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Babb, T. G. Ventilatory response to exercise insubjects breathing CO2 orHeO2.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(3): 746-754, 1997.To investigate the effects of mechanical ventilatory limitationon the ventilatory response to exercise, eight older subjects with normal lung function were studied. Each subject performed graded cycleergometry to exhaustion once while breathing room air; once whilebreathing 3% CO2-21%O2-balanceN2; and once while breathing HeO2 (79% He and 21%O2). Minute ventilation(E) and respiratory mechanics weremeasured continuously during each 1-min increment in work rate (10 or20 W). Data were analyzed at rest, at ventilatory threshold (VTh),and at maximal exercise. When the subjects were breathing 3%CO2, there was an increase(P < 0.001) inE at rest and at VTh but not duringmaximal exercise. When the subjects were breathingHeO2,E was increased(P < 0.05) only during maximalexercise (24 ± 11%). The ventilatory response to exercise belowVTh was greater only when the subjects were breathing 3% CO2(P < 0.05). Above VTh, theventilatory response when the subjects were breathingHeO2 was greater than whenbreathing 3% CO2(P < 0.01). Flow limitation, aspercent of tidal volume, during maximal exercise was greater(P < 0.01) when the subjects werebreathing CO2 (22 ± 12%) thanwhen breathing room air (12 ± 9%) or when breathingHeO2 (10 ± 7%)(n = 7). End-expiratory lung volumeduring maximal exercise was lower when the subjects were breathingHeO2 than when breathing room airor when breathing CO2(P < 0.01). These data indicate thatolder subjects have little reserve for accommodating an increase inventilatory demand and suggest that mechanical ventilatory constraintsinfluence both the magnitude of Eduring maximal exercise and the regulation ofE and respiratory mechanics duringheavy-to-maximal exercise.


Elevating inspired levels of CO2 (1-4%) in Tupinambis nigropunctatus leads to an increase in tidal volume, mean expiratory flow, mean inspiratory flow, duration of the non-ventilatory period, inspiratory duration, expiratory duration and end inspiratory lung volume. Minute ventilation is variable and end expiratory volume decreases. An increase or decrease in CO2 concentration surrounding the head affects the duration of the non-ventilatory period before the altered CO2 concentration is inspired into the lungs. The change in duration of the non-ventilatory period before altered CO2 concentration is inspired into the lungs is probably mediated by CO2 sensitive receptors located in the mouth, nose or on the head surface.  相似文献   

Krishnan, Bharath S., Ron E. Clemens, Trevor A. Zintel,Martin J. Stockwell, and Charles G. Gallagher. Ventilatory response to helium-oxygen breathing during exercise: effect of airwayanesthesia. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(1):82-88, 1997.The substitution of a normoxic helium mixture(HeO2) for room air (Air) during exercise results in a sustained hyperventilation, which is present evenin the first breath. We hypothesized that this response is dependent onintact airway afferents; if so, airway anesthesia (Anesthesia) shouldaffect this response. Anesthesia was administered to the upper airwaysby topical application and to lower central airways by aerosolinhalation and was confirmed to be effective for over 15 min. Subjectsperformed constant work-rate exercise (CWE) at 69 ± 2 (SE) % maximal work rate on a cycle ergometer on three separate days: twiceafter saline inhalation (days 1 and3) and once after Anesthesia(day 2). CWE commenced after a briefwarm-up, with subjects breathing Air for the first 5 min (Air-1),HeO2 for the next 3 min, and Airagain until the end of CWE (Air-2). The resistance of the breathingcircuit was matched for Air andHeO2. BreathingHeO2 resulted in a small butsignificant increase in minute ventilation(I) anddecrease in alveolar PCO2 in both theSaline (average of 2 saline tests; not significant) and Anesthesiatests. Although Anesthesia had no effect on the sustainedhyperventilatory response to HeO2breathing, theI transientswithin the first six breaths ofHeO2 were significantly attenuatedwith Anesthesia. We conclude that theI response to HeO2 is not simply due to areduction in external tubing resistance and that, in humans, airwayafferents mediate the transient but not the sustained hyperventilatoryresponse to HeO2 breathing duringexercise.


A CO2 rebreathing technique was used to assess possible changes in the ventilatory response to CO2 in rats following a 14-week swim training program. Over the final 9 weeks, the rats swam 1 hr per day with a weight of 2.5% of the body weight attached to the tail. Ventilation was measured by a barometric method in awake, restrained rats in a total body plethysmography at CO2 concentrations of 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8%, with an initial O2 concentration of approximately 100%. Ventilation increased in the trained rats with increasing CO2 from 775ml . min-1 . kg-1 at 0% CO2 to 1,387 ml . min-1 . kg-1 at 8% CO2. This increase was a consequence of a 34% increase in tidal volume and a 32% increase in breathing frequency. In comparison with a group of sedentary control rats, there was a significantly higher ventilation and tidal volume at 0% CO2; however, this difference disappeared with increasing levels of CO2. A significantly lower resting heart rate was observed in the exercised (296 +/- 44 beats . min-1, mean +/- SD) compared to the sedentary control rats 380 +/- 42). It was concluded that, while the normal training response of resting bradycardia was observed following this duration and intensity of training, endurance swimming had no significant effect on the ventilatory response to CO2 in the rat.  相似文献   

The steady-state end-tidal CO2 tension (PCO2) was examined during control and 1% CO2 inhalation periods in awake beagle dogs with an intact airway breathing through a low dead-space respiratory mask. A total of eight experiments were performed in four dogs, comprising 31 control observations and 23 CO2 inhalation observations. The 1% inhaled CO2 produced a significant increase in the steady-state end-tidal PCO2 comparable to the expected 1 Torr predicted from conventional CO2 control of ventilation. We conclude that 1% inhaled CO2 results in a hypercapnia. Any protocol that is to resolve the question of whether mechanisms are acting during low levels of inhaled CO2 such that ventilation increases without any change in arterial PCO2 must have sufficient resolving power to discriminate changes in gas tension in magnitude predicted from conventional (i.e., arterial PCO2) control of ventilation.  相似文献   

Exaggerated ANF response to exercise in middle-aged vs. young runners   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hormonal, electrolyte, and renal responses were measured before, during, and after a marathon (42.2 km) in 14 runners: 8 young (Y) (mean age 27.8 yr) and 6 middle aged (MA) (mean aged 46.7 yr). No differences between groups in prerun values for heart rate (HR), plasma osmolality (OSM), antidiuretic hormone (ADH), aldosterone (ALDO), atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), or plasma renin activity (PRA) were found. Renal and urinary measurements were also similar between groups before the marathon. After 10 km of running, both groups had significant increases in HR, ALDO, ANF, and PRA, while OSM, Na+, and ADH remained unchanged from prerun values. The increase in plasma ANF concentrations at this point was significantly greater in the MA subjects compared with the Y (mean increase 104.1 vs. 42.8 pg/ml, respectively; P less than 0.01). Immediate postmarathon values for OSM, ADH, and Na+ were significantly higher than initial values in both groups, while HR, PRA, and ALDO continued to increase above the elevated levels found at 10 km. ANF values immediately postmarathon remained higher than prerun concentrations but were significantly reduced from those obtained at 10 km. In contrast, HR continued to rise until the completion of the run. These data are consistent with recent reports of an exaggerated ANF response in older subjects in response to central blood volume expansion.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for the transient respiratory alkalosis which follows clinical hemodialysis were evaluated by studying the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide in chronic uremic patients, and in unanesthetized normal and chronic uremic goats. A significant increase in sensitivity to CO2 was found in acidotic uremic patients immediately (within 30 min) following hemodialysis (P less than 0.01). Sensitivity to CO2 returned to the predialysis value within 24 h. Lung volume and maximal breathing capacity were unchanged. A similar increase in sensitivity to CO2 was seen in nonacidotic uremic goats following hemodialysis. In the goats, these changes in sensitivity could not be explained by changes in cerebrospinal fluid acid-base status. Adding sufficient urea to the dialysate to prevent a fall in plasma urea concentration, eliminated this increase in sensitivity to CO2 in both uremic patients and goats. These results suggests that the transient respiratory alkalosis following hemodialysis is due to an increase in the sensitivity of the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide and is a consequence of dialysis-induced osmotic disequilibrium.  相似文献   

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