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We have studied the temporal and spatial expression of transforming growth factor beta 2 (TGF beta 2) RNA in mouse embryos from 10.5 days post coitum (p.c.) to 3 days post partum (p.p.) by in situ hybridization analysis. TGF beta 2 RNA is expressed in a variety of tissues including bone, cartilage, tendon, gut, blood vessels, skin and fetal placenta, and is in general found in the mesenchymal component of these tissues. The expression of TGF beta 2 RNA changes during development in a manner consistent with a role for the gene product in mediating mesenchymal-epithelial interactions.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that Sprouty genes 1, 2 and 4 are expressed in several developing organs of the craniofacial area and trunk, including the brain, cochlea, nasal organs, teeth, salivary gland, lungs, digestive tract, kidneys and limb buds. In organs such as the semicircular canal, Rathke's pouch, nasal organs, the follicle of vibrissae and teeth, Sprouty1 and Sprouty2 are expressed in the epithelium and Sprouty4 in the mesenchyme or neuronal tissue, while in the lung Sprouties1, 2 and 4 are all expressed mainly in the epithelial tissue. In the kidney, Sprouty1 is prominent in the ureteric bud whereas Sprouty2 and 4 are expressed in both the ureteric bud and the kidney mesenchyme and glomeruli deriving from it. The expression profiles suggest roles for these Sprouties in the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that govern organogenesis.  相似文献   

We have isolated a cDNA encoding a novel hyaluronidase, which is expressed during embryogenesis. The encoded protein was expressed as a fusion polypeptide with glutathione S-transferase, and the affinity-purified fusion protein was shown to possess hyaluronidase activity with a pH optimum about pH 4.0. The expression of the XEH1 gene was analysed by in situ hybridization, and was first apparent in scattered cells in a broad ventral region of late gastrula embryos. As development proceeded through to tailbud stages, the domain of expression became progressively more restricted, eventually being located in the developing liver rudiment near the primary hepatic cavity. The results reveal the dynamic regulation of the contrasting activities of hyaluronan synthesis and degradation during early morphogenetic movements.  相似文献   

Eye specification in Drosophila is thought be controlled by a set of seven nuclear factors that includes the Pax6 homolog, Eyeless. This group of genes is conserved throughout evolution and has been repeatedly recruited for eye specification. Several of these genes are expressed within the developing eyes of vertebrates and mutations in several mouse and human orthologs are the underlying causes of retinal disease syndromes. Ectopic expression in Drosophila of any one of these genes is capable of inducing retinal development, while loss-of-function mutations delete the developing eye. These nuclear factors comprise a complex regulatory network and it is thought that their combined activities are required for the formation of the eye. We examined the expression patterns of four eye specification genes, eyeless (ey), sine oculis (so), eyes absent (eya), and dachshund (dac) throughout all time points of embryogenesis and show that only eyeless is expressed within the embryonic eye anlagen. This is consistent with a recently proposed model in which the eye primordium acquires its competence to become retinal tissue over several time points of development. We also compare the expression of Ey with that of a putative antennal specifying gene Distal-less (Dll). The expression patterns described here are quite intriguing and raise the possibility that these genes have even earlier and wide ranging roles in establishing the head and visual field.  相似文献   

We have examined by Northern analysis and in situ hybridisation the expression of TGF beta 1, beta 2 and beta 3 during mouse embryogenesis. TGF beta 1 is expressed predominantly in the mesodermal components of the embryo e.g. the hematopoietic cells of both fetal liver and the hemopoietic islands of the yolk sac, the mesenchymal tissues of several internal organs and in ossifying bone tissues. The strongest TGF beta 2 signals were found in early facial mesenchyme and in some endodermal and ectodermal epithelial cell layers e.g., lung and cochlea epithelia. TGF beta 3 was strongest in prevertebral tissue, in some mesothelia and in lung epithelia. All three isoforms were expressed in bone tissues but showed distinct patterns of expression both spatially and temporally. In the root sheath of the whisker follicle, TGF beta 1, beta 2 and beta 3 were expressed simultaneously. We discuss the implication of these results in regard to known regulatory elements of the TGF beta genes and their receptors.  相似文献   

Claudins are a family of proteins that are localized to tight junctions at the apical surface of epithelial cell layers. Over 24 family members have been identified in vertebrates. Despite being well-studied with respect to their function in tight junction selectivity and permeability, the embryonic expression patterns of most claudin family members have not been thoroughly investigated. Here, we report the cloning and expression pattern of a novel chick claudin family member that is most closely related to human claudin-1. Chick claudin-1 was expressed throughout the ectoderm of stage 4-6 chick embryos. Claudin-1 expression was particularly high in the neural epithelium and open neural tube, but decreased as the neural tube closed. High levels of claudin-1 expression were also observed in the developing otic vesicle, nasal placode, ectodermal component of the pharyngeal arches, and in the apical ectodermal ridge of the limb bud from stage 17 onwards. Claudin-1 expression was also detected in scleral papillae, feather buds and migrating primordial germ cells. Lower levels of claudin-1 expression were observed in the endoderm, the ventral pharynx, and several of its derivatives including the bronchi, developing lung epithelium, esophagus, and gut. Claudin-1 expression was detected in the nephric duct and the mesonephros, which are epithelialized derivatives of the intermediate mesoderm, but not in any other mesodermal derivates, including the heart, somites and developing muscle. With the exception of the migrating primordial germ cells and the primitive streak, all other tissues that expressed significant levels of claudin-1 were epithelialized.  相似文献   

Sox B1 group genes, Sox1, Sox2, and Sox3 (Sox1-3), are involved in neurogenesis in various species. Here, we identified the Xenopus homolog of Sox1, and investigated its expression patterns and neural inducing activity. Sox1 was initially expressed in the anterior neural plate of Xenopus embryos, with expression restricted to the brain and optic vesicle by the tailbud stage. Expression subsequently decreased in the eye region by the tadpole stage. Sox1 expression in animal cap explants was induced by inhibition of BMP signaling in the same manner as Sox2, Sox3, and SoxD. In addition, overexpression of Sox1 induced neural markers in ventral ectoderm and in animal caps. These results implicate Xenopus Sox1 in neurogenesis, especially brain and eye development.  相似文献   

The Notch signalling pathway defines a phylogenetically conserved cell-cell communication process that enables cell-fate specification in multicellular organisms. Deltex is a component of the Notch signalling network that physically interacts with the ankyrin repeats of Notch. Here, we report on the expression pattern of the Deltex1 gene during mouse embryonic development and, furthermore, we compare its expression with that of the Notch1, 2 and 3 genes. Complementary and combinatorial expression patterns between Deltex1 and the three Notch genes were observed throughout embryogenesis since Deltex1 expression was related either to cytodifferentiation (i.e. neuronal tissues) or to cell proliferation events (i.e. eye, vascular structures, hematopoiesis).  相似文献   

The c-fms gene encodes the cell surface receptor of the colony-stimulating factor, CSF-1. CSF-1 has recently been shown to be expressed in the maternal uterine endometrium of pregnant mice. The ontogenetic and spatial patterns of expression of the murine proto-oncogene c-fms were analyzed in the developing mouse placenta by the technique of in situ hybridization. c-fms expression was not detected in fetally derived tissues until 9.5 days postcoitum (pc) when expression first appeared in the mural trophoblast giant cells. Expression persisted at high levels in trophoblast cells throughout gestation. In the mature placenta from 13.5 days pc on, c-fms was expressed chiefly in the spongiotrophoblast layer and, to a lesser extent, in the labyrinthine trophoblast. CSF-1 expression was first detectable in the uterine epithelium at 8.5 days pc which loosely correlated with the appearance at 7.5 days of c-fms in the decidual cells around the developing egg cylinder. The time course and spatial pattern of expression of these two genes suggest a functional role for the c-fms receptor and its ligand, CSF-1, in trophoblast development and differentiation.  相似文献   

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