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SUMMARY. At any given temperature level, the rate of oxygen poisoning increases proportionally with an increase in oxygen tension. But the toxicity of oxygen does not bear a proportional relationship to temperature. At a constant low tension, it is more toxic at low temperatures than at high ones and, at a constant high tension, it is less toxic at low temperatures than at high ones.  相似文献   

We have used a model food chain composed of a natural bacterial assemblage, a pennate diatom and a bacterivorous microflagellate to investigate the factors controlling the relative importance of bacteria and protozoa as sources for regenerated nitrogen in plankton communities. In bacterized diatom cultures in which diatom growth was nitrogen-limited, the carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratio of the bacterial substrate greatly affected which population was responsible for the uptake of nitrogen. When nitrogen was added as NH 4 + and the cultures were supplemented with glucose, the bacteria competed successfully with the algae for NH 4 + and prevented the growth of algae by rapidly assimilating all NH 4 + in the cultures. Bacterivorous protozoa inoculated into these cultures grazed the bacterial population and remineralized NH 4 + , thus relieving the nitrogen limitation of algal growth and allowing an increase in algal biomass. In contrast, bacteria in cultures supplemented with the amino acid glycine (C:N = 2) were major remineralizers of nitrogen, and the influence of protozoan grazing was minimal. We conclude that the relative importance of bacteria and protozoa as nutrient regenerators in the detrital food loop is dependent largely on the overall carbon:nutrient ratio of the bacterial substrate. The role of bacterivorous protozoa as remineralizers of a growth-limiting nutrient is maximal in situations where the carbon:nutrient ratio of the bacterial substrate is high.  相似文献   

Summary Circulating androgens are known to effect a sexual dimorphism of the submandibular gland and kidney of the mouse. Enzyme histocytochemical differences that correlate with these structural changes have been the subject of much study, especially in the kidney. In the present study, emphasis was placed on the hypogonadic effects of diabetes mellitus on the submandibular gland and kidney of C57BL/KsJ db/db inbred mice with an autosomal recessive disease resembling maturity onset human diabetes mellitus. These glands of adult diabetic mice of both sexes were compared with those of unafflicted heterozygous littermates. The mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase and peroxisomal and cytoplasmic catalase were studied in their submandibular glands and kidneys. The parasympathetic innervation of the submandibular glands was studied by a histochemical method for acetylcholinesterase. The extensive differentiation of striated ducts of the submandibular gland into granular tubules in the postpubertal male mouse was readily evident with the cytochrome oxidase procedure. This differentiation resulted in ductal staining patterns characteristic of the sexes. Alteration of these patterns suggested that demasculinization or feminization was occuring in the male diabetic mice and that masculinization or virilization (defeminization) was occurring in the female diabetics. Similarly, in kidney, study of the parietal epithelium of Bowman's capsule revealed feminization in the male diabetics and masculinization in the female diabetics. With the catalase procedure, a dramatic sexual dimorphism was observed in the kidneys of the heterozygous unafflicted mice. Peroxisomal staining of epithelial cells of the proximal convoluted tubules was much more intense in the outer medulla of the male than of the female. In kidneys of the diabetics, the staining patterns again suggested that feminization of the male and masculinization of the female kidneys had occurred. On the other hand, neither a sexual dichotomy nor effects due to diabetes could be observed in the characteristic catalase staining observed in the luminal epithelial cells of submandibular gland distal ducts. The parasympathetic innervation of the submandibular gland, as revealed by the acetylcholinesterase method, was also markedly sexually dimorphic in the unafflicted mice. This was due to the more extensive innervation of the larger granular ducts characteristic of male than of the smaller striated ducts of the female. As a result of diabetes, the innervation and duct size decreased in the submandibular gland of the male, suggesting feminization, whereas they increased in the female suggesting masculinization. These changes were consistent with those observed in submandibular with the cytochrome oxidase procedure. Attempts were made to interrelate all of the enzyme histochemical changes observed in submandibular gland and kidney with the weights of these glands, sex, gonadal weights, diabetic status and urinary protein excretion. Generally, significant differences were recorded which suggested that the feminization of the submandibular gland and kidney in the diabetic male mice, and their masculinization in the female diabetics, were due to the hypogonadism of the disease.This investigation was supported by NIH research grants DE 02668, DE 04730, DE 00014 and RR 05333  相似文献   

Kingdom protozoa and its 18 phyla.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The demarcation of protist kingdoms is reviewed, a complete revised classification down to the level of subclass is provided for the kingdoms Protozoa, Archezoa, and Chromista, and the phylogenetic basis of the revised classification is outlined. Removal of Archezoa because of their ancestral absence of mitochondria, peroxisomes, and Golgi dictyosomes makes the kingdom Protozoa much more homogeneous: they all either have mitochondria and peroxisomes or have secondarily lost them. Predominantly phagotrophic, Protozoa are distinguished from the mainly photosynthetic kingdom Chromista (Chlorarachniophyta, Cryptista, Heterokonta, and Haptophyta) by the absence of epiciliary retronemes (rigid thrust-reversing tubular ciliary hairs) and by the lack of two additional membranes outside their chloroplast envelopes. The kingdom Protozoa has two subkingdoms: Adictyozoa, without Golgi dictyosomes, containing only the phylum Percolozoa (flagellates and amoeboflagellates); and Dictyozoa, made up of 17 phyla with Golgi dictyosomes. Dictyozoa are divided into two branches: (i) Parabasalia, a single phylum with hydrogenosomes and 70S ribosomes but no mitochondria, Golgi dictyosomes associated with striated roots, and a kinetid of four or five cilia; and (ii) Bikonta (16 unicellular or plasmodial phyla with mitochondria and bikinetids and in which Golgi dictyosomes are not associated with striated ciliary roots), which are divided into two infrakingdoms: Euglenozoa (flagellates with discoid mitochondrial cristae and trans-splicing of miniexons for all nuclear genes) and Neozoa (15 phyla of more advanced protozoa with tubular or flat [usually nondiscoid] mitochondrial cristae and cis-spliced spliceosomal introns). Neozoa are divided into seven parvkingdoms: (i) Ciliomyxa (three predominantly ciliated phyla with tubular mitochondrial cristae but no cortical alveoli, i.e., Opalozoa [flagellates with tubular cristae], Mycetozoa [slime molds], and Choanozoa [choanoflagellates, with flattened cristae]); (ii) Alveolata (three phyla with cortical alveoli and tubular mitochondrial cristae, i.e., Dinozoa [Dinoflagellata and Protalveolata], Apicomplexa, and Ciliophora); (iii) Neosarcodina (phyla Rhizopoda [lobose and filose amoebae] and Reticulosa [foraminifera; reticulopodial amoebae], usually with tubular cristae); (iv) Actinopoda (two phyla with axopodia: Heliozoa and Radiozoa [Radiolaria, Acantharia]); (v) Entamoebia (a single phylum of amoebae with no mitochondria, peroxisomes, hydrogenosomes, or cilia and with transient intranuclear centrosomes); (vi) Myxozoa (three endoparasitic phyla with multicellular spores, mitochondria, and no cilia: Myxosporidia, Haplosporidia, and Paramyxia); and (vii) Mesozoa (multicells with tubular mitochondrial cristae, included in Protozoa because, unlike animals, they lack collagenous connective tissue).  相似文献   

The sexual performance of bulls and male goats is improved if they are allowed to view the hetero-sexual behavior of other males as a prelude to mating. The purpose of the following study was to determine whether sexual stimulation enhances the sexual performance of rams. In Experiment 1, 11 sexually experienced ram lambs ( 9 months of age) and 18 sexually experienced yearling and 2-year-old rams were individually exposed to 4 unrestrained, hormone-induced estrous ewes for 60 min after viewing the courtship and mounting behaviors of a male conspecific for 20 min (two tests) and in the absence of stimulator animals (two tests). In contrast to the results with bulls and bucks, the rams were hardly influenced by the sexual stimulation treatment. Latencies for first mount and first ejaculation were shorter for sexually stimulated ram lambs; otherwise, treatment differences were negligible.

A similar follow-up experiment was administered to 12 mature rams using restrained females in the sexual performance tests. Again, treatment differences were minor.

It was concluded that sexual stimulation does not functionally enhance the sexual performance of rams. Species differences in response to sexual stimulation are discussed in terms of female sexual behaviors that may result in a selective (competitive) advantage to males that are stimulated to locate and mate with females early in the estrous period.  相似文献   

Grazing of protozoa and its effect on populations of aquatic bacteria   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Predation by bacterivorous protists in aquatic habitats can influence the morphological structure, taxonomic composition and physiological status of bacterial communities. The protistan grazing can result in bacterial responses at the community and the species level. At the community level, grazing-induced morphological shifts have been observed, which were directed towards either larger or smaller bacterial sizes or in both directions. Morphological changes have been accompanied by changes in taxonomic community structure and bacterial activity. Responses at the species level vary from species to species. Some taxa have shown a pronounced morphological plasticity and demonstrated complete or partial shifts in size distribution to larger growth forms (filaments, microcolonies). However, other taxa with weak plasticity have shown no ability to reduce grazing mortality through changes in size. The impact of protistan grazing on bacterial communities is based on the complex interplay of several parameters. These include grazing selectivity (by size and other features), differences in sensitivity of bacterial species to grazing, differences in responses of single bacterial populations to grazing (size and physiology), as well as the direct and indirect influence of grazing on bacterial growth conditions (substrate supply) and bacterial competition (elimination of competitors).  相似文献   

Members of the genus Cryptocercus are xylophagous, wingless, subsocial cockroaches that inhabit decaying logs in temperate forests. Given their winglessness, subsocial living, and the patchy distribution of food resources (decomposing logs), it is likely that Cryptocercus populations are substructured. Allozyme variation at eight polymorphic loci was assayed for 10 subpopulations of Cryptocercus darwini and 13 subpopulations of Cryptocercus wrighti, both of which are distributed in the Appalachian Mountains. The mean F(IS) was 0.13 and F(ST) was about 0.25 for both C. darwini and C. wrighti. The relatedness among individuals of a subpopulation of both species was not significantly different from that expected among full sibs. In terms of how genetic variation is partitioned, C. darwini and C. wrighti differed from each other substantially. Most of the genetic variation occurred among subpopulations of C. wrighti in the same region and among subpopulations of C. darwini in different regions. We discuss the factors that may have contributed to the observed similarities and differences in the breeding structure of the two species.  相似文献   

Tyrosinase derepression in Neurospora mycelia grown in Vogel medium, submitted to starvation in phosphate buffer 0.1 M, pH 6.0, was abolished by exogenous magnesium sulfate. This effect seemed to be caused by the sulfate ion itself and not by a sulfate-derivative. Sulfate repression required protein synthesis, thus suggesting the involvement of a specific gene product mediating sulfate repression. Cultures made in Westergaard and Mitchell crossing medium became competent for sexual development and could be stimulated to form tyrosinase either by mating or starvation. In that case the enzyme derepression was insensitive to the sulfate effect. The possible existence of a positive mechanism for the control of tyrosinase activity during sexual development is suggested.This work is a part of two theses, by Rolf Alexander Prade and Angela Kaysel Cruz submitted to the Departments of Biochemistry and Physiology, respectively, of the School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto in partial fulfillments of the requirements for the Master Degree.  相似文献   

Hu  Pengjie  Liu  Linxia  Ke  Weixin  Tian  Xiuyun  Wang  Linqi 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2021,64(8):1336-1345
Science China Life Sciences - Cell cycle is a fundamental process underlying growth and development in evolutionarily diverse organisms, including fungi. In human fungal pathogens, cell cycle...  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships and biogeography of Northeast Asian Cryptocercus were inferred based on the DNA sequences of mitochondrial COII and 16S rRNA genes and nuclear 18S rRNA gene. The results suggest that two clades exist in Korean populations. The southwestern population (Cryptocercus from Jiri-san) was more closely related to the populations from Northeast China and eastern Russia than to all the other Korean Cryptocercus. According to molecular-based estimated divergence times, the divergence event occurred between Cryptocercus in Jiri-san, Northeast China and eastern Russia and those in the remaining South Korea during the Miocene (7.5-17.4Myr ago), and then the divergence event between Cryptocercus in Jiri-san and those in Northeast China and eastern Russia occurred 0.8-1.9Myr ago. In the Korean Peninsula, Jiri-san is located in the most southwestern region among the high mountains surveyed. The location is the farthest from Northeast China and eastern Russia among sampling localities in South Korea. Thus, it was unexpected that the southwestern populations are more closely related to those from Northeast China and eastern Russia rather than to the other Korean Cryptocercus. Based on Korean topography and estimated divergence times, possible scenarios are proposed for the current geographical distribution of Korean Cryptocercus.  相似文献   

Summary The administration of progesterone to ovariectomized rats induces an increase in the volume density (Vv) of the mitochondria and the appearance of giant mitochondria in the uterine glandular cells. This experimental model, including a stereological analysis, allowed us to investigate and quantify a direct effect of progesterone on a well-defined cellular structure without the intervention of estrogen in a priming phase. Synthetic compounds, promegestone, gestrinone and RU 38486, were tested in this model either in place of progesterone or simultaneously with progesterone. The potent progestomimetic activity of promegestone was confirmed by the proliferation of giant mitochondria and a high Vv value for the mitochondria, the two other compounds being inactive even at higher doses. At lower doses, gestrinone and RU 38486 partially inhibit the action of progesterone and at higher doses they both show a complete antagonist effect by preventing the development of the mitochondria.  相似文献   

K. USHIDA AND J.P JOUANY. 1996. Methane production by methanogenic bacteria associated with ciliated protozoa in the rumen, and its effect on the metabolic activity of the protozoa, were measured in vitro . Apparent daily methane emission per protozoan cell ranged from a trace amount to 2 nmol. Enhanced substrate disappearance accompained methanogensis.  相似文献   

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