiase (Chb) encoding gene (chb) from Serratia marcescens (Sm) has been cloned, sequenced and expressed in Escherichia coli (Ec). Sequencing has revealed an open reading frame encoding a protein of 885 amino acids (aa). Ec cells harbouring plasmids containing chb can produce enzymatically active Sm Chb protein which is secreted into the periplasm. An efficient purification scheme using cation-exchange chromatography is presented. This yields about 3 mg of >95% pure Sm Chb per litre of Ec culture. The deduced aa sequence is 27-aa longer at the N terminus than that determined by sequencing of the purified protein, suggesting that a leader sequence is removed during transport of the enzyme across the cell membrane. Comparison with the other members of the family 20 of glycosyl hydrolases revealed that Chb has a conserved central region which aligns with almost all members of this family. According to the crystal structure of Sm Chb, this region comprises the catalytic domain of Chb which has an α/β barrel fold  相似文献   

The Serratia marcescens serine protease (SSP) is one of the extracellular enzymes secreted from this Gram-negative bacterium. When the ssp gene, which encodes a SSP precursor (preproSSP) composed of a typical NH2-terminal signal peptide, a mature enzyme domain, and a large COOH-terminal pro-region, is expressed in Escherichia coli, the mature protease is excreted through the outer membrane into the medium. The COOH-terminal pro-region, which is integrated into the outer membrane, provides the essential function for the export of the mature protein across the outer membrane. This is a very simple pathway, in contrast to the general secretory pathway exemplified by the secretion of a pullulanase from Klebsiella oxytoca, in which many separately encoded accessory proteins are required for the transport through the outer membrane. Moreover, the NH2-terminal region of 71 amino acid residues of the COOH-terminal pro-sequence plays an essential role, as an “intramolecular chaperone,” in the folding of the mature enzyme in the medium. In addition to ssp, the S. marcescens strain contains two ssp homologues encoding proteins similar to SSP in amino acid sequence and size, but with no protease activity. Characterization of the homologue proteins and chimeric proteins between the homologues and SSP, all of which are produced in E. coli, has shown that they are membrane proteins that are localized in the outer membrane in the same manner as for SSP. By use of the COOH-terminal domain of SSP, pseudoazurin was exported to the cell surface of E. coli, which proves the usefulness of the SSP secretory system in the export of foreign proteins across the outer membrane.  相似文献   

Abstract In order to determine whether hydrophobic surface properties of Serratia marcescens can be transferred to Escherichia coli , E. coli DH5α cells were transformed by DNA fragments from S. marcescens RZ. Fifteen-hundred E. coli transformants were screened for adhesion to hexadecane and polystyrene. One transformant exhibited increased adhesion to hexadecane droplets, as well as altered kinetics of aggregation in the presence of ammonium sulfate. Western colony blotting revealed that antibodies raised against S. marcescens RZ recognized components) on the transformant outer surface.  相似文献   

Molecular weights of extracellular chitinases from wild-type B-10 (62, 54, 43, 38, and 21 kDa) and mutant M-1 strains of Serratia marcescens (62, 52, 43, 38, and 21 kDa) were estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In the absence of chitin inductors, chitinolytic enzymes were not found in the culture liquid of B-10, while M-10 cells produced the chitinase complex (to 470 pU/cell). Crystalline chitin insignificantly stimulated the synthesis of chitinases with molecular weights of 62, 54, and 21 kDa by B-10 (up to 20 pU/cell), but caused overproduction of all chitinases by the mutant strain (up to 2600 pU/cell). Colloidal chitin induced the production of chitinases by cells of both strains. Two peaks of chitinolytic activity were observed during cultivation of strains B-10 (350 and 450 pU/cell) and M-1 (2200 and 2400 pU/cell). The first peak of cell productivity was associated with biosynthesis of the chitinase complex. The second peak was related to the production of enzymes with molecular weights of 54, 43, 38, and 21 kDa (B-10) or 43, 38, and 21 kDa (M-1).  相似文献   

The dnaA genes of Salmonella typhimurium and Serratia marcescens, which complemented the temperature-sensitive dnaA46 mutation of Escherichia coli, were cloned and sequenced. They were very homologous to the dnaA gene of E. coli. The 63 N-terminal amino acids and the 333 C-terminal amino acids of the corresponding DnaA proteins were identical. The region in between, corresponding to 71 amino acids in E. coli, exhibited a number of changes. This variable region coincided with a nonhomologous region found in the comparison of E. coli dnaA and Bacillus subtilis "dnaA" genes. The regions upstream of the genes were also homologous. The ribosome-binding area, one of the promoters, the DnaA protein-binding site, and many GATC sites (Dam methyltransferase-recognition sequence) were conserved in these three enteric bacteria.  相似文献   

The role of recombination genes in the processing of DNA damaged by methlymethane sulfonate (MMS) was examined in an xth nth nfo strain of Escherichia coli K-12. Introduction of a recQ mutation did not increase the cell's sensitivity to MMS treatment. The presence of recF, recJ or recN mutation slightly increased the cell's sensitivity to MMS treatment. The introduction of recA or recB mutation into the cells led to inviability. Taken together, we suggest that replication of DNA containing apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites in vivo will lead to the formation of secondary lesions. The repair of these secondary lesions requires the function of recA and recB genes, but does not appear to require recF, recJ, recQ or recN genes.  相似文献   

The unicellular cyanobacterium Gloeocapsa alpicola contains both photoreactivation and excision repair mechanisms for correcting UV-induced damage to its cellular DNA. An 11.5 kb EcoRI fragment was isolated from a cosmid bank of G. alpicola and was shown to complement a recA deletion in Escherichia coli S.17 and JC10289. These recA strains showed increased survival to UV and methyl methanesulphonate (MMS) when transformed with the cyanobacterial DNA fragment, and also showed filamentation in response to UV irradiation. Preliminary analysis of the protein encoded by the cyanobacterial DNA fragment indicated a major protein of 39,000 Da; this is very similar in size to the recA protein of E. coli.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the OmpF porin in Escherichia coli K-12 was highly and reversibly inhibited by 5 mM salicylate in the bacterial growth medium, and salicylate also inhibited the OmpC porin synthesis, although only weakly. The full expression of the salicylate effect was presumed to require the ompB gene product on comparison between the wild type and ompB mutant strains. The salicylate effect was also observed for the porin protein synthesis in Klebsiella pneumoniae and Serratia marcescens, although an ompB-like gene remains to be identified in both species.  相似文献   

Prodigiosin, the bright red pigment produced by many strains of Serratia marcescens, is synthesized by a bifurcated pathway that terminates in the enzymatic condensation of the two final products, a monopyrrole and a bipyrrole . Sau3A fragments of S. marcescens ( Nima ) DNA were introduced into a strain of Escherichia coli K-12 by use of the cosmid vector pHC79 , and transformed clones were selected based on resistance to ampicillin. Among 879 transformants screened, 2 could be induced to synthesize prodigiosin when supplied with either one or both terminal products of the bifurcated pathway. Data are presented to support the idea that production of prodigiosin is not usually mediated by a plasmid.  相似文献   

The secretion of a Serratia marcescens nuclease was followed by fermentation with Escherichia coli. A plasmid, p403-SD2, carrying a 1.3-kilobase-pair insert with a 0.4-kilobase-pair region upstream of the nuclease gene caused a growth-phase-regulated expression of nuclease in E. coli in the same way as that seen in S. marcescens. Deletion of the regulatory gene generating plasmid p403-Rsa1 resulted in a constitutive expression of the nuclease. Anaerobiosis stimulated the expression from p403-SD2 in stationary growth phase by a factor of 10 compared with expression stimulated by cultivation in aerobic conditions; no such effect was found for plasmid p403-Rsa1. Different nutritional factors caused the expression level and the amount of extracellular nuclease to vary more when nuclease was expressed from plasmid p403-SD2 than when it was expressed from plasmid p403-Rsa1. A correlation between the regulatory gene and the extracellular secretion of nuclease is proposed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli xth mutants are hypersensitive to hydrogen peroxide.   总被引:48,自引:24,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
B Demple  J Halbrook    S Linn 《Journal of bacteriology》1983,153(2):1079-1082
Escherichia coli mutants lacking exonuclease III (xthA) are exceptionally sensitive to hydrogen peroxide. They are killed by H2O2 at 20 times the rate of wild-type bacteria and at 3 to 4 times the rate of recA cells. This is the first clear phenotypic sensitivity reported for xth- E. coli and should aid in clarifying peroxide-induced lethality and the in vivo role of exonuclease III.  相似文献   

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