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We report a novel autosomal recessive disorder characterized by premature chromosome condensation in the early G2 phase. It was observed in two siblings, from consanguineous parents, affected with microcephaly, growth retardation, and severe mental retardation. Chromosome analysis showed a high frequency of prophase-like cells (>10%) in lymphocytes, fibroblasts, and lymphoblast cell lines with an otherwise normal karyotype. (3)H-thymidine-pulse labeling and autoradiography showed that, 2 h after the pulse, 28%-35% of the prophases were labeled, compared with 9%-11% in healthy control subjects, indicating that the phenomenon is due to premature chromosome condensation. Flow cytometry studies demonstrate that the entire cell cycle is not prolonged, compared with that in healthy control subjects, and compartment sizes did not differ from those in healthy control subjects. No increased reaction of the cells to X-irradiation or treatments with the clastogens bleomycin and mitomycin C was observed, in contrast to results in the cell-cycle mutants ataxia telangiectasia and Fanconi anemia. The rates of sister chromatid exchanges and the mitotic nondisjunction rates were inconspicuous. Premature entry of cells into mitosis suggests that a gene involved in cell-cycle regulation is mutated in these siblings.  相似文献   

Fourteen hydrops fetalis cases appeared in a sheep flock in the Soria province of Central Spain in two lambing seasons in 2000. There were no previous cases of hydrops fetalis in this flock. Normal delivery could not be completed because fetal weights ranged from 12 to 16 kg and fetuses had massive subcutaneous edema. Five affected pregnant females were studied. The complete lack of lymph nodes in the fetuses was the most outstanding finding, this anomaly likely being the origin of generalized fluid accumulation. Karyotypes were normal. A blind protocol of parentage testing was performed by means of DNA microsatellite analysis, and one of the five existing rams was found to be the only compatible sire of the affected fetuses. This male had been selected from the same flock while the other rams had all been acquired from other farms. The first cases appeared when this ram began breeding, and no cases were observed after replacing it. Male and female fetuses were affected in similar proportions. The existence of a recessive allele affecting normal lymph node embryonic development in this flock is proposed as the most appropriate hypothesis. As a consequence, the use of rams from different farms is indicated as an efficient emergency measure in similar situations, while the affected flock should be excluded from selection programs as long as the anomalous gene remains unidentified.  相似文献   

In an inbred Iraqi Jewish family, we have studied three siblings with presenile cataract first noticed between the ages of 20 and 51 years and segregating in an autosomal recessive mode. Using microsatellite repeat markers in close proximity to 25 genes and loci previously associated with congenital cataracts in humans and mice, we identified five markers on chromosome 19q that cosegregated with the disease. Sequencing of LIM2, one of two candidate genes in this region, revealed a homozygous T-->G change resulting in a phenylalanine-to-valine substitution at position 105 of the protein. To our knowledge, this constitutes the first report, in humans, of cataract formation associated with a mutation in LIM2. Studies of late-onset single-gene cataracts may provide insight into the pathogenesis of the more common age-related cataracts.  相似文献   

Delta-catenin is an adherens junction protein involved in cell motility and expressed early in neuronal development. It was discovered as an interactor with presenilin-1. The genomic structure of the human delta-catenin gene (Human Gene Nomenclature Committee-approved symbol CTNND2) was determined and mapped to 5p15.2. A deletion of this chromosomal region has been associated with the cri-du-chat syndrome (CDCS), a segmental aneusomy syndrome of 5p that is associated with an unusual high-pitched cry at birth, facial dysmorphology, poor growth, and severe mental retardation. delta-catenin maps to a specific region in 5p15.2 that has been implicated in the mental retardation phenotype. The breakpoints in patients with 5p terminal deletions were characterized with respect to the severity of mental retardation and the physical location of the delta-catenin gene. A strong correlation was found between the hemizygous loss of delta-catenin and severe mental retardation. These findings and the properties of delta-catenin as a neuronal-specific protein, expressed early in development and involved in cell motility, support its role in the mental retardation of CDCS when present in only one copy.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive hypotrichosis (LAH3) is a rare hair disorder characterized by sparse hair on scalp and the rest of the body of affected individuals. Recently mutations in a G protein-coupled receptor gene, P2RY5, located at LAH3 locus, have been reported in several families with autosomal recessive hypotrichosis simplex and woolly hair. For the present study, 22 Pakistani families with autosomal recessive hypotrichosis were enrolled. Genotyping using microsatellite markers linked to three autosomal recessive forms of hypotrichosis (LAH1, LAH2, LAH3) showed the linkage of 2 families to the LAH2 locus and 14 to the LAH3 locus. The remaining 6 families were not linked to any of the three loci. Families linked to LAH3 locus were further subjected to screening of the P2RY5 gene with direct DNA sequencing. Three previously reported variants, c.69insCATG (p.24insHfs52), c.188A > T (p.D63V) and c.565G > A (p.E189K) were observed in eight families. Four novel nonsynonymous sequence variants, c.8G > C (p.S3T), c.36insA (p.D13RfsX16), c.160insA (p.N54TfsX58) and c.436G > A (p.G146R) were found to segregate within six families. Z. Azeem, M. Jelani, G. Naz, M. Tariq, N. Wasif, S. Kamran-ul-Hassan Naqvi contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Ali G  Chishti MS  Raza SI  John P  Ahmad W 《Human genetics》2007,121(3-4):319-325
Hereditary hypotrichosis is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by sparse hair on scalp and rest of the body of affected individuals. Two forms of such hypotrichosis LAH and AH have been mapped on chromosome 18q12.1 and 3q27, respectively. Mutations in desmogelin 4 (DSG4) gene have been reported to underlie LAH. Recently, a deletion mutation in Lipase H (LIPH) gene, located at AH locus, has been identified in two ethnic groups of Russian population. In the present study, a four generation Pakistani family with AH phenotype has been mapped to chromosome 3q27. Sequence analysis of candidate gene LIPH revealed a novel five base pair deletion mutation (c.346–350delATATA) in exon 2 of the gene leading to frameshift and downstream premature termination codon. The mutation reported in the family, presented here, is the second mutation identified in LIPH gene. The identification of a genetic defect in LIPH suggests that this enzyme regulates hair growth.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive gene defects are arguably the most important, but least studied genetic causes of severe cognitive dysfunction. Homozygosity mapping in 78 consanguineous Iranian families with nonsyndromic autosomal recessive mental retardation (NS-ARMR) has enabled us to determine the chromosomal localization of at least 8 novel gene loci for this condition. Our data suggest that in the Iranian population NS-ARMR is very heterogeneous, and they argue against the existence of frequent gene defects that account for more than a few percent of the cases. Mohammad Mahdi Motazacker and Masoud Garshasbi have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the molecular basis of autosomal recessive MR (ARMR) because in developed countries, small family sizes preclude mapping and identification of the relevant gene defects. We therefore chose to investigate genetic causes of ARMR in large consanguineous Iranian families. This study reports on a family with six mentally retarded members. Array-based homozygosity mapping and high-resolution microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH) revealed a deletion of approximately 150–200 kb, encompassing the promoter and the first six exons of the MCPH1 gene, one out of four genes that have been previously implicated in ARMR with microcephaly. Reexamination of affected individuals revealed a high proportion of prematurely condensed chromosomes, which is a hallmark of this condition, but in spite of the severity of the mutation, all patients showed only borderline to mild microcephaly. Therefore the phenotypic spectrum of MCPH1 mutations may be wider than previously assumed, with ARMR being the only consistent clinical finding.  相似文献   

Odonto-onycho-dermal dysplasia is a rare autosomal recessive syndrome in which the presenting phenotype is dry hair, severe hypodontia, smooth tongue with marked reduction of fungiform and filiform papillae, onychodysplasia, keratoderma and hyperhidrosis of palms and soles, and hyperkeratosis of the skin. We studied three consanguineous Lebanese Muslim Shiite families that included six individuals affected with odonto-onycho-dermal dysplasia. Using a homozygosity-mapping strategy, we assigned the disease locus to an ~9-cM region at chromosome 2q35-q36.2, located between markers rs16853834 and D2S353, with a maximum multipoint LOD score of 5.7. Screening of candidate genes in this region led us to identify the same c.697G-->T (p.Glu233X) homozygous nonsense mutation in exon 3 of the WNT10A gene in all patients. At the protein level, the mutation is predicted to result in a premature truncated protein of 232 aa instead of 417 aa. This is the first report to our knowledge of a human phenotype resulting from a mutation in WNT10A, and it is the first demonstration of an ectodermal dysplasia caused by an altered WNT signaling pathway, expanding the list of WNT-related diseases.  相似文献   

Otospondylomegaepiphyseal dysplasia (OSMED) is an autosomal recessive skeletal dysplasia accompanied by severe hearing loss. The phenotype overlaps that of the autosomal dominant disorders-Stickler and Marshall syndromes-but can be distinguished by disproportionately short limbs, severe hearing loss, and lack of ocular involvement. In one family with OSMED, a homozygous Gly-->Arg substitution has been described in COL11A2, which codes for the alpha2 chain of type XI collagen. We report seven further families with OSMED. All affected individuals had a remarkably similar phenotype: profound sensorineural hearing loss, skeletal dysplasia with limb shortening and large epiphyses, cleft palate, an extremely flat face, hypoplasia of the mandible, a short nose with anteverted nares, and a flat nasal bridge. We screened affected individuals for mutations in COL11A2 and found different mutations in each family. Individuals from four families, including three with consanguineous parents, were homozygous for mutations. Individuals from three other families, in whom parents were nonconsanguineous, were compound heterozygous. Of the 10 identified mutations, 9 are predicted to cause premature termination of translation, and 1 is predicted to cause an in-frame deletion. We conclude that the OSMED phenotype is highly homogenous and results from homozygosity or compound heterozygosity for COL11A2 mutations, most of which are predicted to cause complete absence of alpha2(XI) chains.  相似文献   

A recent study suggested that a dodecamer duplication in exon 42 of the HOPA gene in Xq13 may be a significant factor in the etiology of X-linked mental retardation. In an effort to investigate this possibility, we determined the incidence of the dodecamer duplication in cohorts of non-fragile X males with mental retardation from three countries, cohorts of fragile X males from two countries, 43 probands from families with X-linked mental retardation and control cohorts from three countries. The duplication was found in 3.6-4.0% of male patients from two non-fragile X groups (Italy and South Carolina), in 1.2% from another non-fragile X group (South Africa), but in no male patients from families with X-linked mental retardation (South Carolina). The dodecamer duplication was also found in several white males with fragile X syndrome from France (5%) and South Africa (22.2%). Additionally, the duplication was found in 1.5% of South Carolinian newborn males, 2.5% South Carolinian male college students, 5% Italian male controls and 4.5% of the white South African controls. None of the black South African non-fragile X individuals with mental retardation, the fragile X or the control samples tested carried the duplication, suggesting that the duplication is rare in the black South African population. The incidence of the duplication was not significantly different between any of the groups in the study. Therefore, results of our studies in four different populations do not corroborate the findings of the previous study, and indicate that the HOPA dodecamer duplication does not convey an increased susceptibility to mental retardation.  相似文献   

A family with X-linked mental retardation characterized by severe mental retardation, speech and behavioral abnormalities, and seizures in affected male patients has been found to have a G1141C transversion in the creatine-transporter gene SLC6A8. This mutation results in a glycine being replaced by an arginine (G381R) and alternative splicing, since the G-->C transversion occurs at the -1 position of the 5' splice junction of intron 7. Two female relatives who are heterozygous for the SLC6A8 mutation also exhibit mild mental retardation with behavior and learning problems. Male patients with the mutation have highly elevated creatine in their urine and have decreased creatine uptake in fibroblasts, which reflects the deficiency in creatine transport. The ability to measure elevated creatine in urine makes it possible to diagnose SLC6A8 deficiency in male patients with mental retardation of unknown etiology.  相似文献   

In the course of systematic screening of the X-chromosome coding sequences in 250 families with nonsyndromic X-linked mental retardation (XLMR), two families were identified with truncating mutations in BRWD3, a gene encoding a bromodomain and WD-repeat domain–containing protein. In both families, the mutation segregates with the phenotype in affected males. Affected males have macrocephaly with a prominent forehead, large cupped ears, and mild-to-moderate intellectual disability. No truncating variants were found in 520 control X chromosomes. BRWD3 is therefore a new gene implicated in the etiology of XLMR associated with macrocephaly and may cause disease by altering intracellular signaling pathways affecting cellular proliferation.  相似文献   

The antagonist-bound conformation of the NR2A and NR2B subunits of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) ionotropic glutamate receptor are modeled using the crystal structure of the DCKA (5,7-dichloro-kynurenic acid)-bound form of the NR1 subunit ligand-binding core (S1S2). Five different competitive NMDA receptor antagonists [(1) DL-AP5; (2) DL-AP7; (3) CGP-37847; (4) CGP 39551; (5) (RS)-CPP] have been docked into both NR2A and NR2B subunits. Experimental studies report NR2A and NR2B subunits having dissimilar interactions and affinities towards the antagonists. However, the molecular mechanism of this difference remains unexplored. The distinctive features in the antagonist's interaction with these two different but closely related (approximately 80% sequence identity at this region) subunits are analyzed from the patterns of their hydrogen bonding. The regions directly involved in the antagonist binding have been classified into seven different interaction sites. Two conserved hydrophilic pockets located at both the S1 and S2 domains are found to be crucial for antagonist binding. The positively charged (Lys) residues present at the second interaction site and the invariant residue (Arg) located at the fourth interaction site are seen to influence ligand binding. The geometry of the binding pockets of NR2A and NR2B subunits have been determined from the distance between the C-alpha atoms in the residues interacting with the ligands. The binding pockets are found to be different for NR2A and NR2B. There are gross dissimilarities in competitive antagonist binding between these two subunits. The binding pocket geometry identified in this study may have the potential for future development of selective antagonists for the NR2A or NR2B subunit.  相似文献   

Approximately half of congenital hearing impairment cases are inherited, with non-syndromic hearing impairment (NSHI) being the most frequent clinical entity of genetic hearing impairment cases. A family from Cameroon with NSHI was investigated by performing exome sequencing using DNA samples obtained from three family members, followed by direct Sanger sequencing in additional family members and controls participants. We identified an autosomal dominantly inherited novel missense variant [NM_001174116.2:c.918G>T; p.(Q306H)] in DMXL2 gene (MIM:612186) that co-segregates with mild to profound non-syndromic sensorineural hearing impairment . The p.(Q306H) variant which substitutes a highly conserved glutamine residue is predicted deleterious by various bioinformatics tools and is absent from several genome databases. This variant was also neither found in 121 apparently healthy controls without a family history of hearing impairment , nor 112 sporadic NSHI cases from Cameroon. There is one previous report of a large Han Chinese NSHI family that segregates a missense variant in DMXL2. The present study provides additional evidence that DMXL2 is involved in hearing impairment etiology, and we suggest DMXL2 should be considered in diagnostic hearing impairment panels.  相似文献   

Large deletions in Xq21 often are associated with contiguous gene syndromes consisting of X-linked deafness type 3 (DFN3), mental retardation (MRX), and choroideremia (CHM). The identification of deletions associated with classic CHM or DFN3 facilitated the positional cloning of the underlying genes, REP-1 and POU3F4, respectively, and enabled the positioning of the MRX gene in between these genes. Here, we report the cloning and characterization of a novel gene, ribosomal S6-kinase 4 (RSK4; HGMW-approved symbol RPS6KA6), which maps in the MRX critical region. RSK4 is completely deleted in eight patients with the contiguous gene syndrome including MRX, partially deleted in a patient with DFN3 and present in patients with an Xq21 deletion and normal intellectual abilities. RSK4 is most abundantly expressed in brain and kidney. The predicted protein of 746 amino acids shows a high level of homology to three previously isolated members of the human RSK family. RSK2 is involved in Coffin-Lowry syndrome and nonspecific MRX. The localization of RSK4 in the interval that is commonly deleted in mentally retarded males together with the high degree of amino acid identity with RSK2 suggests that RSK4 plays a role in normal neuronal development. Further mutation analyses in males with X-linked mental retardation must prove that RSK4 is indeed a novel MRX gene.  相似文献   

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