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杂草是农田生态系统的重要组成部分,农田杂草研究对于提高作物经济产量和保护农田生态系统意义重大。为客观评述农田杂草研究进展,利用CiteSpace软件进行文献的分布分析(年度分布、学科分布、机构与作者分布)和研究热点分析,并从4个方面(农田杂草防除、保护性耕作、农田杂草种子库、农田杂草群落)归纳了研究进展。最后对该研究未来的发展做出展望,以期对未来农田杂草控制的研究提供方向和理论依据。  相似文献   

邬建国 《生态学杂志》1991,2(2):181-186
耗散结构理论与其他热力学概念一起,可以解释生态学中的许多现象。生态系统是耗散系统,用耗散结构理论来分析和讨论生态平衡等问题更为合理、准确。等级系统理论是为理解和研究高度复杂系统而发展起来的系统理论。等级系统理论为研究生态系统的行为和特征提供了客观的、适用的概念构架和实践指南,并为生态系统科学的统一性理论的形成开辟了广阔前景。本文拟就耗散结构理论和等级系统理论的主要内容及其在生态学中的应用作一介绍和讨论。  相似文献   

耗散结构,等级系统理论与生态系统   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
耗散结构理论与其他热力学概念一起,可以解释生态学中的许多现象。生态系统是耗散系统,用耗散结构理论来分析和讨论生态平衡等问题更为合理、准确。等级系统理论是为理解和研究高度复杂系统而发展起来的系统理论。等级系统理论为研究生态系统的行为和特征提供了客观的、适用的概念构架和实践指南,并为生态系统科学的统一性理论的形成开辟了广阔前景。本文拟就耗散结构理论和等级系统理论的主要内容及其在生态学中的应用作一介绍和讨论。  相似文献   

稻麦轮作多年农田杂草对小麦生长及养分平衡的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来苏南农村乡镇工业迅速发展,吸引了大量劳动力,普遍存在“青壮入厂做工,老弱下地种田”的现象,投入农田的劳动量减少,传统的精耕细作被粗放的经营方式所代替,出现种植制度单一、有机肥料减少、化学氮肥激增及农田杂草衍生等问题,导致粮食产量下降,农田生态系统的功能减弱。本文就农田杂草的发生、发展及其对生态系统的影响进行调查分析,以便引起有关方面重视,采取措施消灭杂草,恢复农田生态系统的良性循环。一、试验设置和调查方法  相似文献   

农田杂草生态学与农业生产的关系吴万春,宁洁珍(华南农业大学)农田杂草生态学是研究农田杂草相互间、农田杂草与栽培植物以及与生存环境相互关系的科学。其研究目的在于阐明外界环境条件对农田杂草的形态结构、生理活动、化学成分、遗传特性和地理分布的影响;农田杂草...  相似文献   

施肥等人为管理下农田生态系统生物多样性的变化规律及其保护是生态系统研究的重要内容之一。我们通过镜检法对太湖地区一个长期肥料定点试验稻油轮作田表层(0–15cm)土壤中杂草种子的种类进行了鉴定,分析了长期不同施肥方式对稻油轮作田土壤杂草种子库群落结构及多样性的影响,讨论了杂草种子库多样性与农田生态系统生产力和稳定性的关系。4种施肥方式分别为不施肥(NF)、单施化肥(CF)、化肥配施猪粪(CMF)以及化肥配施秸秆(CSF)。结果表明:无论水稻种植季还是油菜种植季,与长期不施肥、单施化肥及化肥配施猪粪相比,化肥配施秸秆条件下的田间土壤杂草种子库密度均最低,但其总物种数和多样性较高;同时,这种施肥方式下水稻与油菜的年平均产量也较高,而且年际波动小。可见,施肥方式的不同会影响杂草种子库的多样性,而多样性的高低与农作物产量高低及稳定性有着一定的相关关系:即均衡的施肥方式有利于维持土壤杂草种子库多样性,提高农作物产量,并降低产量年际间的波动性。在本文研究的4种施肥方式中,化肥配施秸秆可以作为提高农田生态系统生产力和稳定性并保持生物多样性的农田施肥管理方式。  相似文献   

农田蜘蛛群落结构及其多样性研究   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:24  
张永强 《生态学报》1989,9(2):157-162
本文对南宁地区农田自然蜘蛛群落和旱地狼蛛亚群落结构及其多样性进行了研究。 1.农田区蜘蛛群落有14科、41属、80种。主要成分是食虫瘤胸蛛、拟环纹狼蛛、拟水狼蛛、奇异獾蛛和豹蛛属种类,个体数以食虫瘤胸蛛最多。旱地狼蛛亚群落主要成分是奇异獾蛛和豹蛛属种类。 2.稻田区蜘蛛群落多样性指数以田埂杂草群落最高,早稻田群落最低。多样性、均匀度和种类丰富度时间格局是早、晚稻皆随时间序列增加。平均多样性、均匀度和个体数,晚稻均高于早稻。狼蛛更群落多样性和均匀度以草地最高。 3.应用群落比例相似性和聚类分析表明,拟环纹狼蛛与拟水狼蛛和奇异獾蛛与豹蛛属种类是组成当地农田区的水田和旱地生境具有代表性的两个狼蛛亚群落主要成分。 本文试图揭示农田生态系统中的稻田蜘蛛,在不受化学农药干扰下群落结构及其多样性变化,并以狼蛛亚群落为代表,比较农田区内不同生境的群落结构及多样性与生境生态特征的关系,为害虫防治和动物资源的利用提供参考。  相似文献   

农业生态系统杂草多样性保持的生态学功能   总被引:39,自引:3,他引:39  
杂草是农业生态系统中的重要生物组成部分 ,也是影响农林作物生长和导致产量下降的重要因素之一。过去人们一直努力将杂草从农业生态系统地中清除出去 ,对杂草的研究往往也更多地注重其危害性和防治途径。近年来保护农业生产区域中杂草等野生植物的多样性以及发挥其在维持生态平衡中的作用逐渐为人们所重视[1~4] 1) ,2 ) 。本文对国内外有关农业生态系统中杂草多样性保护及其生态学功能的研究报道作一简要概述 ,以供参考。1 农业生态系统杂草多样性保护早在 1 982年Hibig提出不使用除草剂、不铲除杂草等办法保持农田周围、草地、园林…  相似文献   

珠江三角洲高畦深沟农田生态系统的结构及功能研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
前言自然和社会经济条件不同,农田生态系统的类型也不同。研究农田生态系统的结构与功能,可了解特定系统对当地环境条件的适应性。近年来,国内外很多学者,都从能流物流和经济效益方面对各类型结构农田生态系统结构与功能作了研究。高畦深沟结构农田生态系统,是珠江三角洲平原区人民为在当地地下水位较高的条件下,进行旱作而发展的一种农田生态系统类型。它的特点是,以一定的比例挖深沟,利用挖沟的泥土起高畦,沟中长期保持有水层,畦面进行旱作,沟里进行种植、养殖或其它利用,结构多年不变,是一种相对稳定的农田生态系统。  相似文献   

黑河中游绿洲不同开垦年限农田土壤线虫群落特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对不同开垦年限绿洲农田土壤线虫群落结构特征进行研究,探讨以土壤线虫作为指示生物来评价农作年限对绿洲土壤生态系统结构的影响.共捕获线虫27921条,属25科34属.土壤中的线虫总数随农田开垦年限的增长而增加,食细菌线虫和植物寄生线虫数量在不同开垦年限农田中均占优势,对线虫总数起决定作用,构成了绿洲农田土壤线虫群落的主体;对均匀度指数(J)和优势度指数(λ)进行分析表明,0、10年和老绿洲农田(>50年)线虫群落结构单一,生态系统处于不稳定状态;成熟度指数(MI2-5)和总成熟度指数(MMI)随农田开垦时间的延长而降低.随着农作年限的增加,人为耕作活动对农田土壤生态系统的扰动呈增强趋势,系统结构在时间序列上可分为两个阶段,荒漠土壤开垦10年后土壤性状发生显著变化,是土壤生态系统结构稳定性发生变化的关键时期.土壤线虫群落能够指示由于开垦年限.不同所引起的绿洲农田土壤生态系统的变化.  相似文献   

Pest control is one of the areas in which population dynamic theory has been successfully applied to solve practical problems. However, the links between population dynamic theory and model construction have been less emphasized in the management and control of weed populations. Most management models of weed population dynamics have emphasized the role of the endogenous process, but the role of exogenous variables such as climate have been ignored in the study of weed populations and their management. Here, we use long-term data (22 years) on two annual weed species from a locality in Central Spain to determine the importance of endogenous and exogenous processes (local and large-scale climate factors). Our modeling study determined two different feedback structures and climate effects in the two weed species analyzed. While Descurainia sophia exhibited a second-order feedback and low climate influence, Veronica hederifolia was characterized by a first-order feedback structure and important effects from temperature and rainfall. Our results strongly suggest the importance of theoretical population dynamics in understanding plant population systems. Moreover, the use of this approach, discerning between the effect of exogenous and endogenous factors, can be fundamental to applying weed management practices in agricultural systems and to controlling invasive weedy species. This is a radical change from most approaches currently used to guide weed and invasive weedy species managements.  相似文献   

Abstract   Exotic weeds pose a problem of considerable economic and environmental importance to Australia. As a consequence, Australia has developed into a leading centre of research on weed biological control, with over 60 weeds the targets of past and current projects. Using primarily entomological examples, this review highlights the contributions made by Australian scientists to the development of theory and the improvement of practice in weed biological control. It also shows how biological control practitioners have made use of, and contributed to, broader theory and knowledge of plant-herbivore relationships. Finally, it concludes with some reflections on the future direction of biological control in Australia.  相似文献   

Anthropology should deal with man holistically, but has failed to do so. The field is unfortunately split between mentalistic and materialistic schools and has not developed a theory to cope with the complexity of large contemporary societies. Energy similarly has been little studied by anthropology because there has been no theory sufficient for the purpose. The thermodynamics of structures far from equilibrium and the dissipative structure model of Ilya Prigogine offer a method for both studying energy in society and dealing with society as a whole. Anthropologists are urged to pursue study of this area because it is critical for an understanding of human destiny . [energy, holism, materialism-mentalism, dissipative structures, complex societies]  相似文献   

The interaction between the spatial distribution of weed richness and weed cover and the spatial location of harvester ant nets was investigated in cereal fields. The understanding of such interdependencies can be relevant to understand weed population dynamics in dryland cereal fields and may enhance management strategies for weed control. We used spatial statistical tools derived from point process theory. In particular, we compared the two spatial configurations by assuming two different point patterns. We did so by replacing the random weed fields by a related point pattern and comparing it with the point pattern of harvester ants. Our results suggest that areas with a high density of ant nests are, in this case study, in areas with low weed richness and that large nests have a greater impact than small nests. Considering that only one field was analysed, preserving and enhancing regular ant nest distributions, especially of large nests, might have an impact on depleting weeds and consequently enhancing weed control.  相似文献   

Nature in cities is concentrated in urban green spaces, which are key areas for urban biodiversity and also important areas to connect people with nature. To conserve urban biodiversity within these natural refugia, habitat restoration such as weed control and revegetation is often implemented. These actions are expected to benefit biodiversity, although species known to be affected by urbanization may not be interacting with restoration in the ways we anticipate. In this study, we use a case study to explore how urban restoration activities impact different bird species. Birds were grouped into urban sensitivity categories and species abundance, and richness was then calculated using a hierarchical species community model for individual species responses, with “urban class” used as the hierarchical parameter. We highlight variable responses of birds to revegetation and weed control based on their level of urban sensitivity. Revegetation of open grassy areas delivers significant bird conservation outcomes, but the effects of weed control are neutral or in some cases negative. Specifically, the species most reliant on remnant vegetation in cities seem to remain stable or decline in abundance in areas with weed control, which we suspect is the result of a simplification of the understorey. The literature reports mixed benefits of weed control between taxa and between locations. We recommend, in our case study site, that weed control be implemented in concert with replanting of native vegetation to provide the understory structure preferred by urban sensitive birds. Understanding the impacts of revegetation and weed control on different bird species is important information for practitioners to make restoration decisions about the allocation of funds for conservation action. This new knowledge can be used both for threatened species and invasive species management.  相似文献   

2000~2003年连续4年研究了稻鸭共作条件下田间杂草群落的特征及其动态变化规律。结果表明,在长期稻鸭共作条件下,田间杂草密度逐年降低,下降趋势符合阻滞模型y=k+a·ebx,模型参数b反映了杂草种群的下降速率。在稻田6种主要杂草中,水虱草(Fimbristylis miliaceae)、陌上菜(Lindernia procumbens)、丁香蓼(Ludwigia prostrata)种群数量降低较快,鸭舌草(Monochoria vaginalis)、异型莎草(Cyperus difformis)次之,稗(Echinochloa crusgalli)最慢。稻鸭共作使稻田杂草群落的物种多样性持续降低,群落均匀度提高,群落相似性与稻鸭共作前相比逐年降低。说明稻鸭共作改变了田间杂草的群落结构,有利于限制杂草的发生危害。随着稻鸭共作的连年进行,对田间杂草的控制效果逐渐上升,4年后达99%以上。稻鸭共作是稻田替代化学除草的一种非常有效的生物、生态控草措施,具有显著的经济和生态效益。  相似文献   

【背景】转基因抗除草剂水稻种植将导致连年连续使用单一目标除草剂,势必会影响杂草群落结构的变化,但其变化规律至今还不十分明确。【方法】于2011~2013年,连续3年在直播种植抗草铵膦转基因Bar68-1水稻田中,使用灭生性除草剂草铵膦,持续观察期间杂草群落结构变化,并与常规选择性除草剂丙草胺—苄嘧磺隆(丙·苄)的应用情况进行对比,以揭示由于种植转基因抗除草剂水稻而使用单一除草剂对稻田杂草群落结构的影响。【结果】草铵膦和丙·苄连续使用后,杂草的物种丰富度和总杂草密度均逐年显著降低。随草铵膦使用年限增加,控草效果持续提高并达到优良水平,而常规选择性除草剂丙·苄的长期使用,致使多年生杂草双穗雀稗演替为群落的优势种,杂草密度呈逐年增加的趋势,导致生物多样性指数显著降低。【结论与意义】抗除草剂转基因水稻种植,在抗性杂草演化之前,不会因单一灭生性除草剂的应用而导致杂草群落迅速朝不良方向演替。长期的群落演替还需要进一步研究观察。  相似文献   

Heart‐podded hoary cress, Lepidium draba L. ssp. draba (Brassicaceae) is a noxious invasive weed in the USA. At present, efficient biological control of this Eurasian native weed in the USA is hampered by lack of knowledge of its population genetic structure and colonization process. Here, we describe the development of 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers that also reveal the polyploidy of this weed. Successful cross‐species amplification highlights the possibility of using these markers for genetic studies in other closely related species.  相似文献   

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