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The pathways of energy dissipation of excessive absorbed energy in cyanobacteria in comparison with that in higher plants are discussed. Two mechanisms of non-photochemical quenching in cyanobacteria are described. In one case this quenching occurs as light-induced decrease of the fluorescence yield of long-wavelength chlorophylls of the photosystem I trimers induced by inactive reaction centers: P700 cation-radical or P700 in triplet state. In the other case, non-photochemical quenching in cyanobacteria takes place with contribution of water-soluble protein OCP (containing 3′-hydroxyechinenone) that induces reversible quenching of allophycocyanin fluorescence in phycobilisomes. The possible evolutionary pathways of the involvement of carotenoid-binding proteins in non-photochemical quenching are discussed comparing the cyanobacterial OCP and plant PsbS protein. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 10, pp. 1385–1395.  相似文献   

High light poses a threat to oxygenic photosynthetic organisms. Similar to eukaryotes, cyanobacteria evolved a photoprotective mechanism, non-photochemical quenching (NPQ), which dissipates excess absorbed energy as heat. An orange carotenoid protein (OCP) has been implicated as a blue-green light sensor that induces NPQ in cyanobacteria. Discovered in vitro, this process involves a light-induced transformation of the OCP from its dark, orange form (OCP(o)) to a red, active form, however, the mechanisms of NPQ in vivo remain largely unknown. Here we show that the formation of the quenching state in vivo is a multistep process that involves both photoinduced and dark reactions. Our kinetic analysis of the NPQ process reveals that the light induced conversion of OCP(o) to a quenching state (OCP(q)) proceeds via an intermediate, non-quenching state (OCP(i)), and this reaction sequence can be described by a three-state kinetic model. The conversion of OCP(o) to OCP(i) is a photoinduced process with the effective absorption cross section of 4.5 × 10(-3)?2 at 470 nm. The transition from OCP(i) to OCP(q) is a dark reaction, with the first order rate constant of approximately 0.1s(-1) at 25°C and the activation energy of 21 kcal/mol. These characteristics suggest that the reaction rate may be limited by cis-trans proline isomerization of Gln224-Pro225 or Pro225-Pro226, located at a loop near the carotenoid. NPQ decreases the functional absorption cross-section of Photosystem II, suggesting that formation of the quenched centers reduces the flux of absorbed energy from phycobilisomes to the reaction centers by approximately 50%.  相似文献   

An inquiry into the effect of temperature on carotenoid triggered quenching of phycobilisome (PBS) fluorescence in a photosystem II-deficient mutant of Synechocystis sp. results in identification of two temperature-dependent processes: one is responsible for the quenching rate, and one determines the yield of PBS fluorescence. Non-Arrhenius behavior of the light-on quenching rate suggests that carotenoid-absorbed light triggers a process that bears a strong resemblance to soluble protein folding, showing temperature-dependent enthalpy of activated complex formation. The response of PBS fluorescence yield to hydration changing additives and to passing of the membrane lipid phase transition point indicates that the pool size of PBSs subject to quenching depends on the state of some membrane component.  相似文献   

The linker protein L(CM) (ApcE) is postulated as the major component of the phycobilisome terminal energy acceptor (TEA) transferring excitation energy from the phycobilisome to photosystem II. L(CM) is the only phycobilin-attached linker protein in the cyanobacterial phycobilisome through auto-chromophorylation. However, the underlying mechanism for the auto-chromophorylation of L(CM) and the detailed molecular architecture of TEA is still unclear. Here, we demonstrate that the N-terminal phycobiliprotein-like domain of L(CM) (Pfam00502, LP502) can specifically recognize phycocyanobilin (PCB) by itself. Biochemical assays indicated that PCB binds into the same pocket in LP502 as that in the allophycocyanin α-subunit and that Ser152 and Asp155 play a vital role in LP502 auto-chromophorylation. By carefully conducting computational simulations, we arrived at a rational model of the PCB-LP502 complex structure that was supported by extensive mutational studies. In the PCB-LP502 complex, PCB binds into a deep pocket of LP502 with a distorted conformation, and Ser152 and Asp155 form several hydrogen bonds to PCB fixing the PCB Ring A and Ring D. Finally, based on our results, the dipoles and dipole-dipole interactions in TEA are analysed and a molecular structure for TEA is proposed, which gives new insights into the energy transformation mechanism of cyanobacterial phycobilisome.  相似文献   

Femtosecond transient absorption was used to study excitation decay in monomeric and trimeric cyanobacterial Photosystem I (PSI) being prepared in three states: (1) in aqueous solution, (2) deposited and dried on glass surface (either conducting or non-conducting), and (3) deposited on glass (conducting) surface but being in contact with aqueous solvent. The main goal of this contribution was to determine the reason of the acceleration of the excitation decay in dried PSI deposited on the conducting surface relative to PSI in solution observed previously using time-resolved fluorescence (Szewczyk et al., Photysnth Res 132(2):111–126, 2017). We formulated two alternative working hypotheses: (1) the acceleration results from electron injection from PSI to the conducting surface; (2) the acceleration is caused by dehydration and/or crowding of PSI proteins deposited on the glass substrate. Excitation dynamics of PSI in all three types of samples can be described by three main components of subpicosecond, 3–5, and 20–26 ps lifetimes of different relative contributions in solution than in PSI-substrate systems. The presence of similar kinetic components for all the samples indicates intactness of PSI proteins after their deposition onto the substrates. The kinetic traces for all systems with PSI deposited on substrates are almost identical and they decay significantly faster than the kinetic traces of PSI in solution. We conclude that the accelerated excitation decay in PSI-substrate systems is caused mostly by dense packing of proteins.  相似文献   

Microanalyses by SDS-PAGE and microsequencing demonstrate that, under green-light conditions, 3 C-phycoerythrin associated rod-linker polypeptides with different N-terminal amino acid sequences are present in phycobilisomes (PBS) from Calothrix sp. 7601 cells. Two of these polypeptides, corresponding to SDS-PAGE bands at 36 and 37 kDa, could be assigned, respectively, to the cpeC and cpcD genes found on a separate cpeCD-operon in Calothrix sp. 7601 (Federspiel, N.A. and Grossman, A.R. (1990) J. Bacteriol, 172, 4072-4081). The third C-PE rod-linker polypeptide, LR,2PE,33, requires, therefore, a third gene with the suggested locus designation 'cpeE'. A C-PE (alpha beta)6-LR,2PE,33 complex containing this third rod-linker polypeptide could be isolated from phycobilisomes and characterized. PBS from both green- and red-light cells of Calothrix contain a single, unique LRC28 rod-core linker polypeptide which is not altered during chromatic adaptation.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria have previously been considered to differ fundamentally from plants and algae in their regulation of light harvesting. We show here that in fact the ecologically important marine prochlorophyte, Prochlorococcus, is capable of forming rapidly reversible non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence (NPQf or qE) as are freshwater cyanobacteria when they employ the iron stress induced chlorophyll-based antenna, IsiA. For Prochlorococcus, the capacity for NPQf is greater in high light-adapted strains, except during iron starvation which allows for increased quenching in low light-adapted strains. NPQf formation in freshwater cyanobacteria is accompanied by deep Fo quenching which increases with prolonged iron starvation.  相似文献   

Blue light induced quenching in a Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 strain lacking both photosystems is only related to allophycocyanin fluorescence. A fivefold decrease in the fluorescence level in two bands near 660 and 680 nm is attributed to different allophycocyanin forms in the phycobilisome core. Some low-heat sensitive component inactivated at 53 °C is involved in the quenching process. Enormous allophycocyanin fluorescence in the absence of the photosystems reveals a dark stage in this quenching. Thus, we present evidence that light activation of the carotenoid-binding protein and formation of a quenching center within the phycobilisome core in vivo are discrete events in a multistep process.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of R-phycocyanin from Polysiphonia urceolata (R-PC-PU) at 2.4 A is reported. The R-PC-PU crystal belongs to space group P4(3)2(1)2 with cell parameters a = 135.1 A, c = 210.0 A, and alpha = beta = gamma = 90 degrees. The structure was determined by molecular replacement. The crystallographic R-factor of the refined model is 0.189 (R(free) = 0.239). Comparison of the microenvironment of chromophore beta 155 in R-PC-PU and in C-PC from Fremyolla diphosiphon (C-PC-FD) reveals that their spectral differences may be caused by their different alpha 28 residues. In the R-PC-PU crystal structure, two (alpha beta)(3) trimers assemble face to face to form a hexamer, and two such hexamers assemble in two novel side-to-side arrangements. Possible models for the energy transfer from phycoerythrin to phycocyanin and from phycocyanin to allophycocyanin are proposed based on several phycobiliprotein crystal structures.  相似文献   

Phycobilisomes are the major accessory light-harvesting complexes of cyanobacteria and red algae. Studies using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching on cyanobacteria in vivo have shown that the phycobilisomes are mobile complexes that rapidly diffuse on the thylakoid membrane surface. By contrast, the PSII core complexes are completely immobile. This indicates that the association of phycobilisomes with reaction centers must be transient and unstable. Here, we show that when cells of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC7942 are immersed in buffers of high osmotic strength, the diffusion coefficient for the phycobilisomes is greatly decreased. This suggests that the interaction between phycobilisomes and reaction centers becomes much less transient under these conditions. We discuss the possible reasons for this. State transitions are a rapid physiological adaptation mechanism that regulates the way in which absorbed light energy is distributed between PSI and PSII. Immersing cells in high osmotic strength buffers inhibits state transitions by locking cells into whichever state they were in prior to addition of the buffer. The effect on state transitions is induced at the same buffer concentrations as the effect on phycobilisome diffusion. This implies that phycobilisome diffusion is required for state transitions. The main physiological role for phycobilisome mobility may be to allow such flexibility in light harvesting.  相似文献   

The onset of respiration in the cyanobacteria Anacystis nidulans and Nostoc sp. strain Mac upon a shift from dark anaerobic to aerobic conditions was accompanied by rapid energization of the adenylate pool (owing to the combined action of ATP synthase and adenylate kinase) and also the guanylate, uridylate, and cytidylate pools (owing to nucleoside diphosphate and nucleoside monophosphate kinases). Rates of the various transphosphorylation reactions were comparable to the rate of oxidative phosphorylation, thus explaining, in part, low approximately P/O ratios which incorporate adenylates only. The increase of ATP, GTP, UTP, and CTP levels (nanomoles per minute per milligram [dry weight]) in oxygen-pulsed cells of A. nidulans and Nostoc species was calculated to be, on average, 2.3, 1.05, 0.8, and 0.57, respectively. Together with aerobic steady-state pool sizes of 1.35, 0.57, 0.5, and 0.4 nmol/mg (dry weight) for these nucleotides, a fairly uniform turnover of 1.3 to 1.5 min-1 was derived. All types of nucleotides, therefore, may be conceived of as being in equilibrium with each other, reflecting the energetic homeostasis or energy buffering of the (respiring) cyanobacterial cell. For the calculation of net efficiencies of oxidative phosphorylation in terms of approximately P/O ratios, this energy buffering was taken into account. Moreover, in A. nidulans an additional 30% of the energy initially conserved in ATP by oxidative phosphorylation was immediately used up by a plasma membrane-bound reversible H+-ATPase for H+ extrusion. Consequently, by allowing for energy buffering and ATPase-linked H+ extrusion, maximum P/O ratios of 2.6 to 3.3 were calculated. By contrast, in Nostoc sp. all the H+ extrusion, appeared to be linked to a plasma membrane-bound respiratory chain, thus bypassing any ATP formation and leading to P/O ratios of only 1.3 to 1.5 despite the correction for energy buffering.  相似文献   

In cyanobacteria, the thermal dissipation of excess absorbed energy at the level of the phycobilisome (PBS)-antenna is triggered by absorption of strong blue-green light by the photoactive orange carotenoid protein (OCP). This process known as non-photochemical quenching, whose molecular mechanism remains in many respects unclear, is revealed in vivo as a decrease in phycobilisome fluorescence. In vitro reconstituted system on the interaction of the OCP and the PBS isolated from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 presents evidence that the OCP is not only a photosensor, but also an effecter that makes direct contacts with the PBS and causes dissipation of absorbed energy. To localize the site(s) of quenching, we have analyzed the role of chromophorylated polypeptides of the PBS using PBS-deficient mutants in conjunction with in vitro systems of assembled PBS and of isolated components of the PBS core. The results demonstrated that L(CM), the core-membrane linker protein and terminal emitter of the PBS, could act as the docking site for OCP in vitro. The ApcD and ApcF terminal emitters of the PBS core are not directly subjected to quenching. The data suggests that there could be close contact between the phycocyanobilin chromophore of L(CM) and the 3'-hydroxyechinenone chromophore present in OCP and that L(CM) could be involved in OCP-induced quenching. According to the reduced average life-time of the PBS-fluorescence and linear dependence of fluorescence intensity of the PBS on OCP concentration, the quenching has mostly dynamic character. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability: from Natural to Artificial.  相似文献   

The Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP) is responsible for photoprotection in many cyanobacteria. Absorption of blue light drives the conversion of the orange, inactive form (OCPO) to the red, active form (OCPR). Concomitantly, the N–terminal domain (NTD) and the C–terminal domain (CTD) of OCP separate, which ultimately leads to the formation of a quenched OCPR–PBS complex. The details of the photoactivation of OCP have been intensely researched. Binding site(s) of OCPR on the PBS core have also been proposed. However, the post–binding events of the OCPR–PBS complex remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that PBS–bound OCPR is not sufficient as a PBS excitation energy quencher. Using site–directed mutagenesis, we generated a suite of single point mutations at OCP Leucine 51 (L51) of Synechocystis 6803. Steady–state and time–resolved fluorescence analyses demonstrated that all mutant proteins are unable to quench the PBS fluorescence, owing to either failed OCP binding to PBS, or, if bound, an OCP–PBS quenching state failed to form. The SDS–PAGE and Western blot analysis support that the L51A (Alanine) mutant binds to the PBS and therefore belongs to the second category. We hypothesize that upon binding to PBS, OCPR likely reorganizes and adopts a new conformational state (OCP3rd) different than either OCPO or OCPR to allow energy quenching, depending on the cross–talk between OCPR and its PBS core–binding counterpart.  相似文献   

The phycobiliproteins contain a conserved unique modified residue, gamma-N-methylasparagine at beta-72. This study examines the consequences of this methylation for the structure and function of phycocyanin and of phycobilisomes. An assay for the protein asparagine methylase activity was developed using [methyl-3H]S-adenosylmethionine and apophycocyanin purified from Escherichia coli containing the genes for the alpha and beta subunits of phycocyanin from Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 as substrates. This assay permitted the partial purification, from Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301, of the activity that methylates phycocyanin and allophycocyanin completely at residue beta-72. Using the methylase assay, two independent nitrosoguanidine-induced mutants of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 were isolated that do not exhibit detectable phycobiliprotein methylase activity. These mutants, designated pcm 1 and pcm 2, produce phycocyanin and allophycocyanin unmethylated at beta-72. The phycobiliproteins in these mutants are assembled into phycobilisomes and can be methylated in vitro by the partially purified methylase from Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301. The mutants produce phycobiliproteins in amounts comparable to those of wild-type and the mutant and wild-type phycocyanins are equivalent with respect to thermal stability profiles. Monomeric phycocyanins purified from these strains show small spectral shifts that correlate with the level of methylation. Phycobilisomes from the mutant strains exhibit defects in energy transfer, both in vivo and in vitro, that are also correlated with deficiencies in methylation. Unmethylated or undermethylated phycobilisomes show greater emission from phycocyanin and allophycocyanin and lower fluorescence emission quantum yields than do fully methylated particles. The results support the conclusion that the site-specific methylation of phycobiliproteins contributes significantly to the efficiency of directional energy transfer in the phycobilisome.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic organisms have developed multiple protective mechanisms to survive under high-light conditions. In plants, one of these mechanisms is the thermal dissipation of excitation energy in the membrane-bound chlorophyll antenna of photosystem II. The question of whether or not cyanobacteria, the progenitor of the chloroplast, have an equivalent photoprotective mechanism has long been unanswered. Recently, however, evidence was presented for the possible existence of a mechanism dissipating excess absorbed energy in the phycobilisome, the extramembrane antenna of cyanobacteria. Here, we demonstrate that this photoprotective mechanism, characterized by blue light-induced fluorescence quenching, is indeed phycobilisome-related and that a soluble carotenoid binding protein, ORANGE CAROTENOID PROTEIN (OCP), encoded by the slr1963 gene in Synechocystis PCC 6803, plays an essential role in this process. Blue light is unable to quench fluorescence in the absence of phycobilisomes or OCP. The fluorescence quenching is not DeltapH-dependent, and it can be induced in the absence of the reaction center II or the chlorophyll antenna, CP43 and CP47. Our data suggest that OCP, which strongly interacts with the thylakoids, acts as both the photoreceptor and the mediator of the reduction of the amount of energy transferred from the phycobilisomes to the photosystems. These are novel roles for a soluble carotenoid protein.  相似文献   

In exponentially growing cells of Synechococcus sp. 6301, over 95% of the phycobiliproteins are located in phycobilisomes, and the remainder is present in the form of low molecular weight aggregates. In addition to the subunits of the phycobiliproteins (C-phycocyanin, allophycocyanin, allophycocyanin B), the phycobilisomes of this unicellular cyanobacterium contain five non-pigmented polypeptides. During the initial phase of starvation (24 h after removal of combined nitrogen from the growth medium), the phycobiliproteins in the low molecular weight fraction largely disappeared. Phycocyanin was lost more rapidly from this fraction than allophycocyanin. Simultaneous changes in the phycobilisome were (1) a decrease in sedimentation coefficient, (2) a decrease in phycocyanin: allophycocyanin ratio, (3) a shift in the fluorescence emission maximum from 673 to 676 nm, and (4) a selective complete loss of a 30,000 dalton non-pigmented polypeptide. Upon extensive nitrogen starvation (72 h), the intracellular level of phycocyanin decreased by over 30-fold. These results indicate that in the early stage of nitrogen starvation, the free phycobiliproteins of the cell are degraded, as well as a significant proportion of the phycocyanin from the periphery of the phycobilisome. However, the structures partially depleted of phycocyanin still function efficiently in energy transfer. On extended starvation, total degradation of residual phycobilisomes takes place, possibly in conjunction with the detachment of these structures from the thylakoids.None of the effects of the absence of combined nitrogen were seen when cells were starved in the presence of chloramphenicol, or in a methionine auxotroph starved for methionine.Abbreviations Used NaK-PO4 NaH2PO4 titrated with K2HPO4 to a given pH - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - Tris Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   

The light-induced electric potential changes brought about local illumination of trichomes of cyanobacteria Phormidium uncinatum have been studied by means of extracellular electrodes. Responses of several electrodes located at various distances from the illuminated area of the trichome were monitored simultaneously. They turned out to be similar in shape: a rapid increase to the maximum value was followed by a slow decay toward a nonzero residual level. The results offer strong evidence in favor of power transmission along the trichome. The computerized experimental data lend support to the notion of a unified system of coupling membranes acting as a passive cable for electrical propagation, the cable parameters being tau C = 440 sec cm-2 and gamma = 0.07 cm.  相似文献   

A high non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) appeared below the phase transition temperature when Microcystis aeruginosa PCC7806 cells were exposed to saturated light for a short time. This suggested that a component of NPQ, independent from state transition or photo-inhibition, had been generated in the PSII complex; this was a fast component responding to high intensity light. Glutaraldehyde (GA), commonly used to stabilize membrane protein conformations, resulted in more energy transfer to PSII reaction centers, affecting the energy absorption and dissipation process rather than the transfer process of phycobilisome (PBS). In comparison experiments with and without GA, the rapid light curves (RLCs) and fluorescence induction dynamics of the fast phase showed that excess excitation energy was dissipated by conformational change in the photosynthetic pigment proteins on the thylakoid membrane (PPPTM). Based on deconvolution of NPQ relaxation kinetics, we concluded that the fast quenching component (NPQf) was closely related to PPPTM conformational change, as it accounted for as much as 39.42% of the total NPQ. We hypothesize therefore, that NPQf induced by PPPTM conformation is an important adaptation mechanism for Microcystis blooms under high-intensity light during summer and autumn.  相似文献   

This communication presents a short outline of the current knowledge on the molecular basis of PII signal transduction in unicellular cyanobacteria with respect to the perception of environmental stimuli. First, the general characteristics of the PII signalling system in unicellular cyanobacteria are presented, the hallmark of which is modification by serine-phosphorylation, as compared to the paradigmatic PII signal transduction system in proteobacteria, which is based on tyrosyl-uridylylation. Then, the focus is turned on the signals controlling PII phosphorylation state. Recently, the cellular phosphatase (termed PphA), which specifically dephosphorylates phosphorylated PII (PII-P) was identified in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. With the availability of a PphA-deficient mutant and the purified components for in vitro assay of PphA mediated PII-P dephosphorylation, novel insights into the signals, to which PII-P dephosphorylation responds, can be obtained. Here we present an investigation of the response of PII-P dephosphorylation towards treatments that affect the redox-balance of the cells. Furthermore, a possible role of varying ATP/ADP ratios on PII-P dephosphorylation was examined. From these studies, together with previous investigations, we conclude that PII-P dephosphorylation specifically responds to changes in the levels of central metabolites of carbon metabolism, in particular 2-oxoglutarate.  相似文献   

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