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Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) autoantibody epitopes are largely restricted to an immunodominant region (IDR) on the extracellular region of the native molecule. Localization of the IDR has been a longstanding and difficult goal. The TPO extracellular region comprises a large myeloperoxidase-like domain, linked to the plasma membrane by two smaller domains with homology to complement control protein (CCP) and epidermal growth factor (EGF), respectively. Recent studies have focused on the CCP- and EGF-like domains as the putative location of the TPO autoantibody IDR. To address this issue, we attempted to express on the surface of transfected cells native TPO in which the CCP- and EGF-like domains were deleted, either together or individually. We used a quartet of human monoclonal autoantibodies that define the TPO IDR, as well as polyclonal TPO autoantibodies in patients' sera, to detect these mutated TPO molecules by flow cytometry. The combined CCP/EGF-like domain deletion did not produce a signal with TPO autoantibodies but did not traffic to the cell surface. In contrast, both monoclonal and polyclonal autoantibodies recognized TPO with the juxtamembrane EGF-like domain deleted equally as well as the wild-type TPO on the cell surface. TPO with the CCP-like domain deleted expressed normally on the cell surface, as determined using the polyclonal mouse antiserum. Nevertheless, this modified TPO molecule was recognized very poorly by both the human monoclonal autoantibodies and the polyclonal autoantibodies in patients' sera. In conclusion, we have clearly excluded the juxtamembrane EGF-like domain as being part of the IDR. In contrast, a component of the CCP-like domain does contribute to the IDR. These data, together with findings from other studies, localize the TPO autoantibody IDR to the junction of the CCP-like domain and the much larger myeloperoxidase-like domain on TPO.  相似文献   

Several EBV-transformed B cell lines (BCL) were obtained from two patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection that secreted IgG class antibodies to the HCV nonstructural Ag c100-3. Two cloned BCL, derived from the same parental line, generated stable cloned lines that secreted up to 20 mg/liter of specific IgG1(kappa). Supernatants from oligoclonal and cloned BCL were also analyzed by immunoblot and all strongly reacted with recombinant polypeptides derived from the putative NS4 region of HCV, c100-3 and 5-1-1 (a 42-amino acid fragment of c100-3), whereas no reaction with the viral nucleoprotein, the NS3 nonstructural protein or the superoxide dismutase moiety of the c100-3 fusion protein could be documented. The fine specificity of these antibodies was also evaluated using overlapping synthetic peptides (20-mers) covering the 5-1-1 sequence. All oligoclonal and clonal IgG displayed high affinity binding to peptides covering residues 120-137 of Chiron's c100-3 sequence at the aminoterminus of 5-1-1. In addition, a minimal B cell epitope, N-VLYREF-C, was defined by human oligoclonal and monoclonal antibodies corresponding to residues 132-137. Interestingly, predominant recognition of the N-terminus of 5-1-1 was also observed in more than 80% of sera from patients with HCV infection. In conclusion, we have successfully produced human B cell cloned lines that secrete abundant quantities of IgG1(kappa)-specific for a polypeptide encoded by the NS4 region of HCV. Such antibodies recognize an immunodominant epitope, relative to this region, located at the N-terminus of the 5-1-1 fragment.  相似文献   

A human monoclonal antibody, 41-7 [immunoglobulin G1(kappa)], directed against the transmembrane glycoprotein gp41 of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has been produced by direct fusion of lymph node cells from an HIV-1-infected individual with a human B-lymphoblastoid cell line. The minimal essential epitope for 41-7 was mapped to a conserved seven-amino acid sequence, N-CSGKLIC-C, located within the N-terminal part of gp41. Antibodies blocking the binding of 41-7 could be detected in the serum of all HIV-1-infected individuals tested, irrespective of the stage of the infection. The epitope is located externally to the plasma membrane, and it is accessible to antibody in the native conformation of the glycoprotein. Despite this, no neutralizing activity of 41-7 could be demonstrated in vitro. These data indicate, directly and indirectly, that this immunodominant epitope on gp41, although exposed on the viral surface, elicits antibodies lacking antiviral activity and, hence, should be avoided in future vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

The nonstructural protein NS3 of hepatitis C virus (HCV) possesses two enzymatic domains which are thought to be essential for the virus life cycle: an N-terminal serine-type proteinase, responsible for the processing of nonstructural polypeptides, and a C-terminal nucleoside triphosphatase/helicase, presumably involved in the unwinding of the viral genome. The human antibody response to NS3 usually appears early in the course of HCV infection and is predominantly directed against the carboxyl-terminal portion; however, its fine specificity and clinical significance are largely unknown. We have generated a human monoclonal antibody (hMAb), designated CM3.B6, from a cloned B-cell line obtained from the peripheral blood of a patient with chronic HCV infection, which selectively recognized the purified NS3 protein expressed in bacteria or in eukaryotic cells transfected with full-length or NS3 cDNA. Fine-specificity studies revealed that CM3.B6 recognized a 92-amino-acid sequence (clone 8, amino acids 1363 to 1454) selected from an NS3 DNase fragment library but failed to bind to 12-mer peptides synthesized from the same region, suggesting recognition of a conformational B-cell epitope. Experiments using deletion mutants of clone 8 and competitive inhibition studies using a panel of NS3 peptide-specific murine MAbs indicated that limited N-terminal and C-terminal deletions resulted in a significant reduction of hMAb binding to clone 8, thus identifying a minimal antibody binding domain within clone 8. Competition experiments showed that binding of CM3.B6 to the NS3 protein was efficiently inhibited by 39 of 44 (89%) sera from HCV-infected patients, suggesting that the hMAb recognized an immunodominant epitope within the NS3 region. More importantly, recognition of the sequence defined by CM3.B6 appeared to accurately discriminate between viremic and nonviremic anti-HCV positive sera, suggesting potentially relevant clinical applications in the diagnosis and treatment of HCV infection.  相似文献   

We describe a monoclonal antibody, WT-31, that reacted with all human T lymphocytes. Electrophoretic analysis of the material reacting with WT-31 revealed that it precipitated predominantly an 80-kD disulfide-linked heterodimer from the cell surface-labeled T leukemic cell line HPB-ALL. This heterodimer was identical to the one precipitated with a recently described monoclonal reagent, T40/25, which recognizes a clonotypic structure on HPB-ALL. The target antigen of WT-31 comodulated with T3 after incubation of T cells with excess anti-T3 antibody, indicating that the WT-31 target antigen is associated with T3. We also found that anti-T3 reagents, but not the clonotypic reagent T40/25, blocked binding of FITC-labeled WT-31 to HPB-ALL cells. This indicates that the T cell receptor epitope recognized by WT-31 is located close to the epitopes recognized by the anti-T3 reagents anti-Leu-4 and SPV-T3b but distal from the clonotypic T40/25 epitope. Functional studies showed that WT-31 reacts similar to anti-T3 antibodies. It is mitogenic for resting T cells, blocks cytolysis mediated by alloantigen-specific CTL clones, and induces antigen-nonspecific cytolysis by CTL clones against Daudi target cells. WT-31 did not inhibit the formation of conjugates, but it blocked cytolysis just before or during the Ca2++-dependent programming for lysis. We conclude that WT-31 is an antibody that recognizes a common determinant on the T cell receptor for antigen. The present results support the notion that the two chains of the T cell receptor (alpha and beta) form a functional protein ensemble with the three invariable T3 polypeptide chains (T3-gamma-, delta-, epsilon).  相似文献   

In this study, we identified a region in the human parvovirus structural protein which involves the neutralization of the virus by a monoclonal antibody and site-specific synthetic peptides. A newly established monoclonal antibody reacted with both viral capsid proteins VP1 and VP2. The epitope was found in six strains of independently isolated human parvovirus B19. The monoclonal antibody could protect colony-forming unit erythroid in human bone marrow cell culture from injury by the virus. The monoclonal antibody reacted with only 1 of 12 peptides that were synthesized according to a predicted amino acid sequence based on nucleotide sequences of the coding region for the structural protein of B19 virus. The sequence recognized by the antibody was a site corresponding to amino acids 328 to 344 from the amino-terminal portion of VP2. This evidence suggests that the epitope of the viral capsid protein is located on the surface of the virus and may be recognized by virus-neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease is a neurodegenerative disease caused by a polyglutamine (polyQ) expansion in Huntingtin, which provokes aggregation of a proteolytic amino-terminal fragment of the affected protein encompassing the polyQ expansion. Accumulation of mutant Huntingtin somehow triggers cellular dysfunction and leads to a progressive degeneration of striatal neurons. Despite considerable efforts, the function of Huntingtin as well as the precise molecular mechanisms by which the expanded polyQ elicits cellular dysfunction remain unclear. In addition, no treatment is available to prevent, cure, or even slow down the progression of this devastating disorder. Antibodies are valuable tools to understand protein function and disease mechanisms. Here, we have identified the epitope recognized by the mAb 2B4, a broadly used antibody generated against the amino-terminal region of Huntingtin, which detects both aggregated and soluble Huntingtin. The 2B4 antibody specifically recognizes amino acids 50-64 of human Huntingtin but not the murine homologous region. Furthermore, the 2B4 epitope resides within the proline-rich region of Huntingtin, which is critical for polyQ aggregation and toxicity. These properties suggest that the 2B4 antibody might be useful in antibody-based therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Our previous study showed that an epitope defined by a monoclonal antibody against human urokinase is located on the 33-Kdalton catalytic domain of the enzyme (Nakamura, M. et al., Cell Struct Funct., 9, 167-179, 1984). The epitope structure was further determined and characterized on one-dimensional SDS-polyacrylamide slab gel maps of CNBr-cleaved polypeptide fragments as well as on their Western blots. A single homogeneous polypeptide with an approximate molecular weight of 3.4-Kdaltons was found to be antigenic. The monoclonal antibody exhibited a stronger inhibition of the enzyme activity than the polyclonal antibodies tested, and cross-reacted with a 65-Kdalton tissue-type plasminogen activator present in Detroit 562 cells. From these results and data made up with the help of a computer comparison of known sequences of urokinase and a tissue-type plasminogen activator, we concluded that the epitope is Cys-Gln-Gly-Asp-Ser-Gly-Gly-Pro-Leu-Val-Cys and contains a catalytically active residue, serine.  相似文献   

A highly cross-reactive monoclonal antibody (MAb), 2G10, was found to react in a conserved region of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase sigma70. The epitope was localized to amino acids 470 to 486, which included part of conserved region 3.1. The epitope for MAb 3D3, a MAb which maps close to the 2G10 epitope, was also determined.  相似文献   

Anti-cytokine autoantibodies have been widely reported to be present in human plasma, both in healthy subjects and in patients with underlying autoimmune conditions, such as autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) or thymic epithelial neoplasms. While often asymptomatic, they can cause or facilitate a wide range of diseases including opportunistic infections. The potential therapeutic value of specific neutralizing anti-cytokine autoantibodies has not been thoroughly investigated. Here we used mammalian cell display to isolate IL17A-specific antibodies from a thymoma patient with proven high-titer autoantibodies against the same. We identified 3 distinct clonotypes that efficiently neutralized IL17A in a cell-based in vitro assay. Their potencies were comparable to those of known neutralizing antibodies, including 2, AIN457 (secukinumab) and ixekizumab that are currently in clinical development for the treatment of various inflammatory disorders. These data clearly demonstrate that the human autoantibody repertoire can be mined for antibodies with high therapeutic potential for clinical development.  相似文献   

Anti-cytokine autoantibodies have been widely reported to be present in human plasma, both in healthy subjects and in patients with underlying autoimmune conditions, such as autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) or thymic epithelial neoplasms. While often asymptomatic, they can cause or facilitate a wide range of diseases including opportunistic infections. The potential therapeutic value of specific neutralizing anti-cytokine autoantibodies has not been thoroughly investigated. Here we used mammalian cell display to isolate IL17A-specific antibodies from a thymoma patient with proven high-titer autoantibodies against the same. We identified 3 distinct clonotypes that efficiently neutralized IL17A in a cell-based in vitro assay. Their potencies were comparable to those of known neutralizing antibodies, including 2, AIN457 (secukinumab) and ixekizumab that are currently in clinical development for the treatment of various inflammatory disorders. These data clearly demonstrate that the human autoantibody repertoire can be mined for antibodies with high therapeutic potential for clinical development.  相似文献   

An immunodominant region on baculovirus-produced parvovirus B19 VP2 capsids was localized between amino acids 259 and 426 by mapping the binding sites of a panel of monoclonal antibodies which recognize determinants on the particles. The binding sites of three monoclonal antibodies were fine-mapped within this antigenic domain. Six VP2-specific monoclonal antibodies recognized determinants common to both the empty capsids and native parvovirus. The defined antigenic region is most probably exposed on the native B19 virion and corresponds to part of the threefold spike on the surface of canine parvovirus particles.  相似文献   

Epitope mapping studies and the determination of the structure to 1.8 A resolution have been carried out for the antigen-binding fragment MR1 in complex with peptide antigen. MR1 is specific for the novel fusion junction of the mutant epidermal growth factor receptor EGFRvIII and has been reported to have a high degree of specificity for the mutant EGFRvIII over the wild-type EGF receptor. The structure of the complex shows that the peptide antigen residue side-chains found by epitope mapping studies to be critical for recognition are accommodated in pockets on the surface of the Fv. However, the most distinctive portion of the peptide antigen, the novel fusion glycine residue, makes no contact to the Fv and does not contribute directly to the epitope. The specificity of MR1 lies in the ability of this glycine residue to assume the restricted conformation needed to form a type II' beta-hairpin turn more easily, and demonstrates that a peptide antigen can be used to generate a conformational epitope.  相似文献   

A systematic approach for the determination of epitope specificities of monoclonal antibodies to a complex antigen system is described. After initial screening to identify antigen-binding monoclonal antibodies, one or more of the clones are isolated by limiting dilution cloning, grown in ascites, and the resulting antibodies secreted into the ascitic fluid are affinity purified on Sepharose-bound protein A, radiolabeled, and cross-compared with antibodies from other clones by a solid-phase competitive immunoassay. In this work, BALB/c mice were immunized with either purified carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) or the CEA-producing cell line HC 84S. Spleen cells were fused with the mouse myeloma cell line Sp2/0-Ag14. The supernatants from 25 hybrids showed a significant binding of 125I-CEA (greater than or equal to 15%). Nine hybrids were cloned, resulting in 33 different clones. The antibodies produced by the different cloned hybrids and the remaining uncloned hybrids recognized a total of five different epitopes on CEA. All of the epitopes reside on the protein moiety of the molecule as determined by antibody binding to deglycosylated CEA. The monoclonal antibodies with five different epitope specificities were reacted with tissue sections of normal and cancerous tissues and with peripheral blood smears. Each of the five monoclonal antibodies reacted with tissue sections from colonic, gastric, lung, and mammary carcinomas, as well as from a benign colonic polyp and a resection margin from a colonic carcinoma. Four monoclonals reacted with normal liver tissue. Granulocytes in peripheral blood smears bound three antibodies strongly and one antibody weakly, and one antibody was not bound. One monoclonal antibody that reacted with normal liver tissue was not bound by granulocytes. The ability of these five monoclonal antibodies to differentially detect three different CEA-related antigens in normal and malignant tissues may have clinical utility.  相似文献   

We detected in human colon extracts a 40 kDa protein(s) that specifically reacts with tissue-bound IgG obtained from the colon of patients with ulcerative colitis or CCA-IgG. Using the hybridoma technology, we developed monoclonal antibodies to this 40 kDa protein. The specific immunoreactivity of one of the monoclonal antibodies (7E12H12, IgM isotype) against the 40 kDa protein was demonstrated both by ELISA and by immunotransblot. Competitive binding experiments showed that CCA-IgG inhibits the binding of 7E12H12 to the 40 kDa protein, suggesting the recognition of common epitope(s) on the 40 kDa protein by the monoclonal antibody and CCA-IgG. 7E12H12 was used to determine cellular localization of the 40 kDa protein. Biopsy tissue specimens from colon, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, liver, pancreas, lungs, kidneys, salivary, and mammary glands were obtained. Tissue specimens were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde or in 10% formalin. Sections were sequentially incubated with the hybridoma supernatant, biotinylated anti-mouse IgM, avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex, and 3,3'-diaminobenzidine. An unrelated hybridoma supernatant was used as control. The monoclonal antibody exclusively recognized colonic epithelial cells both in the crypt and on the luminal surface. Immunoreactivity was present on the plasma membrane chiefly along the basolateral areas of the cells. Plasma membrane localization of the 40 kDa protein was confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy. All colonic mucosal biopsy specimens from both adult and fetal colon reacted with the monoclonal antibody. None of the biopsy specimens from stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, liver, pancreas, or non-gastrointestinal tissue reacted with the antibody, confirming the organ specificity of the 40 kDa protein. The interaction between this colonic epithelial membrane protein and the CCA-IgG may play an important role in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis.  相似文献   

In the present study a unique antibody (NKI-L16) reacting with the alpha-chain of the human leukocyte function-associated Ag-1 (LFA-1) is described, which stimulates homotypic cell-cell interactions in a manner very similar to 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), in contrast to other anti-LFA-1 mAb which inhibit cell aggregation. The induction of aggregate formation of EBV-transformed B cells (JY) and CTL clones by TPA or NKI-L16 is not accompanied by an increase in the expression of LFA-1. Nevertheless, this cluster formation is LFA-1 dependent, inasmuch as anti-LFA-1 antibodies, other than NKI-L16, completely abrogate aggregation. Simultaneous addition of NKI-L16 and TPA did not result in a further increase of the speed of cluster formation, suggesting that a similar pathway is activated. Immunoprecipitation and enzyme digestion studies revealed that NKI-L16 recognizes a unique epitope on the alpha-chain of LFA-1, most likely situated close to the transmembrane segment of the molecule. It is hypothesized that NKI-L16 or TPA can cause the LFA-1 molecule to convert from an inactive to an active configuration, thereby permitting binding of LFA-1 to its natural ligand.  相似文献   

We investigated how the broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibody 2F5 affects the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope glycoprotein as it undergoes receptor-induced conformational changes and show that 2F5 binds both native and fusion-intermediate conformations, suggesting inhibition of a late step in virus entry. We also demonstrate conformational changes in the C heptad of gp41.  相似文献   

A novel sperm-coating antigen from the human seminal vesicles was discovered. We identified a monoclonal antibody MHS-5, recognizing an epitope with characteristics of a forensic semen marker: conservation in all vasectomized or normal semen samples tested (421); absence in all human tissues or biological fluids other than semen; and immunolocalization on the surface of ejaculated sperm. Western blots of ejaculates allowed to liquefy for 5 min demonstrated the MHS-5 epitope to be located on peptides of a wide range of molecular masses from 69 to 8 kDa. After 15 h of semen liquefaction, immunoreaction peptides of higher molecular mass were undetectable in semen, while peptides of lower molecular mass from 8 to 21 kDa retained antigenicity. Three peptides of 10, 11.9, and 13.7 kDa were the most immunoreactive species in semen liquified for 15 h. Using the MHS-5 monoclonal, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed sensitive to 1 ng of seminal protein. This assay showed that the MHS-5 antigen was undetectable in semen of common domestic animals and monkeys but was present in chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan semen. ELISA of homogenates from human organs and reproductive tissues demonstrated the antigen only in samples of seminal vesicles. Epididymal sperm obtained at vasovasostomy lacked the MHS-5 epitope, a fact that, together with immunolocalization on ejaculated sperm, demonstrated that the MHS-5 antigen functions as a "sperm-coating antigen." The MHS-5 monoclonal detected semen in sexual-assault evidence obtained six months previously and in mixtures of semen with vaginal or cervical fluid. Assay systems employing the MHS-5 monoclonal may be useful for identification of semen in sexual-assault casework. The MHS-5 epitope resides on novel seminal vesicle-specific peptides whose functions, aside from sperm coating, are uncharacterized.  相似文献   

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