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Putrescine transport was examined in normal and cystic fibrosis fibroblasts. No differences were observed in accumulation pattern, kinetics of uptake, or efflux between CF and normal cells. In both growing and growth-arrested CF and normal fibroblasts, exogenously supplied putrescine remained unchanged for at least 60 min. Some differences were observed in the response of CF and normal cells to environmental (media) changes.This research was supported by a grant from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and by a grant from the National Institutes of Health, Training Grant (GM01316 11 GNC).  相似文献   

Summary Apical membrane vesicles from human term placenta were isolated using a magnesium precipitation technique, and the purity of the vesicles was assessed morphologically using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and biochemically, using marker enzymes. The vesicles were found to be morphologically intact and significantly enriched in enzymes associated with apical membranes. 36Cl uptake into these vesicles was studied in the presence of an outwardly directed Cl gradient. This uptake was found to be time dependent, with an initial rapid uptake tending to peak between 10 and 20 min and thereafter decline. Uptake was found to be voltage dependent since 5 m valinomycin caused a decrease in uptake. The effects of N-phenylanthranilic acid (NPA) and 4,4-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulphonic acid (DIDS) and bumetanide on the initial rate of Cl were examined in the presence and absence of 5 m valinomycin. NPA and DIDS inhibited isotope uptake strongly with IC50 values of 0.83±0.35 m and 3.43±0.37 m, respectively, in the absence of valinomycin. Although valinomycin reduced 36Cl uptake by about 80% when added before the isotope, DIDS reduced the uptake which remained in a concentration-dependent fashion with an IC50 of 5.6±2.1 m. Under these conditions, NPA was without effect at concentrations below 100 m. Bumetanide was without effect at the concentrations used in the absence of valinomycin. However, following valinomycin pretreatment, bumetanide reduced 36Cl uptake significantly at 100 m concentration. Vesicle diameter, as assessed by flow cytometry, did not change under the conditions employed.The effects of some fatty acids were also investigated. Arachidonic acid and linoleic acid inhibited Cl uptake with IC50 values of 37.6±14.9 m and 4.59±0.51 m, respectively. Arachidonyl alcohol and elaidic acid were found to be without effect. These studies show that human placental brush border membrane vesicles possess a chloride conductance channel, the activity of which can be measured in the presence of an outwardly directed Cl gradient and this channel is sensitive to Cl channel inhibitors, especially N-phenylanthranilic acid, and can be inhibited by unsaturated fatty acids such as arachidonic acid and linoleic acid.This work was supported in part by the Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland and Eolas, The Irish Science and Technology Agency. The technical assistance of Mr. Cormac O' Connell in the preparation of the electron micrographs and of Mr. Roddy Monks in the flow cytometric analysis is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

The CLCA family of proteins consists of a growing number of structurally and functionally diverse members with distinct expression patterns in different tissues. Several CLCA homologs have been implicated in diseases with secretory dysfunctions in the respiratory and intestinal tracts. Here we present biochemical protein characterization and details on the cellular and subcellular expression pattern of the murine mCLCA6 using specific antibodies directed against the amino- and carboxy-terminal cleavage products of mCLCA6. Computational and biochemical characterizations revealed protein processing and structural elements shared with hCLCA2 including anchorage in the apical cell membrane by a transmembrane domain in the carboxy-terminal subunit. A systematic light- and electron-microscopic immunolocalization found mCLCA6 to be associated with the microvilli of non-goblet cell enterocytes in the murine small and large intestine but in no other tissues. The expression pattern was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR following laser-capture microdissection of relevant tissues. Confocal laser scanning microscopy colocalized the mCLCA6 protein with the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator CFTR at the apical surface of colonic crypt cells. Together with previously published functional data, the results support a direct or indirect role of mCLCA6 in transepithelial anion conductance in the mouse intestine.  相似文献   

A possible role for protein kinases in the regulation of GABA exocytosis in nerve endings was investigated. The effect on the release of the radioactive neurotransmitter ([3H]GABA) from mouse brain synaptosomes of several protein kinase inhibitors was estimated after treatment with 37 mM K+ in the absence of external Na+, a condition under which [3H]GABA release is completely Ca2+ dependent. Among the inhibitors one group inhibit the kinases by binding to the catalytic site (i.e. staurosporine and H7) and others (TFP, sphingosine and W7) act on the regulatory site of protein kinases. The compounds of the second group, which are reported to inhibit calmodulin dependent events and the increase in cytosolic Ca2+ (Ca i ) induced by high K+ depolarization, were the most efficient inhibitors of [3H]GABA release. The selective inhibitor of CaMPK II, KN-62, also markedly diminished [3H]GABA release as well as the increase in Ca i induced by high K+. The kinase inhibitors from the first group that are unable to diminish the increase in Ca i induced by high K+ were also less efficient inhibitors of [3H]GABA release even at high concentrations. The present results indicate that at the doses tested all the drugs inhibit to some extent the release of the Ca2+ dependent fraction of [3H]GABA perhaps by inhibiting a CaMPK II mediated phosphorylation step triggered by depolarization and facilitated by the elevation of Ca i . In addition, the second group of antagonists and KN-62 inhibit the elevation of Ca i to high K+ thus exhibiting a higher efficiency on [3H]GABA release than the first group of antagonists.  相似文献   

Chloride channels and non-selective cation channels in the apical membranes of cultured nasal epithelial cells from three cystic fibrosis patients were investigated with the patch-clamp techinique. Outwardly rectifying chloride channels were found in 31% of the inside-out patches, but activity of this channel was never observed in cell-attached patches, even after stimulation with adrenaline. In 30% of the patches with chloride channels, activation occurred immediately after excision. Most of the channels, however, activated only after a membrane depolarization of +40 to +120 mV. Once activated, the chloride channels were indistinguishable from thsoe in nasal epithelial cells of control patients. Amiloride-insensitive, calcium- and voltage-dependent, non-selective cation channels were present in 11% of the cell-attached and 43% of the cell-free patches and could not be distinguished from those in controls. The cystic fibrosis chloride channel defect is conserved in cultured nasal epithelial cells, while a non-selective cation channel is apparently not affected.  相似文献   

Chronic respiratory infections in cystic fibrosis result from CFTR channel mutations but how these impair antibacterial defense is less clear. Airway host defense depends on lactoperoxidase (LPO) that requires thiocyanate (SCN-) to function and epithelia use CFTR to concentrate SCN- at the apical surface. To test whether CFTR mutations result in impaired LPO-mediated host defense, CF epithelial SCN- transport was measured. CF epithelia had significantly lower transport rates and did not accumulate SCN- in the apical compartment. The lower CF [SCN-] did not support LPO antibacterial activity. Modeling of airway LPO activity suggested that reduced transport impairs LPO-mediated defense and cannot be compensated by LPO or H2O2 upregulation.  相似文献   

CFTR型氯离子通道研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭晓强 《生命科学》2007,19(2):189-193
囊性纤维化跨膜传导调节因子(CFTR)是一种重要的氯离子通道,突变易引起囊性纤维化病变,故得名。一系列研究表明,CFTR由5个结构域组成:两个跨膜结构域形成氯离子通道;两个核苷酸结合结构域调节通道的开闭;一个调节结构域主要影响氯通道的活动。这些结构域通过协同作用共同控制了氯离子的跨膜流动,而一些突变可以影响细胞功能而导致囊性纤维化的发生。本文通过介绍CFTR基本结构、调节机制、与囊性纤维化病变的关系及针对CFTR的治疗而对CFTR型氯离子通道有一个的全面的理解。  相似文献   

Two hypotheses have been proposed recently that offer different views on the role of airway surface liquid (ASL) in lung defense. The "compositional" hypothesis predicts that ASL [NaCl] is kept low (<50 mM) by passive forces to permit antimicrobial factors to act as a chemical defense. The "volume" hypothesis predicts that ASL volume (height) is regulated isotonically by active ion transport to maintain efficient mechanical mucus clearance as the primary form of lung defense. To compare these hypotheses, we searched for roles for: (1) passive forces (surface tension, ciliary tip capillarity, Donnan, and nonionic osmolytes) in the regulation of ASL composition; and (2) active ion transport in ASL volume regulation. In primary human tracheobronchial cultures, we found no evidence that a low [NaCl] ASL could be produced by passive forces, or that nonionic osmolytes contributed substantially to ASL osmolality. Instead, we found that active ion transport regulated ASL volume (height), and that feedback existed between the ASL and airway epithelia to govern the rate of ion transport and volume absorption. The mucus layer acted as a "reservoir" to buffer periciliary liquid layer height (7 microm) at a level optimal for mucus transport by donating or accepting liquid to or from the periciliary liquid layer, respectively. These data favor the active ion transport/volume model hypothesis to describe ASL physiology.  相似文献   

Using an 125I efflux assay, we have studied the expression of various types of chloride channels in isolated neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. Three different classes of anion conductances were distinguished: (1) a Cal2+-sensitive Cl conductance, triggered upon stimulation of the cells with endothelin-1 or Ca2+-ionophore; (2) a CAMP/protein kinase A-operated Cl conductance, activated by addition of forskolin. This anion channel could be identified as the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator (CFTR-CI channel) by Western blotting as well as by its enhanced activity in cultures pretreated with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein; (3) a distinct class of cell volume-regulated Cl channels, potentiated in the presence of endothelin-1 or the phosphotyrosine phosphatase inhibitor pervanadate. The potential role of each class of Cl channels in the generation and/or modulation of action potentials as well as in maintaining cell volume is discussed.  相似文献   

Chloride channels and cystic fibrosis of the pancreas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cystic fibrosis (CF) affects approximately 1 in 2000 people making it one of the commonest fatal, inherited diseases in the Caucasian population. CF is caused by mutations in a cyclic AMP-regulated chloride channel known as CFTR, which is found on the apical plasma membrane of many exocrine epithelial cells. In the CF pancreas, dysfunction of the CFTR reduces the secretory activity of the tubular duct cells, which leads to blockage of the ductal system and eventual fibrosis of the whole gland. One possible approach to treating the disease would be to activate an alternative chloride channel capable of bypassing defective CFTR. A strong candidate for this is a chloride channel regulated by intracellular calcium, which has recently been shown to protect the pancreas in transgenic CF mice. Pharmacological intervention directed at activating this calcium-activated Cl conductance might provide a possible therapy to treat the problems of pancreatic dysfunction in CF.  相似文献   

Defective chloride transport in epithelial cells increases mucus viscosity and leads to recurrent infections with high oxidative stress in patients with CF (cystic fibrosis). NAC (N‐acetylcysteine) is a well known mucolytic and antioxidant drug, and an indirect precursor of glutathione. Since GSNO (S‐nitrosoglutathione) previously has been shown to be able to promote Cl? efflux from CF airway epithelial cells, it was investigated whether NAC also could stimulate Cl? efflux from CF and non‐CF epithelial cells and through which mechanisms. CFBE (CF bronchial epithelial cells) and normal bronchial epithelial cells (16HBE) were treated with 1 mM, 5 mM, 10 mM or 15 mM NAC for 4 h at 37°C. The effect of NAC on Cl? transport was measured by Cl? efflux measurements and by X‐ray microanalysis. Cl? efflux from CFBE cells was stimulated by NAC in a dose‐dependent manner, with 10 mM NAC causing a significant increase in Cl? efflux with nearly 80% in CFBE cells. The intracellular Cl? concentration in CFBE cells was significantly decreased up to 60% after 4 h treatment with 10 mM NAC. Moreover immunocytochemistry and Western blot experiments revealed expression of CFTR channel on CFBE cells after treatment with 10 mM NAC. The stimulation of Cl? efflux by NAC in CF airway epithelial cells may improve hydration of the mucus and thereby be beneficial for CF patients.  相似文献   

Plasma Cr concentrations have been studied in normal children aged 0–14 yr. Levels ranged from 0.65 to 0.88 μg/1 and did not change with age. Plasma concentrations of CF patients given 0.5–0.75 μg Cr/kg/d in addition to their diet were similar to normal values. There was no correlation between these plasma values and growth retardation.  相似文献   

When excised inside-out membrane patches are bathed in symmetrical Cl--rich solutions, the current-voltage (I-V) relationship of macroscopic cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl- currents inwardly rectifies at large positive voltages. To investigate the mechanism of inward rectification, we studied CFTR Cl- channels in excised inside-out membrane patches from cells expressing wild-type human and murine CFTR using voltage-ramp and -step protocols. Using a voltage-ramp protocol, the magnitude of human CFTR Cl- current at +100 mV was 74 +/- 2% (n = 10) of that at -100 mV. This rectification of macroscopic CFTR Cl- current was reproduced in full by ensemble currents generated by averaging single-channel currents elicited by an identical voltage-ramp protocol. However, using a voltage-step protocol the single-channel current amplitude (i) of human CFTR at +100 mV was 88 +/- 2% (n = 10) of that at -100 mV. Based on these data, we hypothesized that voltage might alter the gating behavior of human CFTR. Using linear three-state kinetic schemes, we demonstrated that voltage has marked effects on channel gating. Membrane depolarization decreased both the duration of bursts and the interburst interval, but increased the duration of gaps within bursts. However, because the voltage dependencies of the different rate constants were in opposite directions, voltage was without large effect on the open probability (Po) of human CFTR. In contrast, the Po of murine CFTR was decreased markedly at positive voltages, suggesting that the rectification of murine CFTR is stronger than that of human CFTR. We conclude that inward rectification of CFTR is caused by a reduction in i and changes in gating kinetics. We suggest that inward rectification is an intrinsic property of the CFTR Cl- channel and not the result of pore block.  相似文献   

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