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Samples of mycelium of Neurospora crassa of known age were harvested from agar plates and examined with the electron microscope. The relative volume of the mitochondria was determined for mycelium of different ages. The volume measurements indicated that the mitochondria were dividing synchronously in fronts 6, 13, and 22½ hr behind the growing hyphal tips. The sequence of mitochondrial division is hypothesized to include mitochondrial cupping followed by division which results in closely associated daughter mitochondria. On the basis of percentages of mitochondrial cupping and association, mitochondrial division was postulated to be occurring at 6, 14, and 26 hr. Close agreement between the mycelial mass doubling time and the calculated mitochondrial mass doubling time indicates that synchronous mitochondrial division is sufficient to maintain growth. The possibility that mitochondrial division is due to intercellular regulation of a mitochondrial genetic system is advanced.  相似文献   

When an aconidial strain (STL6A) of Neurospora crassa is grown on carbon sources such as glucose, maltose, sucrose, etc., trehalase activity per unit weight of mycelium is very low. By contrast, media containing arabinose, glutamic acid, glycine, etc., which support growth only poorly, produce mycelium with very high trehalase activity. Retarding growth limiting the supply of a necessary nutrient, altering the pH and temperature, or adding toxic substances, however, does not derepress trehalase activity. Repression and derepression of trehalase was found to be reversible through the transfer of cultures to appropriate media. It is likely that the increase in trehalase activity results from de novo synthesis because labeled enzyme can be isolated from acrylamide gels after isolation from medium containing C14-labeled leucine and after purification by other means. These experiments are interpreted in terms of catabolite repression which may be correlated with events during growth and conidiation.  相似文献   

We studied mitochondrial DNA variability in 19 natural Neurospora crassa isolates and one wild-type isolate to examine evolution of these fungi and their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). We combined restriction endonuclease analysis of natural isolate mtDNA with DNA-DNA hybridization to cloned EcoR I fragments of a wild-type genome to discriminate between length mutations and site changes due to nucleotide substitution. Most variability was due to length mutations (insertions and deletions); genome size could vary 25% between pairs of isolates. Length-mutation distribution was not random, nor simply explained by the presence of coding versus noncoding regions. Restriction-site changes were few; the estimated amount of nucleotide substitution per nucleotide between the most divergent pair of isolates was 0.78%. Evolutionary relationships among isolates based on both types of mutations were compatible, and suggest that geographically distinct populations of mitochondrial DNA exist in the biological species, N. crassa. In contrast, no such correlation was shown by the previously determined distribution of nuclear heterokaryon incompatibility genes in the same isolates (Mylyk, 1975, 1976).  相似文献   

The chemical composition of mitochondria obtained from exponentially growing Neurospora can be varied by addition of choline or amino acids to the culture medium. The variation affects the phospholipid to protein ratio, and the density of mitochondria as determined by isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose gradients. These variations have been observed in biochemical mutant strains as well as wild type cultures. In a choline-requiring strain, two levels of choline supplementation to the medium have been defined: a low choline concentration just adequate to support maximal logarithmic growth, and a high choline concentration which permits maximal incorporation of radioactive choline into cellular lipids. Mitochondria isolated from cultures growing at the low choline concentration have one-half the phospholipid to protein ratio of those from high choline cultures, and their density is significantly higher. Artificial mixtures of the two types of mitochondria can be resolved into two populations by isopycnic centrifugation. The concentration of cytochromes (measured by mitochondrial difference spectra) and of malate and succinate dehydrogenases (measured by enzyme activity) were the same in both types of mitochondria, on a protein basis. The results suggest that during growth of the mitochondrial mass, the incorporation of phospholipid and protein components can vary independently. Direct kinetic measurements did indeed show that choline, added to a culture growing at low choline concentration, was incorporated into mitochondrial lipids at a rate faster than the incorporation of protein. The mitochondrial phospholipid to protein ratio can also be influenced by the level of leucine supplementation to a leucine-requiring mutant, so that with leucine concentrations above those required for maximal exponential growth, mitochondria of increasing density and decreasing phospholipid to protein ratio are produced. Additions of choline or amino acids to the minimal medium of wild type cultures influence mitochondrial composition in a manner directly comparable to that observed in biochemical mutant strains. The results suggest that mitochondrial composition, in general, is determined by rates of incorporation of the two major components, phospholipid and protein; that these rates can vary independently in response to precursor concentration in the culture medium; and that they normally operate at a precursor (substrate) concentration below saturation level.  相似文献   

Shatkin , A. J., and E. L. Tatum . (The Rockefeller Institute, New York 21, New York.) The relationship of m-inositol to morphology in Neurospora crassa. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(9): 760–771. Illus. 1961.—The role of m-inositol and its relationship to morphology in Neurospora crassa have been examined. The growth pattern of the inositolless mutant has been found to be a function of concentration of carbon and nitrogen sources and m-inositol, utilizability of carbon source, ratio of concentrations of sugar to m-inositol, and size of conidial inoculum. Inhibition of mycelial m-inositol uptake has been demonstrated for a number of carbon sources, and the ability of a particular compound to inhibit m-inositol uptake found to be directly related to both its effectiveness as an energy source and its effect on the morphology of the inositol-requirer. Results of cell-fractionation experiments and autoradiography have shown that phospholipid inositol is widely distributed in the hyphae and not bound in a single subcellular organelle. Electron micrographs of cell fractions indicate that inositol is a structural constituent of N. crassa lipoprotein membranes, including plasmalemma, nuclear envelope, mitchondrial membranes, and endoplasmic reticulum. Normal inositol-requiring and wild-type hyphae are similar in ultrastructure. However, sub-optimally cultured, colonial, inositolless hyphae contain large lipid droplets, and the cellular membranes are in various stages of degeneration. Chemical evidence indicates that colonial hyphae do not synthesize more fat than normal hyphae, suggesting that the lipid droplets are products of membrane catabolism. It is proposed that the colonial morphology of the inositol-requiring mutant of N. crassa is due to a metabolic imbalance between membrane synthesis and the synthesis of other cellular constituents.  相似文献   

Fourteen crosses are described from which 3103 asci were dissected and scored with respect to phenotype distribution patterns of 1, 2 or 3 markers. The results illustrate the following points. There may regularly occur preferred ratios, including 8:1, 4:1, 2:1 and 1:2, of first to second division segregation patterns. Variations in this ratio (designated here as S/C, meaning simple to complex phenotype distribution patterns), shown by the same marker in different crosses, may regularly be discontinuous in that the ratio may shift from one preferred value to another. Values of linkage-correction factors applicable to certain crosses suggest that these factors also may constitute a discontinuous series. Control of phenotype distributions in asci by a systematic, but unknown, mechanism is thought to be suggested. Characteristics of the order of isolation of asci, from 2 crosses treated in a special way, are consistent with the possibility that members of adjacently formed, twin asci are frequently, or even regularly, alike with respect to phenotype distribution class.  相似文献   

Wilson , James F. (Hartnell Coll., Salinas, Calif.) Transplantation of nuclei in Neurospora crassa. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(8): 780–786. Illus. 1963.—Heterocaryons of N. crassa were produced artificially by cell-to-cell transfer of protoplasm of genetically marked strains. The injected hyphal sections were excised and cultured separately. The criteria of prototrophic growth and recovery of conidia of the donor genotype were used to prove that functional nuclei had been transplanted. Reciprocal injections were made with 2 pairs of macroconidial and 3 pairs of microconidial strains. Growth curves and conidial ratios of these artificial heterocaryons were compared to the corresponding natural heterocaryons. In each pair of heterocaryons produced by reciprocal injection, the growth curve of only one was equivalent to the naturally formed heterocaryon of that pair. The growth curve of the other artificial heterocaryon differed either in rate or in the lag period before growth occurred. There was no apparent relation between conidial ratios of the natural heterocaryons and the artificial heterocaryons with comparable growth curves. Injection of normal nuclei into a morphological temperature-sensitive mutant produced an apparent heterocaryon which grew with normal morphology at 34 C. The apparent stability of Neurospora nuclei may make in vitro studies possible.  相似文献   

The distribution and localization of structural polymers in the cell wall of Neurospora crassa has been studied by selective removal and light and electron microscope examination. Observations with the light microscope indicated that each polymer by itself can provide structural integrity to the cell wall. Examination by electron microscopy showed that the cell wall consists of an outer layer of thick fibrils, identified chemically as a glucan-peptide-galactosamine complex, and an inner layer made up of β-1,3 glucan and thin fibrils of chitin.  相似文献   

Eberhart , Bruce M. (Princeton U., Princeton, New Jersey), and E. L. Tatum . Thiamine metabolism in Neurospora crassa , Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(8): 702–711. Illus. 1961.—Growth adaptation is a regular feature of the vegetative cycle of thi-1 strains of Neurospora crassa but not of thi-2 or thi-3 strains. The adaptive growth of thi-1 strains is paralleled by the production of cocarboxylase and carboxylase levels which are similar to those of wild-type strains. The growth responses of thi-1,2 and thi-1,3 double mutant strains to thiamine indicates that the thi-1 gene is concerned with the utilization (pyrophosphorylation) of thiamine.  相似文献   

Ward , E. W. B., and K. W. Ciurysek . (Canada Department of Agriculture, Edmonton, Alberta.) Somatic mitosis in Neurospora crassa. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(4): 393–399. Illus. 1962.—The process of nuclear division in the vegetative mycelium of Neurospora crassa was studied with the aid of the HCl-Giemsa staining technique. Division followed the conventional mitotic sequence and 7 morphologically distinct chromosomes were demonstrated at metaphase. The findings are discussed in relation to other proposed schemes of nuclear division in the fungi.  相似文献   

The influence of environmental (extracellular) pH on the sporulation rhythm in Neurospora crassa was investigated for wild-type (frq+) and the mutants chr, frq1, frq7, and frq8. In all mutants, including wild type, the growth rate was found to be influenced strongly by extracellular pH in the range 4–9. On the other hand, for the same pH range, the period length of the sporulation rhythm is little influenced in wild type, chr, and frq1. A loss of pH homeostasis of the period, however, was observed in the mutants frq7 and frq8, which also are known to have lost temperature compensation. Concerning the influence of extracellular pH on growth rates, a clear correspondence between growth rates and the concentration of available H2PO4? ion has been found, indicating that the uptake of H2PO4? may be a limiting factor for growth under our experimental conditions. The loss of pH compensation in the frq7 and frq8 mutants may be related to less easily degradable FRQ7,8 proteins when compared with wild-type FRQ. Results from recent model considerations and experimental results predict that, with increasing extra-and intracellular pH, the FRQ7 protein degradation increases and should lead to shorter period lengths. (Chronobiology International, 17(6), 733–750, 2000)  相似文献   

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