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C Kühne  P Linder 《The EMBO journal》1993,12(9):3437-3447
Two new B-type cyclin genes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, called CLB5 and CLB6, are located in a tail to tail arrangement adjacent to the G2/M phase promoting cyclins CLB2 and CLB1, respectively. These genomic cyclin arrays are flanked by tRNAs and repeated sequences of Ty elements suggesting an intrachromosomal gene duplication followed by an interchromosomal gene duplication. Based on their deduced protein sequence the CLB5 and CLB6 genes form a new pair of B-type cyclins. They are most related to each other and then to the deduced protein sequence of their adjacent genes CLB1 and CLB2. Both genes are periodically expressed, peaking early in the cell cycle. Loss of function mutants are viable, but clb5- mutants exhibit a delay in S phase whereas clb6- mutants show a delay in late G1 and/or S phase. The clb5 mutant phenotype is somewhat more pronounced in a double null mutant. Both cyclins have the potential to interact with the p34CDC28 kinase in vivo.  相似文献   

Recombinationless meiosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:27,自引:11,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
We have utilized the single equational meiotic division conferred by the spo13-1 mutation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. Klapholtz and R. E. Esposito, Genetics 96:589-611, 1980) as a technique to study the genetic control of meiotic recombination and to analyze the meiotic effects of several radiation-sensitive mutations (rad6-1, rad50-1, and rad52-1) which have been reported to reduce meiotic recombination (Game et al., Genetics 94:51-68, 1980); Prakash et al., Genetics 94:31-50, 1980). The spo13-1 mutation eliminates the meiosis I reductional segregation, but does not significantly affect other meiotic events (including recombination). Because of the unique meiosis it confers, the spo13-1 mutation provides an opportunity to recover viable meiotic products in a Rec- background. In contrast to the single rad50-1 mutant, we found that the double rad50-1 spo13-1 mutant produced viable ascospores after meiosis and sporulation. These spores were nonrecombinant: meiotic crossing-over was reduced at least 150-fold, and no increase in meiotic gene conversion was observed over mitotic background levels. The rad50-1 mutation did not, however, confer a Rec- phenotype in mitosis; rather, it increased both spontaneous crossing-over and gene conversion. The spore inviability conferred by the single rad6-1 and rad52-1 mutations was not eliminated by the presence of the spo13-1 mutation. Thus, only the rad50 gene has been unambiguously identified by analysis of viable meiotic ascospores as a component of the meiotic recombination system.  相似文献   

Summary The cell division cycle gene CDC25 was replaced by various disrupted and deleted mutant copies. Mutants disrupted at a central position of the gene, or lacking 532 residues within the amono-terminal half of the gene product grow normally in glucose, but not in acetate media, and they fail to sporulate as homozygous diploids. Disruptions or deletions within the carboxy-terminal half are lethal, except for the deletion of the 38 carboxy-terminal residues, which are required for sporulation but not for growth in glucose or acetate media. It is concluded that distinct domains of the CDC25 gene product are involved in the control of mitosis and/or meiosis.  相似文献   

DeCesare JM  Stuart DT 《Genetics》2012,190(3):1001-1016
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae cyclin Clb5 is required for premeiotic S phase, meiotic recombination, and successful progression through meiosis. Clb5 is not essential for mitotic proliferation because Clb1-Clb4 can support DNA replication in clb5 clb6 mutants. Clb1, Clb3, and Clb4 accumulate in clb5 clb6 cells during meiotic differentiation yet fail to promote premeiotic DNA replication. When expressed under the regulation of the CLB5 promoter, Clb1 and Clb3 accumulate and are active in the early stages of meiotic differentiation but cannot induce premeiotic DNA replication, suggesting that they do not target Cdk1 to the necessary substrates. The Clb5 hydrophobic patch (HP) residues are important for Clb5 function but this motif alone does not provide the specificity required for Clb5 to induce premeiotic S phase. Domain exchange experiments demonstrated that the amino terminus of Clb5 when fused to Clb3 confers upon Clb3 the ability to induce premeiotic S phase. Chimeric cyclins containing smaller regions of the Clb5 amino terminus displayed reduced ability to activate premeiotic DNA replication despite being more abundant and having greater associated histone H1 kinase activity than endogenous Clb5. These observations suggest that Clb5 has a unique ability to trigger premeiotic S phase and that the amino-terminal region of Clb5 contributes to its specificity and regulates the functions performed by the cyclin-Cdk complex.  相似文献   

The B-type cyclins of S. cerevisiae are diversified with respect to time of expression during the cell cycle as well as biological function. We replaced the early-expressed CLB5 coding sequence with the late-expressed CLB2 coding sequence, at the CLB5 locus. CLB5::CLB2 exhibited almost no rescue of clb5-specific replication defects, although it could rescue clb1 clb2 lethality, and in synchronized cells Clb2p-associated kinase activity from CLB5::CLB2 rose early in the cell cycle, similar to that of Clb5p. Mutagenesis of a potential substrate-targeting domain of CLB5 reduced biological activity without reducing Clb5p-associated kinase activity. Thus, Clb5p may have targeting domains required for CLB5-specific biological activity.  相似文献   

cdc28-1N is a conditional allele that has normal G1 (Start) function but confers a mitotic defect. We have isolated seven genes that in high dosage suppress the growth defect of cdc28-1N cells but not of Start-defective cdc28-4 cells. Three of these (CLB1, CLB2, and CLB4) encode proteins strongly homologous to G2-specific B-type cyclins. Another gene, CLB3, was cloned using PCR, CLB1 and CLB2 encode a pair of closely related proteins; CLB3 and CLB4 encode a second pair. Neither CLB1 nor CLB2 is essential; however, disruption of both is lethal and causes a mitotic defect. Furthermore, the double mutant cdc28-1N clb2::LEU2 is nonviable, whereas cdc28-4 clb2::LEU2 is viable, suggesting that the cdc28-1N protein may be defective in its interaction with B-type cyclins. Our results are consistent with CDC28 function being required in both G1 and mitosis. Its mitotic role, we believe, involves interaction with a family of at least four G2-specific cyclins.  相似文献   

Cyclin B interacts with Cdc2 kinase to induce cell cycle events, particularly those of mitosis. The existence of cyclin B subtypes in several species has been known for some time, leading to speculation that key events of mitosis may be carried out by distinct functional classes of Cdc2/cyclin B. We report the discovery of cig2, a third B-type cyclin gene in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Disruption of cig2 delays the onset of mitosis, to the degree that a cig2 null allele rescues mitotic catastrophe mutants, including those that are unable to carry out the inhibitory tyrosyl phosphorylation of Cdc2 kinase. Consistent with this, a cig2 null allele exhibits synthetic lethal interactions with cdc25ts and cdc2ts mutations. Mitotic phenotypes caused by disruption of cig2 are not reversed by increased production of Cdc13, the other fission yeast B-type cyclin that functions in mitosis. Likewise, a cdc13ts mutation is not rescued by increased gene dosage of cig2+. These data indicate that Cdc13 and Cig2 interact with Cdc2 to carry out different functions in mitosis. We suggest that some cyclin B subtypes found in other species, including humans, are also likely to have distinct, nonoverlapping functions in mitosis.  相似文献   

Two signals activate meiosis in yeast: starvation and expression of the a1 and alpha 2 products of the mating-type locus. Prior studies suggest that these signals stimulate expression of an activator of meiosis, the IME1 (inducer of meiosis) product. We have cloned a gene, IME2, with properties similar to those of IME1: both genes are required for meiosis, and both RNAs are induced in meiotic cells. Elevated dosage of IME1 or IME2 stimulates the meiotic recombination pathway without starvation; thus, the IME products may be part of the switch that activates meiosis. IME1 was found to be required for IME2 expression, and a multicopy IME2 plasmid permitted meiosis in an ime1 deletion mutant. Accordingly, we propose that the IME1 product stimulates meiosis mainly through activation of IME2 expression.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic cell cycle is regulated at two points, the G1-S and G2-M boundaries. The molecular basis for these regulatory activities has recently been elucidated, in large part by the use of molecular and genetic analyses using unicellular yeast. The molecular characterization of cell-cycle regulation has revealed striking functional conservation among evolutionarily diverse cell types. For many eukaryotic cells, regulation of cell proliferation occurs primarily in the G1 interval. The G1 regulatory step, termed START, requires the activation of a highly conserved p34 protein kinase by association with a functionally redundant family of proteins, the G1 cyclins. Here we review studies using the genetically tractable budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which have provided insight into the role of G1 cyclins in the regulation of START.  相似文献   

To study nuclear and mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis during the cell cycle, a 15N-labeled log-phase population of Saccharomyces cervisiae was shifted to 14N medium. After one-half generation, the cells were centrifuged on a sorbitol gradient in a zonal rotor to fractionate the population according to cell size and age into fractions representing the yeast cell cycle. DNA samples isolated from the zonal rotor cell samples were centrifuged to equilibrium in CsC1 in an analytical ultracentrifuge to separate the nuclear and mitochondrial DNA components. The amount of 14N incorporated into each 15N-labeled DNA species was measured. The extent of nuclear DNA replication per sample was obtained by measuring the amount of hybrid DNA. The percentage of hybrid nuclear DNA increased from 6 to 68% and then decreased to 44% during the cell cycle. Upon ultracentrifugation, mitochondrial DNA banded as a unimodal peak in all zonal rotor samples. Mitochondrial DNA replication could be ascertained only by the 14N level in each mitochondrial peak and not, as with nuclear DNA, by hybrid DNA level. In contrast to the nuclear incorporation pattern, the 14N percentage in mitochondrial DNA remained effectively constant during the cell cycle. Comparison of the data to theoretical distributions showed that nuclear DNA was replicated discontinuously during the cell cycle, whereas mitochondrial DNA was replicated continuously throughout the entire mitotic cycle.  相似文献   

Introducing large numbers of target genes into the chromosome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae via δ-sequence-mediated integration is a good strategy for exploring the effects of gene dosage on expression and secretion of heterologous proteins. The expression of exogenous genes might be further improved through meiosis in an isogenic triploid. Here, a stable strain A-8 was screened from 35 sexual spore colonies obtained from an isogenic triploid integratively expressing bgl1 from Aspergillus aculeatus. The corresponding β-glucosidase activity in this strain was increased by ~120 % compared with the parent strain BGL-a. Measurement of doubling time, flow cytometry, and mating experiments further confirmed that A-8 was a spore-forming strain obtained from a triploid parent. Thus, combining δ-integration and meiosis in an isogenic triploid is a promising approach for improving the expression of exogenous proteins in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Two families of cyclin-like proteins have been found in S. cerevisiae. The clb proteins are the mitotic cyclins. The cln proteins provide an essential function, are required for the G1/S transition, and appear to be rate-limiting for START, but have no obvious role elsewhere in the cycle. The cln proteins are unstable; they form complexes with cdc28; the complexes have protein kinase activity; and at least one of the clns oscillates in abundance through the cell cycle. The action of the cln cyclins at START suggests that they may be 'G1 cyclins'.  相似文献   

Estrogen has been suggested to influence the cell cycle of haploid yeast cells in the early G1 phase of mitosis, its effect possibly being mediated by control of the level of cAMP (TANAKA, S. et al. (1989). Cell, 57: 675-681). Therefore, we were interested in whether estrogen also affects the meiotic phase of diploid yeast cells. Accordingly, we measured the amounts of adenylate cyclase mRNA and intracellular cAMP, the proportions of dividing cells and 4n cells and the doubling times of diploid yeast cells during the presporulation stage in the presence and absence of estrogen. The amount of adenylate cyclase mRNA was found to decrease rapidly within 24 hours after inoculation of cells onto sporulation-promoting plates (YPA plates). The cAMP level of these cells also decreased rapidly. Mitotic cell division continued for 18 hours after cell inoculation, but about 24 hours after inoculation, the amount of cAMP per cell had decreased to a minimum and the cells began to enter meiosis. By contrast, when the cells were inoculated onto YPA plates in the presence of estrogen, their intracellular cAMP and adenylate cyclase mRNA levels became higher than those in control cultures without estrogen and cell division continued for 24 hours. But after 30 hours their intracellular cAMP level decreased to a minimum and they began to enter meiosis. These results show that estrogen delayed the entry of diploid yeast cells into meiosis on sporulation-promoting plates and suggest that its effect may be mediated by control of the level of cAMP.  相似文献   

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