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Gross JW  Hegeman AD  Gerratana B  Frey PA 《Biochemistry》2001,40(42):12497-12504
The dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase catalyzed conversion of dTDP-glucose to dTDP-4-keto-6-deoxyglucose occurs in three sequential chemical steps: dehydrogenation, dehydration, and rereduction. The enzyme contains the tightly bound coenzyme NAD(+), which mediates the dehydrogenation and rereduction steps of the reaction mechanism. In this study, we have determined that Asp135 and Glu136 are the acid and base catalysts, respectively, of the dehydration step. Identification of the acid catalyst was performed using an alternative substrate, dTDP-6-fluoro-6-deoxyglucose (dTDP-6FGlc), which undergoes fluoride ion elimination instead of dehydration, and thus does not require protonation of the leaving group. The steady-state rate of conversion of dTDP-6FGlc to dTDP-4-keto-6-deoxyglucose by each Asp135 variant was identical to that of wt, in contrast to turnover using dTDP-glucose where differences in rates of up to 2 orders of magnitude were observed. These results demonstrate Asp135's role in protonating the glucosyl-C6(OH) during dehydration. The base catalyst was identified using a previously uncharacterized, enzyme-catalyzed glucosyl-C5 hydrogen-solvent exchange reaction of product, dTDP-4-keto-6-deoxyglucose. Base catalysis of this exchange reaction is analogous to that occurring at C5 during the dehydration step of net catalysis. Thus, the decrease in the rate of catalysis ( approximately 2 orders of magnitude) of the exchange reaction observed with Glu136 variants demonstrates this residue's importance in base catalysis of dehydration.  相似文献   

Gross JW  Hegeman AD  Vestling MM  Frey PA 《Biochemistry》2000,39(45):13633-13640
The single-turnover kinetic mechanism for the reaction catalyzed by dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase (4,6-dehydratase) has been determined by rapid mix-chemical quench mass spectrometry. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) was employed to analyze quenched samples. The results were compatible with the postulated reaction mechanism, in which NAD(+) initially oxidizes glucosyl C4 of dTDP-glucose to NADH and dTDP-4-ketoglucose. Next, water is eliminated between C5 and C6 of dTDP-4-ketoglucose to form dTDP-4-ketoglucose-5,6-ene. Hydride transfer from NADH to C6 of dTDP-4-ketoglucose-5,6-ene regenerates NAD(+) and produces the product dTDP-4-keto-6-deoxyglucose. The single-turnover reaction was quenched at various times on the millisecond scale with a mixture of 6 M guanidine hydrochloride and sodium borohydride, which stopped the reaction and reductively stabilized the intermediates and product. Quantitative MALDI-TOF MS analysis of the quenched samples allowed the simultaneous observation of the disappearance of substrate, transient appearance and disappearance of dTDP-hexopyranose-5,6-ene (the reductively stabilized dTDP-4-ketoglucose-5,6-ene), and the appearance of product. Kinetic modeling of the process allowed rate constants for most of the steps of the reaction of dTDP-glucose-d(7) to be evaluated. The transient formation and reaction of dTDP-4-ketoglucose could not be observed, because this intermediate did not accumulate to detectable concentrations.  相似文献   

Hegeman AD  Gross JW  Frey PA 《Biochemistry》2002,41(8):2797-2804
The conversion of dTDP-glucose into dTDP-4-keto-6-deoxyglucose by Escherichia coli dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase (4,6-dehydratase) takes place in the active site in three steps: dehydrogenation to dTDP-4-ketoglucose, dehydration to dTDP-4-ketoglucose-5,6-ene, and rereduction of C6 to the methyl group. The 4,6-dehydratase makes use of tightly bound NAD(+) as the coenzyme for transiently oxidizing the substrate, activating it for the dehydration step. Dehydration may occur by either of two mechanisms, enolization of the dTDP-4-ketoglucose intermediate, followed by elimination [as proposed for beta-eliminations by Gerlt, J. A., and Gassman, P. G. (1992) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114, 5928-5934], or a concerted 5,6-elimination of water from the intermediate. To assign one of these two mechanisms, a simultaneous kinetic characterization of glucosyl C5((1)H/(2)H) solvent hydrogen and C6((16)OH/(18)OH) solvent oxygen exchange was performed using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The reaction of the wild-type enzyme is shown to proceed through a concerted dehydration mechanism. Interestingly, mutation of Asp135, the acid catalyst, to Asn or Ala alters the mechanism, allowing enolization to occur to varying extents. While aspartic acid 135 is the acid catalyst for dehydration in the wild-type enzyme, the differential enolization capabilities of D135N and D135A dehydratases suggest an additional role for this residue. We postulate that the switch from a concerted to stepwise dehydration mechanism observed in the aspartic acid variants is due to the loss of control over the glucosyl C5-C6 bond rotation in the active site.  相似文献   

Y Gu  J Rosenblatt    D O Morgan 《The EMBO journal》1992,11(11):3995-4005
We have examined the role of phosphorylation in the regulation of human cyclin-dependent kinase-2 (CDK2), a protein closely related to the cell cycle regulatory kinase CDC2. We find that CDK2 from HeLa cells contains three major tryptic phosphopeptides. Analysis of site-directed mutant proteins, expressed by transient transfection of COS cells, demonstrates that the two major phosphorylation sites are Tyr15 (Y15) and Thr160 (T160). Additional phosphorylation probably occurs on Thr14 (T14). Replacement of T160 with alanine abolishes the kinase activity of CDK2, indicating that phosphorylation at this site (as in CDC2) is required for kinase activity. Mutation of Y15 and T14 stimulates kinase activity, demonstrating that phosphorylation at these sites (as in CDC2) is inhibitory. Similarly, CDK2 is activated in vitro by dephosphorylation of Y15 and T14 by the phosphatase CDC25. Analysis of HeLa cells synchronized at various cell cycle stages indicates that CDK2 phosphorylation on T160 increases during S phase and G2, when CDK2 is most active. Phosphorylation on the inhibitory sites T14 and Y15 is also maximal during S phase and G2. Thus, the activity of a subpopulation of CDK2 molecules is inhibited at a time in the cell cycle when overall CDK2 activity is increased.  相似文献   

Members of the LanL family of lanthionine synthetases consist of three catalytic domains, an N-terminal pSer/pThr lyase domain, a central Ser/Thr kinase domain, and a C-terminal lanthionine cyclase domain. The N-terminal lyase domain has sequence homology with members of the OspF family of effector proteins. In this study, the residues in the lyase domain of VenL that are conserved in the active site of OspF proteins were mutated to evaluate their importance for catalysis. In addition, residues that are fully conserved in the LanL family but not in the OspF family were mutated. Activity assays with these mutant proteins are consistent with a model in which Lys80 in VenL deprotonates the α-proton of pSer/pThr residues to initiate the elimination reaction. Lys51 is proposed to activate this proton by coordination to the carbonyl of the pSer/pThr, and His53 is believed to protonate the phosphate leaving group. These functions are very similar to the corresponding homologous residues in OspF proteins. On the other hand, recognition of the phosphate group of pSer/pThr appears to be achieved differently in VenL than in the OspF proteins. Arg156 and Lys103 are thought to interact with the phosphate group on the basis of a structural homology model.  相似文献   

Aitken SM  Kirsch JF 《Biochemistry》2004,43(7):1963-1971
Cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) effects the condensation of l-serine with l-homocysteine to form l-cystathionine. A series of active-site mutants, T81A, S82A, T85A, Q157A/E/H, and Y158F, was constructed to investigate effects on catalysis and reaction specificity in yeast CBS (yCBS). The effects of these mutations on the k(cat)/K(m)(L-Ser) for the beta-replacement reaction range from a reduction of only 3-fold for Y158F to below detectable levels for the Q157A and Q157E mutants. The order of importance of these residues to the beta-replacement reaction is Gln157 >or= Thr81 > Ser82 > Thr85 approximately Tyr158. All seven of the mutant enzymes catalyze a competing beta-elimination reaction, in which L-Ser is hydrolyzed to NH(3) and pyruvate. The ping-pong mechanism of CBS was thus expanded to include the latter reaction for these mutants. This activity is not detectable for wild-type yCBS, suggesting that the mutations result in a shift in the equilibrium between the open and the closed conformations of the active site of yCBS-substrate complexes. The Q157H and Y158F mutants additionally suffer suicide inhibition via a mechanism in which the released aminoacrylate intermediate covalently attacks the internal aldimine of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria belong to an extremely diverse group of gram-negative prokaryotes. They are all able to perform oxygen-evolving photosynthesis, but differ in morphology, ecological habitats, and physiology. This diversity is also reflected in the complexity of regulatory proteins involved in protein phosphorylation on Ser, Thr and Tyr residues. For those strains whose genomes are completely sequenced, for example, the number of genes identified so far that encode Ser/Thr and Tyr kinases range from none to 52. Genetic, molecular as well as functional genomic analyses demonstrate that Ser/Thr and Tyr kinases and phosphatases are involved in the regulation of a variety of activities according to changes in growth conditions or cell metabolism, such as cell motility, carbon and nitrogen metabolism, photosynthesis and stress response. The major challenge in the near future is to integrate these components into signaling pathways and identify their targets. Some of the Ser/Thr and Tyr kinases and phosphatases are expected to interact with classical two-component signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structures of human and rabbit liver cytosolic recombinant serine hydroxymethyltransferases (hcSHMT and rcSHMT) revealed that E75 and Y83 (numbering according to hcSHMT) are probable candidates for proton abstraction and Calpha-Cbeta bond cleavage in the reaction catalyzed by serine hydroxymethyltransferase. Both these residues are completely conserved in all serine hydroxymethyltransferases sequenced to date. In an attempt to decipher the role of these residues in sheep liver cytosolic recombinant serine hydroxymethyltransferase (scSHMT), E74 (corresponding residue is E75 in hcSHMT) was mutated to Q and K, and Y82 (corresponding residue is Y83 in hcSHMT) was mutated to F. The specific activities using serine as the substrate for the E74Q and E74K mutant enzymes were drastically reduced. These mutant enzymes catalyzed the transamination of D-alanine and 5,6,7, 8-tetrahydrofolate independent retroaldol cleavage of Lallo threonine at rates comparable with wild-type enzyme, suggesting that E74 was not involved directly in the proton abstraction step of catalysis, as predicted earlier from crystal structures of hcSHMT and rcSHMT. There was no change in the apparent Tm value of E74Q upon the addition of L-serine, whereas the apparent Tm value of scSHMT was enhanced by 10 degrees C. Differential scanning calorimetric data and proteolytic digestion patterns in the presence of L-serine showed that E74Q was different to scSHMT. These results indicated that E74 might be required for the conformational change involved in reaction specificity. It was predicted from the crystal structures of hcSHMT and rcSHMT that Y82 was involved in hemiacetal formation following Calpha-Cbeta bond cleavage of L-serine and mutation of this residue to F could lead to a rapid release of HCHO. However, the Y82F mutant had only 5% of the activity and failed to form a quinonoid intermediate, suggesting that this residue is not involved in the formation of the hemiacetal intermediate, but might be involved indirectly in the abstraction of the proton and in stabilizing the quinonoid intermediate.  相似文献   

The role of general acid-base catalysis in the enzymatic mechanism of NADP+-dependent malic enzyme was examined by detailed steady-state kinetic studies through site-directed mutagenesis of the Tyr(91) and Lys(162) residues in the putative catalytic site of the enzyme. Y91F and K162A mutants showed approx. 200- and 27000-fold decreases in k(cat) values respectively, which could be partially recovered with ammonium chloride. Neither mutant had an effect on the partial dehydrogenase activity of the enzyme. However, both Y91F and K162A mutants caused decreases in the k(cat) values of the partial decarboxylase activity of the enzyme by approx. 14- and 3250-fold respectively. The pH-log(k(cat)) profile of K162A was found to be different from the bell-shaped profile pattern of wild-type enzyme as it lacked a basic pK(a) value. Oxaloacetate, in the presence of NADPH, can be converted by malic enzyme into L-malate by reduction and into enolpyruvate by decarboxylation activities. Compared with wild-type, the K162A mutant preferred oxaloacetate reduction to decarboxylation. These results are consistent with the function of Lys(162) as a general acid that protonates the C-3 of enolpyruvate to form pyruvate. The Tyr(91) residue could form a hydrogen bond with Lys(162) to act as a catalytic dyad that contributes a proton to complete the enol-keto tautomerization.  相似文献   

Imker HJ  Singh J  Warlick BP  Tabita FR  Gerlt JA 《Biochemistry》2008,47(43):11171-11173
Some homologues of D-ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) do not catalyze carboxylation and are designated RuBisCO-like proteins (RLPs). The RLP from Rhodospirillum rubrum (gi:83593333) catalyzes a novel isomerization reaction (overall 1,3-proton transfer reaction; likely, two 1,2-proton transfer reactions) that converts 5-methylthio-D-ribulose 1-phosphate to a 3:1 mixture of 1-methylthioxylulose 5-phosphate and 1-methylthioribulose 5-phosphate. Disruption of the gene encoding the RLP abolishes the ability of R. rubrum to utilize 5'-methylthioadenosine as a sole sulfur source, implicating a new, as-yet-uncharacterized, pathway for sulfur salvage.  相似文献   

Lys212 and Tyr140 are close to the enzyme-bound isocitrate in the recently determined crystal structure of porcine NADP-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (Ceccarelli, C., Grodsky, N. B., Ariyaratne, N., Colman, R. F., and Bahnson, B. J. (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 43454-43462). We have constructed mutant enzymes in which Lys212 is replaced by Gln, Tyr, and Arg, and Tyr140 is replaced by Phe, Thr, Glu, and Lys. Wild type and mutant enzymes were each expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. At pH 7.4, the specific activity is decreased in K212Q, K212Y, and K212R, respectively, to 0.01-9% of wild type. The most striking change is in the pH-V(max) curves. Wild type depends on the deprotonated form of a group of pKaes 5.7, whereas this pKaes is increased to 7.4 in neutral K212Q and to 8.3 in K212Y. In contrast, the positive K212R has a pKaes of 5.9. These results indicate that (by electrostatic repulsion) a positively charged residue at position 212 lowers the pK of the nearby ionizable group in the enzyme-substrate complex. Lys212 may also stabilize the carbanion formed initially on substrate decarboxylation. The Tyr140 mutants have specific activities at pH 7.4 that are reduced to 0.2-0.5% of those of wild type, whereas their Km values for isocitrate and NADP are not increased. Most notable are the altered pH-V(max) profiles. V(max) is constant from pH 5.3 to 8 for Y140F and Y140T and increases as pH is decreased for Y140E and Y140K. These results suggest that in wild type enzyme, Tyr140 is the general acid that protonates the substrate after decarboxylation and that the carboxyl and ammonium forms of Y140E and Y140K provide partial substitutes. Relative to wild type, the Y140T enzyme is specifically activated 106-fold by exogenous addition of acetic acid and 88-fold by added phenol; and the K212Q enzyme is activated 4-fold by added ethylamine. These chemical rescue experiments support the conclusion that Tyr140 and Lys212 are required for the catalytic activity of porcine NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Thr(373), Lys(374), Asp(375), and Lys(260) were chosen as site-directed mutagenesis targets within porcine NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase based on structurally corrected sequence alignment among prokaryotic and eukaryotic NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenases. Wild-type and all mutant enzymes were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. These mutations do not alter the secondary structure or dimerization state of the mutants. The D375N and K260Q mutants exhibit, respectively, a 15- and 28-fold increase in K(m) for NADP, along with marked decreases in V(max) as compared to wild-type enzyme. In contrast, replacing Lys(374), which was previously proposed to contribute to apparent coenzyme affinity, does not change the enzyme's kinetic parameters. T373S exhibits similar kinetic parameters to those of wild-type while T373A and T373V mutations reduce the V(max) values of the resulting enzymes to 1 and 20%, respectively of that of wild-type. We conclude that a hydroxyl group at position 373 is required for effective enzyme function and that Asp(375) and Lys(260) are critical amino acids contributing to coenzyme affinity as well as catalysis by porcine NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

The functional contributions of amino acid residues Thr218 and Asp304 of chymosin, both of which are highly conserved in the aspartic proteinases, are analysed by means of site-directed mutagenesis. The optimum pH values, milk-clotting (C) and proteolytic (P) activities and kinetic parameters for synthetic oligopeptides as substrates were examined for the mutant enzymes. The mutation Thr218Ser caused a marked increase in the C/P ratio, which seemed to be due to a change in substrate recognition. Although the negative charge of Asp304 had been expected to play a role in lowering the optimum pH values in the aspartic proteinases, this turned out not to be the case in chymosin because both the mutations Asp304Ala and Asp304Glu caused a similar shift of the optimum pH towards the acidic side. In addition, the mutation Lys220Leu, which we generated previously, was found to cause a decrease in the C/P ratio, mainly due to the increase in the proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

In the family-B DNA polymerase of bacteriophage RB69, the conserved aromatic palm-subdomain residues Tyr391 and Tyr619 interact with the last primer-template base-pair. Tyr619 interacts via a water-mediated hydrogen bond with the phosphate of the terminal primer nucleotide. The main-chain amide of Tyr391 interacts with the corresponding template nucleotide. A hydrogen bond has been postulated between Tyr391 and the hydroxyl group of Tyr567, a residue that plays a key role in base discrimination. This hydrogen bond may be crucial for forcing an infrequent Tyr567 rotamer conformation and, when the bond is removed, may influence fidelity. We investigated the roles of these residues in replication fidelity in vivo employing phage T4 rII reversion assays and an rI forward assay. Tyr391 was replaced by Phe, Met and Ala, and Tyr619 by Phe. The Y391A mutant, reported previously to decrease polymerase affinity for incoming nucleotides, was unable to support DNA replication in vivo, so we used an in vitro fidelity assay. Tyr391F/M replacements affect fidelity only slightly, implying that the bond with Tyr567 is not essential for fidelity. The Y391A enzyme has no mutator phenotype in vitro. The Y619F mutant displays a complex profile of impacts on fidelity but has almost the same mutational spectrum as the parental enzyme. The Y619F mutant displays reduced DNA binding, processivity, and exonuclease activity on single-stranded DNA and double-stranded DNA substrates. The Y619F substitution would disrupt the hydrogen bond network at the primer terminus and may affect the alignment of the 3' primer terminus at the polymerase active site, slowing chemistry and overall DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

GDP-D-mannose 4,6-dehydratase (GMD) is a key enzyme involved in the synthesis of 6-deoxyhexoses in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus-1 (PBCV-1) encodes a functional GMD, which is unique among characterized GMDs because it also has a strong stereospecific NADPH-dependent reductase activity leading to GDP-D-rhamnose formation (Tonetti, M., Zanardi, D., Gurnon, J., Fruscione, F., Armirotti, A., Damonte, G., Sturla, L., De Flora, A., and Van Etten, J.L. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 21559-21565). In the present study we characterized a recombinant GMD encoded by another chlorella virus, Acanthocystis turfacea chlorella virus 1 (ATCV-1), demonstrating that it has the expected dehydratase activity. However, it also displayed significant differences when compared with PBCV-1 GMD. In particular, ATCV-1 GMD lacks the reductase activity present in the PBCV-1 enzyme. Using recombinant PBCV-1 and ATCV-1 GMDs, we determined that the enzymatically active proteins contain tightly bound NADPH and that NADPH is essential for maintaining the oligomerization status as well as for the stabilization and function of both enzymes. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that PBCV-1 GMD is the most evolutionary diverged of the GMDs. We conclude that this high degree of divergence was the result of the selection pressures that led to the acquisition of new reductase activity to synthesize GDP-D-rhamnose while maintaining the dehydratase activity in order to continue to synthesize GDP-L-fucose.  相似文献   

Bovine growth hormone was modified by reaction with 1,5-difluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene under conditions favouring production of intramolecularly crosslinked derivatives from monomeric molecules. The monomeric fraction, isolated by chromatography on Sephadex G-100, was oxidized or reduced and carbamidomethylated and trypsin digested. The resulting peptides were fractionated on SP-Sephadex and further purified by peptide mapping or HPLC. Two modified peptides containing sequences 108-112 or 108-113 and 171-176 of bGH were obtained, including a dinitrophenylene bridge between lysine 111 and tyrosine 174, thus suggesting the stereochemical proximity of these residues.  相似文献   

Hegeman AD  Gross JW  Frey PA 《Biochemistry》2001,40(22):6598-6610
A model of the Escherichia coli dTDP-glucose-4,6-dehydratase (4,6-dehydratase) active site has been generated by combining amino acid sequence alignment information with the 3-dimensional structure of UDP-galactose-4-epimerase. The active site configuration is consistent with the partially refined 3-dimensional structure of 4,6-dehydratase, which lacks substrate-nucleotide but contains NAD(+) (PDB file ). From the model, two groups of active site residues were identified. The first group consists of Asp135(DEH), Glu136(DEH), Glu198(DEH), Lys199(DEH), and Tyr301(DEH). These residues are near the substrate-pyranose binding pocket in the model, they are completely conserved in 4,6-dehydratase, and they differ from the corresponding equally well-conserved residues in 4-epimerase. The second group of residues is Cys187(DEH), Asn190(DEH), and His232(DEH), which form a motif on the re face of the cofactor nicotinamide binding pocket that resembles the catalytic triad of cysteine-proteases. The importance of both groups of residues was tested by mutagenesis and steady-state kinetic analysis. In all but one case, a decrease in catalytic efficiency of approximately 2 orders of magnitude below wild-type activity was observed. Mutagenesis of each of these residues, with the exception of Cys187(DEH), which showed near-wild-type activity, clearly has important negative consequences for catalysis. The allocation of specific functions to these residues and the absolute magnitude of these effects are obscured by the complex chemistry in this multistep mechanism. Tools will be needed to characterize each chemical step individually in order to assign loss of catalytic efficiency to specific residue functions. To this end, the effects of each of these variants on the initial dehydrogenation step were evaluated using a the substrate analogue dTDP-xylose. Additional steady-state techniques were employed in an attempt to further limit the assignment of rate limitation. The results are discussed within the context of the 4,6-dehydratase active site model and chemical mechanism.  相似文献   

To investigate the distribution of dTDP-glucose-4,6-dehydratase (dTGD) gene and diversity of the potential 6-deoxyhexose (6DOH) glycosylated compounds in marine microorganisms, a total of 91 marine sediment-derived bacteria, representing 48 operational taxonomic units and belonging to 25 genera, were screened by polymerase chain reaction. In total, 84% of the strains were dTGD gene positive, suggesting 6DOH biosynthetic pathway is widespread in these marine sediment-derived bacteria. BLASTp results of dTGD gene fragments indicate a high chemical diversity of the potential 6DOH glycosylated compounds. Close phylogenetic relationship occurred between dTGDs involved in the production of same or similar 6DOH glycosylated compounds, suggesting dTGD can be used to predict the structure of potential 6DOH glycosylated compounds produced by new strains. In two cases, where dTGD shared ≥85% amino acid identity and close phylogenetic relationship with their counterparts, 6DOH glycosylated compounds were accurately predicted. Our results demonstrate that phylogenetic analysis of dTGD gene is useful for structure prediction of glycosylated compounds from newly isolated strains and can therefore guide the chemical purification and structure identification process. The rapid identification of strains that possess dTGD gene provides a bioinformatics assessment of the greatest potential to produce glycosylated compounds despite the absence of fully biosynthetic pathways or genome sequences.  相似文献   

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