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Large animalivorous bats include carnivorous, piscivorous and insectivorous microchiropterans. Skull proportions and tooth morphology are examined and interpreted functionally. Four wide- faced bats from four families are convergent in having wide skulls, large masseter muscle volumes and stout jaws, indicating a powerful bite. Three of the four also have long canine teeth relative to their maxillary toothrows. Carnivorous bats have more elongate skulls, larger brain volumes and larger pinnae. The wide-faced bats are all dral emitters and have heads positively tilted relative to the basicranial axis. The carnivorous species are nasal-emitting bats and have negatively tilted heads. The orientation of the head relative to the basicranial axis affects several characters of the skull and jaws and is not correlated with size. The speculation that the type of echolocation may be more of a determinant of evolutionary change than the feeding mechanism is addressed. Wide-faced bats are thought to be capable of eating hard prey items (durophagus) and are probably non- discriminating, aurally less sophisticated insect generalists while the carnivorous and non- durophagus insectivorous bats may be more discriminating and aurally more sophisticated in what they eat.  相似文献   

The most derived fruit-eating bats have small canines, wide palates and molars with a distinctive labial rim. Paracone and metacone have moved from a dilambdodont position in the middle of the tooth to the labial side of the tooth where they form the labial cutting edge. Along with the well-developed and close fitting labial cutting edges of the premolars and canines, this cutting edge skirts nearly the entire perimeter of the palate. The labial rim of the lower teeth fit inside the labial rim of the upper teeth like two cookie cutters nesting one inside the other. Frugivores have a greater allocation of tooth area at the anterior end of the toothrow, while animalivorous species have more at the posterior end of the toothrow. The area occupied by canines of predators of struggling prey is greater than that for bats that eat non-struggling prey like fruit. In addition, frugivores have wider palates than long while many carnivores have longer palates than wide. Omnivores appear to have a more equal allocation of space to more kinds of teeth, particularly the incisors and non-molariform premolars, on the toothrow than do frugivores or animalivores. The mechanical nature of different food items is discussed and the suggestion made that describing foods in terms of their texture may be more important in tooth design than whether they are fruit or insect or vertebrate.  相似文献   

The ghost bat, Macroderma gigas, and the orange leaf-nosed bat, Rhinonycteris aurantius, occupy similar ranges across northern Australia and are often found in the same roost caves. Both species are considered rare and vulnerable to further population decline. A third small species, the large bent-wing bat, Miniopterus schreibersii, has a similar body mass to R. aurantius, but has one of the largest ranges of any Australian mammal. In the present study we examine the effect and sensitivity of the animals' roosting microclimates on their energy and water balance. M. schreibersii exhibits a basal metabolic rate about 40% greater than other bats of similar body mass, whereas the other two species are close to predicted levels. R. aurantius shows a decrease in body temperatures below thermoneutrality. R. aurantius has levels of pulmocutaneous water loss among the highest seen for a mammal, and calculations based on nasal tip temperatures suggest that most of this loss is across the skin. Calculated ambient temperatures at which metabolic water production is equal to pulmocutaneous water loss in dry air are −14.7 °C for R. aurantius, 9.8 °C for M. schreibersii and −0.3 °C for M. gigas. Exposing the animals to relative humidities of between 80% and 90% shifted these calculated temperatures to 5.6 °C, 25.2 °C, and 2.9 °C, respectively. For each species the ratio of metabolic water production to evaporative water loss has been treated as a joint function of humidity and ambient temperature. The resulting surface plot shows that under known roosting conditions in caves R. aurantius and M. schreibersii remain in positive water balance, whereas M. gigas does not. Accepted: 20 May 2000  相似文献   

Resource partitioning of sonar frequency bands in rhinolophoid bats   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Summary In the Constant Frequency portions of the orientation calls of various Rhinolophus and Hipposideros species, the frequency with the strongest amplitude was studied comparatively. (1) In the five European species of the genus Rhinolophus call frequencies are either species-specific (R. ferrumequinum, R. blasii and R. euryale) or they overlap (R. hipposideros and R. mehelyi). The call frequency distributions are approximately 5–9 kHz wide, thus their ranges spead less than ±5% from the mean (Fig. 1). Frequency distributions are considerably narrower within smaller geographic areas. (2) As in other bat groups, call frequencies of the Rhinolophoidea are negatively correlated with body size (Fig. 3). Regression lines for the genera Rhinolophus and Rhinolophus, species from dryer climates have on the average higher call frequencies than species from tropical rain forests. (4) The Krau Game Reserve, a still largely intact rain forest area in Malaysia, harbours at least 12 syntopic Rhinolophus and Hipposiderso species. Their call frequencies lie between 40 and 200 kHz (Fig. 2). Distribution over the available frequency range is significantly more even than could be expected from chance alone. Two different null hypotheses to test for random character distribution were derived from frequency-size-relations and by sampling species assemblages from a species pool (Monte Carlo method); both were rejected. In particular, call frequencies lying close together are avoided (Figs. 4, 5). Conversely, the distribution of size ratios complied with a corresponding null hypothesis. This even distribution may be a consequence of resource partitioning with respect to prey type. Alternatively, the importance of these calls as social signals (e.g. recognition of conspecifics) might have necessitated a communication channel partitioning.  相似文献   

Upper canines in microchiropteran bats show a variety of cross-sectional shapes. A consistent feature of all species studied here is that the tooth is edged and not simply round or oval. Prominent sharp edges are positioned in several directions but particularly antero-medially toward the incisors and posteriorly toward the premolars. These edges appear to direct the cracks made in food items to the incisors or to the premolars. A continuous cutting edge is apparent in the occlusal view of the palate running from tip of canine to the ectoloph of the molars. Size and shape analysis indicates that larger bats have slender, rather than stouter, canines for their height, a condition that may be attributable to the nature of the prey. Most bats take prey that have little hard substance imbedded within. The compromises in tooth shape may vary between that of a terrestrial predator with short, conical canines for processing endoskeletal prey to that of a small flying predator with long, slender, edged canines for capturing and processing exoskeletal prey. Unicuspid teeth and how they might function in food break-up have been overlooked to the literature; such a study could lead to an understanding of how more complex teeth function.  相似文献   

The capability of bats to have heart rates fewer than 10 beats/min during hibernation and greater than 700 beats/min during flight surprises biologists and cardiologists. Cardioacceleration of hibernating bats is considered to be a function of their intracardiac nervous system. In the present study we investigated the morphology of the heart innervation of ten M. daubentoni and four E. serotinus bats during their natural hibernation in order to determine which intracardiac structures may be involved in cardioacceleration during their short-term (in av. 15-30 min) arousal from hibernation. The primary conclusions were as follows: (1) The innervation pattern of bats differs from many mammals in that bats have: (a) a subepicardiac nerve plexus which is vastly developed and contains a large number of intrinsic ganglia on both atria and ventricles, and (b) very small diameter axons within the unmyelinated nerve fibres, from 0.15 to 0.7 microm. (2) During hibernation an intercellular space of the sinoatrial node of M. daubentoni bats was in part filled with a cottony substance which can presumably be considered to be a temporary barrier between the conductive cardiomyocytes and nerve fibres. (3) In the hibernating bats, the acetylcholine vesicles were aggregated in the synaptic bulbs away from the presynaptic membrane. Possibly, the aggregation of the acetylcholine vesicles is capable of modifying cholinergic influences on the heart activity of hibernating bats. (4) The dense cores of catecholamine synaptic vesicles within, adrenergic axon terminals were seldomly observed in hibernating bats. Therefore, catecholamines probably do not play a crucial role in the cardioacceleration of hibernating bats.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of growth in the rat skull, based on serial radiographs, has shown that by the age of one month after birth, the braincase attains some 93% of its adult (fifth-month) size whilst the facial skeleton and mandible attain but 75% of their adult size. By the third month, growth in the braincase has virtually ceased, whereas significant facial growth continues until the age of five months.  相似文献   

We measured qualitative and quantitative aspects of the head and body pelage of 23 species of Western Australian bats. A functionally appropriate relationship was found with the normal flight speeds and foraging strategy of the bats at three levels of geometric consideration: overall fur texture, individual hair length and cuticular scale attributes (scale type, scale length and diameter, as well as sub-scale detail design). This relationship is best explained by describing the pelage surface as characterised by aerodynamic riblets. For species that utilise high-speed and aerodynamically efficient flight during commuting and foraging, riblets should reduce the skin friction drag of the head and body by up to 10%. The molossids, emballonurids and one pteropid studied have fur that falls within the non-dimensional height range that gives best aerodynamic efficiency, 8相似文献   

As infants, bats emit non-sonar calls that are species typical.Five different species of Hipposideros have contrasting neonatalcalls. The calling rates increase and then wane with age inthe same general pattern as seen in rodents. Infant bat callsshow greater frequency sweep and higher repetition rates thanthose of rodents. In contrast to microchiropterans, infantsof a megachiropteran, Eonycteris, emit calls with a lower repetitionrate; the calls show no increase in frequency with age.  相似文献   

Angola free-tailed bats and little free-tailed bats occur in diverse habitats throughout most of Africa south of the Sahara. This study investigated the reproductive strategies and related biology of these species in Malawi where they were sympatric, and analysed data from elsewhere in Africa to show how the strategies varied along a gradient of habitats from approximately 12 degrees N to 25 degrees S. Both the Angola free-tailed bat and the little free-tailed bat were normally monotocous. Angola free-tailed bats invariably had 2 births/year, and the interval between consecutive births decreased with increasing latitude. When the interval was shortest (approximately 90 days) a post-partum oestrus occurred. Little free-tailed bats differed by having a shorter gestation (approximately 60 days), and the ability to have up to 5 births/year with a postpartum oestrus after each birth. The extent to which this potential is achieved varies with latitude and rainfall, mainly so that lactation can coincide with peaks in the abundance of food. The interaction between rainfall and reproductive characteristics results in the two species having patterns of reproduction which are sometimes similar, but more often different. Competition between the species is unlikely to be affected by differences in their reproduction.  相似文献   

Chromosomal variation in bats of the genus Uroderma (Phyllostomatidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

1. Statistically significant variations were observed in the RBC counts and Hb concentration in pregnant females of Pipistrellus pipistrellus. 2. Basic hematological values in 59 animals of five species of insectivorous bats were estimated. 3. Electrophoretic separation of the hemoglobins of Plecotus austriacus, Myotis nattereri and Myotis myotis showed two components, whereas in Miniopterus schreibersi and Pipistrellus pipistrellus appeared three and four components, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary The echolocation of bats in the genusTadarida is highly adaptive to different acoustic conditions. These bats use different types of sonar signals with a diversity usually observed in comparisons across families of bats.Tadarida brasiliensis andT. macrotis search for airborne prey in open, uncluttered spaces using narrow-band, short CF signals with no FM components. They add broadband FM components while dropping the CF components when approaching or capturing prey. Only one harmonic is present in these insect-pursuit signals. When flying in cluttered situations or echolocating in a laboratory room,T. brasiliensis uses multiple-harmonic FM signals. Stationary bats tend to use linear frequency sweeps and moving bats tend to use curvilinear frequency sweeps or linear period sweeps. When emerging from a roost they initially use a short-CF/FM signal, changing to an FM signal as they fly away. The acuity of perception of target range inT. brasiliensis is about 1.0 to 1.5 cm and is determined by the bandwidth of the target-ranging sonar signals as represented by their autocorrelation functions. Many less adaptable species of bats use signals corresponding to part of the sonar repertoire ofTadarida. The functions of short CF or narrowband signals for detection and FM or broadband signals for resolution and acoustic imaging identified from comparisons among such species are confirmed by observations of echolocation byTadarida. The differences observed in echolocation among many species and families of bats appear to be evolutionary adaptations to some of the same features of the acoustic environment to whichTadarida responds behaviorally.Abbreviations CF frequency modulated - FM constant frequency - LPM linear period modulation - LFM linear-frequency modulation We thank Prof. T.T. Sandel, Prof. D.R. Griffin, Dr. George Pollak, and P.H. Dolkart for their advice and assistance. This research was supported by Grant No. BMS 72-02351-A01 from the National Science Foundation and by Biomedical Research Support Grant No. RR-07054 from the Division of Research Resources, National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

The hemoglobin of the Indian false vampire Megaderma lyra contains only one component. In this paper, we are presenting its primary structure. The globin chains were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography and the sequences determined by automatic liquid and gas phase Edman degradation of the chains and their tryptic peptides, as well as of the prolyl-peptides obtained by acid hydrolysis of the Asp-Pro bond in the alpha- and beta-chains. The alpha-chains show 23 and the beta-chains 20 exchanges compared with the human alpha- and beta-chains, respectively. In the alpha-chains, three exchanges involved alpha 1/beta 1 contacts. In the beta-chains one heme-and three alpha 1/beta 1 contacts are exchanged. The functional and systematic aspects of these replacements are discussed.  相似文献   

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