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The asymptotic quasi‐likelihood method is considered for the model yt = ft(θ) + Mt, t = 0,1, …,T where ftθ) is a linear predictable process of the parameter of interest θ, Mt is a martingale difference, and the nature of E(Mt2 | ℱt–1) is unknown. This paper is concerned with the limiting distribution of the asymptotic quasi‐score function of such a model. Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing of θ is derived from the limiting distribution. Comparison is made between the estimates obtained through this method and those obtained through the least squares method.  相似文献   

A. Vilenkin 《Biopolymers》1977,16(8):1657-1675
A new technique is presented for treating the ground state of an heteropolymer with a random sequence of components. An exact system of equations is found for determining the ground state energy E which is equal to the polymer free energy f in the lowest-order approximation in T/V (V/2 is the large “surface” energy arising at the boundaries between coiled and “helical” sections: V ? T, Uk; U1 and –U2 are the free energies of the components counted from the corresponding coiled state energies). These equations are essentially simplified at certain fixed values of the ratio U1/U2. For integer values of U2/U1 and U1/U2 a solution is obtained with an accuracy exp(–V/Uk). The ground-state energy as a function of U1 and U2 is shown to be highly irregular: its derivatives have jumps at an infinite number of points. These jumps provide a fine structure of the melting curves. A smoothed over the jumps function E′ is found by way of analytic continuation from the integer values of U1/U2 and U2/U1. The accuracy of the approximation fE is estimated and the correctional term of order T/V is determined.  相似文献   

Macrolycus is a genus of net‐winged beetles with 69 species distributed in the eastern Palearctic and northernmost part of the Oriental region. The first molecular phylogeny of Macrolycus was produced using an rrnL + tRNA‐Leu + nad1 mtDNA fragment. The major lineages and species limits were identified with morphology and molecular data. We propose that Cerceros is a subgenus of Macrolycus to enable identification of all adult specimens in the genus without DNA sequencing. Two species groups are proposed in Macrolycus s. str. and six in Cerceros. Additionally, twelve Macrolycus species are newly described from China: M. aquilinus, M. baihualingensis, M. bicolor, M. guangxiensis, M. jianfenglingensis, M. kuatunensis, M. lizipingensis, M. parvus, M. phoeniceus, M. rhodoneurus, M. rosaceus and M. sichuanensis. Macrolycus holzschuhi is proposed to be a junior subjective synonym of M. jeanvoinei. The highest diversity of Macrolycus is found in southern China. The species from the main islands of Japan are placed in two species groups: M. excellens is a sister to remaining species of the M. murzini group and the M. flabellatus group is a monophylum of closely related species in a sister position to the M. bicolor group.  相似文献   

Consider a model yt = ft(θ) + Mt, 0 ⩽ tT where θ∈ Θ in an unknown parameter, ft(θ) is a linear predictable process, Mt is a martingale difference, and the nature of E(M2t/ℱt—1) is unknown. This paper presents an estimating procedure for θ based on the asymptotic quasi-likelihood methodology. Conditions under which the asymptotic quasi-likelihood estimate converges to the true parameter θ0 are discussed. This method is applied to several simulated examples, and estimates of the unknown parameter are obtained by means of a two-stage technique. Comparison is made between the estimates obtained via this method and those obtained via the ordinary least squares method. Discussion is provided on the application of the model.  相似文献   

The CAUCHY-PEXIDER functional equation H (x±y)=F(x) G(y) is generalized to the form H ((xc±yc)1/c) = F(x) G(y), c≠0, assuming the function H(x) possesses a measurable majorant on a set of positive measure. The result is used to obtain a characterization of WEIBULL distribution. This functional equation is generalized to functions of vector variables.  相似文献   

The driver tries to keep the car in the center of the lane. If the car is too near the left edge, this causes the driver to make a “corrective” right turn. If the car is near the right edge, a “corrective” left turn is made. Therefore, a quantity which decreases with increasing distance Δ L from the left edge may be considered as a stimulusS R producing the reactionR R of turning to the right. A similar situation holds for the distance Δ R from the right edge. When the car is in the center of the lane, Δ L = Δ R andS R =S L , the stimuli are equal. We thus have here a situation analogous to the one studied by H. D. Landahl in his theory of psychophysical discrimination. In general a reactionR R (resp.R L ) will occur only ifR R R L h * (resp.R L R R h *) whereh * is a threshold. Applying Landahl’s theory to this situation, we find thath * determines the distance from the edge, at which a corrective turn is made. This distance is not constant, but a function of the speedv of the car. The requirement that a corrective turn should be madebeforre the car runs off the road leads to an expression for the maximum safe speed. Because of the transcendency of the equations involved, closed solutions cannot be obtained. It is, however, shown that the expression for maximum safe speed, given in a previous paper (Bull. Math. Biophysics,21, 299–308, 1959), is a rough first approximation to the expressions found now.  相似文献   

Suppose it is desired to determine whether there is an association between any pair of p random variables. A common approach is to test H0 : R = I, where R is the usual population correlation matrix. A closely related approach is to test H0 : Rpb = I, where Rpb is the matrix of percentage bend correlations. In so far as type I errors are a concern, at a minimum any test of H0 should have a type I error probability close to the nominal level when all pairs of random variables are independent. Currently, the Gupta-Rathie method is relatively successful at controlling the probability of a type I error when testing H0: R = I, but as illustrated in this paper, it can fail when sampling from nonnormal distributions. The main goal in this paper is to describe a new test of H0: Rpb = I that continues to give reasonable control over the probability of a type I error in the situations where the Gupta-Rathie method fails. Even under normality, the new method has advantages when the sample size is small relative to p. Moreover, when there is dependence, but all correlations are equal to zero, the new method continues to give good control over the probability of a type I error while the Gupta-Rathie method does not. The paper also reports simulation results on a bootstrap confidence interval for the percentage bend correlation.  相似文献   

Danforth's short tail (Sd) is a semidominant mutation on mouse chromosome 2 that acts cell autonomously in the notochord and leads to its disintegration, and thus causes severe defects in somite patterning and vertebral column development. The molecular nature of the Sd gene and mutation is unknown, and it is unclear whether Sd is a loss-of-function mutation and the semidominant inheritance of the Sd phenotype is due to haploinsufficiency, or whether Sd represents a gain-of-function mutation in a gene essential for notochord development and maintenance. Here, we report on the genetic interaction between Sd and an insertional mutation called Etl4lacZ, which provides genetic evidence that Sd is a gain-of-function mutation. Etl4lacZ is an enhancer trap insertion, which gives rise to lacZ expression in distinct cell types, including the notochord. In homozygosity, the lacZ insertion leads to abnormal vertebrae in the caudal part of the vertebral column. Etl4lacZ maps approximately 0.75 cM distal to Sd, and in double heterozygotes modifies the Sdphenotype contrarily, depending on the chromosomal configuration of the Sd and Etl4lacZ mutations: when Etl4lacZ is present on the chromosome wild type for Sd (Sd +/+ Etl4lacZ; trans configuration), the Sd phenotype is enhanced, i.e., vertebral malformations extend to more anterior positions and the vertebral body of the axis is further reduced. Conversely, when Etl4lacZ is present on the same chromosome as Sd (Sd Etl4lacZ /+ +; cis configuration), the Sd phenotype is attenuated, i.e., vertebral malformations are confined to more posterior levels, and the dens axis, which is severely reduced or absent in Sd heterozygotes, is restored. The different effect of the Etl4lacZ insertion on Sd, depending on its presence in trans or cis, suggests a direct interaction of the transgene insertion with the Sd gene. Additionally, the attenuation of the Sd phenotype by Etl4lacZ in cis suggests that Sd is a gain-of-function mutation and lends support to the idea that Etl4lacZ is a new allele of Sd. Dev. Genet. 23:86–96, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A nonlinear continuous-time Markov chain describing a two-step process of cytolytic cells binding to target and the subsequent lysis and release of label is shown to have kinetics which resemble standard enzyme-substrate kinetics. The Michaelis-Menten saturation function is found as a special case resulting when the target population is in excess. A comparison theorem for the pseudo-steady-state distribution Π is constructed to enable examination of that distribution whose expected value E and variance V satisfy - KmE + (CTE)(TTE) + V = 0, where Km is the Michaelis half-saturation constant and CT and TT are the initial populations of the two cell types. Using Π as an initial condition, the release of label process is examined. The main result is that the fraction of specific release, ƒ, has the approximate form when Tt is large, so that a nonlinear regression procedure is appropriate for the determination of the parameters.  相似文献   

Summary T(Y;2) translocations were used to cytologically localise the wingless locus of Drosophila melanogaster. We found that an existing T(Y;2), which is an insertion of a segment of 2L into the Y chromosome, has wg + within this insert. This Y chromosome was used to generate an attached XY chromosome containing wg +. The mutation claret-nondisjunctional (ca nd) was used to induce the loss of this XY chromosome and thus generate gynandromorphs with wg 1/wg 1 male tissue and wg +/wg 1/wg 1 female tissue. Analysis of these gynanders demonstrated that a genotypically wingless mutant hemithorax is usually also phenotypically mutant in these half body mosaics; thus wg 1 is discautonomous. This observation is of interest as it is known that wg is not cell autonomous.  相似文献   

An expression is derived for the field correlation function of the light scattered from a solution of lollipop-shaped particles. Such particles are a tractable model of certain bacteriophages. They are assumed to consist of an ellipsoidal head containing optically anisotropic scattering material and a tail which does not scatter. Because of the tail, Brownian rotational movement occurs around a center of rotational friction which is at a distance r0 from the center of the head. The dependence of the field correlation function C(τ) on the rotational diffusion coefficient DR is given by the factor ΣlBl exp[?l(l + 1)DRτ]. It is shown that the tail causes the coefficients Bl to be different from zero for all values of l. Therefore, C(τ) contains a term proportional to exp(?2DRτ), which is not present when r0 = 0. We give plots of Bl for various combinations of parameters. It turns out that dynamic light scattering may be used to measure r0.  相似文献   

The first complete overtime solution is obtained for a group selection model of Levins E = E(x) type with recolonization but no other gene flow between islands. Assuming a subdivided population at carrying capacity, the model describes selection at a biallelic locus (A, a) where a is opposed by Mendelian selection but is favored by a lower rate of extinction of demes having high a frequency. By contrast to the linear diffusion equations encountered in classical mathematical genetics, the PDE governing the dynamics is now nonlinear in the metapopulation gene frequency distribution φ(x, t); furthermore, the initial conditions now heavily influence the equilibrium distribution φ(x). A fully explicit formula (20) expressing this dependence is derived. The results indicate that a fixation is never reached, but (A, a) polymorphism in the metapopulation will result if , where s 1 parametrizes the strength of Mendelian selection, E(x) is the Levins extinction operator, h (typically in the open interval (0, 1)) is the dominance of a, and B is a parameter measuring the flatness of the initial distribution f(x) in the x → 1 limit.  相似文献   

A quantum-theoretic approach to the problem of enzymic specificity is presented. The concept of a “measuring system” analogized with the enzyme is utilized. Along these lines a quantum mechanical hypothesis for the mechanism of enzyme reactions was advanced (Enzymologia,35, 117–130, 1968). In the measuring process an ℐ-observable, linked to the proper values of the substrate'sA 1...A m observables will indicate the state of the measuring apparatus. On the corresponding Hilbert space of the enzymesubstrate complexH ES , through the respective statistical operatorU ES we get a “state” vector [s, a]. Theng:Γ S xΓ E Γ ES , that is, to an oriented pair 〈s, a〉 ∈Γ S xΓ E will correspond a “state” vector [s, a], and to a proper valuei k of ℐ will correspond, throughg, the respective equivalence classes of Г-spaces. Introducing the concept of enzyme-substrate complex entropyL ES , a theorem is demonstrated asserting thatL S =L ES -L E + 1/2kn wheren is the number of the degrees of freedom which may fluctuate. The values ofL ES are denoted “specific values,” and it is demonstrated that a microphysical systemS may be a substrate specific forE, if and only if it can realize one of theL ES specific values. Along these lines a model of a stochastic process for the enzymic reaction is constructed, and the set of Kolmogorov equations for the respective probabilities is derived. When a “perturbation” is induced in our model, an interesting prediction concerning the fluctuations in the kinetics of the corresponding enzyme is obtained. A relevant experimental proof ensued from these theoretical considerations. When a “gentle perturbation” was induced in a substrate by mild X-ray or UV-irradiations, an interesting oscillatory behavior of enzymic activity was recorded. A biochemical control mechanism is constructed (a simple “flip-flop” type) utilizing nonoverlapping oscillations in the activity of two enzymes at a key metabolic intermediate level. Eventually, a relevant experimental proof for the respective control model is presented.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):383-386

Dicranella riparia is shown to be more appropriately treated as Kiaeria riparia comb. nov.; Kiaeria glacialis is shown to be a misfit in Dicranum; Oncophorus sardous is placed in synonymy of O. wahlenbergii; Arctoa anderssonii is shown to be a distinct species.  相似文献   


A new species of Carabus (Lamprostus) from the province of Gilan, Iran, is described and illustrated: Carabus (Lamprostus) staveni sp. nov., Carabus (Pachystus) rechingerae Mandl, 1972, is considered a junior synonym of Carabus (Lamprostus) calleyi nigrinus Motschulsky, 1865. The specific status of Carabus (Sphodristocarabus) korgei Heinz, 1970, is restored (stat. rev.) and Carabus separatus delirensis Deuve, 2000, is considered to be a junior synonym of it. Carabus (Megodontus) stroganowi javahardensis Deuve, 2000, is considered to be a synonym of Carabus (Megodontus) heinrichi Mandl, 1966; both taxa are from the same type locality.  相似文献   

Summary The TFS1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a dosage-dependent suppressor of cdc25 mutations. Overexpression of TFS1 does not alleviate defects of temperature-sensitive adenylyl cyclase (cdc35) or ras2 disruption mutations. The ability of TFS1 to suppress cdc25 is allele specific: the temperature-sensitive cdc25-1 mutation is suppressed efficiently but the cdc25-5 mutation and two disruption mutations are only partially suppressed. TFS1 maps to a previously undefined locus on chromosome XII between RDN1 and CDC42. The DNA sequence of TFS1 contains a single long open reading frame encoding a 219 amino acid polypeptide that is similar in sequence to two mammalian brain proteins. Insertion and deletion mutations in TFS1 are haploviable, indicating that TFS1 is not essential for growth.  相似文献   

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