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Following staining with hematoxylin and eosin Y, paraffin sections of mouse pancreas were examined by transmitted light, epifluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Light microscopy revealed that the nuclei of pancreatic acinar cells were located basally, while the apices of the cells appeared eosinophilic, although the secretory granules were difficult to visualize. Under violet-blue light excitation, the zymogen granules at the apices of the acinar cells showed strong yellowish fluorescence; the other part of the cytoplasm was only faintly fluorescent and the nuclei and the supporting tissues were nonfluorescent. Confocal laser scanning microscopy resulted in clear pictures of the zymogen granules and their distribution within the cell. The fluorescent emission of zymogen granules was certainly the result of eosin Y staining, because hematoxylin is not a fluorochrome and the zymogen granules are not autofluorescent. Staining with eosin Y alone, however, did not result in clear fluorescent images of zymogen granules or any other cellular structures. Our observation shows that the fluorescence emission of eosin Y allows easy and precise recognition of zymogen granules of pancreatic cells.  相似文献   

《Biotechnic & histochemistry》2013,88(5-6):291-293
Following staining with hematoxylin and eosin Y, paraffin sections of mouse pancreas were examined by transmitted light, epifluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Light microscopy revealed that the nuclei of pancreatic acinar cells were located basally, while the apices of the cells appeared eosinophilic, although the secretory granules were difficult to visualize. Under violet-blue light excitation, the zymogen granules at the apices of the acinar cells showed strong yellowish fluorescence; the other part of the cytoplasm was only faintly fluorescent and the nuclei and the supporting tissues were nonfluorescent. Confocal laser scanning microscopy resulted in clear pictures of the zymogen granules and their distribution within the cell. The fluorescent emission of zymogen granules was certainly the result of eosin Y staining, because hematoxylin is not a fluorochrome and the zymogen granules are not autofluorescent. Staining with eosin Y alone, however, did not result in clear fluorescent images of zymogen granules or any other cellular structures. Our observation shows that the fluorescence emission of eosin Y allows easy and precise recognition of zymogen granules of pancreatic cells.  相似文献   

Following staining with hematoxylin and eosin Y, paraffin sections of mouse pancreas were examined by transmitted light, epifluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Light microscopy revealed that the nuclei of pancreatic acinar cells were located basally, while the apices of the cells appeared eosinophilic, although the secretory granules were difficult to visualize. Under violet-blue light excitation, the zymogen granules at the apices of the acinar cells showed strong yellowish fluorescence; the other part of the cytoplasm was only faintly fluorescent and the nuclei and the supporting tissues were nonfluorescent. Confocal laser scanning microscopy resulted in clear pictures of the zymogen granules and their distribution within the cell. The fluorescent emission of zymogen granules was certainly the result of eosin Y staining, because hematoxylin is not a fluorochrome and the zymogen granules are not autofluorescent. Staining with eosin Y alone, however, did not result in clear fluorescent images of zymogen granules or any other cellular structures. Our observation shows that the fluorescence emission of eosin Y allows easy and precise recognition of zymogen granules of pancreatic cells.  相似文献   

The major sulfated protein of the mouse pancreatic acinar cell, gp300, hsa been identified and characterized with monoclonal and polyclonal antibidies. gp300 is a glycoprotein of Mr = 300,000 which contains ~40% of metabolically incroporated [35S] sulfate in the acinar cell. Sulfate on gp300 is resistant to hot 1N HCl, but sensitive to alkaline hydrolysis. demonstrating that the sulfate is carbohydrate-linked rather than tyrosine-linked. gp300 metabolically labeled with [3H]glucosamine and [35H]sulfate was chemically and enzymaticlly treated followed by Bio-Gel P-10 gel filtration. Both labels were resistant to treatments which degrade glycosaminoglycan. Treatment of dual-labeled gp300 with PNGase F to cleave N-linked oligosaccharides released ~17% of [3S]. Mild alkaline borohydride treatment after removal of N-linked sugar relased the remainder of both labels, indicating the presence of sulfated O-linked oligosaccharides. Biosynthetic studies and PNGase F digestion indicating the presence of sulfated O-linked oligosaccharides. Biosunynthetic studies and PNGase digestion F digestion indicate that the core protein is ~210 KDa, with apparent contrinution of ~35 KDa N-linked sugar, and ~55 KDa O-linked sugar. Lectin blotting and glycosidase digestion demonstrated the presece of Galβ(1–3)GalNAc and sialic acid α(2–3)Gal in O-linked oligosaccharide, and Galβ(1–4)GLcNAc in N-linked oligosaccharide. Immunolocalization and subcellular fractionation showed that gp300 is a peripheral memberane protein localized to the lumenal face of the zymogen granule membrane. gp300 was not secreted in reponse to hormone stimulation ofacini, so it is not a secertroy product. Immunoblot analysis showed that gp300 is present in other gastrointestinal tissues and parotid glands. Localization of this nonsecreted sulfated glycoprotein to exocrine secretory granule membranes suggests that gp300 may have a role in granule bigeneses.  相似文献   

Septins, a conserved family of GTP/GDP-binding proteins, are present in organisms as diverse as yeast and mammals. We analyzed the distribution of five septins, Sept6, Sept7, Sept8, Sept9 and Sept11, in various rat tissues by western blot analyses and found all septins to be expressed in brain. We also examined the developmental changes of expression of these septins in the rat brain and found that the level of Sept8 increased during post-natal development. Morphological analyses revealed that Sept8 is enriched at pre-synapses. Using yeast two-hybrid screening, we identified vesicle-associated membrane protein 2 (VAMP2), a soluble N -ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE), as an interacting protein for Sept8. Synaptophysin is reported to associate with and recruit VAMP2 to synaptic vesicles and dissociate prior to forming the SNARE complex consisting of VAMP2, syntaxin and synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kDa. We showed that Sept8 suppresses the interaction between VAMP2 and synaptophysin through binding to VAMP2. In addition, we found that Sept8 forms a complex with syntaxin1A, and the Sept8-VAMP2 interaction is disrupted by synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kDa. These results suggest that Sept8 may participate in the process of the SNARE complex formation and subsequent neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   

Amylase release from parotid acinar cells is mainly induced by the accumulation of intracellular cAMP, presumably through the phosphorylation of substrates by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). However, the molecular mechanisms of this process are not clear. In a previous study (Fujita-Yoshigaki, J., Dohke, Y., Hara-Yokoyama, M., Kamata, Y., Kozaki, S., Furuyama, S., and Sugiya, H. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 13130-13134), we reported that vesicle-associated membrane protein 2 (VAMP2) is localized at the secretory granule membrane and is involved in cAMP-induced amylase secretion. To study the formation of the soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) complex containing VAMP2 in parotid acinar cells, we prepared rabbit polyclonal antibody against the peptide corresponding to Arg(47)-Asp(64) of VAMP2 (anti-SER4256). The recognition site of anti-SER4256 overlaps the domain involved in binding target membrane SNAREs (t-SNARES). Then we examined the condition of VAMP2 by immunoprecipitation with anti-SER4256. VAMP2 was not included in the immunoprecipitate from solubilized granule membrane fraction under the control conditions, but incubation with cytosolic fraction and cAMP caused immunoprecipitation of VAMP2. The effect of cytosolic fraction and cAMP was reduced by addition of PKA inhibitor H89. Addition of both the catalytic subunit of PKA and the cytosolic fraction allowed immunoprecipitation of VAMP2, whereas the PKA catalytic subunit alone did not. These results suggest that () the t-SNARE binding region of VAMP2 is masked by some protein X and activation of PKA caused the dissociation of X from VAMP2; and () the effect of PKA is not direct phosphorylation of X, but works through phosphorylation of some other cytosolic protein.  相似文献   

The comparative effects of insulin and ethanolamine on 14CO2 production and lipid synthesis from [U-14C]-D-glucose in isolated rat adipocytes were studied. Ethanolamine (10 mM) increased 14CO2 production (glucose oxidation) about 5-fold and lipogenesis about 3-fold as compared to the control. Ethanolamine was more efficient than 25 microU/ml insulin regarding both parameters, but it was less efficient than 200 microU/ml insulin in glucose oxidation, and equally potent in lipogenesis. The combination of ethanolamine and insulin was more active than insulin alone. The mechanisms of ethanolamine action include facilitation of glucose transport and increase of pyruvate dehydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Proteins are sorted and packaged into regulated secretory granules at the trans Golgi network but how such granules form is poorly understood. We are studying Muclin, the major sulfated protein of the mouse pancreatic acinar cell, and what its role may be in zymogen granule formation. Muclin behaves as a peripheral membrane protein localized to the lumen of the zymogen granule but the cDNA for this protein predicts it is a type I membrane protein with a short, 16-amino-acid, cytosolic tail (C-Tail). Using domain-specific antibodies, we demonstrate that Muclin is derived from a precursor, pro-Muclin, which is cleaved to produce Muclin and an approximately 80-kDa membrane glycoprotein (p80). Incubation of pulse-labeled cells at < or = 22 degrees C to block exit from the trans Golgi network also blocks cleavage of pro-Muclin but not sulfation, a trans Golgi network event, suggesting that cleavage occurs in a post-Golgi compartment. After cleavage the two products of pro-Muclin diverge with Muclin remaining in the regulated secretory pathway and p80 trafficking to the apical plasma membrane, presumably via the constitutive-like pathway. When transfected into exocrine AR42J cells, Muclin labeling is perinuclear and in large sub-plasma membrane puncta. Transiently transfected AR42J cells have greater immunolabeling for amylase than nontransfected cells, suggesting a role for Muclin in cargo accumulation in the regulated secretory pathway. A construct with the C-Tail deleted targets to small diffusely-distributed puncta and without the large sub-plasma membrane structures. Thus, the C-Tail is required for proper Muclin targeting. When transfected into neuroendocrine AtT-20 cells Muclin is not colocalized with ACTH in cell processes, and it appears to be constitutively trafficked to the plasma membrane, suggesting that Muclin has exocrine-specific information. We present a working model for pro-Muclin as a Golgi cargo receptor for exocrine secretory granule formation at the trans Golgi network.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the Golgi apparatus and its components has been analyzed in sections of pancreatic acinar cells by using stereopairs of electron microscope photographs. Pancreatic tissue fixed in glutaraldehyde was postfixed in reduced osmium, and the sections were stained with lead citrate. Tissues were also treated to demonstrate phosphatase activity (i.e., nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphatase, NADPase; thiamine pyrophosphatase, TPPase; cytidine monophosphatase, CMPase). The following stacked components were observed along the branching, anastomotic, continuous, ribbonlike Golgi apparatus. 1) On the cis-face of the Golgi stack there was a tubular membranous network known to be osmiophilic and referred to as the cis-osmiophilic tubular network or cis-element. 2) A first, poorly fenestrated saccule, unreactive for the phosphatases tested, was slightly distended in places and contained a fluffy granulofilamentous material. 3) The subjacent three or four saccules, reactive for NADPase and/or TPPase, showed dilated portions containing a granulofilamentous secretory material similar to that filling the rest of the saccule. They also showed nondilated portions perforated with large fenestrations, some of which were in register and formed wells containing 80-nm vesicles. The dilated portions of these saccules were present at random along the length of the saccules and were not located exclusively at their edges. 4) The remaining one or two elements of the stack, CMPase positive, showed dilated spheroidal portions or prosecretory granules containing a homogeneous secretory material and flattened fenestrated regions free of secretory material and having the appearance of networks of narrow membranous tubules. 5) Lastly on the trans-aspect of the stack there were detached prosecretory granules reactive for CMPase and surrounded by a corona of small vesicles, and smooth-surfaced spherical CMPase-negative granules having a denser content that were identified as fully formed secretion granules; there were also occasional free trans-tubular networks strongly reactive for CMPase that appeared to undergo fragmentation and numerous small vesicles free from acid-phosphatase activity. These various images were interpreted as indicating that prosecretory granules formed in relation to two or three fenestrated saccules on the trans-side of the stack. Such granules, following their detachment from the trans-face of the stack, their separation from trans-tubular networks, and condensation of their content, yielded mature secretion granules.  相似文献   

Protein kinase D localizes in the Golgi and regulates protein transport from the Golgi to the plasma membrane. In the present study, we found that PKD3, a novel member of the PKD family, and its fluorescent protein fusions localized in the Golgi and in the vesicular structures that are in part marked by endosome markers. Fluorescent recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) showed that the PKD3-associated vesicular structures were constantly forming and dissolving, reflecting active subcellular structures. FRAP on plasma membrane-located PKD3 indicated a slower recovery of PKD3 fluorescent signal compared to those of PKC isoforms, implying a different targeting mechanism at the plasma membrane. VAMP2, the vesicle-localized v-SNARE, was later identified as a novel binding partner of PKD3 through yeast two-hybrid screening. PKD3 directly interacted with VAMP2 in vitro and in vivo, and colocalized in part with VAMP2 vesicles in cells. PKD3 did not phosphorylate VAMP-GFP and the purified GST-VAMP2 protein in in vitro phosphorylation assays. Rather, PKD3 was found to promote the recruitment of VAMP2 vesicles to the plasma membrane in response to PMA, while the kinase dead PKD3 abolished this effect. Thus, the kinase activity of PKD3 was required for PMA-induced plasma membrane trafficking of VAMP2. In summary, our findings suggest that PKD3 localizes to vesicular structures that are part of the endocytic compartment. The vesicular distribution may be attributed in part to the direct interaction between PKD3 and vesicle-associated membrane protein VAMP2, through which PKD3 may regulate VAMP2 vesicle trafficking by facilitating its recruitment to the target membrane.  相似文献   

Isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC) have been shown to modulate some cellular responses such as pathological secretion and generation of inflammatory mediators during acute pancreatitis (AP). We propose that PKC also participates in premature zymogen activation within the pancreatic acinar cell, a key event in the initiation of AP. This hypothesis was examined in in vivo and cellular models of caerulein-induced AP using PKC activators and inhibitors. Phorbol ester, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA, 200 nM), a known activator of PKC, enhanced zymogen activation at both 0.1 nM and 100 nM caerulein, concentrations which mimic physiological and supraphysiological effects of the hormone cholecystokinin, respectively, in preparations of pancreatic acinar cells. Isoform-specific PKC inhibitors for PKC-delta and PKC-epsilon reduced supraphysiological caerulein-induced zymogen activation. Using a cell-free reconstitution system, we showed that inhibition of PKC-delta and -epsilon, reduced zymogen activation in both zymogen granule-enriched and microsomal fractions. In dispersed acinar cells, 100 nM caerulein stimulation caused PKC-delta and -epsilon isoform translocation to microsomal membranes using cell fractionation and immunoblot analysis. PKC translocation was confirmed with in vivo studies and immunofluorescence microscopy in pancreatic tissues from rats treated with or without 100 nM caerulein. PKC-epsilon redistributed from an apical to a supranuclear region following caerulein administration. The signal for PKC-epsilon overlapped with granule membrane protein, GRAMP-92, an endosomal/lysosomal marker, in a supranuclear region where zymogen activation takes place. These results indicate that PKC-delta and -epsilon isoforms translocate to specific acinar cell compartments and modulate zymogen activation.  相似文献   

Secretory granules (SGs) are considered to be generated as immature granules and to mature by condensation of their contents. In this study, SGs of parotid gland were separated into low-, medium-, and high-density granule fractions by Percoll-density gradient centrifugation, since it was proposed that the density corresponds to the degree of maturation. The observation with electron microscopy showed that granules in the three fractions were very similar. The average diameter of high-density granules was a little but significantly larger than that of low-density granules. Although the three fractions contained amylase, suggesting that they are all SGs, distribution of membrane proteins was markedly different. Syntaxin6 and VAMP4 were localized in the low-density granule fraction, while VAMP2 was concentrated in the high-density granule fraction. Immunoprecipitation with anti-syntaxin6 antibody caused coprecipitation of VAMP2 from the medium-density granule fraction without solubilization, but not from Triton X-100-solubilized fraction, while VAMP4 was coprecipitated from both fractions. Therefore, VAMP2 is present on the same granules, but is separated from syntaxin6 and VAMP4, which are expected to be removed from immature granules. These results suggest that the medium-density granules are intermediates from low- to high-density granules, and that the membrane components of SGs dynamically change by budding and fusion during maturation.  相似文献   

The effect of cAMP and PKC on zymogen granule exocytosis was investigated by simultaneously measuring cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c) and individual zymogen granule exocytosis in isolated mouse pancreatic acini. When acinar cells were stimulated with acetylcholine (ACh, 10 microM), exocytic events were detected through granule-attached apical membranes with [Ca2+]c rise. Application of secretin, forskolin (an adenylate cyclase activator), or PMA (a PKC activator) alone did not elicit any [Ca2+]c rise or zymogen granule exocytosis, but co-stimulation with ACh led to exocytosis in that the total number of secreted granules increased markedly without a significant difference in [Ca2+]c rises. When we evoked exocytosis by [Ca2+]c ramps, pretreatment with forskolin or PMA elicited exocytosis at lower [Ca2+]c levels. These results indicate that PKC or cAMP alone could not directly elicit zymogen granule exocytosis, but that they increase the total releasable pool by rendering zymogen granules more sensitive to Ca2+.  相似文献   

The majority of digestive enzymes in humans are produced in the pancreas where they are stored in zymogen granules before secretion into the intestine. GP2 is the major membrane protein present in zymogen granules of the exocrine pancreas. Numerous studies have shown that GP2 binds digestive enzymes such as amylase, thereby supporting a role in protein sorting to the zymogen granule. Other studies have suggested that GP2 is important in the formation of zymogen granules. A knock-out mouse was generated for GP2 to study the impact of the protein on pancreatic function. GP2-deficient mice displayed no gross signs of nutrient malab-sorption such as weight loss, growth retardation, or diarrhea. Zymogen granules in the GP2 knock-out mice appeared normal on electron microscopy and contained the normal complement of proteins excluding GP2. Primary cultures of pancreatic acini appropriately responded to secretagogue stimulation with the secretion of digestive enzymes. The course of experimentally induced pancreatitis was also examined in the knock-out mice because proteins known to associate with GP2 have been found to possess a protective role. When GP2 knock-out mice were subjected to two different models of pancreatitis, no major differences were detected. In conclusion, GP2 is not essential for pancreatic exocrine secretion or zymogen granule formation. It is unlikely that GP2 serves a major intracellular role within the pancreatic acinar cell and may be functionally active after it is secreted from the pancreas.  相似文献   

The recently established in vitro assay of condensation-sorting of pancreatic enzymes to the zymogen granule membrane (ZGM) (Dartsch, H., R. Kleene, H. F. Kern: In vitro condensation-sorting of enzyme proteins isolated from rat pancreatic acinar cells. Eur. J. Cell Biol. 75, 211-222 (1998)) was used to study the involvement of a novel secretory lectin, ZG16p, in the binding of aggregated proteins to ZGM. In isolated zymogen granules the lectin is predominantly associated with the membrane and can be removed to a large extent by bicarbonate treatment at pH 11.5. In the in vitro assay in which secretory proteins aggregate at pH 5.9 but only those bound to ZGM are sedimented into the pellet, ZG16p is significantly enriched in this pellet fraction, shown both by biochemical and fine structural analysis. Pretreatment of ZGM with anti-ZG16p antibody before their addition to the assay inhibits binding to the membrane by about 50%. Similarly, removal of ZG16p or prevention of its interaction with glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the submembranous matrix of ZGM by sodium bicarbonate treatment or chondroitinase digestion of ZGM also inhibits the binding efficiency of secretory proteins to ZGM to about the same extent. We conclude that ZG16p may act as a linker molecule between the submembranous matrix on the luminal side of ZGM and aggregated secretory proteins during granule formation in the TGN.  相似文献   

Transgenic mouse lines expressing a soluble form of human nectin-2 (hNectin-2Ig Tg) exhibited distinctive elevation of amylase and lipase levels in the sera. In this study, we aimed to clarify the histopathology and to propose the transgenic mouse lines as new animal model for characteristic pancreatic exocrine defects. The significant increase of amylase and lipase levels in sera of the transgenic lines approximately peaked at 8 weeks old and thereafter, plateaued or gradually decreased. The histopathology in transgenic acinar cells was characterized by intracytoplasmic accumulation of abnormal proteins with decrease of normal zymogen granules. The hNectin-2Ig expression was observed in the cytoplasm of pancreatic acinar cells, which was consistent with zymogen granules. However, signals of hNectin-2Ig were very weak in the transgenic acinar cells with the abnormal cytoplasmic accumulaion. The PCNA-positive cells increased in the transgenic pancreas, which suggested the affected acinar cells were regenerated. Acinar cells of hNectin-2Ig Tg had markedly small number of zymogen granules with remarkable dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen containing abundant abnormal proteins. In conclusion, hNectin-2Ig Tg is proposed as a new animal model for characteristic pancreatic exocrine defects, which are due to the ER stress induced by expression of mutated cell adhesion molecule that is a soluble form of human nectin-2.  相似文献   

Summary The movements of the molecular components of the luminal plasma membrane during exocytotic secretion in parotid acinar cells were examined. For immunocytochemical study, we used an antiserum of dipeptidyl peptidase IV as a marker for the components of the luminal plasma membrane of acinar cells. In unstimulated acinar cells, dipeptidyl peptidase IV immunoreactivity is restricted to the luminal plasma membrane. However, after secretion was stimulated with a -adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol, immunostaining became detectable on the membrane of discharged granules. Freeze-fracture images showed that the density of intramembrane particles on the P-fracture leaflets of discharged granule membranes is much higher than that of undischarged granule membranes during secretion. These results suggest that in parotid acinar cells of the rat, the components of the luminal plasma membrane move laterally, during secretion, to the membranes of discharged granules.  相似文献   

The role of dense core secretory vesicles in the control of cytosolic-free Ca(2+) concentrations ([Ca(2+)](c)) in neuronal and neuroendocrine cells is enigmatic. By constructing a vesicle-associated membrane protein 2-synaptobrevin.aequorin chimera, we show that in clonal pancreatic islet beta-cells: (a) increases in [Ca(2+)](c) cause a prompt increase in intravesicular-free Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)]SV), which is mediated by a P-type Ca(2+)-ATPase distinct from the sarco(endo) plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase, but which may be related to the PMR1/ATP2C1 family of Ca(2+) pumps; (b) steady state Ca(2+) concentrations are 3-5-fold lower in secretory vesicles than in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or Golgi apparatus, suggesting the existence of tightly bound and more rapidly exchanging pools of Ca(2+); (c) inositol (1,4,5) trisphosphate has no impact on [Ca(2+)](SV) in intact or permeabilized cells; and (d) ryanodine receptor (RyR) activation with caffeine or 4-chloro-3-ethylphenol in intact cells, or cyclic ADPribose in permeabilized cells, causes a dramatic fall in [Ca(2+)](SV). Thus, secretory vesicles represent a dynamic Ca(2+) store in neuroendocrine cells, whose characteristics are in part distinct from the ER/Golgi apparatus. The presence of RyRs on secretory vesicles suggests that local Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release from vesicles docked at the plasma membrane could participate in triggering exocytosis.  相似文献   

Cross-talk between cAMP and [Ca(2+)](i) signaling pathways represents a general feature that defines the specificity of stimulus-response coupling in a variety of cell types including parotid acinar cells. We have reported recently that cAMP potentiates Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores, primarily because of a protein kinase A-mediated phosphorylation of type II inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (Bruce, J. I. E., Shuttleworth, T. J. S., Giovannucci, D. R., and Yule, D. I. (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 1340-1348). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the functional and molecular mechanism whereby cAMP regulates Ca(2+) clearance pathways in parotid acinar cells. Following an agonist-induced increase in [Ca(2+)](i) the rate of Ca(2+) clearance, after the removal of the stimulus, was potentiated substantially ( approximately 2-fold) by treatment with forskolin. This effect was prevented completely by inhibition of the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase (PMCA) with La(3+). PMCA activity, when isolated pharmacologically, was also potentiated ( approximately 2-fold) by forskolin. Ca(2+) uptake into the endoplasmic reticulum of streptolysin-O-permeabilized cells by sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase was largely unaffected by treatment with dibutyryl cAMP. Finally, in situ phosphorylation assays demonstrated that PMCA was phosphorylated by treatment with forskolin but only in the presence of carbamylcholine (carbachol). This effect of forskolin was Ca(2+)-dependent, and protein kinase C-independent, as potentiation of PMCA activity and phosphorylation of PMCA by forskolin also occurred when [Ca(2+)](i) was elevated by the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase inhibitor cyclopiazonic acid and was attenuated by pre-incubation with the Ca(2+) chelator, 1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy) ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA). The present study demonstrates that elevated cAMP enhances the rate of Ca(2+) clearance because of a complex modulation of PMCA activity that involves a Ca(2+)-dependent step. Tight regulation of both Ca(2+) release and Ca(2+) efflux may represent a general feature of the mechanism whereby cAMP improves the fidelity and specificity of Ca(2+) signaling.  相似文献   

Lee SH  Liu L  Wang YT  Sheng M 《Neuron》2002,36(4):661-674
Proteins that bind to the cytoplasmic tails of AMPA receptors control receptor trafficking and thus the strength of postsynaptic responses. Here we show that AP2, a clathrin adaptor complex important for endocytosis, associates with a region of GluR2 that overlaps the NSF binding site. Peptides used previously to interfere with NSF binding also antagonize GluR2-AP2 interaction. Using GluR2 mutants and peptide variants that dissociate NSF and AP2 interaction, we find that AP2 is involved specifically in NMDA receptor-induced (but not ligand-dependent) internalization of AMPA receptors, and is essential for hippocampal long-term depression (LTD). NSF function, on the other hand, is needed to maintain synaptic AMPA receptor responses, but is not directly required for NMDA receptor-mediated internalization and LTD.  相似文献   

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