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The dependence of sodium efflux on the internal sodium concentration on sodium-free magnesium, Tris, coline and lithium media was investigated on frog striated muscle. In all the sodium-substituted media, the efflux concentration curve was found to be dependent on the external rubidium concentration, being S-shaped at the saturating external rubidium (potassium) concentration and becoming close to linear at the low external rubidium concentration (0.5-1.0 microM). The maximal sodium efflux at saturating levels of internal sodium concentrations remains unchanged with various sodium substitutes in the medium, whereas the affinity constant of internal sodium sites is dependent on the external cations.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of external Rb+ on the efflux of42K+ from whole frog sartorius muscles loaded with 305mm K+ and 120mm Cl were studied. K+ efflux is activated by [Rb+] o less than about 40mm according to a sigmoid relation similar to that for activation by [K+] o . At [Rb+]o greater than 40mm, K+ efflux declines, although at [Rb+] o =300mm it is still greater than at [Rb+] o =0mm. For low concentrations, the increment in K+ efflux over that in K+- and Rb+-free solution, k, is described by the relation k=a[X+] o n , for both K+ and Rb+. The value ofa is larger for Rb+ than for K+, while the values ofn are similar; the activation produced by a given [Rb+] o is larger than that by an equal [K+] o for concentrations less than about 40mm. Adding a small amount of Rb+ to a K+-containing solution has effects on K+ efflux which depend on [K+] o . At low [K+] o , adding Rb+ increases K+ efflux, the effect being greatest near [K+] o =30mm and declining at higher [K+] o ; at [K+] o above 40mm, addition of Rb+ decreases K+ efflux. At [K+] o above 75mm, where K+ efflux is largely activated, Rb+ reduces K+ efflux by a factorb, described by the relationb=1/(1+c[Rb+] o ). Activation is discussed in terms of binding to at least two sites in the membrane, and the reduction in K+ efflux by Rb+ at high [K+] o in terms of association with an additional inhibitory site.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of media with different ionic composition on calcium efflux from the dorsal head of semitendinosus muscles ofRana pipiens was studied. The reduction in the fractional loss of45Ca, when going from normal Ringer's solution to an ONa–OCa medium, was 60%. Withdrawal of only Na or Ca from the external medium also caused a significant drop in the fractional loss (33% and 34%, respectively). The effect of different concentrations of Ca (studied in the absence of the external Na) was also studied. It was found that a linear function could describe the relationship between the calcium-dependent calcium efflux and the external calcium concentration. These results indicate that calcium efflux from frog muscle fibers consists of three major components: one that is dependent on the presence of calcium in the external medium, one that is dependent on the presence of sodium in the external medium, and one that persists in the absence of these two cations.  相似文献   

Summary Single barnacle muscle fibers fromBalanus nubilus were used to study the effect of elevated external potassium concentration, [K] o , on Na efflux, membrane potential, and cyclic nucleotide levels. Elevation of [K] o causes a prompt, transient stimulation of the ouabain-insensitive Na efflux. The minimal effective concentrations is 20mm. The membrane potential of ouabain-treated fibers bathed in 10mm Ca2+ artificial seawater (ASW) or in Ca2+-free ASW decreases approximately linearly with increasing logarithm of [K] o . The slope of the plot is slightly steeper for fibers bathed in Ca2+-free ASW. The magnitude of the stimulatory response of the ouabain-insensitive Na efflux to 100mmK o depends on the external Na+ and Ca2+ concentrations, as well as on external pH, but is independent of external Mg2+ concentration. External application of 10–4 m verapamil virtually abolishes the response of the Na efflux to subsequent K-depolarization. Stabilization of myoplasmic-free Ca2+ by injection of 250mm EGTA before exposure of the fiber to 100mm K o leads to 60% reduction in the magnitude of the stimulation. Pre-injection of a pure inhibitor of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase reduces the response of the Na efflux to 100mm K o by 50%. Increasing intracellular ATP, by injection of 0.5m ATP-Na2 before elevation of [K] o , fails to prolong the duration of the stimulation of the Na efflux. Exposure of ouabain-treated, cannulated fibers to 100mm K o for time periods ranging from 30 sec to 10 min causes a small (60%), but significant, increase in the intracellular content of cyclic AMP with little change in the cyclic GMP level. These results are compatible with the view that the stimulatory response of the ouabain-insensitive Na efflux to high K o is largely due to a fall in myoplasmicpCa resulting from activation of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels and that an accompanying rise in internal cAMP accounts for a portion of this response.  相似文献   

The stimulation of ouabain-sensitive Na+ efflux by external Na+, K+ and Li+ was studied in control and ATP-depleted human red cells. In the presence of 5 mM Na+, with control and depleted cells, Li+ stimulated with a lower apparent affinity than K+, and gave a smaller maximal activation than K+. The ability of Na+, K+ and Li+ to activate Na+ efflux was a function of the ATP content of the cells. Relative to K+ both Na+ and Li+ became more effective activators when the ATP was reduced to about one tenth of the control values. At this low ATP concentration Na+ was absolutely more effective than K+.  相似文献   

Summary Efflux of42K+ was measured in frog sartorius muscles equilibrated in depolarizing solutions with external K+ concentrations ([K+] o ) between 75 and 300mm and NaCl concentrations of 60, 120, or 240mm. For several combinations of KCl and NaCl, steady-state internal potentials (V i) were the same for different [K+] o . For the range ofV i examined, K+ efflux occurs principally through the K+ inward rectifier channels. When external K+ is removedV i remains constant for 2 to 3 hr because of the high membrane conductance to Cl, but K+ efflux drops by about one order of magnitude.External Ba2+ in the presence or absence of external K+ produces an inhibition of K+ efflux described by a relation of the formu=(u1/(1+C)[Ba2+] o ))+u 2, whereu is the uninhibited fraction of K+ efflux;u 1, u2 andC are constants; andu 1+u2=1.C depends both on [K+] o andV i. When [K+] o 75mm, increasing [K+] o at constantV i reduces Ba2+ sensitivity. For constantV i–30 mV, Ba2+ sensitivity is less when [K+] o =0 than when [K+] o 75mm. When [K+] o =0, Ba2+ sensitivity decreases asV i is made more positive. The dependence of the Ba2+ sensitivity onV i at constant [K+] o is greater when [K+] o =0 than when [K+] o 75mm.Both the activation of K+ efflux by external K+ and the Ba2+ inhibition of K+ efflux can be explained on the basis of two membrane control sites associated with each channel. When both sites are occupied by K+, the channels are in a high flux state. When one or both sites are empty, the channels are in a low, nonzero flux state. When Ba2+ occupies either site, K+ efflux is further reduced. The reduction of Ba2+-sensitivity by increasing [K+] o at high [K+] o is attributable to the displacement of Ba2+ from the control sites by K+. The increased Ba2+ sensitivity produced by going from [K+] o =0 to [K+] o >-75mm whenV i–30 mV is attributable to states in which Ba2+ occupies one site and K+ the other when [K+] o 0. The smallerV i dependence of the Ba2+ sensitivity when [K+] o 75mm compared to [K+] o =0 is attributable to the necessity that Ba2+ displace K+ at the control sites when [K+] o is high but not when [K+] o =0.  相似文献   

Human leucocytes incubated in tissue culture fluid of low-sodium concentration (2 mM; iso-osmolarity maintained with choline chloride) reached a new equlibrium within 1 hour and lost approximately 25% of intracellular potassium and 70% of intracellular sodium. The rate constant for ouabainsensitive sodium efflux fell by more than 50% and the ouabain-insensitive rate constant increased nearly threefold in the low-sodium medium. Total sodium efflux fell in proportion to internal sodium whereas ouabain-insensitive sodium efflux remained unchanged. A reduction in external sodium from 140 to 2 mM was associated with a 75% fall in sodium influx. In the low-sodium medium ouabainsensitive potassium influx exceeded ouabain-sensitive sodium efflux and no ouabain-sensitive potassium efflux could be demonstrated. Ouabain-insensitive potassium influx and that portion of potassium efflux which is dependent on external potassium fell in parallel in low-sodium cells, suggesting reduced activity of a ouabain-insensitive K:K exchange system.  相似文献   

Intracellular records were made from fibers in the A-V conducting system of isolated toad hearts. The A-V region was perfused with Ringer's solution of various K and Na concentrations. Resting potential in 2.8 mM [K]o was about 60 mv. Over the range 0.28 to 28 mM, resting potential diminished with increasing [K]o. Spontaneous action potentials appeared when [K]o was increased to 11.2 mM, and when resting potential had fallen to about 40 to 50 mv. Changes in [Na]o over the range 22 to 110 mM had a little effect on resting potential, but there was a linear relation between the peak value of the action potential and log [Na]o. Wenckebach periodicity was observed when [Na]o was lowered.  相似文献   

The behavior of the ouabain-insensitive Na efflux in barnacle muscle fibers toward external high K and injection of Ca2+ has been further investigated. Raising Ke to 100 mM after the injection of 0.25 M or 0.1 M GTPNa2 results in a biphasic stimulatory response: the initial response is prompt in onset and small but transitory, whereas the delayed response is large and sustained. This second stimulatory phase is reduced markedly by injecting EGTA but not by PKI. Raising Ke to 100 mM in the presence of the 2 xanthine derivatives, viz. PMX and IAX, leads to a sustained stimulatory response of the ouabain-insensitive Na efflux which is halved by injecting PKI but unaffected by injecting EGTA. Injection of 0.1 M or 0.5 M CaCl2 in the presence of PMX and IAX leads to a sustained stimulatory response, which is almost completely abolished by injecting PKI but unaffected by injecting EGTA. These results confirm the earlier finding that the response of the ouabain-insensitive Na efflux to high Ke in fibers preinjected with GTPNa2 is biphasic and that the delayed second stimulatory phase is sustained rather than transitory. The ability of injected EGTA to only partially reverse the delayed response suggests that a fall in myoplasmic pCa is not the sole factor governing the kinetic picture. The experiments with PMX and IAX strongly suggest that cAMP is involved in the termination of the Ca2+ message.  相似文献   

The membrane potential (Em) of sartorius muscle fibers was made insensitive to [K+] by equilibration in a 95 mM K+, 120 mM Na+ Ringer solution. Under these conditions a potassium-activated, ouabain-sensitive sodium efflux was observed which had characteristics similar to those seen in muscles with Em sensitive to [K+]. In addition, in the presence of 10 mM K+, these muscles were able to produce a net sodium extrusion against an electrochemical gradient which was also inhibited by 10- minus 4 M oubain. This suggests that the membrane potential does not play a major role in the potassium activation of the sodium pump in muscles.  相似文献   

Density and apparent location of the sodium pump in frog sartorius muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The binding of the cardiosteroid3H-ouabain to frog skeletal muscle was determined by studying the kinetics of its uptake and release.The amount of ouabain bound as a function of drug concentration in the external medium follows a hyperbolic relationship with a maximum binding (B max) of the order of 2500 molecules per square micrometer of surface membrane and an affinity constant (K) of 2.2×10–7 m. The data do not suggest a drug-receptor (Na pump site) relation other than one-to-one.Ouabain molecules are released from whole muscle into ouabain-free media very slowly. The release is a single exponential function of time (25 hr). When re-binding is prevented by the presence of unlabeled ouabain in the external medium, the loss of labeled ouabain is increased (15 hr). Increasing [K+]0 from 2.5 to 10mm slows the time course of binding without any significant change in binding capacity of the muscle fibers.Experiments on detubulated muscles indicate that the density of pump sites is considerably higher in the surface than in the T-tubular membrane. These findings agree with the report by Narahara et al. [Narahara, H.T., Vogrin, V.G., Green, J.D., Kent, R.A., Gould, M.K. (1979)Biochim. Biophys. Acta 552:247] on the distribution of (Na++K+)-ATPase among different cell membrane fractions from frog skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The membrane potential (Em) of sartorius muscle fibers was made insensitive to [K+] by equilibration in a 95 mM K+, 120 mM Na+ Ringer solution. Under these conditions a potassium-activated, ouabain-sensitive sodium efflux was observed which had characteristics similar to those seen in muscles with Em sensitive to [K+]. In addition, in the presence of 10 mM K+, these muscles were able to produce a net sodium extrusion against an electrochemical gradient which was also inhibited by 10?4 M ouabain. This suggests that the membrane potential does not play a major role in the potassium activation of the sodium pump in muscles.  相似文献   

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