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Knowledge of periparturitional behaviors in captive primates may contribute to infant survival and is particularly important for endangered species, such as the bonobo, or pygmy chimpanzee (Pan paniscus). Given that the bonobo is considered to be closely related to humans, such knowledge also may offer insights about the evolutionary development of complex maternal patterns. To date, however, only one observation of a P. paniscus birth has been reported. The periparturitional behaviors of a mature bonobo (P. paniscus) female during the pregnancy and birth of two infants are described in detail. Information not previously reported for the species is included. Periparturitional behaviors were similar for both births.  相似文献   

The timing of tooth mineralization in bonobos (Pan paniscus) is virtually uncharacterized. Analysis of these developmental features in bonobos and the possible differences with its sister species, the chimpanzee (P. troglodytes), is important to properly quantify the normal ranges of dental growth variation in closely related primate species. Understanding this variation among bonobo, chimpanzee and modern human dental development is necessary to better contextualize the life histories of extinct hominins. This study tests whether bonobos and chimpanzees are distinguished from each other by covariance among the relative timing and sequences of tooth crown initiation, mineralization, root extension, and completion. Using multivariate statistical analyses, we compared the relative timing of permanent tooth crypt formation, crown mineralization, and root extension between 34 P. paniscus and 80 P. troglodytes mandibles radiographed in lateral and occlusal views. Covariance among our 12 assigned dental scores failed to statistically distinguish between bonobos and chimpanzees. Rather than clustering by species, individuals clustered by age group (infant, younger or older juvenile, and adult). Dental scores covaried similarly between the incisors, as well as between both premolars. Conversely, covariance among dental scores distinguished the canine and each of the three molars not only from each other, but also from the rest of the anterior teeth. Our study showed no significant differences in the relative timing of permanent tooth crown and root formation between bonobos and chimpanzees. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We report the first probable identification of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) in a bonobo (Pan paniscus) that had been part of a forest re-introduction programme. Clinical presentation was of episodic acute on chronic heart failure and cerebral infarction with end-stage renal failure rather than sudden death which is more commonly associated with EMCV infection. A postmortem diagnosis of probable EMCV was made using gross pathological and histopathological examination. Findings included acute on chronic heart failure combined with the unusual but characteristic histopathological features of non-suppurative necrotizing myocarditis with mononuclear, inflammatory infiltration of the brain.  相似文献   

We used an artificial language as a tool for the study of spatial memory organization in a young Pan paniscus. In the first experiment, we showed the bonobo a road sign just outside its indoor sleeping area. The sign indicated, by means of arbitrarily designated geometrical shapes (lexigrams), where food was hidden. Only 2 of the 15 locations were visible from the sign. Distances ranged up to 170 m from the sign. In 99 of 127 test trials the bonobo went directly to the designated location on its first move. In a second experiment, we presented the road sign at varied points in the woods rather than at the original fixed place. In these trials the goal was a preferred toy. The bonobo's human companions were never told the location of the goal and distances were up to 650 m. In all 12 trials the bonobo led its companions to the designated place via an efficient path. The bonobo appeared to be able to move, based on the information provided by a lexigram, from almost any arbitrary starting location in its 20-ha environment to any one of the numerous goal locations.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Psychological essentialism is the ability to recognize that the class or kind to which an object belongs remains unaltered despite changes to its superficial...  相似文献   

Poaching and habitat destruction in the Congo Basin threaten African great apes including the bonobo (Pan paniscus), chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), and gorillas (Gorilla spp.) with extinction. One way to combat extinction is to reintroduce rescued and rehabilitated apes and repopulate native habitats. Reintroduction programs are only successful if they are supported by local populations. Ekolo ya Bonobo, located in Equateur province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is the world's only reintroduction site for rehabilitated bonobos. Here we assess whether children, of the Ilonga‐Pôo, living adjacent to Ekolo ya Bonobo demonstrate more pro‐ape conservation attitudes than children living in, Kinshasa, the capital city. We examined children's attitudes toward great apes because children are typically the focus of conservation education programs. We used the Great Ape Attitude Questionnaire to test the Contact Hypothesis, which posits that proximity to great ape habitat influences pro‐conservation attitudes toward great apes. Ilonga‐Pôo children who live in closer contact with wild bonobos felt greater responsibility to protect great apes compared to those in Kinshasa who live outside the natural habitat of great apes. These results suggest that among participants in the DRC, spatial proximity to a species fosters a greater sense of responsibility to protect and conserve. These results have implications for the successful implementation of great ape reintroduction programs in the Congo Basin. The data analyzed in this study were collected in 2010 and therefore provide a baseline for longitudinal study of this reintroduction site.  相似文献   

The postnatal ontogenetic patterns and processes that underlie species differences in African ape adult mandibular morphology are not well understood and there is ongoing debate about whether African ape faces and mandibles develop via divergent or parallel trajectories of shape change. Using three-dimensional (3D) morphometric data, we first tested when in postnatal development differences in mandibular shape are initially evident between sister species Pan troglodytes and P. paniscus. Next, we tested whether each species has a distinct and non-parallel trajectory of mandibular development. Mandibles sampled across a broad developmental range of wildshot bonobos (n = 44) and chimpanzees (n = 59) were radiographed and aged from their dental development. We then collected 3D landmark surface data from all the mandibles. A geometric morphometric analysis of size-corrected 3D data found that bonobos and chimpanzees had parallel and linear ontogenetic trajectories of mandibular shape change. In contrast, mandibular shape was statistically different between P. paniscus and P. troglodytes as early as infancy, suggesting that species shape differences are already established near or before birth. A linear and stable trajectory of shape change suggests that mandibular ontogeny in these apes is unimpacted by non-linear variation in tooth developmental timing.  相似文献   

Vertical jumping was used to assess muscle mechanical output in bonobos and comparisons were drawn to human jumping. Jump height, defined as the vertical displacement of the body centre of mass during the airborne phase, was determined for three bonobos of varying age and sex. All bonobos reached jump heights above 0.7 m, which greatly exceeds typical human maximal performance (0.3-0.4m). Jumps by one male bonobo (34 kg) and one human male (61.5 kg) were analysed using an inverse dynamics approach. Despite the difference in size, the mechanical output delivered by the bonobo and the human jumper during the push-off was similar: about 450 J, with a peak power output close to 3000 W. In the bonobo, most of the mechanical output was generated at the hips. To account for the mechanical output, the muscles actuating the bonobo's hips (directly and indirectly) must deliver muscle-mass-specific power and work output of 615 Wkg-1 and 92 Jkg-1, respectively. This was twice the output expected on the basis of muscle mass specific work and power in other jumping animals but seems physiologically possible. We suggest that the difference is due to a higher specific force (force per unit of cross-sectional area) in the bonobo.  相似文献   

A host of ecological, anatomical, and physiological selective pressures are hypothesized to have played a role in the evolution of hominid bipedalism. A referential model, based on the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and bonobo (Pan paniscus), was used to test through experimental manipulation four hypotheses on the evolution of hominid bipedalism. The introduction of food piles (Carry hypothesis) increased locomotor bipedality in both species. Neither the introduction of branches (Display hypothesis) nor the construction of visual barriers (Vigilance hypothesis) altered bipedality in either species. Introduction of raised foraging structures (Forage hypothesis) increased postural bipedality in chimpanzees. These experimental manipulations provided support for carrying of portable objects and foraging on elevated food-items as plausible mechanisms that shaped bipedalism in hominids.  相似文献   

Social relations and behaviours of adolescent female pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus) that migrated between unit groups were studied at Wamba, Za?re. Each immigrant female selected one particular resident female, a 'specific senior female' (SSF) and frequently approached and followed her. Affinitive behaviours (e.g. grooming, genitogenital rubbing) were frequently performed between the immigrant and her SSF. Most affinitive behaviours were more likely to be initiated by the immigrant than by her SSF. The immigrant's relationship with her SSF seemed to facilitate the immigrant's integration into the new unit group. Resident males actively approached and mated with the immigrant females. Copulation also appeared to further the immigrant's stable relationship with the resident males.  相似文献   

Two types of tool use were shown by a captive bonobo (Pan paniscus) in a large outdoor enclosure at Apenheul Primate Park in The Netherlands. A wild‐born young adult female (estimated to be 9 years old) used fallen branches as ladders to bypass protective sheaths to gain access to trees. Later she used a branch as a weapon to beat to death a peahen (Pavo cristatus). None of the other bonobos in the group were seen to use branches as either ladders or weapons. Zoo Biol 21:607–611, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic umbilical hernia repair was performed in an adult female Western chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) in a rescue centre in Sierra Leone. Biological mesh and laparoscopic spiral tacks via three 5 mm laparoscopy ports were used to close a 4 cm hernia. The chimpanzee recovered quickly and the hernia did not recur.  相似文献   

Blood groups of humans and great apes have long been considered similar, although they are not interchangeable between species. In this study, human monoclonal antibody technology was used to assign human ABO blood groups to whole blood samples from great apes housed in North American and European zoos and in situ managed populations, as a practical means to assist blood transfusion situations for these species. From a subset of each of the species (bonobo, common chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutans), DNA sequence analysis was performed to determine blood group genotype. Bonobo and common chimpanzee populations were predominantly group A, which concurred with historic literature and was confirmed by genotyping. In agreement with historic literature, a smaller number of the common chimpanzees sampled were group O, although this O blood group was more often present in wild‐origin animals as compared with zoo‐born animals. Gorilla blood groups were inconclusive by monoclonal antibody techniques, and genetic studies were inconsistent with any known human blood group. As the genus and, specifically, the Bornean species, orangutans were identified with all human blood groups, including O, which had not been reported previously. Following this study, it was concluded that blood groups of bonobo, common chimpanzees, and some orangutans can be reliably assessed by human monoclonal antibody technology. However, this technique was not reliable for gorilla or orangutans other than those with blood group A. Even in those species with reliable blood group detection, blood transfusion preparation must include cross‐matching to minimize adverse reactions for the patient. Zoo Biol 30:427–444, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe segment angles (trunk, thigh, shank, and foot) and joint angles (hip, knee, and ankle) for the hind limbs of bonobos walking bipedally ("bent-hip bent-knee walking," 17 sequences) and quadrupedally (33 sequences). Data were based on video recordings (50 Hz) of nine subjects in a lateral view, walking at voluntary speed. The major differences between bipedal and quadrupedal walking are found in the trunk, thigh, and hip angles. During bipedal walking, the trunk is approximately 33-41 degrees more erect than during quadrupedal locomotion, although it is considerably more bent forward than in normal human locomotion. Moreover, during bipedal walking, the hip has a smaller range of motion (by 12 degrees ) and is more extended (by 20-35 degrees ) than during quadrupedal walking. In general, angle profiles in bonobos are much more variable than in humans. Intralimb phase relationships of subsequent joint angles show that hip-knee coordination is similar for bipedal and quadrupedal walking, and resembles the human pattern. The coordination between knee and ankle differs much more from the human pattern. Based on joint angles observed throughout stance phase and on the estimation of functional leg length, an efficient inverted pendulum mechanism is not expected in bonobos.  相似文献   

The popular belief that women are not naturally able to bond with each other is often supported by theoretical and empirical evidence that unrelated females do not bond in nonhuman primate species. Bonobos (rare and endangered African apes, also known as pygmy chimpanzees) are (with their congener, chimpanzees) the closest living relatives of humans and appear to be an exception to this characterization. Data collected on individuals representing half of the world’s captive population reveal that bonobo females are remarkably skillful in establishing and maintaining strong affiliative bonds with each other despite being unrelated. Moreover, they control access to highly desirable food, share it with each other more often than with males, engage in same-sex sexual interactions in order to reduce tension, and form alliances in which they cooperatively attack males and inflict injuries. Their power does not stem from a size equality with or advantage over males (in fact, females average 82.5% of male size), but rather from cooperation and coalition formation. The immediate advantage to female alliances is increased control over food, the main resource on which their reproductive success depends, as well as a reduction in other costs typically associated with a female-biased dispersal system, such as male agonism in the contexts of feeding competition and sexual coercion. The ultimate advantage of friendly relationships among females is an earlier age at first reproduction, which results in a large increase in lifetime reproductive success. Analysis of this bonding phenomenon sheds light on when, where, and how we should expect unrelated human females to bond with one another by demonstrating that bonding is not dependent on access to one’s relatives but rather on an environmental situation in which female aggregation is possible, coupled with an incentive for cooperation.  相似文献   

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