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Assigning subcellular localization (SL) to proteins is one of the major tasks of functional proteomics. Despite the impressive technical advances of the past decades, it is still time-consuming and laborious to experimentally determine SL on a high throughput scale. Thus, computational predictions are the preferred method for large-scale assignment of protein SL, and if appropriate, followed up by experimental studies. In this report, using a machine learning approach, the Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (NNA), we developed a prediction system for protein SL in which we incorporated a protein functional domain profile. The overall accuracy achieved by this system is 93.96%. Furthermore, comparisons with other methods have been conducted to demonstrate the validity and efficiency of our prediction system. We also provide an implementation of our Subcellular Location Prediction System (SLPS), which is available at http://pcal.biosino.org.  相似文献   

Structural and functional features within genomic sequencesare best described by their position within the genomic structure.Cleavage sites can be conveniently described by single positionsbut genomic domains require the position of their two boundaries.The handling of these positions simultaneously to sequence manipulationsin computer simulations of recombinant DNA procedures greatlyimproves the understanding of the resulting recombinant constructs.In addition, the algorithms describing the fate of domain boundariescan be used for the handling of nucleotide sequences in dynamicdatabase environments handled by languages like Prolog whichare particularly suitable for artificial intelligence implementations.This communication describes a set of algorithms for the automaticupdating of single sites and double domain boundaries in linearand circular models for computer simulation of recombinant DNAprocedures. Received on August 18, 1987; accepted on October 13, 1987  相似文献   

The doublecortin-like (DC) domains, which usually occur in tandem, constitute novel microtubule-binding modules. They were first identified in doublecortin (DCX), a protein expressed in migrating neurons, and in the doublecortin-like kinase (DCLK). They are also found in other proteins, including the RP1 gene product which-when mutated-causes a form of inherited blindness. We previously reported an X-ray structure of the N-terminal DC domain of DCLK (N-DCLK), and a solution structure of an analogous module of human doublecortin (N-DCX). These studies showed that the DC domain has a tertiary fold closely reminiscent of ubiquitin and similar to several GTPase-binding domains. We now report an X-ray structure of a mutant of N-DCX, in which the C-terminal fragment (residues 139-147) unexpectedly shows an altered, "open" conformation. However, heteronuclear NMR data show that this C-terminal fragment is only transiently open in solution, and assumes a predominantly "closed" conformation. While the "open" conformation may be artificially stabilized by crystal packing interactions, the observed switching between the "open" and "closed" conformations, which shortens the linker between the two DC-domains by approximately 20 A, is likely to be of functional importance in the control of tubulin polymerization and microtubule bundling by doublecortin.  相似文献   

The PE family of Mycobacterium tuberculosis includes 98 proteins which share a highly homologous N-terminus sequence of about 110 amino acids (PE domain). Depending on the C-terminal domain, the PE family can be divided in three subfamilies, the largest of which is the PE_PGRS with 61 members. In this study, we determined the cellular localization of three PE proteins by cell fractionation and immunoelectron microscopy by expressing chimeric epitope-tagged recombinant proteins in Mycobacterium smegmatis. We demonstrate that the PE domain of PE_PGRS33 and PE11 (a protein constituted by the only PE domain) contains the information necessary for cell wall localization, and that they can be used as N-terminal fusion partners to deliver a sufficiently long C-terminus-linked protein domain on the mycobacterial cell surface. Indeed, we demonstrate that PE_PGRS33 and Rv3097c (a lipase belonging to the PE family) are surface exposed and localize in the mycobacterial cell wall. Moreover, we found that PE_PGRS33 is easily extractable by detergents suggesting its localization in the mycobacterial outer membrane. Beyond defining the cellular localization of these proteins, and a function for their PE domains, these data open the interesting possibility to construct recombinant mycobacteria expressing heterologous antigens on their surface for vaccine purposes.  相似文献   

Xu X  Yu D  Fang W  Cheng Y  Qian Z  Lu W  Cai Y  Feng K 《Journal of proteome research》2008,7(10):4521-4524
Peptidases play pivotal regulatory roles in conception, birth, digestion, growth, maturation, aging, and death of all organisms. These regulatory roles include activation, synthesis and turnover of proteins. In the proteomics era, computational methods to identify peptidases and catalog the peptidases into six different major classes-aspartic peptidases, cysteine peptidases, glutamic peptidases, metallo peptidases, serine peptidases and threonine peptidases can give an instant glance at the biological functions of a newly identified protein. In this contribution, by combining the nearest neighbor algorithm and the functional domain composition, we introduce both an automatic peptidase identifier and an automatic peptidase classier. The successful identification and classification rates are 93.7% and 96.5% for our peptidase identifier and peptidase classifier, respectively. Free online peptidase identifier and peptidase classifier are provided on our Web page http://pcal.biosino.org/protease_classification.html.  相似文献   

TIP-15 was previously identified as a cellular protein that can bind to the C-terminal end of the HTLV-1 Tax protein via its two PDZ domains. The sequence of the N-terminal part of TIP-15 is identical to that of the synaptic protein PSD-95. Both proteins are likely to be produced from the same gene by alternative splicing. Whereas expression of the PSD-95 mRNA was detected only with brain RNAs, that of TIP-15 was detected with RNAs from thymus, brain, skeletal muscle and Jurkat cells. The TIP-15 protein exhibits an apparent molecular weight of 40 kD and is weakly expressed in T cell lines. A two-hybrid screen performed with TIP-15 as bait revealed the presence of a PDZ binding site (PDZ-BS) in the following proteins: Lysyl tRNA synthetase, 6-phosphogluconolactonase (6-GPL), Stress-activated protein kinase 3 (SAPK3), NET-1, Diacylglycerol kinase zeta, MTMR1, MCM7, and hSec8. The sequence at the C-terminal ends of these proteins matches the X-S/T-X-V-COOH consensus previously defined for PDZ-BSs, with the exception of 6-GPL and SAPK3 which include a leucine as the C-terminal residue. For Lysyl tRNA synthetase, NET1, MTMR1 and hSec8, binding to TIP-15 was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation experiments performed with the extracts of transfected COS7 cells. These results show the existence of functional PDZ-BSs in these proteins, but future studies will be necessary to establish whether or not TIP-15 represents a physiological partner. The significance of the presence of a PDZ-BS in these various proteins is discussed with respect to their function.  相似文献   

We have created a database of two-domain proteins with homology less than 25% (452 proteins). Based on one half of this set of proteins statistics of appearance of amino acid residues on the domain boundaries of multiple domain proteins has been obtained. Small and hydrophilic amino acids (proline, glycine, asparagine, glutamic acid, arginine and others) appear on the domain boundaries more often than in the whole protein. Opposite, hydrophobic amino acid residues (tryptophane, methionine, phenylalanine and others) appear on the domain boundaries more rarely. The obtained scales of the appearance of amino acid residues on the boundary regions from the statistics have been used for calculation of domain boundaries in the proteins of the second half of the database. The probability scale obtained by averaging the appearance of amino acid residues on the domain boundary region including 8 residues (+/-4 residues from the real domain boundary) gives the best result: for 57% of proteins the predicted boundary was closer than 40 residues to the boundary assigned from three-dimensional structures, for 41% it was closer than 20 residues from the real boundary. The probability scale was used to predict domain boundaries for proteins with unknown three-dimensional structure (international competition CASP6).  相似文献   



The identification of protein domains plays an important role in protein structure comparison. Domain query size and composition are critical to structure similarity search algorithms such as the Vector Alignment Search Tool (VAST), the method employed for computing related protein structures in NCBI Entrez system. Currently, domains identified on the basis of structural compactness are used for VAST computations. In this study, we have investigated how alternative definitions of domains derived from conserved sequence alignments in the Conserved Domain Database (CDD) would affect the domain comparisons and structure similarity search performance of VAST.  相似文献   

Search for the presence of lectin-binding sites on Toxoplasma gondii   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Evidence for the presence of carbohydrate on the surface membrane of Toxoplasma gondii trophozoites and on the cell wall of toxoplasma brain cysts was sought by fluorescent lectin staining. Using FITC-conjugated preparations of Concanavalin A (Con A), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), or soy bean agglutinin (SBA), we have failed to obtain evidence for the binding of these lectins on the surface of T. gondii trophozoites. In contrast, the three test lectins bound effectively and specifically to the wall of toxoplasma brain cysts. Prefixation of cysts with glutaraldehyde or brief trypsinization of cysts did not affect the intensity of cyst wall fluorescence when stained with FITC-conjugated Con A, SBA, or WGA. The results are interpreted to indicate that whereas exposed Con A, SBA, and WGA binding sites are associated with the wall of toxoplasma brain cysts, such lectin-binding saccharide residues are not present on the surface of trophozoites in exposed or reactive form.  相似文献   

The Src homology 2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 and SHP-2 play an important role in many intracellular signaling pathways. Both SHP-1 and SHP-2 have been shown to interact with a diverse range of cytosolic and membrane-bound signaling proteins. Generally, SHP-1 and SHP-2 perform opposing roles in signaling processes; SHP-1 acts as a negative regulator of transduction in hemopoietic cells, whereas SHP-2 acts as a positive regulator. Intriguingly, SHP-1 has been proposed to play a positive regulating role in nonhemopoietic cells, although the mechanisms for this are not understood. Here we show that green fluorescent protein-tagged SHP-1 is unexpectedly localized within the nucleus of transfected HEK293 cells. In contrast, the highly related SHP-2 protein is more abundant within the cytoplasm of transfected cells. In accordance with this, endogenous SHP-1 is localized within the nucleus of several other nonhemopoietic cell types, whereas SHP-2 is distributed throughout the cytoplasm. In contrast, SHP-1 is confined to the cytoplasm of hemopoietic cells, with very little nuclear SHP-1 evident. Using chimeric SHP proteins and mutagenesis studies, the nuclear localization signal of SHP-1 was identified within the C-terminal domain of SHP-1 and found to consist of a short cluster of basic amino acids (KRK). Although the KRK motif resembles half of a bipartite nuclear localization signal, it appears to function independently and is absolutely required for nuclear import. Our findings show that SHP-1 and SHP-2 are distinctly localized within nonhemopoietic cells, with the localization of SHP-1 differing dramatically between nonhemopoietic and hemopoietic cell lineages. This implies that SHP-1 nuclear import is a tightly regulated process and indicates that SHP-1 may possess novel nuclear targets.  相似文献   

The bacterium Xenorhabdus nematophila is a mutualist of Steinernema carpocapsae nematodes and a pathogen of insects. Presently, it is not known what nutrients the bacterium uses to thrive in these host environments. In other symbiotic bacteria, oligopeptide permeases have been shown to be important in host interactions, and we therefore sought to determine if oligopeptide uptake is essential for growth or symbiotic functions of X. nematophila in laboratory or host environments. We identified an X. nematophila oligopeptide permease (opp) operon of two sequential oppA genes, predicted to encode oligopeptide-binding proteins, and putative permease-encoding genes oppB, oppC, oppD, and oppF. Peptide-feeding studies indicated that this opp operon encodes a functional oligopeptide permease. We constructed strains with mutations in oppA(1), oppA(2), or oppB and examined the ability of each mutant strain to grow in a peptide-rich laboratory medium and to interact with the two hosts. We found that the opp mutant strains had altered growth phenotypes in the laboratory medium and in hemolymph isolated from larval insects. However, the opp mutant strains were capable of initiating and maintaining both mutualistic and pathogenic host interactions. These data demonstrate that the opp genes allow X. nematophila to utilize peptides as a nutrient source but that this function is not essential for the existence of X. nematophila in either of its host niches. To our knowledge, this study represents the first experimental analysis of the role of oligopeptide transport in mediating a mutualistic invertebrate-bacterium interaction.  相似文献   

Recent advances in large-scale genome sequencing have led to the rapid accumulation of amino acid sequences of proteins whose functions are unknown. Since the functions of these proteins are closely correlated with their subcellular localizations, many efforts have been made to develop a variety of methods for predicting protein subcellular location. In this study, based on the strategy by hybridizing the functional domain composition and the pseudo-amino acid composition (Cai and Chou [2003]: Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 305:407-411), the Intimate Sorting Algorithm (ISort predictor) was developed for predicting the protein subcellular location. As a showcase, the same plant and non-plant protein datasets as investigated by the previous investigators were used for demonstration. The overall success rate by the jackknife test for the plant protein dataset was 85.4%, and that for the non-plant protein dataset 91.9%. These are so far the highest success rates achieved for the two datasets by following a rigorous cross validation test procedure, further confirming that such a hybrid approach may become a very useful high-throughput tool in the area of bioinformatics, proteomics, as well as molecular cell biology.  相似文献   

It is well known that protein subcellular localizations are closely related to their functions. Although many computational methods and tools are available from Internet, it is still necessary to develop new algorithms in this filed to gain a better understanding of the complex mechanism of plant subcellular localization. Here, we provide a new web server named PSCL for plant protein subcellular localization prediction by employing optimized functional domains. After feature optimization, 848 optimal functional domains from InterPro were obtained to represent each protein. By calculating the distances to each of the seven categories, PSCL showing the possibilities of a protein located into each of those categories in ascending order. Toward our dataset, PSCL achieved a first-order predicted accuracy of 75.7% by jackknife test. Gene Ontology enrichment analysis showing that catalytic activity, cellular process and metabolic process are strongly correlated with the localization of plant proteins. Finally, PSCL, a Linux Operate System based web interface for the predictor was designed and is accessible for public use at http://pscl.biosino.org/.  相似文献   



The functional sites of a protein present important information for determining its cellular function and are fundamental in drug design. Accordingly, accurate methods for the prediction of functional sites are of immense value. Most available methods are based on a set of homologous sequences and structural or evolutionary information, and assume that functional sites are more conserved than the average. In the analysis presented here, we have investigated the conservation of location and type of amino acids at functional sites, and compared the behaviour of functional sites between different protein domains.  相似文献   

Summary Immature rats were injected subcutaneously with 0.36 g of [3H]hydroxytamoxifen ([3H]TAM(OH)) or 0.24 g of [3H]oestradiol in oil, and 4 h later uteri were processed for thaw-mount autoradiography. The specificity of [3H]TAM(OH) localization was determined by injecting a 200-fold excess of unlabelled TAM(OH) or a 20-, 200- or 2000-fold excess of oestradiol 1 h before injection of [3H]TAM(OH). After injection of [3H]TAM(OH) or [3H]oestradiol, autoradiograms showed concentration of radioactivity in nuclei of stromal, epithelial and myometrial cells, but this labelling varied among the cell types depending upon which compound was injected. After [3H]TAM(OH) injection, the decreasing order of labelling intensity was stroma, myometrium, epithelium; after [3H]oestradiol injection the decreasing order was stroma, epithelium, myometrium. Injection of TAM(OH) before [3H]TAM(OH) eliminated nuclear labelling in all the uterine cell types. Injection of oestradiol before [3H]TAM(OH) decreased nuclear labelling and resulted in the concentration of label in the cytoplasm of luminal epithelium which was not present when [3H]TAM(OH) was injected alone. Cytoplasmic labelling increased initially as the oestradiol competition dose increased, but the increase in labelling did not continue with increasing concentrations of oestradiol. The results indicate that antioestrogen and oestrogen localize to nuclei of the same uterine cell types, but that cellular uptake differs among the tissue compartments. The results also suggest that a high concentration of antioestrogen-binding sites exist in the cytoplasm of the uterine luminal epithelium.  相似文献   

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