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Uniparental reproduction in the tetraploid hermaphrodite speciesBulinus truncatus has been suggested to occur via self-fertilization,on the basis of cytological and genetic studies. However, recentanalyses of population genetic structure by protein electrophoresisindicated the occurrence of multi-banded phenotypes referredto as ‘fixed hetero-zygosity’. Although intrapopulationand geographical variation of multibanded phenotypes occur,many populations bear only one type of such patterns. This ledto the suggestion that parthenogenesis may well be the matingsyste in B. truncatus. However, such fixed heterozygosity patternsare expected in some tetraploid species in which double disomicinheritance of alleles occurs. It is therefore not possibleto determine from population genetic structure analysis alonewhether segregation occurs or not. Here, we investigate thestability of such patterns over one generation of uniparentalreproduction among four populations. We also present resultsof crossing experiments between individuals from two populations,using two diagnostic loci to analyse their offspring. Our resultsclearly indicate Mendelian segregation of alleles, and confirmsexual reproduction by self-fertilization and cross-fertilization.We interpret the multibanded patterns observed in populationsas the product of both diploid loci of the tetraploid genomewhen they are monomorphic for different alleles. Our study alsoallows us to suggest that partial selfing may be the regularmating system in B. truncatus. (Received 12 February 1992; accepted 7 September 1992)  相似文献   

Three neighbouring populations of Lymnaea peregra had recruitmentin the summer (June and July), but one population (Sheaf) hada second recruitment in September and October. We hypothesizedthat juveniles of the Sheaf population would be subject to selectionunder both ‘summer’ and ‘winter’ conditions,and thus should be more resistant to low-temperature stressthan juveniles of the other populations. The hypothesis wassupported by the findings that Sheaf juveniles survived andgrew better over a wider range of temperatures (2, 10, 15 and20°C )while juveniles of the other two populations wereadapted only to higher temperatures (15 and 20°C). Therewas evidence that some of these traits were genetically fixed. *Present address: Department of Applied Science, City Polytechnicof Hong Kong, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. (Received 15 September 1988; accepted 16 December 1988)  相似文献   

HARDWICK  R. C. 《Annals of botany》1987,60(4):439-446
The ‘core-skin’ hypothesis postulates that secondarilythickened plants behave energetically as an inert ‘core’covered by an active ‘skin’, the ‘skin’being two-imensional, the ‘core’ three-dimensional.This would explain the ‘self-thinning ‘or‘–3/2’ rule of plant ecology, that is, the tendencyfor log (dry weight per plant) and log (number of plants perunit area) to progress along a straight line relationship, withslope = – 3/2’. The hypothesis was tested as follows. Plant nitrogen contentwas used as an estimate of the mass of ‘skin’ perplant, and dry weight as an estimate of the mass of the ‘core’.As plants mature the slope of the relationship between y = log(mass of nitrogen per plant) and x = log (mass of dry matterper plant) is expected to decline from an initial value of 1.0towards a final value of 0.66. The intercept of the relationshipis expected to reflect the intrinsic content of ‘skin’per unit of ‘core’. Genotypic variation in thisparameter should cause genotypic differences in the maximumattainable yield of biomass per unit area. The expectations were investigated by fitting the function y= p+qx+r exp – x to 30 sets of data on plant nitrogencontent, plant weight and time in 18 different vegetables. Simplelinear regressions of y on x were fitted to more limited setsof data on weights and nitrogen contents of mature trees. Theexpectations were, with some minor exceptions, confirmed. Nitrogen, yield, plant competition, self-thinning  相似文献   

The accuracy of standard sampling and analysis procedures forestimating ingestion by herbivorous zooplankton was assessedusing models. Artificial environments were created in a computermodel, allowing for depth-dependent variability in temperature,chlorophyll and primary production. Model zooplankton were simulatedwithin these artificial environments using individual-basedmodels. The model zooplankton feed and defaecate at rates determinedby temperature and food concentrations, and also exhibit dielvertical migration (DVM) according to a variety of migrationmodels. The computer model was run for different combinationsof these nine environmental and five DVM models. Data were ‘sampled’from the model output, similar to field sampling of mesozooplanktongrazing. Daily ingestion was calculated from the gut ‘samples’using standard procedures for analysing gut fluorescence. Thesample results were compared with the actual ingestion valuesin the model, and some causes of discrepancies were noted. (i)If incorrect temperatures were assumed when calculating thegut evacuation rate (K), then estimates of ingestion were wrongby up to 40%. (ii) Non-uniform food environments gave errorsof up to 30% because of the large variability of measured gutcontents among individuals. (iii) Sampling from only part ofthe total depth range (e.g. at the chlorophyll maximum) resultedin estimates of ingestion being only 5% of the real value. Thissampling practice should be discouraged, because the sampleis not random. (iv) If sampling is not frequent enough, errorscan be as large as 45%, but more usually were 10% for realisticsampling frequencies. We describe an analysis procedure thatuses Monte Carlo-type simulations in a computer spreadsheetto estimate population consumption. These calculations takeinto account natural variability due to populations, samplesand assumptions. We urge that results should be presented asranges of possible values, rather than as single ‘mean’values, to allow for easier recognition of meaningful differencesamong samples and systems.  相似文献   

Part 1, under the frontispiece portrait of Dr. N. B. Eales,the words ‘President 1948–1951’ should havebeen added. Page 103, line 49, for ‘Newton Collection’ read‘Norman Collection (Canon Norman)’. 185, line 37, for ‘capillaris’ read ‘capillacca’. 188, Table 1, for ‘bemoralis’. read ‘nemoralis’. 188, Table 2, for ‘Cochlicella acuta (Müll)? ventrosa(Fér.)’ read ‘Cochlicella ventrosa (Fér.)’. 191, line 24, for ‘araheo-’ read ‘archeo-’.  相似文献   

Extracts of small and mature-size lupin pods yielded four substancesaffecting the growth of wheat-coleoptile sections: one acidpromotor (A), two acid inhibitors(B and X), and one neutralinhibitor(Y). Inhibitor B was extremely active, however, coleoptile sectionsshowed no signs of toxic effects; they resumed growth at a rapidrate after rinsing them and adding ß-indolylaceticand (IAA) to the medium. 1 µg of IAA was required to counteractthe effect of ‘B’ extracted from 230 mg. Of tissue.On an equal fresh weight basis the inhibiting action of ‘B’in lupin pods was 500–1,500 times more potent than thatof ‘inhibitor ß’ in etiolated pea seedlings. Small pods of plants infected with pea-mosaic virus yielded3 times the amount of ‘A’ of healthy plants (equivalentto 1 µg. IAA 0.3 µg. IAA per 25 g. of tissue respectively),and approximately the amount of ‘B’. Mature podsof virus-infected plants again yielded more‘A’,but also 2? times more ‘B’ than pods of healthyplants. Healthy pods yielded more ‘A’ than virus-infectedpods, and there was no difference in ‘X’. A lupin abscission test was developed and the effects of proximaland distal application of -naphthyl acetic acid (NAA) are presented,and discussed with respect to results of other abscission tests. ‘A’ accelerated abscission when applied proximally,and delayed or prevented it when applied distally. ‘B’strongly accelerated abscission when applied in either way.A possible mechanism explaining the abscission-inducing effectof developing pods on later flowers is discussed in terms ofthe substances ‘A’ and ‘B’. The partlyprevented abscission observed on virus-infected plants was foundto agree well with the proposed mechanism.  相似文献   

The freezing tolerance of many plants, such as pea (Pisum sativum),is increased by exposure to low temperature or abscisic acidtreatment, although the physiological basis of this phenomenonis poorly understood. The freezing tolerance of pea shoot tips,root tips, and epicotyl tissue was tested after cold acclimationat 2C, dehydration/rehydration, applications of 10–4M abscisic acid (ABA), and deacclimation at 25C. Tests wereconducted using the cultivar ‘Alaska’, an ABA-deficientmutant ‘wil’, and its ‘wildtype’. Freezinginjury was determined graphically as the temperature that caused50% injury (T50) from electrical conductivity. Endogenous ABAwas measured using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay,and novel proteins were detected using 2-dimensional polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis. The maximum decrease in T50 for root tissuewas 1C for all genotypes, regardless of treatment. For ‘Alaska’shoot tips and epicotyl tissue, exogenous ABA increased thefreezing tolerance by –1.5 to –4.0C, while coldtreatment increased the freezing tolerance by –7.5 to–14.8C. Cold treatment increased the freezing toleranceof shoot tips by –9 and –15C for ‘wil’and ‘wild-type’, respectively. Cold acclimationincreased endogenous ABA concentrations in ‘Alaska’shoot tips and epicotyls 3- to 4-fold. Immunogold labeling increasednoticeably in the nucleus and cytoplasm of the epicotyl after7 d at 2C and was greatest after 30 d at the time of maximumfreezing tolerance and soluble ABA concentration. Cold treatmentinduced the production of seven, three, and two proteins inshoot, epicotyl, and root tissue of ‘Alaska’, respectively.In ‘Alaska’ shoot tissue, five out of seven novelproteins accumulated in response to both ABA and cold treatment.However, only a 24 kDa protein was produced in ‘wil’and ‘wild-type’ shoot and epicotyl tissues aftercold treatment. Abscisic acid and cold treatment additivelyincreased the freezing tolerance of pea epicotyl and shoot tissuesthrough apparently independent mechanisms that both resultedin the production of a 24 kDa protein. Key words: Pisum sativum, cold acclimation, immuno-localization  相似文献   

Some previous work on zygotropism in Mucor is briefly reviewed,and further observations confirming earlier studies presented. In addition to positive zygotropism between (+) and (–)zygophores, there is claimed to be a corresponding ‘repulsion’between zygophores of the same mating type, (+) from (+) and(–) from (–). The stimulus appears to be transmittedby the diffusion of a volatile substance from one zygophoreto another. A tentative explanation of the phenomena describedis advanced, based on two postulated volatile hormones, eachevolved by zygophores of one mating type only, stimulating growthin zygophores of its own mating type and retarding it in thoseof the opposite type.  相似文献   

WARBURG, M. R., 1965. On the water economy of some Australianland snails. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 36, 297–305. Page 298: second line from bottom, should read ‘within± 1 µg for Themapupa’. Page 300: Fig. 2 legend, should read ‘Evaporative waterloss from Sinumelon remissum (a), Pleuroxia sp. (b) and Themapupaadelaidae (c)’. Page 300: section 4 heading, should read ‘Continuous curvesfor water loss’. Page 301: second line, for ‘Fig. 9’ read ‘Fig.3’. Page 301: Table 1, last line, for ‘0.120024’ read‘0.12024’. Present address: Israel Institute for Biological Research, Ness-Ziona,Israel.  相似文献   

The freezing tolerance of many plants, such as pea (Pisum sativum),is increased by exposure to low temperature or abscisic acidtreatment, although the physiological basis of this phenomenonis poorly understood. The freezing tolerance of pea shoot tips,root tips, and epicotyl tissue was tested after cold acclimationat 2C, dehydration/rehydration, applications of 10–4M abscisic acid (ABA), and deacclimation at 25C. Tests wereconducted using the cultivar ‘Alaska’, an ABA-deficientmutant ‘wil’, and its ‘wildtype’. Freezinginjury was determined graphically as the temperature that caused50% injury (T50) from electrical conductivity. Endogenous ABAwas measured using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay,and novel proteins were detected using 2-dimensional polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis. The maximum decrease in T50 for root tissuewas 1C for all genotypes, regardless of treatment. For ‘Alaska’shoot tips and epicotyl tissue, exogenous ABA increased thefreezing tolerance by –1.5 to –4.0C, while coldtreatment increased the freezing tolerance by –7.5 to–14.8C. Cold treatment increased the freezing toleranceof shoot tips by –9 and –15C for ‘wil’and ‘wild-type’, respectively. Cold acclimationincreased endogenous ABA concentrations in ‘Alaska’shoot tips and epicotyls 3- to 4-fold. Immunogold labeling increasednoticeably in the nucleus and cytoplasm of the epicotyl after7 d at 2C and was greatest after 30 d at the time of maximumfreezing tolerance and soluble ABA concentration. Cold treatmentinduced the production of seven, three, and two proteins inshoot, epicotyl, and root tissue of ‘Alaska’, respectively.In ‘Alaska’ shoot tissue, five out of seven novelproteins accumulated in response to both ABA and cold treatment.However, only a 24 kDa protein was produced in ‘wil’and ‘wild-type’ shoot and epicotyl tissues aftercold treatment. Abscisic acid and cold treatment additivelyincreased the freezing tolerance of pea epicotyl and shoot tissuesthrough apparently independent mechanisms that both resultedin the production of a 24 kDa protein. Key words: Pisum sativum, cold acclimation, immuno-localization  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Sulfonylurea (SU) herbicides are used extensively in cereal–livestockfarming zones as effective and cheap herbicides with usefullevels of residual activity. These residues can persist beyondthe cropping year, severely affecting legumes in general, andannual medics in particular, resulting in reduced dry matterproduction, lower seed yields and decreased nitrogen fixation.A strand medic cultivar, Medicago littoralis ‘Angel’,has been developed via chemical mutagenesis with tolerance toSU soil residues. Identifying the molecular basis of the observedtolerance was the aim of this study. Methods: Two F2 populations were generated from crosses between ‘Angel’and varieties of intolerant M. truncatula, the male-sterilemutant tap and the cultivar ‘Caliph’. Genetic mappingwith SSR (single sequence repeat) and gene-based markers allowedidentification of the trait-defining gene. Quantitative geneexpression studies showed the activity of the respective alleles. Key Results: Segregation ratios indicated the control of SU-herbicide toleranceby a single dominant gene. SU herbicides inhibit the biosynthesisof the branched-chain amino acids by targeting the acetolactatesynthase enzyme, allowing the choice of a mapping approach usingacetolactate synthase (ALS) gene homologues as candidates. SSR-markeranalysis suggested the ALS-gene homologue on chromosome 3 inM. truncatula. The ALS-gene sequences from ‘Angel’and intolerant genotypes were sequenced. In ‘Angel’,a single point mutation from C to T translating into an aminoacid change from proline to leucine was identified. The polymorphismwas used to develop a diagnostic marker for the tolerance trait.Expression of the mutant ALS allele was confirmed by quantitativeRT-PCR and showed no differences at various seedling stagesand treatments to the corresponding wild-type allele. Conclusions: The identification of the trait-defining gene and the developmentof a diagnostic marker enable efficient introgression of thiseconomically important trait in annual medic improvement programs.  相似文献   

In nodulated common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), there is typicallya period of N stress between 15 and 20 d after emergence (DAE),due to a lack of synchronization between the depletion of Nin the cotyledons and the beginning of N2 fixation and transport.Screening trials identified some Rhizobium leguminosarum bv.phaseoli strains with which symptoms of N deficiency were notvisible (‘precocious’ strains). Cultivar Negro Argelwas then inoculated with two ‘traditional’ strains(C-05 and CIAT 727) and two ‘precocious’ strains(CNPAF 146 and CNPAF 512), and plants were harvested from 8to 30 DAE. There were no differences between the two groupsof strains in nodule dry weight or in the acetylene reductionrates between 8 and 16 DAE. However, nodules induced by the‘precocious’ strains showed earlier onset of glutaminesynthetase (GS) (EC [EC] ) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT)(EC [EC] ) activities, and ureide synthesis. The N concentrationin the nodules formed by ‘precocious’ strains variedfrom 4.2 to 4.5%, whereas with the ‘traditional’strains, it increased from 3.2% at 8 DAE to 65% at 18 DAE, atwhich time plants exhibited N-deficiency symptoms. By 21 DAE,GS and GOGAT activities in ‘traditional’ noduleswere increased, as well as the ureide-N-concentration in thexylem sap, nodule N content declined to 4.5% and the leavesbecame green. These results suggest that the N stress with ‘traditional’strains is not a limitation in early N2 fixation activity butrather in the rates of expression of the processes of N assimilationand transport. Key words: Glutamate synthase, glutamine synthetase, nitrogen fixation, Phaseolus vulgaris, Rhizobium  相似文献   

The effects of the foliar application of phytocidal concentrationsof 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) on change in totaldry weight, and in ‘available carbohydrate’ (starch,‘total’ and ‘reducing’ sugars), totalnitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium of ‘tops’and roots of tomato plants have been followed over a periodof 14 days following spraying. There were two main treatments—‘nutrient’(nutrient supply to roots continued after spraying) and ‘water’(distilled water only supplied to roots after spraying) and‘water’ (distilled water only supplied to rootsafter spraying)—the sub-treatments consisting of ‘MCPA’versus ‘no-MCPA’ for each of the main treatments.Twelve different times of sampling were used. In analysing the present data, the quantity ‘residualdry weight’ (total dry weight less ‘available carbohydrate’),which was originally introduced by Mason and Maskell as a basisof reference for analyses of plant organs in short-period experimentsnot involving appreciable growth, has been used as an estimateof the permanent structure of plant growth. This new use ofthe ‘residual dry weight’ basis has brought outimportant features which were obscured when the data were leftin their primary form (as percentages of total dry weight oramounts per plant). Growth, as measured by increase in ‘residual dry weight’,was greatly inhibited by 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acidshortly after spraying, in both the presence and the absenceof nutrient. In the presence of 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid, netassimilation rate (estimated as rate of increase in total dryweight per gram ‘residual dry weight’ of the ‘tops’)was greatly diminished while uptake of total nitrogen and ofP2O5 (estimated as increase in total nitrogen or of P2O5 ofthe whole plant per day per 1 g. ‘residual dry weight’of the roots) appeared to undergo a similar but much smallerdiminution. It seemed probable, however, that in the presenceof MCPA a larger proportion of the carbohydrate actually formedwas utilized for synthesis of aminoacids and protein. In the plant as a whole there was no evidence of actual depletionof ‘available carbohydrate’ as a result of MCPAtreatment, this fraction showing a steady increase in all treatmentsthroughout the experiment. The rate of increase was, however,much reduced by MCPA treatment. The ‘tops’ presentedmuch the same picture as the whole plant, but for the rootsthe situation was quite different. While the roots of the ‘no-MCPA’plants and also of the ‘MCPA-water’ plants showeda steady increase in available carbohydrate, those of the ‘MCPA-nutrient’plants rose only very slightly (from the initial value of 8mg. per plant to about 10 mg.) during the first 2 days, andthen in the next 2 days declined to a value (about 6 mg.) belowthe initial and remained at this low level for the rest of theexperiment. It is suggested that the phytocidal effect of 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyaceticacid in the presence of nutrient may be due to depletion ofthe ‘available carbohydrate’ supplies in the roots,which is shown to be brought about, in part, by reduced transportfrom the tops, and partly by the relatively greater utilizationof the carbohydrate present. These results offer an explanationfor the facts that plants showing vigorous growth are more easilykilled by MCPA and that perennial plants, particularly thosewith storage tissues in their roots, are more resistant. Further,they suggest the useful practical application that MCPA treatmentshould be given when the carbohydrate reserves of the rootsare at a minimum. For perennial plants, conditions might beexpected to be optimal for the application of MCPA in late spring,at a time when the first ‘flush’ of growth is slowingdown and before any appreciable new reserves of carbohydratehave been accumulated. It was also shown that 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid preventedthe net synthesis of starch, but still permitted an appreciablenet formation of sucrose. 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid appeared to have no effecton the uptake of potassium, calcium, or of magnesium. The lackof effect on potassium is contrasted with the previous observationby Rhodes, Templeman, and Thruston (1950) that sub-lethal concentrationsof MCPA, applied over a relatively long period to the rootsof tomato plants, specifically depressed the uptake of potassium.  相似文献   

This review compares new developmental models on flowering andother vascular plants with evolutionary hypotheses formulatedby Agnes Arber (1879–1960) and like-minded botanists.Special emphasis is laid on philosophical basics such as perspectivism,pluralism about evolutionary modelling, continuum way of thinking,and fuzzy logic. Arber's perspective is best labelled as F uzzyA rberian M orphology (FAM Approach). Its proponents (‘FAMmers’)treat structural categories (e.g. ‘roots’, ‘shoots’,‘stems’, ‘leaves’, ‘stipules’)in vascular plants as concepts with fuzzy borderlines allowingintermediates (including transitional forms, developmental mosaics).The FAM Approach complements Cla ssical Plant M orphology (ClaMApproach), which is the traditional approach in botany. ClaMproponents (‘ClaMmers’) postulate that the structuralcategories of vascular plants are regarded as concepts withclear-cut borderlines and without intermediates. However, duringthe evolution of vascular plants, the root-shoot distinctionand the stem-leaf distinction have become blurred several timesdue to developmental changes, resulting in organs with uniquecombinations of features. This happened, for example, in thebladderworts (Utricularia, Lentibulariaceae). When focusingon the ‘leaf’, the FAM Approach is identical toArber's ‘partial-shoot theory of the leaf’ and Sinha's‘leaf shoot continuum model’. A compound leaf canrepeat the developmental pathway of the whole shoot, at leastto some degree. For example, compound leaves of Chisocheton(Meliaceae)with indeterminate apical growth and three-dimensional branchingmay be seen as developmental mosaics sharing some growth processeswith whole shoots! We focus here on the FAM Approach becausethis perspective is especially promising for developmental geneticistsstudying flowering and other vascular plants. Copyright 2001Annals of Botany Company Review, body plan, developmental mosaics, leaf development, history of botany, homeosis, homeotic genes, Lentibulariaceae, morphological evolution, process morphology, stipules, Utricularia, flowering plants  相似文献   

Five Gladiolus cultivars, namely ‘Aldebaran’, ‘BrightEye’, ‘Illusion’, ‘Manisha’ and‘Manmohan’, were exposed to 1 and 2 µg l–1sulphur dioxide to test their relative-sensitivity toleranceto the pollutant Plants were fumigated experimentally for 2h daily Foliar injury symptoms were observed first in ‘Manisha’followed by ‘Aldebaran’ and ‘Illusion’at the higher dose Photosynthetic pigments and leaf extractpH were significantly decreased, particularly in ‘Manisha’and ‘Illusion’ Overall disturbances in the plantmetabolism due to SO2 treatment led to retarded growth of plants,as evident from decreased shoot length and phytomass valuesThe order of sensitivity of the five Gladiolus cultivars toSO2 was as follows, with the greatest first Manisha, Illusion,Aldebaran, Bright Eye, Manmohan Cultivars, Gladiolus, sensitivity, sulphur dioxide, tolerance  相似文献   

Recalling Taste Intensities in Sweetened and Salted Liquids   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The effect of training on recalling taste intensities over 6weeks was studied using an ad libitum mixing procedure. Subjectstasted sweet and salty standards labeled as ‘weak’and ‘strong’ (3 and 8% sucrose in redcurrant juice;0.4 and 1.2% NaCl in beef broth). They subsequently mixed unsweetenedand sweetened juice, and unsalted and salted broth, to producetaste intensities that corresponded to the standards. A minimumtraining (MT) group (n = 13) produced comparison stimuli bytasting and directly comparing with standards in one sessiononly; an extensive training (ET) group (n = 13) did this insix sessions before producing comparison stimuli based on memoryonly at 1 h, 1 day, 1 week and 6 weeks. An upward bias (chemicallydetermined concentrations of comparison stimuli exceeding thoseof standards) occurred at 1 day or 1 week in MT subjects for‘weak’ and ‘strong’ sweetness, and for‘strong’ saltiness, and sustained thereafter. Theupward tendency was also observed in ET subjects but was significantonly for ‘strong’ sweetness. It is important torecognize memory effects such as the one described, as theyaffect food perceptions and can be a major source of bias insensory food research. Chem. Senses 21: 29–34, 1996. 3Current address: Psychonomics Department, Utrecht University,Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht, The Netherlands  相似文献   

Stimulation of single ‘largest’ or ‘marginal’labellar chemosensilla can evoke ipsi- and contralateral labellarlobe spreading responses in Protophormia. Measurements of reflexlatencies indicate that the response is triggered by messagescoming from the ‘largest’ ipsilateral chemosensilla.Input from the ‘marginal’ chemosensilla would playa role in maintaining the already triggered response.  相似文献   

Development of seeds following pollination with irradiated pollenwas studied inActinidia deliciosa(kiwifruit) ‘Hayward’.Pollinations were carried out using two different sources ofpollen (‘Tomuri’ and ‘Matua’) irradiatedwith gamma rays at doses of 700 and 900 Gy. Non-irradiated crosseswere used as controls. Pollen irradiation had little effectonin vitropollen germination. Irradiated pollen affected seedset and seed content, and induced the formation of parthenogeneticembryos. In comparison to the control, the embryo growth ratewas slower and the endosperm contained very low amounts of storageproducts. Seed set was significantly reduced following bothdoses of irradiation. Two types of seeds were observed: (1)seeds with endosperm only; and (2) seeds with both embryo andendosperm. The proportion of seeds containing endosperm onlywas almost ten-fold higher than those containing both embryoand endosperm. Embryo production by gamma-irradiated pollenwas genotype- and dose-dependent. The induction of parthenogenesiswas higher following gamma ray doses of 900 Gy than 700 Gy,which suggests the ‘Hertwig Effect’; the best efficiencywas obtained with ‘Tomuri’ pollen. Ploidy levelof parthenogenetic embryos was evaluated by nuclear size (area)with the use of image analysis. There was a large differencein embryo nuclei size between control and parthenogenetic embryos(mean size 90.8 and 49.1 µm2, respectively). It is concludedthat parthenogenetic embryos represent trihaploids.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company. Actinidia deliciosa, kiwifruit, pollen irradiation, induced parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

The flowering requirements of six European varieties of Loliumperenne L. were studied in controlled environments. In experimentson primary induction, flowering was recorded after transferto long days (LD) in a greenhouse at 12–24°C. In experimentson secondary induction, primary induction was first accomplishedat 6°C/10 h daylength for 12 weeks. When evaluated by the50% heading criterion, the requirement for duration of primaryinduction at 6°C/8 h daylength was <3 weeks in Mediterranean,5–6 weeks in Central European and 7–8 weeks in Scandinavianvarieties. While ‘Veyo’ (Italy) flowered profuselyregardless of temperature or daylength during primary induction,critical temperatures for primary induction in SD and LD were15 and 11°C in ‘Baca’ (Czech Republic) and 11and 7°C in ‘Falster’ (Denmark). The criticalphotoperiod for secondary induction at 15°C ranged from12 h in ‘Veyo’ and 14 h in ‘Baca’ to16.5 h in ‘Falster’ and 17.5 in ‘Kleppe’(Norway). The critical number of LD cycles varied correspondingly.While the Central and North European varieties required fewerLD cycles for 50% heading at 18 than at 12°C, ‘Veyo’showed the opposite response. It is concluded that the requirementsfor both primary and secondary induction of Lolium perenne increasewith increasing latitude of origin of the germplasm. In oneexperiment, 39–87% of the inflorescences came from tillersthat were not visible on transfer from primary to secondaryinduction, thus it is also concluded that there is no juvenilestage in tillers of Lolium perenne. Copyright 2000 Annals ofBotany Company Daylength, flowering, juvenility, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), primary induction, secondary induction, temperature, varieties, vernalization  相似文献   

Naturally occurring gibberellin-like substances possessing acidic,basic, and neutral properties were detected, by paper partitionchromatography, in ethanolic extracts of tomato seed and ofetiolated seedlings after 72 and 116 hours' growth. Dwarf maizemutants of the d-1 and d-5 types, ‘Meteor’ pea seedlingsand young ‘Potentate’ tomato plants were used asbioassay material. Hydrolysis of seed and seedling proteinsby ficin in phosphate buffer, pH 6.2, after removal of ethanol-solublesubstances, liberated more and different ‘bound’gibberellin-like substances. It is suggested that protein hydrolysisduring germination is an important means of liberating thesesubstances at different stages of seedling development. Acidic substances were present in all the extracts prepared,but in general two with Rfs 0.25 and 0.55 in iso-propanol: ammonia:water : : 10:1:1 v/v were differentiated on d-2 and d-5 maizerespectively. Neutral substances in dry seed extracts chromatographedin the same solvent, had Rfs of 0.05, 0.35, and 0.95 and thesewere found only in the ethanolic (‘free’) extracts.They were active on d-1 and d-2 maize and ‘Meteor’pea. Basic gibberellin-like substances with Rfs of 0.05 and0.35 were found in ‘free’ extracts of both dry seedand etiolated seedlings after 116 hours' growth which were activeon d-2 maize only. Two others with Rfs 0.45 and 0.95 were extractedfrom seedlings after 72 hours' growth and these were activeon young ‘Potentate’ tomato plants. It is suggested that certain gibberellin-like substances, capableof reversing dwarfism in test plants, may be responsible formorphogenetic or other responses not involving stem extensionin the parent species. Changes were found in the levels of gibberellin-likesubstances but there was no evidence of changes in levels ofseed inhibitors relative to seed growth substances.  相似文献   

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