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Conservation planning assessments based on species atlas data are known to select planning units containing ecotones because these areas are relatively species‐rich. However, this richness is often dependent on the presence of adjoining core habitat, so populations within these ecotones might not be viable. This suggests that atlas data may also fail to distinguish between planning units that are highly transformed by agriculture or urbanization with those from neighbouring untransformed units. These highly transformed units could also be identified as priority sites, based solely on the presence of species that require adjoining habitat patches to persist. This potential problem was investigated using bird and mammal atlas data from Swaziland and a landcover map and found that: (i) there was no correlation between planning unit species richness and proportion of natural landcover for both taxa; (ii) the priority areas that were identified for both birds and mammals were no less transformed than if the units had been chosen at random and (iii) an approach that aimed to meet conservation targets and minimize transformation levels failed to identify more viable priority areas. This third result probably arose because 4.8% of the bird species and 22% of the mammal species were recorded in only one planning unit, reducing the opportunity to choose between units when aiming to represent each species. Therefore, it is suggested that using species lists to design protected area networks at a fine spatial scale may not conserve species effectively unless population viability data are explicitly included in the analysis.  相似文献   

Mine dumps associated with limestone cave deposits are common in dolomitic areas of southern Africa. The dumps often contain blocks of breccia, which are rich in micro-mammalian fossils (especially rodents, shrews and bats). Unfortunately, these fossiliferous breccia blocks are out of geological and stratigraphic context. Nevertheless, they provide a large amount of palaeontological material of great interest. In order to use this kind of material, a first approach is to test for homogeneity of the fossil assemblages extracted from the breccia blocks. Fisher's exact test can be used. Two analyses were undertaken. The first was performed on block samples taken in situ from breccia at the Drimolen hominid site. The results indicated that the samples were homogenous, as expected. The second analysis was carried out on different samples extracted from blocks of breccia collected from a dump at the Gondolin site. The results show that it is possible to group several samples in a single representative assemblage. Some blocks could be grouped together and then used to address taphonomic issues. Once these problems are solved, the data set can be used with greater confidence to address matters concerning palaeoenvironmental reconstructions associated with Plio-Pleistocene hominids.  相似文献   

  • 1 The effect of taxonomic level on the sensitivity of bioindicators has been widely investigated in aquatic ecosystems and, to a lesser extent, in terrestrial ecosystems. However, no studies have been conducted on the sensitivity of the different taxonomic levels of soil mites, especially Gamasina, to human activities.
  • 2 The present study aimed to assess the sensitivity of different taxonomic levels of soil Gamasina mites to anthropogenic disturbances in Europe and Argentina. We arranged the data from previous projects in a hierarchical system and conducted a study to identify the critical taxonomical levels that had the highest discriminative potential between sites (Europe and Argentina) or management types (forests, grasslands, fallows, succession, recultivation and agricultural sites).
  • 3 For the Gamasina community, geographical location was by far more important than the influence of any land use type. The analysis including only the European sites demonstrated that communities belonging to sites subjected to different land uses were also significantly different.
  • 4 The species data set provided a clearer separation of sites according to both the geographical and the land‐use gradients than the genus and family data sets. The genus and, to a lesser extent, the family approach may be sufficient to elucidate the influence of great geographical differences and also of certain land uses (e.g. grasslands from the forests and arable sites).
  • 5 Species presence/absence data provided valuable information in our analyses, although the use of quantitative data yielded a clearer separation of sites.


Death assemblages produced by chemoautotrophic communities at cold seeps represent a type of autochthonous accumulation that is difficult to differentiate from other heterotrophic autochthonous communities using taphonomic characteristics. We test the hypothesis that cold‐seep assemblages can be discriminated by unique biological or community attributes rather than taphonomic attributes. To test this hypothesis, we compared several cold seeps on the Louisiana upper continental slope to heterotrophic sites on the Louisiana slope and to a putative seep site in the middle‐late Campanian Pierre Shale near Pueblo, Colorado. Seep assemblages are characterized by a unique tier and guild structure, size‐frequency composition, and animal density that together identify the palaeoenergetics structure of these communities and distinguish them from the other assemblages of the shelf and slope. All seep assemblages were dominated by primary consumers, whereas the heterotrophic assemblage was dominated by carnivores. Carnivore dominance seems to be typical of shelf (or euhaline) death assemblages. Seep assemblages, in contrast, retain the theoretically‐expected rarity of predaceous forms in fossil assemblages. Epifauna and semi‐infauna dominate the tier structure of the heterotrophic assemblage as is typical for continental shelf and slope assemblages. The infaunal tier was unusually well represented in most petroleum seep assemblages. Local enrichment of food resources and the dominance of shelled primary consumers explain the guild and tier structure of seep assemblages. Hindcasting of energy demand (palaeoingestion) and an estimate of sedimentation rate confirms that energy demand by the community exceeds the supply from planktonic rain in seep communities. Thus, seep assemblages can be recognized using biological attributes where taphonomic analysis is ambiguous.  相似文献   

The paleoecologist must be able to distinguish a transported assemblage from an in situ one. A method is proposed to assess whether the post-mortem transport of individuals affected their observed spatial (horizontal) distribution. The spatial distribution of a species can be random or contagious. The spatial distribution of individuals of a species in the death assemblage produced by the cumulation of many temporally discrete inputs will be random if the individual inputs are random and contagious if the inputs are contagious. The spatial distribution patterns of several species should not covary in the absence of physical disturbance regardless of their own distributions, however. The degree of covariance between individuals of several species of similar hydrodynamic propensity is dependent on the amount and intensity of postmortem movement. The more species that covary, and the larger the size classes that covary, the more likely that transportation played an important role in the species' distribution patterns. Conversely, the absence of covariance suggests that, for at least some species, biological factors determined the species' spatial distributions. Similarly, covariance of vertical distribution patterns might suggest homogenization. by bioturbational or physical mixing.  相似文献   

We evaluate onshore-offshore trends in age-frequency distributions and trophic transfer efficiencies using 11 modern death assemblages off the Texas coast. Trophic transfer efficiencies within trophic levels offer little insight over that achieved by a size-frequency distribution. Production/biomass ratios will always be 1 in the fossil record. Within trophic-level estimates of paleogrowth efficiency, the ratio of paleoproduction to paleoingestion (Piglt/Iilt where i indicates the ith trophic level and lt indicates the time-averaged value) follow the expected ecological trend precisely in that paleogrowth efficiency is consistently higher in primary consumers than in predators in all 11 death assemblages. Paleoutilization efficiency, the ratio of predator paleoingestion to prey paleoproduction, I2lt°/P1glt°, may provide information on the degree of bias in the preservation of primary (1 °) and secondary (2 °) consumer trophic groups. I2lt°/P1glt° fell below 0.1 in most cold-seep and bay assemblages, indicating a large surplus of primary consumers. In sharp contrast, I2lt°/P1glt°  相似文献   

The Bluff Springs Sand Ponds (BSSPs) are a set of closely-spaced temporary ponds of varying hydroperiod, depth and surface area. We sampled crustacean communities of 15 ponds throughout hydroperiods in 1996 to examine species distributions among ponds. Although ponds were closely spaced (within ca. 16 ha), most species were present in subsets of the 15 ponds. We then analyzed spatial patterns of 12 crustacean species for complete spatial randomness (CSR) using join-count statistics. However, the join-count was designed for large-samples (n>50), so we further analyzed (by simulation) the join-count and a variation of the join-count (Cliff & Ord, 1981) for small-scale reliability. Simulation results revealed that neither testing distribution was reliable for n<30. We then used a permutation test to analyze species distributions and concluded that some species were distributed non-randomly. Therefore, further investigations of mechanisms causing species distributions (e.g., hydroperiod, physical/chemical conditions, biotic interactions) are clearly prescribed. The permutation test should be useful for studies of species distribution patterns among other temporary waters, and can help focus studies on causal mechanisms of distributions among small numbers of temporary aquatic habitats.  相似文献   

The Kohl Ranch locality in the Naco Formation of central Arizona has yielded an abundant and diverse fauna including eight genera of brachiopods and four of sharks including Cochliodus. The most abundant brachiopod, Composita subtilita , was analyzed for predation damage and of 935 specimens 503 (53.7%) were found to show the type of unrepaired crushing previously attributed to shark predation. Reconstruction of the jaw of Cochliodus , however, suggests that it may have been a selective feeder similar to the modern Heterodontus and unlikely therefore to have left so many damaged but uningested specimens. Evidence from specimens collected in situ suggests that the damage mostly occurred post-mortem due to the compaction of the sediments and was not due to the sharks who would have comminuted any prey items taken.  相似文献   

A previous study of strontium/calcium (Sr/Ca) ratios in Paranthropus suggested that it consumed more animal foods than was previously believed. However, that study looked at Sr/Ca in fossil bone, which is known to be highly susceptible to diagenesis. Enamel, in contrast, is resistant to post-mortem alteration making it a more appropriate material for Sr/Ca analysis of Plio-Pleistocene fossils. Yet, we know virtually nothing about Sr/Ca in the enamel of modern African mammals, much less fossil taxa. To address this gap, we studied Sr/Ca in tooth enamel from modern mammals in the greater Kruger National Park, South Africa, as well as fossil fauna from the Sterkfontein Valley. Grazing herbivores have the highest Sr/Ca, followed by browsers and carnivores in both modern and fossil fauna. This similarity in ecological Sr/Ca patterning between modern and fossil fauna shows that diagenesis has not obscured the primary dietary signals. Australopithecus has significantly higher Sr/Ca than Paranthropus, and higher Sr/Ca than fossil papionins, browsers, and carnivores. Paranthropus has lower Sr/Ca than grazers, but its Sr/Ca is higher or equal to that of fossil papionins, browsers, and carnivores. Thus, Sr/Ca for both hominins is relatively high, and provides no direct evidence for omnivory in either taxon. The consumption of underground resources or insects are among the possible explanations for the highly elevated Sr/Ca in Australopithecus.  相似文献   

1. We used stream fish and decapod spatial occurrence data extracted from a national database and recent surveys with geospatial landuse data, geomorphologic, climatic, and spatial data in a geographical information system (GIS) to model fish and decapod occurrence in the Wellington Region, New Zealand. 2. To predict the occurrence of each species at a site from a common set of predictor variables we used a multi‐response, artificial neural network (ANN), to produce a single model that predicted the entire fish and decapod assemblage in one procedure. 3. The predictions from the ANN using this landscape scale data proved very accurate based on evaluation metrics that are independent of species abundance or probability thresholds. The important variables contributing to the predictions included the latitudinal and elevational position of the site reach, catchment area, average air temperature, the vegetation type, landuse proportions of the catchment, and catchment geology. 4. Geospatial data available for the entire regional river network were then used to create a habitat‐suitability map for all 14 species over the regional river network using a GIS. This prediction map has many potential uses including: monitoring and predicting temporal changes in fish communities caused by human activities and shifts in climate, identifying areas in need of protection, biodiversity hotspots, and areas suitable for the reintroduction of endangered or rare species.  相似文献   

Based on 38 molluscan datasets from modern open shelf settings, disturbance from human activities – especially anthropogenic eutrophication (AE) – has the strongest negative effect on the fidelity of death assemblages to local living communities, suggesting that the composition of the death assemblage has lagged behind changes in the living community (taphonomic inertia). Fidelity is poorest where shelves are both AE and narrow (≤ 50 km from shore to the 200-m isobath), suggesting that cross-shelf post-mortem transportation might contribute bias, but this does not dominate and shelf width does not emerge as significant among non-AE shelves. Clear signatures of post-mortem transportation are present only in four shoreface datasets, all from wide shelves, that receive abundant allochthonous specimens from adjacent estuaries or rocky intertidal zones.
Shelves experiencing minimal human impact yield fidelity estimates that are most relevant for evaluating (paleo)ecological trends. There, death assemblages are on average 25% richer than a single census of the living molluscan community and show high similarity in taxonomic composition and species relative abundance that, based on a very limited number of studies, is comparable to or better than the agreement found among successive live censuses. Molluscan death assemblages on open shelves are thus generally good samplers of living community diversity and composition under natural conditions, and where the community is undergoing anthropogenic modification, retain a strong record of the precursor community. Taphonomic inertia will be strongest where the change in the community has been especially strong (outside the normal range of natural variability) and/or where the 'new' community has lower net rates of shell input than its precursor, so that input only slowly dilutes the time-averaged skeletal remains of the 'old' community.  相似文献   

The Late Neogene Kangkou and Tungho limestones of the Coastal Range of eastern Taiwan contain diverse fossil assemblages, but their paleoecology has not been quantitatively studied before. Cluster and non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (NMS) analyses were conducted using data from eight localities. Six fossil assemblages are recognized, with some overlap between them: Planktic Foraminifera (PF), Benthic Foraminifera (BF), Encrusting Foraminifera (EF), Bryozoan-Echinoderm-Algae-Mollusk (BEAM), Algae (A), and Coral (C) assemblages. The first two major axes of the NMS analysis can be interpreted as primarily representing water depth and substrate type. These assemblages represent various shallow marine settings with low to moderately high biodiversity.  相似文献   

Brachiopods have been extensively used in paleoclimatic and paleoecological reconstructions, but their utility would greatly increase if paleoseasonality information could be obtained from their shells. Determining seasonal seawater temperature variations from fossil brachiopods requires knowledge of specimen ontogenetic ages, which is difficult to determine compared to other organisms secreting a shell by accretion. In this study, the combination of the spiral deviation methodology and chemical proxies is tested for determining specimen ontogenetic ages and paleoseasonality using two species of fossil brachiopods, Laqueus rubellus and Terebratula terebratula, of Pleistocene and Late Miocene age, respectively. Spiral deviations were obtained for Laqueus and Terebratula using an R program developed for modern taxa, and well-preserved shells were analyzed using oxygen isotopes and Mg/Ca ratios as chemical proxies for past seawater temperature. Results reveal that locations of spiral deviations on shells of L. rubellus displayed a strong direct relationship with Mg concentrations, and resulting Mg/Ca-derived paleotemperatures were seasonal. Conversely, specimens of T. terebratula did not show a consistently strong relationship between Mg concentrations and spiral deviations, although resulting paleotemperatures agreed with those from previous studies. Overall, the results from this study indicate that the spiral deviation methodology combined with chemical proxies presents great potential for utility in past seasonal seawater temperature reconstructions in pristinely preserved, biconvex fossil brachiopods.  相似文献   


Oklahomaichnus millsii Sarjeant, from the Pennsylvanian (Missourian) Nellie Bly Formation of Oklahoma, is not the trackway of a lepospondyl amphibian, as originally proposed. Instead, it is the undertrack of an arthropod.  相似文献   

A simple sequential test based on the succession of ‘zero's or uninfested sampling units is proposed for use in verifying zero-infestation in pest control surveys. The method is applicable efficiently to both finite and infinite populations. Problems concerning its efficiency on application are discussed.  相似文献   

红松属小兴安岭地区地带性植被优势种,该地区也是其分布的北缘。在景观尺度上开展红松的分布格局研究有利于进一步了解红松分布机理、未来迁移过程等问题,对其经营和保护有重要意义。将景观指数法与点格局分析法结合,设定8个空间尺度,利用红松存在/不存在数据,通过计算各空间尺度上红松聚集程度和景观指数,分析小兴安岭地区红松种群在多尺度上的分布格局。研究结果表明,小尺度上红松聚集分布明显,随机分布区多处于其聚集分布区的边缘,均匀分布区则散布在其聚集分布区内。景观指数研究表明,通过景观指数可判断红松聚集分布格局趋势,而不能判断均匀分布、随机分布格局趋势,因为它们在多尺度下景观指数波动大,不能用景观指数来描述分布格局。研究得出如下结论:1)红松主要分布在其分布区的核心区域内,在分布区边缘和过渡带上呈随机分布,2)存在/不存在数据能够用来分析种群的多尺度空间分布格局,3)空间尺度的变化会引起树种分布格局的变化,随机分布随尺度增加,边缘化程度加强,4)单一尺度上,景观格局指数不能完全描述种群分布格局;而在多尺度上,变化趋势稳定的景观指数表明聚集分布存在,而波动剧烈的景观指数常与随机分布和均匀分布联系在一起,5)地形因子中,红松对坡度和海拔两个因子变化敏感。  相似文献   

Aim  To produce a spatial clustering of Europe on the basis of species occurrence data for the land mammal fauna.
Location  Europe defined by the following boundaries: 11°W, 32°E, 71°N, 35°N.
Methods  Presence/absence records of mammal species collected by the Societas Europaea Mammalogica with a resolution of 50 × 50 km were used in the analysis. After pre-processing, the data provide information on 124 species in 2183 grid cells. The data were clustered using the k -means and probabilistic expectation maximization (EM) clustering algorithms. The resulting geographical pattern of clusters was compared against climate variables and against an environmental stratification of Europe based on climate, geomorphology and soil characteristics (EnS).
Results  The mammalian presence/absence data divide naturally into clusters, which are highly connected spatially and most strongly determined by the small mammals with the highest grid cell incidence. The clusters reflect major physiographic and environmental features and differ significantly in the values of basic climate variables. The geographical pattern is a fair match for the EnS stratification and is robust between non-overlapping subsets of the data, such as trophic groups.
Main conclusions  The pattern of clusters is regarded as reflecting the spatial expression of biologically distinct, metacommunity-like entities influenced by deterministic forces ultimately related to the physical environment. Small mammals give the most spatially coherent clusters of any subgroup, while large mammals show stronger relationships to climate variables. The spatial pattern is mainly due to small mammals with high grid cell incidence and is robust to noise from other subsets. The results support the use of spatially resolved environmental reconstructions based on fossil mammal data, especially when based on species with the highest incidence.  相似文献   

Walter Etter 《Palaeontology》2014,57(5):931-949
A new isopod species, Eonatatolana geisingensis gen. et sp. nov., is described from Middle Jurassic shallow‐water sediments of southern Germany. It shows not only the almost completely preserved dorsal morphology but, in addition, details of the cephalic appendages, the pereiopods, pleopods and uropods. The presence of ambulatory pereiopods I–VII of a wide tridentate mandibular incisor with prominently developed posteriormost tooth and a narrow frontal lamina indicates that the new species belongs to the subfamily Conilerinae of family Cirolanidae within the suborder Cymothoida. It is closer to the species of the modern genus NatatolanaBruce than to any fossil isopod hitherto described. The isopod fossil record as well as current practices of isopod taxonomy in palaeontology are discussed, and the facies distribution and fossilization of isopods is reviewed with examples from the Jurassic.  相似文献   

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