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The metabolic fate of [8-14C]benzyladenine applied to the excised organs of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Heinz 1370) was investigated after 2 and 6 h of feeding. Although the roots were the most effective at uptake of the cytokinin the leaves metabolised it the most efficiently. The predominant metabolite in all of the tissues was an unknown compound which did not have a retention time corresponding with any of the standards used. The roots contained the most extensive range of metabolites which included the unknown metabolite and compounds co-eluting with adenine, and the riboside, nucleotide and 9-glucoside of benzyladenine. The 9-glucoside was detected only in the root material. The stem yielded the highest levels of radioactivity at the retention times of benzyladenosine-5-monophosphate and benzyladenosine. The radioactivity associated with these two cytokinins was transient in the leaf extract. This organ ultimately yielded radioactivity only at the retention times of the unknown metabolite and adenine. Since only the roots and leaves contained relatively large peaks of radioactivity at the elution volume of adenine it seems that degradative metabolism was more predominant in these organs than in the stem.Abbreviations Ade adenine - Ado adenosine - BA benzyladenine - BAR benzyladenosine - BA3G 3-glucosylbenzyladenine - BA9G 9-glucosylbenzyladenine - BARMP benzyladenosine monophosphate - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - MS mass spectrometry  相似文献   

DNA sequencing of a tomato ripening-related cDNA, TOM 92, revealed an open reading frame with homology to several pyridoxal 5-phosphate histidine decarboxylases, containing the conserved amino acid residues known to bind pyridoxal phosphate and -fluoromethylhistidine, an inhibitor of enzyme activity. TOM 92 mRNA accumulated during early fruit ripening and then declined. Fruit of the ripeningimpaired tomato mutant, ripening inhibitor (rin), did not accumulate TOM 92 mRNA, and its accumulation was not restored by treatment of fruit with ethylene. The TOM 92 mRNA was not detected in tomato leaves and unripe fruit.  相似文献   

The persistence of gibberellin A3 on plant surfaces was examined using fruit of Marsh seedless grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) and an inert glass model system. 14C-gibberellin A3 was applied to surfaces in aqueous treatment solutions or in waxing solutions. Dried-out treatment residues were removed by washing and analyzed for total and GA3-like radioactivity. Gibberellin A3 persisted without significant loss for at least 7 d in aqueous treatment solutions (pH 4.0 or 6.2) but was less persistent in the pH 10.4 waxing solution (t1/2=7 d).Loss of total peel surface radioactivity was fast during the first 3 days, slowing down afterwards. After 14 days 73% of the initial radioactivity could still be recovered from fruit peel surface and 70% of the recovered radioactivity was still in the form of gibberellin A3. Gibberellin A3 was somewhat more persistent in residues from pH 4 than pH 7 treatment solutions. Light had a slight enhancing effect on gibberellin A3 decomposition on fruit peel under growth chamber conditions. After 12 d at 100% relative humidity, 88% of the radioactivity on glass surfaces was still in the form of gibberellin A3, as against 45% at a relative humidity of 50%. Simulated field conditions, combining daily fluctuations in light, temperature and relative humidity, markedly enhanced gibberellin A3 decomposition on glass surfaces (t1/2=2 d). Gibberellin A3 was very persistent (90% after 9 d) in the waxing residues on fruit peel surface.Abbreviations GA3 gibberellin A3 - RH relative humidity  相似文献   

The metabolism of GA29 in maturing seeds of Pisum sativum cv. Progress No. 9 was further investigated, and the utility of 2H-labelled GAs in conjuction with GC-MS is illustrated. Using [2-2H1]GA29 as an internal standard, endogenous GA29 was shown to reach a maximal level (ca. 10 g/seed) 27 days from anthesis, and to decline to ca. 1.6 g/seed in mature seeds. In a time-course feed the metabolism of [2-2H1] [2-3H1]GA29 applied to 27 day old seeds, and of endogenous GA29, was compared from the 1H:2H ratios in the recovered GA29. Although both [2-2H1] [2-3H1]GA29 and endogenous GA29 were metabolised to the same limited extent to a putative conjugate, in the main metabolic process endogenous GA29 was preferentially converted to an untraceable (i.e. unlabelled) metabolite. In contrast, endogenous GA29 and [1,3-2H2] [1,3-3H2]GA29, derived from [1,3-2H2] [1,3-3H2]GA20 in a time-course feed, were metabolised in an identical manner. In the latter case isotope loss precluded identification of the metabolite. The structure (8) has been assigned to a GA catabolite present in maturing seeds and seedlings of pea. The isotope data are consistent with this compound being the hitherto untraced metabolite of GA29 in pea.Abbreviations GAn gibberellin An - GC gas chromatography - GC-MS combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - GC-RC combined gas chromatography-radio counting - M+ molecular ion - Me methyl ester - RT retention time - SICM selected ion current monitoring - TLC thin layer chromatography - TMS trimethylsilyl ether  相似文献   

The metabolism of GA29 during seed maturation in Pisum sativum cv. Progress No. 9 was further investigated. [17-13C1]GA29 was metabolised to a GA-catabolite (structure 3), with incorporation of the [13C] label from the GA29 substrate into the GA-catabolite being demonstrated by GC-MS. Quantitation of the GA-catabolite using GC-MS was achieved by adding GA-catabolite, labelled with [18O], to seed extracts as an internal standard. At least 50% conversion of [13C1]GA29 to [13C1]GA-catabolite was demonstrated with the build up of exogenous [13C1]GA-catabolite strictly paralleling the accumulation of native GA-catabolite. These results strongly suggest that conversion of GA29 to the GA-catabolite is a natural metabolic step occurring during the final stages of seed maturation. 25 g per seed of native GA-catabolite was recorded in 37 day old seeds. Some problems encountered in the analysis of extracts containing the GA-catabolite are discussed briefly.Abbreviations BSTFA bis(trifluoromethylsilyl)acetamide - GAn gibberellin An - GC gas chromatography - GC-MS combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - Me methyl ester - SICM selected ion current monitoring - TMSi trimethylsilyl ether  相似文献   

Locular pressure was monitored during ripening of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruit and the anatomy of the endocarp surface examined using scanning electron microscopy. The manometric pressure of the locule tissue increased from 0 in mature-green fruit to 10 to 50 Pa at the turning or pink stages, and then subsided in ripe fruit. Nonclimacteric fruit containing the ripening inhibitor (rin) mutation showed a similar pattern of internal pressure accumulation during senescence. Build-up of locular tissue pressure occurred in fruit ripening, on or off the plant, as well as in fruit with different susceptibility to cuticle cracking. Apertures ranging from 18-31 μm in width and 33-41 μm in length, with densities ranging from 6.7 to 47.9 apertures · mm−2 were observed in the endocarp of mature-green fruit. These apertures were progressively occluded during early ripening and were absent in late ripening fruit. Aperture occlusion might result in reduced gas exchange between the locule and external fruit atmosphere, resulting in modification of the locular gas composition.  相似文献   

Summary Physiological causes of the small fruit problem which occurs in certain trees of orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. Valencia] were investigated in terms of water relations and gas exchange of fruits during early fruit development as well as tree carbohydrate reserves. These data from cv. Valencia trees with and without a small fruit potential were compared with those of the large fruited cv. Navel. Neither fruit water potential nor fruit transpiration nor tree carbohydrate reserves appeared to be a cause of the small fruit. Yield records showed the small fruit to be assocaited with a large number of fruit per tree. However, fruits from cv. Valencia trees with a small fruit potential respired faster than either fruits of the same cultivar and size from trees without the physiological disorder or fruits of the same size of cv. Navel and also exceeded the dark respiration of the respective leaves. Hence, the small fruit problem in cv. Valencia was partly attributed to inefficient fruit photosynthesis, causing excessive respiration of each of a larger number of fruits compared to fruits of a tree of the same cultivar but without the physiological disorder. Fruits of cv. Valencia respired more in their 2 months longer lifetime on the tree relative to those of cv. Navel. It is concluded that orchard management methods will have to be investigated to balance the fruit load of the cv. Valencia tree utilizing the carbon available for fruit growth and to minimise stress during the early fruit development.  相似文献   

Twelve cDNAs corresponding to mRNAs inducible by ethylene were isolated by differential screening of a cDNA library from ethylene-treated Citrus sinensis fruits. Northern analysis of RNA extracted from flavedo of ethylene-treated fruits and from fruits at different maturation stages showed that some of the mRNAs corresponding to these cDNAs were regulated both by ethylene treatment and during fruit maturation. The effect of exogenous ethylene on leaves and of endogenous ethylene on flowers showed that gene induction was not restricted to the flavedo tissue. The possible role of ethylene during maturation of the non-climacteric Citrus fruit is discussed.  相似文献   

Subcellular fractions from germinated barley embryos, chloroplast preparations and whole germinating barley grains are able to carry out the conversions ent-kaurenol → ent-kaurenal → ent-kaurenoic acid → ent-hydroxykaurenoic acid, the initial steps of the biosynthetic pathway to gibberellins. Whole grains, and chloroplasts to a slight extent, incorporate radioactivity from ent-kaurenol-[17-14C] and ent-kaurenoic acid-[17-14C] into materials with similar but distinct properties from the gibberellins GA1, GA3, GA4 and GA7.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of genotype and explant orientation on shoot regeneration from cotyledonary explants of tomato were studied using 10 commercially important cultivars. The explant orientation affected shoot regeneration in all the tested genotypes. Cotyledons placed in abaxial (lower surface facing down) orientation consistently produced better shoot regenerative response and produced greater numbers and taller shoots compared to those inoculated in adaxial (upper surface facing down) orientation. Genotypic variation in terms of shoot regeneration response, number of shoots, and shoot height was apparent. Wounding of cotyledonary explants increased shoot regeneration response. However, shoot height was much lower in shoots regenerated from wounded explants compared to those that originated from intact cotyledons. Shoots produced from wounded cotyledons were abnormal in their form and structure.  相似文献   

Summary Theparthenocarpic fruit (pat) allele causes a complex syndrome affecting different aspects of tomato reproductive development. This mutation affects stamen (reduced length and carpelloidy), ovule (arrested integument growth and unviability), and ovary (autonomous growth, i.e., parthenocarpy) development;pat mutant plants therefore have reduced male and female fertility. We studied the phenotypic expression patterns of thepat gene after treatments with gibberellic acid (GA3) and under different growth seasons (late spring and autumn) and genetic backgrounds (backcross [BC] population after interspecific cross). GA3 treatments were only effective in restoring carpelloid anthers to the wild-type phenotype. Compared to late spring, mutant plants grown in autumn had a lower frequency of carpelloid anthers and aberrant ovules and a higher seed set. Inflorescence position also affected thepat expression; upper inflorescences had low frequency of short anthers and aberrant ovules and an increased tendency to set seeds,pat expressivity was more variable in BC1 plants segregating after interspecific cross withLycopersicon pennellii than in the originalL. esculentum line. Therefore, a role for minor genes that modify the quantitative expression of thepat mutation is postulated and discussed.Abbreviations ANOVA analysis of variance - BC backcross - GA gibberellic acid  相似文献   

We have shown that a major QTL for fruit weight (fw2.2) maps to the same position on chromosome 2 in the green-fruited wild tomato species, Lycopersicon pennellii and in the red-fruited wild tomato species, L. pimpinellifolium. An introgression line F2 derived from L. esculentum (tomato) x L. pennellii and a backcross 1 (BC1) population derived from L. esculentum x L. pimpinellifolium both place fw2.2 near TG91 and TG167 on chromosome 2 of the tomato highdensity linkage map. fw2.2 accounts for 30% and 47% of the total phenotypic variance in the L. pimpinellifolium and L. pennellii populations, respectively, indicating that this is a major QTL controlling fruit weight in both species. Partial dominance (d/a of 0.44) was observed for the L. pennellii allele of fw 2.2 as compared with the L. esculentum allele. A QTL with very similar phenotypic affects and gene action has also been identified and mapped to the same chromosomal region in other wild tomato accessions: L. cheesmanii and L. pimpinellifolium. Together, these data suggest that fw2.2 represents an orthologous QTL (i.e., derived by speciation as opposed to duplication) common to most, if not all, wild tomato species. High-resolution mapping may ultimately lead to the cloning of this key locus controlling fruit development in tomato.  相似文献   

Effect of diazocyclopentadiene on tomato ripening   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Diazocyclopentadiene (DACP) in the presence of fluorescent light delayed ripening of tomato fruits treated at the mature green (no visible red) stage. At 25 °C, ripening was delayed 10 days if DACP [185 µl/1 (gas)] was added as a single treatment and longer if DACP was added intermittently at 5-day intervals. The addition of 1000 µl/1 ethylene following DACP and light treatment did not hasten ripening. Little ripening delay was noted for fruit + DACP held in darkness. Tomatoes covered with aluminum foil so as to exclude light but not light-activated DACP, showed ripening inhibition. Apparently, the light-activated product from DACP is stable long enough to diffuse into fruit held in darkness. After an initial inhibition, ethylene production was greatly increased in tomatoes treated with DACP. Tomatoes with or without DACP treatment were held either in air or 5% O2/95% N2 for 12 days then treated with ethylene. Treatment with 5% O2 alone delayed ripening when compared to air alone, however, both groups reached 80% red color by 18 days. DACP treated fruit, whether held in air or 5% O2, still were green after 18 days and only approached 80% red color after approximately 27 days. Thus, 5% oxygen did not appear to slow the reversal of DACP inhibition of ripening.  相似文献   

Thirty six tomato wild species accessions of the subgenera Eulycopersicon and Eriopersicon of the genus Lycopersicon were inoculated with race T1 and T3 of Xanthomonas vesicatoria by vaccum infiltration method. Degree of diseases was evaluated by scale of 0 to 4. It was established that some accessions showed low degree of disease to race T1 and others to race T3. LA 2623 indicated very low degree of disease to race T1 and was immune in inoculation with T3. LA 386 and LA 1297 manifested hypersensitive reaction to both races and PI 127826 to race T3 only. The accessions possessing low degree of disease or hypersensitive reaction to race T1 and race T3 are new promising sources of resistance to Xanthomonas vesicatoria.  相似文献   

W. Hartung  I. D. J. Phillips 《Planta》1974,118(4):311-322
Summary Movement of both [3H]GA1 and [14C]GA3 through root segments from P. coccineus seedlings was basipetally polarised. The basipetal/acropetal ratio of radioactivity from [3H]GA1 in agar receiver blocks was 9.2 for apical, elongating segments, and 4.0 for more basal, non-elongating segments. Polarity of gibberellin transport was restricted to the stele, and absent from cortical tissues. Transport of [14C]IAA through root segments to agar receivers was preferentially acropetal, particularly so in the stele. Despite the existence of basipetal polarity of gibberellin transport in the root, [3H]GA1 injected into cotyledons moved into and acropetally along the seedling root.  相似文献   

Tomato fruits (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Indian River) were treated with aqueous solutions of 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) and the effects on respiration, ethylene production, and ripening were examined. 10-3 and 10-5 M 2, 4-D solutions were used. Dipping treatment of whole fruit picked at the 74% stage of development, gave an increase in respiration and ethylene production, the effect being directly related to 2, 4-D concentration. Ripening was advanced relative to control fruit.
Tomato disks cut from the pericarp tissue of fruit picked at the 81% stage of development were vacuum-infiltrated with the same 2, 4-D solutions. In these disks the increase in respiration continued longer compared to control disks. Ethylene production was considerably increased, and after an initial recovery the 2, 4-D-treated disks showed another increase at a much faster rate than controls. However, contrary to what could be expected from this increase in ethylene, ripening was delayed. Nevertheless, all disk samples showed advance ripening compared to whole fruit of the same age, indicating that they could not recover completely from the effect of cutting and treatment.
The results showed that 2, 4-D causes a dual effect in tomato fruit tissue: an increase in ethylene production which promotes ripening, and a delay in ripening. This last effect, depending on the uniformity of the auxin distribution and its concentration, prevails.  相似文献   

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