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The aggregation of a layer of chemotactically sensitive cells towards a steady point source of a chemical attractant (acrasin), a phenomenon exhibited, for instance, by the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium minutum, is treated analytically. An acrasin gradient is set up by diffusion from the source, taken to be a continuous one of constant strength. The aggregative movement of the cells in response to the gradient is expressed in terms of chemotactic laws and the random movement taken into account through a diffusion coefficient. Various chemotactic laws are considered [response velocity (1) proportional to the relative acrasin gradient, (2) proportional to the gradient (3) constant or maximal]; the resulting partial differential equations are solved to obtain the time dependence for the number of cells in the aggregate. Each law yields a characteristic time dependence, the dominant term of which is ~ ta, 0 < α ? 2.  相似文献   

Stimulation of Dictyostelium cells with a high uniform concentration of the chemoattractant cyclic-AMP induces a series of morphological changes, including cell rounding and subsequent extension of pseudopodia in random directions. Here we report that cyclic-AMP also elicits blebs and analyse their mechanism of formation. The surface area and volume of cells remain constant during blebbing indicating that blebs form by the redistribution of cytoplasm and plasma membrane rather than the exocytosis of internal membrane coupled to a swelling of the cell. Blebbing occurs immediately after a rapid rise and fall in submembraneous F-actin, but the blebs themselves contain little F-actin as they expand. A mutant with a partially inactivated Arp2/3 complex has a greatly reduced rise in F-actin content, yet shows a large increase in blebbing. This suggests that bleb formation is not enhanced by the preceding actin dynamics, but is actually inhibited by them. In contrast, cells that lack myosin-II completely fail to bleb. We conclude that bleb expansion is likely to be driven by hydrostatic pressure produced by cortical contraction involving myosin-II. As blebs are induced by chemoattractant, we speculate that hydrostatic pressure is one of the forces driving pseudopod extension during movement up a gradient of cyclic-AMP.  相似文献   

The developmental regulation of the vegetative cohesion molecule, gp 126, has been monitored in the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum. As judged by immunoprecipitation using an anti-vegetative cell, cohesion blocking antibody, gp126 persisted until at least the grex stage of development although a decline in the level of the molecule was observed thereafter. Further, after the grex stage, cells showed an increasing loss of ability to absorb the cohesion-blocking effect of an anti-vegetative cell Fab. Therefore, the decline of gp 126 could be ascribed to a loss from the cell surface. By radio-iodination of vegetative cells followed by liquid-scintillation counting of gp 126, developmental-regulation could be determined quantitatively.
At the grex stage of development, whole aggregates were embedded in wax. Longitudinal sections were then stained with a monospecific anti-gp 126 Fab, followed by a fluorescent sheep anti-rabbit IgG. Fluorescence was observed only at the tip (the prestalk) region, thereby showing that gp 126 is a prestalk marker.
To confirm the above result, grexes were dissociated and cells were separated into prespore and prestalk populations on a gradient of Percoll. Prestalk but not prespore cells were able to absorb the cohesion-blocking effect of an anti-vegetative cell Fab.
To examine the biosynthesis of gp 126, cells were pulsed with radioactive glucosamine, mannose or acetate. The pattern of incorporation of radioactivity suggested that the de novo synthesis of gp 126 ceases upon commencement of development.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP is known to act as a chemotactic agent that directs the movement of aggregating Dictyostelium discoideum cells. Its role in the multicellular organization of this organism was studied with special reference to the polarized movement of the migrating pseudoplasmodium (slug). The results showed that the tip of the slug has the ability to function as an aggregation center, and that slug cells are chemotactically sensitive to cyclic AMP. The addition of calcium or magnesium appeared to enhance formation of cell streams, thus facilitating detection of chemotactic response of slug cells, but this addition was not required for the response itself. These indicate that the polar movement of the slug may be principally controlled by cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

Amoeboid movement is believed to involve a pressure gradient along the cell length, with contractions in the posterior region driving cytoplasmic streaming forward. However, a parallel mechanism has yet to be demonstrated in migrating adhesive cells. To probe the distribution of intracellular forces, we microinjected high molecular weight linear polyacrylamide (PAA) as a passive force sensor into migrating NIH3T3 fibroblasts. Injected PAA appeared as amorphous aggregates that underwent shape change and directional movement in response to differential forces exerted by the surrounding environment. PAA injected into the posterior region moved toward the front, whereas PAA in the anterior region never moved to the posterior region. This preferential forward movement was observed only in migrating cells with a defined polarity. Disruption of myosin II activity by blebbistatin inhibited the forward translocation of PAA while cell migration persisted in a disorganized fashion. These results suggest a myosin II-dependent force gradient in migrating cells, possibly as a result of differential cortical contractions between the anterior and posterior regions. This gradient may be responsible for the forward transport of cellular components and for maintaining the directionality during cell migration.  相似文献   

Summary The insect integument displays planar tissue polarity in the uniform orientation of polarized cuticular structures. In a body segment, for example, the denticles and bristles produced by the constituent epidermal cells point posteriorly. Colchicine can abolish this uniform orientation while still allowing individual cells to form orientated cuticular structures and thereby to express cell polarity. This suggests that an individual cell in a sheet can establish planar polarity without reference to some kind of covert supracellular cue (such as a morphogen gradient) in the epidermis as a whole. The results also indicate that colchicine interferes — directly or indirectly — with the mechanisms involved in aligning the polarity axes of individual cells into a common orientation, thereby generating supracellular or tissue polarity.  相似文献   

In vivo time-lapse microscopy reveals that the number of peroxisomes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells is fairly constant and that a subset of the organelles are targeted and segregated to the bud in a highly ordered, vectorial process. The dynamin-like protein Vps1p controls the number of peroxisomes, since in a vps1Delta mutant only one or two giant peroxisomes remain. Analogous to the function of other dynamin-related proteins, Vps1p may be involved in a membrane fission event that is required for the regulation of peroxisome abundance. We found that efficient segregation of peroxisomes from mother to bud is dependent on the actin cytoskeleton, and active movement of peroxisomes along actin filaments is driven by the class V myosin motor protein, Myo2p: (a) peroxisomal dynamics always paralleled the polarity of the actin cytoskeleton, (b) double labeling of peroxisomes and actin cables revealed a close association between both, (c) depolymerization of the actin cytoskeleton abolished all peroxisomal movements, and (d) in cells containing thermosensitive alleles of MYO2, all peroxisome movement immediately stopped at the nonpermissive temperature. In addition, time-lapse videos showing peroxisome movement in wild-type and vps1Delta cells suggest the existence of various levels of control involved in the partitioning of peroxisomes.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis plays a central role in various biological processes, such as the movement of neutrophils and macrophage during wound healing and in the aggregation of Dictyostelium cells. During the past few years, new understanding of the mechanisms controlling chemotaxis has been obtained through molecular genetic and biochemical studies of Dictyostelium and other experimental systems. This review outlines our present understanding of the signaling pathways that allow a cell to sense and respond to a chemoattractant gradient. In response to chemoattractants, cells either become polarized in the direction of the chemoattractant source, which results in the formation of a leading edge, or they reorient their polarity in the direction of the chemoattractant gradient and move with a stronger persistence up the gradient. Models are presented here to explain such directional responses. They include a localized activation of pathways at the leading edge and an "inhibition" of these pathways along the lateral edges of the cell. One of the primary pathways that may be responsible for such localized responses is the activation of phosphatidyl inositol-3 kinase (PI3K). Evidence suggests that a localized formation of binding sites for PH (pleckstrin homology) domain-containing proteins produced by PI3K leads to the formation of "activation domains" at the leading edge, producing a localized response.  相似文献   

Insect cuticles have been a model system for the study of planar polarity for many years and a number of genes required for this process have been identified. These genes organise the polarised arrangement of hairs on the legs, wings, thorax, and abdomen of adult Drosophila. It has previously been shown that four-jointed is involved in planar polarity decisions in the eye as well as proximal distal leg and wing development. We now present evidence that four-jointed is expressed in a gradient through the developing wing and show that it is required for planar polarity determination in both the wing and the abdomen. Clones of cells either lacking or ectopically expressing four-jointed cause both autonomous and nonautonomous repolarisation of hairs in these tissues. We propose that the inferred four-jointed expression gradient is important for planar polarity establishment and that local inversions of the gradient by the clones are the probable cause of the observed polarity phenotypes. In addition we observe defects in wing vein development. The subtle phenotypes of mutant flies, and the diverse patterning processes in which it is involved, suggest that four-jointed may act as a modifier of the activity of multiple other signalling factors.  相似文献   

The ureogenic action of epinephrine in hepatocytes from normal adult rats is mediated through activation of alpha 1-adrenoceptors. beta-Adrenoceptors in addition to alpha 1-adrenoceptors, became involved in mediating this effect in cells from animals treated with pertussis toxin. The accumulation of cyclic-AMP in response to epinephrine or isoproterenol was markedly increased in hepatocytes from pertussis-treated rats as compared to that observed in control cells. The accumulation of cyclic-AMP due to glucagon was also increased. It is suggested that pertussis toxin may release a constraint on adenylate cyclase activity by blocking the inhibitory coupling mechanism (Ni) or some other entity involved in the regulation of the activity of this enzyme.  相似文献   

The P-4 variant of Dictyostelium discoideum (DdH) was found to produce a great excess of stalk cells compared to the wild type DdH. If the vegetative cells of P-4 were repeatedly washed, the variant changed back to the wild type phenotype, and if cyclic-AMP was added to the washed P-4 cells, the variant character was restored. Furthermore, if the concentration of added cyclic-AMP was increased, it was possible to induce 100% stalk cells in P-4. Phosphodiesterase would cause the variant to change to the wild type, while 5-AMP and cyclic-nucleotides other than cyclic-AMP have no effect at all. Therefore it was concluded that cyclic-AMP plays a key role in stalk cell differentiation.A comparison between wild type DdH and the variant P-4 showed that DdH is ten times less sensitive to cyclic-AMP induction. They both produce the same amount of cyclic-AMP and extracellular phosphodiesterase, but the specific activity of P-4 cell-bound phosphodiesterase during development is significantly less than that in the DdH. One hypothesis that accounts for the P-4-DdH difference is that because of the lack of cell-bound phosphodiesterase, more cyclic-AMP enters the variant cells and hence more stalk cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary Recent confirmations of the presence of myosin in angiosperm pollen tubes indicate that an energy-transducing actomyosin system is involved in the motility system of the vegetative cells. Myosin has been localised by immunofluorescence on the surfaces of vegetative nuclei and generative cells. It has been shown to be associated with individual amyloplasts in grass pollen, and there are indications that it is present on other particulate bodies in the cytoplasm. The organelles in the leading part of the tube move along separate traffic lanes of acropetal and basipetal polarity, known from electron microscopy and phalloidin labelling to contain numbers of fibrils containing aggregates of actin microfilaments; in older segments the movement can be related to single, uniformly polarised, fibrils. Circulatory flow is maintained at the proximal end by the looping of the fibrils in the grain or at callose plugs. Such loops do not occur at the apex, where entering organelles undergo random movement before becoming associated with basipetal streams. Vegetative nuclei and generative cells interact with several fibrils, and it is suggested that they are held in the leading part of the protoplast in unstable equilibrium between acropetal and basipetal forces. Constantly changing form, especially of the vegetative nucleus, is one consequence of these varying stresses. Possible analogies with the intracellular motility system of the giant cells of the Characeae are noted, and it is suggested that lipid globuli and other nonorganellar bodies may be transported in the pollen tube by association with myosin-bearing membranes similar to those involved in endoplasm movement in the characean cells.  相似文献   

The establishment of left-right asymmetry during development of vertebrate embryos depends on leftward flow in the nodal cavity. The flow is produced by the rotational movement of the posteriorly tilted nodal cilia. However, it remains poorly understood how the nodal cilia are tilted posteriorly, and how the directionality of the flow is translated into gene expression patterns in the embryo. Recent studies have identified signaling molecules involved in these processes. First, planar cell polarity signaling has been shown to be involved in the posterior positioning of the basal bodies of nodal cilia, which leads to the posterior tilting of their rotation axes. Second, identification of putative receptors and signaling molecules suggests a link between the signaling molecules delivered by the nodal flow, and downstream signaling in the cells surrounding the nodal cavity and the lateral plate mesoderm.  相似文献   

Incubation of raty erythrocytes and reticulocytes in Tris-Ringer's medium with 5 mM cyclic-AMP or AMP increased lactate formation and glucose utilization. The glycolysis-stimulating effect of cyclic-AMP is very similar to that of AMP and, in both cases, it seems to be higher in reticulocytes than in erythrocytes. 0.5 mM norepinephrine produced a much higher lactate formation in reticulocytes than in erythrocytes, suggesting a greater adenylate cyclase activity in younger cells. 300 micrometer cyclic-AMP and AMP reverse inhibition produced by ATP (up to 1.5 micrometer) on phosphofructokinase from rat reticulocyte haemolysates. Both nucleotides are positive allosteric effectors of the enzyme as shown by displacement of F6P-saturation curve to hyperbolic kinetics. Similar results were previously obtained with rat erythrocytes. This deinhibitory effect is suggested to be responsible of the above glycolysis-stimulating effect.  相似文献   

Cell movement involves the coordinated interaction of probably hundreds of components. The contractile apparatus based on actin, myosin and their associated proteins is involved in cell protrusion and force generation. Microtubules and intermediate filaments affect the distribution of membranous organelles and are also believed to determine cell shape and cell polarity. This review examines the way in which the distinct polarity of moving cells is influenced by microtubules, the microtubule-organizing centre and intermediate filaments. The observations summarized here suggest a broad spectrum of cell-type-specific differences in how these cytoskeletal components contribute to directional cell movement.  相似文献   

Stability of polarity in the epidermis of a beetle, Tenebrio molitor L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S. Caveney   《Developmental biology》1973,30(2):321-335
Cell polarity in the insect epidermis may be coupled to the orientation of anisometric cuticle components. Rotation of squares of sternite epidermis in the larva results in a corresponding rotation in the highly ordered orientation of cuticle fibers in the adult “crossply” cuticle. The patterns of fiber orientation resulting from graft rotation can be explained by the presence of an axial gradient of positional information.The polarity of the rotated tissue is, however, not fixed. Interaction between the polarity of the graft and host tissue may result in a partial shift of graft polarity toward the axial polarity of the host tissue. This interaction is apparently restricted to a limited period of the cell cycle: cell division. In Tenebrio, the sternite epidermis proliferates only once during metamorphosis, 140–90 hr before pupation. Rotational grafts performed before, during, and after this period present a graded series of “relaxation” patterns in fiber orientation in the graft area. Maximal graft repolarization coincides with maximal cell division on the sternite. The epidermal gradient, or cell response to the gradient, appears to be nonlinear along the segment.If no cell division intervenes between graft rotation and fiber deposition, graft polarity remains stable. This stability necessitates a “memory” component in the epidermis. It is suggested that periodic assessment of tissue polarity occurs concomitant with a particular process of cell division.  相似文献   

Avers , Charlotte J. (Douglass Coll., Rutgers—The State U., New Brunswick, N.J.) Fine structure studies of Phleum root meristem cells. II. Mitotic asymmetry and cellular differentiation. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(2): 140–148. Illus. 1963.—An electron microscopical study showed that ultrastructural differences distinguished the cell dividing symmetrically from that undergoing asymmetrical division in timothy grass epidermis. The spindle orientation led to cytokinesis which produced either equal- or unequal-sized sister cells, but the mitotic apparatus itself varied in the mitoses. In asymmetrical cells, the basal pole showed more extensive endoplasmic reticulum (ER) polarizations, which intruded into the spindle area during metaphase and anaphase. Such ER polarity was not obvious in symmetrical mitosis or in the apical end of asymmetrically dividing cells. The mitotic sequence is described photographically. Foci of ER were observed as early as prophase in the polar region, and it is suggested that there is a resemblance to astral ray foci seen in prophase of animal cell mitosis. Cell plate formation could be detected in anaphase by accumulations of vesicles and ER fragments along the spindle equator. Phragmosomes apparently were not involved in cell plate formation in Phleum, unlike Allium, cytokinesis. The mitotic asymmetry is discussed as a consequence of an intracellular gradient separate from the intercellular gradient of differentiation along the entire length of growing root tip epidermis.  相似文献   

Belenkaya TY  Han C  Yan D  Opoka RJ  Khodoun M  Liu H  Lin X 《Cell》2004,119(2):231-244
The Drosophila transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) homolog Decapentaplegic (Dpp) acts as a morphogen that forms a long-range concentration gradient to direct the anteroposterior patterning of the wing. Both planar transcytosis initiated by Dynamin-mediated endocytosis and extracellular diffusion have been proposed for Dpp movement across cells. In this work, we found that Dpp is mainly extracellular, and its extracellular gradient coincides with its activity gradient. We demonstrate that a blockage of endocytosis by the dynamin mutant shibire does not block Dpp movement but rather inhibits Dpp signal transduction, suggesting that endocytosis is not essential for Dpp movement but is involved in Dpp signaling. Furthermore, we show that Dpp fails to move across cells mutant for dally and dally-like (dly), two Drosophila glypican members of heparin sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG). Our results support a model in which Dpp moves along the cell surface by restricted extracellular diffusion involving the glypicans Dally and Dly.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of the Arp2/3 complex in Dictyostelium cell chemotaxis towards cyclic-AMP and in the actin polymerization that is triggered by this chemoattractant. We confirm that the Arp2/3 complex is recruited to the cell perimeter, or into a pseudopod, after cyclic-AMP stimulation and that this is coincident with actin polymerization. This recruitment is inhibited when actin polymerization is blocked using latrunculin suggesting that the complex binds to pre-existing actin filaments, rather than to a membrane associated signaling complex. We show genetically that an intact Arp2/3 complex is essential in Dictyostelium and have produced partially active mutants in two of its subunits. In these mutants both phases of actin polymerization in response to cyclic-AMP are greatly reduced. One mutant projects pseudopodia more slowly than wild type and has impaired chemotaxis, together with slower movement. The second mutant chemotaxes poorly due to an adhesion defect, suggesting that the Arp2/3 complex plays a crucial part in adhering cells to the substratum as they move. We conclude that the Arp2/3 complex largely mediates the actin polymerization response to chemotactic stimulation and contributes to cell motility, pseudopod extension and adhesion in Dictyostelium chemotaxis.  相似文献   

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