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Mutations in the gene encoding the glycosyltransferase polypeptide GalNAc-T3, which is involved in initiation of O-glycosylation, were recently identified as a cause of the rare autosomal recessive metabolic disorder familial tumoral calcinosis (OMIM 211900). Familial tumoral calcinosis is associated with hyperphosphatemia and massive ectopic calcifications. Here, we demonstrate that the secretion of the phosphaturic factor fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) requires O-glycosylation, and that GalNAc-T3 selectively directs O-glycosylation in a subtilisin-like proprotein convertase recognition sequence motif, which blocks processing of FGF23. The study suggests a novel posttranslational regulatory model of FGF23 involving competing O-glycosylation and protease processing to produce intact FGF23.  相似文献   

芫菁斑蝥素对喉癌细胞和胃癌细胞的抑制作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】 研究提取自眼斑芫菁Mylabris cichorii (Linnaeus)体内的斑蝥素对人喉癌HEP-2细胞和人胃癌BGC-823细胞的抑制、以及对细胞周期分布的影响。【方法】 将斑蝥素作用于经体外培养的人喉癌HEP-2细胞和人胃癌BGC-823细胞, 采用MTT法进行体外细胞抑制实验, 测定斑蝥素对这2种癌细胞生长的抑制率与剂量效应;采用流式细胞术测定斑蝥素处理的人喉癌HEP-2细胞的细胞周期;并通过光学显微镜观察其细胞形态学改变。【结果】 斑蝥素浓度为1.28 μmol/L时, 对HEP-2细胞有显著抑制作用, 且随药物浓度升高其抑制作用增强, 呈剂量效应关系, 抑制中浓度为2.88 μmol/L;斑蝥素浓度为20.4 μmol/L时, 对BGC-823细胞有显著抑制作用, 且随药物浓度升高其抑制作用增强, 呈剂量效应关系, 抑制中浓度为54.85 μmol/L。用浓度1.44和2.88 μmol/L的斑蝥素处理HEP-2细胞24 h后, G2-M期分布从8.21%增加到22.29%, S期细胞分布从14.33%增加到21.61%, 且随药物浓度升高其阻滞作用增加, 呈剂量效应关系。G0-G1期细胞分布都有所降低, 从77.45%降低到56.10%, G0-G1期峰前无显著的亚二倍体峰出现, 说明斑蝥素未能够诱导HEP-2细胞发生凋亡。光镜检查显示:HEP-2细胞可出现细胞收缩、胞膜突出、核碎裂等现象。【结论】 斑蝥素对治疗喉癌的效果可能较为理想, 而对胃癌的作用则不明显。  相似文献   

Mucin-type O-glycosylation is initiated by a large family of UDP- GalNAc: polypeptide N -acetyl-galactosaminyltransferases (GalNAc- transferases). Individual GalNAc-transferases appear to have different functions and Northern analysis indicates that they are differently expressed in different organs. This suggests that O-glycosylation may vary with the repertoire of GalNAc-transferases expressed in a given cell. In order to study the repertoire of GalNAc-transferases in situ in tissues and changes in tumors, we have generated a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) with well defined specificity for human GalNAc-T1, -T2, and -T3. Application of this panel of novel antibodies revealed that GalNAc- transferases are differentially expressed in different cell lines, in spermatozoa, and in oral mucosa and carcinomas. For example, GalNAc-T1 and -T2 but not -T3 were highly expressed in WI38 cells, and GalNAc-T3 but not GalNAc-T1 or -T2 was expressed in spermatozoa. The expression patterns in normal oral mucosa were found to vary with cell differentiation, and for GalNAc-T2 and -T3 this was reflected in oral squamous cell carcinomas. The expression pattern of GalNAc-T1 was on the other hand changed in tumors to either total loss or expression in cytological poorly differentiated tumor cells, where the normal undifferentiated cells lacked expression. These results demonstrate that the repertoire of GalNAc-transferases is different in different cell types and vary with cellular differentiation, and malignant transformation. The implication of this is not yet fully understood, but it suggests that specific changes in sites of O-glycosylation of proteins may occur as a result of changes in the repertoire of GalNAc-transferases.   相似文献   

Human gastric mucous cells - gastric cancer cell lines mucin gene expression - TNFalpha - RT-PCR immunocytochemistry Little is known on the expression pattern of mucin genes in human gastric cancer cell lines in relation to mucin expression in normal gastric epithelial cells. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare gastric cancer cell lines and non-transformed epithelial cells in their expression of the different mucin genes, in order to use these cells as models for physiological MUC expression in human stomach. Human gastric mucous cell primary cultures which were obtained from surgical specimen by collagenase/pronase treatment and a panel of six human gastric cancer cells were screened for mRNA expression of the mucin genes MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC5B, and MUC6. Mucin gene expression was analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR, and by Western blotting and immunocytochemistry. Primary cultured human gastric mucous cells retained the stomach-specific pattern of mRNA expression found in gastric mucosal biopsies (MUC1, MUC5AC, MUC6), whereas any gastric cancer cell line exhibited an aberrant mucin gene expression. Mucin gene expression showed large variations in levels and patterns from cell line to cell line, but MUC2 was aberrantly expressed in all cancer cells. Immunocytochemistry confirmed aberrant MUC2 protein expression in cancer cells. The expression of the secretory mucin genes MUC2 and MUC5AC varied in relation to the length of cultivation of the cancer cell lines. Treatment of the gastric cancer cells with TNFalpha resulted in an enhanced mRNA expression of MUC1, MUC2, and MUC5AC (2-fold increase within 3 hours; p <0.05). In contrast, immunocytochemistry disclosed a decrease in MUC2 and MUC5AC staining intensity. Our results indicate that primary cultured human gastric mucous cells provide a physiological in vitro system for investigations of gastric mucin gene regulation. In gastric cancer cells marked changes in the mucin gene expression pattern are found with coexpression of non-gastric type mucins. Gastric mucin gene expression may be regulated by proinflammatory cytokines which could have implications in gastritis.  相似文献   



A unique and essential property of embryonic stem cells is the ability to self-renew and differentiate into multiple cell lineages. However, the possible differences in proliferation and differentiation capabilities among independently-derived human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are not well known because of insufficient characterization. To address this question, a side-by-side comparison of 1) the ability to maintain an undifferentiated state and to self-renew under standard conditions; 2) the ability to spontaneously differentiate into three primary embryonic germ lineages in differentiating embryoid bodies; and 3) the responses to directed neural differentiation was made between three NIH registered hES cell lines I3 (TE03), I6 (TE06) and BG01V. Lines I3 and I6 possess normal XX and a normal XY karyotype while BG01V is a variant cell line with an abnormal karyotype derived from the karyotypically normal cell line BG01.  相似文献   

cDNA microarray and proteomics studies were performed to analyze the genomic and proteomic expression patterns in HPV-16 E6 gene transfected stable human carcinoma cell lines. Among 1024 known genes and ESTs tested by cDNA microarray, we found 50 upregulated and 35 downregulated genes in RC10.1 HPV-16 E6 transfected human colon adenocarcinoma cells compared to RKO cells, and 27 upregulated and 43 downregulated genes in A549E6 HPV-16 E6 transfected human lung adenocarcinoma cells compared to A549 cells. Employing two dimensional gel electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF-MS, the global pattern of protein expressions in RC10.1 human colon adenocarcinoma and A549E6 human lung adenocarcinoma cell lines stably expressing the HPV 16-E6 gene were compared with those of RKO and A549 cell lines to generate a differential protein expression catalog. We found 13 upregulated and 13 downregulated proteins in RC10.1 (E6-expressing RKO) cells compared to RKO cells and 12 upregulated and 14 downregulated proteins in A549E6 (E6-expressing A549) cells compared to A549 cells. The identified genes and proteins were classified into several groups according to the subcellular function. Expressing pattern of three genes and proteins (CDK5, Bak, and I-TRAF) were matched in both analyses of cDNA microarray and proteomics. These powerful approaches using cDNA microarray and proteomics could provide in-depth information on the impact of HPV-16 E6-related genes and proteins. Differential gene and protein expression patterns by transfection of HPV-16 E6 will provide the nucleus of valuable resource for investigation of the biochemical basis of cervical carcinogenesis. Further understanding of this data base may provide valuable resources for developing novel diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets of cervical cancer.  相似文献   

To understand the molecular mechanisms mediating apoptosis induction by a novel atypical retinoid, ST1926, the cellular response to drug treatment was investigated in IGROV-1 ovarian carcinoma cells carrying wild-type p53 and a cisplatin-resistant p53 mutant subline (IGROV-1/Pt1). Despite a similar extent of drug-induced DNA strand breaks, the level of apoptosis was substantially higher in p53 wild-type cells. p53 activation and early upregulation of p53-target genes were consistent with p53-dependent apoptosis in IGROV-1 cells. Stress-activated protein kinases were activated in both cell lines in response to ST1926. This event and activation of AP-1 were more pronounced in IGROV-1/Pt1 cells, in which the modulation of DNA repair-associated genes suggests an increased ability to repair DNA damage. Inhibition of JNK or p38 stimulated ST1926-induced apoptosis only in IGROV-1 cells, whereas inhibition of ERKs enhanced apoptosis in both the cell lines. Such a pattern of cellular response and modulation of genes implicated in DNA damage response supports that the genotoxic stress is a critical event mediating drug-induced apoptosis. The results are consistent with apoptosis induction through p53-dependent and -independent pathways, regulated by MAP kinases, which likely play a protective role.  相似文献   

Summary A panel of human colon carcinoma cell lines were characterized regarding both antigenic heterogeneity and variations in radiosensitivity. Monoclonal antibodies were used to study the expression of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), gastrointestinal cancer antigen (GICA or CA 19-9) and carcinoma-associated antigen (CA-50). Radiosensitivity was studied with the clonogenic survival technique. Three cell lines, LS 174T, HCTC, and SW 1116 stained positive for all three antigens. HT-29 was positive for CA 19-9 and CA-50 whereas Caco-2 was positive for CEA and CA 19-9. The cell lines SW 620 and LIM 1215 only stained positive for one of the antigens, CA-50 and CEA, respectively. In nearly all positive cases the stainings were very heterogeneous with mixtures of positive and negative cells. One exception was the HCTC cells which stained homogeneously for the CA 19-9 and CA-50 antigens. The neuroendocrinelike COLO 320 cells were negative in all cases. The radiosensitivity varied strongly between the cell lines with Dq-values between 0.8 and 1.9, extrapolation numbers between 2.0 and 4.7, Do-values between 1.1 and 2.8. The surviving fraction at 2 Gy varied between 0.3 and 0.7 with HCTC as the most radiosensitive and HT-29 as the most radioresistant cell line. Thus, there were differences in antigenic expression and intrinsic radiosensitivity between the cell-lines and antigenic heterogeneities within each cell line. The analyzed panel of cell lines will be valuable in studies of dose-effect relations for monoclonal antibodies labeled with toxic radionuclides simulating both antigenic heterogeneity and variations in radiosensitivity.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role in the pathogenesis of various illnesses, and the ROS and antioxidant enzymes are highly associated with cell differentiation and diseases. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that specific antioxidant enzymes are differentially expressed in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell lines with various degrees of differentiation. We compared the expression of several antioxidant enzymes including catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione reductase (GRx), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in five HCC cell lines with well (Hep G2 and Hep 3B) or poor (HA22T/VGH, HA55T/VGH, and SK-Hep-1) differentiation. Our results showed that both well-differentiated HCC cell lines expressed extremely higher CAT and GRx enzyme activities than all three poorly differentiated ones. Moreover, the protein and mRNA levels of CAT were much higher in two well-differentiated HCC cell lines than in all three poorly differentiated ones. Both well-differentiated HCC cell lines also showed a higher protein or mRNA expression of Cu/ZnSOD and MnSOD than three poorly differentiated ones. Our results demonstrate that specific antioxidant enzymes (especially, CAT and GRx) are differentially expressed in HCC cell lines with well or poor differentiation. These findings suggest that CAT and GRx are two potential differentiation markers for HCC.  相似文献   

Reduction of caveolin 1 gene expression in lung carcinoma cell lines   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Caveolae are plasma membrane microdomains that have been implicated in organizing and concentrating certain signaling molecules. Caveolins, constitute the main structural proteins of caveolae. Caveolae are abundant in terminally differentiated cell types. However, caveolin-1 is down-regulated in transformed cells and may have a potential tumor suppressor activity. In the lung, caveolae are present in the endothelium, smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts as well as in type I pneumocytes. The presence of caveolae and caveolin expression in the bronchial epithelium, although probable, has not been investigated in human. We were interested to see if the bronchial epithelia express caveolins and if this expression was modified in cancer cells. We thus tested for caveolin-1 and -2 expression several bronchial epithelial primary cell lines as well as eight lung cancer cell lines and one larynx tumor cell line. Both caveolin-1 and -2 are expressed in all normal bronchial cell lines. With the exception of Calu-1 cell line, all cancer cell lines showed very low or no expression of caveolin-1 while caveolin-2 expression was similar to the one observed in normal bronchial epithelial cells.  相似文献   

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