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The transfer of lipid from the yolk to the avian embryo is mediated by the yolk sac membrane (YSM). Some, but not all, of the published morphological evidence supports the view that the lipid undergoes a cycle of hydrolysis and re-esterification during translocation across the YSM. The present study aims to test this view by investigating the capacity of the YSM to perform esterification of free fatty acids to form acyl-lipids. YSM pieces (area vasculosa), obtained from the chicken embryo at day 10 of development, were incubated in vitro in medium containing [14C]-palmitic acid. Radioactivity was rapidly incorporated into the tissue lipid indicating a high capacity for esterification. The incorporation was linear with time during the 1-h incubation. Approximately 84% of the incorporated label was recovered in triacylglycerol, 12% was incorporated into phospholipid and less than 1% was detected in cholesteryl ester. [14C]-palmitic acid was incorporated primarily at the sn-1/3 positions in the triacylglycerol molecule and at the sn-1 position of phospholipid. The incorporation of label into tissue pieces obtained from the non-vascularized peripheral region of the YSM (area vitellina) was much more limited than that observed for the area vasculosa. The results support the hypothesis that yolk lipid is hydrolyzed and re-esterified during transfer across the YSM.Abbreviations YSM yolk sac membrane - VLDL very-low density lipoprotein Communicated by G. Heldmaier  相似文献   

The yolk sac membrane (YSM) of the chicken embryo is known to express δ-9 and δ-6 desaturase activities, suggesting that biosynthesis of the unsaturated fatty acids 18:1n-9, 20:4n-6 and 22:6n-3 might occur during the transfer of yolk lipids across the YSM. If so, this biosynthesis could help to satisfy the demands of the embryonic tissues for these unsaturates. To assess the ability of the YSM to perform these conversions, pieces of the tissue were incubated in vitro with the precursor fatty acids, 14C-18:0, 14C-18:2n-6 or 14C-18:3n-3, and the recovery of radioactivity in the respective products, 18:1n-9, 20:4n-6 and 22:6n-3, was determined. After 4 h of continuous incubation, radioactivity from these precursors was incorporated primarily into triacylglycerol and phospholipid of the tissue pieces. Only small proportions (0.3–4.7%) of this incorporated radioactivity were, however, recovered as 18:1n-9, 20:4n-6 or 22:6n-3. The majority of the incorporated label was retained in the form of the precursor fatty acids. After a 1-h pulse incubation with the 14C precursors, followed by a 3-h chase incubation in the absence of exogenous label, the conversion of incorporated radioactivity to the end product unsaturates was again relatively low (0.5–8.1%). Thus, although conversions of the precursors to the end product fatty acids were detectable in this system, the biosynthesis of these unsaturates is apparently a quantitatively minor pathway in the YSM. Nevertheless, since the amount of 18:2n-6 in the yolk lipids far exceeds that of 20:4n-6, the conversion of even a small proportion of the former to the latter fatty acid could significantly increase the supply of 20:4n-6 to the embryonic tissues.  相似文献   

Summary The phorbol ester TPA (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate) stimulates baseline Na+ transport across frog skin epithelium and partially inhibits the natriferic response to vasopressin. The effects are produced largely or solely when TPA is added to the mucosal surface of the tissue. Although TPA activates protein kinase C, it has other effects, as well. Thus, the biochemical basis for the effects and the ionic events involved have been unclear. Furthermore, the physiologic implications have been obscure because of the sidedness of TPA's actions.We now report that two synthetic diacylglycerols (DAG) replicate the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of TPA on frog skin. DAG is the physiologic activator of PKC. In this tissue, it produces half-maximal stimulation at a concentration of 19 M. In contrast to TPA, DAG is about equally effective from either tissue surface.In a series of eight experiments, DAG was found to depolarize the apical membrane. Diacylglycerol also increases the paracellular conductance of frog skins bathed with mucosal Cl Ringer's solution. The latter effect can be minimized by replacing NO 3 for Cl in the mucosal solution. Under these conditions, combined intracellular and transepithelial measurements indicated that DAG increased both the apical Na+ permeability and intracellular Na+ concentration. These results are qualitatively similar to the effects of cyclic 3, 5-AMP on this tissue, suggesting that activation of PKC by DAG causes phosphorylation of the same or nearby gating sites phosphorylated by cAMP.We propose that apical Na+ entry is regulated in part by activation of PKC, and that insulin may be a physiologic trigger of this activation.  相似文献   

The chick blastoderm at the stage of late gastrula is a flat disc formed by three cell layers and exhibiting epithelial properties. Blastoderms were cultured in miniature chambers and their electrophysiological characteristics were determined under Ussing conditions.Under open-circuit condition and identical physiological solutions on both sides, spontaneous transblastodermal potential difference (V oc) of –7.5±3.3 mV (ventral side positive) was measured. Under short-circuit condition (transblastodermal V = 0 mV), the blastoderm generated short-circuit current (I sc) of 21±8 A/cm2, which was entirely dependent on extracellular sodium, sensitive to ouabain applied ventrally and independent of extracellular chloride. The net transblastodermal Na+ flux fully accounted for the measured I sc, both under control conditions and with ouabain. The total transblastodermal resistance (R tot) was 390±125 cm2.Frequently, the V oc, I sc and R tot showed spontaneous oscillations with a period of 4–5 min. Removal of endoderm and mesoderm did not significantly affect the electrical properties, indicating that the electrogenic sodium transport is generated by the ectoderm.The V oc and I sc measured in the area pellucida (–1.3±0.8 mV, 9.3±4.4 A/cm2) and extraembryonic area opaca (–7.8±1.1 mV, 31.2±12.7 A/cm2) were significantly different. Such a heterogeneous distribution of electrical properties can explain the presence in the blastoderm of extracellular electrical currents found by using a vibrating probe.This work was supported by the Swiss National Research Foundation (grant. 3.418-0.86 to P.K.) and by Roche Research Foundation (grant. to U.K.). We thank Drs. E. Raddatz and Y. de Ribaupierre for helpful discussions.  相似文献   

The ectoderm of the one-day chick embryo generates dorsoventrally oriented short-circuit current (I sc) entirely dependent on extracellular sodium.At the dorsal cell membrane, the I sc was modified reversibly and in a concentration-dependent manner by: amiloride (60% decrease at 1 mm, with 2 apparent IC50s: 0.13 and 48 m), phlorizin (0.1 mm) or removal of glucose (30% decrease, additive to that of amiloride), SITS (1 mm, 13% decrease). Acidification or alkalinization of the dorsal (but not ventral) superfusate produced, respectively, decrease or increase of I sc with a pH50 of 7.64.Ba2+ (0.1–1 mm) from either side of the ectoderm decreased the I sc by 30%. Anthracene-9-carboxylic acid, furosemide and inducers of cAMP had no effect on electrophysiological properties of the blastoderm.The chick ectoderm is therefore a highly polarized epithelium containing, at the dorsal membrane, the high and low affinity amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels, Na+-glucose cotransporter, K+ channels and pH sensitivity, and, at the ventral membrane, the Na+, K+-ATPase and K+ channels. The Na+ transport reacts to pH, but lacks the cAMP regulatory system, well known in many epithelia.The active Na+ transport drives glucose and fluid into the intraembryonic space, across and around the blastoderm which, in the absence of blood circulation, could secure renewal of extracellular fluid and disposal of wastes and thus maintain the cell homeostasis.This work was supported by the Swiss National Research Foundation (grant 3.418-0.86 to P.K.), by the Roche Research Foundation (grant to U.K.), the Fond du 450ème anniversaire de l'Université de Lausanne and the Société Académique Vaudoise (grants to H.A.). We thank C. Bareyre, G. de Torrenté and R. Ksontini for excellent technical assistance and Drs. E. Raddatz, Y. de Ribaupierre and B. Prod'hom for helpful discussions.  相似文献   

Summary The transport of human γ-globulin labelled with I125, and ferritin, across the rabbit yolk sac splanchnopleur, has been followed using electronmicroscopy combined with autoradiography. Both ferritin, and human γ-globulin I125 as indicated by grains, became similarly localised in the same absorptive vesicles present in the yolk sac endoderm. Only human γ-globulin I125 could be convincingly demonstrated in the basement membrane of the yolk sac endoderm, in the vascular mesenchyme, and in the vitelline vessels. These findings are discussed in the light of other studies using fluorescent protein tracing to locate simultaneously transmitted and non-transmitted proteins, and in the light of suggested mechanisms, to explain selective transmission. Supported by an award from the Science Research Council, to whom grateful acknowledgement is made.  相似文献   

Summary The apical membrane of rabbit urinary bladder can be functionally removed by application of nystatin at high concentration if the mucosal surface of the tissue is bathed in a saline which mimics intracellular ion concentrations. Under these conditions, the tissue is as far as the movement of univalent ions no more than a sheet of basolateral membrane with some tight junctional membrane in parallel. In this manner the Na+ concentration at the inner surface of the basolateral membrane can be varied by altering the concentration in the mucosal bulk solution. When this was done both mucosal-to-serosal22Na flux and net change in basolateral current were measured. The flux and the current could be further divided into the components of each that were either blocked by ouabain or insensitive to ouabain. Ouabain-insensitive mucosal-to-serosal Na+ flux was a linear function of mucosal Na+ concentration. Ouabain-sensitive Na+ flux and ouabain-sensitive, Na+-induced current both display a saturating relationship which cannot be accounted for by the presence of unstirred layers. If the interaction of Na+ with the basolateral transport process is assumed to involve the interaction of some number of Na+ ions,n, with a maximal flux,M max, then the data can be fit by assuming 3.2 equivalent sites for interaction and a value forM max of 287.8pm cm–2 sec–1 with an intracellular Na concentration of 2.0mm Na+ at half-maximal saturation. By comparing these values with the ouabain-sensitive, Na+-induced current, we calculate a Na+ to K+ coupling ratio of 1.40±0.07 for the transport process.  相似文献   

Summary We have examined transport and membrane binding of 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine (DON, a photoactive diazo-analogue of glutamine) and their relationships to glutamine transport in Xenopus laevis oocytes. DON uptake was stereospecific and saturable (V max of 0.44 pmol/oocyte · min and a K m of 0.065 mm). DON uptake was largely Nau+ dependent (80% at 50 m DON) and inhibited (>75%) by glutamine and arginine (substrates of the System B0,+ transporter) at 1 mm. Glutamine and DON show mutual competitive inhibition of Na+-dependent transport. Preincubation of oocytes in medium containing 0.1 mm DON for 24 or 48 hr depressed the V max for System B0,+ transport (as measured by Na+-dependent glutamine uptake), this effect was highly specific (neither d-DON nor the System B0,+ substrates glutamine and d-alanine showed any independent effect) and required Na+ ions. Glutamine (1 mm in preincubation medium) protected transport from inhibition by DON. The possibility that specific inactivation of System B0,+ by DON reflects attachment of DON to the transporter was tested by examining the binding of [14C]DON to Xenopus oocyte membranes. Oocytes incubated in 100 mm NaCl in the presence of [14C]DON for up to 48 hr showed 2.4-fold higher 14C-binding to membranes than oocytes incubated in choline chloride. Na+-dependent DON binding (31 ± 11 fmol/g membrane protein) was suppressed by external glutamine, arginine or alanine and was largely confined to a membrane protein fraction of 48–65 kDa (as assessed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). The present studies indicate that DON and glutamine uptake in oocytes are both mediated by System B0,+ and demonstrate that DON binding to a particular membrane protein fraction is associated with inactivation of the transporter, offering the prospect of using [14C]DON as a covalent label for the transport protein in order to facilitate its isolation and subsequent biochemical characterization.This work was supported by The Wellcome Trust, Action Research for the Crippled Child, Ajinomoto GmbH, Pfrimmer GmbH, the Rank Prize Funds, the Medical Research Council and the University of Dundee. We are grateful to Dr. C.I. Pogson (Wellcome Research Laboratories) and Drs. J.C. Ellory and B. Elford (University of Oxford) for gifts of [14C]DON.  相似文献   

A fraction of inside-out membrane vesicles enriched in plasma membranes (PM) was isolated from Dunaliella maritima cells. Attempts were made to reveal ATP-driven Na+-dependent H+ efflux from the PM vesicles to external medium, as detected by alkalization of the vesicle lumen. In parallel experiments, ATP-dependent Na+ uptake and electric potential generation in PM vesicles were investigated. The alkalization of the vesicle lumen was monitored with an impermeant pH-sensitive optical probe pyranine (8-hydroxy-1,3,6-pyrenetrisulfonic acid), which was loaded into vesicles during the isolation procedure. Sodium uptake was measured with 22Na+ radioactive label. The generation of electric potential in PM vesicles (positive inside) was recorded with a voltage-sensitive probe oxonol VI. Appreciable Na+-and ATP-dependent alkalization of vesicle lumen was only observed in the presence of a protonophore CCCP (carbonyl cyanide-chlorophenylhydrazone). In parallel experiments, CCCP accelerated the ATP-dependent 22Na+ uptake and abolished the electric potential generated by the Na+-ATPase at the vesicle membrane. A permeant anion NO? 3 accelerated ATP-dependent 22Na+ uptake and promoted dissipation of the electric potential like CCCP did. At the same time, NO? 3 inhibited the ATP-and Na+-dependent alkalization of the vesicle lumen. The results clearly show that the ATP-and Na+-dependent H+ efflux from PM vesicles of D. maritima is driven by the electric potential generated at the vesicle membrane by the Na+-ATPase. Hence, the Na+-transporting ATPase of D. maritima carries only one ion species, i.e., Na+. Proton is not involved as a counter-ion in the catalytic cycle of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Hyperphosphatemia and II(o) hyperparathyroidism are common and severe complications of chronic renal failure. Reduced dietary phosphorus has been shown to be an effective treatment in reducing serum phosphate and serum PTH. 2(')-Phosphophloretin inhibited small intestine apical membrane Na(+)/phosphate cotransport and reduced serum phosphate in adult rats. 2(')-PP and phosphoesters of phloretin were tested for inhibition of human small intestine brush border membrane alkaline phosphatase activity and for inhibition of Na(+)-dependent phosphate uptake. The IC(50)'s for inhibition of alkaline phosphatase suggested an order of inhibitory potency of 4-PP > phloretin > 4(')-PP > 2(')-PP. Inhibition of Na(+)-dependent phosphate uptake followed the sequence 2(')-PPz.Gt;4(')-PP > 4-PP > phloretin. These results are consistent with 2(')-PP being a specific inhibitor of human intestinal brush border membrane Na(+)/phosphate cotransport.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of papaverine, an inhibitor of the phosphodiesterase responsible for breakdown of cAMP, on the transepithelial sodium transport across the isolated frog skin was investigated.Serosal addition of papaverine caused initially an increase in the short-circuit current (SCC), a doubling of the cellular cAMP content and a depolarization of the intracellular potential under SCC conditions (V scc).The initial increase in the SCC was followed by a pronounced decrease both in the SCC and in the natriferic action of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), but papaverine had no inhibitory effect on the ability of ADH to increase the cellular cAMP content. As SCC declines, no hyperpolarization was observed.The I/V relationship across the apical membrane during the inhibitory phase, revealed that papaverine reduces the sodium permeability of the apical membrane (P Na a )as well as intracellular sodium concentration. These observations and the previously noted effect of papaverine on V scc indicates that papaverine must have an effect on the cellular Cl or K permeability.The basolateral Na,K,2Cl cotransporter was blocked with bumetanide, which should bring the cellular chloride in equilibrium. Bumetanide had no effect on basal SCC and V scc. When papaverine was added to skins preincubated with bumetanide, the effect of papaverine on SCC and V scc was unchanged. Therefore, the depolarization of V scc, observed during the papaverine induced inhibition of the SCC, must be due to a reduction in the cellular K permeability.In conclusion, it is suggested that papaverine reduces the sodium permeability of the apical membrane and the potassium permeability of the basolateral membrane of the frog skin epithelium.  相似文献   

RA-GEF-1 is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the small GTPase Rap1. RA-GEF-1 knockout mice show defects in vascular development starting around 7.5 days post coitum and die by 9.5 days post coitum. Here, we employed in vitro culture systems for allantois explants and endothelial cells to gain insights into the mechanism for RA-GEF-1-mediated regulation of embryonic vascular network formation. The development of the vascular plexus and the accumulation of VE-cadherin at cell-cell junctions were significantly impaired in the RA-GEF-1 knockout allantois and yolk sac. Rap1 activation as visualized by an activation-specific probe was also diminished by RA-GEF-1 knockout. Reduced accumulation of VE-cadherin at cell-cell junctions and defects in blood vessel formation in vitro due to the lack of RA-GEF-1 were suppressed by ectopic expression of constitutively activated Rap1. Overall, these results suggest the involvement of Rap1 downstream of RA-GEF-1 in the regulation of vascular network formation in mouse embryos.  相似文献   

Transplasma membrane electron transport in both plant and animal cells activates proton release. The nature and components of the electron transport system and the mechanism by which proton release is activated remains to be discovered. Reduced pyridine nucleotides are substrates for the plasma membrane dehydrogenases. Both plant and animal membranes have unusual cyanide-insensitive oxidases so oxygen can be the natural electron acceptor. Natural ferric chelates or ferric transferrin can also act as electron acceptors. Artificial, impermeable oxidants such as ferricyanide are used to probe the activity. Since plasma membranes containb cytochromes, flavin, iron, and quinones, components for electron transport are present but their participation, except for quinone, has not been demonstrated. Stimulation of electron transport with impermeable oxidants and hormones activates proton release from cells. In plants the electron transport and proton release is stimulated by red or blue light. Inhibitors of electron transport, such as certain antitumor drugs, inhibit proton release. With animal cells the high ratio of protons released to electrons transferred, stimulation of proton release by sodium ions, and inhibition by amilorides indicates that electron transport activates the Na+/H+ antiport. In plants part of the proton release can be achieved by activation of the H+ ATPase. A contribution to proton transfer by protonated electron carriers in the membrane has not been eliminated. In some cells transmembrane electron transport has been shown to cause cytoplasmic pH changes or to stimulate protein kinases which may be the basis for activation of proton channels in the membrane. The redox-induced proton release causes internal and external pH changes which can be related to stimulation of animal and plant cell growth by external, impermeable oxidants or by oxygen.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the yolk syncytial-endoderm complex of the preimplantation yolk sac of the shark is examined by light- and transmission electron microscopy. The yolk syncytium is bounded by a membrane that is anchored to the plasmalemma of adjacent endoderm cells by desmosomes. Enlarged nuclei, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complexes, mitochondria, and other cellular organelles populate the syncytium. Microtubules and filamentous elements are also observed free in the syncytium. Yolk is present as pleomorphic droplets, the profiles of which are generally spherical but may be vesicular, especially at the periphery of large yolk droplets. Occasionally, large yolk droplets have a paracrystalline configuration. Small yolk droplets are modulated through the Golgi complex of the yolk syncytium, and it is suggested that acid hydrolases are added there. Small yolk droplets released from the maturing face of the Golgi complex are sequestered in membrane-limited packets. The membrane of the packets fuses with the membrane enveloping the yolk syncytium and the yolk droplets are released into the yolk syncytialendoderm interspace. Subsequently, the yolk droplets are endocytosed by the endoderm. Yolk droplets disperse and fuse to form the large irregular yolk inclusions of the endoderm. Yolk metabolites are transported out of the endoderm through the yolk sac endothelium. The yolk sac endoderm thus mediates the transfer of metabolites from the yolk mass to the extraembryonic circulation.  相似文献   

The Zygosaccharomyces rouxii Na+/H+ antiporter Sod2-22p is a member of the subfamily of yeast plasma membrane Nha/ Sod antiporters that do not recognize potassium as their substrate. A functional study of two ZrSod2-22p mutated versions that improved the tolerance of a S. cerevisiae alkali-metal-cation sensitive strain to high extracellular concentration of KCl identified two polar non-charged amino-acid residues in the fifth transmembrane domain, Thr141 and Ser150, as being involved in substrate recognition and transport in yeast Nha/Sod antiporters. A reciprocal substitution of amino-acid residues with a hydroxyl group at these positions, T141S or S150T, produced a broadened cation selectivity of the antiporter for K+, in addition to Na+ and Li+. Site-directed mutagenesis of Ser150 showed that while the replacement of Ser150 with a small hydrophobic (valine) or negatively charged (aspartate) amino acid did not produce a significant change in ZrSod2-22p substrate specificity, the introduction of a positive charge at this position stopped the activity of the antiporter. This data demonstrates that the amino-acid composition of the fifth transmembrane domain, mainly the presence of amino acids containing hydroxyl groups in this part of the protein, is critical for the recognition and transport of substrates and could participate in conformational movements during the binding and/or cation transport cycle in yeast plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporters.  相似文献   

It is reported that CNS hemorrage causes membrane dysfunction and may exacerbate this damage as a result of secondary ischemia or hypoxia. Since hyperbaric oxygenation improves oxygen metabolism, it may reduce this membrane damage. The present study was conducted to reveal whether hyperbaric oxygenation influences membrane alteration after hemorrhage. Thirty minutes after subarachnoid hemorrhage induction, rats were treated with hyperbaric oxygenation 2 ATA for 1 hour. Rats were decapitated 2 hours after subarachnoid hemorrhage induction. Na+, K+-ATPase activity measurement, and spin-label studies were performed on crude synpatosomal membranes. Subarachnoid hemorrhage decreased Na+, K+-ATPase activity. Spin label studies showed that hydrophobic portions of near the membrane surface became more rigid and the mobility of the membrane protein labeled sulfhydryl groups decreased after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Hyperbaric oxygenation significantly ameliorated most of the subarachnoid hemorrhage induced alterations. We conclude that hyperbaric oxygenation may be a beneficial treatment for acute subarachnoid hemorrhage.  相似文献   

Na+-H+ exchange and passive Na+ flux were investigated in cardiac sarcolemmal vesicles as a function of changing the ionic composition of the reaction media. The inclusion of EGTA in the reaction medium resulted in a potent stumulation of Na+ uptake by Na+-H+ exchange. It was found that millimolar concentrations of Mg2+ and Li+ were capable of inhibiting Na+-H+ exchange by 80%. One mechanism by which these ions may inhibit intravesicular Na+ accumulation by Na+-H+ exchange is via an increase in Na+ efflux. An examination of Na+ efflux kinetics from vesicles pre-loaded with Na+ revealed that Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Li+ could stimulate Na+ efflux. Na+-H+ exchange was potently inhibited by an organic divalent cation, dimenthonium, which screens membrane surface charge. This would suggest that Na+-H+ exchange occurs in the diffuse double layer region of cardiac sarcolemma and this phenomenon is distinctly different from other Na+ transport processes. The results in this study indicate that in addition to a stimulation of Na+ efflux, the inhibitory effects of Mg2+, Ca2+ and Li+ on Na+-H+ exchange may also involve a charge dependent screening of Na+ interactions with the membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Using intracellular microelectrode technique, we investigated the changes in membrane voltage (V) of cultured bovine pigmented ciliary epithelial cells induced by different extracellular solutions. (1)V in 213 cells under steady-state conditions averaged –46.1±0.6 mV (sem). (2) Increasing extracellular K+ concentration ([K+] o ) depolarizedV. Addition of Ba2+ could diminish this response. (3) Depolarization on doubling [K+] o was increased at higher [K+] o (or low voltage). (4) Removing extracellular Ca2+ decreasedV and reduced theV amplitude on increasing [K+] o . (5)V was pH sensitive. Extra-and intracellular acidification depolarizedV; alkalinization induced a hyperpolarization.V responses to high [K+] o were reduced at acidic extracellular pH. (6) Removing K o + depolarized, K o + readdition after K+ depletion transiently hyperpolarizedV. These responses were insensitive to Ba2+ but were abolished in the presence of ouabain or in Na+-free medium. (7) Na+ readdition after Na+ depletion transiently hyperpolarizedV. This reaction was markedly reduced in the presence of ouabain or in K+-free solution but unchanged by Ba2+. It is concluded that in cultured bovine pigmented ciliary epithelial cells K+ conductance depends on Ca2+, pH and [K+] o (or voltage). An electrogenic Na+/K+-transport is present, which is stimulated during recovery from K+ or Na+ depletion. This transport is inhibited by ouabain and in K+-or Na+-free medium.  相似文献   

Summary The basic electrical properties of an isolated rat hepatocyte couplet (IRHC) system have been analyzed using classical techniques of epithelial electrophysiology, including measurement of electric potentials, resistances and intracellular ion activities. Applications of these techniques are discussed with respect to their limitations in small isolated cells. Mean intracellular and intracanalicular membrane potentials ranged from –23.7 to –46.7 and –4.3 to –5.9 mV, respectively. Membrane resistances were determined using an equivalent circuit analysis modified according to the geometry of the IRHC system. Resistances of the sinusoidal (basolateral) and canalicular (luminal) cell membranes and tight junctions averaged 0.15 and 0.78 G and 25m, respectively. The cells are electrically coupled via low resistance intercellular communications (58 M). Intracellular ion activities for Na+, K+ and Cl averaged 12.2, 88.1 and 17.7 mmol/liter, respectively. The basolateral membrane potential reveals a permeability sequence ofP K>P Cl>P Na. The luminal potential showed minimal dependence on changes in transjunctional ion gradients, indicating a poor ion selectivity of the paracellular pathway. The electrogenic (Na+–K)-ATPase contributes little to the luminal and cellular negative electric potential. Therefore, the luminal potential probably results from the secretion of impermeant ions and a Donnan distribution of permeant ions, a mechanism which provides the osmotic driving force for bile formation. By providing the unique opportunity to measure luminal potentials, this isolated hepatocyte system permits study of secretory mechanisms for the first time in a mammalian gland using electrophysiologic techniques.  相似文献   

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