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A kairomone in the frass and vomitus of larvae ofAgrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) triggered larviposition activity in its habitual parasitoidBonnetia comta (Fallen) (Diptera: Tachinidae). Laboratory bioassays showed that no measurable differences existed in the larviposition-stimulating activity of frass fromA. ipsilon larvae reared on 3 different food sources. In other tests, corn seedlings damaged by late-instar larvae ofA. ipsilon elicited strong larviposition activity inB. comta; other corn seedlings damaged with a razor blade did not elicit strong activity. Frass aged for 8-days was only slightly less effective at releasing a larviposition response when compared to fresh frass.B. comta was not stimulated to larviposit by oven dried frass or an India ink dot the color and shape of a fresh pellet from a host larva. The host habitat location and host finding process forB. comta and other tachinid species that deposit free-living maggots is discussed.  相似文献   

Resumen El desarrollo del bracónidoMeteorus rubens (Nees) se estudió en condiciones de laboratorio sobre las especies de noctuidosAgrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel),A. puta (Hübner),A. segetum (Denis & Schiffermüller),Peridroma saucia (Hübner),Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) yAutographa gamma (L.). Las larvas deA. ipsilon yA. puta fueron las únicas adecuadas para el desarrollo del parasitoide. EnA. ipsilon este bracónido parasitó y completó su desarrollo en el tercero, cuarto, quinto y sexto estadios larvarios, mostrando preferencia por los dos últimos estadios. El número de hembras que parasitan, el porcentaje de larvas parasitadas y el número de parasitoides emergidos por hospedante estuvo en relación directa con la edad del hospedante en el momento de la parasitación. En las larvas parasitadas en el tercer estadio el tiempo de desarrollo del parasitoide fue significativamente mayor que en los otros tres estadios. Sin embargo, el estadio en que fueron parasitadas las larvas no influyó en la longevidad de los adultos.   相似文献   

H. G. Fowler 《BioControl》1988,33(4):397-401
Euphasiopteryx depleta (Wied) flies successfully developed in the mole cricketsScapteriscus borellii Giglio-Tos andScapteriscus vicinus Scudder, as well as in the short-tailed cricket,Anurogryllus sp., after artificially placing larvae under their pronota. Using this technique, no relation was found between the number of larvae placed on each cricket and the resulting number of puparia obtained from the cricket. In all cases, the number of flies emerging from the puparia was small, with females failing to mature reproductively. AsE. depleta has been reared from field collectedScapteriscus spp., the exact reasons for lack of maturation remain unknown.Anurogryllus sp. can be considered a probable alternate host forE. depleta.   相似文献   

Microplitis mediator (Haliday) a gregarious endoparasite was recorded for the first time fromAgrotis segetum (Schiff) in Ankara, Turkey. The female parasites found their hosts by responding to the faeces of the caterpillars. An average, females laid 15.5±1.6 eggs in the bodies of their hosts. The newly laid eggs were elongated, oval in shape and 0.23±0.004 mm long and 0.07 mm wide. They hatched in 5, 4 and 3 days at 20±2°C, 25±2°C and 30±2°C respectively when maintained at 60–70% R.H. and 14∶10 light∶dark regime. At the same temperatures, the larval stage lasted for 24.9±0.6, 18.2±0.4 and 17.1±0.5 days respectively. The prepupal stage was completed in 2 days at 25±2°C, whereas the prepupal and pupal (cocoon) stage lasted 10.9±0.2, 7.0±0.1 and 6.2±0.1 days respectively at the temperatures mentioned above. The adults started mating and feeding shortly after emergence. Female parasites started laying after one day, 7–11 hours and 5–7 hours at the temperatures stated above. At these temperatures females lived for 10.8±0.2, 5.4±0.1, 4.6±0.1 days and laid on average 556, 484 and 363 eggs respectively, whereas the males survived 10.5±0.3, 4.7±0.1 and 4.4±0.1 days respectively.   相似文献   

New cell lines were recently developed from the embryos of the black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). A primary culture was initiated from 4-day-old A. ipsilon eggs in ExCell420 medium supplemented with 5% fetal bovine serum. This initial culture produced sufficient cell growth to allow subcultivation and eventually led to the establishment of eight distinct strains. Two of these strains (AiE1611T and AiEd6T) were selected for further characterization. Extracts of these strains were compared to an extract from A. ipsilon eggs by isozyme analysis and shown to be from the same species. Both strains were susceptible to infection by the A. ipsilon multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgipMNPV), as well as to lepidopteran group I NPVs from A. californica, Anagrapha falcifera, Anticarsia gemmatalis, Galleria mellonella, Helicoverpa armigera, Plutella xylostella, and Rachiplusia ou, with large numbers of occlusion bodies produced in most of the inoculated cells. The cell lines did not support the replication of group II NPVs from Helicoverpa zea, Lymantria dispar, and Spodoptera exigua. Both cell lines produced confluent monolayers in plaque assays and supported the formation of plaques upon infection with AgipMNPV and Autographa californica (Ac)MNPV. Twenty AgipMNPV plaques were picked from either AiE1611T or AiEd6T monolayers, and the plaque isolates were serially passaged three times through A. ipsilon cells. Only one isolate from AiE1611T cells exhibited genotypic variation in the form of an altered restriction fragment profile. Our results suggest these new lines can be useful in the study of AgipMNPV and A. ipsilon cellular and molecular biology.  相似文献   

Agrotis segetum Schiff granulosis virus (AsGV) propagated in Denmark was supplied against naturally occurring cutworm populations (A. ipsilon and to a less extentA. segetum) in experimental field plots of tobacco, okra, potato and sugar beet in northern Pakistan. AsGV doses varied between 4 × 107 and 4 × 1011 capsules per m2 plot, and no. of applications between 1 and 3. One treatment with AsGV did not reduce cutworm damage significantly to tobacco seedlings and potato plants. Two treatments with AsGV reduced cutworm damage significantly. In tobacco, reduction was 64–82%, in okra and potato 85% and 77% respectively. Damage in sugar beet was reduced 78%. Three treatments with AsGV dis not reduce damage significantly better than two treatments. AsGV and the chemical insecticides Tamaran and Dieldrin, andBacillus thuringiensis (Thuricide) were about equally effective, reducing damage by 85%, 79%, 87% and 69%, respectively. No difference was found between the efficiency of highly purified AsGV to which activated charcoal was added and partially purified AsGV without charcoal.   相似文献   

The common cutworm (Agrotis segetum) and the black cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon) are serious soil pests of many vegetable and field crops all over the world. We have demonstrated the cross-infectivity of two baculoviruses, A. segetum nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgseNPV) and A. ipsilon nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgipNPV) for these two insect pests. The susceptibility of A. segetum to AgipNPV was confirmed by DNA restriction endonuclease analyses of DNA isolated from virus harvested from infected A. segetum larvae. For an initial comparison of both viruses, partial polyhedrin sequences were amplified by PCR, cloned, and sequenced. Both viruses shared a very similar polyhedrin gene sequence resulting in only three amino acid substitutions. Phylogenetic analyses clearly demonstrated that both viruses belong to NPV group II and are most closely related to a clade consisting of Spodoptera exigua NPV, Spodoptera frugiperda NPV, and Spodoptera littoralis NPV. Since AgipNPV shows high virulence for both cutworm species, it appears to be a suitable candidate as a single biological control agent of A. segetum and A. ipsilon.  相似文献   

A. Schopf 《BioControl》1991,36(4):593-604
The endoparasitic development ofG. liparidis was examined in 3 different host stages of gypsy moth larvae. Hatching ofG. liparidis-larvae occurred 3 to 5 days after oviposition in hosts parasitized during their premoulting period, and after 5 to 7 days in those parasitized in the 3rd midinstar state. The parasites generally moulted to the 2nd larval instar between the 11th and 13th day in the first group, and between the 13th and 15th day in the latter, when they had reached a volume of 0.04–0.05 mm3. The positive correlation between host ecdysis and the ecdysis of 1st stadium larvae to L2 suggested that host moulting influenced the development of the parasitoid larvae. Emergence from the host larvae occurred at 20°C after 27 days on average, and coincided with the parasites moulting to the 3rd instar. Five to 7 days after spinning their cocoons near the developmentally arrested host larva, the male, and 1 to 2 days later the female wasps eclosed. Due to the variation in the number of parasites per host, no difference was observed between the hosts parasitized at various stages; however, a tendency for later parasitized hosts to contain more parasite larvae was evident. The nutritional conditions of the moth parental generation influenced both host and parasite development. On the other hand no influence of host age was observed on emergence dates of larvae and wasps.   相似文献   

Natural predation first instar larvae of the cotton leafworm (CLW)A. argillacea was studied in cotton fields in Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, during 1986. The presence of naturally occurring arthropod predators showed a first instar larvae predation rate of 78.6 and 88.9% after 24 h and 48 h of exposure, respectively. A predator prey ratio of 1∶1 (1 CLW key predator per 1 prey/plant) maintained a level of no more than 1 CLW small larvae per plant. The most evident arthropod predators in the studied fields were: beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), antsPheidole sp. andConomyrma sp.;Dermaptera Doru lineare (Eschs);Hemiptera Geocoris sp., andOrius insidiosus Say; and the spidersTheridion volubile, Chrysso pulcherrima, Misumenops sp.,Chiracanthium sp., andOxyopes salticus Hentz.   相似文献   

The egg parasitoid,Platytelenomus busseolae (Gahan) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) was recorded from egg masses of the corn stalk borer,Sesamia nonagrioides (Lefebvre) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on maize in the area of Istiaea, Central Greece. Natural parasitism was studied during the years 1986, 1987. A total of 3,382 egg masses, containing 205,227 eggs, was collected from corn fields. Parasitized eggs were found from end July to mid-October. In 1986. 76.2% of the egg masses and 42.8% of all eggs were parasitized, while in 1987, respective values were 27.6% and 12.9%. The inferior performance of the parasitoid in 1987 may be due to the unfavorable winter and summer conditions. Parasitism decreased when the host population was at its peak, but it increased again within 1 to 3 weeks. A small percentage of egg masses was completely parasitized (9.5% and 4.7% for the 2 years respectively). In 1987, the sex ratio, ♀♀/♂♂ was 1.5: 1 and 26.2% of the egg masses produced only ♂♂. Mated ♀♀ produced 3 times more ♀♀ than ♂♂. It seems that the parasitoid, under favorable weather conditions, can play a significant role in the control of the corn stalk borer.   相似文献   

During 1981 and 1982, bollworm,Heliothis zea (Boddie), and tobacco budworm,H. virescens (F.), larvae (n=3,666) were collected from 41 cotton fields near Portland, Arkansas (USA) to assess the occurrence of parasitism. Three strategies were employed to controlHeliothis spp. in these fields: (1) release ofTrichogramma pretiosum Riley; (2) insecticidal control; or (3) inaction (check). Insecticide use in nonchemical control fields was reduced, but not eliminated.Heliothis spp. larvae collected in cotton had higher parasitism rates in 1981 (30.9%) and 1982 (50.1%) than had been reported for cotton since the advent of organochlorine insecticide usage. Four species of larval parasites and 1 species of larval-pupal parasite were recorded. The larval parasiteMicroplitis croceipes (Cresson) comprised 90.6% and 94.5% of all parasitic insects reared from field collectedHeliothis spp. in 1981 and 1982, respectively. No difference (P>0.05) in level of parasitism existed betweenH. zea andH. virescens. Differences between treatments occurred only in 1982 whenH. zea larvae were parasitized at a greater (P<0.05) rate in check fields (68.3%) than in insecticidal control fields (44.3%). Higher levels of larval parasitism in cotton fields may be a consequence of reduced insecticide usage and changes in materials applied, particularly the pyrethroids. Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

The functional response of 3rd instarChrysopa carnea (Stephens) larvae feeding on 4 densities ofHeliothis virescens (F.) eggs was determined on caged cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.).C. carnea larvae had a mean search rate of 1.08×10−5 ha/predator-day or 0.11 row-m/predator-day.   相似文献   

Microplitis kewleyi Muesebeck is a gregarious internal parasite of larvae of the black cutworm Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel). Studies of the biology of the parasite revealed that there was an inverse relationship between host instar and parasite preference. Duration of development from egg to pupa ranged from 18 days at 27°C to 68.7 days at 16°C. Development from egg to pupa took 13.5–21.6 days when fourth and first instar host larvae, respectively, were parasitized. A larger number of parasites emerged from hosts parasitized in the fourth instar (22.4) than the first instar (11.5). Parasite pupation occurred when the host was in the fifth/sixth instar, depending on the instar parasitized. Thirty‐nine per cent of host larvae exposed as first instars to parasites died before parasite emergence. This decreased to 0% for host larvae exposed as fourth instars. The sex ratio was 1:1.2 (M:F). Thirty‐seven per cent of hosts exposed diurnally were stung, compared to 24% exposed nocturnally. Mean daily progeny was highest (12) on the first day, decreasing to zero after 20 days. Percent host parasitism was also highest on the first day (35%) decreasing to nearly 0% after 18 days. There appear to be three parasite larval instars. Host larvae often remained alive after parasite emergence.  相似文献   

Age-related consumption and longevity were monitored in the laboratory for adultA. ipsilon fed either a 1M sucrose solution or water. An additional group was completely starved. Adults consumed sucrose solution and water just after eclosion; the percentage feeding daily and the mean daily consumption for females and males fed sucrose solution declined with time, whereas the percentage feeding daily and the mean daily consumption of those fed water increased with time. Total consumption was significantly higher for those fed sucrose solution (P<0.01) because they lived longer, but consumption per day averaged over the entire adult stage was not significantly different between those fed sucrose solution and those fed water (P>0.05). Mean longevity was significantly extended for females and males fed sucrose solution over those fed water or starved (P<0.01). Moreover, consumption of either fluid was significantly correlated with extended longevity in all groups (P<0.05). These data on fluid consumption by adultA. ipsilon are discussed relative to posteclosion migratory activities.  相似文献   

The response of the parasitoidCampoletis sonorensis (Cameron) as a natural control agent of the fall armyworm,Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), was evaluated at 6 host densities and 2 temperature regime. A type-II functional response was exhibited by femaleC. sonorensis in response to varying densities of all armyworn larvae at both temperatures. Significantly more larvae were parasitized at 25°C for the host densities of 60 and 75, than for the same densities at 30°C. Third instar fall armyworm larvae were found to be the preferred stage for parasitization byC. sonorensis. This research was supported by funds from HATCH project no. H-368 as allocated to the Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Adults ofGeocoris punctipes (Say),Tropiconabis capsiformis Germar,Nabis roseipennis Reuter andColeomegilla maculata (DeGeer) were confined inside petri dishes and fed phosphorus-32 (32p)-labeledHeliothis virescens (F.) eggs. Observations of bioelimination of32p over a 72 h period allowed derivation of equations for predicting the number ofH. virescens eggs ingested by each species. Twenty-four to 72 h after eggs were eaten, the percentages of32p eliminated ranged from ca. 14% forG. punctipes to 42 % forT. capsiformis. Cautious use of the results will aid researchers in assessing predation on32p labeledHeliothis. Publication No 5935. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, Mississippi State, MS 39762.  相似文献   

Athrycia cinerea Coq. is a univoltine parasitoid of the bertha armyworm,Mamestra configurata Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in western Canada. This parasitoid overwinters as a pupa in the soil. These pupae are less sensitive than their host to increased cold stress caused by lower temperatures or danger durations of exposure. Exposure to −7.5°C for 140 days did not significantly reduce survival. Survival decreased with exposure to temperatures from −10 to −20°C, but survival was 48% even after 40 days exposure to −20°C. The frequency distribution ofA. cinerea puparia per host is highly contagious. Other aspects of the life history are described. Contribution No. 1403 Winnipeg Research Station.  相似文献   

Various aspects of the parasitims of caterpillars ofAscia monuste orseis byCotesia ayerzai, were studied in laboratory choice tests. Individual ♂♂ were found to be extremely variable in ovipositional duration, as well as in the number of eggs oviposited. To simulate parasitoid dispersal, or low host density, we isolated ♂♂ for 60 min following initial exposure and compared our tests with ♂♂ which had not been isolated. No differences in (1) the number of eggs oviposited per host instar; (2) the conditional probability of host encounter; (3) host acceptance; and (4) the conditional probability of instar specific parasitism were found between these groups. Held ♂♂ did, however, reject hosts after ovipositor insertions in a higher proportion.   相似文献   

J. Kugler  Y. Nitzan 《BioControl》1977,22(1):93-105
The tachinid flyClausicella suturata Rondani is a solitary parasite ofEctomyelois ceratoniae (Zeller). It was grown under laboratory conditions (26±0.5°C, 55±5% R.H.) and the host-parasite relationships were studied. The different stages of the parasite were briefly described. The eggs are deposited on the carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.,Caesalpiniaceae) pods, near the openings of the host's tunnels and hatch immediately. The Ist instar maggot is directed by the web fibers of the host towards the caterpillar which is hidden in the carob pod. The parasites develop normally only in 4th and 5th instar caterpillars. The parasitized caterpillar spins its cocoon inside the carob pod before being killed by the parasite. The fully grown maggot leaves the host and pupates inside its cocoon. Adult longevity is dependent upon the presence of carbohydrate in the diet. Maximal male and female longevity (50% survival of 21 and 17.5 days respectively) was reached on a carbohydrate diet and water, at 26°C and 55% R.H. Newly emerged females readily mate with one or two-day old males. The average fecundity of a female is 202 eggs, deposited during 13.6 days, after an incubation period of 6.9 days. Superparasitism is common in nature but only one maggot is successful in completing its development.  相似文献   

P. Kumar  C. R. Ballal 《BioControl》1992,37(2):197-203
The effect of parasitism byHyposoter didymator (Thunb.) [Hym.: Ichneumonidae] on food consumption and utilization bySpodoptera litura (Fb.) [Lep.: Noctuidae] was studied for seven days, during which the parasitoid completed its larval development. Food consumption, weight gained and faeces produced were significantly less in parasitized larvae than in unparasitized larvae after the 4th day following parasitization. Approximate digestibility was higher in parasitized larvae after the 2nd day following parasitization. Efficiency of conversion of ingested and digested food into body weight was greater in unparasitized larvae after the 2nd day of parasitization. There seems to be a definite immediate advantage to the crop on releasing the parasitoid due to the reduced consumption of food. Contribution No. 46004 of Biological Control Centre (NCIPM), Bangalore 560 024.  相似文献   

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