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Diaphragm weakness commonly occurs in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) and is an independent predictor of mortality. However, the pathophysiology of diaphragm weakness is poorly understood. We hypothesized that CHF induces diaphragm weakness at the single-fiber level by decreasing myosin content. In addition, we hypothesized that myofibrillar Ca(2+) sensitivity is decreased and cross-bridge kinetics are slower in CHF diaphragm fibers. Finally, we hypothesized that loss of myosin in CHF diaphragm weakness is associated with increased proteolytic activities of caspase-3 and the proteasome. In skinned diaphragm single fibers of rats with CHF, induced by left coronary artery ligation, maximum force generation was reduced by approximately 35% (P < 0.01) compared with sham-operated animals for slow, 2a, and 2x fibers. In these CHF diaphragm fibers, myosin heavy chain content per half-sarcomere was concomitantly decreased (P < 0.01). Ca(2+) sensitivity of force generation and the rate constant of tension redevelopment were significantly reduced in CHF diaphragm fibers compared with sham-operated animals for all fiber types. The cleavage activity of the proteolytic enzyme caspase-3 and the proteasome were approximately 30% (P < 0.05) and approximately 60% (P < 0.05) higher, respectively, in diaphragm homogenates from CHF rats than from sham-operated rats. The present study demonstrates diaphragm weakness at the single-fiber level in a myocardial infarct model of CHF. The reduced maximal force generation can be explained by a loss of myosin content in all fiber types and is associated with activation of caspase-3 and the proteasome. Furthermore, CHF decreases myofibrillar Ca(2+) sensitivity and slows cross-bridge cycling kinetics in diaphragm fibers.  相似文献   

In critically ill patients, mechanisms underlying diaphragm muscle remodeling and resultant dysfunction contributing to weaning failure remain unclear. Ventilator-induced modifications as well as sepsis and administration of pharmacological agents such as corticosteroids and neuromuscular blocking agents may be involved. Thus, the objective of the present study was to examine how sepsis, systemic corticosteroid treatment (CS) and neuromuscular blocking agent administration (NMBA) aggravate ventilator-related diaphragm cell and molecular dysfunction in the intensive care unit. Piglets were exposed to different combinations of mechanical ventilation and sedation, endotoxin-induced sepsis, CS and NMBA for five days and compared with sham-operated control animals. On day 5, diaphragm muscle fibre structure (myosin heavy chain isoform proportion, cross-sectional area and contractile protein content) did not differ from controls in any of the mechanically ventilated animals. However, a decrease in single fibre maximal force normalized to cross-sectional area (specific force) was observed in all experimental piglets. Therefore, exposure to mechanical ventilation and sedation for five days has a key negative impact on diaphragm contractile function despite a preservation of muscle structure. Post-translational modifications of contractile proteins are forwarded as one probable underlying mechanism. Unexpectedly, sepsis, CS or NMBA have no significant additive effects, suggesting that mechanical ventilation and sedation are the triggering factors leading to diaphragm weakness in the intensive care unit.  相似文献   

Summary In cortisone-treated rats, in addition to the observation of heavy bacterial infections and pneumocystosis in almost all animals, numerous fungus species were isolated from the lung tissue in 75 percent of the animals.The luxurious bacterial and fungus flora in rats with artificial pneumocystosis (cortisone-treated) constitutes a serious obstacle in the attempts to growPneumocystis.This work was supported in part by Grant E 576 from the National Institute of Health.  相似文献   

Counteracting the atrophy of skeletal muscle associated with disuse has significant implications for minimizing the wasting and weakness in plaster casting, joint immobilization, and other forms of limb unloading, with relevance to orthopedics, sports medicine, and plastic and reconstructive surgery. We tested the hypothesis that antibody-directed myostatin inhibition would attenuate the loss of muscle mass and functional capacity in mice during 14 or 21 days of unilateral hindlimb casting. Twelve-week-old C57BL/10 mice were subjected to unilateral hindlimb plaster casting or served as controls. Mice received subcutaneous injections of saline or a mouse chimera of anti-human myostatin antibody (PF-354, 10 mg/kg; n = 6-9) on days 0 and 7 and were tested for muscle function on day 14, or were treated on days 0, 7, and 14 and tested for muscle function on day 21. Hindlimb casting reduced muscle mass, fiber size, and function of isolated soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles (P < 0.05). PF-354 attenuated the loss of muscle mass, fiber size, and function with greater effects after 14 days than after 21 days of casting, when wasting and weakness had plateaued (P < 0.05). Antibody-directed myostatin inhibition therefore attenuated the atrophy and loss of functional capacity in muscles from mice subjected to unilateral hindlimb casting with reductions in muscle size and strength being most apparent during the first 14 days of disuse. These findings highlight the therapeutic potential of antibody-directed myostatin inhibition for disuse atrophy especially within the first 2 wk of disuse.  相似文献   

Suspensions of endocrine pancreas cells were prepared by shaking collagenase-isolated rat islets of Langerhans in calcium-free buffer. When incubated with 1.0 mM substrate at pH 7.4, the cells split Pi from 5'-AMP at a rate of 87 nmol/h per microgram DNA, and from beta-glycerophosphate at a rate of 25 nmol/h per microgram DNA. Km for 5'-AMP was about 54 microM. Adenosine or theophylline inhibited the 5'-AMP hydrolysis. Homogenization of the cells increased the activity toward 5'-AMP by 23% and that toward beta-glycerophosphate by 115%. Injecting rats with cortisone had no effect on the 5'-AMP hydrolysis by whole cells but significantly increased the activity in cell homogenates; the intracellular activity toward 5'-AMP was more than doubled by the cortisone treatment. Staining whole islet cells for 5'-AMP-splitting activity resulted in a demarcation of the cell periphery in control rats. Cells from cortisone-treated rats showed heavier deposits of reaction product, and their cell periphery did not stand out as clearly. It is suggested that 5'-nucleotidase is largely an ectoenzyme in normal rat islet cells. The cells also contain an as yet unidentified intracellular phosphatase that seems to be solely responsible for the increased hydrolysis of 5'-AMP in cortisone-treated rats.  相似文献   

Antigravity muscles atrophy and weaken during prolonged mechanical unloading caused by bed rest or spaceflight. Unloading also induces oxidative stress in muscle, a putative cause of weakness. We tested the hypothesis that dietary supplementation with Bowman-Birk inhibitor concentrate (BBIC), a soy protein extract, would oppose these changes. Adult mice were fed a diet supplemented with 1% BBIC during hindlimb unloading for up to 12 days. Soleus muscles of mice fed the BBIC-supplemented diet weighed less, developed less force per cross-sectional area, and developed less total force after unloading than controls. BBIC supplementation was protective, blunting decrements in soleus muscle weight and force. Cytosolic oxidant activity was assessed using 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin diacetate. Oxidant activity increased in unloaded muscle, peaking at 3 days and remaining elevated through 12 days of unloading. Increases in oxidant activity correlated directly with loss of muscle mass and were abolished by BBIC supplementation. In vitro assays established that BBIC directly buffers reactive oxygen species and also inhibits serine protease activity. We conclude that dietary supplementation with BBIC protects skeletal muscle during prolonged unloading, promoting redox homeostasis in muscle fibers and blunting atrophy-induced weakness.  相似文献   

Rats were treated by intramuscular injection with cortisone acetate, 25 mg./day for 5 days. Small pieces of liver obtained from treated and normal animals were squashed on a microscope slide so as to obtain many areas only a single cell in thickness. After Feulgen staining to demonstrate DNA, optical density was measured using a projection technique. In both the normal and treated animals the nuclei were easily segregated in three ploidy classes, diploid, tetraploid, and octaploid, depending upon Feulgen intensity. In all three classes, the absorbence of nuclei from cortisone-treated animals was approximately 20 per cent lower than the normal. These data were interpreted to indicate that a change in DNA content had been induced by cortisone administration. These findings are comparable to data obtained from similar animals using chemical methods for the determination of DNA.  相似文献   

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