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Electrophysiological methods reveal that the cell-to-cell movement of inorganic ions in the epidermis of the beetle larva is facilitated by exposing the tissue to β-ecdysone in vitro. After exposure to 2 × 10?6 M β-ecdysone for 24 hr, the resistivity of the intercellular pathway drops by 30%, from 389 Ωcm to 264 Ωcm. This response does not occur when α-ecdysone is used for extended incubation periods. As the resistivity of the epidermal cytoplasm in the absence (64 Ωcm) and presence of β-ecdysone (65 Ωcm) is constant, the hormone must exert its effect at the cell junctions. A simple geometrical model for the epidermal monolayer allows one to calculate that the ionic permeability of the junctional membrane increases by 66% in cells exposed to β-ecdysone for 24 hr in vitro.  相似文献   

We have studied the in vitro repression of RNA synthesis by the cI protein of phage λ. We find that highly purified cI protein is an effective and specific repressor of RNA synthesis from the early gene region of λ DNA. Under optimal conditions at least 95% of the early gene RNA synthesis is repressed and this repression is eliminated or severely impaired by the use of λ DNA-carrying operator-type mutations which reduce the binding affinity of the cI protein. Highly effective repression can be demonstrated only through the use of the initiation-inhibitor rifampicin, which presumably, selects “properly” initiated RNA chains; thus we can by-pass in vitro but not yet solve the problem of how the host polymerase initiates specifically in vivo from the immediate-early promoter sites.  相似文献   

An analysis of enolase expression during differentiation of neuroblastoma clones in homogeneous culture is presented. The enolases expressed in these neuroblast-like cells are identical to those of mouse brain with respect to the examined properties.Our biochemical investigation has premitted us to demonstrate formally that neuroblastoma cells undergo a transition from the embryonic αα form to the neuronal γγ form and contain both enolases as well as the αγ hybrid form during maturation. These results suggest that the same phenomenon must exist in vivo for neuroblasts. In neuroblastoma cells, an increase in both αγ and γγ neuron specific enolases is related to cell maturation and expression of the αγ form precedes that of the γγ form during differentiation. Modulation of neuronal enolase activities is similar in the various conditions of differentiation studied and appears not to be necessarily related with morphological differentiation, although concomitant with an arrest of cell division. The evolution of specific neuronal enolases in neuroblastoma cells parallels that observed in vivo, in brain from embryonic day 15 to post-natal day 7. Moreover, at least one treatment (dimethylsulfoxide) causes an important decrease in the high specific αα activity of these cells as occurs in vivo. This enolase can therefore also be considered as a biochemical marker for neuroblastoma maturation.As observed with other markers and other cell types, neuroblastoma cells in culture express an immature biochemical differentiation of the enolase isozymes.  相似文献   

Catenanes (interlocked circular DNA molecules) are the exclusive products of the bacteriophage λ integrative recombination reaction in vitro when the substrate is a supercoiled DNA molecule containing both the attP and attB sites. It is proposed that the catenation results from the superhelical form of the substrate DNA. We also show that both circular DNA products of a single recombination event can be recovered as superhelical molecules with a superhelical density approximately that of the substrate DNA. The recombination reaction must therefore occur as a coupled process which does not permit free rotation around single-strand breaks at any stage.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are important mediators of cytokine expression and are critically involved in the immune response. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of gram-negative bacteria induces the expression of cytokines and proinflammatory genes via the toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) signaling pathway in diverse cell types. In vivo, Schwann cells (SCs) at the site of injury may also produce tumor necrosis factor-- α (TNF-α). However, the precise mechanisms of TNF-α synthesis are still not clear. The purpose of the present study was to elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms in the cultured SCs for its ability to activate the MAPKs and TNF-α gene, in response to LPS. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), it was confirmed that treatment with LPS stimulated the synthesis of TNF-α in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Intracellular location of TNF-α was detected under confocal microscope. Moreover, LPS activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2), P38 and stress activated protein kinase/c-Jun N-terminal kinase (SAPK/JNK) and induced their phosphorylation. LPS-elicited SCs TNF-α production was also drastically suppressed by PD98059 (ERK inhibitor), SB202190 (P38 inhibitor), or SP600125 (SAPK/JNK inhibitor). Additionally, the expression of CD14 and TLR4 was examined by RT–PCR. It was demonstrated that the expression of CD14, TLR4 was crucial for the SCs responses to LPS. In conclusion, the results provide novel mechanisms for the response of SCs to LPS stimulation, through MAPKs signaling pathways. Chun Cheng and Yongwei Qin contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Pilosocereus robinii is a rare species which is experiencing sudden population collapse. Identifying and developing effective conservation and management strategies to halt the forestall extinction of this species is crucial. The present study was conducted to assess the best conditions for in vitro propagation of this plant in regard to its morphogenic, genetic as well as the chemical potentials. A successful in vitro propagation system of P. robinii has been developed. MS hormone-free medium induced the best root morphogenic potential. The plants were acclimatized in the greenhouse at 100% survival rate. Besides, the somaclonal variations between the in vitro raised plants were analyzed using PCR-ISSR markers and SDS–PAGE protein, where the regenerated explants on MS medium supplemented with TDZ were the highest in inducing new specific marker bands. Sh6 ISSR primer showed the highest polymorphism value, 81.8% with 33 total amplified fragments, while Sh3 ISSR primer showed the lowest value with polymorphic percentage of 14.3%. Furthermore, SDS–PAGE protein analysis showed no variation in protein pattern of the studied treatments. On the other side, HPLC analysis of the in vitro plantlets extracts has shown that 2iP based treatments were the highest in organic acids accumulation, while the phenolic constituents' accumulation was found to reach its peak in the BA based treatments.  相似文献   



Salsolinol (SALSO), a product from the reaction of dopamine (DA) with acetaldehyde, is found increased in dopaminergic neurons of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. The administration of SALSO in rats causes myenteric neurodegeneration followed by the formation of deposits of the protein α-synuclein (aS), whose aggregation is intimately associated to PD.


NMR, isothermal titration calorimetry and MS were used to evaluate the interaction of SALSO with aS. The toxicity of SALSO and in vitro-produced aS-SALSO species was evaluated on mesencephalic primary neurons from mice.


SALSO, under oxidative conditions, stabilizes the monomeric state besides a minor population of oligomers of aS, resulting in a strong inhibition of the fibrillation process. SALSO does not promote any chemical modification of the protein. Instead, the interaction of SALSO with aS seems to occur via hydrophobic effect, likely mediated by the NAC (non-amyloid component) domain of the protein. aS-SALSO species were found to be innocuous on primary neurons, while SALSO alone induces apoptosis via caspase-3 activation. Importantly, exogenous aS monomer was capable of protecting neurons against SALSO toxicity irrespective whether the protein was co-administered with SALSO or added until 2?h after SALSO, as evidenced by DAPI and cleaved-caspase 3 assays. Similar protective action of aS was found by pre-incubating neurons with aS before the administration of SALSO.


Interaction of SALSO with aS leads to the formation of fibril-incompetent and innocuous adducts. SALSO toxicity is attenuated by aS monomer.


aS could exhibit a protective role against the neurotoxic effects of SALSO in dopaminergic neuron.  相似文献   



Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most frequent pediatric malignant bone tumor. OS patients have not seen any major therapeutic progress in the last 30 years, in particular in the case of metastatic disease, which requires new therapeutic strategies. The pro-apoptotic cytokine Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)–Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand (TRAIL) can selectively kill tumor cells while sparing normal cells, making it a promising therapeutic tool in several types of cancer. However, many OS cell lines appear resistant to recombinant human (rh)TRAIL-induced apoptosis. We, therefore, hypothesized that TRAIL presentation at the membrane level of carrier cells might overcome this resistance and trigger apoptosis.


To address this, human adipose mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) transfected in a stable manner to express membrane-bound full-length human TRAIL (mbTRAIL) were co-cultured with several human OS cell lines.


This induced apoptosis by cell-to-cell contact even in cell lines initially resistant to rhTRAIL. In contrast, mbTRAIL delivered by MSCs was not able to counteract tumor progression in this OS orthotopic model.


This was partly due to the fact that MSCs showed a potential to support tumor development. Moreover, the expression of mbTRAIL did not show caspase activation in adjacent tumor cells.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that the active contribution of hepatocytes to liver disease is strongly dependent on local cytokine environment. It has been shown in vitro that TNFα can enhance hepatocyte FasLigand (FasL)-mediated cytotoxicity. Here, we demonstrate that TNFα-induced apoptosis was associated with Fas and FasL upregulation and that a FasL-neutralizing antibody prevented TNFα-induced apoptosis. We further examined in vivo the relevance of the Fas/FasL pathway to hepatocellular apoptosis in a TNFα-driven model of acute liver failure. Livers of galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide (Gal/LPS)-exposed Fas wild-type mice highly expressed both Fas and FasL and revealed marked hepatocellular apoptosis that was almost completely blocked by soluble TNFα-receptor; this was also almost absent in Gal/LPS-exposed Fas lymphoproliferation mutant mice. Our data provide evidence for a direct link between TNFα and Fas/FasL in mediating hepatocyte apoptosis. Fratricidal death by Fas–FasL interactions of neighbouring hepatocytes may actively contribute to acute liver failure.  相似文献   

Bromodomain-containing protein 4 (BRD4) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) are both key oncogenic proteins in human prostate cancer. In the current study, we examined the anti-prostate cancer cell activity by SF2523, a BRD4 and PI3K dual inhibitor. We showed that SF2523 potently inhibited survival and proliferation of the primary human prostate cancer cells. SF2523 induced profound apoptosis activation in prostate cancer cells. The dual inhibitor was yet non-cytotoxic to the prostate epithelial cells. At the molecular level, SF2523 downregulated BRD4-regulated genes (cyclin D1, c-Myc and androgen receptor) and almost blocked AKT-S6K1 activation in prostate cancer cells. In vivo, SF2523 intraperitoneal administration at the well-tolerated dose inhibited human prostate cancer xenograft growth in severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice. BRD4-regulated genes (cyclin D1, c-Myc and androgen receptor) and AKT-S6K1 activation were inhibited in SF2523-treated tumors. Together, dual inhibition of BRD4 and PI3K by SF2523 suppresses human prostate cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   


Background aims

On the basis of previous studies, exosomes secreted by human umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cell (hucMSC-ex) could prevent and repair acute kidney injury induced by cisplatin in rats. However, its potential mechanism is still unclear. In the present study, the model with hucMSC-ex pretreated human renal tubular epithelial cell lines HK-2 that could prevent the injury of cisplatin was successfully established.


First, we pretreated the HK-2 cells with hucMSC-ex for 24?h. Cisplatin was then used to injure HK-2 cells. Gain and loss of function study were used to explore the role of 14-3-3ζ. The expression level of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was analyzed by immunofluorescence assay and Western blot. The number of apoptotic cells was detected by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling assay and flow cytometry analysis. The formation of autophagosomes was observed under super-resolution optical microscope. Western blot was used to analyze the expression levels of LC3B, P62, 14-3-3ζ and Bax.


Pretreating cells with hucMSC-ex could prevent the injury of cisplatin by reducing the number of apoptotic cells and increasing the expression level of PCNA. Simultaneously, the autophagic level was up-regulated. The application of autophagic inhibitor 3-methyladenine (3-MA) could reverse the protective effect of hucMSC-ex. The overexpression of 14-3-3ζ enhanced the autophagic level and protected the injury of cisplatin. The knock-down of 14-3-3ζ could reduce the autophagic level and enhance the disadvantage of cisplatin. The enhanced injury of cisplatin was reversed when the knock-down of 14-3-3ζ was replenished with hucMSC-ex.


14-3-3ζ transported by hucMSC-ex may up-regulate autophagic level in HK-2 cells, which can prevent the injury of cisplatin. This discovery provides the new theoretical basis for the prevention of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity by hucMSC-ex.  相似文献   



Leukemia is one of the most life-threatening cancers today, and acute promyelogenous leukemia (APL) is a common type of leukemia. Many natural compounds have already been found to exhibit significant anti-tumor effects. Lycorine, a natural alkaloid extracted from Amaryllidaceae, exhibited anti-leukemia effects in vitro and in vivo. The survival rate of HL-60 cells exposed to lycorine was decreased, cell growth was slowed down, and cell regeneration potential was inhibited. HL-60 cells exhibited typical apoptotic characteristic. Lycorine can suppress leukemia growth and reduce cell survival and inducing apoptosis of tumor cells. The purpose of this work is to elucidate the mechanism by which lycorine induces APL cells.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-α is an important pro-inflammatory cytokine having a key role in hosts defensive process of immune systems and its over expression led to a diverse range of inflammatory diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Cronh’s disease, psoriasis, etc. This paper describes our medicinal chemistry efforts on imidazo[1,2-b]pyridazine scaffold: design, synthesis and biological evaluation. By the introducing sulfonamide functionality at 3 positions and substituting 6 positions with (hetero)-aryl groups’, a small library of compounds was prepared. All synthesized compounds were screened for lipopolysaccharide (LPS) mediated TNF-α production inhibitory activity. Biological data revealed that the majority of the compounds of this series showed moderate to potent TNF-α production inhibitory activity. Compound 5u and 5v are the most potent compounds from the series with activity of IC50?=?0.5?µM and 0.3?µM respectively. A short SAR demonstrates that 3-sulfonyl-4-arylpiperidine-4-carbonitrile moiety on imidazo[1,2-b]pyridazine showed better activity compared to the 3-(4-aryllpiperazin-1-yl) sulfonyl) in hPBMC assay. The molecular modeling studies revealed that the potent TNF-α production inhibitory activity 5v due to the extra stability of complex because of an extra pi-pi (π-π) stacking, hydrogen-bonding interactions.  相似文献   

In vitro 5-day cultures of naive spleen cells with viable Listeria monocytogenes (VLM), but not heat-killed L. monocytogenes, induced CD4+ T cells that produced IFN-γ upon secondary antigen stimulation. The VLM-induced Listeria-specific T cells produced IFN-γ but lacked expression of IL-2 and IL-4. To study the role of IFN-γ in the induction of the IFN-γ-producing T cells, we added anti-IFN-γ mAb to the primary culture and analyzed IFN-γ production upon secondary antigen stimulation. Addition of anti-IFN-γ mAb to the culture suppressed generation of IFN-γ-producing CD4+ T cells, suggesting that IFN-γ is important in the induction of IFN-γ-producing CD4+ T cells. Furthermore, our results showed that depletion of NK cells from spleen cells by anti-asialo GM1 antibody plus complement before culture enhanced induction of IFN-γ-producing CD4+ T cells. Although NK cells are known to produce IFN-γ, the results indicate that NK cell-derived IFN-γ may not be important in induction of the Listeria-specific IFN-γ-producing CD4+ T cells in the culture system. In addition, we demonstrated that IFN-γ expression was high in CD4+ T cells from cultures of spleen cells with VLM at the primary culture level. These results suggest that IFN-γ derived from T cells may enhance production of IFN-γ by CD4+ T cells, while NK cells rather suppress the induction of IFN-γ-producing CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   

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