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Siu FK  Lo SC  Leung MC 《Life sciences》2005,77(4):386-399
Reactive oxygen species can directly affect the conformation and activity of sulfhydryl-containing proteins by oxidation of their thiol moiety. During the process of ischemia-reperfusion, the thioredoxin (Trx) system (consisting of thioredoxin reductase (TR), Trx and NADPH) prevents susceptible proteins from this oxidative modification. Oxidative damage is one of the most damaging stress in ischemia. If oxidative stress could be minimized, the damage occurred will be minimized accordingly. We therefore investigated whether electroacupuncture (EA) treatment at Fengchi (GB20) or Zusanli (ST36) acupoints in post-ischemic rats could increase TR-related activities and Trx expression which would translate into maintaining the intact thiol moiety of susceptible proteins in the surrounding. Our results indicated that EA treatment at either acupoint increased the Trx expression in ischemic-reperfused brain tissues. Induced Trx expressed levels gradually increased from post-ischemia day 1 to day 4. Statistical analysis revealed that there was no observable difference in the effect of EA treatment at GB20 and ST36. Sham EA treatment did not induce any Trx expression. EA at either acupoint did not alter TR activities in both non-ischemic and ischemic-reperfused rat brains. Taken overall, our finding suggests that EA treatment at GB20 or ST36 could increase Trx expression which could minimize oxidative modifications of thiol groups of surrounding proteins.  相似文献   

Several potassium (K+) channels contribute to maintaining the resting membrane potential of renal epithelial cells. Apart from buffering the cell membrane potential and cell volume, K+ channels allow sodium reabsorption in the proximal tubule (PT), K+ recycling and K+ reabsorption in the thick ascending limb (TAL) and K+ secretion and K+ reabsorption in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT), connecting tubule (CNT) and collecting duct. Previously, we identified Kv.1.1, Kv1.3 and Kv1.6 channels in collecting ducts of the rat inner medulla. We also detected intracellular Kv1.3 channel in the acid secretory intercalated cells, which is trafficked to the apical membrane in response to dietary K+ to function as a secretory K+ channel. In this work we sought to characterize the expression of all members of the Kv1 family in the rat nephron. mRNA and protein expression were detected for all Kv1 channels. Immunoblots identified differential expression of each Kv1 in the cortex, outer and inner medulla. Immunofluorescence labeling detected Kv1.5 in Bowman´s capsule and endothelial cells and Kv1.7 in podocytes, endothelial cells and macula densa in glomeruli; Kv1.4, Kv1.5 and Kv1.7 in PT; Kv1.2, Kv1.4 and Kv1.6 in TAL; Kv1.1, Kv1.4 and Kv1.6 in DCT and CNT and Kv1.3 in DCT, and all the Kv1 family in the cortical and medullary collecting ducts. Recently, some hereditary renal syndromes have been attributed to mutations in K+ channels. Our results expand the repertoire of K+ channels that contribute to K+ homeostasis to include the Kv1 family.  相似文献   

Estradiol has been shown to increase the level of thioredoxin mRNA in the uterus of the ovariectomized (ovx) rat. In this study the influence of progesterone, androgens, the anti-estrogen ICI 182780 and the anti-androgen Flutamid on thioredoxin expression, has been studied in the rat uterus. Thioredoxin mRNA concentrations were determined by solution hybridization. Ovx rats treated with progesterone alone showed no effect on thioredoxin expression. Combined treatment of ICI 182780 and estradiol attenuated the estradiol-induced increase in thioredoxin mRNA. When ovx rats were treated with a testosterone depot, the amount of thioredoxin mRNA was increased five-fold after 48 h and remained at that level during the rest of the 168 h monitored. A similar increase in thioredoxin mRNA could be seen after 5-dihydrotestosterone treatment, indicating a true androgenic effect. In addition, the anti-androgen Flutamid attenuated the thioredoxin mRNA increase seen after 5-dihydrotestosterone treatment alone.

It is concluded that thioredoxin mRNA is regulated by growth promoting gonadal steroids in the rat uterus. The attenuation of the estrogen and androgen-induced increases of the thioredoxin mRNA with ICI 182780 and Flutamid, indicate that the effect is mediated via the estrogen receptor and androgen receptor respectively. None of these hormones affected the hepatic thioredoxin mRNA level in the same animals.  相似文献   

目的:研究脂肪胺类的新型钾通道开放剂(KCO)埃他卡林(Ipt)和氰胍类的KCO吡那地尔(Pin)对大鼠心血管ATP-敏感性钾通道(KATP)的亚基SUR1、SUR2、Kir6.1和Kir6.2等在mRNA水平的调节作用。方法:SD大鼠给药1周后处死并取组织,提取总RNA,利用反转录-聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)研究以上基因在mRNA水平的改变。结果:与正常对照相比,心脏组织中,Ipt和Pin对KATP的4个亚基在mRNA水平均无显著影响;主动脉平滑肌上,Ipt对4个亚基的mRNA表达无显著影响,但Pin可显著上调SUR2的mRNA表达;尾动脉平滑肌上,Ipt对Kit6.1/Kit6.2、Pin对SUR2/Kir6.1均有显著下调的作用。结论:心肌、大动脉平滑肌和小动脉平滑肌KATP基因表达的调控不同,Ipt选择性调节小动脉平滑肌Kit6.1/Kit6.2;Ipt对心血管KATP基因表达的调节作用不同于Pin。  相似文献   

A newly found form of chloroplast phosphoribulokinase (designated the “regulatory form”) required reduced thioredoxin for activity. A second form of the enzyme (the “nonregulatory form”) was not appreciably affected by thioredoxin. The thioredoxin required for activation of the regulatory enzyme could be reduced (i) photochemically by chloroplast membranes that were supplemented with ferredoxin and ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase or (ii) chemically in the dark with the sulfhydryl reagent dithiothreitol. Following activation by reduced thioredoxin, phosphoribulokinase was deactivated by the soluble chloroplast oxidants dehydroascorbate and oxidized glutathione. The results suggest that the regulatory form of phosphoribulokinase resembles fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase in its mode of regulation by the ferredoxin/thioredoxin system.  相似文献   

Expression of voltage-gated K(+) channels encoding the K(+) independent transient outward current in the streptozocin-induced diabetic (DM) rat ventricle was studied to determine the basis for slowed cardiac repolarization in diabetes mellitus. Although hypertrophy was not detected in diabetic rats at 12 wk after streptozocin treatment, ventricular Kv4.2 mRNA levels decreased 41% relative to nondiabetic controls. Kv1.4 mRNA levels increased 179% relative to controls, whereas Kv4.3 mRNA levels were unaffected. Immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis of the diabetic heart showed that the density of the Kv4.2 protein decreased, whereas Kv1.4 protein increased. Thus isoform switching from Kv4.2 to Kv1.4 is most likely the mechanism underlying the slower kinetics of transient outward K(+) current observed in the diabetic ventricle. Brain Kv1.4, Kv4.2, or Kv4.3 mRNA levels were unaffected by diabetes. Myosin heavy chain (MHC) gene expression was altered with a 32% decrease in alpha-MHC mRNA and a 259% increase in beta-MHC mRNA levels in diabetic ventricle. Low-dose insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) treatment during the last 6 of the 12 wk of diabetes (DM + IGF) protected against these changes in MHC mRNAs despite continued hyperglycemia and body weight loss. IGF-II treatment did not change K(+) channel mRNA levels in DM or control rat ventricles. Thus IGF treatment may prevent some, but not all, biochemical abnormalities in the diabetic heart.  相似文献   

Association of Kv channel-interacting proteins (KChIPs) with Kv4 channels leads to modulation of these A-type potassium channels (An, W. F., Bowlby, M. R., Betty, M., Cao, J., Ling, H. P., Mendoza, G., Hinson, J. W., Mattsson, K. I., Strassle, B. W., Trimmer, J. S., and Rhodes, K. J. (2000) Nature 403, 553-556). We cloned a KChIP2 splice variant (KChIP2.2) from human ventricle. In comparison with KChIP2.1, coexpression of KChIP2.2 with human Kv4 channels in mammalian cells slowed the onset of Kv4 current inactivation (2-3-fold), accelerated the recovery from inactivation (5-7-fold), and shifted Kv4 steady-state inactivation curves by 8-29 mV to more positive potentials. The features of Kv4.2/KChIP2.2 currents closely resemble those of cardiac rapidly inactivating transient outward currents. KChIP2.2 stimulated the Kv4 current density in Chinese hamster ovary cells by approximately 55-fold. This correlated with a redistribution of immunoreactivity from perinuclear areas to the plasma membrane. Increased Kv4 cell-surface expression and current density were also obtained in the absence of KChIP2.2 when the highly conserved proximal Kv4 N terminus was deleted. The same domain is required for association of KChIP2.2 with Kv4 alpha-subunits. We propose that an efficient transport of Kv4 channels to the cell surface depends on KChIP binding to the Kv4 N-terminal domain. Our data suggest that the binding is necessary, but not sufficient, for the functional activity of KChIPs.  相似文献   

Regulation of voltage-gatedK+ channel genes represents animportant mechanism for modulating cardiac excitability. Here we demonstrate that expression of twoK+ channel mRNAs is reciprocallycontrolled by cell-cell interactions between adult cardiac myocytes. Itis shown that culturing acutely dissociated rat ventricular myocytesfor 3 h results in a dramatic downregulation of Kv1.5 mRNA and a modestupregulation of Kv4.2 mRNA. These effects are specific, because similarchanges are not detected with other channel mRNAs. Increasing myocytedensity promotes maintenance of Kv1.5 gene expression, whereas Kv4.2mRNA expression was found to be inversely proportional to cell density. Conditioned culture medium did not mimic the effects of high cell density. However, paraformaldehyde-fixed myocytes were comparable tolive cells in their ability to influenceK+ channel message levels. Thusthe reciprocal effects of cell density on the expression of Kv1.5 andKv4.2 genes are mediated by direct contact between adult cardiacmyocytes. These findings reveal for the first time that cardiac myocytegene expression is influenced by signaling induced by cell-cell contact.


Localization of the thioredoxin system in normal rat kidney   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Components of the thioredoxin system were localized in normal rat kidney using immunoperoxidase techniques at the light microscopic level and immunogold techniques at the ultrastructural level. Results from both methods were similar. Thioredoxin, thioredoxin reductases, and peroxiredoxins showed cell-type-specific localization, with the same cell types (proximal and distal tubular epithelial, papillary collecting duct, and transitional epithelial cells) previously identified as having high amounts of antioxidant enzyme immunoreactive proteins and oxidative damage products also having high levels of proteins of the thioredoxin system. In addition, peroxiredoxins II and IV were found in high levels in the cytoplasm of red blood cells, identified in kidney blood vessels. While thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase 1 were found in all subcellular locations in kidney cells, thioredoxin reductase 2 was found predominantly in mitochondria. Thioredoxin reductase 1 was identified in rat plasma, suggesting it is a secreted protein. Peroxiredoxins often had specific subcellular locations, with peroxiredoxins III and V found in mitochondria and peroxiredoxin IV found in lysosomes. Our results emphasize the complex nature of the thioredoxin system, demonstrating unique cell-type and organelle specificity.  相似文献   

The presence of Kv1.3 voltage-gated potassium channels in rat and human prostate epithelial cells has been previously reported. We examined, by immunohistochemistry, Kv1.3 levels in 10 normal human prostate, 18 benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and 147 primary human prostate cancer (Pca) specimens. We found high epithelial expression of Kv1.3 in all normal prostate, 16 BPH and 77 (52%) Pca specimens. Compared to normal, Kv1.3 levels were reduced in 1 (6%) BPH specimen and in 70 (48%) Pca specimens. We found a significant inverse correlation between Kv1.3 levels and tumor grade (r = -0.25, P = 0.003) as well as tumor stage (r = -0.27, P = 0.001). Study of an additional 30 primary Pca specimens showed that 15 (50%) had reduced Kv1.3 immunostaining compared to matched normal prostate tissue. Our data suggest that in Pca reduced Kv1.3 expression occurs frequently and may be associated with a poor outcome.  相似文献   

Transient outward K+ current (Ito) plays a crucial role in the early phase of cardiac action potential repolarization. Kv4.3 K+ channel is an important component of Ito. The function and expression of Kv4.3 K+ channel decrease in variety of heart diseases, especially in heart hypertrophy/heart failure. In this review, we summarized the changes of cardiac Kv4.3 K+ channel in heart diseases and discussed the potential role of Kv4.3 K+ channel in heart hypertrophy/heart failure. In heart hypertrophy/heart failure of mice and rats, downregulation of Kv4.3 K+ channel leads to prolongation of action potential duration (APD), which is associated with increased [Ca2+]i, activation of calcineurin and heart hypertrophy/heart failure. However, in canine and human, Kv4.3 K+ channel does not play a major role in setting cardiac APD. So, in addition to Kv4.3 K+ channel/APD/[Ca2+]i pathway, there exits another mechanism of Kv4.3 K+ channel in heart hypertrophy and heart failure: downregulation of Kv4.3 K+ channels leads to CaMKII dissociation from Kv4.3–CaMKII complex and subsequent activation of the dissociated CaMKII, which induces heart hypertrophy/heart failure. Upregulation of Kv4.3 K+ channel inhibits CaMKII activation and its related harmful consequences. We put forward a new point-of-view that Kv4.3 K+ channel is involved in heart hypertrophy/heart failure independently of its electric function, and drugs inhibiting or upregulating Kv4.3 K+ channel might be potentially harmful or beneficial to hearts through CaMKII.  相似文献   

Transient outward K+ current (Ito) plays a crucial role in the early phase of cardiac action potential repolarization. Kv4.3 K+ channel is an important component of Ito. The function and expression of Kv4.3 K+ channel decrease in variety of heart diseases, especially in heart hypertrophy/heart failure. In this review, we summarized the changes of cardiac Kv4.3 K+ channel in heart diseases and discussed the potential role of Kv4.3 K+ channel in heart hypertrophy/heart failure. In heart hypertrophy/heart failure of mice and rats, downregulation of Kv4.3 K+ channel leads to prolongation of action potential duration (APD), which is associated with increased [Ca2+]i, activation of calcineurin and heart hypertrophy/heart failure. However, in canine and human, Kv4.3 K+ channel does not play a major role in setting cardiac APD. So, in addition to Kv4.3 K+ channel/APD/[Ca2+]i pathway, there exits another mechanism of Kv4.3 K+ channel in heart hypertrophy and heart failure: downregulation of Kv4.3 K+ channels leads to CaMKII dissociation from Kv4.3–CaMKII complex and subsequent activation of the dissociated CaMKII, which induces heart hypertrophy/heart failure. Upregulation of Kv4.3 K+ channel inhibits CaMKII activation and its related harmful consequences. We put forward a new point-of-view that Kv4.3 K+ channel is involved in heart hypertrophy/heart failure independently of its electric function, and drugs inhibiting or upregulating Kv4.3 K+ channel might be potentially harmful or beneficial to hearts through CaMKII.  相似文献   

Li Q  Bi HR  Zhang R  Zhu DL 《生理学报》2006,58(1):77-82
通过组织浴槽血管环方法观察Kv3.4通道特异阻断剂BDS-Ⅰ对15-羟二十碳四烯酸(15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid,15-FETE)收缩肺动脉血管的影响;通过酶法分离、培养Wistar大鼠肺动脉血管平滑肌细胞(pulmonary artery smooth musclecells,PASMCs),RT-PCR和Western blot技术观察15-HETE对大鼠PASMCs上Kv3.4通道表达的影响,以探讨Kv3.4通道在15-HETE收缩肺动脉过程中的作用。结果如下:(1)15-HETE以浓度依赖方式使肺动脉环张力增加,对缺氧组大鼠肺动脉环张力作用更为明显,与正常对照组相比差异显著;(2)除去肺动脉内皮后,15-HETE引起血管收缩的强度较内皮完整时增强,呈剂量依赖性收缩反应;(3)阻断Kv3.4通道可抑制15-HETE收缩肺动脉;(4)15-HETE下调PASMCs膜上Kv3.4通道mRNA及蛋白质表达。上述观察结果提示Kv3.4通道参与由15-HETE引起的缺氧肺动脉血管收缩(hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction,HPV)。  相似文献   

In amphibian epithelia and in cortical collecting duct the antidiuretic peptide arginine-vasopressin (AVP) stimulates activity of epithelial Na+ channels (ENaCs). Generally, the AVP action upon Na+ (re)absorption is believed to be a cAMP/protein-kinase-A mediated mechanism. In the Xenopus oocyte expression system, however, a clear stimulation of ENaC activity by cAMP could not be reproduced with channel subunits cloned from A6 cells or rat colon. We have recently shown that membrane-permeant 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cAMP (cpt-cAMP) stimulates activity of a hybrid ENaC in Xenopus oocytes, that consists of an alpha-subunit cloned from guinea-pig colon and the beta- and gamma-subunit originating from rat colon (gpalpharbetagammaENaC). In the present study, we have further investigated the mechanisms by which cpt-cAMP upregulates gpalpharbetagammaENaC activity. Interestingly, we found AVP to stimulate the gpalpharbetagammaENaC in oocytes. Also, treatment with GTP-gamma-S largely activated this channel. In contrast, as a conflicting result, forskolin had no stimulatory effect on the cAMP-sensitive gpalpharbetagammaENaC. Experiments with Brefeldin A (BFA) or nocodazole suggested that only a minor part of cpt-cAMP-induced activation is probably due to an additional translocation of channel proteins into the oocyte membrane. In conclusion, the stimulatory effect of synthetic cpt-cAMP does not seem to be exclusively provided by classical cAMP/PKA-associated transduction mechanisms, i.e., as in A6 cells.  相似文献   

Regulation of voltage-gated K(+) (K(v)) channel expression may be involved in controlling contractility of uterine smooth muscle cells during pregnancy. Functional expression of these channels is not only controlled by the levels of pore-forming subunits, but requires their association with auxiliary subunits. Specifically, rapidly inactivating K(v) current is prominent in myometrial cells and may be carried by complexes consisting of Kv4 pore-forming and KChIP auxiliary subunits. To determine the molecular identity of the channel complexes and their changes during pregnancy, we examined the expression and localization of these subunits in rat uterus. RT-PCR analysis revealed that rat uterus expressed all three Kv4 pore-forming subunits and KChIP2 and -4 auxiliary subunits. The expression of mRNAs for these subunits was dynamically and region selectively regulated during pregnancy. In the corpus, Kv4.2 mRNA level increased before parturition, whereas the expression of Kv4.1 and Kv4.3 mRNAs decreased during pregnancy. A marked increase in KChIP2 mRNA level was also seen at late gestation. In the cervix, the expression of all three pore-forming and two auxiliary subunit mRNAs increased at late gestation. Immunoprecipitation followed by immunoblot analysis indicated that Kv4.2-KChIP2 complexes were significant in uterus at late pregnancy. Kv4.2- and KChIP2-immunoreactive proteins were present in both circular and longitudinal myometrial cells. Finally, Kv4.2 and KChIP2 mRNA levels were similarly elevated in pregnant and nonpregnant corpora of one side-conceived rats. These results suggest that diffusible factors coordinate the pregnancy-associated changes in molecular compositions of myometrial Kv4-KChIP channel complexes.  相似文献   

Kim J  Jung SC  Clemens AM  Petralia RS  Hoffman DA 《Neuron》2007,54(6):933-947
Voltage-gated A-type K+ channel Kv4.2 subunits are highly expressed in the dendrites of hippocampal CA1 neurons. However, little is known about the subcellular distribution and trafficking of Kv4.2-containing channels. Here we provide evidence for activity-dependent trafficking of Kv4.2 in hippocampal spines and dendrites. Live imaging and electrophysiological recordings showed that Kv4.2 internalization is induced rapidly upon glutamate receptor stimulation. Kv4.2 internalization was clathrin mediated and required NMDA receptor activation and Ca2+ influx. In dissociated hippocampal neurons, mEPSC amplitude depended on functional Kv4.2 expression level and was enhanced by stimuli that induced Kv4.2 internalization. Long-term potentiation (LTP) induced by brief glycine application resulted in synaptic insertion of GluR1-containing AMPA receptors along with Kv4.2 internalization. We also found evidence of Kv4.2 internalization upon synaptically evoked LTP in CA1 neurons of hippocampal slice cultures. These results present an additional mechanism for synaptic integration and plasticity through the activity-dependent regulation of Kv4.2 channel surface expression.  相似文献   

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