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Rhinos are the only modern perissodactyls that possess cranial weapons similar to the horns, antlers and ossicones of modern ruminants. Yet, unlike ruminants, there is no clear relationship between sexual dimorphism and sociality. It is possible to extend the study of the coevolution of sociality and sexual dimorphism into extinct rhinos by examining the demographic patterns in large fossil assemblages. An assemblage of the North American early Miocene (∼22 million years ago) rhino, Menoceras arikarense, from Agate Springs National Monument, Nebraska, exhibits dimorphism in incisor size and nasal bone size, but there is no detectible dimorphism in body size. The degree of dimorphism of the nasal horn is greater than the degree of sexual dimorphism of any living rhino and more like that of modern horned ruminants. The greater degree of sexual dimorphism in Menoceras horns may relate to its relatively small body size and suggests that the horn had a more sex-specific function. It could be hypothesized that Menoceras evolved a more gregarious type of sociality in which a fewer number of males were capable of monopolizing a larger number of females. Demographic patterns in the Menoceras assemblage indicate that males suffered from a localized risk of elevated mortality at an age equivalent to the years of early adulthood. This mortality pattern is typical of living rhinos and indicates that young males were susceptible to the aggressive behaviors of dominant individuals in areas conducive to fossilization (e.g., ponds, lakes, rivers). Menoceras mortality patterns do not suggest a type of sociality different from modern rhinos although a group forming type of sociality remains possible. Among both living and extinct rhinos, the severity of socially mediated mortality seems unrelated to the degree of sexual dimorphism. Thus, sexual dimorphism in rhinos is not consistent with traditional theories about the co-evolution of sexual dimorphism and sociality.  相似文献   

Environmental gradients in a marine setting may have significant effects on morphological variations and evolutionary patterns, including sexual dimorphism variations within and between fish populations. We analyzed sexual shape and size dimorphism in accordance with Rensch and Bergmann’s rules in five coastal populations of the gobiid Bathygobius soporator along 4000 km of the Brazilian coastline. The populations differ significantly in sexual body shape dimorphism, with a tendency toward reduced intrapopulation dimorphism, increasing with latitude. Body size variation was significant between populations and population vs. sex, and inverse to Bergmann’s rule. Moreover, size dimorphism among populations of B. soporator does not follow Rensch’s rule. These data represent a rare example of inter and intrapopulation spatial variation in sexual dimorphism associated with latitude in marine fish. This suggests a complex and particularized scenario of biotic and abiotic interactions acting on local populations of B. soporator in extensive coastal areas of the Western Atlantic, with profound implications for species evolution.  相似文献   

The anterior dentition of three species of African colobines (Colobus polykomos, C. badius, and C. verus) was investigated metrically and the results analyzed for three characters: (1) intraspecific tooth size relations, (2) sexual dimorphism, and (3) interspecific relations. Based on incisor size sequences C. polykomos and C. badius appear to be more closely related to each other than either is to C. verus. However, incorporating the results of a previous study on postcanine dentition the three species appear to be equally closely related. The magnitude of sexual dimorphism in canine size decreases from C. badius to C. verus to C. polykomos. Interspecific differences in the degree of canine size dimorphism may be attributed to differential intensities of male intrasexual selection; however, the interspecific differences in canine size dimorphism do not correspond to the interspecific differences in body size dimorphism.  相似文献   

The effects of a series of ecological and size factors on the degree of sexual dimorphism in body weight and canine size were studied among subsets of 70 primate species. Variation in body-weight dimorphism can be almost entirely attributed to body weight (83% of variance R2 of weight dimorphism). Much smaller amounts of the variation can be attributed to mating system (R2 =6.8%,polygynous species being more dimorphic than monogamous ones) and diet (R2 = 2.5%,frugivorous species being more dimorphic than folivorous ones). Habitat (arboreal vs. terrestrial) and activity rhythm (nocturnal vs. diurnal) have only an indirect effect on weight dimorphism. Variation in canine-size dimorphism can be explained in terms of canine size (R2 =49%),activity rhythm (R2 = 20%,diurnal species being more dimorphic than nocturnal ones), and mating system (R2 = 10%).Habitat and diet do not play a significant role in canine-size dimorphism. The unexpectedly high contribution of size to sexual dimorphism coupled with the observation of increased sexual dimorphism with increased size leads us to formulate a new selection model for the evolution of sexual dimorphism. We suggest that if there is selection for size increase, whatever its cause, directional selection in both males and females will lead to an increase in sexual dimorphism based on differences in genetic variance between the sexes. Sexual selection, resource division between the sexes, or lopsided reproductive selection need not play a role in such a model.  相似文献   

  1. In most animals, females are larger than males. Paradoxically, sexual size dimorphism is biased towards males in most mammalian species. An accepted explanation is that sexual dimorphism in mammals evolved by intramale sexual selection. I tested this hypothesis in primates, by relating sexual size dimorphism to seven proxies of sexual selection intensity: operational sex ratio, mating system, intermale competition, group sex ratio, group size, maximum mating percentage (percentage of observed copulations involving the most successful male), and total paternity (a genetic estimate of the percentage of young sired by the most successful male).
  2. I fitted phylogenetic generalised least squares models using sexual size dimorphism as the dependent variable and each of the seven measures of intensity of sexual selection as independent variables. I conducted this comparative analysis with data from 50 extant species of primates, including Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes, and Gorilla spp.
  3. Sexual dimorphism was positively related to the four measures of female monopolisation (operational sex ratio, mating system, intermale competition, and group sex ratio) and in some cases to group size, but was not associated with maximum mating percentage or total paternity. Additional regression analyses indicated that maximum mating percentage and total paternity were negatively associated with group size.
  4. These results are predicted by reproductive skew theory: in large groups, males can lose control of the sexual behaviour of the other members of the group or can concede reproductive opportunities to others. The results are also consistent with the evolution of sexual size dimorphism before polygyny, due to the effects of natural, rather than sexual, selection. In birds, the study of molecular paternity showed that variance in male reproductive success is much higher than expected by behaviour. In mammals, recent studies have begun to show the opposite trend, i.e. that intensity of sexual selection is lower than expected by polygyny.
  5. Results of this comparative analysis of sexual size dimorphism and sexual selection intensity in primates suggest that the use of intramale sexual selection theory to explain the evolution of polygyny and sexual dimorphism in mammals should be reviewed, and that natural selection should be considered alongside sexual selection as an evolutionary driver of sexual size dimorphism and polygyny in mammals.

The evolutionary history of sexual selection in the geologic past is poorly documented based on quantification, largely because of difficulty in sexing fossil specimens. Even such essential ecological parameters as adult sex ratio (ASR) and sexual size dimorphism (SSD) are rarely quantified, despite their implications for sexual selection. To enable their estimation, we propose a method for unbiased sex identification based on sexual shape dimorphism, using size-independent principal components of phenotypic data. We applied the method to test sexual selection in Keichousaurus hui, a Middle Triassic (about 237 Ma) sauropterygian with an unusually large sample size for a fossil reptile. Keichousaurus hui exhibited SSD biased towards males, as in the majority of extant reptiles, to a minor degree (sexual dimorphism index −0.087). The ASR is about 60% females, suggesting higher mortality of males over females. Both values support sexual selection of males in this species. The method may be applied to other fossil species. We also used the Gompertz allometric equation to study the sexual shape dimorphism of K. hui and found that two sexes had largely homogeneous phenotypes at birth except in the humeral width, contrary to previous suggestions derived from the standard allometric equation.  相似文献   

The study of juvenile remains of Paedotherium Burmeister from Cerro Azul Formation (La Pampa Province, Argentina; late Miocene) is presented. Upper and lower deciduous dentition (or permanent molars supposed to be associated with non-preserved deciduous teeth) are recognised. Several ontogenetic stages are distinguished among juveniles, according to the degree of wear and the replaced deciduous teeth. Besides, some morphological and metrical differences are observed along the crown height. Deciduous cheek teeth are high-crowned and placed covering the apex of the corresponding permanent tooth. The height of the crown and the degree of wear allow establishing the pattern of dental replacement of deciduous and permanent premolars in a posterior–anterior direction (DP/dp4–2 and P/p4–2), as well as the eruption of M/m3 before DP/dp4 is replaced. Some of the studied remains are recognised as young individuals of Tremacyllus Ameghino, but with complete permanent dentition, which leads to propose a different timing in the dental replacement with respect to Paedotherium; they also allow the establishment of an opposite premolar eruption pattern, from P/p2 to P/p4. This knowledge of the deciduous dentition of Paedotherium suggests the need of revising the morphological and metrical characters previously used for defining species within this taxon.  相似文献   

The fossil sample attributed to the late Miocene hominoid taxon Ouranopithecus macedoniensis is characterized by a high degree of dental metric variation. As a result, some researchers support a multiple-species taxonomy for this sample. Other researchers do not think that the sample variation is too great to be accommodated within one species. This study examines variation and sexual dimorphism in mandibular canine and postcanine dental metrics of an Ouranopithecus sample. Bootstrapping (resampling with replacement) of extant hominoid dental metric data is performed to test the hypothesis that the coefficients of variation (CV) and the indices of sexual dimorphism (ISD) of the fossil sample are not significantly different from those of modern great apes. Variation and sexual dimorphism in Ouranopithecus M(1) dimensions were statistically different from those of all extant ape samples; however, most of the dental metrics of Ouranopithecus were neither more variable nor more sexually dimorphic than those of Gorilla and Pongo. Similarly high levels of mandibular molar variation are known to characterize other fossil hominoid species. The Ouranopithecus specimens are morphologically homogeneous and it is probable that all but one specimen included in this study are from a single population. It is unlikely that the sample includes specimens of two sympatric large-bodied hominoid species. For these reasons, a single-species hypothesis is not rejected for the Ouranopithecus macedoniensis material. Correlations between mandibular first molar tooth size dimorphism and body size dimorphism indicate that O. macedoniensis and other extinct hominoids were more sexually size dimorphic than any living great apes, which suggests that social behaviors and life history profiles of these species may have been different from those of living species.  相似文献   

Aim To date, studies on geographical variation have extensively investigated Bergmann’s rule, yet Gloger’s rule remains infrequently tested, and climatic predictors of variation in carotenoid coloration have not yet been studied. In addition, hypotheses based on sexual selection, which predict that sexual dimorphism should vary with population density and climatic conditions, have received little attention. Our goals were to characterize geographical variation in the coloration and morphology of golden‐crowned kinglets, Regulus satrapa (Passeriformes, Regulidae), and to investigate possible ecological and sexual selection correlates of this variation. Location The entire species range of golden‐crowned kinglets, comprising North and Central America. Methods We collected data from 511 museum specimens, dating from 1847 to 2006, encompassing all five subspecies of golden‐crowned kinglets. We used reflectance spectrometry to quantify crown and mantle coloration, and measured wing‐chord and tarsus length to approximate body size. We obtained geographical and climatic data from online databases, and population density estimates from the literature. Results There were significant subspecific and gender differences in crown coloration and morphology: male kinglets were generally larger and more colourful. Our data revealed mixed support for Bergmann’s rule: tarsus length decreased with increasing latitude, while patterns of variation in wing‐chord and tarsus length showed conflicting results with temperature. Mantle coloration exhibited an opposite trend to that predicted by Gloger’s rule: upper parts became lighter with increasing relative humidity. Crown coloration was negatively correlated with actual evapotranspiration, suggesting that levels of primary productivity are not directly linked to carotenoid abundance. Sexual dimorphism and dichromatism generally increased with greater population density, lower latitudes and elevations, and warmer temperatures, supporting a previously observed pattern of variation in sexual dimorphism. Main conclusions Geographical variation in golden‐crowned kinglets yielded mixed support for Bergmann’s rule and contradicted Gloger’s rule, suggesting that other mechanisms may be operating. Allen’s rule is likely to be a stronger factor influencing tarsus length. Differences in the degree of sexual dimorphism and dichromatism in varying climatic conditions suggest that the intensity of sexual selection differs between habitats. Further studies on geographical variation in sexual dimorphism in various taxa may reveal a previously unrecognized ecogeographical rule.  相似文献   

Secondary sexual dimorphism can make the discrimination of intra and interspecific variation difficult, causing the identification of evolutionary lineages and classification of species to be challenging, particularly in palaeontology. Yet sexual dimorphism is an understudied research topic in dioecious marine snails. We use landmark-based geometric morphometric analysis to investigate whether there is sexual dimorphism in the shell morphology of the siphon whelk Penion chathamensis. In contrast to studies of other snails, results strongly indicate that there is no difference in the shape or size of shells between the sexes. A comparison of P. chathamensis and a related species demonstrates that this result is unlikely to reflect a limitation of the method. The possibility that sexual dimorphism is not exhibited by at least some species of Penion is advantageous from a palaeontological perspective as there is a rich fossil record for the genus across the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Regression analysis demonstrates that body and skull size are correlated with latitude in Sundaic (Macaca nemestrina nemestrina)and Indochinese (M. n. leonina)pigtail macaques. These two contiguously distributed subspecies are unusual in that they exhibit opposite latitudinal gradients of increasing size— M. n. nemestrinabecomes larger in a southerly direction,while M. n. leoninabecomes larger in a northerly direction in accordance with the usual pattern of ecogeographic variation seen in other sympatric macaques and mammals (Bergmann ’s rule). The difference in clinal size gradients is one more of a series of characters which delineate these two macaques as natural biological populations. However, since the size gradients converge on a narrow zone along the Thai-Malay Peninsula, the use of size as a character to evaluate genetic and morphological intergradation is equivocal when population variation is considered. The third subspecies, the Mentawi Island pigtail (M. n. pagensis),is an endemic,insular isolate differentiated from the Sundaic pigtail from similar latitudes in terms of its small size. Thus, latitude, insularity, and taxonomic differentiation all affect size variation in the pigtail macaques;also,although the data are not definitive, there is the suggestion that the degree of sexual dimorphism may be an additional covariate of latitude and/or body size.  相似文献   

This study examines metric variation of the post-canine permanent dentition of four monkey groups (savannah and forest baboons, savannah and forest guenons) represented by 1,840 individuals.Papio, Mandrillus, Cercopithecus aethiops, andC. mitis each display marked within-group variation in tooth size. Taxonomic status and/or sexual composition of a sample does not correspond to a particular magnitude of variation. Therefore, the use of the coefficient of variation to assess either the specific or sexual composition of fossil samples is untenable.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in sexual dimorphism of tooth size was assessed for the red fox Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) across the whole northern range of the species. Twenty-one measurements of tooth size and skull length were taken from 2849 specimens (1577 males and 1272 females) originating from 12 Nearctic and 25 Palearctic localities. The index of sexual dimorphism was calculated as a quotient of the mean measure of certain characters in males by the respective mean in females ( M m/ M f). In the whole range, the males were larger than females and mean dimorphism index of tooth size ranged from 1.01 to 1.06. On average, the tooth measurements in males were 3.6% larger than in females. The highest dimorphism was observed in the canines. Dimorphism of tooth size was higher in the Palearctic than Nearctic. Statistically significant differences between regions were found for lengths of C1, C1 and M1. In the Palearctic, higher values of the dimorphism indices were observed particularly in the southern parts of the Eurasian range of the red fox and in Great Britain. For a few metrical traits, sexual dimorphism indices presented significant relations to some geo-climatic variables. The geographic pattern of size dimorphism in the red fox seems to be shaped by sexual selection, intraspecific and interspecific competition and population density.  相似文献   

In this study, we applied geometric morphometrics to explore variations in the level and pattern of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and sexual shape dimorphism (SShD) of the ventral cranium in three different Modern Eurasian newt taxa (Ichthyosaura alpestris, Triturus species group and Lissotriton vulgaris). The ventral cranium is the part of the skull that is more directly related to foraging and feeding. Our results indicate that the level and pattern of sexual dimorphism in the ventral cranium differ among Modern Eurasian newt taxa. Regarding sexual dimorphism in skull size, Ichthyosaura alpestris and Triturus species show female-biased patterns (females are larger than males), whereas Lissotriton vulgaris appears to be non-dimorphic in skull size. In I. alpestris and Triturus species, SShD is mostly absent, whereas in L. vulgaris, SShD is more pronounced. A high level of variation between populations in both SSD and SShD indicates that local conditions may have a profound effect on the magnitude and direction of sexual dimorphism. The significant sexual differences in ventral cranium size and shape indicate possible subtle intersexual differences in ecological demands due to diet specialisation, in spite of similar general ecological settings.  相似文献   

Recently discovered crania of Australopithecus africanus from Sterkfontein Member 4 and Makapansgat enlarge the size range of the species and encourage a reappraisal of both the degree and pattern of sexual dimorphism. Resampling methodology (bootstrapping) is used here to establish that A. africanus has a greater craniofacial size range than chimpanzees or modern humans, a range which is best attributed to a moderately high degree of sexual dimorphism. Compared to other fossil hominins, this variation is similar to that of Homo habilis (sensu lato) but less than that of A. boisei. The finding of moderately high dimorphism is corroborated by a CV-based estimate and ratios between those specimens considered to be male and those considered to be female. Inferences about the pattern of craniofacial dimorphism in the A. africanus face currently rely on the relationship of morphology and size. Larger specimens, particularly Stw 505, show prominent superciliary eminences and glabellar regions, but in features related in part to canine size, such as the curvature of the infraorbital surface, large and small specimens of A. africanus are similar. In this respect, the pattern resembles that of modern humans more so than chimpanzees or lowland gorillas. A. africanus may also show novel patterns of sexual dimorphism when compared to extant hominines, such as in the form of the anterior pillar. However, males of the species do not exhibit characteristics of more derived hominins, such as A. robustus. Am J Phys Anthropol 108:97–127, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Clam shrimps have been recognized as a key group for the study of reproductive system evolution, owing to the diversity of sexual systems in extant members. However, there are comparatively little data on fossil taxa. In this study, we reveal the sexual system of the Early Cretaceous clam shrimp Eosestheria middendorfii (Yixian Formation, China). This is the first study that restricts the analysis to a single cohort, minimizing the otherwise considerable impact of ecophenotypic variation within this species. In addition, the presence of egg clutches, which identifies some individuals as either female or hermaphroditic, serves as an independent indicator for sex prior to the statistical treatment of the data. Obligate sexuality (‘dioecy’) is the inferred reproductive system for E. middendorfii and sexual dimorphism accounts for about 10% of the adult shape variation. Carapace shape variation resulting from malformation and deformation is more pronounced than the underlying sexual dimorphism. Subtle sexual dimorphism, smaller and slightly more elongate females, lateral egg clutches, and egg diameters of about 140 μm indicate that E. middendorfii is closely allied with the extant family Cyzicidae.  相似文献   

This study examined sexual dimorphism of head morphology in the ecologically diverse three‐spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus. Male G. aculeatus had longer heads than female G. aculeatus in all 10 anadromous, stream and lake populations examined, and head length growth rates were significantly higher in males in half of the populations sampled, indicating that differences in head size increased with body size in many populations. Despite consistently larger heads in males, there was significant variation in size‐adjusted head length among populations, suggesting that the relationship between head length and body length was flexible. Inter‐population differences in head length were correlated between sexes, thus population‐level factors influenced head length in both sexes despite the sexual dimorphism present. Head shape variation between lake and anadromous populations was greater than that between sexes. The common divergence in head shape between sexes across populations was about twice as important as the sexual dimorphism unique to each population. Finally, much of the sexual dimorphism in head length was due to divergence in the anterior region of the head, where the primary trophic structures were found. It is unclear whether the sexual dimorphism was due to natural selection for niche divergence between sexes or sexual selection. This study improves knowledge of the magnitude, growth rate divergence, inter‐population variation and location of sexual dimorphism in G. aculeatus head morphology.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is commonly used to directly infer or support reconstructions of social behavior in early hominins. This is often done by comparing the magnitude of sexual size dimorphism to that seen in extant primates and extrapolating a likely social behavior. Such comparisons are of limited value, though, allowing only the inference of strong male–male competition when dimorphism is strong. Recent studies have begun to focus on the selective factors that impact female body size, and thereby size dimorphism. Considerations of changes in male and female size in the fossil record potentially allow insight into the meaning of changes in sexual dimorphism through time. To illustrate, I compare estimates of body mass dimorphism for four hominin taxa to assess changes in male and female size. Assuming that early Homo represents a single taxon, sexual size dimorphism increased in early Homo through an increase in male size, but was subsequently reduced through an increase in female size in Homo erectus. This would imply a significant increase in sexual selection acting on males in early Homo. An increase in female size with a loss of dimorphism in Homo erectus would imply a simultaneous shift in female optimal body size through selection for increased female fecundity, and/or an increase in female resource abundance, coupled with a shift in selection acting on male size. Although none of these inferences are certain, the exercise illustrates the potential for considering how dimorphism changes through time, rather than simply focusing on the magnitude of size dimorphism in isolation.  相似文献   

Among New World monkeys, more or less sexual dimorphism exists in the dentition, especially in the Cebidae. On the other hand, the Callitrichidae includingSaguinus are said to be characterized by a broad lack of sexual dimorphism with the exception of the reproductive organs. In the present article, sexual dimorphism in the dentition of someSaguinus species was reconfirmed using univariate and multivariate analytical methods. The results of the analysis were as follows: (1) there is no sexual dimorphism in the canine tooth size, except for the upper canine ofS. geoffroyi and lower canine ofS. mystax; (2) the overall tooth size difference between males and females is slight or none inS. geoffroyi, S. leucopus, andS. fuscicollis, relatively small inS. oedipus andS. mystax, and rather larger inS. midas; (3) an overall difference in shape factor between both sexes exists in all species ofSaguinus to a greater or lesser extent; (4) although only slight sexual dimorphism is recognized in the canine tooth itself, sexual dimorphism does exist in some adjacent teeth of the canine in a few species; and (5) there are some interspecific differences in the magnitude of the sexual dimorphism of theSaguinus dentition and these differences are more evident in species inhabiting the peripheral regions of the distribution areas of this genus. Taking all the evidence obtained into account, the sexual dimorphism in theSaguinus dentition must be re-investigated in comparison with other genera of the Callitrichidae.  相似文献   

Variants of the melanocortin‐1 receptor (MC1R) gene result in abrupt, naturally selected colour morphs. These genetic variants may differentially affect sexual dimorphism if one morph is naturally selected in the two sexes but another morph is naturally or sexually selected only in one of the two sexes (e.g. to confer camouflage in reproductive females or confer mating advantage in males). Therefore, the balance between natural and sexual selections can differ between MC1R variants, as suggest studies showing interspecific correlations between sexual dimorphism and the rate of nonsynonymous vs. synonymous amino acid substitutions at the MC1R. Surprisingly, how MC1R is related to within‐species sexual dimorphism, and thereby to sex‐specific selection, has not yet been investigated. We tackled this issue in the barn owl (Tyto alba), a species showing pronounced variation in the degree of reddish pheomelanin‐based coloration and in the number and size of black feather spots. We found that a valine (V)‐to‐isoleucine (I) substitution at position 126 explains up to 30% of the variation in the three melanin‐based colour traits and in feather melanin content. Interestingly, MC1R genotypes also differed in the degree of sexual colour dimorphism, with individuals homozygous for the II MC1R variant being 2 times redder and 2.5 times less sexually dimorphic than homozygous individuals for the VV MC1R variant. These findings support that MC1R interacts with the expression of sexual dimorphism and suggest that a gene with major phenotypic effects and weakly influenced by variation in body condition can participate in sex‐specific selection processes.  相似文献   

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