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体细胞的组织来源及培养代数对猪核移植重构胚发育的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本研究系统探讨了体细胞的组织来源及培养代数对猪核移植重构胚发育的影响。体外成熟培养40-44h的猪卵母细胞去核后,将经血清饥饿(0.5?s)培养2-9d、0.1mg/L Aphidicolin (APD)培养 0.5?S培养2-9d或一般培养法(10?S)培养的卵丘细胞、颗粒细胞、输卵管上皮细胞和耳皮成纤维细胞,直接注射到去核的卵母细胞质中,或注射到卵周隙中。再经电融合(100V/mm,30μs,电脉冲1次)构建重构胚。重构胚以钙离子载体A23817或电脉冲结合6- DMAP激活处理,体外培养6天。耳皮成纤维细胞和颗粒细胞经0.1mg/L APD 0.5?S培养处理后的重组胚卵裂率,均高于血清饥饿和一般培养处理的同种供体细胞(P<0.01)。卵丘细胞、颗粒细胞经0.1mg/L APD 0.5?S处理后进行核移植的分裂率和发育率均高于输卵管上皮细胞和耳皮成纤维细胞(P<0.05)。以猪颗粒细胞为核供体时,电融合法的重构胚分裂率显著高于胞质内注入法(P<0.05),但囊胚发育率无显著差异(P>0.05)。培养3代和6代的猪颗粒细胞以及培养6代和10代的耳皮成纤维细胞,其具有正常二倍染色体的细胞比例均无显著差异(P>0.05);以这2种细胞不同培养代数做供体进行核移植时,各代之间核移胚的体外分裂率、囊胚发育率无显著差异(P>0.05)。这些结果表明:(1)猪耳皮成纤维细胞和颗粒细胞经培养传代所建立起来的细胞系相对比较稳定;(2)0.1mg/L APD预培养处理供体细胞能提高猪体细胞核移植的效果,血清饥饿培养则无明显效果;(3)猪颗粒细胞和耳皮成纤维细胞等均可做供核细胞.核移植后都能得到体细胞克隆的囊胚,但前者的效果略优于后者,且其核移植效果不受供核细胞培养代数的影响;(4)电融合核移植胚胎的发育率高于胞质内直接注入法,但两者的总体效率相近。 相似文献
以卵丘细胞为核供体细胞组成重构胚,卵裂率达到56.7%,发育至桑椹胚率达到11.7%,囊胚率为6.7%,显著高于成纤维细胞重构胚(P<0.05)。本文还研究了卵母细胞的采集方法、激活程序和卵龄对卵丘细胞核移植重构胚体外发育的影响。以血清饥饿法将卵丘细胞诱导G0/G1期,抽吸法/解剖法采集卵母细胞,体外培养33-44h,将卵丘细胞放至去核卵母细胞的卵周隙中,重构胚以钙离子载体A23817或电脉冲结合6-DMAP激活处理,体外培养6d。研究表明,卵母细胞采集方法、激活液中细胞松驰素(CB)、激活程度并不影响重构胚的发育(以卵龄44h的卵母细胞为受体);而以电脉冲结合6-DMAP激活处理能提高重构胚发育能力(以卵龄33h的卵母细胞为受体)(P<0.05)。本研究显示,以电脉冲结合6-DMAP激活卵丘细胞重构胚,体外能发育至囊胚。 相似文献
影响猪体细胞核移植重构胚体外发育的若干因素 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
以卵丘细胞为核供体细胞组成重构胚,卵裂率达到56.7%,发育至桑椹胚达11.7%、孵化囊胚率为6.7%,显著高于成纤维细胞组成的重构胚(P<0.05)。我们研究了卵母细胞的采集方法,激活方法和卵龄对卵丘细胞核移植重构胚体外发育的影响。以血清饥饿法将卵丘细胞诱导至G0或G1期,抽吸法/解剖法采集卵母细胞,体外培养33或44h,将卵丘细胞置于去核卵母细胞的卵周隙中,重构胚以钙离子载体A23817或电泳冲结合6-DMAP激活处理,体外培养6天,结果表明,卵 母细胞采集方法、激活液中细胞松弛素(CB)并不影响重构胚的发育(以卵龄44h的卵母细胞为受体);而以电脉冲结合6-DMAP激活处理能提高重构胚发育能力(以卵龄33h的卵母细胞为受体)(P<0.05)。本研究显示,以电脉冲结合6-DMAP激活卵丘细胞重构胚,能在体外发育至囊胚。 相似文献
目的探讨Oct4转录因子能否促进鼠-猪异种核移植胚胎的早期发育。方法RT-PCR获得小鼠Oct4基因,构建pEGFP-N1-Oct4-EGFP融合质粒及pEGFP-N1-Oct4-EGFP终止质粒,pEGFP-N1质粒为阴性对照,脂质体法转染小鼠NIH3T3细胞,阳性克隆经RT-PCR,荧光显微镜验证正确后,移入去核的猪卵母细胞,观察并记录发育率。结果未转染的NIH3T3阴性对照组、转染Oct4-EGFP的小鼠NIH3T3细胞和转染pEGFP-N1组均能够支持猪异种核移植胚胎的早期发育,但转染pEGFP-N1-Oct4-EGFP实验组重构胚的卵裂率和8细胞发育率与转染pEGFP-N1组和未转染的NIH3T3组的重构胚发育率差异不显著。结论NIH3T3细胞能够支持鼠-猪异种核移植胚胎早期发育,Oct4对鼠猪异种核移植胚胎的发育并没有表现出促进作用,可能也受到NIH3T3来源的异种核移植胚胎本身发育率低以及本实验室核移植显微操作水平的限制,具体的机制尚需进一步探讨。 相似文献
利用流式细胞仪和细胞染色体核型分析技术,比较奶牛的转基因体细胞和正常细胞经血清饥饿、抑制培养周期同步化处理后的G0/G1期细胞比例;并将同步化处理的核供体细胞进行核移植,然后统计囊胚发育率.结果表明,血清饥饿和抑制培养均能获得较高比例的G0/G1期细胞,两组间差异不显著(P>0.05),但均显著高于未处理对照组(P<0.05);血清饥饿组的囊胚率显著高于抑制培养组和非处理对照组(P<0.05);但细胞同步化处理6 d后细胞染色体核型异常率增加.因此,要获得正常核型的G0/G1核移植供体细胞和较高的囊胚率,同步化处理时间以不超过4 d为宜. 相似文献
供体细胞所处的细胞周期及细胞周期同期化的方法对于体细胞核移植(somatic cell nuclear transfer,SCNT)的成功非常重要,本研究对血清饥饿培养处理与培养至完全汇合后的猪成纤维细胞周期同期化水平进行了检测。利用不同方法对猪成纤维细胞同期化处理后,通过流式细胞仪对细胞的细胞周期分布比率进行了检测。将细胞进行血清饥饿2472h,显著地增加了G0/G1期的细胞百分率(92.2%93.7%vs.77.8%,P<0.05)。将细胞培养至完全汇合后再培养2448h,G0/G1期的细胞比例类似于血清饥饿法(94.4%,89.6%)。血清饥饿24h后,置换为10%FBS能逆转至生长期。用这两种不同方法处理后的体细胞作为核移植的供体构建重构胚,分裂率与囊胚率差异不显著(P>0.05)。结果表明,猪成纤维细胞通过血清饥饿法或者培养至汇合完全均能有效地将细胞周期同期化至G0/G1期,且均可作为体细胞核移植的供体细胞。 相似文献
体细胞来源及培养代数对核移植重构胚发育的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为探讨体细胞来源及培养代数对核移植重构胚发育的影响,实验采用电融合法将小鼠2—细胞胚胎卵裂球、胚胎干细胞(ES)、胎儿成纤维细胞、耳成纤维细胞、尾尖成纤维细胞、睾丸支持细胞和精原细胞以及不同培养代次的胎儿成纤维细胞进行了核移植。结果显示:2—细胞胚胎卵裂球供核重构胚发育最好,囊胚率为7.4%;ES细胞重构胚虽然发育率低,但仍有囊胚出现,比例为0.7%;胎儿成纤维细胞重构胚最高发育阶段为桑椹胚,比例为0.2%;精原细胞重构胚只能发育到8-细胞阶段,比例为0.3%;其他几类细胞重构胚则仅能发育至4-细胞阶段。不同培养代数的胎儿成纤维细胞重构胚除第3代外都可发育到8-细胞阶段,且发育率差异不显著,但第一代细胞重构胚2-细胞发育率(40.7%)显著低于2、3和4代细胞重构胚。结果表明:不同分化程度的细胞核移植后,重新编程的难易程度是不一样的,分化程度越高则重新编程越难;未调整细胞周期的ES细胞由于多数处于S期,所以重构胚发育率很低;体外培养传代有利于体细胞核移植后重新编程。 相似文献
猪体细胞核移植的研究进展和影响因素 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
自2000年Polejaeva IA获得第1头克隆猪后,短短几年时间全世界已有10多例成功的报道,使得猪的体细胞核移植有了长足的发展,但目前猪的体细胞核移植效率依然低下(1—2%),人们对核移植中重编程分子机理的认识知之甚少。简要综述了猪体细胞核移植近年来的研究进展,就猪核移植中的技术难点和影响因素进行了分析,涉及供体细胞种类的选择、体外长期培养和高压筛选对随后核移植的影响以及供核细胞细胞周期的选择,核质双方的协调,去核和注核方法的选择,融合和激活程序的优化,妊娠的维持等。 相似文献
绵羊胎儿成纤维细胞不同处理对核移植重构胚发育的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究供体细胞代数、大小、周期以及基因转染处理对重构胚发育的影响. 结果如下: (i)体外培养5~7代细胞做供体核, 重构胚的桑椹/囊胚率显著高于16~18代细胞的桑椹/囊胚率(17.3% vs. 4.9%, P < 0.05); (ii) 15~25 μm细胞做供体核, 重构胚的桑椹/囊胚率为20.0%, 高于8~15 mm细胞、25~33 μm细胞桑椹/囊胚率(8.0%, 9.7%), 但效果不显著(P > 0.05); (iii) 血清饥饿与非血清饥饿的细胞做供体核, 重构胚的桑椹/囊胚发育率没有显著性差异(11.8% vs. 18.6%, P > 0.05), 但非血清饥饿的效果要好于血清饥饿; (iv) 用0.05 μmol/L秋水仙素处理供体细胞效果最好, 重构胚的桑椹/囊胚率可达27.5%, 而未处理或用0.1 μmol/L秋水仙素处理供体细胞, 重构胚的桑椹/囊胚率分别为17.1%和12.1%, 但三者之间差异不显著(P > 0.05); (v) 以转染绿色荧光蛋白基因(GFP)细胞做供体核, 重构胚的桑椹/囊胚率显著低于非转基因细胞做供体核的桑椹/囊胚率(3.1% vs. 20.4%, P < 0.05). 上述结果表明, 传代少、中等大小的细胞更适合做供体核; 血清饥饿没有必要; 用0.05 μmol/L秋水仙素处理供体细胞有利于重构胚的发育; 转基因供体细胞对重构胚发育有影响. 相似文献
同一来源的供体细胞之间存在异质性。许多研究已经表明体细胞核移植(somatic cell nuclear transfer, SCNT)效率与供体细胞有关。然而,鲜有在单细胞水平分析供体细胞异质性对核移植效率的潜在影响。本研究利用单细胞转录组测序技术对同一来源且随机挑选的52个猪耳组织成纤维细胞进行测序分析。结果表明有48个单细胞的基因表达模式相似,4个单细胞(编号为D111、D121、DW612和DW992)的基因表达模式与其他单细胞存在较大的差异,并且不存在基因表达模式完全相同的两个单细胞。以基因表达模式相似的48个单细胞作为对照,进一步分析了单细胞D111、D121、DW612和DW992的差异基因表达模式:首先利用R语言筛选4个单细胞的差异表达基因,并对前50差异表达基因进行汇总;然后对差异表达基因进行GO富集分析和KEGG通路分析。富集分析发现差异表达基因的主要分子功能包括能量代谢、蛋白质代谢和细胞对刺... 相似文献
Jing Fu Pengfei Guan Leiwen Zhao Hua Li Shuzhen Huang Fanyi Zeng Yitao Zeng 《遗传学报》2008,35(5):273-278
The donor cells from different individuals and with different foreign genes introduced were investigated to determine their effects on the efficiency of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). The bovine ear fibroblast from different individuals was isolated, cultured, and then transfected with foreign genes to establish the stable cell lines, which were used as donor cells for nuclear transfer. The ooeytes were obtained through ovum pick up operation. After in vitro maturation, the M II phase oocytes were selected as receptors for nuclear transfer.The reconstructed embryos were cultured in vitro and observed at 2 h, 48 h, and 7 days after transfer to assess the rate of fusion using cleaved and blastoeyst as the parameters of SCNT efficiency. The donor cells from different individuals (04036, 06081, 06088, and 06129)had no obvious effect on the fusion and cleaved rate, whereas there was significant difference in the blastocyst rate (P<0.05), and the rate was 62.3%, 37.0%, 35.1%, and 15.6%, respectively. There was no significant difference among the rate of fusion, cleaved and blastocyst in donor cells with different foreign genes (P>0.05). It was concluded that the genetic background of the donor cells could affect the effi-ciency of SCNT, while the introduction of foreign genes into the donor cells had no obvious effect on the efficiency. This study provides useful information for the SCNT and would benefit in promoting the efficiency. 相似文献
Anti-apoptotic effect of melatonin on preimplantation development of porcine parthenogenetic embryos 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Choi J Park SM Lee E Kim JH Jeong YI Lee JY Park SW Kim HS Hossein MS Jeong YW Kim S Hyun SH Hwang WS 《Molecular reproduction and development》2008,75(7):1127-1135
In the present study, we investigated the effect of melatonin on the preimplantation development of porcine parthenogenetic and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos. Parthenogenetic embryos were cultured in mNCSU-23 supplemented with various concentrations of melatonin for 7 days. The results revealed that 100 pM was the optimal concentration, which resulted in significantly increased cleavage and blastocyst formation rates. Additionally, 100 pM melatonin provided the highest increase in total cell number of blastocysts. Therefore, the subsequent experiments were performed with 100 pM melatonin. ROS level in 2-8 cell stage embryos in the presence or absence of melatonin was evaluated. Embryos cultured with melatonin showed significantly decreased ROS. Blastocysts cultured with melatonin for 7 days were analyzed by the TUNEL assay. It was observed that melatonin not only increased (P < 0.05) the total cell number but also decreased (P < 0.05) the rate of apoptotic nuclei. Blastocysts cultured with melatonin were assessed for the expression of apoptosis-related genes Bcl-xl and Bax, and of pluripotency marker gene Oct-4 by real-time quantitative PCR. Analysis of data showed that the expression of Bcl-xl was higher (1.7-fold) compared to the control while the expression of Bax was significantly decreased relative to the control (0.7-fold) (P < 0.05). Moreover, the expression of Oct-4 was 1.7-fold higher than the control. These results indicated that melatonin had beneficial effects on the development of porcine parthenogenetic embryos. Based on the findings of parthenogenetic embryos, we investigated the effect of melatonin on the development of porcine SCNT embryos. The results also demonstrated increased cleavage and blastocyst formation rates, and the total cell numbers in blastocysts were significantly higher when the embryos were cultured with melatonin. Therefore, these data suggested that melatonin may have important implications for improving porcine preimplantation SCNT embryo development. 相似文献
Gao S McGarry M Priddle H Ferrier T Gasparrini B Fletcher J Harkness L De Sousa P McWhir J Wilmut I 《Molecular reproduction and development》2003,66(2):126-133
Mice have been successfully cloned from somatic and embryonic stem (ES) cells using the "Honolulu method." In the present study, different donor oocytes and different culture conditions were compared to evaluate the developmental potential of nuclear transfer embryos reconstructed with an inbred ES cell line HM-1. Oocytes were recovered from two different F1 donors B6D2F1 (C57BL/6 x DBA/2) and B6CBAF1 (C57BL/6 x CBA). There was no effect of oocyte origin on development of cloned embryos to the morulae/blastocyst stage (B6D2F1 44.1% vs. B6CBAF1 45.0%), and the transferred embryos could develop to term. Two culture conditions were compared to show their ability to support development to the morulae/blastocyst stage of reconstructed embryos with B6D2F1 oocytes. The total cell number in the cloned blastocysts cultured in M16 with 20% oxygen was much higher than that observed in CZB with 20% oxygen. Low oxygen concentration during culture of nuclear transfer embryos in CZB medium showed no beneficial effect on pre-implantation development, no embryos developed to term after transfer to surrogate mothers. Our results demonstrated that not only B6D2F1, but B6CBAF1 oocytes, can be used for nuclear transfer. M16 medium is superior for culture of nuclear transfer embryos and low oxygen concentration with CZB medium during culture shows no benefit on development of cloned embryos. 相似文献
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of recipient activation time on the chromatin structure and development of bovine nuclear transfer embryos. Serum-starved skin cells were electrofused to enucleated oocytes, activated 1-5 hr after fusion, and cultured in vitro. Some fused eggs were fixed at each time point after fusion without activation, or 3 or 7 hr after activation. Some nocodazole treated zygotes were fixed to analyze their chromosome constitutions. The proportion of eggs with a morphologically normal premature chromosome condensation (PCC) state increased 1-2 hr after fusion. Whereas eggs with elongated chromosome plate increased as activation time was prolonged to 3 hr, and 5 hr after fusion, 58.1% of eggs showed more than two scattered chromosome sets. The proportion of eggs with a single chromatin mass (40.6-56.7%) significantly increased when eggs were activated within 2.5 hr after fusion (P < 0.05). Only 23.3% of reconstituted embryos activated 5 hr after fusion formed one pronucleus-like structure (PN), whereas, 64.5-78.3% of embryos activated 1-2.5 hr after fusion formed one PN. The proportion of embryos with normal chromosome constitutions decreased as activation time was prolonged. Development rates to the blastocyst stage were higher in eggs activated within 2 hr after fusion (17.3-21.7%) compared to those of others (0-8.6%, P < 0.05). The result of the present study suggests that activation time can affect the chromatin structure and in vitro development of bovine nuclear transfer embryos. 相似文献
Bethany R. Mordhorst Joshua A. Benne Raissa F. Cecil Kristin M. Whitworth Melissa S. Samuel Lee D. Spate Clifton N. Murphy Kevin D. Wells Jonathan A. Green Randall S. Prather 《Molecular reproduction and development》2019,86(5):558-565
Genetically engineered pigs serve as excellent biomedical and agricultural models. To date, the most reliable way to generate genetically engineered pigs is via somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), however, the efficiency of cloning in pigs is low (1–3%). Somatic cells such as fibroblasts frequently used in nuclear transfer utilize the tricarboxylic acid cycle and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation for efficient energy production. The metabolism of somatic cells contrasts with cells within the early embryo, which predominately use glycolysis. We hypothesized that fibroblast cells could become blastomere‐like if mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation was inhibited by hypoxia and that this would result in improved in vitro embryonic development after SCNT. In a previous study, we demonstrated that fibroblasts cultured under hypoxic conditions had changes in gene expression consistent with increased glycolytic/gluconeogenic metabolism. The goal of this pilot study was to determine if subsequent in vitro embryo development is impacted by cloning porcine embryonic fibroblasts cultured in hypoxia. Here we demonstrate that in vitro measures such as early cleavage, blastocyst development, and blastocyst cell number are improved (4.4%, 5.5%, and 17.6 cells, respectively) when donor cells are cultured in hypoxia before nuclear transfer. Survival probability was increased in clones from hypoxic cultured donors compared to controls (8.5 vs. 4.0 ± 0.2). These results suggest that the clones from donor cells cultured in hypoxia are more developmentally competent and this may be due to improved nuclear reprogramming during somatic cell nuclear transfer. 相似文献
Six types of bovine somatic cell lines, including a granulosa cell line of Chinese red-breed yellow cattle (YGR), a granulosa
cell line of Holstein cow (HGR), two skin fibroblast cell lines of two adult Holstein cows respectively (AFB1 and AFB2), a
skin fibroblast cell line (FFB) and an oviduct epithelial cell line (FOV) of a Holstein fetus, were established. Somatic cell
nuclear transfer (SCNT) was carried out using these cells as nuclei donor, and a total of 12 healthy calves were cloned. The
effects of different types of donor cells on developmental potential of bovine SCNT embryos were investigated, (i) There was
no significant difference in development rates to the blastocyst stage for SCNT embryos from YGR and HGR (33.2% and 35.1%,
respectively). Pregnancy rates of them were 33.3% and 30.2%, respectively; and birth rates were 16.7% and 11.6%, respectively,
(ii) Development rates to the blastocyst stage for SCNT embryos from diffetent individuals (AFB1 and AFB2) differed significantly
(27.9% and 39.4%, respectively, P < 0.05). Pregnancy rates of them were 36.2% and 36.4%, respectively; and birth rates were
14.9 % and 27.3%, respectively, (iii) There was significant difference in development rates to the blastocyst stage for SCNT
embryos from FFB and FOV of the same fetus (37.9% and 41.5%, respectively,P < 0.05). Pregnancy rates of them were 45.7% and 24.1%, respectively; and birth rates were 22.9 % and 10.3%, respectively.
Finally, developmental potential of bovine SCNT embryos from all four types of somatic cells from Holstein cows (HGR, AFB,
FFB and FOV) were compared. Forin vitro development stage, development rates to the blastocyst stage for SCNT embryos from HGR, AFB, FFB and FOV were 35.1%A, 29.4%B, 37.9%A and 41.5%C, respectively (P
ABC < 0.05); forin vivo development stage, pregnancy rates of them were 30.2%, 36.2%, 45.7% and 24.1%, respectively; and birth rates of them were
11.6%, 17.2%, 22.9% and 10.3% respetively. 相似文献
GONG Guochun* DAI Yunping* ZHU Huabing WANG Haiping WANG Lili LI Rong WAN Rong LIU Ying & LI Ning . State Key Laboratory for Agrobiotechnology China Agricultural University Beijing China . Institute of Animal Science Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science Beijing China 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2004,47(5):470-476
Remarkable progress has been made in animal cloning research since the first mammal was success-fully cloned[1], and the technique of SCNT is now widely used in biological studies. In theory, successful development of live offspring from SCNT embryos demonstrates that a fully differentiated somatic cell can be reprogrammed and restore its totipotency; in practice, animal cloning can be applied for duplication of elite animals, production of transgenic animals, rescue of endangered species … 相似文献