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Simian virus 40 mutants containing both a tsA mutation (rendering the 90,000 molecular weight [90K] T-antigen thermolabile) and a deletion between 0.54 and 0.59 map units (reducing the size and the amount of the 20K t-antigen) were used to transform Chinese hamster lung cells. The frequencies of transformation by the double mutants were comparable to that of the tsA mutant alone by both the focus and agar assays except when the cells were serum depleted before infection. Growth-arrested cells were transformed (using the agar assay) by the deletion mutants at less than 2% the frequency found when the 20K t-antigen was normal. Growth arrest had very little effect on the temperature sensitivity of the resultant transformed cell lines whether or not the deletion was present.  相似文献   

R G Martin  V P Setlow  C A Edwards  D Vembu 《Cell》1979,17(3):635-643
Simian virus 40 mutants and deletions between 0.54 and 0.59 map units direct the synthesis of defective 20K t antigens (Crawford et al., 1978). These deletion mutants transformed actively growing CHL cells nearly as efficently as did wild-type virus, in either the focus formation assay or the growth in soft agar assay. In contrast, when CHL cells were in a resting state during infection, the transformation frequency of the mutants relative to wild-type dropped approximately 50 fold. The presence of the phorbol ester, TPA, diminished this difference. CHL cell lines transformed by the deletion mutants and selected by the focus assay grew almost as efficiently in soft agar as lines transformed by wild-type SV40. Both produced tumors in nude mice. The function of the 20K t antigen is discussed.  相似文献   

A E Smith  R Smith  E Paucha 《Cell》1979,18(2):335-346
In addition to large T and small t antigens, cells transformed by simian virus 40 (SV40) commonly contain other proteins which specifically immunoprecipitate with SV40 anti-T serum and which are not detected in untransformed cells. The additional tumor antigens (T-Ags) fall into two groups: those having a close structural relationship with normal SV40 T-Ags, and those unrelated to large T and small t. The latter are probably nonviral T-Ags (NVT-Ags). The NVT-Ags comprise a family of proteins of molecular weight 50,000-55,000. Fingerprint analysis shows that NVT-Ags have few if any peptides in common with large T or small t, and that they lack the amino terminal tryptic peptide and the peptides unique to small t. NVT-Ags from different species have different fingerprints, but those isolated from different transformants of the same cell line are identical. The size of NVT is unaltered in cells transformed by mutants of SV40 with deletions in the region 0.60-0.55 map units. The mRNA for NVT does not hybridize to SV40 DNA. The other forms of T-Ag isolated from transformed cells fall into three classes: shortened forms of large T (truncated large T); multiple species of T-Ag with molecular weights very similar to, but distinct from, those of normal large T (large T doublets and triplets); and elongated forms of large T (super T). These proteins all contain the normal amino terminus of SV40 T-Ags, and the truncated forms of large T lack peptides from the carboxy terminal half of large T. One species of super T (molecular weight 130,000) contains only those methionine tryptic peptides present in normal large T, although it may contain some peptides in more than one copy.  相似文献   

We analyzed the mutation frequency to 8-azaguanine (8AZ) resistance in rat FR3T3 cells acutely infected with simian virus 40 wild type and tsA and early deletion mutants and in a series of temperature-sensitive (N) and temperature-insensitive (A) transformants derived from Chinese hamster lung (CHL) cells. Upon acute infection, the frequency of mutation to 8AZ resistance was raised at most by two- to eightfold over the spontaneous frequency, and it was independent of the presence of a functional 90,000-molecular-weight T antigen or 20,000-molecular-weight t antigen or both. Similarly, in the stable transformants of CHL cells, no correlation was found between functional T antigens and mutation to 8AZ resistance. It therefore seems unlikely that simian virus 40-induced transformation results from any mutagenic activity of this virus.  相似文献   

Most of the simian virus 40 (SV40) genome is conserved among isolates, but the noncoding regulatory region and the genomic region encoding the large T-antigen C terminus (T-ag-C) may exhibit considerable variation. We demonstrate here that SV40 isolates differ in their oncogenic potentials in Syrian golden hamsters. Experimental animals were inoculated intraperitoneally with 107 PFU of parental or recombinant SV40 viruses and were observed for 12 months to identify genetic determinants of oncogenicity. The viral regulatory region was found to exert a statistically significant influence on tumor incidence, whereas the T-ag-C played a minor role. Viruses with a single enhancer (1E) were more oncogenic than those with a two-enhancer (2E) structure. Rearrangements in the 1E viral regulatory region were detected in 4 of 60 (6.7%) tumors. Viral loads in tumors varied, with a median of 5.4 SV40 genome copies per cell. Infectious SV40 was rescued from 15 of 37 (40%) cell lines established from tumors. Most hamsters with tumors and many without tumors produced antibodies to T antigen. All viruses displayed similar transforming frequencies in vitro, suggesting that differences in oncogenic potential in vivo were due to host responses to viral infection. This study shows that SV40 strains differ in their biological properties, suggests that SV40 replicates to some level in hamsters, and indicates that the outcome of an SV40 infection may depend on the viral strain present.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 tumor antigen (SV40 T antigen) was bound to both replicating and fully replicated SV40 chromatin extracted with a low-salt buffer from the nuclei of infected cells, and at least a part of the association was tight specific. T antigen cosedimented on sucrose gradients with SV40 chromatin, and T antigen-chromatin complexes could be precipitated from the nuclear extract specifically with anti-T serum. From 10 to 20% of viral DNA labeled to steady state with [3H]thymidine for 12 h late in infection or 40 to 50% of replicating viral DNA pulse-labeled for 5 min was associated with T antigen in such immunoprecipitates. After reaction with antibody, most of the T antigen-chromatin complex was stable to washing with 0.5 M NaCl, but only about 20% of the DNA label remained in the precipitate after washing with 0.5 M NaCl-0.4% Sarkosyl. This tightly bound class of T antigen was associated preferentially with a subfraction of pulse-labeled replicating DNA which comigrated with an SV40 form I marker. A tight binding site for T antigen was identified tentatively by removing the histones with dextran sulfate and heparin from immunoprecipitated chromatin labeled with [32P]phosphate to steady state and then digesting the DNA with restriction endonucleases HinfI and HpaII. The site was within the fragment spanning the origin of replication, 0.641 to 0.725 on the SV40 map.  相似文献   

Two new species of antigens were detected in simian virus 40-transformed mouse cells, in addition to the large (94,000 daltons) and small (20,000 daltons) tumor antigens. These antigens were immunoprecipitated from cell extracts by using anti-T serum and not normal, nonimmune serum. One of these was a protein with a molecular weight of approximately 130,000 and was present in some but not all SV40-transformed mouse cells. The other, which we have named Tau antigen, has a molecular weight of 56,000 as estimated by electrophoresis through acrylamide gels and was found in all virus-transformed cells examined. The 13,000-daltons antigen contained about 15 methionine-tryptic peptides which were also present in the large SV40 tumor antigen as determined by ion-exchange chromatography. This strongly suggested that the protein was virus coded. The 56,000-dalton Tau antigen appeared to share only two methionine-tryptic peptides with the large species of SV40 tumor antigen, as determined by ion-exchange and paper chromatographies. Our results are compatible with a cellular origin for Tau antigen. However, our data do not exclude the possibility that this protein contains sequences specified by the virus DNA.  相似文献   

The monomer form of BK virus (BKV) tumor antigen (T Ag) was immunoprecipitated from extracts of BKV-transformed cells and had a molecular weight of approximately 113,000. This compared with 97,000 for the molecular weight of either BKV or simian virus 40 (SV40) T Ag from lytically infected cells. The SV40 and BKV T Ag's from productively infected cells were compared by examining their methionine-labeled tryptic peptides. Out of a total of 20 SV40-and 21 BKV-specific peptides, there were seven pairs of similar peptides on the basis of ion-exchange chromatography, These coeluting peptides contained approximately 25 to 30% of the total methionine radioactivity. Similar results were obtained when the tryptic peptides of SV40 T Ag from lytically infected cells were compared with those of BKV T Ag from virally transformed cells.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster embryo cells transformed by simian virus 40 temperature-sensitive T-antigen mutants replicated when confluent at 40.5 degrees C, regardless of the selection method, selection temperature, or virus strain used.  相似文献   

Tau antigens (also known as cellular or nonviral tumor antigens) were detected in uninfected and simian virus 40-infected monkey cells after immunoprecipitation with serum from hamsters bearing simian virus 40-induced tumours (anti-T serum). These two proteins (56,000 daltons) were digested to similarly sized peptides with various amounts of Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease. The Tau antigen isolated from infected monkey cells was closely related but was not identical to the corresponding protein from human cells transformed by simian virus 40, as determined by two-dimensional mapping of their methionine-labeled tryptic peptides. Hamster cells transformed by various primate papovaviruses (simian virus 40, BK virus, and JC virus) synthesized indistinguishable Tau antigens, as determined by two-dimensional peptide mapping. When tested by the same procedure, these proteins and the ones made in monkey and human cells were found to be related to the Tau antigens isolated from simian virus 40-transformed mouse and rat cells. Based on these results, an "evolutionary tree" was constructed to show the relationship among the methionine-containing tryptic peptides of all of these proteins.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 T antigens accumulate in the cytoplasm of simian virus 40 tsA207 transformants of primary mouse kidney or human retinoblastoma cells grown at 40 degrees C in 10% serum.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation sites of simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor (T) antigens have been analyzed by partial proteolysis peptide mapping and phosphoamino acid analysis of the resulting products. At least four sites were found to be phosphorylated. An amino-terminal part of the molecule contained both phosphoserine and phosphothreonine. One phosphothreonine residue was located in the proline-rich carboxy-terminal end of the molecule, either at position 701 or at position 708. The mutant dl 1265, which is defective in adenovirus helper function, lacked this phosphorylation site. In addition, the carboxy-terminal part of the molecule contained phosphoserine at a more central position. T-antigen-associated proteins of SV40-transformed cell (nonviral T; 51,000 to 55,000 daltons) also contained multiple phosphorylation sites involving at least two serine residues in mouse antigens and an additional threonine residue in rat, human, and monkey antigens. The latter residue and at least one phosphoserine residue were located near one terminus of the human NVT molecule. We did not find any evidence for phosphorylation of tyrosine residues in any of the multiple species of either large T or nonviral T molecules. Several forms of large T antigens were extracted from both SV40-transformed and SV40-infected permissive and nonpermissive cells, and their phosphorylation patterns were compared. No evidence was found for a different phosphorylation pattern of T antigen in transformed cells.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the adenovirus vaccine inactivation process in destroying the tumorigenic potential for hamsters of adenoviruses, simian virus 40 (SV-40), and adenovirus-SV-40 hybrids was studied. Baby hamsters injected with untreated virus and with samples subjected to the complete inactivation process and to portions of the process were observed for tumor development for periods in excess of 300 days. Over 20,000 hamsters were injected. From 1 to 7 hr of exposure to formaldehyde at a concentration of 0.031 m at 37 C was sufficient to destroy the tumorigenicity observed in the nontreated preparations. Since the inactivation process included 48 hr of exposure at 37 C to 0.031 m formaldehyde plus treatment with ultraviolet (UV) and with beta-propiolactone (BPL), it was concluded that the process has a large margin of safety. Adenovirus isolates free from tumorigenic potential are difficult, if not impossible, to obtain. Therefore, a proven inactivation process appears to provide the best assurance for obtaining adenovirus vaccines free from such potential. Data presented suggest that the tumorigenic property of the viruses studied might be independent of the infectivity of the preparation. The tumorigenic property was found to be highly susceptible to formaldehyde, but less sensitive to BPL or UV treatment. In contrast, treatment with UV or BPL decreased viral infectivity more readily than tumorigenicity. The three-stage inactivation process (formaldehyde, UV, and BPL) inactivated both tumorigenicity and infectivity.  相似文献   

Seven lines derived from primary African green monkey kidney cells, which had survived lytic infection by wild-type simian virus 40 (SV40) or temperature-sensitive mutants belonging to the A and B complementation groups, were established. These cultures synthesize SV40 tumor (T) antigen constitutively and have been passaged more than 60 times in vitro. The cells released small amounts of virus even at high passage levels but eventually became negative for the spontaneous release of virus. Virus rescued from such "nonproducer" cells by the transfection technique exhibited the growth properties of the original inoculum virus. Four of the cell lines were tested for the presence of altered growth patterns commonly associated with SV40-induced transformation. Although each of the cell lines was greater than 99% positive for T antigen, none of the cultures could be distinguished from primary or stable lines of normal simian cells on the basis of morphology, saturation density in high or low serum concentrations, colony formation on plastic or in soft agar, hexose transport, or concanavalin A agglutinability. However, the cells could be distinguished from the parental green monkey kidney cells by a prolonged life span, the presence of T antigen, a resistance to the replication of superinfecting SV40 virus or SV40 viral DNA, and, with three of the four lines, an ability to complement the growth of human adenovirus type 7. These properties were expressed independent of the temperature of incubation. These results indicate that the presence of an immunologically reactive SV40 T antigen is not sufficient to ensure induction of phenotypic transformation and suggest that a specific interaction between viral and cellular genes and/or gene products may be a necessary requirement.  相似文献   

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