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We compared the assemblages of phyllostomid bats in three Neotropical rainforests with respect to species richness and assemblage structure and suggested a method to validate estimates of species richness for Neotropical bat assemblages based on mist-netting data. The fully inventoried bat assemblage at La Selva Biological Station (LS, 100 m elevation) in Costa Rica was used as a reference site to evaluate seven estimators of species richness. The Jackknife 2 method agreed best with the known bat species richness and thus was used to extrapolate species richness for an Amazonian bat assemblage (Tiputini Biodiversity Station; TBS, 200 m elevation) and an Andean premontane bat assemblage (Podocarpus National Park; BOM, 1000 m elevation) in Ecuador. Our results suggest that more than 100 bat species occur sympatrically at TBS and about 50 bat species coexist at BOM. TBS harbours one of the most species-rich bat assemblages known, including a highly diverse phyllostomid assemblage. Furthermore, we related assemblage structure to large-scale geographical patterns in floral diversity obtained from botanical literature. Assemblage structure of these three phyllostomid assemblages was influenced by differences in floral diversity at the three sites. At the Andean site, where understorey shrubs and epiphytes exhibit the highest diversity, the phyllostomid assemblage is mainly composed of understorey frugivores and nectarivorous species. By contrast, canopy frugivores are most abundant at the Amazonian site, coinciding with the high abundance of canopy fruiting trees. Assemblage patterns of other taxonomic groups also may reflect the geographical distribution patterns of floral elements in the Andean and Amazonian regions.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 617–629.  相似文献   

de Roa Zoppi  Evelyn 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):429-435
A 14 year monitoring of species composition and abundance of cyclopoid copepods throughout the rainy and dry seasons in a flooded savanna at Mantecal, Apure State, Venezuela, is presented. Two characteristic habitats within these water bodies were selected: the open center of small ponds free of emergent vegetation and the surrounding flooded grassland. In total, 13 species were registered, all of which appeared in the flooded grassland and 11 of which occurred in the open water. Ten species were common for the two habitats during the dry season. The highest abundance was found in flooded grassland during the dry season. Eight species showed abundances greater than 1.0 individual per liter in flooded grassland during both seasons; 3 and 7 species were this abundant in the open water during rainy and dry seasons, respectively. Mesocyclops meridianus and Microcyclops varicans were the most abundant species in both habitats and seasons, while Thermocyclops decipiens was the dominant species during rainy season in open water. Principal component analysis indicates that the important species were positively correlated between them (sharing habitat and season).  相似文献   

Urban amphibian assemblages as metacommunities   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1. Urban ecosystems are expanding throughout the world, and urban ecology is attracting increasing research interest. Some authors have questioned the value of existing ecological theories for understanding the processes and consequences of urbanization. 2. In order to assess the applicability of metacommunity theory to urban systems, I evaluated three assumptions that underlie the theory - the effect of patch area, the effect of patch isolation, and species-environment relations - using data on assemblages of pond-breeding amphibians in the Greater Melbourne area of Australia. I also assessed the relative impact of habitat fragmentation, habitat isolation, and changes to habitat quality on these assemblages. 3. Poisson regression modelling provided support for an important increase in species richness with patch area (pond size) and a decrease in species richness with increasing patch isolation, as measured by surrounding road cover. Holding all other variables constant, species richness was predicted to be 2.8-5.5 times higher at the largest pond than at the smallest, while the most isolated pond was predicted to have 12-19% of the species richness of the least isolated pond. Thus, the data were consistent with the first two assumptions of metacommunity theory evaluated. 4. The quality of habitat at a pond was also important, with a predicted 44-56% decrease in the number of species detected at ponds with a surrounding vertical wall compared with those with a gently sloping bank. This demonstrates that environmental differences between habitat patches were also influencing amphibian assemblages, providing support for the species-sorting and/or mass-effect perspectives of metacommunity theory. 5. Without management intervention, urbanization may lead to a reduction in the number of amphibian species persisting in urban ponds, particularly where increasing isolation of ponds by roads and associated infrastructure reduces the probability of re-colonization following local extinction. Journal of Animal Ecology (2006) 75, 757-764 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2006.01096.x.  相似文献   

The sediments deposited during the Flandrian Stage in Swansea Bay, South Wales, have been sampled by offshore gravity coring and drilling, and by drilling in the intertidal and supratidal zones. Sedimentological and microfaunal analyses have revealed that the late Devensian boulder-clay surface was progressively transgressed over the period 10,000–2,500 years B.P., and that a sequence of environments from the supralittoral marsh through high mudflats, low mudflats, littoral and sublittoral sandflats developed; each palaeoenvironment is characterised by its own, distinctive foraminiferal assemblage, with indigenous and allochthonous components.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of hydromorphological restoration measures (mainly the removal of bank fixations) on riparian mesohabitats, vegetation and carabid beetles by comparing 24 restored to nearby non-restored floodplain sections in Germany. Mesohabitats were recorded along ten equally-spaced transects, plant communities and riparian plant and carabid beetle species along three transects per section. Based on 18 indices including habitat and species diversity, taxonomic diversity and functional indices we compared the frequency and magnitude of changes following restoration, both for the overall dataset and for each site individually. Riparian habitat diversity doubled in restored sections compared to non-restored sections. The numbers of vegetation units and plant and carabid beetle species richness also doubled in restored sections, whereas changes in Shannon diversity were most pronounced for mesohabitats and riparian plants. Taxonomic diversity of carabid beetles decreased in restored sections reflecting post restoration dominance of riparian Bembidion species. Stress-tolerant pioneers of plant and especially carabid species benefit strongly from the re-establishment of open sand and gravel bars, while hygrophilous species, which also include non-riparian species, did not respond to restoration. We conclude that restoring river hydromorphology has almost generally positive effects on riparian habitats and riparian biodiversity. Riparian biota are thus well-suited indicators for the effects of hydromorphological restoration.  相似文献   

Ecomorphological patterns of breeding dabbling duck (Anas spp.) assemblages were studied in six regions in northern Europe. Observed spacings among species in terms of bill lamellar density and body length were compared with expected spacings based on null models incorporating different levels of constraints (regional species pools, species relative abundances, lake size and habitat requirements of species). Deviations of observed spacings from expected ones were compared with prey abundance and prey size diversity in the lakes. Observed spacings in terms of body length, but not in terms of bill lamellar density, were greater than expected on the basis of null models. The most abundant species were generally relatively more different than less abundant species in terms of body length but not in terms of bill lamellar density. Deviations between observed and expected spacings in terms of body length were more like those predicted by the competition hypothesis in lakes with low food abundance than in lakes with high food abundance. Patterns in bill lamellar spacings were not related to food abundance nor to food size diversity. In general, patterns in body length spacings were consistent with the competition hypothesis whether the null model used in comparisons was constrained or not.  相似文献   

We used data from a light-trapping study at 28 sites on floodplain forest moths in eastern Austria to assess the performance of a variety of species richness and species diversity measures. At each site the data (32,181 individuals from 448 species) contain a large fraction of species represented only as singletons. Sampling effort was evenly spread across sites, but sampling success varied greatly. Influx of moths from the landscape matrix surrounding floodplain forest patches lead to substantial proportions of stray individuals from the regional species pool. Under these conditions, observed species numbers as well as eight extrapolation estimators of species totals failed to reflect differences between three study regions or between flooded and non-flooded forest habitats. Rarefied species numbers and Fisher’s α of the log-series distribution captured differences in moth diversity between regions, but failed to mirror flooding impact. Only Shannon’s diversity captured all expected diversity differences, at high significance levels. Application of Chao and Shen’s bias correction increased figures of Shannon’s diversity, but did not affect the outcome of statistical comparisons. We conclude that for species-rich incompletely sampled communities of highly mobile insects the evaluation of the complete species-abundance information using Shannon’s diversity is the most promising mode to compare local species diversity with a high degree of ecological resolution. Species richness measures apart from those obtained through rarefaction cannot be recommended, as they are sensitive to sources of bias that pertain to many empirical sets of field data.  相似文献   

Species richness patterns along altitudinal gradients are well-documented ecological phenomena, yet very little data are available on how environmental filtering processes influence the composition and traits of butterfly assemblages at high altitudes. We have studied the diversity patterns of butterfly species at 34 sites along an altitudinal gradient ranging from 600 to 2,000 m a.s.l. in the National Park Berchtesgaden (Germany) and analysed traits of butterfly assemblages associated with dispersal capacity, reproductive strategies and developmental time from lowlands to highlands, including phylogenetic analyses. We found a linear decline in butterfly species richness along the altitudinal gradient, but the phylogenetic relatedness of the butterfly assemblages did not increase with altitude. Compared to butterfly assemblages at lower altitudes, those at higher altitudes were composed of species with larger wings (on average 9 %) which laid an average of 68 % more eggs. In contrast, egg maturation time in butterfly assemblages decreased by about 22 % along the altitudinal gradient. Further, butterfly assemblages at higher altitudes were increasingly dominated by less widespread species. Based on our abundance data, but not on data in the literature, population density increased with altitude, suggesting a reversed density–distribution relationship, with higher population densities of habitat specialists in harsh environments. In conclusion, our data provide evidence for significant shifts in the composition of butterfly assemblages and for the dominance of different traits along the altitudinal gradient. In our study, these changes were mainly driven by environmental factors, whereas phylogenetic filtering played a minor role along the studied altitudinal range.  相似文献   

Understanding and managing increasing threat from diverse anthropogenic pressures on estuaries requires impact assessment and monitoring indices that provide accurate quantification of change and are readily communicable. Although indices based on nekton assemblage structure have obvious appeal to managers, the imperative to produce the most accurate measures possible has seen a move away from simple composite measures (such as diversity indices) towards complex multivariate approaches. However, complex methods often provide a poor basis for reporting because they can be difficult to report in terms that are meaningful to the end user. Effective indices should be simple to construct and communicate, relate directly to definable biological attributes, fall within predictable ranges for unimpacted systems and show demonstrable responses to known impacts. We use published nekton data for 30 natural and two artificial estuaries to develop a set of nekton assemblage-based summary measures that fit these criteria. We evaluated a suite of simple parallel measures based on both catch per unit effort (CPUE) and probability of encounter (PoE). Parallel measures provide complementary information thus a more robust assessments of change. Three measures fell within consistent bounds as long as comparisons were confined to the same time of year to remove the influence of seasonal variability, and were efficient at differentiating degraded from unimpacted estuaries. Because the successful approaches rely on PoE rather than CPUE they have considerable tactical advantages in that they are less destructive, allow for the collection of many more samples per unit time, and treat schooling and non-schooling species equivalently.  相似文献   

There is no question that the constituents of cells and organisms are joined together by the part-whole relation. Genes are part of cells, and cells are part of organisms. Species taxa, however, have traditionally been conceived of, not as wholes with parts, but as classes with members. But why does the relation change abruptly from part-whole to class-membership above the level of organisms? Ghiselin, Hull and others have argued that it doesn't. Cells and organisms are cohesive mereological sums, and since species taxa are like cells and organisms in the relevant respects, they, too, are cohesive mereological sums. I provide further reasons in support of the thesis that species are mereological sums. I argue, moreover, that the advocate of this thesis is committed to a form of pluralism with respect to the species concept.  相似文献   

M. J. Samways 《Oecologia》1990,84(4):482-490
Summary Ant assemblages in five closely-spaced point habitats were studied over a three-year period in a subtropical area of South Africa. A total of 20,746 individuals in 56 species were sampled with pitfall traps. Rapid species turnover occurred during short periods after longer intervals of relatively constant species composition. There was annual cycling of total numbers of individuals. The temporal variance for total number of individuals within each habitat increased significantly with mean population size by a logarithmic regression. This indicates that population fluctuations are dependent upon the mean, with a distinctive relationship. The total number of species was cyclical, with annual and approximately half-yearly cycles. Each habitat nevertheless carried a characteristic mean number of species. The temporal variance of species richness showed a highly significant positive logarithmic relationship with the mean number of species. Pheidole megacephala (F.) accounted for 45% of all individuals. Its overall population showed annual cycles. Ph. megacephala population trend was the main determinant for seasonal variation of the whole assemblage in most habitats. Percentage dominance was positively linearly correlated with the variance and with mean population level. Although Ph. megacephala population variance increased with the mean, proportionate variability did not, indicating that high populations are no more variable than low populations. Five variability measures were compared with each other on ant assemblages containing only the common species (1st quartile) and then including the increasingly rare species (1st and 2nd, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, and all quartiles). Williamson's Variability Measure, using logarithmic or inverse sine transformations, gave variable results depending whether or not the rarer species were included in the analysis. The Coefficient of Fluctuation also gave variable results depending on assemblage size. The Coefficient of Variation and Proportionate Variability Measure gave similar and consistent results, indicating that common species are not more variable than rare ones. The rarer species are stenotopic and tend always to be rare, whereas the common species are eurytopic, highly competitive and demographically volatile. Control measures for common ants, and conservation of rare ants, should take cognizance of these trends.  相似文献   

The occurrence and abundance of the pelagic eggs of southern North Sea spring-spawning fish were analysed between 1984 and 2000. Species number varied between six (1986) and 14 (1999) and was positively correlated with sea surface temperature. With one exception, dab eggs were always the most abundant and usually highly dominant. Ranking of species depended on temperature, but no significant differences in ranking between years was discernible. Although with the increase in temperature in the 1990s a change in species assemblage was evident [species belonging to the boreal-Mediterranean (Lusitanian) group became more apparent in the species assemblage] this did not lead to an increased species diversity (Shannon Index) or a change in other community parameters. It appears that the recent developments regarding spawning stock biomass of commercial North Sea fish is reflected in the declining egg abundance of the respective commercial and larger species (i.e. cod, flounder, plaice) and an increase in abundance of the eggs of small species (i.e. long rough dab, rockling) over the years. Received in revised form: 5 November 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Montane forest ecosystem characterized by frequent cloud or mist inundation are considered highly vulnerable to climatic change. Despite this, there is a paucity of long‐term studies assessing community change within these important ecosystems. We present the first comparative analysis of corticolous bryophyte diversity over 15 years in high elevation forests of the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area, south‐east Queensland, Australia. We found limited evidence of change in species richness across the five isolated stands of microphyll fern forest studied. However, we document considerable species turnover within corticolous bryophyte communities with a large and coherent pattern of change in the liverwort flora in particular (43–62% species turnover). Liverworts, but not mosses, also exhibited strong spatial patterns in species assemblages that likely correspond to varying exposure to orographic moisture associated with south‐easterly winds. We postulate that microclimatic factors are stronger determinants of liverwort assemblages than moss assemblages in this system and that documented directional change in liverwort communities is a response to temporal fluctuation in moisture inputs from orographic cloud that are not discernible from precipitation records.  相似文献   

The species category is defined as thesmallest historical individual within which there is a parental pattern of ancestry and descent. The use of historical individual in this definition is consistent with the prevailing notion that speciesper se are not involved in processes — they are effects, not effectors. Reproductive isolation distinguishes biparental historical species from their parts, and it provides a basis for understanding the nature of the evidence used to discover historical individuals.  相似文献   

Species are generally considered to be the basic units of evolution, and hence to constitute spatio-temporally bounded entities. In addition, it has been argued that species also instantiate a natural kind. Evolution is fundamentally about change. The question then is how species can remain the same through evolutionary change. Proponents of the species qua individuals thesis individuate species through their unique evolutionary origin. Individuals, or spatio-temporally located particulars in general, can be bodies, objects, events, or processes, or a combination of these. It is here argued that species are best understood as open or closed, causally integrated processual systems that also instantiate an historically conditioned homeostatic property cluster natural kind.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, elevational gradients have become a powerful tool with which to understand the underlying cause(s) of biodiversity. The Mt. Wilhelm elevational transect is one such example, having been used to study the birds, insects, and plants of Papua New Guinea (PNG). However, a survey of mammals from this forest elevational transect was lacking. We thus aimed to investigate patterns in the community structure and species richness of bats (Chiroptera) along the transect, link the species to available regional data, and explain the observed patterns by including environmental characteristics. Bat assemblages were surveyed between 200 m and a timberline at 3700 m a.s.l. at eight study sites separated by 500 m in elevation. We conducted mist-netting and acoustic surveys to detect and identify species at each site. Regional data were compiled to compare local with regional diversity. Finally, biotic (i.e., food availability, habitat features) and abiotic (i.e., mean daily temperature) factors were included in our analyses to disentangle the ecological drivers underlying bat diversity. Results revealed that species richness decreases with ascending elevation and was best explained by a corresponding decrease in temperature. We observed both turnover and nestedness of the species composition at regional scale whereas turnover was dominant at local scale. Extensions and shifts of bat elevational ranges were also found in Mt. Wilhelm. Consequently, despite that the study was restricted to one mountain in PNG, it demonstrates how basic inventory surveys can be used to address ecological questions in other similar and undisturbed tropical mountains.  相似文献   

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