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Hair zinc and copper: Relationship to hair type and serum concentrations in children and adolescents
The zinc and copper serum and hair concentrations of 691 3-18-y-old girls and boys previously determined as a part of the Multicentre Study of Atherosclerosis Precursors in Finnish Children and Adolescents were further analyzed in order to find a possible association between these two zinc and copper indices. The influence of hair color and the diameter of individual hair strands on hair concentrations were studied by the analysis of covariance. Hair color and serum zinc concentrations were found to be associated with hair zinc concentrations in boys. Such an association was not found for zinc and copper concentrations in girls. Hair vs serum concentrations in different age and hair color groups did not show however, a significant relationship either in copper or in zinc concentrations. The subjects with very low or high serum zinc or copper concentrations did not usually have extreme hair concentrations and vice versa. However, there were some subjects with low or high serum concentrations associated with low or high hair concentrations. 相似文献
Blood was obtained from 564 11-yr-old children who had participated since birth in a multidisciplinary health and development
study. Serum zinc concentration did not differ between the boys and the girls (mean±SD: 91=17 μg/100 mL,n=453). Five-6% of serum zinc values were low; although there was a weak correlation with height, none of the boys with low
values were below the 10th percentile for height for this group. Serum copper concentration (112±24 μg/100 mL,n=454) was unrelated to sex, height, weight, body mass index, socioeconomic status (SES), or iron status. Blood selenium concentration
(49±10 ng/mL,n=564) was lower than previously reported for Dunedin children; it was higher in children in the lower SES categories. The
data represent normal values for healthy, 11-yr-old NZ children. 相似文献
Kim CW Kim BT Park KH Kim KM Lee DJ Yang SW Joo NS 《The Journal of nutritional biochemistry》2011,22(11):1030-1034
Excessive body weight is inversely associated with insulin sensitivity in children and adults. Chromium supplementation produces modest improvement in insulin sensitivity in adults. The aim of this study was to examine the beneficial effects of chromium supplementation on insulin sensitivity and body composition in overweight children simultaneously modifying lifestyle. Twenty-five overweight children aged 9–12 years were randomized to receive either 400 μg of chromium chloride or placebo in double-blind fashion, during a 6-week lifestyle modification regimen that included nutritional education and 3×90 min of aerobic physical activity weekly. Insulin sensitivity was demonstrated using homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance and quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI). Changes in body mass index (BMI; kg/m2), BMI Z-score, waist circumference, body composition and fasting plasma glucose were measured. Although no significant benefit of chromium supplementation over placebo was evident for BMI, BMI Z-score and fasting insulin level, children who received chromium chloride demonstrated more positive changes versus the placebo group in HOMA (−1.84±1.07 vs. 0.05±0.42, P=.05), QUICKI (0.02±0.01 vs. −0.002±0.01, P=.05), lean body mass (2.43±0.68kg vs. 1.36±1.61kg, P=.02) and percentage body fat (−3.32±1.29% vs. 0.65±1.05%, P=.04). The desirable effects of chromium supplementation on insulin sensitivity and body composition were more apparent in pre-pubertal children. These results suggest that short-term chromium supplementation can improve insulin sensitivity and body composition in overweight children. 相似文献
This study provides values of anthropometric measurements and specific impedance, for a sample of 104 adults. The hypothesis
that the body composition can be estimated more accurately from measurements of lengths and impedance values of the body segments
than from the whole body was tested. The impedance of upper and lower extremities (arm and leg) and trunk were used to compute
estimates of body composition parameters (FFM, FM, %F, TBW, ECW). The results were compared with those estimated by the impedance
of the whole body. These comparisons demonstrated that significative differences resulted from body composition obtained by
segmental impedance and by the whole body. 相似文献
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship in college-aged women between somatotype using both Sheldon's ('69) and Heath and Carter's ('67) procedures, and body composition, as measured by whole-body 40K counting and body density. Sheldon's endomorphy is closely associated with height and weight; Heath and Carter's first component is significantly related to weight and body fatness. Lean body mass (LBM) as a weight or as a percent is not closely related to Sheldon's mesomorphy or Heath and Carter's second component. However, when LBM and height are used as independent variables to estimate somatotype, both variables are significantly related to Heath and Carter's second component, accounting for 61% of the variance. Thus Heath and Carter's second component is significantly associated with LBM for a given body height. Most of the variation in Sheldon's ectomorphy and Heath and Carter's third component can be accounted for by weight and height. Sheldon's somatotype for all three components is not as closely related to body composition as Heath-Carter's. Body composition, as measured by either 40K counting or body density, is found to be important in accounting for variation in Heath and Carter's first and second components. 相似文献
Age variations in the relation of body mass indices to estimates of body fat and muscle mass 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In some chronic disease studies, distinctions have been made regarding the importance of body mass index (BMI) as a risk factor in younger versus older men and women. In order to determine the significance of these differences in BMI-disease associations, we determined the extent of age-dependent variations in the relation of BMIs to body composition in large probability samples of U.S. men and women from the First and Second U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES I and II). BMIs are more highly correlated with estimates of body fat in younger than in older men and women, and with muscle mass in older than in younger adults. Caution should be exercised in interpreting the significance of BMI as a risk factor for chronic disease, particularly in comparison of age groups. 相似文献
The effects of socioeconomic differences on the nutritional status of two groups of urban living children are considered via an anthropometric assessment of body composition. The sample consists of 981 Guatemala City children, 7.00 to 13.99 years old, of high and low socioeconomic status (SES). High SES children have larger median values for triceps skinfold, subscapular skinfold, arm circumference, and estimated mid-arm muscle and fat areas than low SES children. Compared with children of a US reference sample, the high SES children generally have larger values for all variables and the low SES children have smaller values. However, the differences between the low SES children and the children of the other two samples are greater for arm fat area than for arm muscle area. The analysis suggests that low SES Guatemalan children suffer to a greater extent from chronic energy, rather than protein, undernutrition. A similar pattern of energy malnutrition has been observed for rural Guatemalan children. These combined data suggest that estimates of fat reserves of the arm provide a useful indication of nutritional status for Third-World children. Results from rural Costa Rican and Honduran studies have been taken to mean that muscle reserves are better than fat reserves as indicators of nutritional status in developing countries. But, those studies did not estimate cross-sectional muscle and fat areas and only considered the extremes of the population distribution for muscle and fat. 相似文献
Hee Y. Paik Hyojee Joung Joo Y. Lee Hong K. Lee Janet C. King Carl L. Keen 《Biological trace element research》1999,69(1):45-57
The present study focused on whether serum extracellular superoxide dimutase (EC-SOD) activity can be used as a functional indicator of marginal zinc deficiency in humans. Subjects in this study were 444 healthy adults over 30 yr of age living a normal rural life in Kyunggi province, Korea. The mean dietary zinc intake of subjects obtained from one 24-h recall was 6.41 ± 4.35 mg and the average serum zinc concentration of the subjects was 11.06 ± 2.44 (μmol/L. Subjects were divided into three groups by serum zinc concentrations: adequate (serum zinc >10.7 (μmol/L), low (serum zinc 9.0–10.7 μmol/L), and very low (serum zinc <9.0 μmol/L) groups. A total of 50 subjects were selected from the three groups for analysis of EC-SOD activities. The EC-SOD activity of subjects increased with increasing serum zinc concentrations, and the activities of the three groups were significantly different as indicated by the Kruskal-Wallis test (p = 0.0239). Also, serum EC-SOD activities were significantly correlated with serum zinc concentrations (r = 0.289,p = 0.04). Serum EC-SOD activities, however, were not significantly correlated to the dietary zinc intakes. In conclusion, these results show that EC-SOD activities are decreased in subjects with low serum zinc concentrations and suggest that EC-SOD activity may be a functional indicator of zinc nutritional status in humans. 相似文献
Lead, copper, zinc, and magnesium content in hair of children and young people with some neurological diseases 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lech T 《Biological trace element research》2002,85(2):111-126
The lead, copper, zinc, and magnesium levels of scalp hair taken from 153 children aged 1–15 yr and young people (16–18 yr)
with selected neurological disorders (hyperexcibility, loss of consciousness, and epileptiform convulsions of an unknown origin,
etc.), were measured using the atomic absorption spectrometry method and then compared with a control group of healthy children
(n=108). The research indicated significantly reduced mean levels of magnesium in the hair of children suffering from selected
neurological diseases (in children aged 11–15 yr of age, above 30%; up to 5 yr of age, nearly 30%; the differences were statistically
significant at p<0.05) and slightly decreased mean levels of copper (differences statistically significant at p<0.05, particularly in the 11 to 15-yr category). Differences in zinc levels in hair were inconsiderable (not statistically
significant in any age groups). The lead level in the hair of the above-mentioned group of children was exceeded in relation
to the control group (a statistically significant difference at p<0.05 for the total group). A more than twofold decrease in the mean value of the Mg/Pb ratio (and a nearly 30% decrease in
the value of the Mg/Zn ratio) in the hair of children suffering from neurological diseases suggests that the high toxicity
of lead accompanying, among other things, magnesium deficiencies might be a cause of the observed disorders in children. 相似文献
Assessment of copper and zinc status in hair and urine of young women descendants of NIDDM parents 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Satish K. Taneja Monika Mahajan Sumedha Gupta Kiran Pal Singh 《Biological trace element research》1998,62(3):255-264
The concentration of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) in hair and urine were studied in young nonpregnant healthy women whose both
parents were diagnosed for noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM descendants) and were compared with those of young
healthy nonpregnant females with no family history of NIDDM or hypertension (non-NIDDM descendants) and NIDDM patients. The
concentration of Zn in hair in NIDDM descendants was significantly higher than that of non-NIDDM descendants (p < 0.001) and insignificantly higher than that of NIDDM patients. The hair Cu concentrations in NIDDM descendant and patients
were significantly lower than that of non-NIDDM descendants (p < 0.001). Hyperzincuria was detected in some NIDDM patients and hypocuperuria in all NIDDM descendants and patients. The
data suggest that the young healthy NIDDM descendants possess high-Zn and low-Cu reserves in their bodies, and the observed
perturbation appears to be associated with Cu-Zn antagonism. 相似文献
P. R. M. Jones A. J. Baker C. J. Hardy A. P. Mowat 《European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology》1994,68(6):514-518
Body surface area (BSA) is used in paediatrics to assess fluid requirement, drug doses, cardiac output and glomerular filtration rate. The aim of this study was to examine, in children with liver disease, the relationship between BSA determined by a traditional nomogram and BSA measured by a novel three-dimensional technique — Loughborough Anthropometric Shadow Scanner (LASS). Subjects were 16 children, mean age 8.1 (range 3.6–14.9) years, with a variety of liver diseases. Twenty-eight controls had a mean age of 7.1 (3.1–10.5) years. All had LASS scans performed as well as 21 anthropometric measurements taken by a single observer. There was a significant relationship between BSA (LASS) and BSA nomogram for liver-diseased children (r=0.99) and controls (r=0.96). The BSA nomogram values were significantly greater (P < 0.05) than BSA (LASS) for liver-diseased subjects by 10.1% (–0.35 to + 20.6; 95% confidence interval), and for controls by 9.6% (4.1–23.2). Best prediction of BSA (LASS) for liver-disease subjects used height, body weight and gluteal furrow circumference [r
2=0.997; standard estimated error (SEE) = 0.015 m2] and for controls used body weight alone (r
2=0.907; SEE=0.048 m2). BSA nomogram has no additional error in children with liver disease, but may overestimate BSA by 10% compared with a novel three-dimensional body surface scanning technique. 相似文献
Comparison of body composition in middle-aged and elderly males using computed tomography 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
G A Borkan D E Hults S G Gerzof A H Robbins 《American journal of physical anthropology》1985,66(3):289-295
Computed tomography (CT) scans were taken of 21 middle-aged men (mean age 46.3 years) and 20 older men (mean age 69.4 years) to measure differences in body composition with age. Overall, the older men weighed 8.2 kg less than the middle-aged men, and this difference was primarily the result of their having less lean tissue. Although fat mass (by whole body potassium counting) was only slightly less in older men, there were distributional differences in fat between the age groups. Total abdomen adipose tissue area (from CT) was similar in both groups, although the subcutaneous portion of the abdomen adipose tissue was less in the older men, and they had correspondingly more adipose tissue within the abdominal cavity. Muscle areas of the leg and arm were significantly less in the older men, as were all lean tissues of the abdomen and chest. When these data were corrected for differences in body weight with age, the results were still significant, suggesting a centripetalization and internalization of fat with age. Causes of this apparent fat redistribution and decrease of lean tissue with age were not revealed by this study and are presently unknown. 相似文献
J. F. Hayes E. J. Eisen 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1979,55(5):209-223
Summary The effect of the postnatal maternal environment, simulated by rearing mice in litters of three, six or nine, on body weight and body composition was investigated in three lines of mice differing widely in growth rate. The lines were selected for high (H6) and low (L6) 6-week body weight while the control line was maintained by random selection. Body weight and weights and percentages of ether extract, water, ash and protein at 21, 42, 63 and 84 days were recorded. With few exceptions, there were positive correlated responses to selection in body weight and in weights of body components. At 21 and 42 days the correlated responses were larger in L6 mice than in H6 mice. Body weight and weights of body components were larger for mice reared in litters of three than for those reared in litters of nine. Also, mice reared in litters of six were intermediate in body weight and weights of some of the body components between those reared in litters of three and nine. Differences in body weight and weights of body components due to postnatal maternal environment were small by comparison with differences due to genetic line. There were significant line by maternal environment interactions in body weight at 21 days and in ether extract weight at 21 and 63 days. Line and maternal environment differences in percentages of body components did not follow any consistent trend. The results for percentages of body components were further complicated by line x maternal environment interactions. In general, both line and postnatal maternal environmental differences in percentages of body components diminished with age.Paper No. 5670 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, North Carolina 27650. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station of the products named, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned 相似文献
Yuko Fukunaga Yohei Takai Takaya Yoshimoto Eiji Fujita Masayoshi Yamamoto Hiroaki Kanehisa 《Journal of physiological anthropology》2013,32(1):5
The purpose of this study was to examine maturity-related differences in anthropometry and body composition in Japanese youth within a single year.Methods
Two hundred and ten Japanese youth aged from 13 to 13.99 years participated in this study. Their maturity status was assessed using a self-assessment of stage of pubic hair development. Bioelectrical impedance analysis was used to estimate percent body fat and lean body mass (LBM). Muscle thickness of the anterior thigh, posterior lower leg and rectus abdominis muscles were measured by ultrasound.Results
For boys, height, body weight, and LBM in less mature groups were lower than that in more mature groups. The maturity-related differences were still significant after adjusting for chronological age. On the other hand, muscle thickness values in the lower extremity and abdomen differed among the groups at different stages of pubic hair development, whereas there was no maturity-related difference in the relative values corrected by LBM, except for those thickness values measured at the abdomen. For girls, only the muscle thickness at the anterior thigh and muscle thickness relative to LBM1/3 at the posterior lower leg was significantly affected by maturity status, but significant maturity-related difference was not found after adjusting for chronological age.Conclusions
At least for Japanese boys and girls aged 13 years, maturity status affected body size in boys, but not in girls, and the influence of maturation on the muscularity of the lower extremity and trunk muscles is less in both sexes. 相似文献15.
The hypogonadal state in men is accompanied by substantial decreases in muscle and bone mass and by an increase in adiposity. Most of the strains of orchiectomized (ORX) rat that have been used to model this state display substantial losses in bone, but only subtle changes in adiposity and muscle mass. In order to identify a rat model displaying a robust catabolic response to ORX, we studied three strains: Fischer 344 (F344), Brown Norway and Wistar. ORX caused a significant and sustained decrease in weight gained by F344, but only a trend toward reduced weight gain in Brown Norway rats and a modest reduction weight gain in Wistar rats that was significant only after 56days. ORX suppressed food intake in F344 rats, and to a lesser degree in Brown Norway and Wistar rats. ORX reduced muscle mass significantly in F344 rats, but not in Brown Norway or Wistar rats. ORX increased adiposity moderately in F344 rats and substantially in Wistar rats. ORX caused a marked reduction in prostate mass and increase in bone resorption in all three strains. Thus, F344 was the only strain in which ORX produced substantial decreases in food intake, body weight and muscle mass with increased adiposity and increased bone resorption. We conclude that the F344 rat displays a broad range of catabolic effects following ORX and is the best rat model for studying the androgenic pathway and strategies for reversing catabolic changes induced by hypogonadism. 相似文献
To investigate the Zn status of inhabitants of the Czech Republic, 1155 serum and 132 hair samples were analyzed for zinc
content. Analyzed material was obtained from randomly selected volunteers of both sexes in the age range 6–65 yr. Subpopulations
from five regions were included in the study. Analyses of both materials were performed by Instrumental Neutron Activation
Analysis (INAA). Coanalyses of Standard Reference Materials (SRM) for quality control were performed. The results (mean 910
±276 Μg Zn/L serum and 189 ±45 Μg Zn/g hair) demonstrate satisfactory zinc status of the searched population. Significant
interregional differences and age-dependent differences, as well as sex-dependent differences have been detected by the use
of correlation analysis. On the basis of these results, serum Zn concentration results of individual categories according
to age and sex were evaluated, and on the grounds of mean ±2 standard deviations, indicative intervals were calculated. The
frequency of individual serum Zn concentrations proved that the population of the Czech Republic does not suffer from severe
zinc deficiency. On the other hand, about one-third of our inhabitants has their serum Zn concentrations below the cutoff
value of 800 Μg Zn/L serum, which means a marginal or mild Zn deficit of the organism. 相似文献
Cinnamon improves insulin sensitivity and alters the body composition in an animal model of the metabolic syndrome 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
K. Couturier M. Awada F. Canini X. Leverve 《Archives of biochemistry and biophysics》2010,501(1):158-161
Polyphenols from cinnamon (CN) have been described recently as insulin sensitizers and antioxidants but their effects on the glucose/insulin system in vivo have not been totally investigated. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of CN on insulin resistance and body composition, using an animal model of the metabolic syndrome, the high fat/high fructose (HF/HF) fed rat. Four groups of 22 male Wistar rats were fed for 12 weeks with:
- (i)
- (HF/HF) diet to induce insulin resistance,
- (ii)
- HF/HF diet containing 20 g cinnamon/kg of diet (HF/HF + CN),
- (iii)
- Control diet (C) and
- (iv)
- Control diet containing 20 g cinnamon/kg of diet (C + CN).
Ayten Arcasoy Duran Canatan Bahar Sinav Levent Kutlay Nurgül Oguz Muhtar en 《Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology》2001,15(2-3):85-87
Recently, it has been reported that serum zinc binding capacity (ZnBC) is a very important criterion to evaluate body zinc (Zn) status. It has been shown that chronic Zn deficiency occur in the patients with thalassemia major (TM). Zn deficiency in TM may cause hyperzincuria, high ferritin levels, hepatic iron load, hepatic dysfunction. This study was undertaken to determine serum Zn levels and ZnBC in different thalassemia forms and sickle cell disease (SCD). The study has been carried out on 30 Thalassemia Major (TM), 34 Thalassemia Intermedia (TI), 31 Thalassemia Trait (TT) and 10 SCD. As control group,13 healthy children and 20 adults were included. Serum Zn and ZnBC were determined by atomic absorption, then saturation index (SI%: serum Zn/ZnBC x 100) was calculated. Serum Zn levels in all patients were lower than control (p < 0.01). Serum ZnBC was at a normal level in patients with TT and TI but it was found to be lower in TM and SCD than control (p < 0.01). While serum Zn levels decrease and ZnBC increase in nutritionaL Zn deficiency, serum Zn levels decrease but ZnBC doesn't increase in patients with thalassemia. 相似文献
《Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology》2014,28(1):35-38
ProjectThe aim of this study was to determine the effects of zinc supplementation on serum zinc and leptin levels as well as on anthropometric status and some biochemical parameters in hemodialysis (HD) patients.ProcedureIn this randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trial, sixty HD patients were randomly divided into groups to receive a daily supplement of 100 mg elemental Zn (supplemented group) or placebo (control group) for 60 days. Anthropometric measurements were taken using standard calibrated instruments. Serum zinc and leptin levels were determined by atomic absorption and ELISA method respectively before and after intervention.ResultsZinc supplementation resulted in significant increase in the mean serum zinc level in the experimental group while changes observed in the placebo group were not significant. The mean serum leptin in women part of the experimental group was decreased significantly after supplementation. After adjusting for age, BMI, body fat (%), serum zinc and dietary Zn intake, a negative and significant association was observed between serum zinc and leptin levels in all subjects (β = −0.33, P = 0.03) as a result of Zn supplementation.ConclusionsMore studies are needed to clarify the mechanisms by which serum leptin level is influenced as a result of zinc supplementation in HD patients. 相似文献
Antonella Bertazzo Carlo Costa Monica Biasiolo Graziella Allegri Girolamo Cirrincione Giuseppe Presti 《Biological trace element research》1996,52(1):37-53
The Cu and Zn levels of both 607 men (1–85 y old) and 649 women (1–92 y old) were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry.
Sex does not influence Cu (14.89±0.89 μg/g and 15.26±0.79 μg/g hair for males and females, respectively) and Zn contents (200.97±9.68
μg/g for men and 209.81±9.49 μg/g hair for women). Age influences Cu and Zn concentrations, but only significantly in females:
Cu levels decrease over 60 y of age; whereas Zn levels increase significantly from age groups 2–5 to 20–40 years. Hair color
influences Cu concentrations in both males and females. In males, white hair containes less Cu than black hair; in females,
white hair's Cu levels are significantly lower than those of dark blond, red, light brown, and brown hair. There are no significant
differences in Zn concentrations with respect to different hair colors, in either males or females. 相似文献