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Although it is widely accepted that chronic exposure to arsenite, nickel, chromium and cadmium increases cancer incidence in individuals, the molecular mechanisms underlying their ability to transform cells remain largely unknown. Carcinogenic metals are typically weak mutagens, suggesting that genetic-based mechanisms may not be primarily responsible for metal-induced carcinogenesis. Growing evidence shows that environmental metal exposure involves changes in epigenetic marks, which may lead to a possible link between heritable changes in gene expression and disease susceptibility and development. Here, we review recent advances in the understanding of metal exposure affecting epigenetic marks and discuss establishment of heritable gene expression in metal-induced carcinogenesis.Key words: environmental metal, epigenetic, metal carcinogenesis, histone modification, DNA methylation, chromatin, gene expression  相似文献   

Although it is widely accepted that chronic exposure to arsenite, nickel, chromium and cadmium increases cancer incidence in individuals, the molecular mechanisms underlying their ability to transform cells remain largely unknown. Carcinogenic metals are typically weak mutagens, suggesting that genetic-based mechanisms may not be primarily responsible for metal-induced carcinogenesis. Growing evidence shows that environmental metal exposure involves changes in epigenetic marks, which may lead to a possible link between heritable changes in gene expression and disease susceptibility and development. Here, we review recent advances in the understanding of metal exposure affecting epigenetic marks and discuss establishment of heritable gene expression in metal-induced carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

DNA methylation data assayed using pyrosequencing techniques are increasingly being used in human cohort studies to investigate associations between epigenetic modifications at candidate genes and exposures to environmental toxicants and to examine environmentally-induced epigenetic alterations as a mechanism underlying observed toxicant-health outcome associations. For instance, in utero lead (Pb) exposure is a neurodevelopmental toxicant of global concern that has also been linked to altered growth in human epidemiological cohorts; a potential mechanism of this association is through alteration of DNA methylation (e.g., at growth-related genes). However, because the associations between toxicants and DNA methylation might be weak, using appropriate quality control and statistical methods is important to increase reliability and power of such studies. Using a simulation study, we compared potential approaches to estimate toxicant-DNA methylation associations that varied by how methylation data were analyzed (repeated measures vs. averaging all CpG sites) and by method to adjust for batch effects (batch controls vs. random effects). We demonstrate that correcting for batch effects using plate controls yields unbiased associations, and that explicitly modeling the CpG site-specific variances and correlations among CpG sites increases statistical power. Using the recommended approaches, we examined the association between DNA methylation (in LINE-1 and growth related genes IGF2, H19 and HSD11B2) and 3 biomarkers of Pb exposure (Pb concentrations in umbilical cord blood, maternal tibia, and maternal patella), among mother-infant pairs of the Early Life Exposures in Mexico to Environmental Toxicants (ELEMENT) cohort (n = 247). Those with 10 μg/g higher patella Pb had, on average, 0.61% higher IGF2 methylation (P = 0.05). Sex-specific trends between Pb and DNA methylation (P < 0.1) were observed among girls including a 0.23% increase in HSD11B2 methylation with 10 μg/g higher patella Pb.  相似文献   

The combined use of mitochondrial DNA markers and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques has greatly enhanced evolutionary studies. These techniques have also promoted the discovery of mitochondrial-like sequences in the nuclear genomes of many animals. While the nuclear sequences themselves are interesting, and capable of serving as valuable molecular tools, they can also confound phylogenetic and population genetic studies. Clearly, a better understanding of these phenomena and vigilance towards misleading data are needed.  相似文献   

DNA methylation data assayed using pyrosequencing techniques are increasingly being used in human cohort studies to investigate associations between epigenetic modifications at candidate genes and exposures to environmental toxicants and to examine environmentally-induced epigenetic alterations as a mechanism underlying observed toxicant-health outcome associations. For instance, in utero lead (Pb) exposure is a neurodevelopmental toxicant of global concern that has also been linked to altered growth in human epidemiological cohorts; a potential mechanism of this association is through alteration of DNA methylation (e.g., at growth-related genes). However, because the associations between toxicants and DNA methylation might be weak, using appropriate quality control and statistical methods is important to increase reliability and power of such studies. Using a simulation study, we compared potential approaches to estimate toxicant-DNA methylation associations that varied by how methylation data were analyzed (repeated measures vs. averaging all CpG sites) and by method to adjust for batch effects (batch controls vs. random effects). We demonstrate that correcting for batch effects using plate controls yields unbiased associations, and that explicitly modeling the CpG site-specific variances and correlations among CpG sites increases statistical power. Using the recommended approaches, we examined the association between DNA methylation (in LINE-1 and growth related genes IGF2, H19 and HSD11B2) and 3 biomarkers of Pb exposure (Pb concentrations in umbilical cord blood, maternal tibia, and maternal patella), among mother-infant pairs of the Early Life Exposures in Mexico to Environmental Toxicants (ELEMENT) cohort (n = 247). Those with 10 μg/g higher patella Pb had, on average, 0.61% higher IGF2 methylation (P = 0.05). Sex-specific trends between Pb and DNA methylation (P < 0.1) were observed among girls including a 0.23% increase in HSD11B2 methylation with 10 μg/g higher patella Pb.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory posits that adaptation can result when populations harbour heritable phenotypic variation for traits that increase tolerance to local conditions. However, the actual mechanisms that underlie heritable phenotypic variation are not completely understood (Keller 2014 ). Recently, the potential role of epigenetic mechanisms in the process of adaptive evolution has been the subject of much debate (Pigliucci & Finkelman 2014 ). Studies of variation in DNA methylation in particular have shown that natural populations harbour high amounts of epigenetic variation, which can be inherited across generations and can cause heritable trait variation independently of genetic variation (Kilvitis et al. 2014 ). While we have made some progress addressing the importance of epigenetics in ecology and evolution using methylation‐sensitive AFLP (MS‐AFLP), this approach provides relatively few anonymous and dominant markers per individual. MS‐AFLP are difficult to link to functional genomic elements or phenotype and are difficult to compare directly to genetic variation, which has limited the insights drawn from studies of epigenetic variation in natural nonmodel populations (Schrey et al. 2013 ). In this issue, Platt et al. provide an example of a promising approach to address this problem by applying a reduced representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) approach based on next‐generation sequencing methods in an ecological context.  相似文献   

Surface modification methods can optimise the biocompatibility or the specificity of biointeraction of a biosensor or medical device. With only the surface modified, the manufacture and implantation protocol remain unchanged. This review article summarises some of the chemical, surface analytical and biological challenges associated with surface modification of biosensors and biomedical devices.  相似文献   

Appropriate quantification of analytical and biological variation of thermoregulatory sweating has important practical utility for research design and statistical analysis. We sought to examine contributors to variability in local forearm sweating rate (SR) and sweating onset (SO) and to evaluate the potential for using bilateral measurements. Two women and eight men (26 ± 9 yr; 79 ± 12 kg) completed 5 days of heat acclimation and walked (1.8 l/min VO(2)) on three occasions for 30 min in 40°C, 20% RH, while local SR and SO were measured. Local SR measures among days were not different (2.14 ± 0.72 vs. 2.02 ± 0.79 vs. 2.31 ± 0.72 mg·cm(2)·min(-1), P = 0.19) nor was SO (10.47 ± 2.54 vs. 10.04 ± 2.97 vs. 9.87 ± 3.44 min P = 0.82). Bilateral SR (2.14 ± 0.72 vs. 2.16 ± 0.71 mg·cm(2)·min(-1), P = 0.56) and SO (10.47 ± 2.54 vs. 10.83 ± 2.48 min, P = 0.09) were similar and differences were ≤ 1 SD of day-to-day differences for a single forearm. Analytical imprecision (CV(a)), within (CV(i))-, and between (CV(g))-subjects' coefficient of variation for local SR were 2.4%, 22.3%, and 56.4%, respectively, and were 0%, 9.6%, and 41%, respectively, for SO. We conclude: 1) technologically, sweat capsules contribute negligibly to sweat measurement variation; 2) bilateral measures of SR and SO appear interchangeable; 3) when studying potential factors affecting sweating, changes in SO afford a more favorable signal-to-noise ratio vs. changes in SR. These findings provide a quantitative basis for study design and optimization of power/sample size analysis in the evaluation of thermoregulatory sweating.  相似文献   



Environmental impacts of the decommissioning of nuclear power plants are brought into focus by the nuclear phase-out in Germany and a worldwide growing number of decommissioning projects. So far, life cycle assessments of decommissioning nuclear power plants have been conducted very rarely or are based on rather uncertain assumptions. Against this background, environmental impacts of the ongoing decommissioning of the nuclear power plant in Lubmin (KGR), Germany are examined. Methodological aspects like transferability to other decommissioning projects as well as influence of assumptions about the lifespan of a power plant are discussed.


A life cycle assessment of the decommissioning according to ISO 14040/44 is conducted. The decommissioning of one power plant (of the assessed KGR) is chosen as functional unit. The system boundaries include removal and demolition of plant components and buildings as well as decontamination, conditioning, interim storage, and final repository of low-level and interim-level nuclear waste together with disposal and recycling of conventional waste. Interim storage and final repository of high-level nuclear waste such as fuel rods are excluded from the system boundaries as they are assigned to the use phase of the plant. Primary data was obtained from the plant decommissioning firm (Energiewerke Nord GmbH, EWN) in Lubmin. The GaBi database was used to model background processes. Environmental impacts are estimated using the CML2001 methodology.

Results and discussion

Environmental impacts are mainly caused by on-site energetic demands of component removal and peripheral tasks. Further significant impacts are caused by the handling, storage, and final repository of low-level and intermediate-level nuclear waste. Recycling conventional, nonradioactive metallic waste has the potential to unburden the process in a significant scale, depending on recycling rates.


The dismantling of nuclear power plants shows a relevant environmental impact. Regarding the environmental impacts per kilowatt-hour assumptions concerning the plant’ lifespan are a crucial factor. Comparing the result from this study to recent datasets for nuclear power poses the question if LCA datasets represent environmental burdens of nuclear power accurately. The transferability of LCA results to other studies using one parameter for scaling is problematic and needs further research.  相似文献   

The individualization of radiotherapy treatment would be beneficial for cancer patients; however, there are no predictive biomarkers of radiotherapy resistance in routine clinical use. This article describes the body of work in this field where comparative proteomics methods have been used for the discovery of putative biomarkers associated with radiotherapy resistance. A large number of differentially expressed proteins have been reported, mostly from the study of novel radiotherapy-resistant cell lines. Here, we have assessed these putative biomarkers through the discovery, confirmation and validation phases of the biomarker pipeline, and inform the reader on the current status of proteomics-based findings. Suggested avenues for future work are discussed.  相似文献   

1,6-Hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) is extensively used in the automotive repair industry and is a commonly reported cause of occupational asthma in industrialized populations. However, the exact pathological mechanism remains uncertain. Characterization and quantification of biomarkers resulting from HDI exposure can fill important knowledge gaps between exposure, susceptibility, and the rise of immunological reactions and sensitization leading to asthma. Here, we discuss existing challenges in HDI biomarker analysis including the quantification of N-acetyl-1,6-hexamethylene diamine (monoacetyl-HDA) and N,N′-diacetyl-1,6-hexamethylene diamine (diacetyl-HDA) in urine samples based on previously established methods for HDA analysis. In addition, we describe the optimization of reaction conditions for the synthesis of monoacetyl-HDA and diacetyl-HDA, and utilize these standards for the quantification of these metabolites in the urine of three occupationally exposed workers. Diacetyl-HDA was present in untreated urine at 0.015–0.060 μg/l. Using base hydrolysis, the concentration range of monoacetyl-HDA in urine was 0.19–2.2 μg/l, 60-fold higher than in the untreated samples on average. HDA was detected only in one sample after base hydrolysis (0.026 μg/l). In contrast, acid hydrolysis yielded HDA concentrations ranging from 0.36 to 10.1 μg/l in these three samples. These findings demonstrate HDI metabolism via N-acetylation metabolic pathway and protein adduct formation resulting from occupational exposure to HDI.  相似文献   

Biopharmaceuticals are a unique class of medicines due to their extreme structural complexity. The structure of these therapeutic proteins is critically important for their efficacy and safety, and the ability to characterize it at various levels (from sequence to conformation) is critical not only at the quality control stage, but also throughout the discovery and design stages. Biological mass spectrometry (MS) offers a variety of approaches to study structure and behavior of complex protein drugs and has already become a default tool for characterizing the covalent structure of protein therapeutics, including sequence and post-translational modifications. Recently, MS-based methods have also begun enjoying a dramatic growth in popularity as a means to provide information on higher order structure and dynamics of biotechnology products. In particular, hydrogen/deuterium exchange MS and charge state distribution analysis of protein ions in electrospray ionization (ESI) MS offer a convenient way to assess the integrity of protein conformation. Native ESI MS also allows the interactions of protein drugs with their therapeutic targets and other physiological partners to be monitored using simple model systems. MS-based methods are also applied to study pharmacokinetics of biopharmaceutical products, where they begin to rival traditional immunoassays. MS already provides valuable support to all stages of development of biopharmaceuticals, from discovery to post-approval monitoring, and its impact on the field of biopharmaceutical analysis will undoubtedly continue to grow.  相似文献   

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