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Zhu ZT  Fu Y  Hu GY  Jin GZ 《生理学报》2000,52(2):123-130
为确定左旋千金藤啶碱(SPD)对中脑边缘DA神经系统的作用特性,本研究采用细胞外记录的电生理学方法,观察微电泳和尾静脉给药对6-OHDA损毁及未损毁大鼠的伏核(NAc)单位放电的影响。结果显示:SPD累积给药(0.02-2mg/kg,iv)可诱发NAc神经元双相放电特征,即小剂量抑制、大剂量兴奋。预先给予D2受体拮抗剂speperone,SPD则仅产生兴奋效应,并被D1拮抗剂SCH-23390所翻  相似文献   

In order to explore the characteristics of l-stepholidine (SPD) activating the postsynaptic D1 receptors,the effects of SPD on DARPP-32 phosphorylation in vivo with back-phosphorylation assay and on the postsynaptic D1 receptor densities with radioligand assay were observed in the striatum of 6-OHDA-lesioned rat.The results showed that following subcutaneously administration of 20 or 40 mg/kg SPD for 21 d,[32P]phosphate incorporation into the DARPP-32 protein in the denervated striatum showed a 50% reduction (P<0.01) vs the intact striatum,indicating an increase of DARPP-32 phosphorylation in vivo in the denervated striatum.However,the D1 receptor Bmax was decreased from 385.0±26.1 to 319.7±20.1 fmol/mg protein.It is suggested that D1 agonist action of SPD decreases the D1 receptor density but increases the phosphorylation of DARPP-32 in the striatum of 6-OHDA-lesioned rat,which may be responsible for the regulation of D1 receptor signal transduction in brain neurons.  相似文献   

Liu J  Guo X  Wang BC  Jin GZ 《生理学报》1999,51(1):65-72
为了进一步阐明SPD对大鼠纹状体突触后D1受体的激动作用特性,本文应用反磷酸化在体内测定及放射配体结合方法,分别观察SPD对6-OHDA损毁大鼠纹状体DARPP-32体内磷酸化作用及突触后D1受体密度的影响.结果表明:皮下给予SPD(20,40 mg/kg,21 d),损毁侧纹状体DARPP-32体外[32P]的掺入量较健侧下降50%(P<0.01).换言之,损毁侧纹状体内DARPP-32的磷酸化程度增加了.然而,SPD使损毁导致D1受体上调的作用减弱(Bmax 从385.0±26.1 fmol/mg 降至319.7±20.1 fmol/mg水平).因此,SPD激动D1受体,使6-OHDA损毁大鼠纹状体内DARPP-32磷酸化作用加强,而受体密度减少.这是SPD调节脑内D1受体信号转导功能的重要机制.  相似文献   

为确定左旋千金藤啶碱 (SPD)对中脑边缘DA神经系统的作用特性 ,本研究采用细胞外记录的电生理学方法 ,观察微电泳和尾静脉给药对 6 OHDA损毁及未损毁大鼠的伏核 (NAc)单位放电的影响。结果显示 :SPD累积给药 ( 0 0 2~ 2mg/kg,iv)可诱发NAc神经元双相放电特征 ,即小剂量抑制、大剂量兴奋。预先给予D2 受体拮抗剂spiperone ,SPD则仅产生兴奋效应 ,并被D1拮抗剂SCH 2 3390所翻转或阻断 ,提示SPD对NAc神经元放电有D1激动特性。另一方面 ,大剂量SPD完全翻转D2 激动剂LY 1715 5 5和D1/D2 混合型激动剂阿朴吗啡对NAc神经元的抑制作用 ,表明SPD还具有D2 受体的阻滞特性。与静脉给药不同 ,NAc内微电泳SPD ( 30mmol/L ,2 0~ 80nA)很难诱发该神经核的兴奋或抑制性放电 ,而微电泳D1激动剂SKF 38393能产生明显的放电抑制效应。然而 ,在 6 OHDA损毁大鼠 ,微电泳SPD可使绝大多数NAc神经元 ( 91% )放电抑制 ,并为D1阻滞剂SCH 2 3390所完全拮抗 ,而不受D2 阻滞剂spiperone的影响。以上结果表明 ,SPD对NAc神经元活动具有‘D2 阻滞 D1激动’的双重药理作用特性 ,后者与SPD作用于mPFC的D1受体有密切关系 ,这有利于治疗精神分裂症  相似文献   

在记录神经元放电频率的实验中,发现麻醉或麻痹大鼠给予DA受体拮抗剂SPD,使VTA,SNC和DA神经元放电频率增加.但随着剂量的增加,SPD选择性地使VTA的DA神经元放电完全抑制,可被DA受体激动剂APO所翻转.提示这种抑制作用可能是DI.但SPD不抑制SNCDA神经元放电.在计数自发放电的神经元数目的实验中,观察到:慢性给予SPD21d后,大鼠VTA部位自发放电的DA神经元数目减少,有量效关系.可被APO所翻转.相反,同样给药并不影响SNC部位自发放电的DA神经元数目.当急性给予SPD时,VTA自发放电的DA神经元数目也减少,而SNC自发放电的DA细胞数不受影响.在行为实验中,SPD能抑制APO引起的定型活动,但SPD本身引起的僵住症很弱,仅能维持15min,并且无剂量依赖关系.上述结果提示:SPD选择性抑制VTADA神经元,而对SNCDA神经元的抑制作用很弱,引起的锥体外系副作用弱,可能发展成为新一代的非经典安定剂.  相似文献   

纯度达99.5%的千金藤碱经氧柱层析反复分离纯化,得到其中的微量杂质成分,通过波谱鉴定为(+)-千金藤碱2'-β-N-氧化物(1).  相似文献   

吴建华  金国章 《生理学报》1995,47(6):601-604
利用在体记录大鼠蓝斑核神经元单位放电,研究了(-)SPD和(-)THP对其放电活动的影响。结果表明:(-)SPD通过去甲肾上腺素a2受体,以剂量依赖方式增强蓝斑核神经元放电,但较大剂量却对神经元放电有一定抑制。然而(-)THP可使蓝斑核去甲肾上腺素能神经元出现可逆性放电抑制。  相似文献   

为了进一步阐明SPD对大鼠纹状体突触后D1受体的激动作用特性,本文应用反磷酸化在体内测定及放射配体结合方法,分别观察SPD对6OHDA损毁大鼠纹状体DARPP32体内磷酸化作用及突触后D1受体密度的影响。结果表明:皮下给予SPD(20,40mg/kg,21d),损毁侧纹状体DARPP32体外[32P]的掺入量较健侧下降50%(P<001)。换言之,损毁侧纹状体内DARPP32的磷酸化程度增加了。然而,SPD使损毁导致D1受体上调的作用减弱(Bmax从3850±261fmol/mg降至3197±201fmol/mg水平)。因此,SPD激动D1受体,使6OHDA损毁大鼠纹状体内DARPP32磷酸化作用加强,而受体密度减少。这是SPD调节脑内D1受体信号转导功能的重要机制。  相似文献   

目的:研究金刚藤联合妇科千金片对慢性盆腔炎(CPID)患者血液流变学和炎症因子的影响。方法:选择从2016年2月到2019年5月在我院接受治疗的CPID患者204例进行研究。依照随机数字表法将患者划分为观察组以及对照组各102例,对照组患者予以妇科千金片治疗,观察组患者在此基础上另予以金刚藤治疗,两组均治疗6周,对比两组的疗效、临床指标、血液流变学指标以及炎症因子的水平。结果:观察组的痊愈率、总有效率均分别高于对照组,观察组的无效率低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。观察组体温恢复时间、腹痛消失时间、抗生素应用时间以及住院时间均短于对照组(P0.05)。治疗后两组的低切全血黏度、高切全血黏度、血浆黏度(PV)、纤维蛋白原(FIB)水平均明显低于治疗前,且观察组较对照组降低(P0.05)。治疗后两组的白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、白细胞介素-8(IL-8)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、粒-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)及C反应蛋白(CRP)水平均明显低于治疗前,且观察组较对照组降低(P0.05)。结论:CPID患者给予金刚藤及妇科千金片联合治疗可明显改善临床指标,且有助于其机体内血液流变学及炎症症状的改善,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

利用在体记录大鼠蓝斑核神经元单位放电,研究了(-)SPD和(-)THP对其放电活动的影响。结果表明:(-)SPD通过去甲肾上腺素α2受体,以剂量依赖方式增强蓝斑核神经元放电,但较大剂量却对神经元放电有一定抑制。然而(-)THP可使蓝斑核去甲肾上腺素能神经元出现可逆性放电抑制。  相似文献   

—Acute injections of LSD (2 × 500 μg/kg) to rats resulted in evidence of a reduced 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) turnover in all brain areas studied. In contrast, a much smaller dose of LSD (20 μg/kg) repeated daily for 1 month produced a significantly reduced turnover only in the midbrain area. The pons/medulla and forebrain areas showed small and not statistically significant increases in 5-HT turnover.  相似文献   

Abstract— The turnover of brain norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA) was studied in five groups of male Sprague-Dawley rats under different conditions of alcohol treatment: no treatment, acute treatment while intoxicated, acute treatment subsequent to elimination of alcohol from the blood, alcohol-dependence while still intoxicated and alcohol-dependence during a withdrawal syndrome. Turnover was determined from the rate of depletion of brain catecholamine levels after inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase. In rats given a single dose of alcohol, NE turnover was increased, while DA turnover was unaffected during the few first hours after treatment. After that time the turnover of both NE and DA was reduced. In alcohol-dependent rats, whether intoxicated or undergoing a withdrawal syndrome, the turnover of NE was increased, while that of DA was decreased. These data suggest that catecholamines may mediate some of the symptoms of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome in the rat.  相似文献   

大鼠脑皮层中多巴胺受体的检定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究使用放射配基结合分析法,建立了对大鼠脑皮层多巴胺D_1和D_2型受体的检测方法。测得正常大鼠脑皮层中D_1受体的B_max,为103±53pmol/g蛋白,K_d值为3.2±1.2nmol/L;D_2受体的B_max,为227±79pmol/g蛋白,K_d值为2.6±l.3nmol/L。  相似文献   

Abstract— Administration of oestrogen (oestradiol-17β or oestradiol-17β-benzoate) to ovariectomized (OVX) rats for 1–4 weeks results in an approx 30% decrease in the activity of monoamine oxidase (MAO) in the basomedial-hypothalamus (BM-Hyp) and corticomedial-amygdala (CM-Amy) but not in cerebral cortex. Further investigation shows that (1) decreased MAO activity in the BM-Hyp and CM-Amy occurs only in Type A MAO (serotonin as substrate) and does not occur in Type B MAO (phenylethylamine as substrate); (2) decreased MAO activity does not occur when a single large dose of oestrogen is given i. v. or when homogenates from oestrogen treated rats are mixed with homogenates from OVX rats suggesting that direct enzyme inhibition is not responsible for the change in activity; (3) oestrogen administration to OVX rats increases the rate constant of degradation for MAO in BM-Hyp and CM-Amy but not in cerebral cortex as determined in turnover studies using pargyline, an irreversible inhibitor of MAO. The increased rate of degradation results in shorter half lives ( t 1/2) for MAO in the BM-Hyp and CM-Amy of oestrogen treated rats. In OVX rats the t 1/2 is 9.8 days in BM-Hyp and 12.7 days in CM-Amy. Oestrogen administration results in a t 1/2 of 7.6 days in BM-Hyp and 7.8 days in CM-Amy. The possible relationship between oestrogen dependent decreased MAO activity and estrogen dependent lordosis behavior is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of oxotremorine (1 mg kg-1 i.p.) on the steady state concentration of acetylcholine (ACh) and choline (Ch) and the transformation of radioactive choline ([3H]Ch) was studied in different brain regions of the mouse following death by microwave irradiation of the head. Oxotremorine significantly increased the concentration of endogenous ACh in the cortex and hippocampus and of endogenous Ch in the cortex. Pretreatment with atropine (5 mg kg-1 i.p.) prevented the increase in ACh. The biosynthesis of radioactive ACh ([3H]ACh) was decreased in all brain regions. Atropine (5 mg kg-1) pretreatment counteracted this effect of oxotremorine (1 mg kg-1), while methylatropine (5 mg kg-1) had no effect except in the striatum. A calculation of the apparent turnover rate of ACh showed that oxotremorine (1 mg kg-1) decreased the turnover in the cortex, hippocampus, midbrain. and striatum.  相似文献   

Abstract— –The rates of incorporation of 14C from [U-l4C]glucose into intermediary metabolites have been measured in rat brain in vivo. The time course of labelling of glycogen was similar to that of glutamate and of glucose, which were all maximally labelled between 20 and 40min, but different from lactate, which lost radioactivity rapidly after 20min. The extent of labelling of glycogen (d.p.m./ μ mol of glucose) was of the same order as that of glutamate at 20 and 40 min after injection of [14C]glucose. However, calculations of turnover rates showed that glutamate turns over some 8-10 times faster than glycogen. Insulin, intracisternally applied, produced after 4-5 h a 60 per cent increase in glucose-6-P and a 50 per cent increase in glycogen. There was no change in the levels of glucose, glutamate or lactate, nor in the activity or properties of the particulate and soluble hexokinase of the brain. The injection of insulin affected neither the glycogen nor glucose contents of skeletal muscle from the same animals. The effects of insulin on the incorporation of l4C into the metabolites contrasted with its effects on their levels. The specific activities of glycogen and glucose were unchanged and there was a slight but non-significant increase in the specific activity of glutamate. The time course of incorporation into lactate was unaffected up to 20 min, but a significant delay in the loss of 14C after 20 min occurred as a result of the insulin injection. At 40 min, the specific activity of cerebral lactate was 60 per cent higher in insulin-treated animals than in control animals. The results are interpreted in terms of an effect of insulin on glucose uptake to the brain, with possibly an additional effect on a subsequent stage in metabolism, which involves lactate.  相似文献   

Abstract— The levels of tritiated catecholamines and metabolites were measured in regions of the rat brain at intervals after the intraventricular injection of [3H]dopamine, [3H]nor-adrenaline and [3H]normetanephrine. The disappearance of catecholamines and appearance of metabolites with time and the regional turnover rates of these amines indicate that the major pathway of the metabolism of noradrenaline and dopamine actively released from physiological storage sites is to the neutral alcoholic metabolites. The acid metabolites, homovanillic acid and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid appear to be only minor products of normal dopamine metabolism in rat brain regions including the striate, but are the main end products of the metabolism of excess exogenous dopamine.
The active metabolism of stored noradrenaline to alcohol metabolites is also indicated by the increase in neutral alcohol metabolites accompanying the increased noradrenaline turnover when rats were subjected to electroshock stress. Therefore in the rat brain, neutral alcohol metabolites of dopamine and noradrenaline have great significance in the study of physiological catecholamine turnover in any region.  相似文献   

Abstract— A simple combination of acid- and base-exchange resin columns enabled a more complete separation of amine, acid and neutral metabolites of catecholamines from individual small brain samples to be made. Fractions containing individual catecholamines or metabolites were obtained in aqueous eluates suitable for fluorimetric or radioisotopic analysis. With consistent intraventricular injection and brain dissection techniques, this separation method enables a study of the metabolism of catecholamines in regions of the rat brain and the effects of drugs on this metabolism.  相似文献   

Abstract— The subcellular distribution of histidine decarboxylase (assayed by two different isotopic methods) and several biochemical markers (lactate dehydrogenase, DOPA decarboxylase and protein) was determined in rat cerebral cortex. After differential centrifugation, the enzyme activity was found mainly in the crude mitochondrial and soluble fractions. Further separation of the former on discontinuous sucrose gradients showed that the particulate histidine decarboxylase (HD) was found in the synaptosomal fraction. After osmotic shock, HD activity appeared in the supernatant fraction suggesting that a major portion of the enzyme is localized in the cytoplasm of cortical nerve endings. By analogy with other brain amines, this finding, together with the presence of histamine in synaptic vesicles (K ataoka and de R obertis , 1967), can be taken as further support for the hypothesis of a role as neurotransmitter for histamine.
Various brain regions were homogenized under conditions leading to synaptosome formation. The distribution of HD between 'particulate' and soluble fractions differed from one region to the other, but did not give any clear-cut indication of regions rich in cell bodies or nerve terminals.  相似文献   

—The effects of 2 methods of killing on norepinephrine and dopamine in mouse brain regions were examined. One method utilized decapitation, while the other method utilized heating with microwave irradiation concentrated on the head. The norepinephrine and dopamine contents of the cerebellum, medulla-pons, midbrain, diencephalon, hippocampus, corpus striatum, and cerebral cortex were determined by methods using liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Dopamine content in striatum was also quantitated by the method of gas chromatography with mass fragmentography. A significantly lower value for decapitated animals, as compared to the microwave heated group, was found only for dopamine exclusively in the striatum. Activities of the enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase, DO PA decarboxylase, monoamine oxidase, and catechol-o-methyltransferase in the striatum were also examined. These enzymes were totally inactivated by the microwave heating, except catechol-o-methyltransferase which was decreased approx 80%. These results support either (1) the existence of a substantial pool of dopamine in the striatum with a very rapid turnover rate or (2) a decapitation-related release and destruction of striatal dopamine. Measurements of 3-methoxytyramine in the striatum exhibit post-mortem increases corresponding to the decreases of dopamine. Use of the rapid tissue enzyme inactivation technique suggests that in vivo levels of this O-methylated dopamine metabolite are an order of magnitude lower than the results normally obtained after killing by decapitation.  相似文献   

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