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Summary Previous studies have shown that the shrub, Baccharis pilularis spp. consanguinea, invades annual grasslands in the San Francisco Bay region in a sporadic manner. Invasion was shown to be positively correlated with the amount of rainfall received in the spring. Here we show that, although Baccharis seeds are dispersed near the beginning of the winter rainy season, seedling root growth is extremely slow until spring. At this time, cessation of the winter rains and transpiration by the grassland annuals results in drying of the upper soil profile. We conclude that establishment of Baccharis seedlings at our study site usually fails because seedling roots cannot reach depths of permanently moist soil, below the depth of the grass roots, before this soil drought occurs. The continuation of rains into the warmer spring months provides a window of time when favorable temperatures and adequate soil moisture allow shrubs to establish.  相似文献   

Accelerating invasion of grasslands by woody species is a widespread global phenomenon. The native shrub Baccharis pilularis has recently increased in abundance in some California grasslands, with large local community and ecosystem effects. I investigated potential contributions of (1) future global climate and atmospheric changes and (2) variation in moisture and nutrient availability to increased Baccharis germination and early establishment rates. I examined responses of Baccharis seeds and seedlings to simulated warming (+ 1−2 °C) and elevated CO2 (+ 300 ppm) in a 2-year field experiment. Warming and CO2 treatments were applied at ambient and increased water and nitrogen levels chosen to simulate future increases in precipitation (+ 50%) and N deposition (+ 7 gN m−2 y−1). Elevated CO2 and water addition each increased or accelerated germination. Herbivory strongly reduced seedling populations during the winter wet season; drought further reduced seedling survival in the spring. Overall Baccharis survivorship was extremely low (<0.1%) across all treatments, complicating the interpretation of global change effects.  相似文献   

The red alga Gelidium robustum is important,because of its commercial exploitation in Mexico as araw material for the agar industry, providing 10% ofthe world production of agarophytes. In recent years,its annual harvest in Mexico has shownobvious,variations partly because of an increasedharvesting effort, but also because of environmentalchanges. An analysis is presented of the effect thatinterannual variability of the sea surfacetemperature, wind speed, and upwelling index had onthe relative abundance of this alga from 1980 to 1990.The results indicate a close relation betweenenvironmental fluctuations and the relative abundanceof this species. The response of G. robustum tothe different environmental conditions has not alwaysbeen equal. During El Niño 1982–84, the seasurface temperature was the most important factor andthere was a high negative correlation with therelative abundance. A lag period of three monthsshowed a positive correlation with upwelling index andwind speed. Under normal conditions and during LaNiña, the relative abundance of the alga showed apositive correlation with the sea surface temperature. For the upwelling index and wind speed, therelationship was similar to that during El Niño.  相似文献   

Synopsis Observations of three incidents of the mass mortality of nearshore fishes are reported; each corresponded to periods of high-amplitude, long-period swells during the 1982–1983 El Niño event along the coast of central California. Members of the nearshore kelp forest fish assemblage, primarily of the genusSebastes, accounted for 96% of the observed mortalities andS. mystinus (blue rockfish) alone accounted for 72%.  相似文献   

We investigated the statistical relationship between outbreaks of the oriental migratory locust (Locusta migratoria manilensis Meyen) in the Huang Ho and Huai Ho regions of China and El Niño episodes during 1905–1959, and discussed how El Niño affects locust outbreaks. The outbreaks of the locust mostly occurred 1–2 years after the El Niño episodes. El Niño was suggested to affect the locust outbreaks by changing the precipitation and air temperature in Northern China.  相似文献   

Veblen  Thomas T.  Kitzberger  Thomas 《Plant Ecology》2002,163(2):187-207
Fire history was compared between the Colorado Front Range (U.S.A.) and northern Patagonia (Argentina) by dating fire-scars on 525 Pinus ponderosa and 418 Austrocedrus chilensis, respectively, and determining fire weather on the basis of instrumental and tree-ring proxy records of climatic variation. Years of above average moisture availability preceding fire years, rather than drought alone, is conducive to years of widespread fire in the Colorado Front Range and the northern Patagonian study areas. Above-average precipitation promotes fire by enhancing the growth of herbaceous plants which increases the quantity of fine fuels during the fire season a few years later. The short-term variability in moisture availability that is conducive to widespread burning is strongly related to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) activity. The warm (El Niño) phase of ENSO is associated with greater moisture availability during the spring in both regions which leads to peaks in fire occurrence several years after El Niño events. The warmer and drier springs associated with la Niña events exacerbate the drying of fuels so that fire years commonly coincide with La Niña events. In both regions, there was a dramatic decline in fire occurrence after the early 1900s due to a decline in intentionally set fires by Native Americans and European settlers, fuel reduction by livestock grazing, and increasingly effective organized fire suppression activities after the 1920s. In both regions there was a marked increase in fire frequency during the mid-and late-19th centuries which coincides with increased ignitions by Native Americans and/or European settlers. However, year-to-year variability in ring widths of Pinus ponderosa and Austrocedrus chilensis also increased from relatively low values in the late 1700s and early 1800s to peaks in the 1850s and 1860s. This implies frequent alternation of years of above and below average moisture availability during the mid-19th century when the frequencies of major fire years rise. The high correlation of tree-growth variability betweem the two regions implies a strong inter-hemispheric variation in climatic variability at a centennial time scale which closely parallels a variety of proxy records of ENSO activity. Based on the relationship of fire and ENSO events documented in the current study, this long-term trend in ENSO activity probably contributed to the mid- and late-19th century increase in fire spread in both regions. These similar trends in fire occurrence have contributed to similar patterns of forest structures, forest health, and current hazard of catastrophic wildfire in the Colorado Front Range and northern Patagonia.  相似文献   

Tree-ring studies contribute worldwide to the understanding of climate and its relation to tree growth. Long tree-ring chronologies serve as climate proxies for the reconstruction of past, pre-instrument climate and its recent change. In tropical regions, the availability of exactly dated tree-ring chronologies is limited. The dendroclimatic potential of two dominant species from dry forests in northern Namibia was examined in the study presented in this paper. Both species (Burkea africana Hook and Pterocarpus angolensis DC) were sampled at two sites (ca. 900 km apart), and the response to several climatic variables, including ENSO indices, is studied. All specimens showed distinct growth rings and cross-dating between radii was successful for all trees. Species-specific mean curves were built for both sites. The mean curves of different species of the same site synchronised significantly, allowing the construction of a site-specific chronology. Synchronisation between sites was not possible, but spectral analysis of the chronologies implied that both show similar long-term (6.7 year) oscillation patterns. B. africana is more sensitive to rainfall variation than P. angolensis at both sites. Growth response to rainfall was positive, but a time-lag in the reaction occurred between the sites, corresponding to the time-lag of the beginning of the rainy season. Air temperature showed a negative correlation with stem increment at both sites. The response at the westernmost site to two ENSO indices indicates a tree growth decrease during El Niño years, which are generally dry in southern Africa.  相似文献   

Substantial recruitment of Callitris glaucophylla in woodland, Sclerolaena birchii in cleared woodland, and Astrebla lappacea in grassland is related to catastrophic events of the past century in the form of interactions between climate, the impact of European land use (sheep, cattle, rabbits) and the rabbit myxoma epizootic. The direct effect of rainfall on the demography of these species and its indirect effect through competition via suites of accompanying plant species are examined. Major long-term changes in plant populations are generated by extreme sequential events rather than by random isolated events. One of the most potent climatic agents for change in eastern Australia is the El Niño/Southern Oscillation phenomenon.  相似文献   

Summary Rhinanthus minor (yellow-rattle) is a widespread hemiparasitic plant of grassland habitats throughout Great Britain. It is usually considered to be indicative of species-rich grassland, but in a survey of 14 habitats throughout Britain it was found that R. minor at the time of flowering normally occupied relatively low-diversity patches within areas of high diversity as determined by the number of species, Simpson's Index and the Shannon-Wiener Index. Following the death of adult plants of R. minor in the summer it was shown that the pattern of species diversity changed such that by the time R. minor germinated in the following spring the differences between the areas containing and not containing R. minor were much less distinct. A perturbation experiment in which R. minor was removed from four sites indicated that the effect of the removal of R. minor on the development of community structure over the next year was to increase species diversity on three of the sites and decrease it on the fourth. Those species which responded to the removal of R. minor by an increase in abundance were shown to be preferred hosts. All three lines of evidence point to the fact R. minor has a significant effect on the species diversity of the communities in which it grows by selectively parasitizing components of the flora and modifying the competitive relationships between plants. However, as the communities generally responded to the removal of R. minor by an increase in diversity and as the general survey indicated that R. minor is generally associated with areas of low diversity it would appear that the plants which are selectively parasitized are generally not the competitive dominants in the community.  相似文献   

European earthworms are colonizing worm-free hardwood forests across North America. Leading edges of earthworm invasion in forests of northern Minnesota provide a rare opportunity to document changes in soil characteristics as earthworm invasions are occurring. Across leading edges of earthworm invasion in four northern hardwood stands, increasing total earthworm biomass was associated with rapid disappearance of the O horizon. Concurrently, the thickness, bulk density and total soil organic matter content of the A horizon increased, and it’s percent organic matter and fine root density decreased. Different earthworm species assemblages influenced the magnitude and type of change in these soil parameters. Soil N and P availability were lower in plots with high earthworm biomass compared to plots with low worm biomass. Decreases in soil nitrogen availability associated with high earthworm biomass were reflected in decreased foliar nitrogen content for Carex pensylvanica, Acer saccharum and Asarum canadense but increased foliar N for Athyrium felix-femina. Overall, high earthworm biomass resulted in increased foliar carbon to nitrogen ratios. The effects of earthworm species assemblages on forest soil properties are related to their feeding and burrowing habits in addition to effects related to total biomass. The potential for large ecosystem consequences following exotic earthworm invasion has only recently been recognized by forest ecologists. In the face of rapid change and multiple pressures on native forest ecosystems, the impacts of earthworm invasion on forest soil structure and function must be considered.  相似文献   

Human infection by Borrelia burgdorferi, the etiological agent for Lyme disease, can result in serious acute and late-term disorders including neuroborreliosis, a degenerative condition of the peripheral and central nervous systems. To examine the mechanisms involved in the cellular pathogenesis of neuroborreliosis, we investigated the ability of B. burgdorferi to attach to and/or invade a panel of human neuroglial and cortical neuronal cells. In all neural cells tested, we observed B. burgdorferi in association with the cell by confocal microscopy. Further analysis by differential immunofluorescent staining of external and internal organisms, and a gentamicin protection assay demonstrated an intracellular localization of B. burgdorferi. A non-infectious strain of B. burgdorferi was attenuated in its ability to associate with these neural cells, suggesting that a specific borrelial factor related to cellular infectivity was responsible for the association. Cytopathic effects were not observed following infection of these cell lines with B. burgdorferi, and internalized spirochetes were found to be viable. Invasion of neural cells by B. burgdorferi provides a putative mechanism for the organism to avoid the host's immune response while potentially causing functional damage to neural cells during infection of the CNS.  相似文献   

Summary Baccharis halimifolia (Compositae) is a dioecious shrub which grows on the upland fringe of tidal marshes along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of North America. We examined the responses of the two sexes to variation in nutrient and moisture availability plant density, and defoliation. By growing plants from seedlings to flowering adults under various combinations of soil type, fertilization rate and plant density, we were able to establish different rates of plant growth and mortality. Plants grown at high density and low nutrient and water supply grew the least, incurrent the most mortality and showed a male-biased sex ratio (73% male). At low density with abundant nutrients and water, plants grew more, survived well, flowered frequently, and were female-biased (75% female). Changes in sex ratio were probably the result of sex-related mortality rather than sexual lability of the seedlings. While changes in sex ratio occurred under experimental conditions in the green-house, no evidence for differences in habitat utilization between the sexes were found in the field and the sex ratio (59% female) did not vary across habitats. In the marsh habitats we sampled where water and nutrients were apparently available, there was no evidence for differential mortality between the sexes. When defoliated (75% of leaf tissue), both sexes showed similar reductions in reproductive effort (number of flower heads/shoot). Our results indicate that differences between the sexes of Baccharis in their response to environmental growing conditions is an important ecological factor associated with the separation of male and female function into separate individuals.  相似文献   

Senecio jacobaea, a poisonous weed from Eurasia, was brought under successful biological control in the Ft. Bragg, California area by 1976, through the combined action of the defoliating cinnabar moth (Tyria jacobaeae) and a root feeding flea beetle (Longitarsus jacobaeae). In 1987, 4 previously infested Ft. Bragg sites (3 sites where control had been documented and another unstudied site) were examined.Senecio jacobaea densities at these sites were 0.0, 0.0, 0.01 and 0.18 plants/m2, indicating both continued and improved control of the weed. The flea beetle and the cinnabar moth both persist at the sites, despite very low numbers ofS. jacobaea plants. The control ofS. jacobaea has resulted in the return of near natural vegetation at the 2 coastal prairie sites and regained productivity at the 2 pasture sites. c/o American Embassy APO San Francisco 96301  相似文献   

Temperature affects growth rate of crocodiles. However, no information exists about the effects of temperature by El Niño-South Oscillation (ENSO) on crocodiles. In this paper, we present information about the effect of ENSO on total length and body mass of Crocodylus acutus in captivity during 1997–2001. We did not observe differences in total length among years, but we did so in body mass. Furthermore, we observed that warm episodes of ENSO were associated with a higher average total length and cold episodes represented a higher average of body mass. Sea surface temperature (SST) was significantly related with total length; however, the relationship between SST and body mass was unclear. We suggest that ENSO effects on growth rates of crocodiles need to be considered as an important factor on the management of captive populations.  相似文献   

The impact of malathion-bait sprays (directed against medfly, Ceratitis capitata [Wiedemann]) on an endemic gall midge (Rhopalomyia californica Felt) and its parasitoids was investigated during 1982–83 in the south San Francisco Bay area of northern California. In a heavily sprayed area (Woodside), a population explosion of the midge was detected following 24 applications of malathion bait. The midge population reached levels ca. 90x greater than those observed in an adjacent unsprayed area (Jasper Ridge). In a moderately sprayed area (Portola Valley), the midge population increased as much as 5x that observed in the adjacent unsprayed area (Jasper Ridge), following 12 applications of malathion bait. In laboratory tests, the malathion bait was toxic to both the midge and its parasitoids. The major parasitoids were Torymus koebelei (Huber), Zatropis capitis Burks, Platygaster californica (Ashmead) and Mesopolobus sp. Population increases of the midge following malathion-bait sprays were attributed to destruction of parasitoids and other natural enemies of the midge. If the environmental impact of malathion-bait sprays is related to the number of applications (as suggested in this study), then it would be worthwhile to determine the appropriate bait-spray strategy for a given situation, so as to minimize adverse effects on nontarget species, yet insure suppression or eradication of medfly.
Résumé L'impact des pièges tratiés au malathion (destinés à Ceratitis capitata Wiedem) sur Rhopalomyia californica Felt et ses parasitoïdes a été examiné en 1982–1983 dans le sud de la zone de la baie de San Francisco en Californie. Dans une zone fortement traitée (Woodside), une explosion de population a été décelée après 24 traitements. La population de R. californica a atteint des niveaux 90 fois supérieurs à ceux observés dans une zone contiguë non traitée (Jasper Ridge). Dans une zone modérément traitée (Portola Valley), avec 12 traitement, la population de R. californica a atteint jusqu'a 5 fois celle de Jasper Ridge. Au laboratoire, le piège à malathion a été toxique tant pour R. californica que pour ses parasitoïdes, dont les principaux étaient: Torymus koebelei (Huber), Zatropis capitis Burks, Platygaster californica(Ashmead) et Mesopolobus sp. L'accroissement de la population de C. capitata après traitement a été attribué à la destruction de parasitoïdes et d'autres ennemis naturels. Si l'effet su l'environnement du traitement est lié au nombre d'interventions (comme le suggère cette étude), alors cela vaudrait la peine de définir une stratégie de traitement appropriée à une situation donnée, de façon à minimiser les effets négatifs sur des espèces non visées, tout en assurant la suppression ou l'éradication de C. capitata.

A proxy record of sand beach accretion for the past 10,000 years has been assembled from radiocarbon dates on the Pismo clam, Tivela stultorum, in archaeological sites along the southern California coast. When this record is compared with numerous climate proxies, it appears that El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) controls on wave climate and sediment flux have acted upon regional geomorphology at different sea levels to either accrete or erode the Holocene beaches of southern California. Tivela dates from the Santa Maria coast indicate that perennial sand beaches built by 9000 years ago in response to abundant riverine sediment contained by the natural groin at Point Sal, wave sheltering by the massive headland of Point Buchon, and Early Holocene El Niño events. On the western Santa Barbara coast, sand beaches were forming by 7000 years ago in response to high sand fluxes from the Santa Ynez Mountains to the many small littoral catchments, possibly aided by high local rates of uplift. Decline of these sand beach habitats 5000-4000 years ago coincides with increased El Niño-driven wave energy. In accord with slowing in sea-level rise ca. 6000 years ago, sand beaches were most widespread in the period 6000-5000 years ago on Estero Bay, the western Santa Barbara coast, and west of Point Dume. However, Tivela dates first appear 5000 years ago in the Oceanside and Silver Strand littoral cells of the San Diego region. This lag coincides with the Middle Holocene shift to a more variable climate and modern periodicity in El Niño events that increased sediment supply to the southern coast. The ontogeny of the littoral cells provides timelines for modeling coastal evolution with implications for sand beach ecology, prehistoric human coastal adaptations, and coastal planning for future climate change.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1998 a new year class of the invasive European green crab, Carcinus maenas, appeared in Oregon and Washington estuaries as well as in northern California, USA, and on Vancouver Island, Canada. This invader was first discovered in San Francisco Bay almost a decade earlier and by 1995 it had spread to northern California. The coast-wide colonization event we studied in 1998 (El Niño cohort) was correlated with unusually strong north flowing coastal currents from September 1997 to April 1998. Larval transport by ocean currents from established populations to the south appeared to be the mechanism for the colonization. Crabs from the 1998-year class grew faster than counterparts from Maine and Europe, averaging 14 mm in carapace width in June, and 46 mm by September 1998. By the end of their second summer, males ranged from 52 to 80 mm in carapace width, and by fall of 2000 some males attained a carapace width of over 90 mm. The life span for C. maenasit in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia is estimated to be similar as in Europe and Maine: 4–6 years. Even though the initial colonists (98-year class) are dying of senescence, and coastal currents have not been favorable for larval transport from source populations in California, green crabs do persist in Oregon and Washington estuaries. It appears that local reproduction and recruitment in some years is high enough to keep this population from going extinct.  相似文献   

We present the 11?150-cal-yr-long pollen record Laguna Las Margaritas (3°23′N, 73°26′W; 290 m altitude), located at a site sensitive to climatic change near the transition from the Amazonian rainforest to the savanna of the Llanos Orientales in Colombia. In the 10-m-long core nine AMS 14C bulk samples show ages from 9760±60 to 854±36 BP and provide initial time control. Thirty-one additional AMS 14C samples of selected macrofossils provide time control from 6250 to 4050 cal BP; for this interval precise time control was obtained by 14C wiggle-match dating. From 11?150 to 9100 cal BP, grass savanna dominated the landscape while gallery forest along the drainage system was poorly developed. Water availability was lower than today and the length of the dry season longer. From 9100 to 7330 cal BP gallery forest expanded pointing to wetter conditions. From 7330 to 5430 cal BP savanna was increasingly replaced by forest, but with alternating abundance of both vegetation types. From 5430 to 2500 cal BP forest and wooded savanna dominated the western Llanos Orientales suggesting high precipitation rates. Expansion of Mauritia palm forest at 2500 cal BP reflects increasing water availability and stagnant water environments. Increasing savanna between 2500 and 1000 cal BP may represent a combined natural and anthropogenic signal. Development from open savanna to forest during the Middle Holocene is synchronous with a decreasing caloric seasonality, and a southward migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, suggesting that the large-scale climatic and vegetational change in the Colombian savannas is precession-forced. High-frequent migration of the savanna-rainforest boundary started around 6000 cal BP and continued at least to 3000 cal BP. Precipitation regimes in northwest and northeast South America seem opposite: dry conditions in the Colombian savanna area seem to reflect a La Niña setting of the climate system; wet conditions reflect an El Niño setting. Δ14C fluctuations reflect changes of solar activity and we tested the hypothesis that Δ14C fluctuations correspond to climatic and vegetational change. For the interval 6250 to 4050 cal BP, we applied 14C wiggle-match dating (WMD), i.e. matching a series of radiocarbon ages in 14C BP from the sediment, with the dendrochronology-based calibration curve, and we also wiggle-matched the pollen record vs. the Δ14C record. In this first attempt in a neotropical ecosystem, we could not find unambiguous support that changes in solar activity did trigger climatic and vegetational change in the savannas of the Llanos Orientales.  相似文献   

Ovigerous females of Cancer setosus are present year-round throughout most of its wide range along the Peruvian/Chilean Pacific coast (2°S-46°S). However, their number of egg-masses produced per year remains speculative and as such has neither been considered in latitudinal comparisons of reproduction, nor for its fisheries management. In order to reveal the effect of temperature on egg-mass production and egg-development, female C. setosus were held in through-flow aquaria under natural seasonal temperature conditions (16-23 °C) in Antofagasta (23°S), Northern Chile (05/2005-03/2006; 10 months), and at three constant temperatures (12, 16, 19 °C) in Puerto Montt (41°S), Central Southern Chile (09/2006-02/2007; 5 months). Female crabs uniformly produced up to 3 viable egg-masses within 4 1/2 months in Antofagasta and in Puerto Montt (at 19 °C). The second egg-mass was observed 62.5 days (± 7.6; N = 7) after the oviposition of the first clutch and a third egg-mass followed 73.5 days (± 12.5; N = 11) later in Antofagasta (at 16-23 °C). Comparably, a second oviposition took place 64.4 days (± 9.8, N = 5) after the first clutch and a third, 67.0 days (± 2.8, N = 2), thereafter, at 19 °C in Puerto Montt. At the two lower temperatures (16 and 12 °C) in Puerto Montt a second egg-mass was extruded after 82.8 days (± 28.9; N = 4) and 137 days (N = 1), respectively. The duration of egg-development from oviposition until larval hatching decreased from 65 days at 12.5 °C to 22.7 days at the observed upper temperature threshold of 22 °C. Based on the derived relationship between temperature and the duration of egg-development (y = 239.3175e− 0.107x; N = 21, r2 = 0.83) and data on monthly percentages of ovigerous females from field studies, the annual number of egg-masses of C. setosus was calculated. This analysis revealed an annual output of about one egg-mass close to the species northern and southern distributional limits in Casma (9°S) and Ancud (43°S), respectively, while at Coquimbo (29°S) about two and in Concepción (36°S) more than 3 egg-masses are produced per year.  相似文献   

Factors contributing to an invasion of the Asian woody vine Celastrus orbiculatus in a mesic forested Massachusetts (USA) sanctuary were investigated. Planting germinated C. orbiculatus seeds in the field revealed that, although they tolerate a wide range of conditions, seedlings grow largest in moist circumneutral soil under high irradiance. A study of naturally occurring vines in a logged forest suggested that C. orbiculatus invaded two years after harvest, and invasion may have been triggered by logging disturbance. Vine stems were more abundant on former logging roads than in surrounding selectively logged areas. Former logging roads had a significantly higher soil pH than surrounding areas and, due to the direction of construction, a significantly more southerly aspect. Fourteen years after harvest, logging roads continued to provide this aggressive exotic with superior habitat for establishment and growth.  相似文献   

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