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We provide in vivo genetic and in vitro biochemical evidence that RegA directly regulates bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis in Rhodobacter capsulatus. beta-Galactosidase expression assays with a RegA-disrupted strain containing reporter plasmids for Mg-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester oxidative cyclase (bchE), Mg-protoporphyrin IX chelatase (bchD), and phytoene dehydrogenase (crtI) demonstrate RegA is responsible for fourfold anaerobic induction of bchE, threefold induction of bchD, and twofold induction of crtI. Promoter mapping studies, coupled with DNase I protection assays, map the region of RegA binding to three sites in the bchE promoter region. Similar studies at the crtA and crtI promoters indicate that RegA binds to a single region equidistant from these divergent promoters. These results demonstrate that RegA is directly responsible for anaerobic induction of bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis genes bchE, bchD, bchJ, bchI, bchG, and bchP and carotenoid biosynthesis genes crtI, crtB, and crtA.  相似文献   

PufX, the protein encoded by the pufX gene of Rhodobacter capsulatus and Rhodobacter sphaeroides, has been further characterized. The mature forms of these proteins contain 9 and 12 fewer amino acids, respectively, at the C-terminal end of the protein than are encoded by their pufX genes. To identify the portion of PufX responsible for inhibition of LH1 formation in reconstitution experiments, different regions (N-terminus and several core regions containing different lengths of the C-terminus) of Rb. sphaeroides and Rb. capsulatus PufX were chemically synthesized. Neither the N- nor C-terminal polypeptides of Rb. sphaeroides were inhibitory to LH1 reconstitution. However, all core segments were active, causing 50% inhibition at a concentration ratio of between 3:1 and 6:1 relative to the LH1 alpha-polypeptides whose concentrations were 3-4 microM. CD measurements indicated that the core segment containing 39 amino acids of Rb. sphaeroides PufX exhibited 47% alpha-helix in trifluoroethanol while the core segment containing 43 amino acids of Rb. capsulatus PufX exhibited 59 and 55% alpha-helix in trifluoroethanol and in 0.80% octylglucoside in water, respectively. Approximately 50% alpha-helix was also indicated by a PHD (Burkhard-Rost) structure prediction. Binding of bacteriochlorophyll to these PufX core segments is implicated.  相似文献   

A new example of superoperonal gene arrangement has been documented in the Rhodobacter capsulatus photosynthetic gene cluster. The promoter for the operon initiated by the bchI gene is embedded within an upstream operon for carotenoid synthesis. The stop codon for the crtA gene, the only gene in the first operon, overlaps the start codon of the downstream bchI gene. As a consequence of this overlap, the promoter(s) for the bch operon must be located within the crtA structural gene. The bchI gene is shown here for the first time to be required for the conversion of protoporphyrin IX to subsequent intermediates in bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic apparatus of purple bacteria in the genus Rhodobacter includes a core complex consisting of the reaction centre (RC), light-harvesting complex 1 (LH1), and the PufX protein. PufX modulates LH1 structure and facilitates photosynthetic quinone/quinol exchange. We deleted RC/LH1 genes in pufX + and pufX ++ (merodiploid) strains of Rhodobacter capsulatus, which reduced PufX levels regardless of pufX gene copy number and location. Photosynthetic growth of RC-only strains and independent assembly kinetics of the RC and LH1 were unaffected by pufX merodiploidy, but the absorption spectra of strains expressing the RC plus either LH1 α or β indicated that PufX may influence bacteriochlorophyll binding environments. Significant self-association of the PufX transmembrane segment was detected in a hybrid protein expression system, consistent with a role of PufX in core complex dimerization, as proposed for other Rhodobacter species. Our results indicate that in R. capsulatus PufX has the potential to be a central, homodimeric core complex component, and its cellular level is increased by interactions with the RC and LH1.  相似文献   

The core of the photosynthetic apparatus of purple photosynthetic bacteria such as Rhodobacter capsulatus consists of a reaction center (RC) intimately associated with light-harvesting complex 1 (LH1) and the PufX polypeptide. The abundance of the RC and LH1 components was previously shown to depend on the product of the puhB gene (formerly known as orf214). We report here that disruption of puhB diminishes RC assembly, with an indirect effect on LH1 assembly, and reduces the amount of PufX. Under semiaerobic growth conditions, the core complex was present at a reduced level in puhB mutants. After transfer of semiaerobically grown cultures to photosynthetic (anaerobic illuminated) conditions, the RC/LH1 complex became only slightly more abundant, and the amount of PufX increased as cells began photosynthetic growth. We discovered that the photosynthetic growth of puhB disruption strains of R. capsulatus starts after a long lag period, which is due to physiological adaptation rather than secondary mutations. Using a hybrid protein expression system, we determined that the three predicted transmembrane segments of PuhB are capable of spanning a cell membrane and that the second transmembrane segment could mediate self-association of PuhB. We discuss the possible function of PuhB as a dimeric RC assembly factor.  相似文献   

The ability of purple nonsulfur bacteria Rhodobacter capsulatus B10 to synthesize bacteriochlorophyll under phototrophic and dark conditions was studied. The modes for cultivation in the dark with oxygen limitation in a continuous culture at D = 0.1 h(-1) were selected. The yield of biomass reached 20 g/l; the bacteriochlorophyll a output of the process amounted to 16.6 mg/l h(-1).  相似文献   

A theoretical model for the cytoplasmic membrane topology of the Rhodobacter capsulatus PucC protein was derived and tested experimentally with pucC'::pho'A gene fusions. The alkaline phosphatase (AP) activities of selected fusions were assayed, and the resultant pattern of high and low activity was compared with that of the theoretical model. High AP activity correlated well with fusion joints located in regions predicted to be periplasmic, and most fusions in predicted cytoplasmic loops yield approximately 1/20th as much activity. Replacement of pho'A with lac'Z in nine of the fusions confirmed the topology, as beta-galactosidase activities were generally reciprocal to the corresponding AP activity. On the basis of the theoretical analysis and the information provided by the activities of fusions, a model for PucC topology in which there are 12 membrane-spanning segments and both the N and C termini are located in the cytoplasm is proposed. Translationally out-of-frame pucC::phoA fusions were expressed in an R. capsulatus delta pucC strain. None of the fusions missing only one or two of the proposed C-terminal transmembrane segments restored the wild-type phenotype, suggesting that the C terminus of PucC is important for function.  相似文献   

Geyer T 《Biophysical journal》2007,93(12):4374-4381
Some species of purple bacteria as, e.g., Rhodobacter sphaeroides contain the protein PufX. Concurrently, the light harvesting complexes 1 (LH1) form dimers of open rings. In mutants without PufX, the LH1s are closed rings and photosynthesis breaks down, because the ubiquinone exchange at the reaction center is blocked. However, the main purpose of the LH1 is light harvesting. We therefore investigate the effects that the PufX-induced dimerization has on the absorption properties of the core complexes. Calculations with a dipole model, which compare the photosynthetic efficiency of various configurations of monomeric and dimeric core complexes, show that the dimer can absorb photons directly into the reaction centers more efficiently, but that the performance of the more sophisticated dimeric LH1 antenna degrades faster with structural perturbations. The calculations predict an optimal orientation of the reaction centers relative to the LH1 dimer, which agrees well with the experimentally found configuration. Based on experimental observations indicating that the dimeric core complexes are indeed rather rigid, we hypothesize that in PufX+ species the association between the LH1 and the reaction centers is enhanced. This mechanical stabilization of the core complexes would lead to the observed quinone blockage, when PufX is missing.  相似文献   

P Braun  A Scherz 《Biochemistry》1991,30(21):5177-5184
The light-harvesting complex (LHC) B850 from Rhodobacter sphaeroides was dissociated into several fragments by treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate. The molecular weight of each fragment was determined by using transverse polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions and gel filtration techniques. Four B850 LHCs were observed, having molecular weights of 60,000, 72,000-75,000, 105,000, and 125,000-145,000, and two small bacteriochlorophyll (Bchl)-polypeptide complexes having molecular weights of 6000-8000 and 12,000-14,000. Each of the B850 complexes contains ca. one Bchl a for each 6.5-kDa protein. The optical absorption and circular dichroism of the B850 LHCs recorded directly from the gels are similar to those measured previously for a 22-24-kDa B850 LHCs by Sauer and Austin [(1978) Biochemistry 17, 2011-2019]. These data, combined with studies of other groups, indicate that the smallest LHC in LH1 and LH2 is a Bchl-polypeptide tetramer. Each tetramer contains two Bchl dimers that probably have the structure of P-860, the primary electron donor in Rhodobacter sphaeroides, and two alpha-beta-polypeptide pairs. Interactions among the paired Bchls shift their individual Qy transitions from 780-800 to 850-860 nm, and interactions among two such pairs induce the circular dichroism signal of the LHCs. Three Bchl-polypeptide tetramers probably form a dodecamer having C3 symmetry, and six such dodecamers organize into a large hexagon that can accommodate one or two reaction center complexes.  相似文献   

Abstract In Chlamydomonas reinhardtii there are three glutamate dehydrogenase isozymes which can use both NADH and NADPH as cofactors and respond differently to different nitrogen sources and several stress conditions. From data of induction of isozymes in different metabolic situations, we propose a possible physiological role for each of them in algal carbon and nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   

Gall A  Cogdell RJ  Robert B 《Biochemistry》2003,42(23):7252-7258
In the LH2 proteins from Rhodobacter (Rb.) sphaeroides, the hydrogen bonds between the bacteriochlorophyll (Bchl) molecules and their proteic binding sites exhibit a strong variance with respect to carotenoid content and type. In the absence of the carotenoid molecule, such as in the LH2 from Rb. sphaeroides R26.1, the void in the protein structure induces a significant reorganization of the binding site of both Bchl molecules responsible for the 850 nm absorption, which is not observed when the 800 nm absorbing Bchl is selectively removed from these complexes. FT Raman spectra of LH2 complexes from Rb. sphaeroides show that the strength of the hydrogen bond between the 850 nm absorbing Bchl bound to the alpha polypeptide and the tyrosine alpha(45) depends precisely on the chemical nature of the bound carotenoid. These results suggest that the variable extremity of the carotenoid is embedded in these LH2 complexes, lying close to the interacting Bchl molecules. In the LH2 from Rhodopseudomonas acidophila, the equivalent part of the rhodopin glucoside, which bears the glucose group, lies close to the amino terminal of the antenna polypeptide. This contrast suggests that the structure of the carotenoid binding site in LH2 complexes strongly depends on the bacterial species and/or on the chemical nature of the bound carotenoid.  相似文献   

K A Gray  E Davidson  F Daldal 《Biochemistry》1992,31(47):11864-11873
Site-directed mutagenesis was used to investigate which of the highly conserved methionine residues (M183 and M205) provides the sixth axial ligand to the heme Fe in the cyt c1 subunit of the bc1 complex from the bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus. These residues were changed to leucine (cM183L) and valine (cM205V). Two additional mutants were constructed, 1 in which a stop codon was inserted at M205 (cM205*) and the second in which 127 amino acids were deleted between the signal sequence and the putative C-terminal transmembrane alpha-helix (c delta SfuI). Only cM205V grew photosynthetically, and membranes isolated from this strain catalyzed quinol-dependent reduction of cyt c in amounts similar to that in a wild-type strain. Even though cM183L could not grow photosynthetically, it contained all the appropriate polypeptides and cofactors of the bc1 complex, as shown by SDS-PAGE and optical difference spectroscopy of intact membrane particles. Neither of the two deletion mutants contained a stable complex. Flash absorption spectroscopy using chromatophores showed no cytochrome c rereduction after oxidation by the reaction center in cM183L. The bc1 complex from each strain was isolated and characterized. Oxidation reduction midpoint potential titrations revealed that cyt c1 from cM183L had a dramatically shifted Em value (delta Em = -390 mV) compared with wild type and cM205V. While the optical absorption spectrum of cyt c1 from cM183L suggested that the c-type heme was low-spin, nonetheless it was able to react with the exogenous ligand carbon monoxide. The overall data support that M183, and not M205, is the sixth ligand to the heme Fe of cyt c1 of the bc1 complex.  相似文献   

We quantified the expression of the puf and puc operons, which encode pigment binding proteins, in a number of strains of Rhodobacter capsulatus that have defects in genes affecting different steps of bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis. Our results show that these mutations have a very similar effect on puf and puc expression. This suggests that the reduced expression of genes encoding pigment-binding proteins is due neither to the accumulation of a specific intermediate of bacteriochlorophyll synthesis nor to the lack of an early intermediate, but is rather the result of the lack of a very late intermediate or the bacteriochlorophyll molecule itself. Received: 14 September 1998 / Accepted: 29 December 1998  相似文献   

Optimal photosynthetic reaction centre (RC) and core antenna (LH1) levels in the purple bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus require the puhC gene. Deletion of puhC had little effect on RC and LH1 assembly individually, but significantly inhibited the photosynthetic growth of RC+ LH1- strains, suggesting that maximal RC catalytic activity is PuhC-dependent. Consistent with post-assembly reorganization of the RC/LH1/PufX core complex by PuhC to include latecomer proteins, spatial separation of pufX from the RC/LH1 genes inhibited PufX accumulation and photosynthetic growth only in PuhC- strains. Photosynthetic activity improved to different degrees when PuhC homologues from three other species were expressed in PuhC- R. capsulatus, indicating that PuhC homologues function similarly but may interact inefficiently with a heterologous core complex. Anaerobic photosynthetic growth of PuhC- strains was affected by the duration of prior semiaerobic growth, and by two genes that modulate bacteriochlorophyll production: pufQ and puhE. These observations agree with a speculative model in which reorganization of the core complex is an important regenerative process, accelerated by PuhC.  相似文献   

The light-harvesting complex I (LHI) of Rhodobacter capsulatus is an oligomer of basic subunits each consisting of the two different pigment-binding polypeptides LHI alpha and LHI beta, encoded by the pufA (LHI alpha) and pufB (LHI beta) genes. Pulse-labeling experiments showed that in the presence of the LHI alpha polypeptide, the LHI beta polypeptide was inserted earlier into the intracytoplasmic membrane than was the LHI alpha polypeptide. Each of the pufA and pufB genes was deleted to test whether the LHI alpha and beta polypeptides, respectively, are inserted into the intracytoplasmic membrane independently of the LHI partner polypeptide. Neither deletion mutant strain formed the LHI antenna, but a functional reaction center complex was present. Pulse-labeling experiments indicated that the LHI beta polypeptide was inserted into the intracytoplasmic membrane with the same kinetics and in the same amounts regardless of whether the LHI alpha polypeptide was present. However, the LHI beta polypeptide did not accumulate in the membrane in the absence of the LHI alpha protein but was degraded linearly within about 12 min. In contrast to the LHI beta protein, only trace amounts of the LHI alpha polypeptide were inserted into or attached to the membrane if the LHI beta polypeptide was not synthesized.  相似文献   

Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) and absorption spectra of metal bacteriochlorin complexes have been measured on bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) a in various solvents and different forms of light-harvesting complexes 1 (LH1 complexes). In hydrophilic organic solvents, the MCD intensity of the Q(y)(0-0) transition of BChl a was sensitive to the wavelength of absorption maximum of Q(x)(0-0), and the ratio of MCD Q(y)(0-0) intensity to the dipole strength (B/D) was inversely proportional to the difference in energy between the Q(x)(0-0) and Q(y)(0-0). The similar correlation has been observed in metal chlorin derivatives as previously reported. The correlation depends on the coordination number of the Mg atom in BChl a and the molecules ligating to it. In a hydrophobic solvent such as carbon tetrachloride (CCl(4)), however, the correlation did not hold because of the existence of aggregates. Hence, the correlation between the values of B/D and the energy difference can be used to estimate the type and number of the molecules ligated to the Mg atom and to disclose the existence of aggregated pigments. We further apply the correlation to the LH 1 complex treated with n-octyl beta-D-glucopyranoside.  相似文献   

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