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The 6645-bp mercury resistance transposon of the chemolithotrophic bacterium Thiobacillus ferrooxidanswas cloned and sequenced. This transposon, named Tn5037, belongs to the Tn21branch of the Tn21subgroup, many members of which have been isolated from clinical sources. Having the minimum set of the genes (merRTPA), the mercury resistance operon of Tn5037is organized similarly to most of the Gram-negative bacteria meroperons and is closest to that of ThiobacillusT3.2. The operator-promoter region of the meroperon of Tn5037also has the common (Tn21/Tn501-like) structure. However, its inverted, presumably MerR protein binding repeats in the operator/promoter element are two base pairs shorter than in Tn21/Tn501. In the merA region, this transposon shares 77.4, 79.1, 83.2 and 87.8% identical bases with Tn21, Tn501, T. ferrooxidansE-15, and ThiobacillusT3.2, respectively. No inducibility of the Tn5037 meroperon was detected in the in vivo experiments. The transposition system (terminal repeats plus gene tnpA) of Tn5037was inactive in Escherichia coliK12, in contrast to its resolution system (ressite plus gene tnpR). However, transposition of Tn5037in this host was provided by the tnpAgene of Tn5036, a member of the Tn21subgroup. Sequence analysis of the Tn5037 ressite suggested its recombinant nature.  相似文献   

The 6645-bp mercury resistance transposon of the chemolithotrophic bacterium Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was cloned and sequenced. This transposon, named Tn5037, belongs to the Tn21 branch of the Tn21 subgroup, many members of which have been isolated from clinical sources. Having the minimum set of the genes (merRTPA), the mercury resistance operon of Tn5037 is organized similarly to most of the Gram-negative bacteria mer operons and is closest to that of Thiobacillus 3.2. The operator-promoter region of the mer operon of Tn5037 also has the common (Tn21/Tn501-like) structure. However, its inverted, presumably MerR protein binding repeats in the operator/promoter element are two base pairs shorter than in Tn21/Tn501. In the merA region, this transposon shares 77.4, 79.1, 83.2 and 87.8% identical bases with Tn21, Tn501, T. ferrooxidance E-15, and Thiobacillus 3.2, respectively. No inducibility of the Tn5037 mer operon was detected in the in vivo experiments. The transposition system (terminal repeats plus gene tnpA) of Tn5037 was inactive in Escherichia coli K12, in contrast to its resolution system (res site plus gene tnpR). However, transposition of Tn5037 in this host was provided by the tnpA gene of Tn5036, a member of the Tn21 subgroup. Sequence analysis of the Tn5037 res site suggested its recombinant nature.  相似文献   

In plasmid pTF-FC2, three small open reading frames (ORFs) are situated between the repB (primase) gene and the repA (helicase) gene of its IncQ-type replicon. Disruption of each of the three ORFs followed by tests for plasmid stability and host cell growth indicated that the ORFs encoded a poison–antidote plasmid stability system. The three genes were named pasA , pasB and pasC (plasmid addiction system), in which PasA is the antidote, PasB the toxin and PasC a protein that appears to enhance the ability of the antidote to neutralize the toxin. Disruption of the pasA gene resulted in two different spontaneous deletions, which inactivated the stability system but did not alter the host range or plasmid copy number. This indicated that the three small ORFs were not involved in plasmid replication. When placed behind a tac promoter, induction of pasB was found to be highly lethal to host cells, which suggests that the Pas system acts by killing plasmid-free host cells rather than by retarding the growth of plasmid-free segregants, as occurs in the ParD system of R1. In spite of this, the presence of the Pas poison–antidote system resulted in a relatively modest threefold stabilization of the pTF-FC2 host replicon and a similar increase in the stabilization of an unstable heterologous R1 plasmid replicon. The Pas system is a poison–antidote plasmid stability module, which appears to have become integrated within the pTF-FC2 replicon module.  相似文献   

Abstract: A 12.4-kb plasmid, pTF-FC2, that was isolated from Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and which is capable of replication in a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria, has been sequenced. The extent of the regions involved in both replication and mobilization have been delineated. The site of initiation of replication ( oriV ) has been localized on a 185-bp fragment and the origin of transfer ( oriT ) on a 138-bp fragment. Three proteins that were essential for replication and four that were essential for mobilization have been identified. The origin of replication was clearly similar to that of the IncQ plasmids although no complementation or incompatibility between pTF-FC2 and the IncQ plasmid, R300B, was detected. There was a clear similarity in the size,location and amino acid sequence of the proteins of the pTF-FC2 mobilization region with those of the TraI region of the IncP plasmids, RP4 and R751.Two inverted repeated sequences which had 37/38-bp and 38/38-bp sequence identity with the Tn 21 transposon were identified. The C-terminal part of a transposase and the N-terminal portion of a resolvase were located between the inverted repeats. These open reading frames are most likely the remnants of a defective transposon. A protein with homology to a mercury- resistance regulator was also present within the transposon-like element although no gene encoding for mercury reductase could be indentified.  相似文献   

The minimum region required for replication of the broad-host-range Thiobacillus ferrooxidans plasmid pTF-FC2 in Escherichia coli was shown to be contained on a 2.05-kilobase fragment of DNA. A 184-base-pair fragment that was required in cis for plasmid replication was identified. This region was also involved in plasmid incompatibility. Nucleotide sequencing of this region revealed three perfectly conserved 22-base-pair tandemly repeated sequences. A comparison of this region with the equivalent region of the broad-host-range plasmid R1162 showed that the repeated sequences had 60% nucleotide homology. The 106-base-pair region immediately adjacent to the repeated sequences was 75% homologous. These plasmids were compatible.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of pRA2, an endogenous 33-kb plasmid from Pseudomonas alcaligenes NCIB 9867 (strain P25X), revealed the presence of a 6256-bp transposon of the Tn3 family, designated Tn5563. Tn5563, which is flanked by two 39-bp inverted repeats, encodes a transposase, a resolvase, and two open reading frames which share amino acid sequence similarities with the mercuric ion transport proteins MerT and MerP encoded by several mer operons. However, no other mer operon genes were found on Tn5563. Sequencing of a RP4::Xln hybrid plasmid indicates possible interactions between pRA2 and the P25X chromosome mediated by Tn5563.  相似文献   

Avison MB  Walsh TR  Bennett PM 《Plasmid》2001,45(2):88-100
A ColE2-like, cryptic plasmid, pUB6060, of 5.8 kb has been found in a clinical isolate of Plesiomonas shigelloides. The complete sequence of pUB6060 has been determined and reveals a number of interesting features about the plasmid. The ColE2-like replication locus is linked to a functional ColE1-like mobilization locus. Replication is, unusually for ColE2 replicons, DNA polymerase-I-independent and may involve two, rather than the usual one, plasmid-encoded functions. Additionally, it carries two ORFs encoding products of unknown function. The pUB6060 replicon maintains a moderate plasmid copy number (10 per chromosome copy) and permits replication in diverse gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Cloning of a Thiobacillus ferrooxidans plasmid in Escherichia coli.   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Three separate plasmids of 6, 7, 16, and greater than 23 kilobases were purified from a single clone of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans ATCC 33020 grown in the presence of uranium. The 6.7-kilobase plasmid (pTf1) was cloned separately into the HindIII or BamHI site of Escherichia coli plasmid pBR322. Restriction maps of the recombinant plasmids, termed pTf100 and pTf110, respectively, were constructed, creating potential cloning vehicles for exchanging genetic information between E. coli and T. ferrooxidans. Evidence from restriction enzyme analysis and Southern blot DNA-DNA hybridization indicates that the three native plasmids share little sequence homology.  相似文献   

J Elhai  Y Cai    C P Wolk 《Journal of bacteriology》1994,176(16):5059-5067
pEC22 is a small plasmid that encodes the restriction-modification system MR.EcoT22I. Restriction and functional analysis of the plasmid identified the positions of genes encoding that system. The plasmid is able to be conducted by conjugal plasmids, a process mediated by a transposon contained within pEC22. This cryptic transposon, called Tn5396, was isolated from pEC22 and partially sequenced. The sequence of Tn5396 is for the most part typical of transposons of the Tn3 family and is most similar to that of Tn1000. The transposon differs from closely related transposons in that it lacks well-conserved sequences in the inverted-repeat region and has an unusually long terminal inverted repeat. Consideration of regions of internal sequence similarity in this and other transposons in the Tn3 family supports a theory of the mechanism by which the ends of Tn3-like transposons may maintain substantial identity between their inverted repeats over the course of evolutionary time.  相似文献   

Plasmid pTC-F14 is a 14.2-kb plasmid isolated from Acidithiobacillus caldus that has a replicon that is closely related to the promiscuous, broad-host-range IncQ family of plasmids. The region containing the mobilization genes was sequenced and encoded five Mob proteins that were related to those of the DNA processing (Dtr or Tra1) region of IncP plasmids rather than to the three-Mob-protein system of the IncQ group 1 plasmids (e.g., plasmid RSF1010 or R1162). Plasmid pTC-F14 is the second example of an IncQ family plasmid that has five mob genes, the other being pTF-FC2. The minimal region that was essential for mobilization included the mobA, mobB, and mobC genes, as well as the oriT gene. The mobD and mobE genes were nonessential, but together, they enhanced the mobilization frequency by approximately 300-fold. Mobilization of pTC-F14 between Escherichia coli strains by a chromosomally integrated RP4 plasmid was more than 3,500-fold less efficient than the mobilization of pTF-FC2. When both plasmids were coresident in the same E. coli host, pTC-F14 was mobilized at almost the same frequency as pTF-FC2. This enhanced pTC-F14 mobilization frequency was due to the presence of a combination of the pTF-FC2 mobD and mobE gene products, the functions of which are still unknown. Mob protein interaction at the oriT regions was unidirectionally plasmid specific in that a plasmid with the oriT region of pTC-F14 could be mobilized by pTF-FC2 but not vice versa. No evidence for any negative effect on the transfer of one plasmid by the related, potentially competitive plasmid was obtained.  相似文献   

The largest R . BamHI fragment of the plasmid F, which carries the entire F conjugation system, has been cloned into the single R . BamHI site of the ampicillin (Ap) resistance transposon TN1. pDS1106 (ColE1 mob::Tn1) was the vector plasmid, and the resultant conjugative plasmid, pED830, was characterized both genetically and by restriction enzyme analysis. The transposon construct, denoted Tn2301, was transposable at frequencies similar to Tn1 to small nonconjugative plasmids or to the Escherichia coli host chromosome. In the former case, Apr conjugative plasmids were obtained, whereas in the latter case, Hfr strains resulted. Representative Hfr strains were characterized by quantitative and interrupted mating experiments. Extension of this technique for Hfvr formation should aid chromosome mapping both in E. coli and in other bacterial genera.  相似文献   

Plasmid pEP2 was found to encode a protein, RepA, which is essential and rate limiting for its replication in Escherichia coli and Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Mutations which altered the rate of synthesis of this protein in E. coli affected the copy number and segregational stability of pEP2 in the two hosts. RepA contains 483 amino acid residues and has the calculated molecular weight of 53,925. It shows 45% amino acid residue identity with open reading frame ORF2 of pSR1, a plasmid isolated from Corynebacterium glutamicum (J. A. C. Archer and A. J. Sinskey, J. Gen. Microbiol. 139:1753-1759, 1993). Plasmid pEP2 was shown to accumulate single-stranded DNA corresponding to the RepA coding strand during its replication in E. coli and C. pseudotuberculosis, suggesting that it may replicate by a rolling circle mechanism. However, RepA has no significant sequence homology with the replication initiator proteins of plasmids known to use this mode of replication.  相似文献   

The pBHR1 plasmid is a derivative of the small (2.6-kb), mobilizable broad-host-range plasmid pBBR1, which was isolated from the gram-negative bacterium Bordetella bronchiseptica (R. Antoine and C. Locht, Mol. Microbiol. 6:1785-1799, 1992). Plasmid pBBR1 consists of two functional cassettes and presents sequence similarities with the transfer origins of several plasmids and mobilizable transposons from gram-positive bacteria. We show that the Mob protein specifically recognizes a 52-bp sequence which contains, in addition to the transfer origin, the promoter of the mob gene. We demonstrate that this gene is autoregulated. The binding of the Mob protein to the 52-bp sequence could thus allow the formation of a protein-DNA complex with a double function: relaxosome formation and mob gene regulation. We show that the Mob protein is a relaxase, and we located the nic site position in vitro. After sequence alignment, the position of the nic site of pBBR1 corresponds with those of the nick sites of the Bacteroides mobilizable transposon Tn4555 and the streptococcal plasmid pMV158. The oriT of the latter is characteristic of a family of mobilizable plasmids that are found in gram-positive bacteria and that replicate by the rolling-circle mechanism. Plasmid pBBR1 thus appears to be a new member of this group, even though it resides in gram-negative bacteria and does not replicate via a rolling-circle mechanism. In addition, we identified two amino acids of the Mob protein necessary for its activity, and we discuss their involvement in the mobilization mechanism.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence spanning coordinates 9.9 to 16.4 kilobases of the lactose transposon Tn951 ( Cornelis et al., Mol. Gen. Genet. 160:215-224, 1978) constitutes a transposable element by itself. Unlike Tn951 ( Cornelis et al., Mol. Gen. Genet. 184:241-248, 1981), this element, called Tn2501 , transposes in the absence of any other transposon. Transposition of Tn2501 proceeds through transient cointegration and duplicates 5 base pairs of host DNA. Tn2501 is flanked by nearly perfect inverted repeats (44 of 48), related to the inverted repeats of Tn21 ( Zheng et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 9:6265-6278, 1982). Unlike Tn21 , Tn2501 does not confer mercury resistance.  相似文献   

Summary The prokaryotic mercury-resistance transposon Tn501 contains a sequence, 80 nucleotides from one end, which is identical with an inverted terminal repeat (IR) of Tn21. This Tn21 IR sequence is used when Tn21 complements a TnpA- derivative of Tn501, but not when Tn501 is used for the complementation. Complementation by Tn1721 shows a preference for the normal Tn501 IRs. The element (Tn820) transposed when Tn21 is used to complement a Hg- TnpR- TnpA- Res- deletion mutant of Tn501 contains the Tn21 IR sequence at one terminus and a Tn501 IR at the other. Transposition of Tn820 can be complemented by Tn501 and Tn1721, but at a much lower frequency than transposition of the parental element (Tn819) which has two Tn501 IRs. The relationship between the transposition functions of Tn501, Tn21 and Tn1721, and available nucleotide sequence data suggest that Tn501 evolved by the transposition of a Tn21-like element into another transposable element (similar to that found within Tn1721) followed by deletion of the Tn21-like transposition functions.Abbreviations used (IR) Inverted repeat - (Cb) carbenicillin - (Cm) chloramphenicol - (Sm) streptomycin - (Su) sulphonamide - (Tc) tetracycline - (Tp) trimethoprim  相似文献   

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