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The question of whether the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 affects collagen production relative to total protein synthesis or has possible effects on collagen degradation was investigated. Cultured normal human fibroblasts were incubated with radioactive proline, and the radioactivity of collagenase-sensitive and -resistant proteins was used to calculate the rates of protein production. The net production of collagen relative to total proteins was inhibited by A23187 in a dose-related manner, and 50% inhibition of basal collagen production was achieved with 0.6 microM A23187. There was a 70% decrease in the absolute rate of collagen production in the presence of 0.6 microM A23187 which represented a 4-fold greater inhibition of collagen production than of noncollagen protein production. The major mechanism for the decreased net production of collagen was decreased synthesis, rather than increased degradation. Ca2+ mobilization induced by cholecystokinin octapeptide was also associated with selective inhibition of collagen production in normal human fibroblasts. These studies establish that the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 induces a selective decrease in collagen polypeptide synthesis by normal human fibroblasts and suggest a modulatory role of Ca2+ on collagen metabolism.  相似文献   

In rabbit reticulocytes more than half of the total hexokinase activity is mitochondrial bound and shows a fast decay during reticulocyte maturation. During in vitro incubation of rabbit reticulocytes, Ca2+ increases the decay of hexokinase while salicylhydroxamate (SHAM), an inhibitor of lipoxygenase, reduces the decay. Swelling of mitochondria, by incubation of the cells in hypotonic solutions, greatly enhances hexokinase decay, but both the Ca2+ and SHAM are still appreciable suggesting that Ca2+ and the swelling act by additive mechanisms, both able to influence hexokinase decay. This was confirmed by incubation of rabbit brain mitochondria in hypotonic solutions which does not promote any hexokinase decay, while the presence of Ca2+ does. Analyses of hexokinase isozymic pattern after incubation of reticulocytes in hypotonic solution both with and without Ca2+ and SHAM showed that the decay of hexokinase mainly involves the mitochrondrial bound isozymic forms.Abbreviations SHAM Salicylhydroxamate - HPLC High-Performance Liquid Chromatography  相似文献   

Abramov AY  Duchen MR 《Cell calcium》2003,33(2):101-112
We have used fluorescence digital imaging techniques to explore the actions of two groups of Ca(2+) ionophores: (i). ferutinin, an electrogenic naturally occurring ionophore, and (ii). the neutral ionophores 4-BrA23187 and ionomycin, on cytosolic [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)](c)), mitochondrial [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)](m)) and mitochondrial membrane potential (deltapsi(m)) in HepG2 cells and primary hippocampal neurones in culture. 4-BrA23187 and ionomycin promoted the equilibration of [Ca(2+)] gradients between cellular compartments, including ER, mitochondria and cytosol. Thus, [Ca(2+)](c) and [Ca(2+)](m) increased together and then recovered in parallel on removal of the ionophore. In contrast, following a rise in [Ca(2+)](c) in response to ferutinin, [Ca(2+)](m) remained elevated for prolonged periods after the recovery of [Ca(2+)](c) levels despite washout of the compound. Both groups of Ca(2+) ionophores caused some mitochondrial depolarisation, although this was highly variable in degree. Mitochondrial depolarisation induced by ionomycin and 4-BrA23187 was often modest, independent of cyclosporin A (CsA), was suppressed in the absence of extracellular Ca(2+) and was enhanced by pre-incubation of cells with the inhibitor of the mitochondrial Ca(2+)/2Na(+)-exchanger, CGP37157, suggesting that the change in potential reflects the prior state of mitochondrial calcium loading. The mitochondrial depolarisation induced by ferutinin was not influenced by CGP37157 but was completely blocked by CsA, suggesting that it reflects opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP). We suggest that ferutinin may provide a very valuable tool to promote mitochondrial calcium overload experimentally and to promote calcium-dependent opening of the mPTP.  相似文献   

A. Telfer  J. Barber 《BBA》1978,501(1):94-102
1. Ionophore A23187 induces uncoupling of potassium ferricyanide-dependent O2 evolution by envelope-free chloroplasts and oxaloacetate-dependent O2 evolution by intact chloroplasts. The half maximal concentration (C12) for stimulation of oxygen evolution in both cases is approximately 4 μM · 100 μg chlorophyll · ml?1.2. Ionophore A23187 also induces inhibition of CO2 and 3-phosphoglycerate-dependent O2 evolution by intact chloroplasts in the presence of 3 mM MgCl2. The half maximal concentrations (C12) for inhibition of O2 evolution are 3 μM and 5 μM respectively · 100 μg?1 chlorophyll · ml?1.3. A very high concentration of ionophore A23187 (10 μM · 20 μg?1 chlorophyll · ml?1) plus 0.1 mM EDTA lowers the fluorescence yield of intact chloroplasts suspended in a cation-free medium in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, indicating loss of divalent cation from the diffuse double layers of the thylakoid membranes.4. These results are discussed in relation to ionophore A23187-induced divalent cation/proton exchange at both the thylakoid and the envelope membranes of intact chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Transport of Ca2+ in microsomal membrane vesicles of the Tetrahymena has been investigated using arsenazo III as a Ca2+ indicator. The microsomes previously shown to carry a Mg2+-dependent, Ca2+-stimulated ATPase (Muto, Y. and Nozawa, Y. (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 777, 67-74) accumulated calcium upon addition of ATP and Ca2+ sequestered into microsomal vesicles was rapidly discharged by the Ca2+ ionophore A23187. Kinetic studies indicated that the apparent Km for free Ca2+ and ATP are 0.4 and 59 microM, respectively. The Vmax was about 40 nmol/mg protein per min at 37 degrees C. The calcium accumulated during ATP-dependent uptake was released after depletion of ATP in the incubation medium. Furthermore, addition of trifluoperazine which inhibited both (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase and ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake rapidly released the calcium accumulated in the microsomal vesicles. These observations suggest that Tetrahymena microsome contains both abilities to take up and to release calcium and may act as a Ca2+-regulating site in this organism.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ ionophore A23187 elicits a transient increase in pancreatic amylase release in vitro, and this is accompanied by a transient decrease in phosphatidyl inositol concentration. Effects of ionophore A23187 and carbachol on amylase release and phosphatidylinositol breakdown are dependent on medium Ca2+. These results suggest that major secretagogue-induced, pancreatic phospholipid changes follow, rather than precede, changes in Ca2+ in the pancreas.  相似文献   

Intact rabbit reticulocytes synthesize several classes of membrane proteins ranging in molecular weight from 20,000 to 200,000. The synthesis is inhibited by cycloheximide, and treatment with ribonuclease does not significantly alter the gel pattern.  相似文献   

Zinc ions are essential, but at elevated concentrations, they also have toxic effects on mammalian cells. Zinc plays a crucial role in cell proliferation and differentiation and it even protects cells against apoptosis caused by various reagents. On the other hand, zinc at high concentrations causes cell death that was characterized as apoptotic by internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, formation of apoptotic bodies, and breakdown of the mitochondrial membrane potential. In the present work, a clone of rat C6 glioma cells that was resistant to toxic effects of ZnCl2 up to 250 μM was employed to study the effect of the ionophore A23187 on zinc-induced apoptosis. Neither 150 μM Zn2+ nor 100 nM A23187 alone caused apoptosis as measured by internucleosomal DNA fragmentation. However, combined exposure of C6 cells to 100 nM A23187 and 150 μM Zn2+ for 48 h was effective in inducing apoptosis. Because the so-called calcium ionophore A23187 is not specific for Ca2+ ions but also transports Zn2+ with high selectivity over Ca2+, we investigated whether this substance promoted the uptake of Zn2+ ions into C6 cells. Employing the zinc-specific fluorescence probe Zinquin, we observed that the very low concentration of 1.9 nM A23187 significantly and rapidly raised the intracellular mobile Zn2+ content. Analysis by atomic absorption spectroscopy revealed that incubation with 1.9 nM A23187 caused a doubling of the total intracellular zinc level within 60 min. We conclude that the apoptosis evoked by the combined action of Zn2+ and A23187 was the result of enhanced Zn2+ influx evoked by the ionophore, resulting in higher intracellular zinc levels.  相似文献   

In the preceding paper (Kawai, H. et al. (1992) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1133, 172-178), we reported that in mastocytoma P-815 cells dexamethasone and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) synergistically enhanced the de novo synthesis of L-histidine decarboxylase (HDC). Here we found that Ca2+ acted synergistically with cAMP in the induction of HDC mRNA and HDC activity in mastocytoma P-815 cells, and that the mechanism underlying the enzyme induction by Ca2+ plus cAMP was distinguishable from that by dexamethasone plus TPA. Ca2+ ionophore A23187, itself having no significant activity, markedly enhanced the induction of HDC activity by N6,O2'-dibutyryl cAMP (db cAMP) or cAMP-inducible prostaglandins such as PGE1, PGE2 and PGI2 in the presence of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor, Ro201724. However, A23187 had little effect on increases in HDC activity induced by other known stimulants, such as TPA, dexamethasone and sodium butyrate. These results suggest that A23187 has a specific effect on the induction of HDC activity due to an increased level of cAMP. The finding that both A23187 and cAMP enhanced HDC activity suggests that both Ca2+/calmodulin and cyclic nucleotide dependent protein kinase play essential roles in the process of enhancement of HDC activity. To examine this possibility, we studied the effects of W-7, an inhibitor of calmodulin, removal of extracellular Ca2+, and H-8, an inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, on the enhancing activity of A23187 plus db cAMP. The enhancement of HDC activity by A23187 plus db cAMP was inhibited by W-7, removal of extracellular Ca2+, and H-8. The increase in HDC activity was due to the de novo synthesis of the enzyme, since it was suppressed by the addition of cycloheximide or actinomycin D, and was well correlated with the marked accumulation of a 2.7 kilobase HDC mRNA. Furthermore, the mechanism underlying the induction of HDC by db cAMP plus A23187 is distinguishable from that in the case of dexamethasone plus TPA, since preexposure to dexamethasone plus TPA for 12 h, for a plateau level to be reached, did not affect the subsequent increase in HDC activity due to db cAMP plus A23187.  相似文献   

The role of Ca2+ in phospholipid metabolism and arachidonic acid release was studied in guinea pig neutrophils. The chemotactic peptide formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenyl-alanine (fMLP) activated [32P]Pi incorporation into phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidic acid (PA) without any effects on the labeling of phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), and phosphatidylserine (PS). This activation was observed in Ca2+-free medium. Even in the neutrophils severely deprived of Ca2+ with EGTA and Ca2+ ionophore A23187, the stimulated labeling was not inhibited. When [3H]arachidonic acid-labeled neutrophils were stimulated by fMLP, a loss of [3H]arachidonic acid moiety in PI and the resultant increase in [3H]arachidonyl-diacylglycerol (DG), -PA, and free [3H]arachidonic acid was marked within 3 min. With further incubation, a loss of [3H]arachidonic acid in PC and PE became significant. These results suggest the activation of phospholipase C preceded the activation of phospholipase A2. In Ca2+-free medium, the decrease in [3H]arachidonyl-PI and the increase in [3H]arachidonyl-PA were only partially inhibited, although the release of [3H]arachidonic acid and a loss of [3H]arachidonyl-PC and -PE was completely blocked. These results show that PI-specific phospholipase C was not as sensitive to Ca2+ deprivation as arachidonic acid cleaving enzymes, phospholipase A2, and diacylglycerol lipase. Ca2+ ionophore A23187, which is known as an inducer of secretion, also stimulated [32P]Pi incorporation into PI and PA, although the incorporation into other phospholipids, such as PC and PE, was inhibited. This stimulated incorporation seemed to be caused by the activation of de novo synthesis of these lipids, because the incorporation of [3H]glycerol into PA and PI was also markedly stimulated by Ca2+ ionophore. But the chemotactic peptide did not increase the incorporation of [3H]glycerol into any glycerolipids including PI and PA. Thus, it is clear that fMLP mainly activates the pathway, PI leads to DG leads to PA, whereas Ca2+ ionophore activates the de novo synthesis of acidic phospholipids. When [3H]arachidonic acid-labeled neutrophils were treated with Ca2+ ionophore, the enhanced release of arachidonic acid and the accumulation of [3H]arachidonyl-DG, -PA with a concomitant decrease in [3H]arachidonyl-PC, -PE, and -PI were observed. Furthermore, the Ca2+ ionophore stimulated the formation of lysophospholipids, such as LPC, LPE, LPI, and LPA nonspecifically. These data suggest that Ca2+ ionophore releases arachidonic acid, unlike fMLP, directly from PC, PE, and PI, mainly by phospholipase A2. When neutrophils were stimulated by fMLP, the formation of LPC and LPE was observed by incubation for more than 3 min. Because a loss of arachidonic acid from PI occurred rapidly in response to fMLP, it seems likely the activation of PI-specific phospholipase C occurred first and was followed by the activation of phospholipase A2 when neutrophils are activated by fMLP...  相似文献   

Regulation of protein phosphorylation in isolated pancreatic acini by the intracellular messengers Ca2+ and diacylglycerol was studied by using the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 and the tumour-promoting phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate. As assessed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, the phorbol ester (1 microM) and Ca2+ ionophore (2 microM) altered the phosphorylation of distinct sets of proteins between Mr 83,000 and 23,000 in mouse and guinea-pig acini. The phorbol ester increased the phosphorylation of four proteins, whereas the ionophore increased the phosphorylation of two proteins and, in mouse acini, decreased the phosphorylation of one other protein. In addition, the phorbol ester and ionophore each caused the dephosphorylation of two proteins, of Mr 20,000 and 20,500. Administered together, these agents reproduced the changes in phosphorylation induced by the cholinergic agonist carbamoylcholine. The effects of the phorbol ester and ionophore on acinar amylase release were also studied. In mouse pancreatic acini, a maximally effective concentration of phorbol ester (1 microM) produced a secretory response that was only 28% of that produced by a maximally effective concentration of carbamoylcholine, whereas the ionophore (0.3 microM) stimulated amylase release to two-thirds of the maximal response to carbamoylcholine. In contrast, in guinea-pig acini, the phorbol ester and carbamoylcholine evoked similar maximal secretory responses, whereas the maximal secretory response to the ionophore was only 35% of that to carbamoylcholine. Combination of phorbol ester and ionophore resulted in a modest synergistic effect on amylase release in both species. It is concluded that cholinergic agonists act via both diacylglycerol and Ca2+ to regulate pancreatic protein phosphorylation, but that synergism between these intracellular messengers is of limited importance in stimulating enzyme secretion.  相似文献   

Divalent cation ionophore A23187 has a potent inhibitory effect on protein synthesis in the C6 rat glioma cell line. Treatment with 4 μM A23187 resulted in 93% inhibition of [1-14C]leucine label incorporation into proteins and a 61% increase in free pool labeling. Total RNA synthesis was not affected. Extracellular ionic calcium or magnesium are not required for these changes to occur. Therefore, these effects of A23187 may be a direct effect on protein synthesis or may result from release of internal stores of divalent cations. By comparison, ionophore X537A (4 μM) has only a slight inhibitory effect on protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Functionally intact mitochondria from rabbit reticulocytes are characterized by a low NAD+ level after the preparation (0.29 nmoles NAD+ + NADH/mg protein). They are apparently impermeable for NADH and exhibit a slow net uptake of NAD+. From the increase of O2-uptake in state 3 and the increase of NADH concentration in state 4 of respiration after the addition of NAD+ we concluded that 3--10 min are necessary for the saturation with NAD+ at 23 degrees C. 2mM NAD+ extramitochondrially are not sufficient to saturate the mitochondria with NADH and probably NAD+, too. Because of the net uptake of NAD+ we assume that reticulocyte mitochondria lose NAD+ during their preparation. If they are incubated with the physiological concentration of 300 micrometer NAD+, which was found in reticulocytes, a value of 1.9 nmoles NAD+ + NADH mg protein was calculated. At an extramitochondrial NAD+ concentration of 300 micrometer, reticulocyte mitochondria exhibit an almost maximal O2-uptake in the presence of oxaloacetate or alpha-ketoglutarate. It is concluded that the mitochondria in intact reticulocytes contain the "normal" complement of NAD+ + NADH.  相似文献   

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