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Glucose raises cytosolic free calcium in the rat pancreatic islets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytosolic free calcium [( Ca2+]i) was measured using fura 2 in the whole pancreatic islets obtained from male Wistar rats by collagenase dispersion. The pattern of change of [Ca2+]i in response to high glucose, potassium (K+) depolarization or the removal of extracellular calcium was compared with the temporal profile of insulin secretion. Twenty-nine mM glucose produced a gradual increase in [Ca2+]i with approximately 1.5 min of latency period. It remained elevated until the end of observation period (25 min) during which period the first phase of insulin secretion ceased and the second phase of secretion gradually increased. Depolarizing concentration of KCl also produced an elevation of [Ca2+]i, without detectable latency period, which lasted at a sustained level for the entire observation period (30 min). KCl caused a rapid increase of insulin secretion followed by a gradually decreasing level of secretion. Elevated [Ca2+]i and insulin secretion in response to high glucose returned to the basal level when external calcium was removed by the addition of EGTA. We conclude that high glucose and K+ depolarization raise [Ca2+]i in the pancreatic islet. However, the elevation of [Ca2+]i and insulin secretion are not always correlated in the later period of stimulation.  相似文献   

Glucose-stimulated insulin release occurred at a lower rate in pancreatic islets removed from lactating than non-lactating rats. This defect was corrected in the presence of either gliclazide or a calcium-agonist. With both agents present, insulin release from islets of lactating rats was greater. When islets were prelabelled with 45calcium, gliclazide stimulated to the same extent 45Ca outflow in islets from lactating and non-lactating rats, respectively. However, when the islets were prelabelled with 45Ca in the presence of gliclazide, the administration of Ba2+ increased effluent radioactivity more markedly in islets from non-lactating than lactating rats. This suggests that lactation favours, in gliclazide-stimulated islets, the sequestration of 45Ca in non-labile subcellular pools. When D-glucose was used instead of Ba2+, the greater lability of 45Ca in islets from non-lactating animals was apparently masked by a lesser efficiency in the metabolism and cationic effects of D-glucose in the non-lactating rats. The calcium-ionophoretic effect of islet extracts was higher in lactating than non-lactating rats. These results support the view that a depletion of endogenous calcium stores accounts, in part at least, for the decreased insulin secretory responsiveness to D-glucose in lactation, since the latter apparently favours the function of those systems involved in either the entry of calcium into or its sequestration within the islet cells.  相似文献   

Long-chain fatty acids (e.g. arachidonic acid) have been implicated in physiological control of insulin secretion. We previously reported histidine phosphorylation of at least two islet proteins (e.g., NDP kinase and the beta subunit of trimeric G-proteins), and suggested that such a signalling step may have regulatory roles in beta cell signal transduction, specifically at the level of G-protein activation. Since our earlier findings also indicated potential regulation by long-chain fatty acids of islet G-proteins, we undertook the current study to verify putative regulation, by fatty acids, of protein histidine phosphorylation of NDP kinase and Gbeta subunit in normal rat islets. The phosphoenzyme formation of NDP kinase was stimulated by various fatty acids in the following rank order: linoleic acid > arachidonic acid > oleic acid > palmitic acid = stearic acid = control. Furthermore, the catalytic activity of NDP kinase was stimulated by these fatty acids in the rank order of: oleic acid > arachidonic acid > linoleic acid > palmitic acid = stearic acid = control. Arachidonic acid methyl ester, an inactive analog of arachidonic acid, did not significantly affect either the phosphoenzyme formation or the catalytic activity of NDP kinase. Interestingly, arachidonic acid exerted dual effects on the histidine phosphorylation of beta subunit; it significantly stimulated the phosphorylation at 33 microM beyond which it was inhibitory. Together, these findings identify additional loci (e.g., NDP kinase and Gbeta subunit) at which unsaturated, but not saturated, fatty acids could exert their intracellular effects leading to exocytotic secretion of insulin.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the glucose modulation of the plasma membrane calcium pump (PMCA) function in rat pancreatic islets. Ca2+-ATPase activity and levels of phosphorylated PMCA intermediates both transiently declined to a minimum in response to stimulation by glucose. Strictly dependent on Ca2+ concentration, this inhibitory effect was fully expressed at physiological concentrations of the cation (less than 0.5 μM), then progressively diminished at higher concentrations. These results, together with those previously reported on the effects of insulin secretagogues and blockers on the activity, expression and cellular distribution of the PMCA, support the concept that the PMCA plays a key role in the regulation of Ca2+ signaling and insulin secretion in pancreatic islets.  相似文献   

Activation of Na+-H+ exchange in rat thymocytes was found to be followed by an increase in free cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). We determined whether the change in [Ca2+]i was secondary to the uptake of Na+, or to the cytoplasmic alkalinization that result from activation of the antiport. Increasing intracellular [Na+] by treating the cells with ouabain or gramicidin failed to affect [Ca2+]i. In contrast, procedures that increased the cytoplasmic pH, such as addition of monensin or NH3, significantly elevated [Ca2+]i. These results suggest an important role of cytoplasmic pH in the control of [Ca2+]i in lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The effect of the lipophilic gold compound, auranofin (AUR) on the calcium homeostasis of human neutrophils treated with or without n-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP) was investigated. In agreement with previous reports, FMLP induced a rapid release of intracellular Ca2+ stores followed by a smaller influx of extracellular Ca2+. AUR and staurosporine enhanced while phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate suppressed the secondary influx of Ca2+. Mn2(+)-quenching-of-fluorescence studies indicate that phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate incubation blocked cation entry. AUR or staurosporine potentiation of FMLP effects on cytoplasmic free Ca2+ [( Ca2+]i) was attributed to suppression of negative feedback effects of protein kinase C. AUR (5-45 microM) per se induced a slow release of internal Ca2+ stores followed by a delayed influx of extracellular Ca2+. Control studies showed that AUR did not induce the formation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, lyse cells, or promote dye leakage. Dithiothreitol suppressed the AUR effect. AUR triggered biphasic but smaller increases in [Ca2+]i of neutrophil cytoplasts. Studies with permeabilized neutrophils showed that AUR directly released Ca2+ from internal stores. By comparison, gold sodium thiomalate, which had no effect on intact cells, also released Ca2+ from permeabilized cells. Present results indicate that AUR modulated [Ca2+]i directly by mobilized Ca2+ from multiple storage sites and indirectly by inhibiting protein kinase C.  相似文献   

In the present study, I have examined the effect of lanthanum (La3+) on cytoplasmic free calcium concentration in isolated rat thymocytes employing the quin2 technique. As with its effect on 15Ca accumulation in rat thymocytes (Segal, J. and Ingbar, S.H. (1984) Endocrinology, 115, 160-166), La3+ produced a concentration-related increase in thymocyte cytoplasmic free calcium concentration. This effect of La3+ was very prompt in onset, evident within about 30 s from the time of addition of La3+. The lowest effective concentration of La3+ was 6 microM (+22.7% above control), and it increased progressively to reach maximal values at 25 microM (+100% above control). La3+ added to quin2-loaded thymocytes suspended in a calcium-free medium was without effect. In addition, La3+ had no significant effect on 45Ca efflux, and La3+ did not inhibit calcium-ATPase activity in the rat thymocytes. These results demonstrate that in rat thymocytes La3+ increases cytoplasmic free calcium concentration by increasing the extracellular calcium influx into the cell rather than the release of calcium from an intracellular pool.  相似文献   

In human pancreatic islets an increase in the glucose concentration from 3 to 20 mM raised the free cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration [( Ca2+]i), an effect being reversible upon withdrawal of the sugar. Depolarization with a high concentration of K+ or the sulphonylurea tolbutamide also raised [Ca2+]i. Addition of extracellular ATP produced a transient rapid rise in [Ca2+]i. Oscillations in [Ca2+]i were observed in the presence of 10 mM glucose. Insulinoma cells responded to glucose and tolbutamide with increases in [Ca2+]i, whereas the sulphonamide diazoxide caused a decrease in [Ca2+]i. These findings confirm previous results obtained in rodent beta-cells.  相似文献   

Astragalin is a flavonol glycoside with several biological activities, including antidiabetic properties. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of astragalin on glycaemia and insulin secretion, in vivo, and on calcium influx and insulin secretion in isolated rat pancreatic islets, ex vivo. Astragalin (1 and 10 mg / kg) was administered by oral gavage to fasted Wistar rats and serum glucose and plasma insulin were measured. Isolated pancreatic islets were used to measure basal insulin secretion and calcium influx. Astragalin (10 mg/ kg) decreased glycaemia and increased insulin secretion significantly at 15–180 min, respectively, in the glucose tolerance test. In isolated pancreatic cells, astragalin (100 μM) stimulated calcium influx through a mechanism involving ATP-dependent potassium channels, L-type voltage-dependent calcium channels, the sarcoendoplasmic reticulum calcium transport ATPase (SERCA), PKC and PKA. These findings highlight the dietary coadjuvant, astragalin, as a potential insulin secretagogue that may contribute to glucose homeostasis.  相似文献   

Summary The mechanisms by which glucose regulates calcium fluxes in pancreatic endocrine cells were investigated by monitoring the efflux of45Ca from prelabeled and perifused rat pancreatic islets. In the absence of both extracellular calcium and glucose, partial or total removal of extracellular sodium decreases the efflux of45Ca from prelabeled islets. Glucose also reduces the efflux of45Ca from islets perifused in the absence of extracellular calcium. This inhibitory effect of glucose on45Ca efflux is decreased by half when the extracellular concentration of sodium is lowered to 24mm. In the absence of extracellular calcium but presence of glucose, partial or even total removal of extracellular sodium fails to decrease the efflux of45Ca. At normal extracellular calcium concentration (1mm) partial removal of extracellular sodium dramatically increases45Ca efflux from pancreatic islets. This increase in45Ca efflux is partially but not totally suppressed by either 16.7mm glucose or cobalt. It is totally suppressed by 4.4mm glucose or by the combination of 16.7mm glucose and cobalt. At normal extracellular calcium concentration, glucose initially reduces and subsequently increases45Ca efflux. The initial fall is unaffected by tetrodotoxin but decreased by 50% at low extracellular sodium concentration (24mm). The present results suggest the existence in pancreatic endocrine cells of a glucose-sensitive process of sodium-calcium counter-transport. By inhibiting such a process, glucose may decrease the efflux of calcium from islet cells. The effect of glucose is not mediated by an increase in intracellular sodium concentration. It could contribute to the intracellular accumulation of calcium which is thought to trigger insulin release.This paper is the IVth in a series.  相似文献   

Saponin-permeabilized rat pancreatic islets degraded exogenously added inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3), and degradation was inhibited in the presence of either fructose 1,6-bisphosphate or diphosphoglycerate. The addition of either fructose-1,6-P2 or diphosphoglycerate to 45Ca2+-labeled permeabilized islets potentiated 45Ca2+ release caused by IP3 (by either exogenously added IP3 or IP3 generated endogenously in the presence of carbachol or guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate (GTP gamma S). The effect of diphosphoglycerate and fructose-1,6-P2 on 45Ca2+ release correlated well with the effects of these agents on the recovery of radioactivity in IP3. These results further support our previous proposal that in pancreatic islets intracellular calcium mobilization may be sustained in part via the inhibition of IP3 degradation by metabolites produced during stimulation with insulinotropic concentrations of glucose (Rana, R.S., Sekar, M.C., Hokin, L.E., and MacDonald, M.J. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 5237-5240).  相似文献   

The effects of the alpha 1-adrenergic agonist phenylephrine and the peptide hormones angiotensin II and arg8-vasopressin on cytoplasmic free calcium concentration were investigated in single rat hepatocytes microinjected with the photoprotein aequorin. Hepatocytes responded to physiological concentrations of the glycogenolytic agonists with a series of repetitive Ca transients. In each transient free Ca rose in 2-3s to above 600 nM from a resting level of 200 nM. Transient duration depended on the agonist and ranged from approximately 7s for phenylephrine to approximately 15s for angiotensin. Transient frequency, but not shape or size, depended on agonist concentration. The period ranged from less than 20s to several minutes. We suggest that the frequency of the Ca transients is the principal determinant of the amplitude of the cellular response to calcium-mobilizing agonists.  相似文献   

Isolated rat pancreatic islets, incubated in the presence of extracellular 32Pi to steady state 32P incorporation into cellular phosphopeptides, were exposed to glucose for 10 min. Glucose (16.7 mM) significantly stimulated the phosphorylation of six phosphoproteins with molecular weights of 15,000, 35,000, 49,000, 64,000, 93,000 and 138,000. Mannoheptulose (16.7 mM) markedly inhibited glucose-stimulated phosphorylation of these six phosphoproteins. This protein phosphorylation might be important in mediating glucose-stimulated insulin release.  相似文献   

As shown by transgenic mouse models and by using phosphodiesterase 3 (PDE3) inhibitors, PDE3B has an important role in the regulation of insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells. However, very little is known about the regulation of the enzyme. Here, we show that PDE3B is activated in response to high glucose, insulin and cAMP elevation in rat pancreatic islets and INS-1 (832/13) cells. Activation by glucose was not affected by the presence of diazoxide. PDE3B activation was coupled to an increase as well as a decrease in total phosphorylation of the enzyme. In addition to PDE3B, several other PDEs were detected in human pancreatic islets: PDE1, PDE3, PDE4C, PDE7A, PDE8A and PDE10A. We conclude that PDE3B is activated in response to agents relevant for β-cell function and that activation is linked to increased as well as decreased phosphorylation of the enzyme. Moreover, we conclude that several PDEs are present in human pancreatic islets.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane of pancreatic islets contains a calcium sensitive phosphatidylinositol kinase. This enzyme catalyzes the first reaction in the pathway leading to the production of inositol trisphosphate, which is believed to cause a redistribution of intracellular calcium. Since the activity of this enzyme is inhibited by calcium (K0.5 = 10 microM), a loss of calcium from plasma membrane (the site of PI kinase) may be necessary for activation of the enzyme in vivo.  相似文献   

The differential tissue-specific regulation of glucokinase activity in liver and pancreatic islet cells was investigated in the insulinoma-bearing rat. A transplantable insulinoma caused hyperinsulinemia and hypoglycemia in the host by 2-3 months after implantation. Suppression of the pancreatic B-cells by the high insulin and/or low glucose manifested itself by a decrease of insulin in islet tissue. Removal of the tumor initiated transient insulin deficiency and hyperglycemia with extremes of these changes at 24 h after tumor resection. These conditions markedly affected glucose phosphorylation in the islet cells: glucokinase activity was reduced 71% in islet samples from insulinoma-bearing rats, and the enzyme fully recovered within 24 h after tumor resection. Hexokinase activity, by contrast, was not affected by these manipulations. To evaluate the relative contributions of hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia in islet glucokinase adaptation, glucose was intravenously infused to insulinoma-bearing rats; glycemia in excess of 150 mg/100 ml combined with excessive hyperinsulinemia resulted in a partial recovery of islet glucokinase activity, first apparent after 9 h of glucose infusion and with doubling of the activity after 24 h after glucose loading. In contrast, liver glucokinase was increased nearly 4-fold at the time of extreme hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia and rapidly fell to control rates following tumor removal. Intravenous infusion of glucose for 24 h into the tumor-bearing rat (i.e. hyperglycemia combined with excessive plasma insulin) had no influence on liver glucokinase activity. Liver hexokinase was not influenced by any of these experimental manipulations. The data indicate that the activities of pancreatic islet and liver glucokinase are regulated in a differential manner. Insulin is apparently the primary determinant of liver glucokinase and glucose seems to control islet glucokinase. Biochemical mechanisms for differential organ-specific regulation of glucokinase activity seem to have evolved such that this enzyme may play a dual role in glucose homeostasis, namely to serve as insulin-dependent glucose sensor in the B-cells and as insulin-sensitive determinant of hepatic glucose use.  相似文献   

Pancreatic islet homogenates contain a Mg2+-requiring phospholipid methyltransferase activity, the activity of which was doubled by calcium (K0.5 less than 5 microM). Other divalent metal ions stimulated the activity from 11 to 35%, but zinc and strontium were inhibitory. Cyclic AMP had no effect on the enzyme activity and cyclic GMP inhibited it slightly. Calcium increased the Vmax of the enzyme without affecting its Km with respect to S-adenosylmethionine (6 microM). Chlorpromazine, trifluoperazine, and dibucaine inhibited the calcium-stimulatable activity without affecting the activity in the absence of calcium. Phosphatidylserine stimulated, and arachidonic acid and palmitic acid inhibited, the basal enzyme activity. The methylated products were found to be primarily mono- and dimethylphosphatidylethanolamine (30%) and phosphatidylcholine (43%) and an, as yet unidentified, nonpolar lipid fraction (27%), as judged by thin-layer chromatography. In the presence of calcium, incorporation of methyl groups into phosphatidylcholine, mono- and dimethylphosphatidylethanolamine, and nonpolar lipids was increased by 131, 60, and 46%, respectively. Based on the localization of the enzyme activity in the insulin secretory granule fraction, it is proposed that phospholipid methylation plays a role in coupling the stimulus to the initial events in insulin secretion, leading to the exocytosis of insulin.  相似文献   

Fetal and neonatal pancreatic islets present a lower insulin secretory response as compared with adult islets. Prolonged culturing leads to an improvement of the glucose-induced insulin secretion response in neonatal pancreatic islets that may involve regulation of gap junction mediated cell communication. In this study, we investigated the effect of culturing neonatal islet cells for varying periods of time and with different glucose medium concentrations on the cellular expression of the endocrine pancreatic gap junction associated connexin (Cx) 36 and Cx43. We report here that the 7-d culture induced upregulation of the expression of these junctional proteins in neonatal islets in a time-dependent manner. A correlation was observed between the increased mRNA and protein expression of Cx36 and Cx43 and the increased insulin secretion following islet culturing. In addition, increasing glucose concentration within the culture medium induced a concentration-dependent enhancement of Cx36 islet expression, but not of Cx43 expression in cultured neonatal islets. In conclusion, we suggest that the regulation of gap junctional proteins by culture medium containing factors and glucose may be an important event for the maturation process of beta cells observed at in vitro conditions.  相似文献   

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