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Introduction: Although it is uncertain how the hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein influences hepatic oxidative stress after partial hepatectomy and common bile duct ligation (CBDL) this may be crucial for the prognosis of patients with HCV infection who have undergone hepatic resection, or who have complications due to a biliary tract obstruction.

Materials and methods: A group of double transgenic mice (DTM) that express both the tetracycline transactivator (tTA) and the HCV core, with conditional, acute expression of the HCV core in the context of the mature liver were subjected to 43% partial hepatectomy and CBDL. The levels of thioredoxin-1, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), and 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) were evaluated in liver samples taken 3 days after the operations.

Results: The DTM had significantly higher TBARS levels than mice that were transgenic for only tTA (i.e. single transgenic mice; STM) and non-transgenic mice (NTM) after a sham laparotomy, CBDL and partial hepatectomy. Of the DTM, the TBARS levels were higher in female mice than in males after a sham laparotomy (P = 0.02) and CBDL (P = 0.0001). 4-HNE staining data were compatible with these results. Furthermore, male DTM exhibited higher levels of thioredoxin-1 than female DTM after sham laparotomy (P = 0.012) and CBDL (P = 0.008).

Conclusions: The HCV core increases hepatic oxidative stress in vivo and female DTM are more vulnerable to the oxidative stress caused by acute core expression with, or without, CBDL. The fact that the female DTM had lower thioredoxin-1 levels may account for this observation.  相似文献   

In this report, we investigated the in vivo cell biology of cancer cells during immune rejection. The use of nestin-driven green fluorescent protein (ND-GFP) transgenic mice as hosts, in which nascent blood vessels express GFP, and implanted dual-color mouse mammary tumor 060562 (MMT) cells, in which the cytoplasm expresses red fluorescent protein (RFP) and the nuclei express GFP, allowed very important novel observations of angiogenesis and subcellular death pathways during immune rejection of a tumor. Nascent blood vessels did not form in the initially-growing mouse mammary tumor in ND-GFP immunocompetent mice. In contrast, in ND-GFP immunodeficient nude mice, numerous GFP-expressing nascent blood vessels grew into the tumor. The results suggest that insufficient nascent tumor angiogenesis was important in tumor rejection. During immune rejection, the cancer cells deformed their cytoplasm and nuclei, which were readily imaged by RFP and GFP, respectively. The nuclear membrane of the cancer cells ruptured, and chromatin extruded during partition of cytoplasm and nuclei. T lymphocytes infiltrated into the initially-growing tumor in the nestin-GFP transgenic immunocompetent mice. The cytotoxic role of the sensitized T lymphocytes was confirmed in vitro when they were co-cultured with MMT cells. The CD8a-positive lymphocytes attached to the cancer cells and caused nuclear condensation, deformation, and partition from their cytoplasm, similar to what occurred in vivo. The color-coded subcellular fluorescence-imaging model of immune rejection of cancer cells can provide a comprehensive system for further testing of immune-based treatment for cancer.  相似文献   

Zebrafish is a powerful vertebrate model system for studying development, modeling disease, and performing drug screening. Recently a variety of genetic tools have been introduced, including multiple strategies for inducing mutations and generating transgenic lines. However, large-scale screening is limited by traditional genotyping methods, which are time-consuming and labor-intensive. Here we describe a technique to analyze zebrafish genotypes by PCR combined with high-resolution melting analysis (HRMA). This approach is rapid, sensitive, and inexpensive, with lower risk of contamination artifacts. Genotyping by PCR with HRMA can be used for embryos or adult fish, including in high-throughput screening protocols.  相似文献   

The apoptotic adapter protein FADD has been shown to play diverse roles in cell survival and proliferation. FADD knockout embryos died of heart defects, rendering Cre/loxP-mediated conditional FADD knockout mice a unique tool for investigating FADD-dependent nonapoptotic mechanism. Previously, these genetically engineered mice were identified by time-consuming Southern blot or controversial real-time PCR. In this article, we report a novel genotyping strategy based on allele-specific inverse PCR (ASI-PCR) for rapid and reliable identification of conditional FADD knockout mice. In this strategy, the knockout nature of FADD was simply identified by screening the absence of the wild type FADD-specific ASI-PCR product. Using this method, we accurately identified CD4-Cre-mediated T cell specific FADD knockout mice. The whole process can be accomplished in any normal biological laboratory within 12 h using genomic DNA from tail biopsy. The proposed ASI-PCR-based approach is simple, rapid, sensitive, reproducible, and especially suitable for genotyping small amount of spatiotemporally restricted biopsies and large animal population. We believe that the strategy described in this article may be of general utility in genotyping other conditional gene knockout mice.  相似文献   

Globin genes from theCaenorhabditis speciesbriggsae andremanei were identified and compared with a previously describedC. elegans globin gene. The encoded globins share between 86% and 93% amino acid identity, with most of the changes in or just before the putative B helix.C. remanei was found to have two globin alleles,Crg1-1 andCrgl-2. The coding sequence for each is interrupted by a single intron in the same position. The exons of the two genes are only 1 % divergent at the nucleotide level and encode identical polypeptides. In contrast, intron sequence divergence is 16% and numerous insertions and deletions have significantly altered the size and content of both introns. Genetic crosses show thatCrg1-1 andCrgl-2 segregate as alleles. Homozygous lines for each allele were constructed and northern analysis confirmed the expression of both alleles. These data reveal an unusual situation wherein two alleles encoding identical proteins have diverged much more rapidly in their introns than the silent sites of their coding sequences, suggesting multiple gene conversion events. Correspondence to: D. Goldberg  相似文献   

Deleterious impacts of major mutations can be ameliorated by stabilising selection acting on modifier genes. We hypothesise that a new hyperactive circling mouse (counterspin: Cr) arises when modifier genes inadvertently selected to ameliorate the negative impacts of a growth hormone transgenic insertion segregate into the normal genetic background that lacks the transgene. We hypothesise that such modifiers generate a phenotype “mirror image” to the transgenics on the otherwise normal background. We highlight this by testing a priori hypotheses that counterspin and transgenic growth hormone mice deviate oppositely from normal mice across a broad spectrum of characteristics. Results spanning growth, sensorimotor performance, cognition and striatal neurotransmitters provide strong circumstantial evidence for the hypothesis. In a more direct test for selection in the transgenic mice, we found that those examined in 2008 slept ~3 h/d less than they did 14 years ago (P < 0.0005). This is a profound change strongly supporting the reality of modifier selection in these mice. Our results highlight that modifiers may act powerfully on genetically engineered constructs given a genetically variable background. Furthermore, we suggest that modifier selection might provide a novel method for deriving genetic models, and specifically, models phenotypically opposite to engineered constructs or natural mutations.  相似文献   

我们曾经报道了分别在心脏(α—MHC—Cre)和软骨细胞(Col2A1-Cre)特异性表达Cre重组酶转基因小鼠的成功研制。为了对这2种转基因小鼠进行特异性的基因型鉴定,设计了2对特异性PCR引物,其中一条引物分别位于α-肌球蛋白重链基因(α-MHC)启动子和Ⅱ型胶原(Col2Al)启动子上。以6种不同组织特异性Cre重组酶转基因小鼠基因组DNA为模板,利用设计的特异性引物以及位于Cre编码区的通用引物进行PCR反应。结果显示,2对特异性引物可以分别将心肌细胞特异性和软骨细胞特异性Cre重组酶转基因小鼠与其他组织特异性Cre重组酶转基因小鼠有效区分开来。  相似文献   

Tetracycline or doxycycline (dox)-regulated control of genetic elements allows inducible, reversible and tissue specific regulation of gene expression in mice. This approach provides a means to investigate protein function in specific cell lineages and at defined periods of development and disease. Efficient and stable regulation of cDNAs or non-coding elements (e.g. shRNAs) downstream of the tetracycline-regulated element (TRE) requires the robust expression of a tet-transactivator protein, commonly the reverse tet-transactivator, rtTA. Most rtTA strains rely on tissue specific promoters that often do not provide sufficient rtTA levels for optimal inducible expression. Here we describe the generation of two mouse strains that enable Cre-dependent, robust expression of rtTA3, providing tissue-restricted and consistent induction of TRE-controlled transgenes. We show that these transgenic strains can be effectively combined with established mouse models of disease, including both Cre/LoxP-based approaches and non Cre-dependent disease models. The integration of these new tools with established mouse models promises the development of more flexible genetic systems to uncover the mechanisms of development and disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Ncol2是新发现的参与免疫调节的重要因子,Ncol2基因骨髓细胞特异性敲除小鼠的建立,能够有针对性的研究Ncol2基因缺失后对免疫系统的影响。根据条件性基因敲除的原理,本文利用loxp转基因小鼠和在骨髓细胞特异性表达Cre重组酶的LysMcre小鼠,繁殖建立了骨髓细胞特异性敲除Ncol2基因的小鼠,并提供了用鼠尾做基因型鉴定的简便方法。  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to examine and compare the effects of methemoglobin (metHb) and ferrylhemoglobin (ferrylHb) on the erythrocyte membrane. Kinetic studies of the decay of ferrylhemoglobin (*HbFe(IV)=O denotes ferryl derivative of hemoglobin present 5 min after initiation of the reaction of metHb with H2O2; ferrylHb) showed that autoredecay of this derivative is slower than its decay in the presence of whole erythrocytes and erythrocyte membranes. It provides evidence for interactions between ferrylHb and the erythrocyte membrane. Both hemoglobin derivatives induced small changes in the structure and function of the erythrocyte membrane which were more pronounced for ferrylHb. The amount of ferrylHb bound to erythrocyte membranes increased with incubation time and, after 2 h, was twice that of membrane-bound metHb. The incubation of erythrocytes with metHb or ferrylHb did not influence osmotic fragility and did not initiate peroxidation of membrane lipids in whole erythrocytes as well as in isolated erythrocyte membranes. Membrane acetylcholinesterase activity increased by about 10% after treatment of whole erythrocytes with both metHb and ferrylHb. ESR spectra of membrane-bound maleimide spin label demonstrated minor changes in the conformation of label-binding proteins in ferrylHb-treated erythrocyte membranes. The fluidity of the membrane surface layer decreased slightly after incubation of erythrocytes and isolated erythrocyte membranes with ferrylHb and metHb. In whole erythrocytes, these changes were not stable and disappeared during longer incubation.  相似文献   

目的 在法医学领域,现有的SNP检测主要依赖进口,检测工作量大、耗时长且成本较高。微滴数字PCR (droplet digital PCR,ddPCR)作为新一代的PCR技术,可以快速检测低浓度样本DNA,且有较强的抗干扰能力。本研究旨在国产ddPCR平台建立SNP分型检测体系并对其性能进行评估,以探讨ddPCR技术在法医学检验领域的应用价值。方法 在ddPCR平台建立高原适应性EPAS1单倍型(rs115321619、rs73926263、rs73926264、rs73926265和rs55981512)检测体系,测试各位点引物探针特异性,对体系的准确性、稳定性、灵敏度、检材适应性进行评估,并比较了ddPCR和SNaPshot微测序检测体系的抗抑制性,最后对样本地区来源进行测试。结果 ddPCR在2.5 h内即可快速获取检测结果,体系准确性和稳定性好,检测灵敏度为0.312 5 ng,且抗抑制性能力突出。70份测试样本检测结果与背景信息一致。结论 基于ddPCR的SNP检测体系具有准确可靠、简便快速、抗抑制能力强等优势,在法医学快速检验领域有较强的应用潜力,适合法医现场检验需求。  相似文献   

转基因动物的鉴定工作是决定转基因动物能否建立的关键一步.本文提出在PCR扩增初步筛选的基础上,对其产物进行限制性内切酶酶切以确定外源基因的整合的方法,并结合Southern杂交进一步验证,结果快速、明确、可靠.  相似文献   

该文主要介绍一种可以在小鼠中有效地诱导血管内膜增生的方法。该方法使用硅胶管嵌套小鼠股动脉,造成股动脉血管内膜增生。病理切片观察表明,实验组小鼠股动脉与假手术组相比出现了内膜层和中膜层不规则增厚,管腔狭窄,细胞排列紊乱,内膜炎症细胞浸润等。免疫组织化学染色显示内膜增生部分是由于血管平滑肌细胞(VsMCs)增生和基质积聚所致。该模型的建立对动脉粥样硬化病理机制研究和治疗药物的研发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Non-lethal DNA sampling has long appealed to researchers studying population and conservation genetics, as it does not necessitate removing individuals permanently from their natural environment or destroying valuable samples. However, such an approach has not yet been well established in bivalves. In this study, we demonstrate that the gill represents a good source of tissue for non-lethal sampling in scallops. Removal of a few gill filaments caused no noticeable behavioral abnormalities or increased mortality rates in Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) during a three-month period of observation. To facilitate rapid gill-based DNA extraction, six methods (MA-MF) were designed and evaluated, each requiring less than one hour of processing time. The optimal method was identified as MF, in terms of maintaining DNA integrity and genotyping accuracy. Further optimization of MF method by orthogonal experimental design suggested that the utilization of gills could be limited to 2 mg of sample, which is sufficient for performing up to 20,000 PCR reactions. We also demonstrate the excellent cross-species utility of MF in two additional scallop species, Yesso scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) and bay scallop (Argopecten irradians). Taken together, our study provides a rapid and efficient approach for applying non-lethal DNA sampling in bivalve species, which would serve as a valuable tool for maintaining bivalve populations and conservation genetics, as well as in breeding studies.  相似文献   

植物转基因沉默与消除   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
植物基因工程研究是希望获得高稳定表达的转基因植株,而转基因沉默现象却限制了转基因植物的应用前景,基因沉默的机制是多方面的,包括转基因多拷贝之间的异位配对,转基因序列的甲基化,插入位点在染色体结构上的改变及转录后的衰退调控等,研究外源基因的失活原因及寻找相应的策略控制失活,对于植物基因工程的发展有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

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