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Through functional studies of mutant tRNAs, we have identified sequence and/or structural features important for specifying the many distinctive properties of E coli initiator tRNA. Many of the mutant tRNAs contain an anticodon sequence change from CAU→CUA and are now substrates for E coli glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GlnRS). We describe here the effect of further mutating the discriminator base 73 and nucleotide 72 at the end of the acceptor stem on: i) recognition of the mutant tRNAs by E coli GlnRS; ii) recognition by E coli methionyl-tRNA transformylase; and iii) activity of the mutant tRNAs in initiation in E coli. For GlnRS recognition, our results are, in general, consistent with interactions found in the crystal structure of the E coli GlnRS-glutamine tRNA complex. The results also support our previous conclusion that formylation of initiator tRNA is important for its function in initiation.  相似文献   

Initiator methionine tRNA from the mitochondria of Neurospora crassa has been purified and sequenced. This mitochondrial tRNA can be aminoacylated and formylated by E. coli enzymes, and is capable of initiating protein synthesis in E. coli extracts. The nucleotide composition of the mitochondrial initiator tRNA (the first mitochondrial tRNA subjected to sequence analysis) is very rich in A + U, like that reported for total mitochondrial tRNA. In two of the unique features which differentiate procaryotic from eucaryotic cytoplasmic initiator tRNAs, the mitochondrial tRNA appears to resemble the eucaryotic initiator tRNAs. Thus unlike procaryotic initiator tRNAs in which the 5′ terminal nucleotide cannot form a Watson-Crick base pair to the fifth nucleotide from the 3′ end, the mitochondrial tRNA can form such a base pair; and like the eucaryotic cytoplasmic initiator tRNAs, the mitochondrial initiator tRNA lacks the sequence -TΨCG(or A) in loop IV. The corresponding sequence in the mitochondrial tRNA, however, is -UGCA- and not -AU(or Ψ)CG-as found in all eucaryotic cytoplasmic initiator tRNAs. In spite of some similarity of the mitochondrial initiator tRNA to both eucaryotic and procaryotic initiator tRNAs, the mitochondrial initiator tRNA is basically different from both these tRNAs. Between these two classes of initiator tRNAs, however, it is more homologous in sequence to procaryotic (56–60%) than to eucaryotic cytoplasmic initiator tRNAs (45–51%).  相似文献   

Methodology based on tRNA mediated protein engineering is described for the introduction of fluorophores and other labels at the N-terminus of proteins produced in cell-free translation systems. One method for low-level (trace) N-terminal labeling is based on the use of an Escherichia coli initiator tRNA(fMet) misaminoacylated with methionine modified at the alpha-amino group. In addition to the normal formyl group, the protein translational machinery incorporates the fluorophore BODIPY-FL and the affinity tag biotin at an N-terminal end of the nascent protein. A second method for higher N-terminal labeling uses a chemically aminoacylated amber initiator suppressor tRNA and a DNA template which contains a complementary amber (UAG) codon instead of the normal initiation (AUG) codon. This more versatile approach is demonstrated using a variety of N-terminal markers including fluorescein, biotin, PC-biotin, and a novel dual marker conjugate (Biotin/BODIPY-FL).  相似文献   

The methionine initiator tRNA genes of yeast   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A M Cigan  T F Donahue 《Gene》1986,41(2-3):343-348
We have isolated three distinct tRNAimet genes from a yeast DNA clone bank. The complete sequence of two shows that these genes are colinear with the mature tRNAimet and supports the RNA sequence of tRNAimet. Southern analysis of yeast genomic DNA indicates the presence of four copies of tRNAimet gene per haploid genome.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of starfish initiator tRNA.   总被引:4,自引:15,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleotide sequence of starfish ovary initiator tRNA was determined to be pA-G-C-A-G-A-G-U-m1G-m2G-C-G-C-A-G-U-G-G-A-A-G-C-G-U-G-C-U-G-G-G-C-C-C-A-U-t6A-A-C-C-C-A-G-A-G-m7G-D-m5C-C-G-A-G-G-A-psi-C-G-m1A-A-A-C-C-U-C-G-C-U-C-U-G-C-U-A-C-C-AOH. The sequence was determined by a combination of the two different post-labeling techniques. Two-dimensional cellulose thin-layer chromatography was adopted for analysis of 5'-terminal nucleotides of tRNA fragments produced by formamide treatment. The nucleotide sequence of starfish initiator tRNA is very similar to that of mammalian cytoplasmic initiator tRNAs, but has seven different nucleotide residues and two modifications: residue 55 is psi instead of U, and residue 26 is unmodified G instead of m2G.  相似文献   

We showed previously that the human initiator tRNA gene, in the context of its own 5'- and 3'-flanking sequences, was not expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we show that switching its 5'-flanking sequence with that of a yeast arginine tRNA gene allows its functional expression in yeast cells. The human initiator tRNA coding sequence was either cloned downstream of the yeast arginine tRNA gene, with various lengths of intergenic spacer separating them, or linked directly to the 5'-flanking sequence of the yeast arginine tRNA coding sequence. The human initiator tRNA made in yeast cells can be aminoacylated with methionine, and it was clearly separated from the yeast initiator and elongator methionine tRNAs by RPC-5 column chromatography. It was also functional in yeast cells. Expression of the human initiator tRNA in transformants of a slow-growing mutant yeast strain, in which three of the four endogenous initiator tRNA genes had been inactivated by gene disruption, resulted in enhancement of the growth rate. The degree of growth rate enhancement correlated with the steady-state levels of human tRNA in the transformants. Besides providing a possible assay for in vivo function of mutant human initiator tRNAs, this work represents the only example of the functional expression of a vertebrate RNA polymerase III-transcribed gene in yeast cells.  相似文献   

Two synthetic tRNAs have been generated that can be enzymatically aminoacylated with alanine and have AAA anticodons to recognize a poly(U) template. One of the tRNAs (tRNA(eAla/AAA)) is nearly identical to Escherichia coli elongator tRNA(Ala). The other has a sequence similar to Escherichia coli initiator tRNA(Met) (tRNA(iAla/AAA)). Although both tRNAs can be used in poly(U)-directed nonenzymatic initiation at 15 mM Mg2+, only the elongator tRNA can serve for peptide elongation and polyalanine synthesis. Only the initiator tRNA can be bound to 30S ribosomal subunits or 70S ribosomes in the presence of initiation factor 2 (IF-2) and low Mg2+ suggesting that it can function in enzymatic peptide initiation. A derivative of coumarin was covalently attached to the alpha amino group of alanine of these two Ala-tRNA species. The fluorescence spectra, quantum yield and anisotropy for the two Ala-tRNA derivatives are different when they are bound to 70S ribosomes (nonenzymatically in the presence of 15 mM Mg2+) indicating that the local environment of the probe is different. Also, the effect of erythromycin on their fluorescence is quite different, suggesting that the probes and presumably the alanine moiety to which they are covalently linked are in different positions on the ribosomes.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic initiator tRNA from human placenta has been purified. The nucleotide sequence of this tRNA has been determined and found identical to that of initiator tRNA from mammalian cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The optimal magnesium ion concentration for chain initiation in a cell-free system derived from bovine eye lens which synthesizes 4 classes of crystallins appears to be 5 mM. In the synthesis of -crystallin polypeptides which contain one internal methionine residue and the second one in N-terminal position, Met-RNAfMet functions exclusively as initiator. On the other hand at 5 mM Mg2+ Met-tRNAMet inserts its methionine into the internal position. However, at higher magnesium ion concentrations the initiator tRNA also donates methionine for chain elongation while at the same time the cell-free system loses its capacity to initiate new polypeptides.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of Streptomyces griseus initiator tRNA.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The primary structure of initiator tRNA from Streptomyces griseus was determined by post-labeling procedures. The nucleotide sequence is pC-G-C-G-G-G-G-U-G-G-A-G-C-A-G-C-U-C-G-G-D-A-G-C-U-C-G-C-U-G-G-G-C-U-C-A-U-A-A-C-C- C-A-G-A-G-G-U-C-G-C-A-G-G-U-psi-C-A-m1A-A-U-C-C-U-G-U-C-C-C-C-G-C-U-A-C-C-A0H. The unique feature of the sequence of this tRNA is that residue 54 is occupied by unmodified U, while ribothymidine is located in that position in most initiator tRNAs from eubacteria.  相似文献   

The conserved positions of the eukaryotic cytoplasmic initiator tRNA have been suggested to be important for the initiation of protein synthesis. However, the role of these positions is not known. We describe in this report a functional analysis of the yeast initiator methionine tRNA (tRNA(iMet)), using a novel in vivo assay system which is not dependent on suppressor tRNAs. Strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with null alleles of the four initiator methionine tRNA (IMT) genes were constructed. Consequently, growth of these strains was dependent on tRNA(iMet) encoded from a plasmid-derived gene. We used these strains to investigate the significance of the conserved nucleosides of yeast tRNA(iMet) in vivo. Nucleotide substitutions corresponding to the nucleosides of the yeast elongator methionine tRNA (tRNA(MMet)) have been made at all conserved positions to identify the positions that are important for tRNA(iMet) to function in the initiation process. Surprisingly, nucleoside changes in base pairs 3-70, 12-23, 31-39, and 29-41, as well as expanding loop I by inserting an A at position 17 (A17) had no effect on the tester strain. Nucleotide substitutions in positions 54 and 60 to cytidines and guanosines (C54, G54, C60, and G60) did not prevent cell growth. In contrast, the double mutation U/rT54C60 blocked cell growth, and changing the A-U base pair 1-72 to a G-C base pair was deleterious to the cell, although these tRNAs were synthesized and accepted methionine in vitro. From our data, we suggest that an A-U base pair in position 1-72 is important for tRNA(iMet) function, that the hypothetical requirement for adenosines at positions 54 and 60 is invalid, and that a U/rT at position 54 is an antideterminant distinguishing an elongator from an initiator tRNA in the initiation of translation.  相似文献   

We have isolated four segments of Drosophila melanogaster DNA that hybridize to homologous initiator tRNAMet. Three of the cloned fragments contain initiator tRNA genes, each of which can be transcribed in vitro. The fourth clone, pPW568, contains an initiator tRNA pseudogene which is not transcribed in vitro by RNA polymerase III. The pseudogene is contained in a 1.15 kb DNA fragment. This fragment has the characteristics of dispersed repetitive DNA and hybridizes in situ to at least 30 sites in the Drosophila genome. The arrangement of the initiator tRNA genes we have isolated, is different to that of other Drosophila tRNA gene families. The initiator tRNA genes are not clustered nor intermingled with other tRNA genes. They occur as single copies within an approximately 415-bp repeat segment, which is separated from other initiator tRNA genes by a mean distance of 17 kb. In situ hybridization to polytene chromosomes localizes these genes to the 61D region of the Drosophila genome. Hybridization analysis of genomic DNA indicates the presence of 8-9 non-allelic initiator tRNA genes in Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

Human tRNA genes function as chromatin insulators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Insulators help separate active chromatin domains from silenced ones. In yeast, gene promoters act as insulators to block the spread of Sir and HP1 mediated silencing while in metazoans most insulators are multipartite autonomous entities. tDNAs are repetitive sequences dispersed throughout the human genome and we now show that some of these tDNAs can function as insulators in human cells. Using computational methods, we identified putative human tDNA insulators. Using silencer blocking, transgene protection and repressor blocking assays we show that some of these tDNA-containing fragments can function as barrier insulators in human cells. We find that these elements also have the ability to block enhancers from activating RNA pol II transcribed promoters. Characterization of a putative tDNA insulator in human cells reveals that the site possesses chromatin signatures similar to those observed at other better-characterized eukaryotic insulators. Enhanced 4C analysis demonstrates that the tDNA insulator makes long-range chromatin contacts with other tDNAs and ETC sites but not with intervening or flanking RNA pol II transcribed genes.  相似文献   

Initiator methionine tRNA from the cytoplasm of Neurospora crassa has been purified and sequenced. The sequence is: pAGCUGCAUm1GGCGCAGCGGAAGCGCM22GCY*GGGCUCAUt6AACCCGGAGm7GU (or D) - CACUCGAUCGm1AAACGAG*UUGCAGCUACCAOH. Similar to initiator tRNAs from the cytoplasm of other eukaryotes, this tRNA also contains the sequence -AUCG- instead of the usual -TphiCG (or A)- found in loop IV of other tRNAs. The sequence of the N. crassa cytoplasmic initiator tRNA is quite different from that of the corresponding mitochondrial initiator tRNA. Comparison of the sequence of N. crassa cytoplasmic initiator tRNA to those of yeast, wheat germ and vertebrate cytoplasmic initiator tRNA indicates that the sequences of the two fungal tRNAs are no more similar to each other than they are to those of other initiator tRNAs.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic initiator tRNA from the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus has been purified and its sequence shown to be p A G C U G A G-U m G m G C G C A G D G G A A G C G psi m G A psi G G G C U C A U t A A--C C C A U A G m G D m C A C A G G A U C G m A A A C C U Gm U C U C A--G C U A C C A-O H. The sequence has been deduced and confirmed using several different P-post labelling techniques. The sequence is similar to those of other eukaryotic cytoplasmic initiator tRNAs and it has the sequence G A U C in place of the usual G T psi C. Although it resembles lower eukaryotic species in having a U preceding the anticodon and a modified G in the T psi C stem, in overall homology it is closer to the higher eukaryotic than to the fungal initiator tRNAs.  相似文献   

P-site tRNA is a crucial initiator of ribosomal frameshifting   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The expression of some genes requires a high proportion of ribosomes to shift at a specific site into one of the two alternative frames. This utilized frameshifting provides a unique tool for studying reading frame control. Peptidyl-tRNA slippage has been invoked to explain many cases of programmed frameshifting. The present work extends this to other cases. When the A-site is unoccupied, the P-site tRNA can be repositioned forward with respect to mRNA (although repositioning in the minus direction is also possible). A kinetic model is presented for the influence of both, the cognate tRNAs competing for overlapping codons in A-site, and the stabilities of P-site tRNA:mRNA complexes in the initial and new frames. When the A-site is occupied, the P-site tRNA can be repositioned backward. Whether frameshifting will happen depends on the ability of the A-site tRNA to subsequently be repositioned to maintain physical proximity of the tRNAs. This model offers an alternative explanation to previously published mechanisms of programmed frameshifting, such as out-of-frame tRNA binding, and a different perspective on simultaneous tandem tRNA slippage.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of initiator tRNA from Mycobacterium smegmatis was determined to be pCGCGGGGUGGAGCAGCUCGGDAGCUCGCUGGGCUCAUAACCCAGAGm7GUCG CAGGU psi CGm1AAUCCUGUCCCCGCUACCAOH . The nucleotide sequence of Mycobacterium initiator tRNA was found to be the same as that of Streptomyces initiator tRNA, except that G46 and A57 were replaced by m7G46 and G57 , respectively. The striking feature of Mycobacterium initiator tRNA is the absence of ribothymidine at residue 54, and the presence of 1-methyladenosine at residue 58 which makes the sequence of this tRNA similar to that of eukaryotic initiator tRNA.  相似文献   

M Pak  L Pallanck  L H Schulman 《Biochemistry》1992,31(13):3303-3309
The role of the anticodon and discriminator base in aminoacylation of tRNAs with tryptophan has been explored using a recently developed in vivo assay based on initiation of protein synthesis by mischarged mutants of the Escherichia coli initiator tRNA. Substitution of the methionine anticodon CAU with the tryptophan anticodon CCA caused tRNA(fMet) to be aminoacylated with both methionine and tryptophan in vivo, as determined by analysis of the amino acids inserted by the mutant tRNA at the translational start site of a reporter protein containing a tryptophan initiation codon. Conversion of the discriminator base of tRNA(CCA)fMet from A73 to G73, the base present in tRNA(Trp), eliminated the in vivo methionine acceptor activity of the tRNA and resulted in complete charging with tryptophan. Single base changes in the anticodon of tRNA(CCA)fMet containing G73 from CCA to UCA, GCA, CAA, and CCG (changes underlined) essentially abolished tryptophan insertion, showing that all three anticodon bases specify the tryptophan identity of the tRNA. The important role of G73 in tryptophan identity was confirmed using mutants of an opal suppressor derivative of tRNA(Trp). Substitution of G73 with A73, C73, or U73 resulted in a large loss of the ability of the tRNA to suppress an opal stop codon in a reporter protein. Base pair substitutions at the first three positions of the acceptor stem of the suppressor tRNA caused 2-12-fold reductions in the efficiency of suppression without loss of specificity for aminoacylation of the tRNA with tryptophan.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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