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The Cdc2-cyclin B complex (named the M-phase-promoting factor, MPF) is well known to be a key regulator of G2-M transition in both mitosis and meiosis. However, MPF may have functions other than the cell cycle regulation, since its activity is detectable in post-mitotic (or post-meiotic) non-dividing cells. Cyclin B comprises several subtypes, but their functional differences are still unknown. Despite the established function of MPF during oocyte maturation, its role during spermatogenesis, where spermatogenic cells undergo drastic morphological changes after meiosis, remains to be elucidated. To address these issues, we have isolated cDNA clones encoding cyclins B1 and B2 from medaka testis and raised polyclonal antibodies against their products. Using these as probes, we examined the expression patterns of cyclins B1 and B2 in medaka testis at both mRNA and protein levels. Cyclin B1 and B2 mRNAs were expressed in all stages of spermatogenic cells except for spermatozoa, although the expression levels varied according to the spermatogenic stages. Cyclin B1 protein was expressed only in spermatogonia and spermatocytes at prophase and metaphase with a transient disappearance at anaphase. On the other hand, cyclin B2 protein was continuously expressed throughout spermatogenesis, even in spermatogonia and spermatocytes at anaphase and in post-meiotic spermatids and spermatozoa. The difference in their expression patterns suggests that cyclins B1 and B2 have distinct roles in medaka spermatogenesis; i.e., cyclin B1 controls the meiotic cell cycle, whereas cyclin B2 is involved in process(es) other than meiosis.  相似文献   

鱼类性染色体的原始性导致性别决定基因的多样性.高等动物中的单个基因,在鱼类中因为基因组复制而产生多个同源基因,呈遗传多样性.TGF-β家族在硬骨鱼性别决定和性别分化的过程中发挥关键作用.smad3是性腺体细胞衍生因子(gsdf)的下游基因,可将TGF-β信号从细胞表面传递至细胞核.本研究从青鳉精巢和卵巢组织cDNA中克...  相似文献   

地西泮结合抑制因子(diazepam binding inhibitor,DBI)具有抑制由葡萄糖诱导的胰岛素分泌、促进胆固醇跨线粒体膜转运和调节脂肪酸合成与代谢等多种生理功能。本研究使用反转录PCR结合RACE方法克隆了青鳉鱼(Oryzias latipes)的DBI基因全长cDNA序列。该序列全长592bp,包含长度为102bp的5'端非编码区(5'-UTR),长度为220bp的3'端非编码区(3'-UTR),和长度为270bp的开放阅读框,推测其编码89个氨基酸。同源性分析结果显示青鳉鱼DBI蛋白序列与大西洋鲑、鲤鱼、斜带石斑鱼、斑马鱼、非洲爪蟾、大鼠和人的同源性分别为82%、76%、76%、75%、72%、71%和70%,说明DBI基因在脊椎动物的进化过程中非常保守。同源建模显示青鳉DBI蛋白的4个α螺旋结构围成一个脂酰CoA结合口袋,与已测定果蝇DBI蛋白具有非常相似的三级结构。本研究结果为阐明脊椎动物在进化过程中DBI分子结构的演变规律及DBI在低等脊椎动物中的作用机理等提供了有意义的科学参考。  相似文献   

The metameric structure of the vertebrate trunk is generated by repeated formation of somites from the unsegmented presomitic mesoderm (PSM). We report the initial characterization of nine different mutants affecting segmentation that were isolated in a large-scale mutagenesis screen in Medaka (Oryzias latipes). Four mutants were identified that show a complete or partial absence of somites or somite boundaries. In addition, five mutations were found that cause fused somites or somites with irregular sizes and shapes. In situ hybridization analysis using specific markers involved in the segmentation clock and antero-posterior (A-P) polarity of somites revealed that the nine mutants can be compiled into two groups. In group 1, mutants exhibit defects in tailbud formation and PSM prepatterning, whereas A-P identity in the somites is defective in group 2 mutants. Three mutants (planlos, pll; schnelles ende, sne; samidare, sam) have characteristic phenotypes that are similar to those in zebrafish mutants affected in the Delta/Notch signaling pathway. The majority of mutants, however, exhibit somitic phenotypes distinct from those found in zebrafish, such as individually fused somites and irregular somite sizes. Thus, these Medaka mutants can be expected to provide clues to uncovering novel components essential for somitogenesis.  相似文献   

The Japanese medaka, Oryzias latipes, is a vertebrate teleost model with a long history of genetic research. A number of unique features and established resources distinguish medaka from other vertebrate model systems. A large number of laboratory strains from different locations are available. Due to a high tolerance to inbreeding, many highly inbred strains have been established, thus providing a rich resource for genetic studies. Furthermore, closely related species native to different habitats in Southeast Asia permit comparative evolutionary studies. The transparency of embryos, larvae, and juveniles allows a detailed in vivo analysis of development. New tools to study diverse aspects of medaka biology are constantly being generated. Thus, medaka has become an important vertebrate model organism to study development, behavior, and physiology. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of established genetic and molecular-genetic tools that render medaka fish a full-fledged vertebrate system.  相似文献   

Matsumoto Y  Fukamachi S  Mitani H  Kawamura S 《Gene》2006,371(2):268-278
A variety of visual pigment repertoires present in fish species is believed due to the great variation under the water of light environment. A complete set of visual opsin genes has been isolated and characterized for absorption spectra and expression in the retina only in zebrafish. Medaka (Oryzias latipes) is a fish species phylogenetically distant from zebrafish and has served as an important vertebrate model system in molecular and developmental genetics. We previously isolated a medaka rod opsin gene (RH1). In the present study we isolated all the cone opsin genes of medaka by genome screening of a lambda-phage and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries. The medaka genome contains two red, LWS-A and LWS-B, three green, RH2-A, RH2-B and RH2-C, and two blue, SWS2-A and SWS2-B, subtype opsin genes as well as a single-copy of the ultraviolet, SWS1, opsin gene. Previously only one gene was believed present for each opsin type as reported in a cDNA-based study. These subtype opsin genes are closely linked and must be the products of local gene duplications but not of a genome-wide duplication. Peak absorption spectra (lambda(max)) of the reconstituted photopigments with 11-cis retinal varied greatly among the three green opsins, 452 nm for RH2-A, 516 nm for RH2-B and 492 nm for RH2-C, and between the two blue opsins, 439 nm for SWS2-A and 405 nm for SWS2-B. Zebrafish also has multiple opsin subtypes, but phylogenetic analysis revealed that medaka and zebrafish gained the subtype opsins independently. The lambda and BAC DNA clones isolated in this study could be useful for investigating the regulatory mechanisms and evolutionary diversity of fish opsin genes.  相似文献   

The lf (leucophore free) locus was previously reported autosomal recessive in the medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). However, extensive linkage analyses in this study using various strains revealed that the lf locus was closely sex-linked. The recombination frequency between lf and the male determining factor (y) was 2.2% (10 recombinants out of 464 progeny). Because the lf/lf homozygous fish do not have visible leucophores, they are distinguishable from wild type in early developmental stages. In the Qurt strain with heterozygous sex chromosomes (X(lf)/X(lf) in females and X(lf)/Y(+) in males), we can predict sex of each embryo on second day after fertilization. The strain should be a very useful material for studying sex determination or differentiation mechanisms in the medaka fish.  相似文献   

Medaka (Oryzias latipes) has many advantages for genetic and developmental studies. With recent advances in the genome analyses of other species, rapid accumulation of resources for medaka genomics is expected. In this study, we generated an arrayed medaka cosmid library from the HNI inbred strain, carrying a 40-kb insert on average. The library consists of approximately 120,000 clones with a 6-fold genomic coverage. Cosmid clones can be screened within 2 days using standard polymerase chain reaction. Considering the advantage of the cosmid insert size and the compact genome size of the medaka, this library provides a powerful tool for future genome analyses.  相似文献   

The metabolism of 14C-labeled steroid precursors by cell-free homogenates of medaka ( Oryzias latipes , a daily spawner) ovarian follicles at 12 different developmental stages was examined using thin layer chromatography (TLC). The radioactive metabolites produced were identified and tested for their ability to induce germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) in oocytes in an in vitro homologous bioassay. When homogenates of follicles isolated during oocyte maturation were incubated with 14C-labeled 17α-hydroxyprogesterone, 13 metabolites were detected in TLC. Among these metabolites, one metabolite exhibited very high maturation inducing activity by the in vitro bioassay. This metabolite was identified as 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17α,20β-DP) by its chromatographic mobility in TLC and recrystallization to constant specific activity. 17α,20β-DP production was high in follicles collected between 10 and 6 hr before spawning. A much less biologically active metabolite, 17α,20β-dihydroxy-5β-pregnane-3-one appeared in follicles immediately after the formation of 17α,20β-DP. A similar pattern of steroidogenesis was observed when the follicles were incubated with 14C-labeled pregnenolone and progesterone. The timely synthesis of 17α,20β-DP in medaka at the onset of oocyte maturation, together with the demonstration that this progestogen is the most potent inducer of oocyte maturation in vitro , provides further evidence that 17α,20β-DP is the naturally occurring maturation-inducing hormone in the medaka. The results also suggest that the conversion of 17α,20β-DP to its 5β-reduced metabolite may be an inactivation process.  相似文献   

GFP标记在转基因青鳉同系繁殖纯化中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
龙华  木下政人 《遗传》2003,25(4):409-413

To investigate whether a female sex steroid, estrogen, acts as a natural inducer of female gonadal sex determination (or ovary formation) in the medaka fish, Oryzias latipes, the effects of an aromatase inhibitor and anti-estrogens on sexual differentiation of gonads were examined. We found that both drugs did not show any discernible effects on the genetically determined sex differentiation in both sexes. However, the aromatase inhibitor impaired the paradoxical effects of androgen (a male sex steroid), and the anti-estrogens inhibited the male-to-female sex reversal caused by estrogen. Treatments of the fertilized eggs with androgen disturbed the gonadal sex developments in both sexes, suggesting that sex steroid synthesis is detrimental to the gonadal sex developments in the medaka embryos. These results are consistent with the previous observation that sex steroids are not synthesized before the onset of gonadal sex differentiation, and suggest that ovary formation in the genetic females of the medaka fish is not dependent on estrogen.  相似文献   

We screened populations of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-mutagenized Medaka, (Oryzias latipes) for radiation-sensitive mutants to investigate the mechanism of genome stability induced by ionizing radiation in developing embryos. F3 embryos derived from male founders that were homozygous for induced the mutations were irradiated with gamma-rays at the organogenesis stage (48hpf) at a dose that did not cause malformation in wild-type embryos. We screened 2130 F2 pairs and identified three types of mutants with high incidence of radiation-induced curly tailed (ric) malformations using a low dose of irradiation. The homozygous strain from one of these mutants, ric1, which is highly fertile and easy to breed, was established and characterized related to gamma-irradiation response. The ric1 strain also showed higher incidence of malformation and lower hatchability compared to the wild-type CAB strain after gamma-irradiation at the morula and pre-early gastrula stages. We found that the decrease in hatching success after gamma-irradiation, depends on the maternal genotype at the ric1 locus. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxy-UTP nick end-labeling assays showed a high frequency of apoptosis in the ric1 embryos immediately after gamma-irradiation at the pre-early gastrula stage but apoptotic cells were not observed before midblastula transition (MBT). The neutral comet assay revealed that the ric1 mutant has a defect in the rapid repair of DNA double-strand breaks induced by gamma-rays. These results suggest that RIC1 is involved in the DNA double strand break repair in embryos from morula to organogenesis stages, and unrepaired DNA double strand breaks in ric1 trigger apoptosis after MBT. These results support the use of the ric1 strain for investigating various biological consequences of DNA double strand breaks in vivo and for sensitive monitoring of genotoxicity related to low dose radiation.  相似文献   

The medaka, Oryzias latipes, has an XX/XY sex-determination mechanism. A Y-linked DM domain gene, DMY, has been isolated by positional cloning as a sex-determining gene in this species. Previously, we found 23 XY sex-reversed females from 11 localities by examining the genotypic sex of wild-caught medaka. Genetic analyses revealed that all these females had Y-linked gene mutations. Here, we aimed to clarify the cause of this sex reversal. To achieve this, we screened for mutations in the amino acid coding sequence of DMY and examined DMY expression at 0 days after hatching (dah) using densitometric semiquantitative RT-PCR. We found that the mutants could be classified into two groups. One contained mutations in the amino acid coding sequence of DMY, while the other had reduced DMY expression at 0 dah although the DMY coding sequence was normal. For the latter, histological analyses indicated that YwOurYwOur (YwOur, Y chromosome derived from an Oura XY female) individuals with the lowest DMY expression among the tested mutants were expected to develop into females at 0 dah. These results suggest that early testis development requires DMY expression above a threshold level. Mutants with reduced DMY expression may prove valuable for identifying DMY regulatory elements.  相似文献   

The response mechanism of medaka xanthophores to light was examined at the cellular level. Innervated and denervated xanthophores of adult medakas responded to light (9,000 lux) within 30 sec by pigment aggregation, and this aggregation was not mediated through α-adrenoceptors on the cell membrane. Maximum sensitivity to light was at wavelengths of 410–420 nm, and the direct effect of light was reversible. Xanthophore responsiveness to light in summer was higher than that in winter. Ca2+ and calmodulin were not involved in the response, but rather, an important role for cAMP and phos-phodiesterase (PDE) was suggested. It seems likely that photoreception by visual pigment which is sensitive to light at wavelengths of 410–420 nm increases PDE activity, probably via a G-protein, such as occurs with visual cells in the retina, which causes a decrease in levels of cytosolic cAMP, in turn leading to pigment aggregation within medaka xanthophores.  相似文献   

The development of germ cells has been intensively studied in Medaka (Oryzias latipes). We have undertaken a large-scale screen to identify mutations affecting the development of primordial germ cells (PGCs) in Medaka. Embryos derived from mutagenized founder fish were screened for an abnormal distribution or number of PGCs at embryonic stage 27 by RNA in situ hybridization for the Medaka vasa homologue (olvas). At this stage, PGCs coalesce into two bilateral vasa-expressing foci in the ventrolateral regions of the trunk after their migration and group organization. Nineteen mutations were identified from a screen corresponding to 450 mutagenized haploid genomes. Eleven of the mutations caused altered PGC distribution. Most of these alterations were associated with morphological abnormalities and could be grouped into four phenotypic classes: Class 1, PGCs dispersed into bilateral lines; Class 2, PGCs dispersed in a region more medial than that in Class 1; Class 3, PGCs scattered laterally and over the yolk sac area; and Class 4, PGCs clustered in a single median focus. Eight mutations caused a decrease in the number of PGCs. This decrease was observed in the offspring of heterozygous mothers, indicating the contribution of a maternal factor in determining PGC abundance. Taken together, these mutations should prove useful in identifying molecular mechanisms underlying the early PGC development and migration.  相似文献   

龙华 《实验生物学报》2003,36(3):238-242
转基因技术是二十世纪八十年代初发展起来的一项生物领域高新技术。近年来,外源基因经显微注射导入哺乳类、两栖类、昆虫类以及鱼类的受精卵或胚胎,从而使人们对在整个动物的系统发育期间外源基因表达的研究更加深入。与哺乳类、两栖类以及昆虫类相比,鱼作为在脊椎动物进化的低级阶段,更适合在受精卵或胚胎期的显微操作。转基因鱼模型的研究为鱼类基因工程育种奠定了理论基础,基因导入方法的成熟、胚胎干细胞技术的发展以及基因组学理论的应用则为鱼类基因工程育种提供  相似文献   

Homozygous mutations in the glucocerebrosidase (GBA) gene result in Gaucher disease (GD), the most common lysosomal storage disease. Recent genetic studies have revealed that GBA mutations confer a strong risk for sporadic Parkinson’s disease (PD). To investigate how GBA mutations cause PD, we generated GBA nonsense mutant (GBA-/-) medaka that are completely deficient in glucocerebrosidase (GCase) activity. In contrast to the perinatal death in humans and mice lacking GCase activity, GBA-/- medaka survived for months, enabling analysis of the pathological progression. GBA-/- medaka displayed the pathological phenotypes resembling human neuronopathic GD including infiltration of Gaucher cell-like cells into the brains, progressive neuronal loss, and microgliosis. Detailed pathological findings represented lysosomal abnormalities in neurons and alpha-synuclein (α-syn) accumulation in axonal swellings containing autophagosomes. Unexpectedly, disruption of α-syn did not improve the life span, formation of axonal swellings, neuronal loss, or neuroinflammation in GBA-/- medaka. Taken together, the present study revealed GBA-/- medaka as a novel neuronopathic GD model, the pahological mechanisms of α-syn accumulation caused by GCase deficiency, and the minimal contribution of α-syn to the pathogenesis of neuronopathic GD.  相似文献   

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