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A study of the research on postpartum mother-infant bonding shows that results from poorly constructed research programs were published in major journals and became a part of hospital policy because the bonding concept was politically useful in the struggle between advocates of natural childbirth and managers of the medical model of birth. The concept was also uncritically accepted because it was consistent with a longstanding ideology of motherhood that sees women as the prime architects of their children’s personalities. Diane Eyer earned her Ph.D. in developmental psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. She is currently writing a book on the ways in which the concepts of bonding and attachment have affected our understanding of appropriate early childcare.  相似文献   

This study focused on spatial relationships between female domestic goats and their kids from birth to 15 weeks of age. Results indicate that goat mothers are primarily responsible for the initiation and maintenance of mother-infant contact only during the first week following parturition. A shift to infant responsibility for mother-infant proximity was seen during Week 2, and kids remained primarily responsible throughout all subsequent weeks of observation. Mothers and their young spent most of their time more than 10 mother-lengths from each other during the course of the study; this lack of close physical proximity was particularly evident during the infant's first 6–8 weeks following birth. Thereafter, kids exhibited significant increases in the amount of time spent in close proximity to their dams. This general trend in the development of mother-infant spatial relationships in domestic goats is similar to those reported for other “hider” ungulates, and confirms that the domestic goat has a “hider” rather than a “follower” type of mother-infant relationship.  相似文献   

Family composition is an important predictor of variation in proximity among captive bonnet macaque (Macaca radiata) mothers and their infants. Infants that have several immature sisters in the group are initially more independent that infants with fewer sisters, but as they reach 6 months of age infants with several sisters become less independent than their peers. The effects of the presence of juvenile females on the relative independence of their infant siblings seem to be related to the fact that the members of families with several immature females are the targets of more aggression than are the members of other families.  相似文献   

The reaction of mothers to replacement of breeding adult males was studied in two captive groups of vervet monkeys. Mother-infant behavior for 15 infants born in the season following the introduction of new males was compared to mother-infant behavior for 35 infants born with adult males that had been resident in the group for more than a year. The mothers responded to the presence of new males by being more protective toward their infants in the first 3 months. Increased protectiveness disappeared in the second 3 months, and in the infant’s sixth month of life mothers with new males in the group became more rejecting than mothers with long-term resident males. The combination of increased protectiveness and increased rejection was unusual among the mothers with long-term resident males but was the most common mothering style used in the presence of new males. The rate of rejection was inversely correlated with the interbirth interval, and mothers with new males in the group conceived sooner and had significantly shorter inter-birth intervals compared to mothers with long-term resident males.  相似文献   

Functional relationships of the mammalian testis and epididymis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of knowledge in four areas of research in male reproductive physiology of particular interest is reviewed. The concept of the blood-testis barrier (BTB), which arose following dye exclusion from the seminiferous tubules, has now been established as the differential transfer from interstitial fluid to tubular and rete testis fluids of molecules of physiological importance. The composition of fluid collected mostly from the rete testis of several species, not only reflects the nature of the barrier, but also the secretory capacity of the Sertoli cell. The functional significance of the transfer of molecules into testicular fluid and the composition of the fluid flowing into the epididymis are discussed. Sertoli cells establish the structural basis of the BTB during puberty and divide the seminiferous epitheliuym into basal and adluminal compartments. The Sertoli cell is the prime target for follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). The responses evoked by FSH are discussed, including special mention of androgen binding protein (ABP) and the protein hormone, 'inhibin', with FSH-suppressing properties. The control of FSH in the lamb is mentioned including new evidence to support a tubular source of a feedback agent with significance during the impuberal stage. Finally, some of the biochemical properties of the epididymis and its fluid contents are reviewed and the epididymal sperm are identified as the site of the antifertility action of the 6-chloro-6-deoxy sugars.  相似文献   

Data derived from studies of comparative anatomy, development, neuroanatomy, behaviour and the reconstruction of fossils are combined to evaluate the evolution of the oral-pharyngeal region in mammals. An important event in the evolution of the mammalian feeding apparatus was the development of a novel neuromuscular apparatus, consisting of a large series of striated muscles. The most important of these muscles are the pharyngeal elevators and constrictors, which appear to be without homologues in other amniotes. In addition to considerable peripheral neural and muscular modifications, the motor nuclei of the brain stem in mammals exhibit significant differences from other amniotes. The morphological features characteristic of mammals are reflected in behavioural differences, most significantly during swallowing and suckling. The neuromuscular changes in the mammalian oral-pharyngeal apparatus are at least as extensive as those involving the masticatory system, and have importance far beyond the separation of the airway and foodway, the foci of most previous studies. The hypothesis of neuromuscular conservativism in the evolution of the mammalian feeding mechanism is considered and it is concluded that few data exist to support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Transposable elements, and retroviral-like elements in particular, are a rich potential source of genetic variation within a host's genome. Many mutations of endogenous genes in phylogenetically diverse organisms are due to insertion of elements that affect gene expression by altering the normal pattern of regulation. While few such associations are known to have been maintained over time, two recently elucidated examples suggest transposable elements may have a significant impact in evolution of gene expression. The first example, concerning the mouse sex-limited protein (Slp), clearly establishes that ancient retroviral enhancer sequences now confer hormonal dependence on the adjacent gene. The second example shows that within the human amylase gene family, salivary specific expression has arisen due to inserted sequences, deriving perhaps from a conjunction of two retrotransposable elements.  相似文献   

Mammals have incredible biological diversity, showing extreme flexibility in eco-morphology, physiology, life history and behaviour across their evolutionary history. Undoubtedly, mammals play an important role in ecosystems by providing essential services such as regulating insect populations, seed dispersal and pollination and act as indicators of general ecosystem health. However, the macroecological and macroevolutionary processes underpinning past and present biodiversity patterns are only beginning to be explored on a global scale. It is also particularly important, in the face of the global extinction crisis, to understand these processes in order to be able to use this knowledge to prevent future biodiversity loss and loss of ecosystem services. Unfortunately, efforts to understand mammalian biodiversity have been hampered by a lack of data. New data compilations on current species' distributions, ecologies and evolutionary histories now allow an integrated approach to understand this biodiversity. We review and synthesize these new studies, exploring the past and present ecology and evolution of mammalian biodiversity, and use these findings to speculate about the mammals of our future.  相似文献   

Mating among the immediate products of meiosis (intratetrad mating) is a common feature of many organisms with parthenogenesis or with mating-type determination in the haploid phase. Using a three-locus deterministic model we show that intratetrad mating, unlike other systems of mating, allows sheltering of deleterious recessive alleles even if there is only partial linkage between a mating locus and a load locus. Moreover, modifiers that reduce recombination between the load and mating-type locus will spread to fixation, even when there is no linkage disequilibrium between these loci in the population as a whole. This seeming contradiction to classical expectation is because partial linkage generates linkage disequilibrium among segregating loci within a tetrad, which then acts as the "mating unit."  相似文献   

Maintenance of a stable two-locus polymorphism is analyzed statistically by fitting a logistic regression with a quadratic function of genotypic fitnesses to the probability for a fitness set to maintain a polymorphism. The regression is fitted using a data set containing information on stable equilibria maintained by 32,00 randomly generated fitness sets with three recombination values (0. 005, 0.05, 0.5). Fitted logistic regressions discriminate with 88 to 90% accuracy between fitness sets maintaining and not maintaining a stable internal equilibrium, which implies the existence of a fitness structure (balance of fitnesses) maintaining a two-locus polymorphism. Aspects of the balance of fitnesses revealed by logistic regressions are discussed. It is demonstrated that logistic regression also discriminates between types of a stable polymorphism: globally stable polymorphism, several simultaneously stable polymorphisms, and stable equilibria in addition to a polymorphic one, which implies that different balances of fitnesses are responsible for the maintenance of different types of polymorphism.  相似文献   



Selenium is an essential trace element in mammals due to its presence in proteins in the form of selenocysteine (Sec). Human genome codes for 25 Sec-containing protein genes, and mouse and rat genomes for 24.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We characterized the selenoproteomes of 44 sequenced vertebrates by applying gene prediction and phylogenetic reconstruction methods, supplemented with the analyses of gene structures, alternative splicing isoforms, untranslated regions, SECIS elements, and pseudogenes. In total, we detected 45 selenoprotein subfamilies. 28 of them were found in mammals, and 41 in bony fishes. We define the ancestral vertebrate (28 proteins) and mammalian (25 proteins) selenoproteomes, and describe how they evolved along lineages through gene duplication (20 events), gene loss (10 events) and replacement of Sec with cysteine (12 events). We show that an intronless selenophosphate synthetase 2 gene evolved in early mammals and replaced functionally the original multiexon gene in placental mammals, whereas both genes remain in marsupials. Mammalian thioredoxin reductase 1 and thioredoxin-glutathione reductase evolved from an ancestral glutaredoxin-domain containing enzyme, still present in fish. Selenoprotein V and GPx6 evolved specifically in placental mammals from duplications of SelW and GPx3, respectively, and GPx6 lost Sec several times independently. Bony fishes were characterized by duplications of several selenoprotein families (GPx1, GPx3, GPx4, Dio3, MsrB1, SelJ, SelO, SelT, SelU1, and SelW2). Finally, we report identification of new isoforms for several selenoproteins and describe unusually conserved selenoprotein pseudogenes.


This analysis represents the first comprehensive survey of the vertebrate and mammal selenoproteomes, and depicts their evolution along lineages. It also provides a wealth of information on these selenoproteins and their forms.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of the mammalian prion protein   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Prion protein (PrP) sequences are until now available for only six of the 18 orders of placental mammals. A broader comparison of mammalian prions might help to understand the enigmatic functional and pathogenic properties of this protein. We therefore determined PrP coding sequences in 26 mammalian species to include all placental orders and major subordinal groups. Glycosylation sites, cysteines forming a disulfide bridge, and a hydrophobic transmembrane region are perfectly conserved. Also, the sequences responsible for secondary structure elements, for N- and C-terminal processing of the precursor protein, and for attachment of the glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol membrane anchor are well conserved. The N-terminal region of PrP generally contains five or six repeats of the sequence P(Q/H)GGG(G/-)WGQ, but alleles with two, four, and seven repeats were observed in some species. This suggests, together with the pattern of amino acid replacements in these repeats, the regular occurrence of repeat expansion and contraction. Histidines implicated in copper ion binding and a proline involved in 4-hydroxylation are lacking in some species, which questions their importance for normal functioning of cellular PrP. The finding in certain species of two or seven repeats, and of amino acid substitutions that have been related to human prion diseases, challenges the relevance of such mutations for prion pathology. The gene tree deduced from the PrP sequences largely agrees with the species tree, indicating that no major deviations occurred in the evolution of the prion gene in different placental lineages. In one species, the anteater, a prion pseudogene was present in addition to the active gene.  相似文献   

Evo-devo and the evolution of social behavior   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The integration of evolutionary biology with developmental genetics into the hybrid field of 'evo-devo' resulted in major advances in understanding multicellular development and morphological evolution. Here we show how insights from evo-devo can be applied to study the evolution of social behavior. We develop this idea by reviewing studies that suggest that molecular pathways controlling feeding behavior and reproduction in solitary insects are part of a 'genetic toolkit' underlying the evolution of a particularly complex form of social behavior, division of labor among workers in honeybee colonies. The evo-devo approach, coupled with advances in genomics for non-model genetic organisms, including the recent sequencing of the honeybee genome, promises to advance our understanding of the evolution of social behavior.  相似文献   

Comparative studies over the past year have revealed two new insights into the role of neuropeptides in the evolution of social behaviors. First, across vertebrate taxa, certain neuropeptide effects appear to be gender-specific. Second, species variations in receptor gene structure can alter neuropeptide receptor distribution and thereby contribute to species differences in social behavior.  相似文献   

Hotspots of mammalian chromosomal evolution   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文


Chromosomal evolution is thought to occur through a random process of breakage and rearrangement that leads to karyotype differences and disruption of gene order. With the availability of both the human and mouse genomic sequences, detailed analysis of the sequence properties underlying these breakpoints is now possible.  相似文献   

Monoallelic gene expression has played a significant role in the evolution of mammals enabling the expansion of a vast repertoire of olfactory receptor types and providing increased sensitivity and diversity. Monoallelic expression of immune receptor genes has also increased diversity for antigen recognition, while the same mechanism that marks a single allele for preferential rearrangement also provides a distinguishing feature for directing hypermutations. Random monoallelic expression of the X chromosome is necessary to balance gene dosage across sexes. In marsupials only the maternal X chromosome is expressed, while in eutherian mammals the paternal X genes are silenced in the developing placenta and early blastocyst. These examples of epigenetic gene regulation commonly employ asynchrony of replication, the binding of polycomb proteins and antisense RNA, and histone modifications to chromatin structure. The same is true for genomic imprinting which among vertebrates is unique to mammals and represents a special kind of epigenetic modification that is heritable according to parent of origin. Genomic imprinting pervades many aspects of mammalian growth and evolution but in particular has played a significant role in the co‐adaptive evolution of the mother and foetus.  相似文献   

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