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The Thogoto virus ML protein suppresses interferon synthesis in infected cells. Nevertheless, a virus mutant lacking ML remained highly pathogenic in standard laboratory mice. It was strongly attenuated, however, in mice carrying the interferon-responsive Mx1 gene found in wild mice, demonstrating that enhanced interferon synthesis is protective only if appropriate antiviral effector molecules are present. Our study shows that the virulence-enhancing effects of some viral interferon antagonists may escape detection in conventional animal models.  相似文献   

Annual influenza epidemics and occasional pandemics pose a severe threat to human health. Host cell factors required for viral spread but not for cellular survival are attractive targets for novel approaches to antiviral intervention. The cleavage activation of the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) by host cell proteases is essential for viral infectivity. However, it is unknown which proteases activate influenza viruses in mammals. Several candidates have been identified in cell culture studies, leading to the concept that influenza viruses can employ multiple enzymes to ensure their cleavage activation in the host. Here, we show that deletion of a single HA-activating protease gene, Tmprss2, in mice inhibits spread of mono-basic H1N1 influenza viruses, including the pandemic 2009 swine influenza virus. Lung pathology was strongly reduced and mutant mice were protected from weight loss, death and impairment of lung function. Also, after infection with mono-basic H3N2 influenza A virus body weight loss and survival was less severe in Tmprss2 mutant compared to wild type mice. As expected, Tmprss2-deficient mice were not protected from viral spread and pathology after infection with multi-basic H7N7 influenza A virus. In conclusion, these results identify TMPRSS2 as a host cell factor essential for viral spread and pathogenesis of mono-basic H1N1 and H3N2 influenza A viruses.  相似文献   

We investigated the importance of the host Mx1 gene in protection against highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus. Mice expressing the Mx1 gene survived infection with the lethal human H5N1 isolate A/Vietnam/1203/04 and with reassortants combining its genes with those of the non-lethal virus A/chicken/Vietnam/C58/04, while all Mx1–/– mice succumbed. Mx1-expressing mice showed lower organ virus titers, fewer lesions, and less pulmonary inflammation. Our data support the hypothesis that Mx1 expression protects mice against the high pathogenicity of H5N1 virus through inhibition of viral polymerase activity ultimately resulting in reduced viral growth and spread. Drugs that mimic this mechanism may be protective in humans.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) concentrations are frequently elevated in central nervous system (CNS) viral infections, but the pathophysiologic significance of such elevations is not known. To examine the role of IL-1β in CNS viral pathogenesis, we compared the natural histories of IL-1β-deficient and wild-type 129 SV(ev) mice infected with a neurovirulent viral strain, neuroadapted Sindbis virus (NSV). We found that the incidence of severe paralysis and death was markedly decreased in NSV-infected IL-1β−/− mice compared to NSV-infected wild-type mice (4 versus 88%, P < 0.001). Despite this marked difference in clinical outcome, no differences in numbers of apoptotic cells or presence of histopathologic lesions in the brains of moribund wild-type mice and those of clinically healthy IL-1β−/− mice could be detected. These results suggest that IL-1β deficiency is protective against fatal Sindbis virus infection by a mechanism that does not involve resistance to CNS virus-induced apoptosis or histopathology.  相似文献   

Previously we designed novel pseudotyped high-titer replication defective human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vectors to deliver genes into nondividing cells (J. Reiser, G. Harmison, S. Kluepfel-Stahl, R. O. Brady, S. Karlsson, and M. Schubert, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:15266–15271, 1996). Since then we have made several improvements with respect to the safety, flexibility, and efficiency of the vector system. A three-plasmid expression system is used to generate pseudotyped HIV-1 particles by transient transfection of human embryonic kidney 293T cells with a defective packaging construct, a plasmid coding for a heterologous envelope (Env) protein, and a vector construct harboring a reporter gene such as neo, ShlacZ (encoding a phleomycin resistance/β-galactosidase fusion protein), HSA (encoding mouse heat-stable antigen), or EGFP (encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein). The packaging constructs lack functional Vif, Vpr, and Vpu proteins and/or a large portion of the Env coding region as well as the 5′ and 3′ long terminal repeats, the Nef function, and the presumed packaging signal. Using G418 selection, we routinely obtained vector particles pseudotyped with the vesicular stomatitis virus G glycoprotein (VSV-G) with titers of up to 8 × 107 CFU/μg of p24, provided that a functional Tat coding region was present in the vector. Vector constructs lacking a functional Tat protein yielded titers of around 4 × 106 to 8 × 106 CFU/μg of p24. Packaging constructs with a mutation within the integrase (IN) core domain profoundly affected colony formation and expression of the reporter genes, indicating that a functional IN protein is required for efficient transduction. We explored the abilities of other Env proteins to allow formation of pseudotyped HIV-1 particles. The rabies virus and Mokola virus G proteins yielded high-titer infectious pseudotypes, while the human foamy virus Env protein did not. Using the improved vector system, we successfully transduced contact-inhibited primary human skin fibroblasts and postmitotic rat cerebellar neurons and cardiac myocytes, a process not affected by the lack of the accessory proteins.  相似文献   



Motor neuron degeneration in SOD1G93A transgenic mice begins at the nerve terminal. Here we examine whether this degeneration depends on expression of mutant SOD1 in muscle fibers.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Hindlimb muscles were transplanted between wild-type and SOD1G93A transgenic mice and the innervation status of neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) was examined after 2 months. The results showed that muscles from SOD1G93A mice did not induce motor terminal degeneration in wildtype mice and that muscles from wildtype mice did not prevent degeneration in SOD1G93A transgenic mice. Control studies demonstrated that muscles transplanted from SOD1G93A mice continued to express mutant SOD1 protein. Experiments on wildtype mice established that the host supplied terminal Schwann cells (TSCs) at the NMJs of transplanted muscles.


These results indicate that expression of the mutant protein in muscle is not needed to cause motor terminal degeneration in SOD1G93A transgenic mice and that a combination of motor terminals, motor axons and Schwann cells, all of which express mutant protein may be sufficient.  相似文献   

Studying the interaction between proteins is key in understanding their function(s). A very powerful method that is frequently used to study interactions of proteins with other macromolecules in a complex sample is called co-immunoprecipitation. The described co-immunoprecipitation protocol allows to demonstrate and further investigate the interaction between the antiviral myxovirus resistance protein 1 (Mx1) and one of its viral targets, the influenza A virus nucleoprotein (NP). The protocol starts with transfected mammalian cells, but it is also possible to use influenza A virus infected cells as starting material. After cell lysis, the viral NP protein is pulled-down with a specific antibody and the resulting immune-complexes are precipitated with protein G beads. The successful pull-down of NP and the co-immunoprecipitation of the antiviral Mx1 protein are subsequently revealed by western blotting. A prerequisite for successful co-immunoprecipitation of Mx1 with NP is the presence of N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) in the cell lysis buffer. NEM alkylates free thiol groups. Presumably this reaction stabilizes the weak and/or transient NP–Mx1 interaction by preserving a specific conformation of Mx1, its viral target or an unknown third component. An important limitation of co-immunoprecipitation experiments is the inadvertent pull-down of contaminating proteins, caused by nonspecific binding of proteins to the protein G beads or antibodies. Therefore, it is very important to include control settings to exclude false positive results. The described co-immunoprecipitation protocol can be used to study the interaction of Mx proteins from different vertebrate species with viral proteins, any pair of proteins, or of a protein with other macromolecules. The beneficial role of NEM to stabilize weak and/or transient interactions needs to be tested for each interaction pair individually.  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of H5N1 influenza viruses in global avian populations, comparatively few cases have been diagnosed in humans. Although viral factors almost certainly play a role in limiting human infection and disease, host genetics most likely contribute substantially. To model host factors in the context of influenza virus infection, we determined the lethal dose of a highly pathogenic H5N1 virus (A/Hong Kong/213/03) in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice and identified genetic elements associated with survival after infection. The lethal dose in these hosts varied by 4 logs and was associated with differences in replication kinetics and increased production of proinflammatory cytokines CCL2 and tumor necrosis factor alpha in susceptible DBA/2J mice. Gene mapping with recombinant inbred BXD strains revealed five loci or Qivr (quantitative trait loci for influenza virus resistance) located on chromosomes 2, 7, 11, 15, and 17 associated with resistance to H5N1 virus. In conjunction with gene expression profiling, we identified a number of candidate susceptibility genes. One of the validated genes, the hemolytic complement gene, affected virus titer 7 days after infection. We conclude that H5N1 influenza virus-induced pathology is affected by a complex and multigenic host component.The last 10 years have witnessed a spread of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza A virus from Southeast Asia into Europe and Africa, killing millions of chickens and ducks. Mammalian species including tigers, cats, dogs, and humans have also been infected with H5N1 virus, causing severe and often fatal disease. Excess mortality in humans was associated with high pharyngeal viral loads and increased cytokine and chemokine production (12). Some evidence suggests that genetic variation among infected hosts contributes to H5N1 infection and pathogenesis. Compared to the many millions of chickens and ducks that have been infected by H5N1 virus, relatively few humans have been infected. Were these individuals genetically predisposed, and therefore, did they have a greater risk of getting infected by the currently circulating H5N1 influenza viruses? Also, among the identified clusters of human H5N1 virus infections, more than 90% of the cases have occurred in genetically related family members, suggesting a possible genetic susceptibility to infection or severe disease (33). Recently, genetic relatedness was shown to be a significant risk factor for severe disease resulting from H3N2 influenza virus infection (2). However, other recent studies either have been unable to confirm the effect of genetic variation on the outcome and severity of influenza A virus infection (19) or have challenged the role of host genetics in H5N1 virus clusters (36).Genetic polymorphisms in the infected host affect microbial pathogenesis. In some host-pathogen studies, individual genes strongly regulated disease susceptibility or severity. For example, a 32-amino-acid deletion in the CCR5 product has been associated with increased resistance to human immunodeficiency virus infection (26), and more recently, a single amino acid change in the TLR3 product was associated with herpes simplex virus-induced encephalitis (50). Despite these examples, most host-pathogen interactions are more complex and modified by several genetic determinants. In the mouse model, disease severity after infection with viruses, bacteria, or parasites is frequently caused by multiple genetic differences, each affecting the outcome of the disease (3, 7, 8, 17, 47). Genetic modifiers that are associated with increased susceptibility to influenza virus infection or disease are mostly unknown. In humans, the duration of virus shedding was reduced in HLA-A2+ individuals, possibly as a result of a stronger cellular immune response (9). In mice, the resistance to influenza virus infection was mapped to the MX1 protein (39, 44, 46). The human MX1 protein also restricts viral replication, but its efficacy depends on the virus strain (13).Although much work is being done to define the viral factors affecting H5N1 influenza virus pathogenesis, little has been done to elucidate the effect of host genetics on H5N1 disease outcome. This study was initiated to assess the effect of the host''s genetic variation on H5N1 influenza virus pathogenesis and to provide the first clues about which host genes are responsible for the increased pathogenesis of H5N1 virus infection. Genome-wide linkage analysis using BXD recombinant inbred (BXD RI) strains was performed to identify areas on the chromosome that contribute to the difference in susceptibility to H5N1 virus seen between C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice.  相似文献   

The MRX complex together with Sae2 initiates resection of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) to generate single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) that triggers homologous recombination. The absence of Sae2 not only impairs DSB resection, but also causes prolonged MRX binding at the DSBs that leads to persistent Tel1- and Rad53-dependent DNA damage checkpoint activation and cell cycle arrest. Whether this enhanced checkpoint signaling contributes to the DNA damage sensitivity and/or the resection defect of sae2Δ cells is not known. By performing a genetic screen, we identify rad53 and tel1 mutant alleles that suppress both the DNA damage hypersensitivity and the resection defect of sae2Δ cells through an Sgs1-Dna2-dependent mechanism. These suppression events do not involve escaping the checkpoint-mediated cell cycle arrest. Rather, defective Rad53 or Tel1 signaling bypasses Sae2 function at DSBs by decreasing the amount of Rad9 bound at DSBs. As a consequence, reduced Rad9 association to DNA ends relieves inhibition of Sgs1-Dna2 activity, which can then compensate for the lack of Sae2 in DSB resection and DNA damage resistance. We propose that persistent Tel1 and Rad53 checkpoint signaling in cells lacking Sae2 increases the association of Rad9 at DSBs, which in turn inhibits DSB resection by limiting the activity of the Sgs1-Dna2 resection machinery.  相似文献   

Mx1 has been implicated in resistance to the influenza virus. We have now identified four alleles of the Mxl gene in domesticated breeds of pigs. Two of the alleles encode deletion variants (a 3-bp deletion in exon 13 and an 11-bp deletion in exon 14), which might be expected to interfere with Mx activity. The porcine Mxl genes corresponding to wild type, the 3-bp deletion mutant, and the 11-bp deletion mutant were cloned and expressed in NIH3T3 cells, and the antiviral activity for influenza virus was assayed. Virus yield was observed to be 10–100-fold greater with the 11-bp deletion allele than that for wild type and the 3-bp deletion alleles. The results suggest that the 11-bp deletion type is lacking antiviral activity able to contribute to the interference of influenza virus replication.  相似文献   

The neuraminidase inhibitor oseltamivir is currently used for treatment of patients infected with the pandemic A/H1N1 (pH1N1) influenza virus, although drug-resistant mutants can emerge rapidly and possibly be transmitted. We describe the characteristics of a pair of oseltamivir-resistant and oseltamivir-susceptible pH1N1 clinical isolates that differed by a single change (H274Y) in the neuraminidase protein. Viral fitness of pH1N1 isolates was assessed in vitro by determining replication kinetics in MDCK α2,6 cells and in vivo by performing experimental infections of BALB/c mice and ferrets. Despite slightly reduced propagation of the mutant isolate in vitro during the first 24 h, the wild-type (WT) and mutant resistant viruses induced similar maximum weight loss in mice and ferrets with an identical pyrexic response in ferrets (AUC of 233.9 and 233.2, P = 0.5156). Similarly, comparable titers were obtained for the WT and the mutant strains on days 1, 3, 6 and 9 post-infection in mouse lungs and on days 1–7 in ferret nasal washes. A more important perivascular (day 6) and pleural (days 6 and 12) inflammation was noted in the lungs of mice infected with the H274Y mutant, which correlated with increased pulmonary levels of IL-6 and KC. Such increased levels of IL-6 were also observed in lymph nodes of ferrets infected with the mutant strain. Furthermore, the H274Y mutant strain was transmitted to ferrets. In conclusion, viral fitness of the H274Y pH1N1 isolate is not substantially altered and has the potential to induce severe disease and to disseminate.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerase II is required for mitotic chromosome condensation and segregation. Here we characterize the effects of inhibiting DNA topoisomerase II activity in plant cells using the non-DNA damaging topoisomerase II inhibitor ICRF-193. We report that ICRF-193 abrogated chromosome condensation in cultured alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabaccum L.) mitoses and led to bridged chromosomes at anaphase. Moreover, ICRF-193 treatment delayed entry into mitosis, increasing the frequency of cells having a pre-prophase band of microtubules, a marker of late G2 and prophase, and delaying the activation of cyclin-dependent kinase. These data suggest the existence of a late G2 checkpoint in plant cells that is activated in the absence of topoisomerase II activity. To determine whether the checkpoint-induced delay was a result of reduced cyclin-dependent kinase activity, mitotic cyclin B2 was ectopically expressed. Cyclin B2 bypassed the ICRF-193-induced delay before mitosis, and correspondingly, reduced the frequency of interphase cells with a pre-prophase band. These data provide evidence that plant cells possess a topoisomerase II-dependent G2 cell cycle checkpoint that transiently inhibits mitotic CDK activation and entry into mitosis, and that is overridden by raising the level of CDK activity through the ectopic expression of a plant mitotic cyclin.

Key Words:

Plant cyclin B2, Topoisomerase II, ICRF-193, G2 checkpoint, Microtubules  相似文献   

CD4-immunoglobulin G2 (IgG2) is a fusion protein comprising human IgG2 in which the Fv portions of both heavy and light chains have been replaced by the V1 and V2 domains of human CD4. Previous studies found that CD4-IgG2 potently neutralizes a broad range of primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates in vitro and ex vivo. The current report demonstrates that CD4-IgG2 protects against infection by primary isolates of HIV-1 in vivo, using the hu-PBL-SCID mouse model. Passive administration of 10 mg of CD4-IgG2 per kg of body weight protected all animals against subsequent challenge with 10 mouse infectious doses of the laboratory-adapted T-cell-tropic isolate HIV-1LAI, while 50 mg of CD4-IgG2 per kg protected four of five mice against the primary isolates HIV-1JR-CSF and HIV-1AD6. In contrast, a polyclonal HIV-1 Ig fraction exhibited partial protection against HIV-1LAI at 150 mg/kg but no significant protection against the primary HIV-1 isolates. The results demonstrate that CD4-IgG2 effectively neutralizes primary HIV-1 isolates in vivo and can prevent the initiation of infection by these viruses.  相似文献   

In epithelial cells apical proteins are transported by specific transport carriers to the correct membrane domain. The composition of these carriers is heterogeneous and comprises components such as motor proteins, annexins, lectins, Rab GTPases and cargo molecules. Here, we provide biochemical and fluorescence microscopic data to show that the dynamin‐related large GTPase Mx1 is a component of post‐Golgi vesicles carrying the neurotrophin receptor p75NTR. Moreover, siRNA‐mediated depletion of Mx1 significantly decreased the transport efficiency of apical proteins in MDCK cells. In conclusion, Mx1 plays a crucial role in the delivery of cargo molecules to the apical membrane of epithelial cells.   相似文献   

We have investigated whether the identity of the coreceptor (CCR5, CXCR4, or both) used by primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates to enter CD4+ cells influences the sensitivity of these isolates to neutralization by monoclonal antibodies and CD4-based agents. Coreceptor usage was not an important determinant of neutralization titer for primary isolates in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. We also studied whether dualtropic primary isolates (able to use both CCR5 and CXCR4) were differentially sensitive to neutralization by the same antibodies when entering U87MG-CD4 cells stably expressing either CCR5 or CXCR4. Again, we found that the coreceptor used by a virus did not greatly affect its neutralization sensitivity. Similar results were obtained for CCR5- or CXCR4-expressing HOS cell lines engineered to express green fluorescent protein as a reporter of HIV-1 entry. Neutralizing antibodies are therefore unlikely to be the major selection pressure which drives the phenotypic evolution (change in coreceptor usage) of HIV-1 that can occur in vivo. In addition, the increase in neutralization sensitivity found when primary isolates adapt to growth in transformed cell lines in vitro has little to do with alterations in coreceptor usage.Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) enters CD4+ T cells via an interaction with CD4 and coreceptor molecules, the most important of which yet identified are the chemokine receptors CXCR4 and CCR5 (4, 12, 23, 26, 28, 32). CXCR4 is used by T-cell line-tropic (T-tropic) primary isolates or T-cell line-adapted (TCLA) lab strains, whereas CCR5 is used by primary isolates of the macrophage-tropic (M-tropic) phenotype (4, 12, 23, 26, 28, 32). Most T-tropic isolates and some TCLA strains are actually dualtropic in that they can use both CXCR4 and CCR5 (and often other coreceptors such as CCR3, Bonzo/STRL33, and BOB/gpr15), at least in coreceptor-transfected cells (18, 24, 30, 54, 89). The M-tropic and T-tropic/dualtropic nomenclature has often been used interchangeably with the terms “non-syncytium-inducing” (NSI) and “syncytium-inducing” (SI), although it is semantically imprecise to do so.M-tropic viruses are those most commonly transmitted sexually (3, 33, 87, 106) and from mother to infant (2, 72, 81). If T-tropic strains are transmitted, or when they emerge, this is associated with a more rapid course of disease in both adults (17, 37, 46, 51, 52, 76, 78, 82, 92, 101) and children (6, 45, 84, 90). However, T-tropic viruses emerge in only about 40% of infected people, usually only several years after infection (76, 78). A well-documented, albeit anecdotal, study found that when a T-tropic strain was transmitted by direct transfer of blood, its replication was rapidly suppressed: the T-tropic virus was eliminated from the body, and M-tropic strains predominated (20). These results suggest that there is a counterselection pressure against the emergence of T-tropic strains during the early stages of HIV-1 infection in most people. But what is this pressure?Since the M-tropic and T-tropic phenotypes are properties mediated by the envelope glycoproteins whose function is to associate with CD4 and the coreceptors, a selection pressure differentially exerted on M- and T-tropic viruses could, in principle, act at the level of virus entry. In other words, neutralizing antibodies to the envelope glycoproteins, or the chemokine ligands of the coreceptors, could theoretically interfere more potently with the interactions of T-tropic strains with CXCR4 than with M-tropic viruses and CCR5. A differential effect of this nature could suppress the emergence of T-tropic viruses. Consistent with this possibility, neutralizing antibodies are capable of preventing the CD4-dependent association of gp120 with CCR5 (42, 94, 103), and chemokines can also prevent the coreceptor interactions of HIV-1 (8, 13, 23, 28, 70).Here, we explore whether the efficiency of HIV-1 neutralization is affected by coreceptor usage. Although earlier studies have not found T-tropic strains to be inherently more neutralization sensitive than M-tropic ones (20, 40, 44), previously available reagents and techniques may not have been adequate to fully address this question. One major problem is that even single residue changes can drastically affect both antibody binding to neutralization epitopes and the HIV-1 phenotype (25, 55, 62, 67, 83, 91), and so studies using relatively unrelated viruses and a fixed antibody (polyclonal or monoclonal) preparation have two variables to contend with: the viral phenotype (coreceptor use) and the antigenic structure of the virus and hence the efficiency of the antibody-virion interaction.We have used a new experimental strategy to explore whether coreceptor usage affects neutralization sensitivity in the absence of other confounding variables: the use of dualtropic viruses able to enter CD4+ cells via either CCR5 or CXCR4. By using a constant HIV-1 isolate or clone and the same monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) or CD4-based reagents as neutralizing agents, we can ensure that the only variable under study in the neutralization reaction is the nature of the coreceptor used for entry. Our major conclusion is that there is no strong association between coreceptor usage and neutralization sensitivity for primary HIV-1 isolates. Independent studies have reached the same conclusion (53a, 59). The emergence of T-tropic (SI) viruses in vivo may be unlikely to be due to escape from antibody-mediated selection pressure.  相似文献   

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